Here's where things start to get interesting... bwahahaha.... Maybe this will get me out of my icky mood...

*huggles* My precious...


She grinned wickedly. "Good little boy. Just stay where you are, or your precious mommy gets it."

I snarled, a harsh, inhuman sound, pure hatered radiating from my person. I rarely lost control of my emotions anymore, and the fact that Melanthe was here, now, was enough to truly piss me off.

I spat something at her in a language that was so old it had no name. She laughed, tightening her grip on Sorcha just slightly, but enough to make the woman whimper in pain.

"Foul first-blood, get your hands off of her!" I growled.

"Or what, ancient one? Hmm? Self-righteous bitch, she's done nothing to earn your favor, she thinks she's too good for the rest of us." Melanthe glared disdainfully.

My eyes flashed with power. "Don't you ever, ever reffer to yourself as one of my people. You are nothing, disowned, and certainly not one of us!"

Melanthe roared in rage. "I am of the first-blood!" she screamed, eyes burning red.

"You are of the tainted-blood, more like," I hissed.

She began to retort, when a voice dripping with power echoed through the chamber. "Enough."

A black void, an emptiness, opened up in the air, swirling, leading into oblivion... and a form took shape in that window. He stepped into the room, and everything hushed. The air grew cold, and my hair stood on end in responce to that power. A black floor-length cloak covered his body, and the hood was thrown over his head, hiding his face. I didn't need to see his face to know who he was...

"Amzer..." I whispered.

"Melanthe," his voice echoed, as if it came from a long distance off, "give up your quest."

"And let you win?! Never!" she shrieked. "I honor my family-"


She fell quiet, trembling with the feel of his power. "You are nothing to me, to my power..."

"Your power exists no longer. You forsake your right long, long ago. That is why you attempt, feebly, this futile quest... I am watching you, and I will not let you gain anything."

She hissed, and it was if you could feel his glare on the air. "Enough. Begone, wretch, begone from this plane!" He waved his hand, and she was cast backwards, into another spinning void, bound to God knows where.

With that, he looked at us briefly, but that moment seemed like an eternity, before he stepped backwards into the void that he had first emerged from.

I turned to Sorcha, my eyes void of any discernable thought. "I think things have just proven to be much more... perilous than I originally thought. Time is running out, dear one, for all of us..."


I seethed in rage. How dare he! How dare she! They knew, then, didn't they... they knew something. What, and how much, was up for debate. At least I still had Mateo... I smiled to myself. I had planted my enchantments on him, and, when I called, he would have no choice but to obey. He had proven himself weak morally, and there was no way he could even know. His mother would be able to free him... she was strong. I frowned slightly, but I relaxed. He would never let her near enough. She didn't want him...

"Things are in motion, my lord," I whispered, knowing that he heard me. "All we have to do is wait..."

EDIT: My 1,000th post! ^_^ *dance*