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Thread: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

  1. #41
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    It's Midnight

    Malik charged the zombies, blood and flesh flying through the air. Why on earth would someone send zombies after the son of the Prince of Darkness? (No, not Jack Osborne...)


    "Malik, it's a trap!" I yelled, rushing into the fray myself. Then... I hadn't felt the sensation in years. Blood-red and black wings tore themselves from my back; I screamed as I was drenched in blood. It had never been like this... never been painful, or bloody. Never unbidden. I fell to my knees, breathing heavily, tears pooling in my eyes. I felt movement at my back; someone jumped... no, flew over me, taking out a few zombies that hadn't been noticed yet. I looked up, clearing my eyes, to see Zarahlinda literally glowing with power, her eyes an electric blue, face twisted with such battle-rage that it was nearly unrecognisable. I spread my wings, wincing at the pain, and lifted myself from the ground. I called to the powers of fire and air, and a sword appeared in my hand, glowing white and red despite the lack of moonlight. I looked up, and suddenly realized that the moon had dissapeared behind storm clouds... great, dark storm clouds.


    There was no answer, but I felt that magick and knew it. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing... he knew that we needed help. I sent him my thanks; every little bit was going to help.

    Malik was kicking serious ass, but the zombies just kept coming. This is more than just mortal magick... I thought. I struggled to get closer to Malik, but the zombies were closing in on all of us. I shot up into the air, and took a deep breath.

    "Malik!" I shouted, giving him as much warning as possible. He ducked, and I sent the surrounding zombie's heads rolling. He took his que, and black wings sprouted from his back as he lept into the air. Zarahlinda hissed one last time before rising to join us.

    "This... this isn't right. There's a trap here. The zombies are just an agent, they aren't the evil. We need to get out of here, and fast..." I panted, glaring at the undead below us.

    Malik nodded. "Follow me, I think it's time to return to our old stomping grounds..."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  2. #42
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome


    I stared down at her silently as I dispersed my blade from my hand. "Alright then." I should have been happy. I'd battled against the great Helve and had won the right to sleep with her. So why did I feel so strange? Sex was my thing. It was who I was. So what the hell was the problem? I bent down and took her hand, helping her to her feet slowly. "Let's just do this."

    We headed back inside and made our way upstairs to the office I'd had Mepho create for me. It doubled as a bedroom seeing as how I'd made a less than honourable departure from my home. Had to be brutally honest though, it felt pretty good to finally have all that freedom. If I hadn't have left I owuld never be here, about to get it on with one of the most beautiful creatures I'd ever laid eyes on. I shook my head violently. What the fuck was I saying!? I sounded like some kind of poof. I looked back and saw Helve staring at me, her head cocked to the side in an inquisitive manner. "The bedroom's through there," I told her, pointing towards the door.

    She was - in a word- stunning. A gorgeous display of body beneath that delicate dress. Definately the best looking thing I'd ever been in bed with. I kissed her, forcing my tongue inside just to make myself feel better as it all kicked off. I just figured it would be like the usual evenings. I'd do all the work and then it would be over. But not this time. This was different. I'd barely even started when...she kissed me back.

    What the fuck!? I wasn't mad, surprised would be a better word. She was a damn good kisser. I ran my hand across her waist as I felt her hips rise, pressing against my own. Damn! Damn, damn damn! It was so good I couldn't describe and yet...and yet at the same time I felt as if a weight had lifted off my mind. The little nagging voice at the back of my head finally silenced itself as I became engrossed in the heat of the moment. We didn't even notice the morning break. Then, at some point in the morning, it just, ended.

    I sat in bed. the covers hanging over my bottom half, watching her get dressed. "I'd like to do this again." She shot me a stern look. "Well, yeah, THIS, someday, but I meant...the fight." I shook my head. "I owuld like to fight you again, someday."

    I saw the slightest of smirks cross her face. "Perhaps." And in a blink she was gone. With a sigh, I collapsed back on the bed. I hadn't gotten any sleep in hours and I was beat. I stared blankly at the wall. I had been planning to pop home and pick up sem stuff but that could wait. Hell I just needed to crash.

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  3. #43
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome


    Even with the Archdemon's help, I could sense the powerful auras that Malik and his hunters, when grouped together, were giving off. I sensed battle, and the auras of two others manifested. I ran, just in case I missed anything. As the battle came into view, I saw the zombies, a lot bigger group than last time, were attacking Malik, Sorcha and another whom I had never seen before. I ran faster, but the three manifested their wings and ascended to evade the zombies. I decided to fire off some fireballs just to get there attention. I made them big enough to toast groups of 4 or 5 at a time, then while they burnt, I leapt in and cut them up. The three above me were rather surprised, and perhaps did not recognise me - my appearance had vastly changed since our last encounter.

    Nonetheless, I stopped my massacre briefly to talk to them.
    "Friends of yours?"
    "Who are..." Sorcha began.
    "Demon..." the unknown one hissed. Malik put two and two together.
    "In the flesh! Well, someone else's flesh, but flesh nonetheless."
    I turned around and cut two more zombies with my sword, but feeling overwhelmed, I sheathed my sword and aimed a fire blast at the ground, propelling me upwards onto a street lamp.
    "This should give me some time to ask some questions," I said, ignoring the zombies that were trying to shake the street lamp.
    "First, my question," Malik began, "Why are you here? I was under the impression Satan finished you off."
    "A common misconception, I assure you, but I have slight telepathy, as you might remember, and all these goons could think of was you, so either you're controlling them or being hunted by them. I'm assuming it's the latter option."
    Obviously they were still wary of me. I couldn't beat them all in straight fight so they guessed I wasn't going to attack them but they kept that option open. I needed to state my allegience.
    "So what's it to you?"
    "Well, while zombies might be everyday fare for us, this is necromancy of a higher level and, to be honest, I'm up for a fight with whoever is behind this. I figured you'd be going after the person sooner or later, and since I no longer have a vendetta against any of you, I'm feeling adventurous. So what says you to a temporary ally?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome


    Filling the deal, Helve had gone up with Mateo and performed an act of sexual activity. Of course… while Helve did not want to have sex with him nor engage in any type of sexual activity, the obligation of word was enough to make her reciprocate his actions. Of course, he obviously had experience in what he was doing… Helve could tell that. He wasn’t bad either… his sexual prowess was undeniable, but the sexual act meant nothing. It was nothing to her… for Helve was putting forth herself to fulfill her promise to Mateo and that was all. Of course… in the heat of the moment for them… she sensed as if there was something else in Mateo- as if there was some thing familiar about him. However, as soon as the glimmer of it approached her… it vanished. Soon the morning had come… and when it did, Helve was already up. Mateo was lying upon the bed… and her gentle eyes washed over him. He had spoken about doing it again- and then clarified it as fighting. However, Helve merely closed her eyes and concentrated. She had been unleashed… her seal had been broken and now her powers were once again in full reign.
    Then she vanished.

    Rising again, Helve appeared in the streets of the city. She was in no where in particular… just a random part of the city.
    “… I am free… “


    Proticia awoke slightly to a man staring over her in confusion. The smell of beer wafted in her face as she swiftly rose upwards, but her side ached from the blows that the undead had done upon her. She was slowly healing… but the damage she had sustained still remained.
    “What the ‘ell is you do’n here…?” The man slowly dragged his speech as Proticia instantly leapt to her feet. It hurt slightly to move... but she was better off than before she had slept.
    “Resting… and now leaving.” With that she leapt above his head and landed upon the ground a bit gracefully. She wasn’t feeling a hundred percent… the cut in her leg was healing slightly but it was still trickling a bit of blood. It was healing though… and soon it would be complete. Proticia quickly left the club and entered the streets of the city again. She perhaps had only been out for an hour or so.
    Walking down the streets, her sword still in its sheath of her back, Proticia glanced about the alleyways. She hadn’t understood why the zombies or undead had attacked her, and she didn’t know why they had called her name and the name of some one else. It didn’t make sense… no one was supposed to know of her- not even the ArchAngels knew she had escaped hell. Sighing, she continued to walk down the street…
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  5. #45
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    Just FYI, Zarah doesn't have wings, but it's OK.


    An ally?! With a demon? I might not be anyone to speak so loftily, but I had standards that had kept me alive through the millennia. Dealing with pure demons was one of them. I knew more about my people's dark beginnings than I cared to, but it didn't stop me from drawing the line somewhere.

    "Do what you will, Sorcha, I have things to attend to... There are too many things that aren't right with this situation, and I must learn more about those whom we deal with. Take this," I handed her a stone pendant filled with swirling white mist. "Use this if you need me. You will know how to use it. Until next we meet."

    I landed, giving the demon a disgusted glare, turned on my heel and disappeared into the darkness. Amzer, Melanthe, Sorcha's son.... too many pieces, not enough connections. Goddess help us all...


    "Legion... I..." Frankly, I was at a loss for words. What the hell do you do when someone you've spent time fighting on and off for a couple centuries asks to join the club, as it were. I looked at Malik, but he appeared just as baffled as myself. I shook my head habitually, trying to 'shake off' the distracting thoughts bouncing about in my mind. "Since no one else seems to have anything to say about it, I don't see why not. I have the feeling that we're going to need as many allies as possible... This is unlike anything I've seen before."

    Malik glanced at me in surprise, but didn't say anything. He knew the game as well as I did; give nothing that would be an advantage to others. We didn't know what Legion's aim was at playing this game, and until we knew, we would have to assume the worst.

    Could the worst that he could do be worse than the danger that we're facing now? Somehow, I didn't think so... and that was not a pleasant thought at all. I had so many unanswered questions, and no one seemed to have the answers, or not enough of the answers to make it worth the risk of telling. Whatever we were going up against, it was bad... very, very bad. Not even Satan gave me that feeling, and I'd met the fucker before. This was... personal, somehow. What, who, was the first-blood? This was the vital question... I don't know how I knew, but I had that feeling...

    "Let's get out of here, now," I said, quietly, the need to forget the past twenty years of my life growing until it was almost unbearable.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  6. #46
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    Aaaagh, double-posties, but ya know what? It's my damn RPG, and I have nothing to reply to! Total brain rot going on over here.... God forbid I actually do something school related at school.


    I drummed my fingers along the smooth obsidian surface of the table before me. There was only weak light, and shadows played along the walls of the cavern as I awaited the appropriate signal to return to action. I sighed to myself; sitting around doing nothing for a few hours should seem as nothing, not after doing it for millenia, but still... I was eager to see my aims become reality. Ahhh... I had waited long enough for it, hadn't I? A little more waiting would be nothing... the world had forgotten us. That's what we were, the Forgotten. Once we had our revenge, we would never be forgotten again... assuming there was anyone left to do the forgetting. I laughed darkly to myself. Justice is sweet, revenge sweeter.

    I cared not for the humans... disgusting creatures. They smelled bad, for one, and were just unsavory all around. It took forever to remove the stench of human after the encounter with Mateo... And God had created them in His own image. He created us as well, but we had the perfections that humans lacked. I sneered at the thought of His choosing humans over us... I could remember that day like it was yesterday... Mother of Man, indeed.

    "Mephistopheles has him for now. No matter, any way that he is mislead and kept from the truth will suffice. You will return to him, keep him under heel, keep him out of the way. We will deal with isolating his mother later... We need to disillusion her of Zarahlinda. Go, now."

    I bowed to the darkness, my stomach all ready beginning to churn at the thought of returning to the human world. Soon... soon... I thought to myself. Soon I would be free to purify the Earth and return it to its original destiny, the destiny before the Age of Man. The destiny before our exile, before we were forgotten. We would show the mortal plane how very dangerous it is to let vital events pass from memory...

    It had all ready begun. The silly boy Mateo was so easily corrupted through his own pig-headedness and lax morals, it was almost boring. He wasn't even that good... though he thought he was. No, someone decended from human stock could never touch the extent of pleasure that my people knew. Now I had to return and sleep with him, repeatedly... Whatever was neccessary, though.

    I transported to the moral plane, homing in on the lifeforce of little Mateo. Now that I had him under my power, it was simple... he would never be able to escape me. Perhaps, if he was a good little boy, I would let him live as my slave, serving on hands and knees... in more than one way. I laughed, picturing the self-important Son of the Storm as my personal sex slave, forced to do whatever I wished. Fucking him was neccessary, because the more I did it, the more power I had over him... soon, if it hadn't started all ready, he would begin to crave even the simplist touch from me... I was more addictive than any drug one hundred fold. He would mutilate himself just to be allowed to kiss my feet... much less any other part of my body. Mateo was mine; now I would claim that which belonged to me.

    I materialized in the bedroom of Mateo's new establishment, and looked down disdainfully at the sleeping form of my slave. I knew better than to screw this one up... the burnt, blistering flesh on my back was a reminder of what would happen if I overreacted and opened my big mouth again. Fuck the boy, but reveal nothing.... That I could do.

    I stripped my clothing off and let it drop to the floor in a pool around my feet. Without sound, I slunk towards the bed, every bit the lustful creature I was. Slowly, so very slowly, I lifted my leg up over the edge of the bed and lowered myself to straddle Mateo's body, only a blanket between our naked flesh. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me, surprise and not a little bit of fear passing over his face as he realized who I was.

    "Mateo... I am sorry about earlier... but I had to do it. I had to show you who your mother really was... I only want for you to be you, for you to be happy..." I whispered, gently touching a finger to his lips to silence him. "How can I ever earn your forgiveness?"

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  7. #47
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    OOC: Potentially mature post here so be warned.


    I awoke slowly, my eye flickering violently as they tried to dispel the fog of sleep from my eyes. For the briefest of moments I felt as if I was waking into a dream. I saw Mel before me, as vibrant and sexy as I had last seen her, her naked form hovering dangerously close to my own. before I could even begin to tell the fantasy from the reality, she spoke to me. "Mateo... I am sorry about earlier... but I had to do it. I had to show you who your mother really was... I only want for you to be you, for you to be happy..." Her finger stroked my lips softly and I felt the pulse quicken. My lower body began to burn with anticipation. I couldn't understand it. "How can I ever earn your forgiveness?"

    "I..." There were a million and one things I could have said to her right then but none of them seem important. I kept trying to convince myself that this was wrong, that she couldn't be trusted. She had put my mother's life at risk but for what purpose? She couldn't really mean what she had said. Mel couldn't care about me. Nobody cared about me...I was the screwed up bast*rd of a son that no one wanted or gave a damn about anymore. And yet...I didn't know what it was but I just couldn't help myself. I wanted her. I wanted her right then, as many times as I could. I didn't care about what had happened last night, about how exhausted I was, I just wanted to get in there. "There thing you could do I guess," I replied finally, a twisted smirk crossing my lips.

    Mel nodded. Leaning forward she pressed her lips strongly against my own as her hips lowered onto mine. It was a different sensation from the night before. I had forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of this ritualistic meeting of two bodies. I lifted my hands to her sides, feeling her body slip through my fingers as it moved against my own. With every meeting of our tongues I felt something stir within me. Every moment that passed seem to intensify my longing. I wanted more than I was getting. Every time it seemed we were nearing an end I would push her for more. It was like an irritating inch I couldn't quite get to.

    She ended it eventually. It was, after all, inevitable, and despite how exhausted and worn I felt I was still willing to go that little bit further. What was it that made me feel so far outside my own control? As the moments of silence passed my feelings gradually subsided until it was nothing more than an irritable voice at the back of my mind. I stared up at Mel, seemingly unfazed from our rigorous exercise and straddling me just above my waistline. She smiled at me, a somewhat twisted expression that I couldn't quite read. I closed my eyes briefly, feeling the warmth of her lips against the bare skin of my neck. I sighed deeply, inhaling her scent.

    " I forgiven?"

    How could I possibly refuse her? I opened my eyes to her and nodded. "Of course. There's nothing to really forgive anyway."

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  8. #48
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome



    Helve walked briskfully in the moonlight, tasting the air as she had never tasted it before. She was free from the torturous personalities of herself- being bound into one being. She was free from Satan's curse... and while she had lost to Mateo, she had not cared for giving sexual pleasure was nothing more than an act. Helve had never felt love or any feeling of lust for anyone... and while she was advanced with such sexual activities for teh pure fact alone that she had every essense of every being within her, she never fully gave herself. How could she when there was no drive? No passion?

    No... now Helve was unbound.

    Still, Helve did have the constant whispering thoughts echoing in her mind from the world itself. Strangely, she could hear the dangerous tongues of satan and evil running higher than it had before. Things were brewing... horrible horrible things were amuck and Helve knew that she couldn't possibley be the only one who sensed it. Her own body was turning... she could feel a need for wanting to turn to the evil side. Purely because there was more yang than yin... and she always had a tendancy to sway to the dominant side.
    If I do that, the forces will be very uneven... even more so than now... Helve thought, and she sighed- focusing to keep a grip upon herself. She wanted to stay neutral...she had to.

    Walking along the street, Helve stopped suddenly as her eyes opened. Evil. She still had a lingering essense of Mateo surrounding her- being around anyone kept their essense and her awareness of them for a while. She could sense a great evil... an evil unleashed upon Mateo. However... the evil's essense was different from a typical evil. It wasn't some thing blatantly strong or harsh... it was seductive- almost intoxicating. It was alluring... driving Helve to almost want to join in with Mateo in seeing such a wonderous evil.
    Wonderous evil? Dear Helve... get a hold of you-

    Before Helve could respond, suddenly a whirring sound and motion came from behind her. Sensing it almost immediately, Helve whirled around to see a demonical figure.
    Ahah... greetings dearest Helve, we meet again.
    It was him... it was B, one of the seven hands of satan yet AGAIN paying her a visit.
    Be gone... I am free from the curse of Satan and want nothing to do with you or your six bretheren.
    He gave a grin, spreading his demonical wings slightly as he bent down ever so graciously, his long flowing black hair draping over his face as a crooked grin grew upon him. He had maddening eyes of red... and skin so pale any normal human would believe it to be white paint covering his body. He had many forms... but this was his most common- an almost formal look for him.
    I just wanted to see if you will be partaking in the upcoming events. He said lightly, his eyes washing over with an intoxicating glow of fasination. He was up to something... Helve could sense it.
    Leave. Be gone and never return to me. Helve said firmer, clenching her hand at her side as she prepared to summon her sword if she needed. Then he smiled...
    If you don't want to join.... that is fine. Lucifer only wanted me to send you a gift... a reminder, if you will.
    With that, his hand came out from beneath his billowing cloak to reveal a small human child. Her hair was as white as snow and her entire face was pale and wrought with fright. Her eyes were bitten with blue as she struggled within his grasp, but she was slowly dying. B's grip was upon the child's neck and squeezing ever so slightly. Without warning and before Helve could react, B's other hand surrounded the child's head and instantly with a sickening cracking explosion of bones- he crushed the child's head. Instantly blood spewed everywhere with the sudden force and Helve's eyes widened as she saw blood rain from the sky. Blood covered her face and her body- staining the billowing white robe that surrounded her tender flesh. Bloody snow... bloody rain...

    Blood. Blood. Blood... The same word kept repeating in Helve's mind as she spoke it quietly, feeling suddenly a huge awakening arise from within her. She gave out a scream as she raised her hands to her head, closing her eyes as she felt darkness erupt from deep within her soul.
    Too much evil... too much darkness... I cannot hold out any... longer...
    With that, suddenly a crackle from the earth erupted into the air as a gust of wind surrounded Helve's body. Slowly she changed shape... losing her female self (which resided in the calm states) and her body transformed to a more mascular figure. She... was now... a he.

    His hair was long and ribbon-like straight, being pitch black in color only to mirror the striking wolf-slitted eyes of grin that seemed to glow like orbs. He was defined and muscular, exposing himself as graceful and strong alike... his skin being pale but yet also holding a dark-aura like quality to it. His clothing had changed, for he adorned a tight grey shirt and black skin-tight pants, all equipped with a billowing half rob of greyish white and blue. About his hands were thick black gaunlet-like gloves, and around his neck was a twisted cross- proving his dark alliegance to all without fear. A giant dark sword was slung about the back of his waist, and he had an air of a deadly unbalanced nature. Twisted tattoos were upon his shoulders and forearms, symbolising many things in the dark languages of old. His face alone held the ideals of darkness... being cold and yet holding that dark allure which all men of dangerous attitudes seem to hold. His was only amplified like no other.

    This was not Helve anymore... but Veanic- the rarely seen Chaotic-natured Evil side of Helve. The last time he had been seen... was during the rise of hell thousands of years ago.
    [ See the attachment for his appearance. He looks like that but with the tattoos, striking green eyes and blacker hair. Plus he just looks a hell of a lot tougher and dangerous... having that "wild-eyed" look... but still sexy bishie like. ^_^ ]

    B's- one of the seven satans- smiled as he seemed to bow out and duck back into the darkness.
    I give you help Mel... for Lucifer had commanded it... besides... with Veanic awakened, things will be far more interesting...
    Veanic glanced at B, who merely gave another bow.
    If you are looking for some thing to do... I highly suggest you concentrate on the young Mateo...

    Veanic narrowed his eyes, glancing about in a world that seemed almost too peaceful for him. Licking his lips absently, he walked around with natural grace but yet it seemed as if his figure demanded power. Narrowing his eyes... he closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating as B had suggested. It wasn't hard... Veanic some how 'knew' of this Mateo. Glaring slightly, he frowned...
    "What has my other counter part done all these years? Boring and niave as usual... typical pathetic Helve... "
    Veanic practically spat, glaring as he continued to walk down the streets and inspect this 'new world'. Unlike Helve's typical personalities, Veanic gained total control of Helve' s mind and body- a part that made him so dangerous. All of Helve's memories flooded into Veanic... and soon he gained knowledge of the history and ideas of this new 'modern earth'. Smirking, he soon realized that it would be too easy for Hell to take over... at least, he believed it to be that way. Earth was weak now and humans seemed to have long forgotten the ancient powers...

    "Helve shall sleep for a long time..." Veanic muttered with a laugh, realizing that he had pin-pointed Mateo. It was then that suddenly Veanic realized why he had been called upon to concentrate upon him- there was another evil there. Pondering as to why B would appoint him to join with the other evil... Veanic gave a shrug. It didn't matter to him... as long as he was serving his nature of darkness. Besides, he wanted a look at this "Mateo" he had gained knowledge of and he also wanted to see this evil- he recognized her tantalizing aura.


    In a matter of a pure moment, Veanic appeared before the seen. There she was... naked in all her glory, sitting near the one known as "Mateo" who was also naked. They had probably just finished a round of pleasure, which while sex was appealing to Veanic- it didn't drive him solely. He instantly recognized the evil - Melanthe. He had known her... like he had known all evils back from elder years, and of course anyone Helve knew... he knew soon as well. (And Helve seemed to know everyone these days...) Her body was just as alluring as ever... but she was designed that way- most of her kind was designed that way.... but she was special. There was a reason greater evils sent her to do the jobs she did. Still, the naked body wasn't anything Veanic wasn't acustomed to... so it was natural that he showed little if any emotion at the scene. He didn't show much emotion under normal circumstances. He always simply had the look of the untamed mysterious wild...
    Mateo, well... he was unimpresive to Veanic- simply for the fact that he thought a child of Sorcha and some ancient should have looked more fierce... but like most of this new world, Veanic found everything to be a bit simple.

    "I would appologize for the interuption... but it seems you two are too busy for that. You can merely continue and I'll watch." Veanic said with a smirk, leaning against once the walls as he saw a flash of anger rush through Mateo's eyes for a moment. The anger was calmed however when Mel simply brushed her hand against Mateo's ears, and already Veanic new her bewitchment was in motion. He smirked slightly... gazing at Melanthe.
    Some times I swear you would make a wonderful female version of Lucifer... He said to her softly (via mind of course, to prevent Mateo from ever hearing such things.)

    [ Sorry if I'm intruding, you can say you had sex more or what not... just need/want character interactment and Helve was bound to turn into Veanic at one point or another over the course of the two RPGs! lol ]
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    This post brought to you by DSI's Self Destructive Corp.

    This is definately a mature post, bwahahaha...

    So... other forces were at work here. Someone had felt it necessary to reawaken Veanic. I wondered if this was to help or hinder me...

    Lucifer was rejected before I was, and by fault of his own, I shot back at Veanic. I never made a choice, I merely fell victim to others’ mistakes. Do not speak to me of him, I owe him no allegiance.

    Veanic certainly was something else. Personally, I didn’t know much about him, but he was tantalizing… Oh yes, very much so. A creature actually worthy of my attention, though he never really responded to anything. That was his one flaw, if anything; he just didn’t respond. He’d make a good lawyer with a personality like that… But that body… That body superceded anything else about him.

    I smiled sweetly, a cruel twinkle in my eye. "You always were one to watch, Veanic, and not participate... You're so distant, dark crusader, so cold, if only you would give me the chance to... warm you." I then let the enchantment on Mateo drop, and simultaneously ground my hips against his. All thought of anything else was driven from his mind, and I roughly slid myself over him, tearing a gasp from his lips. He moved his hands towards my waist, wanting to feel my body move as he had earlier when I had been gentle, but I wasn't in the mood. I grabbed his wrists and pinned him to the bed, continuing the ferocity of my pace, nearly pounding him into the mattress. He cried out, struggling slightly from instinct, but showing no signs of truly wanting to get away. My eyes glowed with a dark purple light and my power ran through my body into his, crackling in the air like dark electricity. I moved faster, with more strength, pouring my power into Mateo.

    I felt, within his soul, the responce to that power, the desire and darkness intertwining, feeding off of each other, growing more powerful. Then, as if a spark in his soul egnited the taint, it flared to life and I saw it in his eyes. Mateo threw me off of him, pinning me to the bed this time, and resumed the pace I had set with all of his strength and size amplifying it. It was my turn to cry out with pleasure, delicious pain flooding my body. It had been too long... much too long since I'd had anything near this good. Maybe there was hope for Mateo yet... He had room to grow and learn, but there would be time for that later. I rose up to meet his every thrust, doubling the amount of force that passed between our two bodies. Mateo was lost, completely caught in the moment, and Veanic stood by, watching....

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  10. #50
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    Gah! Spent so much time on this post then stupid AOL decides to restrt itself. GAH! Worst ISP ever! Urgh...anyway, this post is supposed to have mature content but if it doesn't then...well it doesn't. Figure I should just warn you guys anyway.


    I lost myself completely in the vigorous grinding of our bodies. I almost felt as if it wasn't me. I had my approach to sex, an approach that had always worked. It had rules and boundaries but this...this was limitless. I was aware of everything between us. I could sense the tension in her wrists every time I thrusted into her and I could almost hear the violent pounding of her heart. It was as if the world around us had faded into a shadowed nothingness of itself. I could still sense the presence of the intruder, though it was little more than a nagging existence in the back of mind. My attention was drawn fully to the naked fox pinned between my thighs and every time my mind would try to wonder or focus on something outside of our erotic ritual, it would be dragged forcefully back to her excrutiating moans.

    I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. The intensity of of our meeting seemed to have awoken a sleeping being within me. In one action, Mel had drawn together conflicting aspects of the darker regions of my soul: my desire to please her, the deeper regions of my lustful nature, my eagerness to prove myself to her completely, to define myself as the sexual being that I was. What Mel had said to our intruder, it lingered like a secret layer in my mind. A deep part of me was afraid that she'd grow tired of my mortal talents and seek fulfillment elsewhere. With him. I couldn't allow that and so I allowed myself to become engrossed in the grinding of our two bodies.

    Our intense connection passed in time measured only in groans. From a place unknown to me, I somehow found the strength to follow her hasty beginning with the raw intensity that she desired. I loved it. The pure rush of emotion that came from our lawless game. The tensing of her muscles beneath me as we moved in perfect time with one another, the heat of our grinding flesh, all of it seemed to find relief in the eruption of our excitment. I could hardly contain myself. At last I had found a way to fulfil her dark desires, to please her twisted fantasies.

    I heard her moan one last time before feeling my strength escape me. The raging beast that revealed itself at last retreated, leaving the broken shell of my body behind. My head slipped into her breasts as my shaking body lay panting above hers, my strength forced into my hands and knees to keep my body from collapsing into hers. I panted like a tired dog whilst her breaths were heavy yet paced. Despite creating similar reactions from us both, the experience seemed to have drained her the least.

    She held my face in her hands, stroking my skin with her fingertips. I didn't even have the energy to look her in the eyes. She whsipered to me soothingly as I felt my body relax beyond a point I thought it was impossible to reach. "Good boy Mateo...good boy..."

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    Veanic watched in the shadows of the room, his piercing green eyes unwavering and his body unmoving. It was quite a show at that... and it caused him to smirk as he heard both of their moans. Surprisingly the one known as Mateo had some spunk in him- some primal inner furry as he completely seemed to devour Mel- as if she was his very breath. This was highly amusing to Veanic... because he was becoming nothing more than a pet- he seemed to becoming the animal that Mel wanted him to be. Although, Veanic also noted that it seemed Mel was enjoying herself...

    Of course, Veanic had narrowed his eyes as he felt a slight twinge of anticipation. Perhaps it was the fact that violence and lust were common neighbors, but he had an itch... an inner craving for either one or the other. Blood... Veanic wanted blood. Narrowing his eyes with a slight inner rage, a flash of red seemed to enter his vision as he resettled himself. No... there would be a reason that B paired Veanic up with Mel. Perhaps it was to hinder her- although usually B didn't do his deeds to hinder, but rather to add interesting twists that eventually would favor the darkened ways. Besides, Veanic had found a liking for Mel for the pure fact that her ... well, some thing about her seemed to mirror his hunger for destruction and darkness. Of course, while Veanic knew Melanthe, he didn't know her completely. No one knew anyone completely, let alone those of the dark for they hid within mirrors.

    "Good boy Mateo... good boy..." Those words snipped at Veanic's ears as he whirled his head about to see they had finished their frenzied act of lust. Veanic stared intently at Mateo's eyes- they seemed lost in her touch... he had melted into nothing but an animal for her it seemed. Still leaning against the walls, Veanic wondered what the purpose of this all was. According to Helve's memories, Mateo was the son of Sorcha and Marduk... so what good was he? Sure he held powers perhaps, but he didn't seem to be as strong as others she could have gone for.
    Damn... if only I had Helve's senses... or even Lvea's... Veanic thought bitterly, but his frown turned into a slight grin. Perhaps he didn't have their ethereal senses of the beyond, but he made up for it in strength and power now.
    "So... does the exotic Mel wish to sex the day away, or does she have other plans?" Veanic said lightly, his voice smooth yet holding a powerful demand within it. He stood up slightly although his body was still in a lax position. While the sexual display was nice, he prefurred to be in action than to stay upon the sidelines... well, when the time called for it. He indeed was like the dangerous sea... holding many sways..
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    I laughed softly. "The exotic Mel does wish to sex the day away, but she does have other plans." I looked at Veanic. "You should know, wishes aren't always the only objective."

    I closed my eyes slowly. So much to do... but it wasn't time yet. It was time to feed, though... My physical hunger was nagging at me, and I hadn't fed in awhile. Blood... I needed blood... But it was light out. Too late to hunt... I either had to tough it out or find a willing donor. Both options weren't too high on my list.

    "I need blood..." I whispered to no one in particular, though I felt Veanic's intrigue. "I must sleep, I suppose... at dusk I will feed." A wicked smile crept across my lips as I slipped into diurnal hibernation.

    Sorry it's short, but I want to head home soon...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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  13. #53
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    As Mel drifted to sleep beside me, my thoughts slowly webbed their way back into my conscious. It was as if a thick fog was clearing from my mind, allowing me to reawaken my senses. It was the first time I was able to fully consider my intruder since his arrival, and he was certainly the type of intruder that shouldn't be overlooked.

    "You're...Veanic?" I asked, remembering that Mel had addressed him with such a name during a break in our...activities.

    He nodded slowly but said nothing.

    "You're Helve's chaotic form aren't you?" I was just reeling off the information as it came to my mind.

    He nodded again. "That is true, son of Sorcha."

    I grimaced in disgust. "Don't speak of such things to me. She is no mother of mine," I growled angrily.

    "One who rejects his past will never be able to fully accept his future." I hated that kind of bullsh*t and told Veanic so. He smirked lightly. "That's your decision."

    I nodded at him and quickly dressed myself. As I did so, I spied the heavy blade attached to his waist. I grinned in approval. It seemed to me as if Helve had - in a way - accepted my earlier offer. Perhaps this time it would be more of challenge. "I sense Veanic, that you possess great strength and understand in the fine art of combat. I would ask if you would show me some of what it is that you know."

    He cocked his head. "You wish to fight me?" His tone was calm, yet he seemed somewhat surprised at my request.

    "Yes I do," I replied with a nod. "Surely you wouldn't refuse a challenge. Even Helve didn't refuse me, but then," a twisted smirk crossed my lips, "I didn't leave her much choice." I summoned my blade to my hand. "How about it Veanic? Fancy a little one on one?"

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    He watched as Mel went into her sleep-like mode… letting the silence settle in before his eyes wandered over to Mateo. They struck up an interesting conversation… which ended in a challenge by Mateo. The idea highly amused Veanic- the pure ignorance of Mateo was clearly defined in his voice. Standing up straighter, narrowing his eyes with a look of entertainment Veanic gave a nod then.
    “Very well… shall we head some where more appropriate?” With that, Mateo gave a nod- standing up easily as Veanic took two eye-blinking steps towards Mateo and placed a strong hand on his shoulder. Mateo’s eyes widened with confusion, but before he could ask suddenly the two of them disappeared from Mateo’s room and appeared within an alleyway.
    “I hope you don’t mind…” Veanic said slowly, pointing at the building they were between. “I decided to take this outside to let her mistress keep in her slumber.” With that, Veanic leapt backwards slightly to create a bit of distance between them. Nodding to Mateo, he watched as the young man drew his sword and got into a fighting stance. Eyeing the stance, he could tell that he hadn’t any formal training… nothing formal by Veanic’s standards anyways.
    Time to test the strength of the son of Sorcha… Veanic thought with a grin, moving his right hand by the sword and swiftly unsheathing it with one fluid motion. He got into his own stance, poising the sword slightly above his head as he easily grasped it with one hand as if it were designed to be lightly wielded. They stood at a pause for a moment… which caused Veanic to chuckle.
    “Well come on then… if you believe this to be a fair fight, come at me.”
    “Oh… I don’t believe this to be a fair fight. I’m going to win.” Mateo said with an edge of cockiness. “I beat you last time, didn’t I?”
    After a few silenced seconds, Veanic’s face transformed from that of amusement to that of pure delight. He laughed lightly- giving Mateo a look of pure belittlement.
    “Oh dear… you are one to think that Helve and I are the same? With that attitude, there is no chance you can beat you. From what I can recall from her memories… let’s hope your fighting skills are far better than what you were in bed.”
    That was enough to trigger Mateo’s rage as he glared and suddenly charged straight at Veanic.
    The two exchanged blows for a time, but Mateo could tell by the way Veanic wielded his sword that he was toying with Mateo. Veanic only used on hand with his great blade and he merely was on the defense- blocking Mateo’s blows one for one. Occasionally Veanic would use the strength of his legs to flip himself over Mateo and behind him, merely to simply test the reaction time of Mateo’s behavior. It almost seemed as if Veanic wasn’t really fighting Mateo… but testing his behavior, his persona.
    “Come on! Fight me!” Mateo gave a cry, still a bit angered from Veanic’s earlier comment. Veanic shrugged and then gave a nod. His expression went from amusement to it’s standard expressionless state as he prepared to give Mateo a lesson he wouldn’t forget. Mateo got into his own stance, but with in a blink of an eye Veanic seemed to be right before him. An onslaught of swift and precise blows came from the air, causing Mateo to stagger backwards and he struggled to block the strikes. With every swift movement of the blade Veanic clashed down upon Mateo and the blows were so strong that Mateo’s grip was beginning to slip.
    “I knew from the moment I saw your stance that you were no match for me…” Veanic said softly, and Mateo swiftly swung is blade in a horizontal slice towards Veanic’s side. Veanic however leapt into the air and landed behind Mateo with such speed that he sent the end handle of his large sword into the middle of Mateo’s back. Mateo gave a grunt as he was sent sprawling to the ground and swiftly Veanic appeared at his side, foot on top of Mateo’s chest. Mateo looked for his sword but the tip of Veanic’s blade had it pressed tightly to the ground and Mateo could no longer move beneath the crushing power of Veanic’s leg.
    “You see Mateo… you shouldn’t go into every fight blinded. You’re lucky you have inherited some strength, for you have no true skill.” With that, Veanic released Mateo and slide his sword back into his sheath. Before Mateo could make another move he swiftly touched Mateo once again upon the shoulder and they were back in the room where Mel was slumbering.

    Mateo was winded slightly as he seemed to move back towards the bed and use it as a resting place. Veanic gazed at the two and then withdrew a breath as he looked away for a moment, contemplating his next move.
    “I will be back in a few moments…” he said softly, and with that he disappeared.

    Swiftly walking through the city, Veanic’s eyes darted about as the sun was filling the sky with light. Of course… day… night… it didn’t matter to Veanic. He would do as he pleased regardless of what restrictions time pretended to play upon him. Walking about, finally Veanic saw a suitable candidate for what he was about to do. A couple was walking along the street- perhaps looking for a place for an early breakfast. The man was… ‘alright looking’ by Veanic’s standards, but by any human he probably was a bombshell. The woman seemed to adore him, which only caused Veanic to ideally place the man at the top of his list.
    Without warning, Veanic appeared in front of the two- obviously in a confrontational stance. The two stopped and stared at him, the male taking a step ahead of his girlfriend as if to protect her. (Veanic was intimidating… especially with a nice, big sword!)
    “What do you want?” The man harshly said, angered by the fact that Veanic was interfering with their day. Veanic swiftly seized the man by the wrist, threatening to break the bones within it as he pulled the man close to his face.
    “You.” That statement alone was enough to make the man panic as he fought to get out of the grip, but Veanic laughed as he held the man fast. Looking to the female he heard her scream and call for help, which only annoyed him.
    “Silence…” Veanic whispered, drawing his sword with his left hand and twisting about. He dragged the man with his movement as he cleanly sliced the girl’s head off with his other arm, causing blood to spew like a fountain and her body to collapse in a dead heap. The man screamed as well, tears welling up in his eyes as he began to beg for his life. With a sigh, Veanic shook his head. He wish he could kill the man as well… the scent and admiration for blood filling Veanic with temptation. However, he knew that she wanted her blood from the living.

    Veanic soon reappeared in the room where Mel and Mateo were, this time with a man in his grip. The male he held was blonde with olive green eyes and a nice firm build. He was tall but not lanky and had some stature to him, but Veanic would have commented that the man had no figurative ‘back bone’. Throwing the man against the farthest wall, the man went into unconsciousness and crumpled over.
    “That’ll be her feast when she awakens.” Veanic commented, looking at Mateo who was a little bit confused. I normally don’t give gifts… Veanic thought to himself, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall again.
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    We passed the night like old times, Malik and I bar hopping with Legion in tow. I wondered what he thought of it all, the drinking, arguments, and just generally strange behavior. All good things must come to an end, however, and morning always follows the night. I stashed myself away in a darkened room at Malik's place for the day.

    Night fell, and I awoke, drawing my first breath since dawn. I joined Malik and Legion.

    "There have been strange activities going on in the city, and I haven't had a chance to look into them. Unless you two gentlemen have a better idea or previous commitment, I say that we walk the streets and see what we can find... or what finds us."

    There, that should be enough to get some ideas going. Have fun, boys.


    The dusty old tomes were worn from centuries of use. From the looks of it, they probably needed to be transcribed again. It was the task of the Water Guardian this time around, since the spidery handwriting on the page appeared to be that of the Earth Guardian. I hadn't been the one to rewrite the books for several hundred years... but it would be my time again in another five hundred or so. Household chores for the Guardians weren't exactly commonplace, I supposed.

    "And in time, those who were Forgotten shall return to reclaim that which they feel is rightly theirs, though they were stripped of that Right by the Almighty Himself after their Creation. The Guardians of Earth shall turn to their Watcher, though she does not know herself, and it shall be the Task of the Watcher's Son to bring Them to Unification. Only through the Son can all be Saved; without, they are doomed to the supplication of the Forgotten." I read aloud, my voice echoing gently through the empty chamber. "Goddess save us..."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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  16. #56
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    I sat at the bar with an empty glass in front of me. The bartender was busy so was I; watching my two new, well, I hesitate to use the word 'friends', or even 'allies'...well, whatever I considered them to be, it was the first time I had sincerely put up with behaviour of this sort without either leaving or cutting people up with my sword. They were arguing, very loudly and very violently, enough to scare most of the patrons off and enough to make the bartender cautious enough to stay round back, but then it turned into friendly banter and laughing. I decided to ignore them. I yelled,
    He scurried round the front and I asked for the bottle of rum. He insisted that it could only be served in measurements. I scowled.
    "Okay, if I make those two shut up, will you give me the bottle?"
    He pondered this and asked me if I'd shut them up anyway. I turned to them.
    "Are you always this loud?" I growled. Sorcha turned around.
    "Are you always this moody?"
    I assumed this was a rhetorical question but I decided to answer it anyway.
    "I'm a fucking demon. I've spent millennia in the firey pit; excuse me for being slightly tetchy."
    Malik and Sorcha turned to each other then burst out laughing. I could feel my heart-beat in my eyelid.
    "I'm going to go spash the boots."
    I walked into the bathroom, went into one of the stalls and threw a fireball of rage down one of the toilets. It exploded with a flood of water. Drying myself with my fire power, I walked out and went to the bartender,
    "The John won't flush."
    He looked down and saw a flood of water. Yelling, he grabbed a mop and ran inside, giving me a chance to swipe the bottle. Normally I'd just kill the guy, but I suspect my allies would not be too happy about that. I downed it in one, then belched a firey jet, then slammed the bottle down, smashing it into pieces. I took the pieces in my hands and melted them into a ball of flexible glass, then made it into a small dagger. I slammed the blade into the table and looked at Sorcha and Malik. They took this as a signal to move onto the next bar.

    A few bars later, Sorcha pulled Malik to one side and said we needed to get inside before sunrise. I had nearly forgotten about Sorcha's weakness in the light and followed them back to Malik's place. As Sorcha found a darkened room, Malik got out a couple of beers and handed me one. We pulled up a table and he produced a pack of cards.
    "You gamble?" he asked. I smiled.
    "You ought to know Hell - some of the best gamblers in the world go there."
    We started playing a few rounds of Poker. I hadn't played the game in years, due to being on active duty to Satan mostly and therefore not being able to catch up on my social life. He won the first few rounds but after I figured it out it was easy, especially since my powers allowed me to tell whether he was bluffing or not. He finally figured me out and stood up.
    "You're using your damned mind-reading ability to cheat aren't you!" he yelled, slamming his hand on the table. I saw he had four aces and a king. Wait a second...I had an Ace and two pairs! The damned cheat!
    "This pack is rigged! You trying to cheat me?!"
    He raised his fists and I raised a flaming fist. We stared each other down for a few seconds, then sat back down and started laughing. We stopped playing and started talking, mainly about how our paths have led us both here.

    I lifted up my bottle and downed it, then said to him,
    "You know, had you not betrayed Satan, you'd be my enemy right now; likewise you would've been my boss back when I was Satan's slave."
    He smiled.
    "Lucky for you I did betray Dad then, since I'm one guy you don't want as an enemy...or a boss."

    Eventually Sorcha awoke and we were waiting for her. She suggested we made for the streets.
    "Good idea - hopefully we'll run into more zombies, I'm spoiling for a fight."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  17. #57
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    The three of them wandered aimlessly through the streets. So far, no luck. No zombies are evil vampires popping up to take a crack at them. It was a bit of a shame. Malik wanted to test out the rest of the skills he learnt during his stay in Hell. But something else was bothering him.

    Malik ducked and delt a horizontal blow o the zombie, cleaving it in two. He spun around, dispatching two of them at once before dealing a hard to kick to the head of another, successfully decapitating it. A zombie ad managed to get behind him and was about to attack. That's when Malik heard it.



    Malik rammed his swords through its head, silencing it forever.

    Who is Proticia?

    "Hey, Malik."

    Malik was shaken from his thoughts by Legion.


    "I forgot to tell you this earlier. But it seems Mephistopheles is in town."


    That explains the dark presence he felt. No wonder it was so familier!

    "Mephistopheles?" Sorcha asked, the nme ringing familier to her.

    "A demonic equivilent to a loan shark. He gives people what they want, but in exchange he charges them a high price."

    "You mean their...?"

    Malik nodded before turning back to Legion.

    "You know why he's here?"

    "I dunno," he shrugged, "but I feel sorry for the poor sucker Mephisto's go his eyes on."
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  18. #58
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    Soundtrack; feel free to PM me with themes for characters that you'd like to add. I couldn't remember what people had picked, sorry...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    I raised an eyebrow seeing Veanic return with an evening meal for Mel. I regarded the unconscious mortal briefly before turning my attention back to the tainted form of Helve. "You didn't strike me as the type to give gifts."

    He merely shrugged and remained silent.

    I returned the motion and lay back on my bed exhausted. Beside me Mel was in complete hibernation, shut off from the world until dusk called her from her slumber. I figured I might as well get some sleep. Veanic could do what he wanted, assuming he didn't wreck the place of course. I'd have to be up in a few hours anyway to sort everything out for the opening evening.

    "Look I'm gonna crash for a bit. Do whatever you like in the meanwhile," I shrugged again. "Hell whatever, I ent your boss. See ya later Veanic." Rolling over to my side, I quickly found myself overcome by sleep.

    When I awoke later that afternoon everything was more or less as I had left it. Mel was still asleep and her 'meal' was still unconscious in the corner. Veanic had disappeared, though I doubted that he would have gone very far. Not that I cared of course, I had to get things prepared for tonight.

    I got changed and headed downstairs to begin setting up the bar. Staff gradually began wander in. The barmen and the bouncers first so they could get their briefings, the techies, the cleaners, and eventually the girls themselves who were in need of their costumes. Veanic made a sudden appearance shortly before opening.

    “She’ll be awake soon,” his tone was as calm and collected as usual.

    I nodded, listening to the bustle of customers waiting outside. “I have to keep an eye on things. She’ll be able to find me if she needs me.”

    Veanic nodded and I left him, heading upstairs whilst signalling for everything to begin and the awaiting guests to be let in. I didn’t go to the room, just to the balcony by the office so I could keep an eye on things, make sure nothing unexpected happened. As the tables below began to fill with drooling men, their pockets bursting with cash. I leant on the barrier, watching the dances being carried out on stage. Somehow I didn’t find it as appealing as I would have done a few days ago. Though I have to admit, it was still rather exciting.

    I felt a finger creep across the back of my neck. “So this where you’re hiding.”

    I smirked, not turning to the woman beside me. “Feast well?”

    “He wasn’t bad. You’re doing?”

    “Veanic’s actually. Apparently he was in a giving mood.”

    She leant over the barrier, possibly looking for him. “I’ll have to thank him later.”

    I mumbled disapprovingly under my breath. It caught her attention enough to cause her to look at me, revealing a spot of blood still stuck on the corner of her mouth. I scraped it off with my thumb before sucking the crimson liquid off my skin. “Sloppy eater,” I said jokingly. I turned back to the organised chaos below. “I can just picture my mom showing up here. That’d be just perfect of my luck.”

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  20. #60
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    I slowly felt my spirit, if you'd call it that, sink back into my body and I took my first breath. The smell of fear met me, and I smiled, opening my eyes slowly. A human male was cowered in the corner, trying to be smaller and more insignificant than he all ready was. I rose from the bed in a fluid movement, the sheet falling from my still naked body into a heap on the floor. I smilied gently at the man.

    "What's wrong, dear? You look absolutely terrified..." I whispered, sounding sympathetic, laughing inside at the hope that ignited in his eyes. I knelt next to him, inhaling deeply to take in the scent of his body responding to mine. Naughty, naughty...

    "They... they said... you were going to kill me..." he whispered. I smilied gently again.

    "Do I look like I'm going to kill you?" I asked, stroking a hand along the side of his face. He only looked at me with dialated eyes, drowning in emotions. I leaned in towards his ear. "Do you want me?" I whispered.

    The man seemed incapable of speech, and I moved in for a deep kiss, relishing the feeling of his trembling body under my hands. I moved back lightly, kissing him along his jawline, making my way down to his throat...

    And I struck. I didn't so much break the skin as tear the flesh apart, drenching the man and myself in the warm bath of his blood as I drank in the wealth of fluid that spurted forth. He tried to scream, tried to get away, but only a harsh rasp escaped his mouth as I tore in deeper, destroying the vocal chords and whatever else was in the way. He was still alive, very much so, but his body was practically dead... only the mind was still there. And the pain.

    Satiated, I let the dying body drop to the floor uncerimoniously. I was a goddess of death, sex, and blood... and my reign would come soon. I used the unsoaked part of the man's shirt to wipe the excess of blood from my body before dressing.

    "Enjoy yourself?" Veanic's voice asked. I turned to see him standing in a dark corner near the doorway; I hadn't even bothered to see if there was anyone in the room.

    "Very much, thank you..." I replied with a smile. He nodded before disappearing into whatever dimension he used to travel. I proceeded to dress, musing at what his plan could be...

    I found Mateo overlooking the proceedings of his club from the balcony near the bedroom/office. It would be very interesting if Sorcha came here... but if she does, I would have to make myself scarce for the duration. No need for her to interfere with my plans...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    A look of deep thought crossed Mel’s face before she spoke again. “She won’t come here, she hates you remember.”

    I frowned, leaning my chin against my arm as it rested lightly on the balcony. “Yeah I remember,” I grumbled coldly.

    I felt her fingers brush against the back of my ear. “That’s her problem. Someday she’s going to regret the mistake she made.”

    My gaze wandered across to Mel, her slender frame leant so casually against the railing. In the dim light of the balcony, her perfect body seemed to almost radiate…something. I couldn’t decide what it was but I wanted it. I wanted her. It was so dark up here, nobody would see it. Who cares if they did?

    In a flash, I grasped her waist firmly between by hands, pushing her body back against the metal supports that kept us from plummeting. I pushed my lips against her own, forcing my tongue inside so that it could wrestle with hers. I felt her body heave against mine as I carefully slid the clothes down her body, parting her legs with my own.

    “Are you alright?”

    I stopped, blinking at Mel before me. That was her voice but…I’d heard it. I’d heard it in my ears, not in my head, she must have said it. But how? I’d had my tongue…

    “Hey, what the hell’s going on with you?”

    The scene shot back at me like a rocket. I found myself leant over the railing, my head on my arm and Mel stood beside me, leaning against the balcony. I blinked at her then shook my head violently. “It’s nothing. I was just thinking.” Jeez was that some kind of dream or what? I swear that felt so real. I paused for a moment. I never have dreams like that. What the hell is going on here!?

    Mel just smirked. “Well if you’re sure.”

    “Yeah. Yeah I’m sure. Don’t worry about it.”

    “Maybe you should ask Veanic to train you.”

    “What!?” I snapped angrily. “No. I’m not gonna ask him for help. I don’t need it.”

    She just shrugged. “He beat you easily enough.”

    “How do you know that?”

    “I just know.”

    I shook my head lightly. “I don’t ask for help.”

    She slid over to me, running her fingers along the back of my neck as she slipped from one side of me to the other. “Can you imagine what it would be like if Veanic trained you? Think of how strong you’d become. You’d really set yourself apart from your mother…”

    I thought it over briefly. “I can’t ask him.”

    “I understand. I’ll do it.”

    I smirked slightly. “I guess I’ll have to owe you now.”

    “I guess you will.”

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    Mephisto snarled from his hiding place as he watched the two 'lovebirds'.

    What the hell does that vampire want? I doubt she has any real feelings for him. She probably just wants him to get at his mother.

    I swear, if she causes me to loose this wager, I'm going to make her suffer for all eternity!

    And doesn't Mateo even remember how she held his mother hostage? He must really hate her if he's willing to forgive her for THAT.

    Mephisto continued to listen in and a wolfish grin spred on his face.

    So, Mateo wants someone to train him huh? Let's see if I can be of asistance.

    "Why bother Veanic when I can easily train you sir," Mephisto spoke out loud as he stepped out of the shadows. Mateo and the vampire looked in his direction, Mateo with a hint of surprise and hte vampire was glaring daggers at him.

    "Oh, hey Mel," Mateo said, "I was wondering where you'd gotten off to."

    Mephisto smirked. No he wasn't.

    "What was that you said about training me?"

    The archdemon's smile widened.

    "Well," Mephisto explained casually, "as an archdemon thousands of years old, I happen to be very powerful. I think I could teach you a thing or two. Plus I'm an expert in the dark arts. if that'll interest you."

    Mephisto knew of Mateo's interest inthe dark arts. Hopefully that'll seal the deal.

    "So, what do you say?"
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    *poke* TYPOS!!! =-o


    Mephistopholes... Ah, glad to know that you don't remember me... I mused. The last time Mephisto had seen me, I had been mortal. That was a couple thousand years ago, though, so I could forgive the memory lapse. Old age and all...

    If the demon was willing to train Mateo in whatever, hell, that made things easier for me. I just needed the boy out of the way... besides, with Veanic in the picture, I had bigger fish to fry. I was willing to forgive the interruption if Mephisto was going to make my life easier.

    "I think it's a wonderful idea," I butted in. "Now that I think of it... Veanic's so... tempremental. I'm sure that Mephistopheles has some... unique skills that he could bring to the table." I smiled slightly at the archdemon, a twinkle in my eye, and winked. A little flattery can go a long way, and I wanted to make sure he knew that, whatever he was up to, I wasn't here to get in his way. I might end up getting in his way, but it wasn't intentional. The fewer people who hated me, the better...

    'Tempremental, am I?' Veanic's amused voice rang through my mind.

    'I'm sure that you have better things to do with your time...' I let the thought hang, suggestively, but he didn't respond.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    "I think I'm more than capable of judging what an archdemon is capable of thankyou," I replied coldly. I looked Meph straight in the eye. He could be of use to me and I wanted to capitalise on it. "Let's talk in my office." God that sounds so professional. "I'll wanna talk to Veanic afterward, will you find him for me?"

    She just shrugged. Helpful. Really.

    I lead Meph into my office and shut the door. "Let's make this quick, I've got things to do." I walked over to the cabinet, pouring myself a glass of whiskey and offering Meph some. He nodded and I handed him the intoxicating liquid. "I'll be blunt. I don't want you to train me. As much as I respect whatever talents you must possess I would prefer to have Veanic teach me the ways of battle. He has so much raw power but have a possession of the dark arts that's unrivalled."

    "I'm not sure what you're asking me."

    "I want you to teach me to use dark magic as you do. I want to have an edge over Veanic in our training, something I can turn to if I can't overpower him or if I find he's trying to hold me back."

    "You know I'm more than happy to offer my services. But don't you think this is a bit risky on your behalf? Your friend made Veanic's temperment quite clear -"

    "I don't remember asking her opinion on his temperment. Look, I know what I'm doing okay? Besides, I wouldn't have ever made it this far if I didn't know how to play people, now would I?"

    Meph nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Then I hope it works out for you."

    I raised my glass. "As do I."

    We finished our drinks and returned outside where Mel was waiting.

    "Where's Veanic?"

    "He's coming. What is your plan?"

    I shrugged. "Figured I'd ask Veanic for a little training. Meph here's been kind enough to offer his expertise in the dark magic and having seen Veanic in action I'd love to make use of his talents." I smirked, glancing her over. "Pretty sure I can find some use for you too."

    Veanic made his usual unpredictable appearance moments later.

    "Ah Veanic, just the demon I wanted to see." I walked over, give him a hard part on the back. "I wonder if you wouldn't consider doing me a small favour..."

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    He's pretty sure he can find some use for me, eh? Insufferable brat... well, there's one 'use' that he can go without for a day. Once that craving hits... maybe he'll learn some manners... Mateo was getting above his station, and by the looks in the eyes of Mephisto and Veanic, I wasn't the only one of that oppinion. Who was this child to order around more powerful beings that had lived for millenia? I was supposed to keep Mateo under my thumb; there was nothing that said he had to be happy about it.

    'The child's ego is getting a little out of control, don't you think, gentlemen?' I telepathically asked Mephisto and Veanic. I didn't know what their agendas were, nor did they know mine, but I didn't think that they would stand for being belittled by a mere nineteen-year-old either.

    I turned and briskly walked towards the stairs. Mateo glanced over his shoulder at me. "Where are you going?" he asked, slightly confused.

    I snorted. "I'm just going to put myself away in my little box until you, ah, find some use for me," I mocked before storming off. I left the building, the night streets stretching out before me, limitless...


    I shook my head. We had been walking for over an hour, and there was no sign of anything unusual. The city seemed absolutely zombie-less... I shifted my wings restlessly, anxious for something, anything...

    "Oh, God damnit!" I burst out, frustrated. "There's nothing out here, but it's like... I don't know, something's waiting to happen!" Legion and Malik only looked at eachother.

    Then something caught my eye... in the shadows, a little further down the street, someone was moving... not really sneaking, but almost floating, they moved with such grace. The shadows shifted, and I saw that the person was probably female... and definately armed. I nudged the men with me and motioned slightly towards the approching figure, who, after a few moments, must have seen us and stopped. We stood, motionless, looking into the shadows, trying to see if this mysterious figure would attack or not...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    Steam: Jessyrah

  26. #66
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    "I'm just going to put myself away in my little box until you, ah, find some use for me," she replied with a snort before disappearing outside.

    As the three of us stood in silence watching the empty space where she had been I, fought desperately with my mind. If you let her go, she won't come back tonight. She might not be back for days. What will you do with all that free time?

    There are other girls...

    You haven't thought about another girl since she came back.

    I've been distracted.

    Exactly! Isn't this what you've been waiting for? A challenge? Someone who isn't going to cream themselves before you even get started. Finally, someone you don't have to hold back on. You actaully have to work to satisfy her.

    Shut up!

    How long do you think you'll last without her? A couple of hours? A day? Two days? If you don't go after her, you might never see her again.

    She wouldn't be the first.

    If you really think you can survive this, then why can't you stop thinking about her? Face it buddy, you want her, and the logner you can't have her, the worse it's going to get.

    I knew it was true. All the time, all I could think about was getting Mel into bed and what I would do once I'd succeeded. It was insane. I'd never thought about naything this way before but I couldn't shake my need to be with her sexually. Just being around her seemed to calm it but it was never satisfied and I risked being faced with this never ending desire for the rest of eternity.

    "Excuse me gentleman, I have to take care of something."

    I ran out, hoping to still catch the scent of Mel. Whatever demon was in me, I hoped it could sniff her out. Running swiftly, I sought to seek out the path she had taken. I was so relieved to catch her.

    "Mel wait!" I called, catching her and grabbing her wrist.

    She pulled it away. "Don't touch me."

    "This is stupid. Come back to the club, we'll have a romp in the bed and everything will be fine."

    "That's all you think about isn't it?" she retored coldly. "Well I'm not playing that game anymore. If you want something you can get it from someone else. I'm not some toy for you to use whenever you feel like it."

    My rage struck me. I grabbed her arms and forced her against the wall, pinning her. "Dammit woman, you'll give me what I bloody well tell you or I swear by that bearded prick upstairs I'll fucking take it!" Dammit what's happening? This isn't me. This is...something else.

    I released my grip on her, backing away a few paces. My emotions left me. All I could feel was an overpowering sense of regret and nothingness. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. I dropped to my knees, bowing my head as I cursed my own patheticness. "I can't be without you. If you're not here, I feel like I'm going to burst. I...I can't stop how it feels. Everything gets so mixed up in my head it's like someone else in there, feeding a desire I can't escape." I couldn't stand how weak I was but I couldn't escape it. I was stuck in a pit so deep, falling so far I didn't know how soon I would reach the bottom. "I want you. I want you so badly it makes me sick to my stomach. It's all I can think about, not always the most important but its there, nagging me in the back of my mind and the longer it goes the louder it gets until it blocks out everything around me. I can't go on knowing that I might never please you the way I should be. Please, you can't leave me. Not like this. I'm sorry for what I said. I want to make it up to you, please. Tell me how to make this better. I'll do anything you ask of me, anything. Only tell me that you'll stay."

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    All was quiet. The three watched the figure in the shadows and the figure was certainly watching them as well.

    Malik couldn't shake the feeling there was something familier about this figure. He could sence something form her that almost reminded him of himself.

    Seeing as this standoff between them wasn't going to do anything, he decided to end it. He took a step towards the figure.

    That seemed to be enough provocation for her for a sword instantly appeared in her hand, getting ready to defend herself.

    Malik stopped. He didn't want to cause a fight if it could be avoided.

    "We're not going to hurt you," Malik spoke out, "Just put the sword away."

    The figure was still for a moment before she spoke out.

    "Why should I believe you?" she asked. Her voice was pretty youthful, the voice of a child. Yet Malik could sense something beneath it.

    "Who are you?" he asked, ignoring her question.

    "I can ask you the same question."

    "Come out of the shadows so I can see you."

    She was still for a moment, but she obliged. Slowly she stepped out of the shadows, still gripping her sword incase she needed it.

    Malik was right. She was a child, a young girl with brown hair and eyes. She was glaring at Malik, lamost ignoring the other two.

    "Who are you?" she asked.

    Malik was quiet for a second, but decided to answer. He may as well if trust was to be established.


    A look over surprise appeared on her face.


    His eyes narrowed.

    "You've heard of me?"

    He had never met this girl before. While he admitted, he wasn't a complete unknown, he was still curious as to how she heard of him.

    Then it hit him.

    "Your name," Malik asked, "It is Proticia by any chance is it?"

    Sorry if you had any ideas Dru, but I figured we could at least get Proticia back into the story.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    OOC: Well I feel semi-inspired so I'll get a small post in here.


    Her fingertips brushed my chin, forcing me up on to my feet. Grovelling was beneath, we both knew that. That didn't mean she hadn't enjoyed it though. I felt sick, my stomach felt knotted and tight. I hated myself. Here I was, the son of two of the most famous immortals in existence, knealing before a woman who meant little more to me than sex. I was almost ashamed.

    "Come on, let's go back to your place."

    I frowned, watching her walk ahead of me. That was it? She threatens to leave me and all I do is get on my knees and everything's back to normal? Can it really be so easy?

    "Are you coming or not?"

    I didn't want to risk pissing her off so I followed quickly. We took the back entrance to make sure none of the guys I'd left waiting knew we had returned. Didn't want them interfering with our little mating ritual now did we?

    We were on the bed before I knew what was happening. With a sharp pull she ripped my shirt in two and quickly started on my pants. I slid back, feeling the wall against my back. I moved my hands to undress her but she grabbed my wrists, forcing them against the wall by my waist. I tried to kiss her but she put her fingers to my lips, holding me back.

    "What's going on here?" I demanded. I didn't know what the hell was going on. This sure as hell didn't seem like any sex we'd had before.

    "You promised you'd do anything I wanted," she answered quietly.

    To hell with that! Sex was my game and I was not about to let her keep me on the bench. I was the star player not a fucking spectator! She was not going to deny me my right. I tried to pull forward, if she wasn't going to let me do my part then I'd force it upon her. But I couldn't move. Something was holding me back, keeping me pinned firmly against the wall. Mel slid back, smirking as she did so.

    "What the hell is going on here!?"

    "Nothing really, just a little payback on my behalf. You're getting too pigheaded for your own good Mateo so I've decided to take you down a peg or two."

    "What the fuck is this!? Why can't I move!?"

    "It's a simple binding spell, used on mortals and weaker immortals. The more you struggle against it, the weaker it makes you, and the harder it is to get out. A pure blood of any immortal race can break it but as you aren' might prove a problem for you."

    "Dammit Mel let me out of this thing! It could kill me."

    She smirked, brushing her hand against my cheek. It was the worst time to get turned on. "I won't let it kill you, but I won't let you out of it. You need to learn Mateo, you can't control immortals with greater power than yourself without having to live up to the consequences." Her tone seemed to shift then, it was almost frightening. "I don't answer to anyone, especially not some little sex-crazed punk who keeps his brain in his pants. You made a big mistake when you thought you could keep me waiting in a corner and I'm going to make you suffer for it." She grinned, a dark, cunning thing that made me uneasy. "In more than one way."

    "Let. Me. Out."

    "The more you struggle the faster you'll weaken," she said it in almost sing-song voice, as if she got some kind of twisted pleasure from my situation. "I'd love to stay and see which torture makes you snap first but I have my own plans to take care of." She paused suddenly halfway out the door. "If by some unforseen miracle you actually manage to get out of that, I'll be waiting out here. In the meantime, I would suggest you don't struggle too much, I don't plan on coming back in here for a while and it would just be so unfortunate if you weren't live when I got back." Another twisted smile crossed her lips. "Have fun Mateo."

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    Mephisto and Veanic watched as Melanthe stormed out of the place, followed shortly by Mateo. The two were silent before Mephisto spoke out.

    "Man, she must him so pussy-whipped."

    Veanic chuckled a this comment.

    "It seems so," Veanic then turned to the blonde arch demon, "So, have you made the deal with him yet?"

    Mephisto raised an eyebrow, and then chuckled.

    "You mean have I gotten his soul yet?"

    Veanic nodded.

    "Not yet. But by the time I'm through, he'll sell it to me..."

    Mephisto stretched out his arms, gesturing to everything around them.

    "...if he wants to keep all this, plus more."

    He turned to Veanic.

    "Speaking of which, I need you help with something."

    Veanic raised an eyebrow.

    "With what?"

    "Well, the boy wants both of us to train him right?"

    "Yes. What's your point?"

    Mephisto took a step towards him.

    "Well, with my vast power, I can give the brat anything his heart desires," his lips curled into a smirk, "including power."

    Veanic was confused.

    "You're going to make the boy stronger?"

    Mephisto nodded, "without his knowledge of course."


    Mephisto laughed.

    "To make him think he's stronger of course. It's a bit of insurance. If he refuses to give me his soul, I'll just take everything away, including his strength. I'll fill him with such luxery he'll be begging me to give it all back."

    Veanic smirked.

    "I see. Pretty sneaky Mephisto."

    "Why, thank you," Mephisto's voice toned down to a whisper, "But don't tell Mateo."

    The two demons broke out in laughter.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    "Haha, yes, very cleaver boys..." I sneered as I left the room where Mateo would be "hanging around" for awhile. "I almost feel sorry for him, so many of his trusted allies are really only around to use him... Almost, not quite. Oh, and just so you know Mephisto, I'm not here to ruin your little game. I just need the boy out of the way while the rest of my plans take hold... I don't put much faith in prophesies, but they do turn out to be a bit of a drag when ignored...."

    Mephisto and Veanic regarded me carefully, no sign of laughter now. I smiled. "Of course, you really don't know what I'm up to right now, do you? No, fear not, you'll see in good time... all in good time..." I laughed, opening a rift in the dimensional fabric, and stepped through, disappearing from sight.

    Sorry it's short, but there are some bad thunderstorms in the area... I just wanted to be sure that I posted something.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    Sorry for the lack of postyness....


    Proticia's eyes widened as she gave a nod. "You.... you are the other name that the Zombies want. I have been attacked by them countless times tonight..." She whispered, looking now past him and at the other two figures with them. Her eyes showed no sign of recognition as she then returned her gaze to Malik.
    "Do you know why the zombies would be after you?" She instantly questioned. It perhaps would have been funny in any other situation... a little 7 year old-looking girl demanding questions from one obviously older than herself. She had resheathed her sword although it was quite aparent by the way she had wielded it that she could swiftly reclaim it within a split second. Her brown eyes were narrowed with confusion and yet lusting for answers.

    [ sorry for shortness... oh and a note, Veanic would 'chuckle' very softly. XD He's not a laughter guy...]


    Veanic had chuckled at Meph's comment for a moment, finding it rather crude but yet amusing at the same time. However, Veanic had little or no interest in Mateo... well, at least he wasn't yet. He knew that Mateo perhaps thought that Meph's arts would come in handy with combat... but Veanic was quite confident that the boy misunderstood Veanic's power. Of course... the others had done it as well... but most were used to calling Veanic a demon, despite the fact that by definition he was not... although he seemed to be like one. Watching Mel go was a bit bothersome to Veanic however and he let out an irritable sigh.
    "Miss her?' Meph said with amusement, which caused Veanic to send a rather empty yet powerful gaze in his direction.
    "I am not here to help Mateo." He said plainly, which caused Meph to tilt his head to the side for a second.
    "Well then... why are you here?"
    "The Seven Satans told me to stick with Mel."
    "B to be exact."
    Veanic shrugged, "I have little idea. However... currently I have nothing else to do. Melanthe is a very nice sight to behold... and I get to kill upon the side... so it isn't anything I'd outright turn down. Perhaps if the night holds well she and I could kill some more... " HIs eyes seemed to flare with a bloodthirst that perhaps even caused Meph to raise a brow. Veanic was quite mysterious to even those who thought they knew him.
    "You have... quite the addiction for the blood, eh?" He said, and Veanic shrugged. The last spoken words were a bit much for him... so it was natural his responses would shorten.
    "Almost as much as my... brother..." Veanic smirked, for mentioning 'brother' was a loose term to lose.
    "Brother? I was not aware... who is that?" Meph, always the curious one asked, "If you don't mind me asking... I should be attending to Mateo soon."
    " Oh... I am sure you've heard of him. His name was Nveiac..."
    With that, Mephs' eyes widened. Nveiac... the one of ancient years long ago who had become so much of a threat to end the world that he destroyed thousands of both angels, demons and immortals alike. So much... that God himself had to step in and lock away the source of Nveiac... Of course, the story was far more bloody, lusty, complicated and vile... but the summed up version did the trick.
    With that Meph seemed to bow out and he disappeared.

    Veanic brought a hand to his head and rubbed it softly as he stood in the darkness. He withdrew a bored sigh as he simply leaned against a wall and waited. He wasn't sure for what he waited for... but he was positive some thing of interest would come along.

    [OMG... Veanic actually displayed that he had sexual awareness! OMG... XD ]
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    I appologize for my lack of postiness... Once again, I've gone and overcommited myself in every aspect of my life... I really need to clean and start thinking about packing... I need to go to sleep, it's almost 2:30 AM... ~_~;;

    So, I will post eventually, many appologies again... and I promise some plot twists very soon. I just have to decide how much I want to reveal at this point. >:]

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    This girl... she was much more than she seemed. There was something familiar about her that tugged at the edges of my awareness, but it was only strong enough to be an annoyance, not anything constructive. It was as though I should be able to place her somewhere else because I knew someone who had some kind of connection... but no details! I closed my eyes, irritated, and a vision swept over me.

    Flashes of scenery passed through my mind like two second clips taken from a thousand movies and strung together, randomly. I caught snatches here and there: Mateo, Malik and this girl... this Proticia, creatures lurking in the dark... the Forgotten, demons come to Earth, the Wheel, Death... come to claim someone...

    Come to claim me... Why? Why does Death want me?

    More flashes... Mateo, sentanced, doomed, soul claimed by many... only blood and spirit can satisfy those who have come to collect their due... Great evil surrounding him... Doomed by my blood, doomed by his father's blood, doomed by the two men who died loving me...

    Two... yes, Garth was not the first... but Mateo doesn't know this... He doesn't know of the first Mateo who died so long ago... The one I saw in his eyes...

    Mateo doomed by the blood on my hands. It was my fault... I couldn't stop them... couldn't save him... Mateo's blood on my hands... but which one?

    Which Mateo's blood is on my hands? How can I wash my hands of my burden?

    Death... and Hell...

    But my Mateo still lives!

    Time... time to discover the faces behind the masks that have been haunting for so long... those who were Forgotten and seek revenge...

    Those who all ready own my soul... they want my life and my love for my son, as well... I am well and damned. But I must fight... must fight, for my Mateo...

    The little baby in my arms, newborn, tears falling down my cheeks, and those eyes... those trusting eyes...

    How did I lose you? When did I fuck up my life and yours? Where have you gone, Mateo?

    I opened my eyes, and found that I was laying on the cold, filthy cement sidewalk, looking into Malik's nearly paniced face.

    "Sorcha, there's no blood... no one's dying. What's wrong?"

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
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    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    Why does this girl seems so familier?

    Malik stared at Proticia. She seemed to give off a familier aura, one that Malik felt he knew his entire life. But he couldn't find a face to match with it.

    He was about to say something when Sorcha let out a violent shriek. All eyes shot to her as she fell to the ground, convulting.

    "Sorcha!" Malik gasped as h knelt down beside her, trying to restrain her. Sorcha thrashed about, screaming things that Malik couldn't make out.

    All he cought were the words Blood, Mateo and Dying.

    Did she think someone was dying? What did it have to do with Mateo?

    After a few minutes, Sorcha began to calm. Malik began to panic as she laid there motionless.

    "Sorcha. Sorcha!" Malik cried, shaking her.

    Sorcha slowly opened her eyes. Malik began to calm.

    "Sorcha, there's no one's dying. What's wrong?"

    Sorcah slowly climbed to her feet, with Malik's assistance.

    "Its..." Sorcha stopped, as if considering whether she should tell him or not, "nothing. I'm just not feeling very well."

    Malik knew this wasn't the case, but decided not to argue. People don't just collapse and go into a fit when they 'don't feel very well'.

    Now Malik had two mysteries on his hands. Proticia and Sorcha.
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    Proticia stared as defiantly as she could at the group, however her vision faltered when she looked towards the elegant woman who let out a shriek and seemed to collapse. She cried out... and within the cry, Proticia's mind seemed to ring with familiarity. Mateo... she had said the name "Mateo".

    Narrowing her eyes, Proticia began to think to herself as Malik seemed to help calm her down. Mateo... the name had been familiar. Suddenly she snapped her fingers, clasping her sword with her other hand she swiftly raised it and placed it back within the sheath. Looking at Malik and the woman who had collapsed, Proticia withdrew a loud breath.
    "Mateo? I have heard of that name before."
    The one who was Sorcha- a name that Proticia did not know yet- seemed to swiftly and eagerly glance straight at Proticia.
    Proticia crossed her arms as she shook her head lightly- a motion made to shake the strands of hair from her face.
    "The zombies had attacked me earlier and in need of a place to recover, I ducked into the nearest form of shelter- a human-ish club. As I was sleeping and dazing in and out, I heard of a few of the humans inside speaking of one known as Mateo- I believed he was proclaimed to be the owner of that said club."
    Sorcha's eyes seemed to flash a bit, as Malik tilted his head to the side.
    "You said... human-ish... and you use the term human as if you are not one. Who exactly are you?"
    Proticia swiftly seemed to go on the defensive, taking a step back as if she were preparing to pounce. Shaking her head, she looked to Sorcha and to the others.
    "I don't think right now that is important. What is important is ... well, I sense that this 'Mateo' means some thing to her..." Proticia pointed at Sorcha. "... I will gladly show you to the club, however I would like to know everyone's name. Also, I would like to warn you that I have a keen sense of evil... and this club where this 'Mateo' is... I sense three distinct evils. An evil of lust. An evil of greed. ... and an evil of wrath. When approaching, we should be wary."

    Proticia then looked to everyone for an answer.

    ( Proticia's ability to not only sense evil, but catagorize it are based off of the seven deadly sins. Her system of evil detection places them in one of those seven catagories. I am pretty sure you can guess who is who. lol BTW: She does not catagorize Mateo is an evil however. )
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    "No... no, he must live his own life... I am nothing to him now... There- there is another way..." I looked into Proticia's eyes, and saw some form of understanding there, underneath the troubled exterior.

    "Another way?" Malik asked. I only shook my head.

    "It is not the time for that now. All in time..." I looked to Proticia. "Stay with us, old one, there is strength in numbers."

    A slight look of surprise and amusement showed on her face; Malik and Legion only looked confused. Again, I shook my head. "I have seen... I have seen the answer to all of this, and there is nothing that can change what must happen. I must embrace my destiny."

    Malik folded his arms over his chest and scowled. "You haven't been this mysterious for a couple centuries, and it gives me a bad feeling."

    I laughed half-heartedly. "You're not the only one, old friend..." I touched the pendant at my throat. "Zarahlinda, if you could join us as soon as is possible for you..."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    man haven't posted here in bad...


    I fell forward, feeling the matress bounce against my stomach. I just laid there for a moment, groaning into the covers. I'd been stuck against that damn wall so long I'd forgotten what something soft felt like. Mel...I'd have to get my revenge on her when she got dare she treat me like this! Me of all people! I'd show her...

    "You should try using the brain in your head next time. It might save you."

    I looked up, blinking at Meph stood beside me. "You got me out of that thing?"

    "We have training. You're no use to me pinned to a wall."


    "I know."

    I frowned and pulled myself upright. "Teach me. Teach me something I can use for my revenge. Something I can use against her..."

    "Given the situation I doubt that would be the wisest of choices."

    "I didn't ask for your opinion," I spat. "You're here to teach me so teach me already."

    He was silent. His expression stern and emotionless. "Very well. But not here." He disappeared through the wall and I followed him using one of the few spells I had learnt from my book, the transport of shadows. I met him in the alleyway; dark, consealed...perfect. "To do what you wish, you must master spells you have not yet heard of."

    "Guess we should start with the training then. I don't know when she'll be back but I want to be ready for her. I've always gotten what I want and there's no way I'm letting her get away with telling me 'no'."

    A small smirk of amusement crossed his face. "Very well. Are you ready to begin?"


    "A spell is much more than its incantation. You must focus on what it is that you want and be prepared to give what power is needed."

    "Yeah yeah I know all that," I interrupted angrily. "I am the son of Sorcha and Marduk, you think I'd know this."

    "It seems you have learnt very little. Let us begin with this. It is a spell that will weaken your enemy, you will need to use it to form a binding spell capable of holding Mel the way you wish. But you must not overuse it, if you try to greatly weaken someone who is far stronger than you then you will be weakened too."

    "Then what good is that spell to me?"

    "You only need to weaken her enough so that she cannot use spells that you cannot block or deflect. Plus there is also the surprise element. It is not well known and so few know when it is in affect. They feel the effects but are not aware of the spell that has been cast on them."

    "I plan on making her feel a lot of things," I stated coyly.

    "Are you ready?"

    "Yeah sure, what's the damn incantation already?"

    "Alica vox infirmatio."

    "That it?"


    "Can I use it on you?"

    "You don't have much choice. Try not to overdo it, I have much to teach you."

    "Hmph." I closed my eyes, focusing on the image of Meph in my mind. I hadn't thought so deeply about using magic in a long time. Not since...that was a long time ago. I can hardly remember it. Back when mom and I used to get along...if you can believe that. She used to teach me how to fight and how to fly. Dad never taught me much of anything. It was all mom. I guess...I never would have got this far without her. Well of course not! I was here because of her! Because of how she has to push everyone away from her! No...not everyone...she and dad always got on so well...but then...I haven't thought about it in so long...that night...when they fought so bad I thought the house would collapse on us. I can't even remember what they were arguing about. That's when everything changed. When mom changed. Why? Why did she end up hating me after that night? Even he hated me...but...I hadn't done anything...and even when I tried so hard...what was it about that night!? Did she tell him...was it because she told him what I was...what I am? Is that really why...why he left us...It's because of you Mateo! He left us and it's all your fault! I hate you! I hate you...who knew three little words could hurt so much...but if it's true'm so...

    "What's wrong?"

    Meph's voice pulled me from my thoughts and I realised I had yet to utter the incantation. I quickly disregarded his worries and began my focus again, this time letting the words drift from my lips with ease. I felt my power connect with his and I concentrated hard on using it to lower it just a bit...just enough to be noticeable...he had so much of it...

    "That's enough."

    I severed the connection. I realised then how much it had affected me. I felt heavy and tired...or was that just the after-effects of Mel's spell catching up with me? It didn't matter. I was going to finish my training today and when Mel returned from wherever she was I would be ready for her.

    "Now for the next spell..."'re not the only one I have unfinished business with. Soon mother...I can feel it...the time is coming when you and I will have to face up to the paths we have chosen for ourselves...the desicions we made...time to face each other... I looked to the heavens and frowned. But how?

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    I watched the 'show' through the portal before me, faintly amused. Oh, yes, Mateo... I have been a bad, bad girl, but are you strong enough to 'punish' me without losing more of yourself in the process?

    "Enough of this... I'm going to see how our little prodegy is coming along," I said, rising from the cushions I had been reclining on.

    "Fair enough, return and report to me later. I bid thee well, daughter," her voice floated through the darkness to me. I bowed before stepping through the portal.

    I stood in the shadows behind Mateo, just out of Mephistopholes' line of sight.

    "Oh, Mephistopheles, really, you shouldn't have!" I cried out in mock delight. "Nex tactus!" I whispered, catching the archdemon off guard. He doubled over in pain, and I laughed. Fear shone in Mateo's eyes, and I laughed harder.

    "Oh, dear, don't worry... I'll get to you soon enough," I said to him, demented amusement twinkling in my eyes. "Most sincere appologies, My Lord Duke, I only wanted to demonstrate to our young man here what a powerful ally surprise really is... I don't think you quite got the idea across... I hear Cania is quite nice this time of year," I added conversationally as I lifted the hex. "But, you know, all this human magick... it's not quite as impressive as your true abilities, you know. Even those tricks in old Hebrew aren't quite as potent as the simplist curse in the Old Tongue... Now, don't look so surprised, Lord Duke, that I know of that. I'm not really that much younger than you, after all... Oh, dear, you still don't remember me, do you?" I laughed again.

    "And you..." I said, turning to Mateo, my voice losing a bit of its false joy. "What shall I do with you..." Rage shown through the earlier fear. "You think you can take me, do you? Think you can... control me? Teach me a lesson? Put me in my place? Your mother was right to fear me, you know... if only you know who I am, or where I have been. Like your far distant ancestors, I too was born in the Garden. Yes, Mateo, that Garden. But because my father rejected my mother when she refused to be subserviant, I and my siblings were thrown aside and damned." I snarled with rage at the memory. "I thought perhaps you had finally overcome the male pigheadedness of your species, but it seems I was wrong. I cannot stand being just a posession, and I refuse to be treated as such, even by you! You can fuck me all you want, but I will not be your slave, Mateo."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    "What a touching story," I said sarcastically, folding my arms. "But if memory serves you were the one who came to me, the one who tried to put me in my place. I'm just trying to even the odds a bit here."

    "And you have no idea what it is you are dealing with."

    "It's never stopped me before."

    She shook her head lightly. "If you are so confident then why don't you try using that new trick of yours?"

    I stared at her frowning. ""

    A twisted smirk crossed Mel's lips and her eyes twinkled with amusement. "Perhaps you have learnt something after's about time you started respecting those who are superior to you."

    "Oh I have the utmost respect for my superiors, I just don't consider you one of them. I don't want to use the spell because it wouldn't fair."

    "Fair? Nothing that could ever happen between us would ever be 'fair', Mateo. Go ahead, try using your little spell on me. See what happens."

    She's asked for it... "Alica vox infirmatio." I felt the connection instantly and struggled to make a dent in whatever ancient power she possessed. I could feel beads of sweat dot my brow. She was stronger than I had expected and I was more tired than I had realised. I'd kill myself if I kept this up much'm stronger than this. Time to prove it. Mel doesn't want me to take her lightly and I'm no different. I will not let her underestimate me. I poured all my concentration into my task. It didn't have to do much...just enough to-

    I cringed feeling pain pierce through my side. I opened my eyes to see Mel stood before me. I looked down, the hilt of a small blade was poking out of my side. "Why..."

    "You should know by now, magic leaves you exposed to physical attacks." She withdrew the blade and I dropped to my knees. "You're still weak Mateo."

    I stayed silent, staring blankly at her legs. How could I have been so stupid? I had left myself completely exposed to her. She could have killed me if she'd wanted to... "You could have killed me..."

    She laughed, lowering herself so that her eyeline was level with mine. She stroked the side of my face and I felt the pain in my side numb. "You're no good to me dead Mateo."

    "And why would that be?"

    "You'll find out soon enough."

    I bowed my head and felt the top of my hair brush her chest. "I'm really weak...aren't I?"

    "For now. That will all change in time, just as long as you remember to respect those who are above you."

    I nodded slowly. "Mel...I'm sorry...I never thought of you as an object...I respect you too much for's just...I don't want to be taken lightly...I can't be seen as just my parents' offspring...not anymore..."

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    The arch demon scowled in annoyance as he watched the episode unfold. He had noticed Mel's presence no problem, but he had no idea she could use something like that! How the heck did this girl know about the Old Tongue? How did she know him? Who was she!?

    During their little 'battle' Mephisto opened a dark portal behind him and stepped in, coming out on hte other side at the club. Thankfully, the pair didn't notice this.

    The demon began pacing back and forth, thinking.

    Hmm, she says shes not that younger then me and she's learned in the old tongue. She's obviously more ancient then most beings, even the Son.

    Hmm, but just who is she?

    Hmm, she said her mother was from the garden. That maybe a clue.

    But wait, Eve never had any daughters, just two sons.

    But wait, that means...

    Mephisto's eyes widened and he slapped himself on the forehead.

    "Of course!"

    Mephisto's chin fell back into his hand

    "That solves one mystery. But now, why is she here?"
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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