Contest Corner

The March Contest is winding down now! 'Drew and Andrew, Golduck and Jynx, battling for the March Ribbon and entrance into The Grand Festival this summer! Go and wish them luck here!

The April Contest is full! All 8 spots were taken in an hour! Contests really are very popular now, which is very good. Cheer them on here

Tournament Info
General Tourney info can be found here

Round 3, aka the semi-finals, is underway! We have two matches, each a 2-2. Check them out below:
RaZoR LeAf VS TheBlueAvenger
Andrew VS Weasel Overlord

There will probably/hopefully be another Tournament at the end of Summer, around the same time as this current one. So everybody who didn't have a chance, train up your team and get ready!

Rant 2.0

Ok there has been a few times where people have posted an evolution for a team member while the Pokemon is still in a battle.


I've stressed this but it still slips through the net. I would love to have the time to check through each persons 4 matches and determine if the evolving Pokemon is battling, but I have a pretty busy life on the other side of this computer.

IF you evolve a Pokemon, MAKE SURE IT IS NOT BATTLING. If we find you have evolved a Pokemon while it has been in battle, we will fine you by 2 points. And yes, you can have a negative balance.

Rules are Rules

The Rules Tower is being moved to the main forum. Just thought you should know.

But before I go

Despite this being a ranty post, I would just like to say I am very proud of the way ASB is going. Generally speaking, refs are efficient, people are all very courteous and the battles move in a very good pace. It makes me very happy to see my forum working like clockwork and I hope you all pat yourselves on the back.