View Poll Results: Have you ever tried any drug?

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  • **** yeah, baby!

    13 21.67%
  • Hell nah!

    5 8.33%
  • WTf?!?! Why would I tell you?

    0 0%
  • Nope. Never will.

    42 70.00%
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Thread: [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I did. It was cool at first. I would light up this joint for 48 dollars a pound. You could easily buy it from the skating rink. Then things started to change. I became obessed. I want more! I needed more! I would steal from girl's purses in order to get me some. Then the drug tests. I was fount positive for marajuiwana(sp). I was sent to rehab for a few weeks.
    After that, last summer at a friend's house, I fount a needle. I asked if it was bad. She said no. So I stuck myself. 3 days later, I was in a hostipal disgnosed(sp) with serve aniema. Turns out it was laced with coke. I was allertic to it and ever since I don't ever use drugs. They messed me up to much. Now using needles to carve names and junk in my arm helps. I know it sounds bad but its me! ^^

  2. #2
    Jedi Hunter Moderator
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I have never used drugs and I have no intentions of ever using them.

    I hope you are just kidding about using needles to carve things into your arm. That's rather bad and dangerous, not to mention it can be and probory will be considered disgusting by many people.
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  3. #3
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Meh. So far I haven't touched anything, but it seems that almost everyone I know who've graduated high school has tried something, usually weed. I'll try to stay clean for my last two years of high school, but you know how peer pressure is. :[ Even if I did try drugs, it'd just be weed and not some insane amount and it'd also be one of those "one time at party" kind of things. Knowing me, I'd probably wouldn't even finish the blunt. *blink*

  4. #4
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Drugs are for loosers. I swear. They destroy your life. Who wants to die at 25? *sees people with dope and marrowana put up their hands* I don't. I wanna live, skate, mosh and play bass. Drugs ruin everything. A bit too much and your dead. Too long and your hooked. Its disgusting. Anyway who wants to jab needles in their arms? It sounds like lots of fun NOT.

    Whats the point in drugs? They cost money, they are addictive and they're gay. I swear Drugs are for loosers.

    I once saw a bumper sticker that said Hugs not Drugs!


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  5. #5
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I like hugs. Hugs are coo'

    Anyhoosers, I haven't tried any drugs (although alcohol is a drug, but that's beyond the point). I don't plan on doing so anyway. For one I'm not too fond of needles, just thinking about a 'drug beach' skit makes me nervous...and laugh. A lot.

    I'm probably too young to have tried many things anyway. Although there are a few people I know who have tried quite a few variations, I guess it's just not my thing.
    I've gotten over quite a few things, and I would like to say that I'd never try it due to peer pressure, but I dunno. Can't really say until you're there, really.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

    Watch my YouTube to support my drug habit

  6. #6
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    No, I have never tried any drugs, nor was I ever offered them or anything. I also don't know anyone who did or does drugs, seems like it's very uncommon behaviour hereabout (or I just know the right people). I really see no meaning in it. I feel great the way I am, I don't need anything to make me high, feel better etc.
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  7. #7

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I took a puff of a joint this wednesday. Trust me, it was the most stupid thing I've ever done. Nothing bad happened... I just got a tad high. ..I told my parents and they didn't care at all... but it was just really lame of me. Really pathetic... I am quite disapointed that I letting myself do that. I was really stupid.

  8. #8
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Any drug? ok this is stupid, Tylonol is a drug, all perscribed medicine are drugs. So yes I have taken drugs before.

  9. #9
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Well, I have taken medicine when I was sick too, and I drink tea regularly, but that's not the kind of drugs MindlessSelf was referring to. The drugs that cause damage and addiction and ruin your life are something I never intend to try. I appreciate my life, my mind and the feelings of those who care for me. So no; I never have and never will.

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  10. #10
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Yes, I've done drugs, and still do sometimes. I used to do drugs a lot a couple of years ago, when I was younger. I did drugs, I think, everyday, even before I went to school. That was a really weird time for me, having such a different mind so different from the one I have now. I thought it was cool, because I was some kind of rebel, even though a lot of people thought I was either stupid, funny or actually cool, even though that I wasn't. Besides, all I did was weed, smoked some cigs and snorted some pills (mostly the ritalin that I used to get from the doctor)

    Now, however, I feel embarressed for doing drugs. Well, I feel embarressed for doing drugs in school. I mean, my old teachers all give me scary looks...that's never good.

    Frankly, I don't like it when people say that it's stupid to do drugs, but I really don't think having a discussion on drugs in PCG would be fun or appropriate, so I won't bother.

    And have a happy Valentine's Day

  11. #11
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    No, but I have smoked cigarettes.

  12. #12
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Oh, yay, finally a poll about this. No, I won't. My reasons:
    Cigarettes: Eww... Do you know what they put in those things... Eww!!!
    Marijuana(yes, this is the correct spelling): It has got to be terrible if it is so hard to spell.
    Cocaine: over 500 people in my state have died from cocaine in 2 months. I do not plan to add to this list.
    All: I am 11.

    I'm back.

  13. #13
    Elite Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    No,I have never taken drugs...not including medicine which obviously,probably everyone has taken. I just think its a waste to do drugs =/ I'll never do drugs..
    Its exspensive, and it destroys your body....and huffing and all that can actually shrink your brain =o

    see....teen magizines do teach you something good

  14. #14
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Nope, never have an never will. I keep this little story in my mind for future reference:

    My grandma was 88 or 89 when she died. She's been smoking all of her life before she went on to a ventilator. One night while hooked up, she took out a cigarette and lit it up. Getting it too close to the oxygen, it blew up in her face, and essentially caused her to die quicker than she would have.

    Some people don't consider cigarettes a drug, but I think that it is so that and knowing what drugs can do, is keeping me away from them

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  15. #15
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I have not done any drugs in my whole life and I don't plan on starting. I see them as nothing more than a waste of money and time. Personally I think you've got some problems if you have to do drugs to have a good time.
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  16. #16
    Master Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Nah, I've never taken any drug drugs, and I probably never will. I can have a good time without getting smashed outta my, the whole addiction thing, and on top of that the life ruining thing; nah, not for me.

    I just don't see the appeal...are people so lame as to have to resort to drugs and get high; cant they have a good time without em? *shrugs*


  17. #17
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Nope. Never have, and never will.

    Drugs are just escaping from suffering in my opinion. They have no meaning whatsoever.

  18. #18
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Cigarettes: Eww. I hate smoke. And all that pollution too.

    Alcohol: Isn't it a drug, technically? Sadly, this is the drug that I'd most probably try, if I ever try drugs. But I'd never drink beer, and wine's expensive. I'd rather take grape juice. But when they serve champagne and stuff... I don't know. I hope I won't ever try alcohol.

    Other drugs: Why on earth I'd ever want to try them, I don't know. I've got better things to do with my time. I'd rather sleep, and I hate sleeping. peer pressure shouldn't be a problem, since my friends are all really aware of community problems and things, not the usual clothes-makeup-music-boys people. Besides, I think I damage my brain enough by accidently hitting my head against the wall, I don't have to do it deliberately too.
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  19. #19
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Originally posted by Mist
    Drugs are for loosers. I swear. They destroy your life. Who wants to die at 25? *sees people with dope and marrowana put up their hands* I don't. I wanna live, skate, mosh and play bass. Drugs ruin everything. A bit too much and your dead. Too long and your hooked. Its disgusting. Anyway who wants to jab needles in their arms? It sounds like lots of fun NOT.

    Whats the point in drugs? They cost money, they are addictive and they're gay. I swear Drugs are for loosers.

    I once saw a bumper sticker that said Hugs not Drugs!

    What the **** is a looser? Are drugs for people are real loose? I don't get it.

  20. #20
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I think loosers are like loooosers: big losers.

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  21. #21
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Originally posted by Mrs. Virtual Reality
    Any drug? ok this is stupid, Tylonol is a drug, all perscribed medicine are drugs. So yes I have taken drugs before.
    Some people do get addicted to Tylenol3. After an overdosage, they collaspe and stuff. >;-*

  22. #22
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Oh man, I am so completely against drugs. I will never touch any of that stuff. A lot of my friends from 8th grade were so nice and got good grades and now all they can think about is getting wasted. it pisses me off.

    Plus, my stepmother smokes, so if I want to stay away from drugs, all I have to do is look at her (she's barely 40 and she looks 60 O_O ).

  23. #23
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    yeah i smoke pot...

    edit: i dont think this is an appropriate topic but if it hasnt been closed after this many replies, some mod has have to seen it... also, alot of things are drugs, kids at some raves drink alot of water until they have no room in there stomachs and it seeps into there lungs, causing hallucinations... elmers glue(an obvious one), kindergartners and huffers have something in common, too much of anything is a drug... but im open about smoking pot, oh well, i recently had to stop and am clean now... been like 6 weex, for probation, although i smoked around 100 bux worth a week... i live in az its cheap out here... and i know people... oh well sorry to blab

  24. #24
    Cool Trainer
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    Nope, never tried and i don't plan too either....hope so....

    next to my school is a coffeeshop so (I hope you know what this is - if not: it's aplace where you can get drugs legally)
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  25. #25

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Yes, I suppose you could call me somewhat of a pothead. ^^;

    I like pot, personally. It's not addictive. It's never been bad to me. It's been good to me, actually. Makes me think in a more political way, I think. I get good grades and all, and I'm smart and have intrests. I'm not a "bad" pothead. I'm a good pothead. I don't use it in a bad way. It just helps me cope with a lot of the crazy **** in my life. It's not even really that expensive, only about $20 a week. I spend more than that on anime by a long shot.

    I respect your right to hate me, but you'de better have a better reason than "Drugs are badd, mmmkay?" I bet all your favourite musicians or whatever smoked pot. Pretty much everyone does.

    On the topic of other drugs, I'de never really do any of them. I tried 'shrooms once, but they made me sick. I'll never do them again. I don't really like to hallucinate. I preffer to see what's really there.

  26. #26
    Elite Trainer
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    ugh, drugs suck. the commercials on tv about not doing drugs are corny, but they're true. I know a bunch of people on drugs, it's kinda sad, "I drive better when I'm high" mmhmm yeah, you may think you do, but in reality marijuana slows your reaction times causing you to crash. that's what killed some football players at one of the schools around here :/

    drugs: no, never. screws up life too much, I can have fun without getting high ty
    alcohol: sure, I'll do it when I'm of legal age. I think it tastes nasty now but who knows, I might like it on my 21st birthday
    cigarettes: hell no, smells nasty, makes you look nasty and extremely hard to get unaddicted (is that a word? o0 it is now) plus I've seen what it does to my mom (but she's trying to quit now, it's been about 3 weeks. yeah! go mom! ^^)


  27. #27
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    LOL... this is a strange topic.

    1) Drugs - Other than medicine, never have, never will. I've seen what it does to people, trust me. I live in Vancouver, and the Downtown Eastside is a community you don't want to get lost in.. people are constantly sticking needles into themselves, it makes my stomach go flippety-flop.
    2) Alcohol - I'll stay away from it as long as I can. I don't like the smell of beer so far, though, and wine is expensive...
    3) Cigarettes - Neeeeeeeeeeeevah. I HATE the smell... I don't just breathe it and be nice, I know what second hand smoke can do. I hold my breath, walk around until I'm out of range... I honestly couldn't care less if I missed the green light or whatever. My primary concern is GETTING AWAY.

  28. #28
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Originally posted by Katie
    the commercials on tv about not doing drugs are corny, but they're true.
    How could you say such a thing??? They're just so...realistic...

  29. #29
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Originally posted by shazza
    What the **** is a looser? Are drugs for people are real loose? I don't get it.
    heheh.... umm

    and no,I've never done drugs,and I don't plan to...I'd prefer not to waste money on stuff like that...

  30. #30

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    You say you never take drugs, but really think about it people.

    Do you drink coffee?

    Or sodas like Coke and Pepsi?

    Or eat chocolate?

    If so, you have taken a drug called CAFFEINE. Mind you, even decaf coffee isn't entirely without caffeine.

    And yes, I take these forms of caffeine on an almost daily basis.

  31. #31

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I have never used drugs. Never have, never will. Been pressured to do so several times but managed to resist it.

    I've never tried drinking either. I'm a Sagittarius. It's bad for my liver, and I need my liver.

    Never smoked. My moon sign is Gemini. I need my lungs.

  32. #32
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    heh, you could call me somewhat of a big pothead... i do it because i like to... not for some stress reason its soemthing to do an its fun being stoned

  33. #33
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Originally posted by Mist
    Drugs are for loosers. I swear.
    Amen that, girl! for a month now I'm hanging with those skater dudes and they keep smoking hookah and sh.t like that. Every time they do that I just take a step back, back away and having a polite conversation with all of my 4 alter egos (and no, I'm not mentally ill). That's right, they're no losers, but I believe that one should go through life, as tough as it is, and manage them by oneself, with no outer help (alcohol, drugs, jerking off, talking on the cell phone, sleeping, breathing *falls dead on the floor*).

    If you read not-too-deeply into my text, I can assure you've understood I chose "Nope. Never will." as this poll option.

    - Rabbit

  34. #34

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    smoking is worse than pot@_@

    but i think ill stick ta alcohol

    spinda is the rep of pot

  35. #35
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I've never touched drugs and don't intend to. They do weird stuff to your body...

    And I've seen pictures of those rehab centers. They're scary. The Cold Turkey... *shivers* Nah, drugs aren't for me.

    Besides, I've taken a Anti-Narcotics course, and that should show my stand against drugs. I passed the test too! I've got a badge to proove it...

  36. #36

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I have never taken any illegal drugs at all, to be honest I'll stick to my booze thanks! I suppose I wouldn't rule out at least trying marijuana if it was offered, I can't really see it being any more harmful than alcohol is, but anything stronger than that I'm staying well clear of! (hehe, this is a far cry from my earlier self-destructive attitude, no?)

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

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  37. #37

    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I am a caffeine addict, and have been for a couple of years now. As for other drugs; never tried them, never will. I've never been able to comprehend why people are willing to spend up to 90% of whatever money they make on a few pills - which are more likely to contain tropical fish tank cleaner than E -, powder - which has been smuggled over right into a toilet bowl via someone's anus -, or dirty needles - which speak for themselves.

    Why not buy a cup of coffee?

  38. #38
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    *chants*I will never use drugs....*chants*
    Nope, I will never use drugs. They ruin your life. o_0

  39. #39
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    I'm getting to the age where kids i know will start to take drugs, and I already have a few who r. But I myself intend to never, and i've even been offered, but i rejected it. I think it pointless to risk your life over a fifteen minute high.

    And the only alchohol ive had wuz a sip of wine at a family party, when my uncle from spain insisted i had a some. Im never drinkin it again till im 21 (bleh, it wuz strong).

  40. #40
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    Default [Poll] Have you ever tried drugs?

    Drugs Are Gross And For LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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