DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
A ripple in the water signals the return of the Horsea, who just shakes her head; seconds later, Wooper also surfaces, empty-handed.
Sighing, you call out to the Lapras, to see if she will help-as she turns and glides over, you glance at the Slowpoke and repeat your request.
Slowpoke doesn't answer, but just shifts uneasily; frowning, Wooper gives an experimental blast of water, which knocks him back....promptly revealing your shoes, which Slowpoke had been hiding.
What are you going to do?

Followed by the Ponyta and Baltoy, you step away from the Lileep and trek further into the desert.
Up ahead, there seems to be some sort of disturbance in the sand- edging closer, you make out that it's a couple of Dugtrio having a race, watched by a Numel and Torkoal.
The larger 'Trio seems to be winning, but the smaller one suddenly puts on a burst of speed and the two hurtle past what looks to be the finish line at the same time. They pause, then glare at each other, unsure of who exactly won.
What are you going to do?

Thanking the psychics for their help, you decide that you may as well continue on now. The Meditite and Drowzee wish you luck as you walk away into the next tunnel.
Wandering along in the dim light, your eye is caught by a light shining off of a gem, that looks like its stuck in the wall. However, as you walk closer, you realise that it's actually in the back of a Sableye that appears to be dozing, hanging almost vertically off the wall.
What are you going to do?

Blastoise chuckles and drops you happily off onto the bank before paddling to join the rest of the Pokémon.
A Walrein emerges from the water and scrambles onto the bank beside you, before turning and shouting at the crowd to split into their divisions.
Blastoise and the Gorebyss are joined by a Sharpedo and a Corpish, and all four swim forward to face off against each other.
At the Walreins order, Blastoise and Sharpedo swim forward, before blasting a jet of water at each other; the practice really helped Blastoise as he ducks the oncoming attack and knocks the Sharpedo away with a direct hit.
As the Gorebyss and Corpish swim forward to have their go, he glances over and gives you a wink.
What are you going to do?

After wishing your Charmander well with her new trainer, you enter the meadow, anxious to discover the Pokémon you're after.
But you haven't gone more than a few steps when the ground beneath your explodes and a Cradily emerges, watching you beadily, and moaning loudly.
The sound disrupts a Pichu and a Seedoy who were hiding nearby; as they break cover, the Cradily quickly glances at them, before turning his attention back to you.
What are you going to do?

Unwilling to give up on the Torchic now, you quickly unleash your Sneasel to provide a way to keep cool and the two of you further into the hot corridor.
An orange object reveals itself to be the Torchic, who squeaks in surprise that you've followed her; turning to run, she is instead hit by a blast of Nightmare's Hidden Power.
Feeling uneasy in the heat, you ask Nightmare to use her attack on you; nodding she lashes out with a blast of water, which despite begining to evaporate in the air provides its purpose.
Turning to find Torchic, the only thing you can see is the Poké Ball she took-walking over to pick it up, you notice that it seems rather heavy...as though something decided to hide in it.

Torchic F L9

What are you going to do?

Moonlight Espeon~
Letting out your three Pokémon to join in the fun, the wild Sneasel immediately winks at Bloodlust, who grins in a sheepish manner. Scowling, Haunter smacks her team mate, and everyone turns back to the task of beating the Tyranitar.
Psychically picking up a massive clump of snow, Psyrock drops it onto Tyranitars head...at which point he goes beserk and blasts a Hyper Beam at you all.
Ducking for cover with your Pokémon, you can't help notice that neither Sneasel or Haunter seemed to mind and have continued chucking snow around as it nothing happened.
What are you going to do?

Wild Eevee~
As Bagon continues to try to reason with the Salamence, you decide not to take any chances and mutter to Meditite, Poochyena and Machop to get ready.
A roar from above signals your fears were right, as Salamence grows tired of hearing a Bagon prattle on, and just wants his meal.
Clamping his wings in and diving down, the three Pokémon spring forward to stand bravely by Bagons side, facing off against the monster.
Either he's not as hungry as he seems or just likes the idea of beating up smaller Pokémon, but the Salamence suddenly stalls and lands on the ground opposite the four Pokémon and laughs.
What are you going to do?