Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
Shouting out to the four Pokémonin the lake if they can retrieve your shoes for you, the Wooper and Horsea look interested and paddle over.
Repeating your request, they look at you curiously, then glance round, asking what shoes you're talking about.
Realising that you don't exactly know where your shoes are either, you ask them if they can at least look; they nod and dive under the water.
Trying to relax while you wait, you notice the Slowpoke giving you an odd look from the corner of his eye.
What are you going to do?

I'm going to wait and see if the Wooper and Horsea manage to find my shoes. If they do find them, I'm going to thank them, try and shake the water out of/on my shoes and move on. If they can't find them, I'm going to ask the Lapras and Slowpoke if they could help the Wooper and Horsea out.