Current Status:
Saved the Weather Institute
Arrived in Fortree City
Got the Devon Scope
Creamed Winona (Crazy, I think you should get Illumise, its Sp. Atk is higher than Volbeat's)
Arrived in Lilycove City
Got the Red Orb

Current Team:
Illumise Lv 34 Thunderbolt, Silver Wind, Charm, Wish
Pinsir Lv 34 Bind, Seismic Toss, Brick Break, Revenge
Masquerain Lv 35 Ice Beam, Bubblebeam, Gust, Water Sport
Volbeat Lv 34 Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Light Screen, Moonlight
Beautifly Lv 35 Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Attract, Morning Sun
Shedinja Lv 34 Confuse Ray, Fury Swipes, Swords Dance, Silver Wind

Play Time: 33:17
Last Saved: Fortree City