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Thread: Congratulations are in order I guess

  1. #1
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Congratulations are in order I guess

    Unless this is some elaborate April Fool's Day joke, of which I've frankly had enough of for one day, Roy Karrde is our new RPG mod.


    Hopefully this will make our/your plans go smoother.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    All i can say is it had better be an April Fools joke.

    Otherwise, if this is serious i think its very underhanded that you demod me when im not even at home and have minimal computer access. (I posted in the away topic)
    And since i havent received a pm or email stating either....

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Heh thank you Heald, I really didnt know it would be me till it actually happened. Kalah and Tony kept me in the dark the whole time. I would like to say that the other person up for the position was Weasel Overlord, she was a great opponent and a great friend, and will make a great mod someday, we both wrote great essays in which Tony and Kalah choose who would win. I respect her so much and I thank Tony and Kalah for their decision. Anyway I better get back to work with the others and trying to get some of these new ideas started.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Ah i see. So this is serious. Ok.
    So youve all been underhanded backstabbing Cowards. The first time we knew there was a problem was during a public assault in the forum. (Remember i had asked previously for anyone to come to us with any problems they had) Fair enough i though, valid arguments. I will change and improve the way i operate.
    Next you wait till a time where i repeatedly stated i wouldnt be around (this is a pay to surf net cafe im in now) to have me booted out Regardless of how i improved or responed to the criticism and then we find out, that the only people eligible to be given a mod spot were picked by the mods and given a special test to see who would win. Again totally private and without anyones knowledge. And who are the candidates? Why of course, friends of the mods.

    This is some absolutely underhanded cowardice on the part of all involved in this farce. I know this will be edited or deleted but i hope those that do get a chance to see it realise how devious thier new mods are willing to be.
    This has always been a ´lets get Roy as a mod´campaign and noone is going to convince me any different.

    If this is an April fools joke after all then i apologise if i have offended. Im just hurt that this could be done in such a way.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Worse has happened on April Fool's Day...I honestly can't say what happened, but UC, you should come back to ASB :smilie:
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    The April Fools Joke this morning was the demodding of Kalah and Tony, and the deletion of the RPG Forum. Suzie decided she couldnt keep it up for too long so she placed it back and then left for work.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard
    All i can say is it had better be an April Fools joke.

    Otherwise, if this is serious i think its very underhanded that you demod me when im not even at home and have minimal computer access. (I posted in the away topic)
    And since i havent received a pm or email stating either....
    I got canned from RBY for using a Butterfree in an old team. I don't think you get to talk about underhanded.

    Also thanks for ignoring my "Please keep this under your hat" when this whole ordeal went to Suzie.

    how devious thier new mods are willing to be.
    Nice try. You and I both know that when moderators are changed they rarely get much say in it. Little more than "Wanna be a mod?". And you KNOW no matter what Roy may have tried, it wouldn't have given him better chances of becoming a mod.

    Why of course, friends of the mods.
    Kalahs a nice person and so is Tsukasa. Does this mean that if a mod is ever changed and they are friends with the new mods, it's some sort of conspiracy?

    Also UC, hate to break it to ya man. You became a mod because of me. I literally asked Suzie to put you in place of Ginger(who had left but not been demodded at the time). So really, you're being hypocritical.

  8. #8
    ...Σ(ˇωˇノ)ノ!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    More drama than an MMORPG!!! More Angst than a livejournal!!! Its...


    I mean, congrats! >.> <.<
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    There are no such thing as mad scientists, only creative ones.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    I have an idea who Hatake is, pretty much the only person who´s talked directly to me since this whole thing kicked off.
    He did say he was reregistering so i should have known sooner. Thanks for standing up for me like i tried with you Mike.

    You know yourself that this was a stitch up from the start. Both yourself and Kalah have been given second chances due to your attitiude to modding (sorry kalah i know your inactivity had a good reason). Hell mike you were Demodded by public outcry and then remodded by whining to the Admin. Your as much a hypocritical backstabbing coward as anyone since at least they dont change their name and post in anonymity. When you were demodded i defended you. Out of all the VG guys i was the one that said ´give him a chance´.

    As for you getting me modded, you figured since we were rpg buds id let you get your way and not question your decisions, thats why you pushed for me. You forget at the time i was also the RBY mod, not just some hopefull looking for a shot.
    Now your trying to worm your way back in.

    As for the rest of all this. This was low. Im guessing anyone without AIM chat or Yahoo or whatever doesnt count for the forums. Im on MSN every night. Did anyone contact me ..... no. Did i receive any Emails?
    This has been a blackbag job from the start to just boot someone out and replace them and it stinks. Im not taking this personally, id be this mad if it had happened to anyone cos its political b-s..
    Im inviting Kalah or Tsukasa to contact me, (the first time either of them has actually tried to) and explain themselves as they have obviously been too cowardly to do so while i was still a mod.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Wait...let me get this straight...
    Hatake Kakashi= Mike?
    Mike= The Muffin Man?
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Wait...let me get this straight...
    Hatake Kakashi= Mike?
    Mike= The Muffin Man?
    the one and only. Everyones favourite dictator.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

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  12. #12

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    I've been gone too long...
    Wow...just wow...
    I'm sorry dude for junk going down, I hope it works out ok, I still think you should return to ASB though...
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Lets get one thing clear. You can keep RPG. If you guys want this to be your own little love in then by all means go for it.
    What im disputing is the way this was handled. Im assuming, as i mentioned earlier, that this was all handled and discussed between yourselves on AIM chat or something and that no effort, or possibly even thought was given to including myself or JT in the conversation.
    Kalah ive heard people say that your feelings prevented you from contacting us. I defended you in the original Petition as i thought you were being fair and impartial. If that was true you would have given us a chance to defend ourselves. To discuss the situation rather than set us up for public slaughter.
    And again as i mentioned, who was privvy to this little contest you set for Roy and the ´token competitor´to take? Did anyone else get a mention?
    Last time we saw a vote im sure i saw Kuro Espeons name up there, Virtual Play too and Drusilla. Were any of these asked if they wanted the job? No. Cos it was obvious from the start who was going to replace us.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  14. #14

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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Wait...let me get this straight...
    Hatake Kakashi= Mike?
    Mike= The Muffin Man?
    Posting to confirm this.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    Wait...let me get this straight...
    Hatake Kakashi= Mike?
    Mike= The Muffin Man?
    Yeah since Gav decided to spill it to LP I decide I'll be more honest. Sorry for deceiving you in our match, DD.

    Demodded by public outcry and then remodded by whining to the Admin.
    Actually I was demodded for doing my job(locking Vegeta#####s countless plotless topics and telling him to get a plot first) and was remodded as another chance in a long line of chances I probably never deserved. I'll be the first to admit I did a lot of unsavory things though and I can't begin to apologize enough. One day you'll realize the same thing.

    Also you were never a RBY dude. I was the RBY mod. I've known every RBY mod since then and been friends with all but Charnumber/Karin.
    On top of that if I wanted a mod to twist I'd have picked someone else. Hell I'd have just left Ginger there. Kalah was too non-confrontational back then, Ginger was inactive, and I think Eevulveepix was still a mod(although her activity was faltering too). Hell I could've picked Rudy who was, before Asilynne came along, my best friend at the forums.

    But I'm going completely off course and I apologize. This is a topic for Roys congradulations. I'd rather his first order of business NOT be closing this before it's run its' course.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Virtual Boy had disapeared from the forums, Dru left and then came back later, as for Kuro I dont know. All I know is that the decisions on Mod was up to Kalah and Tony, with Suzie getting her say when the others decided. And Gav do not call Weasel Overlord a Token Competitor. We both worked hard for this position, and up until this morning I thought she may get modded. Weasel is a great girl and worked long and hard on some of the tests that Kalah and Tony put us throught to determine who was better. Calling her a Token Competitor is not only insulting to her but her hard work on this RPG forum. She does alot for this forum, I know becuase her and I worked together so much on the hopefully upcoming ASB RPG.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde
    She does alot for this forum, I know becuase her and I worked together so much on the hopefully upcoming ASB RPG.
    Which was my idea. I had to convince people to make the second forum asb-rpg before it became the lounge. Do i get any credit now please? Fair enough i havent done anything on it since but that was agreed with the posters. I said i couldnt run the whole project and was given to the forum as a project. It was forgotten.

    As has been said before, credit where credit is due.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  18. #18
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Funny. When I wanted to get rid of it because you let it die, "Dude we did this together! It was both of us! We both worked hard on it!"

    Then when it was time to accept thanks/defend it, suddenly it's JUST your idea. Hmm.

    For the record I still didn't like the idea and it was a mild "Hey wouldn't it be cool if..."
    I also think it'd be cool if Spider-man and Batman had a comic together but I doubt it'd be any good if it happened this week.

    As has been said before, credit where credit is due.
    Irony thy name is Gavin.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard
    Lets get one thing clear. You can keep RPG. If you guys want this to be your own little love in then by all means go for it.
    What im disputing is the way this was handled. Im assuming, as i mentioned earlier, that this was all handled and discussed between yourselves on AIM chat or something and that no effort, or possibly even thought was given to including myself or JT in the conversation.
    Kalah ive heard people say that your feelings prevented you from contacting us. I defended you in the original Petition as i thought you were being fair and impartial. If that was true you would have given us a chance to defend ourselves. To discuss the situation rather than set us up for public slaughter.
    And again as i mentioned, who was privvy to this little contest you set for Roy and the ´token competitor´to take? Did anyone else get a mention?
    Last time we saw a vote im sure i saw Kuro Espeons name up there, Virtual Play too and Drusilla. Were any of these asked if they wanted the job? No. Cos it was obvious from the start who was going to replace us.
    Gotta agree with that bit. My problem with the whole thing is a lack of respect towards the people who got demodded. I challenge anyone to say that they personally wouldn't be angry if they got demodded without notice

    The way it is now: Something real close to an outright war

    The way it should've been handled: All four previous mods getting together to discuss the situation in a calm, collected manner and figure out what is wrong and what needs to get fixed

    The people who ultimately decides who should be modded and demodded should be the other mods in that forum. The public should have their say but to not cause an outcry, it should've been Kalah and Tsukasa only

    Edit: And for god's sakes, Mike, you're not helping at all. You're just stewing a pot that's about to overflow

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  20. #20

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Um mike, i dont know which a$$ your talking out of this time but the ASB RPG idea was mine, which i convinced JT over after the Whole Zoids thing bombed. You werent even a mod when we had the second forum set up.
    It was myself and JT that asked Suzie for it.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

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  21. #21

    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Missing_

    The people who ultimately decides who should be modded and demodded should be the other mods in that forum. The public should have their say but to not cause an outcry, it should've been Kalah and Tsukasa only
    The problem with that is the Mods in question were very close to most of the people causing the outcry. ie in conversation about them everyday.
    Ive been informed that this was discussed for quite some time before the petition went up so why were we never informed?

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  22. #22
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Alright, I'm getting Tired of this, yes there WAS an IM chat with a large number of participants on what to do considering the demodding situation, however, it was, to my knowledge, not intended to make Roy a mod, and I talk with him a LOT on AIM. We were merely discussing the demodding. Then someone, I believe it was Emotional Faun Chiko-Sai, suggested that Roy would make a good mod, and, well, everyone agreed, then things went from there. Not once did Roy ask to be modded, there was no conspiracy, no plotting, and please, quit whining.
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  23. #23
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard
    Um mike, i dont know which a$$ your talking out of this time but the ASB RPG idea was mine, which i convinced JT over after the Whole Zoids thing bombed. You werent even a mod when we had the second forum set up.
    It was myself and JT that asked Suzie for it.
    And now you're lying. Spectacular. You're lucky I didn't give 2 shits worth of saving the log like I do with a lot of our little ideas.

    In fact, you know what? Screw it. I know I had a hand in its' unholy birthing but if you want to claim you and JT were soley responsible, I don't know why I'm arguing.

    It's like someone saying Hitler wasn't involved in that whole Nazi thing and Hitler trying to say he did.

    Although, y'know. On a much smaller and less important scale.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by kalad1
    Alright, I'm getting Tired of this, yes there WAS an IM chat with a large number of participants on what to do considering the demodding situation, however, it was, to my knowledge, not intended to make Roy a mod, and I talk with him a LOT on AIM. We were merely discussing the demodding. Then someone, I believe it was Emotional Faun Chiko-Sai, suggested that Roy would make a good mod, and, well, everyone agreed, then things went from there. Not once did Roy ask to be modded, there was no conspiracy, no plotting, and please, quit whining.
    No one's talking about Roy's modship. I agree that he's fully qualified but we're talking about something else altogether

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  25. #25
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    You know it's sad that a topic that some one made just to be nice, had to turn into a freaken flame war. Anyway since Suzie hasnt modded me in this forum yet, I am going to ask for Kalah or Tony to lock the topic before it gets any worse.

  26. #26
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by EngiMatikul
    More drama than an MMORPG!!! More Angst than a livejournal!!! Its...
    Boy this guy hit the nail on the head...

    Honestly people, if you're going to get up in arms over a silly little thing like the moderation of an online RPG forum, you need a hobby. When the CEO of a company decides to fire a low ranking manager, the manager doesn't even get the chance to continue dialogue like you have now. They're given an hour to pack their things and get off the premises. Besides, this gives other people a chance to step up and take a shot at being a moderator. Instead of whining and calling the lot of us "backstabbing cowards", why not mentor the guy and help him do everything right? I have no patience for that kind of bitterness, especially coming from someone whose job was being mature and setting the example for others. Sorry to be stern, but I won't accomplish anything by being lax.

    Have a nice APRIL FOOLS DAY!
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
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  27. #27
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Then let's go out on a high note.
    Roy, I apologize for "helping" to make this topic less than congradulatory for you.

    Congrats on the modship. I may have been at your throat this time last year, but due to time and other circumstances, I believe we've become close friends and you DO deserve this.

  28. #28

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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde
    You know it's sad that a topic that some one made just to be nice, had to turn into a freaken flame war. Anyway since Suzie hasnt modded me in this forum yet, I am going to ask for Kalah or Tony to lock the topic before it gets any worse.
    I've gone ahead and modded you in this forum because it's clear that this is permanent now.

  29. #29
    BU-KA-DING!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Congratulations are in order I guess

    [color=#990A66]I'm sorry, but this has gotten out of control. Apparently, you won't let this go, Gav. And that's fine, but you don't need to take it out on the rest of the board. You seem to have apprehensions about this and what happened "behind the scenes", but, as I've said before, nothing was plotted against any of you to swindle away your positions to someone else.

    I'm leaving it at that and closing this topic myself.
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