/me revives topic.

Here's a lyric torn straight from the pages of angelus corpus (second chapter still in progress) </shamelessplug>. It's the literature that Locke Dičmestčs wrote for his love Mendardi before her passing... it's quite sad...

Who are you...
i am you...
love eternal...
nothing false but true...

dreamless dreams...
a sleepless night...
the sandman and his lullaby...
come hither to mine light...
lost memories...
a forgotten cycle...
skies so blue...
yet an ever ending revival...

unforgiving sacrifice...
a beautiful love...
time is hard...
flying like a dove...
revengeful thoughts...
tainted skies...
look to tomorrow...
for i apologize...
i have seen the world...
i have climbed the skies...
i have been to the heavens...
never will you hear my lies.

-Grey, uncle