Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde
Oh Kalah, I believe we make our own fun in Guild Wars. No matter how small the character choices are, making your character do strip dancing infront of your Friend's Boyfriend at 3 am in the morning on New Years, just cant be beat no matter what MMORPG your in.
True, but see, when you do it in WoW, you can have female Night Elves strip and do their dance and half the people going into the inn will stop and watch. And possibly even donate tips. (No, really, I'm serious.)

Oh, yes...one more thing: nothing, and I mean nothing, is more disturbing than seeing a male and a female Gnome strip dance.


Oh jeez, the horror...


On a lighter note, I might just possibly be going to Otakon this year. Just got a job that should provide enough money by that time.
