Well, thanks Knight of Time and *Murkrow for clearing that up. And *Murkrow, congratulations on passing your exams.

Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 06:11:57 AM

Inferno_Dragon~ Essentially what Kyle said; it's anything that refers to finding some sort of Pokémon (species, type etc).
Ignoring the Seedot, you instead approach the Eevee, who gives you a curious sniff before listening as you ask if he'd like to join your team. He wrinkles his nose in a not-very-good looking response, but before he can react, the Seedot comes running back and starts to bite and kick at your feet. Apparently, your lack of response has irritated him. The Eevee just watches, bemused,
What are you going to do?

After getting attacked by the Seedot, you realize that this Pokemon does not like being ignored. Unlike Quetzalcoatl, this Pokemon tries to get your attention by attacking you. If this pokemon wants attention, I will give it attention. I release Quetzalcoatl and Gilford the Lightning. I tell them if this Seedot wants attention, we will give it attention. I tell Quetzalcoatl to attack with Ancient Power and Gilford the Lightning to attack with Iron Tail.