Tournament Info:
With R1 so far getting round about halfway through, the Tournament is so far a sucess. As of now Charles Legend is the only one who has made it to the second round, but there will be many more to come. Good luck to all competing.

I must stress the time factor in contests makes it much more demanding than normal battles. We are still slugging behind this month and I would hate to hand the Tournament to someone when it is half-finished, like last month. So please remember, amid the battles and tournaments, that the October Contest is nestled in the B&T forum. Those competing check to see when you are to post your appeals.

Egg Center
A couple of things. Since we are fast approaching Halloween we will be running a special themed offer at the Egg center!

Buy a Mystery Egg, and the chances of getting a Dark or Ghost Pokemon will be significantly higher leading up to October 31st. Furthermore, the shiny rate for Mystery Eggs will also be much higher! Get down there now to take advantage of this fabulous offer. Offer ends November 1st.

Look out for other holiday-related bargains too.

Furthermore, with the Christmas Tree coming soon (end of November/early December - date to be confirmed) there can be some slight tweaks to the egg process.

If you want an egg for a friend, and you want them to recieve it in egg-form, you can pay 2 points and have the Egg placed in a special incubator until you want to give the egg to a friend. This offer opens now. So you come in, pay us and your egg will be safe until you wish to give it to someone. Once you take it out it will take 3 days to hatch.

Alternatively you can buy an egg, let it hatch and give the baby to a friend. Or you could get a Pokemon from the Approval Tower if you know exactly what they want. Points can also be given. All gifts will be posted in the Christmas Tree topic, coming soon.

*Sigh*....Not again....

Ch3 of the ASB fic is up. Go see! Go read! Go reply! Please?


With the Tournament we have 6 designed referees. However many of them are IN battles themselves and some are just way too busy. If you perhaps want to help with the reffing situation, or else missed the chance to post to be a Tourney Ref, then you can be a S.I.R! A S.I.R is a standing-in ref.

Just post in a Tourney match (without a ref of course) and volunteer to ref. S.I.R's will recieve slightly less points than standard refs, which will change from Round to Round. For example, reffing Round 1 matches earns you 3 points, but a S.I.R will recieve 2 points.

Th-Th-That's all, folks!
