Just out of curiosity, how many others out there play Neverwinter Nights? I'm working on a module based on one of my earliest RPGs, and once I get settled in at school this fall, I'd like to open it up to online multiplayer. I think the only other person still around these days that might remember that RPG would be dratinihaunter13 in Fan Fic, lol...

But if anyone is interested, let me know, and I may actually finish the module. I've got two the forest areas set up (but no where near complete, lol) all ready, but the castle is going to be hard...

It's called House of Shadows; I'll see if I can hash out the general plot when I wake up later if anyone wants info... and, in case people are interested but don't have NWN, you can pick up the Diamond version with all of the expansion packs (so it's got the original game, plus Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark, and the Kingmaker set of Witch's Wake, Kingmaker, and one more... Pirates of the Sword Coast, perhaps); I just saw it at Target for $20 last week. I may go get that to update everything all at once, rather than gathering all the little pieces, since I only have NWN Gold.

Anyway... let me know if anyone wants to know more.