*squee!* FURUBA X3

I thought I'd give you some ideas I was having when thinking of restarting the one I tried to get off the ground...

First of all, I found it hard having all characters having the Sohma curse. With all the character interaction being between Sohmas, it meant that no awkwardness really happened. I know that if you split the characters between Sohmas and regular people, it would work a lot better.

The second thing I was going to say... I don't think it would be a good idea to play existing characters. They've all got such detailed pasts (Takaya is known for these) and make things complicated. Plus, I'm all for creativity with new characters. I'd love to bring back the rabbit I had X3

I'm undecided on the use of the Cat, Rat and Dog in the same house... Obviously, the Sohmas are going to know eachother pretty well, but I thought it would be better to steer away from the main Fruits Basket plot... Same principle with having a single person knowing of the Sohma curse.

Other than that... There's only a couple of things from the manga I feel I must correct/point out.
- A member of the Sohma curse can only hug someone of the opposite sex if they are also cursed. Hense the Hatori plot (gah! Must... not... spoil >o<).
- I wish Shigure and Ayame-san were really a couple... *stares into space dreamily*

Waiting for me to get back to you? I didn't get a PM... Did you email me? Has Ryan been giving out my MSN as my email address? XP Of course you may use the characteristics- they're straight from the manga anyway XD