whoo! replies!

J_MadNintendoFan: It's still rather confusing to organise, since the appearence is near to where i'm writing. I might change it slightly, causing it to be later...but i'm still unsure. Thursday has full details...

Raven: Don't worry, the character is portrayed very originally and well. Torchic and Poochyena? Well...you'll understand the rules soon, so keep your fingers crossed you can use your own Pokemon!

HLSOE: its in the archive. Thanks for checking it out....but i thought you left? Hmm...maybe you faked your own death...

Jukain: Interesting indeed, seeing how a lot of you have specific favourite Pokemon. That might help...maybe...*chuckle* Well...check on thursday for the full story and whatnot

J_mad2: Thanks. i appreciate it a lot. Cape Fear COULD be misleading, but its set on A CAPE....but not the cape like Krystal's one...lol