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Thread: Poll - Suggest a Mod

  1. #41
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Wow... I got nominated for a Mod by THREE people... and I didn't even notice this topic till today.. AND And I didn't have to nominate myself...WHEE!!! *runs around with arms in the air*

    But seriously...

    Bulba4: I don't point fingers... I start a good RPG that has positive members.. then they stop posting after... a few months? I don't blame them for the fact they didn't like as much as they thought they would. Makes me either want to try harder on the next one or quit... And the second option isn't an option! A new Mod may not "burst" forth the activity like Snake Oil... but a changing of the guards isn't a BAD thing... just has to be done right, carefully, and with the thoughts and considerations of the board as a whole. If we Mod ppl, we mod ppl. If we don't, we don't. That's all there is to it.

    Dru: ;-; *hugs* DRUSIEEEEEE!!!!!!! Yes... I am always on... because I may be doing something else, but I'm always prowling around, sneaking around, stalking someone or something, willing to chat, willing to help. I'm a Sneaky Art God like that *flying crane style... then tips over and crashes to the ground* Besides, I'm not THAT hard to get ahold of... just PM or IM me and I'll get back to you when classes are over *thumbs up*

    Charles Legend: Fan Art eh? I am an Art God... but... um.. <,< *looks over in that way* methinks Fan Art needs an over-haul of sorts to make it active again...

    Blade: Wow... never thought someone would ACTUALLY think I'd be decent in ASB as a Mod... other than getting my arse handed to me by everyone else in battles... that and my Team is... HUGE! Thou also forgets some of my (rare) acomplisments for RPG ... Including willing participation in the new Newsletter AND an over-haul of the RPG Idea Topic..

    If we're nominating ppl... Hmm...

    Blademaster: For Misc. Why? Chaos thrives there.

    Crystal Tears: Fan Fic. Belive it or not, she's a good writer, and as much as I'd like to Mod either Fan Fic or RPG, I think her bursts of creativity and drive for writing put her more there than in RPG... but who says you can't spend time in both. ^^U

    DarkestLight: ASB. He's the one person who Ref's every match he can get his grimy little hands on, refs it fast and hard, and leaves the battlers wanting more. ... WOW, that sounded dirty XD. I stand by my statement!

    Drusilla: Although the only place I really see you hang out in is RPG, I think you'd be fine there. As a Mod or Member, dunnit matter much to me.

    In all honesty, I'd hang out in Fan Art... but it needs a bit more work and hasn't been as active as it has in the past unfortunately... and feedback seems to be a dying concern for Fan Fic, Fan Art, and RPG as a whole... I like RPG, and it seems to be a better place to write than Fan Fic right now (which is over-run with YGO fan fiction. Saving the world with a card-game is alright... but after the first five times... it starts getting boring.. sides, the original Manga was more than that.). No one really wants to read anything that isn't a Trainer Fic or YGO right now.. and that's not what it should be about right now. However, Goodnight Seadra is doing a good job with Everything, Nothing which I really need to sit down and catch up after the chapters she's added.

    Anyway... *is honored he's actually nominated for stuff without bugging or jokingly asking ppl to do so* I'M POPULAR!!!! *cries* T-T
    ~Mew Master

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  2. #42
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    OK bear with me have had no sleep been thinking about crap and thus am now posting here.

    Anyway four months ago I had this weird idea that I would convince Kevin to sell TPM to me. Therefore a main site would return. Now this started cause I was gonna do some big tpm history thing, its like still somewhat going I'll have something for our 10th anniversary. At the time and still are undergoing some type of miraculous falling in love with pokemon again. Started going to pokemon chatrooms/forums and enjoying myself. Anyway I don't know about you, but I feel personally that the state of pokemon websites today is shit.

    And I know this has nothing to do with the topic but it will later and I have not slept and just got thoughts going through me. Now you know things are bad with pokemon websites when the biggest one of the lot. The most berated does not have up-to-date TCG information. In fact Serebii has dropped the tcg section and hasn't updated it for months. The games stuff while informational, much of it goes back to before there was any release of Diamond and Pearl besides Japan and thus much of the information is lacking, out of date, not fixed or otherwise unreadable. I swear most of is unreadable. Also there is no news, unless it is about the games and perhaps the anime ie. dub titles or names of new episodes in Japan. See Serebii thinks it is unprofessional to post pokemon news. I don't know what that is about but it seems fucking stupid to me. Bulbagarden which calls itself the pokemon communities newspaper rarely has news and the bulbapedia is rather pathetic. Psypoke like Serebii only really posts news when it is about the games. Marriland the fat lard just doesn't seem to update his site anymore. While the two big news sites and its a sad day when I have to say that Water Pokemon Master's PokeBeach is one of those. Now WPM is a fuckface with a TCG section that according to people I speak to is written really badly and is a mess. On the other hand, of all the pokemon websites he probably posts the best and most varied of all the news site. Though there was the time he posted a fake. He also managed to snag a substantial interview with people behind the pokemon anime. Thus from what I see, right now he posts the best news.

    The other one is pocketmonsters, they've been doing pokemon subs for a few years, its basically an irc chatroom with fserves and the likes. They also have a handy and rather attractive imageboard. Recently they have released a beta pokemon website with a Pokemon music database and a Pokemon anime database. Some interesting stuff from these guys but nothing to me that spells excitement. Smogon is smogon, a specialised pokemon battling website that while good for that type of stuff can be accused of acting too slowly and not all the information seems to be up. You would think they would have a nice article on pokemon natures but they don't.

    So basically I think much of the pokemon community online is shit. I see a lot of news that seems to be missed including pokemon box office, game reviews from Japan, console and gaming charts from Japan. Game reviews from United States, England etc. Crappy coverage on pokemon events and TCG events besides the aforementioned WPM (Look you can crap on WPM all you want but he at least is posting this stuff). Much merchandise information is being overlooked. I just find it retarded that nobody besides WPM and maybe Pocketmonsters have much news and even then they miss a lot of stuff.

    Whilst one can say much of the pokemon games information is out there I still think much of that can be handled in a more interesting way. The major sites are not updating TCG besides WPM and other things related to pokemon seem to be sorely missing.


    Now I don't know about you. But one of my favourite things about TPM use to be the reports that were made. These were on the anime, the games and TCG and for me they were fascinating and something that made you return to the site. And yet no one besides PokeCharms which is quite frankly the ugliest website in the world does this type of stuff. There are now ranger and mystery dungeon games that weren't even around in TPM's day and yet there isn't that much on this type of stuff. None of the big sites focus or have sections on fanfiction and fanart besides their forums. I just find it stupid that this stuff doesn't exist.

    I go back to TPM's heydey and I see so much stuff from back then that is 100 times better than the majority of stuff that exists today. To me today is the perfect time for a site like TPM to return and it could be even better.

    So anyway my idea was and part of me still says to at least try and go for it (call me stupid I really don't care) is to bring a site like what TPM had at one time but even more so I'll make a wee list of what I would I have.

    1. Constant news. News from Japan, news from America, Europe, Asia, Australasia South America and hell there must be stuff from Africa.

    2. Regular reports and columns, that take a look at pokemon news for the week, what other pokemon websites have been doing, TCG, Dodrio's Nest/Vaporeon42's type columns (think rate my team, stuff about the games, perhaps a fanfic just overall cool), Ranger column, other pokemon games column, TCG in America column, TCG from Japan forum, TCG competitive scene, pokemon battling competitive scene, anime, Merchandise and Pokemon manga and hell an old games column and old nostalgia columns.

    3. A full section dedicate to TPM and pokemon online community history.

    4. Full Manga section with stuff from Japan not seen here.

    5. Anime section with actual episode guides.

    6. A comprehensive TCG section with TCG deck reviews and the likes.

    7. A full and comprehensive Fanfic and Fanart section with newly implemented and more appropriate ratings/reviews with articles and opinions on what makes a good fanfic, how one can write fanfics and the likes.

    8. A community roleplaying game. Not a fan-made game a ROLEPLAYING GAME.

    9. Full information on all the video games, including lots of pictures, cheats/codes and stuff that one can actually read and is up-to-date with English releases and not from Japan. And where games such as ranger and dungeon games aren't thought of a side-thought.

    10. A special section dedicated to older games. Think first two generations plus TCG, Snap and a few other things. With all the information that TPM once had plus more pictures. Better written walkthrus and interesting gaming mechanics. But that also looks at what impacts these games had on future games and how these games are perceived today.

    11. A Trading and Battling section that isn't as shit as Serebiis. Go to Spp-wifi on purplesurge and take a look one day. Its scary.

    12. The return of pokemasters chatroom (Has never died) but still much better than what is elsewhere.

    13. A contemporary merchandise section that takes a thorough look at merchandise
    available today as well as nostalgia pieces on older merchandise.

    14. A encyclopaedia of sorts that is actually meaningful and not utter shit like a certain place. This would also have numerous and interesting editorials as well as including articles on such things as Digimon and Pokemon. Or "How pokemon was once a faze but its still cooking". Bare with me I have a whole slide of ideas on this one. I also think its time that one could even consider a look at Pokemon and academic studies. There is quite a lot out there, some of it I think interesting without being all mirrored in pathetic academic pretentiousness.

    15. A site that accepts there are other pokemon websites out there, and use their information to show visitors to this site there are other places with interesting and different information. (There is a lot of smaller pokemon sites with a lot of interesting stuff where I think a bigger site could utilise and draw visitors to these smaller sites). While also engaging with bigger sites. And not having the attitude of OMG I MUST BE THE FIRST TO EVERYTHING OR OTHERWISE I AM GOING TO GET SHITTY.

    16. Basically in comes to a contemporary pokemon website that has aspects of the old but also new stuff.


    Ok so if you are stupid enough to read this far down then you're wondering. WHY IN THE FUCK ARE YOU POSTING IT HERE FIREPOKEMON. Well at the same time I had all those thoughts plus some. I also thought carefully about the forums. Now since I would technically be the owner of the forums (DID I TELL YOU I HAVE NOT BEEN SLEEPING AND THUS MAY BE EXPERIENCING DELUSIONAL THOUGHTS).

    Well a new site and the one that I described I am sure would bring in new members. However TPM can look old and a bit dodgy what with a bunch of adults residing in it. So here is another annoying list if you're stupid enough to keep reading this.

    1. With a new site means a bit of the old is going to be lost. Thus a single forum for special extraordinary stuff is available to all active members from the past six months with a post-count of 20 or more. Older members from 2000-2008 would also be allowed in if they return. Its just a place for some members to post because some will be shitty cause there are fucking 12 year olds running all over the place asking who will win in a battle between MEWTWO AND ARCEUS.

    2. Unlike the ONE THOUSAND AND ONE OTHER POKEMON FORUMS we would not have innate and pathetic rules crawling everywhere with stupid insane faqs sticked all over the place meaning actual threads get like five to a page. That doesn't mean we don't have rules. But we're a relaxed lot and I always think a strength of TPM is we didnt have rules everywhere.

    3. Most threads would be archived and stacked away so we can say OH WASN'T 2007 A LOVELY TIME AT TPM NOT LIKE IT IS IN 2010. Basically this will be done, cause we don't want a rules thread in TCG by WPM like we currently do. Would someone remove that thing already please.

    4. A few new forums would be created but other than that it'd be pretty much what it is now.

    Now onto the actual point of this thing all along. So we get a main site and we get new members. That means more mods and stuff now doesn't. Why yes it does. Now some of this is old, since certain people have disappeared as of late.

    FP - THE HEAD (Its fantasy and lack of sleep again).

    Kevin - Still there dead but still there. (I can't exactly say and fuck off now).

    Chris - Dead but he can be TECH GUY.

    Little_Pikachu - (Bitch but this is tpm not firepokemon's playhouse) so she can do extra stuff and would be the HEAD ADMIN.

    Lady Vulpix Goes from Super Moderator to newly ADMINNED. I know she hasn't been round much as of late and to be honest I can't say I like her. But for years she has been rather bossy to some or perhaps most of us. But she knows stuff, she is a smart person, she would be good at it and I think even though I don't really like her. SHE DESERVES IT.

    Now as more members come to TPM because omg it is so much better than that Serebii site. Zak and OzAndrew move to being Admined as well.

    Mr. Pikachu you would find was always on his way to be Super Modded if I ever somehow got my hands on TPM. Lets be honest, he is perhaps too much focused on rules and the stuff and he wouldn't let a flame war descend anywhere but you know he'd be good at it and hes dedicated and the like. SO CONGRATULATIONS MR. PIKACHU YOU ARE A SUPER MODERATOR.

    As for other SuperMods. It was always going to be, that I would leave it alone till some mods in a newly refreshed and more active forum. Some naturally become better fits than others. And of course this would be discussed with other admins and super mods.

    So onto the moderators. Now since this isn't an autocracy by one person alone. This means I would have to discuss it with the admins, super-mods and moderators. But this is where I was sort of going.

    Get rid of anyone not online in 2008. Then give warnings to any moderator that has not been active for 3 months.

    Roy_Karrde - Possibly a future super modder, he would naturally fit in well at Miscellaneous where he can debate the hell out of the more leftist or extreme leftist newbies that TPM attracts. Quick to close things, hes warned to be less strict and soon fits in extremely well in this role.

    Dark San - Where is he? Four months or so ago I would have said to mod him in more places with a possible future as SuperMod.

    Heald - The Big man from Great Britain, is an ass, will always be an ass but he can go bump his old mate Razola and possibly become moderator in the Video Games forum.

    Shazza - Dear old Shazza, former complete dickhead, former PCG mod, why all the newbies are gonna go there, which means a whole separate polls forum would likely have to happen and just look at the games Serebii has so he gets modded somewhere here. If I had my way he'd be a super-mod at least.

    Mikachu_Yukitatsu - The man from Finland with knowledge of Japanese could fit in well many places. Miscellaneous Discussion? What about General Pokemon Discussion? What about PCG? A most necessary contender anywhere.

    Crazy Elf Boy - Four months ago he was extremely active in both Polls, Clubs and Games and the ASB forums thus would have been under serious consideration.

    Inferno_Dragon Same as Crazy Elf Boy.

    FANFIC MOD - With Mr. Pikachu becoming supermod and new activity spreading everywhere Fanfics becomes in desperate need for a new forum. There's plenty of great fanficcers so major discussions for this spot but I'm sure someone could be found to be hugely beneficial for that forum.

    DarkestLight - The super ref the machine of the ASB forums. Without him ASB would be over. This is a DESPERATE NECESSITY.

    NOTABLE OTHERS MENTIONED. Charles Legend, Mew Master, Blademaster (At this rate only I would be voting no), Ultimate Charizard, Dracoknight, Toxicity, Crystal Tears, Classy_Cat18, Christ2.1, Jeff, Magmar (NOSTALGIC MOD), Knight of Time, Poryhedron, CrystalMaster Mike, Dark Sage (TCG), Shuppet Master, Sike Saner, Houndoom_Lover, Fett_One (Games, Games, Games), Shinypkmnmaster and numerous other active members at the time site is opened.

    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  3. #43

    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon
    Now WPM is a fuckface with a TCG section that according to people I speak to is written really badly and is a mess.
    Those people must be imagining things. :p All PokeBeach is right now is a dignified news page with card scans. The content was deleted during that massive site deletion last April, and I haven't put up anything since.

    Thanks for the compliments, though.

  4. #44
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Are you guys sure you'd mod me? I am going to delete my first pointless milestone messages when I post the more reasonable ones, but anyways, it was I who made these.

    And others.

  5. #45
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    NOTABLE OTHERS MENTIONED. Charles Legend, Mew Master, Blademaster (At this rate only I would be voting no), Ultimate Charizard, Dracoknight, Toxicity, Crystal Tears, Classy_Cat18, Christ2.1, Jeff, Magmar (NOSTALGIC MOD), Knight of Time, Poryhedron, CrystalMaster Mike, Dark Sage (TCG), Shuppet Master, Sike Saner, Houndoom_Lover, Fett_One (Games, Games, Games), Shinypkmnmaster and numerous other active members at the time site is opened.
    Thanks for the compliments, firepokemon, but I'm not too sure modding would work well enough for me, but meh, if it happened, I'd probably want PCG (just the main area, not AC/CC; I think those two sections could probably have different moderators).

    Anyway, I don't really get how playing games in PCG could lead to a regular getting modded in PCG, but hey, I think Fett One is a great choice for a mod here, in my opinion.
    Knight of Time

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  6. #46
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Former to contrary belief, Weasel Overlord spoke at the beginning of the summer that she wouldn't be able to post much due to the hiatus. It was very clear and I'm sorry, but we're all people with lives who deserve at least understanding and respect. Now that she is going back to Uni, she has already begun becoming more active again (as she said she would and held true to her word), so she would NOT be replaced, at least if I have any say in it.

    I LIKE being a co-mod with her and we work well together. *puffs out protective frill* And I find it hard to see a few people talking about moderation choices in forums that they do not grace or actively post in at all. It would be like me giving advice for the moderation of PCG.

    Sorry if this was ill-placed, but I find all these moderation demands/suggestions annoying now, especially as one of my dear co-mods are picked out, when she did so much for the forum and merely had a very busy summer. I do not remember 'not having a life' being a qualification for a moderator here. Perhaps I was mistaken to think that people would be understanding towards such things.

    It would be one thing if it happened a lot...

    *looks at her signature* oh dear, I better head back to RPG. ^_^;;
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  7. #47

    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Quoting a post Roy has chosen to delete for some reason...

    Posting in agreement with Bulba4. Weasel had to take some time off, something we all have had to do from time to time, and even during that she has been on and off the forum. Doing things such as helping out on TPM TCG.

    People globbing onto Weasel seem to have really short memories, in that we used to have a mod in RPG that had not posted in the RPG forum in over a year. And now people are complaining becuase she was gone for a month or two?

    Weasel has done amazing things for the RPG forum, and is a stand out member. Shame on any one that believes she does not deserve her position as moderator.
    Throwing stones and Glass houses come to mind Roy.
    Looks like theres a couple more people with Short memories. And i dont just mean Roy.

    And before that debate gets going again, im not bothered about the position anymore and all that crap, im just getting a little 'upset' (for want of a better word without swearing) seeing some of the Hipocrisy flying around for people that it suits. That whole situation hurt me and now it seems those reasons used against me dont really matter anymore.

    p.s im not attacking any of the current mods (well maybe Roy ). Weas knows i have respect for her and i know the whole forced inactivity thing and Kalah knwos we go way back. Roy....well, we chat....sometimes .
    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 11th September 2008 at 02:33 PM.

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  8. #48
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Well, now. Isn't THAT interesting to know...

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  9. #49
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    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard View Post
    Quoting a post Roy has chosen to delete for some reason...
    I took Kalah's advice that it wasn't needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard View Post
    Throwing stones and Glass houses come to mind Roy.
    Looks like theres a couple more people with Short memories. And i dont just mean Roy.
    Personally I don't like to drag up past history. There were multiple reasons as to why you were demodded Ultimate, as well as Outlaw. I believe Kalah famously put it that when you and Outlaw were mods, that she felt absolutely alone in modding the RPG Forum, and it wasn't until Tony came and was modded that she finally got some help. You also lacked in providing any new RPGs for nearly a year when we were going through a very hard time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard View Post
    p.s im not attacking any of the current mods (well maybe Roy ). Weas knows i have respect for her and i know the whole forced inactivity thing and Kalah knwos we go way back. Roy....well, we chat....sometimes .
    I am sure you have anger for me and I do not mind, I do think its been two years and hanging on to something isnt for the best. And as I have said the situation which caused you to be demodded was really really different. Personally some times I wish I hadn't volunteered to post the topic and let some one else that was in that chat do it.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    Couple of points.

    As i said, the actual situation doesnt bug me anymore. However there isnt much at all different between my situation and whats going on now. The forum is still as dead as its ever been there just happens to be a couple of RPG's getting off the ground.

    Oh and Roy, will you please read that thread. You refused to accept it and ignored the facts even when other people were telling you I was trying to start RPG's back then and your still doing it. I had an RPG attempt not a month or 2 before the 'petition'. JT was the one that hadnt posted for a year you just chose the worse facts and bundled us together.
    The ASB-RPG was my idea to inject life into the forum after the Rebirth of the Zoids RPG format failed, you ignored it, hell i even had a hand in starting the lounge, though it was Healds initial idea and in the very first Thread in there I asked anyone to step forward if they had any problems with the board. Noone said anything and it was ignored when i got dragged out in the street for the public lynching. Infact it was when i brought that point up that the thread was locked.

    As for Kalah feeling alone we used to talk all the time, seriously like every night. Then she stopped coming on MSN. Personally i dont use AIM, if thats where she was then fair enough but as with anything that involves multiple parties she didnt try to get in touch with us either......

    Look as i said i dont want this to be an attack or whatever on anyone. Im just tired of some people 'smoothing over the cracks' and ignoring things or suddenly changed their mind when it suits them
    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 11th September 2008 at 05:54 PM.

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  11. #51
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    U_C I really don't want to get into a discussion of that, mainly becuase it happened 2 years ago and many of the things you mentioned there is no way to confirm or deny. Personally as I said, there are many days in which I wish I had just let some one else post that topic.

    I don't regret the conclusion, obviously the mods could not work together and I think that was one of the biggest problems. But for the past two years, especially the first year, I had became the symbol of that entire event. Either way just as I said in RPG, unlike at that time, there wont be a demodding in RPG this time. Events are different, things have really changed, and all discussions like this one do, and lead, are for more open wounds, and that overall hurts progress.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Poll - Suggest a Mod

    How have thigns changed? You started a Charachter themetune and artwork page?
    There are only 3 active RPG's. One is Kalahs, one Healds and the other is Mine.

    Oh and if you want to confirm or deny its quite easy...
    First Ever thread in the Lounge
    I can start digging up my RPG's i posted in that Whole year i never posted anything if you like too. Or how about the Initial talks for Zoids? I know theres a couple of people in here that remember those talks and me telling them a seperate forum was being made for it etc.

    The thing is i also agree with the sentiments. I dont wanna see any of the current mods pushed out just cos it happened to me. Im a lil bitter not over losing my spot, but over the feeling of the entire board, some i thought my friends, turning on me like a pack of Jackals and ripping me apart publicly without warning, (not to mention doing it while i was on holiday without net access). I spent more money in that Net cafe, during my family holiday to get online and try and sort something out and then i get told im not dedicated to the job.... yet in a similar situation 2 years on those same people rally behind their mods when the board isnt in that much better shape. Guess you find out who the popular people are dont you.

    Weasel has done nothing wrong and everyone should back off her. She gave notice, we all have lives and she didnt just vanish off the face of the earth so I dont see the big deal of needing a switch around.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    I believe Kalah famously put it that when you and Outlaw were mods, that she felt absolutely alone in modding the RPG Forum, and it wasn't until Tony came and was modded that she finally got some help.

    I don't remember ever saying that and if you notice, I never signed the petition back when it occured. So please, do not bring my name up to back up your disputes Roy, as it puts me in an uncomfortable and unneccissary position.

    I suggest you two quell your discussion now or resort to PMs, as I didn't intend for anything like this to start with you two sort of bickering.
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  14. #54
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    This is deviating from the poll. If you want, I think a thread in the RPG subforum would be warranted.

  15. #55
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    Knock it off you two or else this will be closed. You know better than clogging up a thread

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  16. #56
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    Can I ask why would the whole thread be closed just because of two members going off topic? That seems a little extreme.

  17. #57
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    Before I throw in some opinions, I'd just like to say thanks to Kalah and UC for (correctly) pointing out that I HAVE reasons behind my hiatus this summer.

    And now;

    Heald: I think you'd be a great mod for Misc. Most of the posts in there seem to come from either you or Roy, and they've sure sparked some amusingly political debates which I occasionally enjoyed participating in.

    Roy: Same as with Heald, you're on Misc. all the time, heh. Since activity seems to be a huge thing in deciding on a mod, you two definitely should be high up on the list.

    Blade: Look, dude, I'm sorry (and I know you don't like me already) but I really don't think you'd be a good mod. You're too... well, unstable. And no, I'm not trying to start a flame war here, but if you react as violently to me saying this then my point will be proved. Maybe if you showed some restraint in replying to posts that piss you off (oh, and lose the swearing). But hey, why am I bothering trying to justify my reasons? You'll probably just blow off on me anyway.

    As for ASB, well, DarkestLight was my first choice and he's been modded already. I don't go to the other boards enough to know, really. But Mikachu does a lot in PCG, I know that much.

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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Can I ask why would the whole thread be closed just because of two members going off topic? That seems a little extreme.
    Because I'm tired, sick, and I'm the boss lady around these parts

    Anyway, I really don't have any suggestions since I rotate between Fanfic, RPG and PCG. First one is good on mods, second one is so full of drama that I don't even know who would be good in there and the third one, well, it's not exactly the most active place so I think it's fine with just me and Lady Vulpix

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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weasel Overlord View Post
    Blade: Look, dude, I'm sorry (and I know you don't like me already) but I really don't think you'd be a good mod.
    Actually, I don't dislike you. Your absence from your Mod duties and a few of your mannerisms are what I dislike.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weasel Overlord View Post
    You're too... well, unstable. And no, I'm not trying to start a flame war here, but if you react as violently to me saying this then my point will be proved. Maybe if you showed some restraint in replying to posts that piss you off (oh, and lose the swearing).
    I will not 'lose the swearing.' I will not alter any aspect of my life just because you deem it as 'unstable.' And I will not get involved in a 'flame war,' despite your unwarranted antagonism. This is a topic for discussing who WOULD be a good Mod, not who WOULDN'T be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weasel Overlord View Post
    But hey, why am I bothering trying to justify my reasons? You'll probably just blow off on me anyway.
    I think the phrase you're looking for is 'blow up.' Or possibly 'blow me off.'

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    I think the phrase you're looking for is 'blow up.' Or possibly 'blow me off.'
    Actually, I'm pretty certain he did mean "blow off" and was implying you were gay. If I were you Blademaster I wouldn't take that kind of talk.

  21. #61

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    Me either since Weas is a girl.....

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  22. #62
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    Wow you learn something everyday.

    Well now it opens me up to a whole new field of responses and vulgar jokes.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    1. Constant news. News from Japan, news from America, Europe, Asia, Australasia South America and hell there must be stuff from Africa.
    Easier said than done. But in the past, it was used to managed by Ryan. Evme13 inputted in the fangirl side of the anime reviews? And my role was to merely supported the episode reviews with regular postings in the forum since I am the only OA mod that had regular access to updated animes. So with the other mods now being inactive, how would you expect a one person effort to push OA forum back to where it used to be? It isn't that I hadn't put in any effort. But the problem is with the weak demand to begin with.

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    4. Full Manga section with stuff from Japan not seen here.

    5. Anime section with actual episode guides.
    4) This one is a bigger risk. There are better sites there that provides quick raw materials. So who are we to complete with them? They have members living in Japanese and posting them regular materials. But I don't see us of any chances of us getting the scanlation faster than them.

    5) Who is getting updated about animes these days? Naruto? Bleach? nah? Frankly, I myself is not so sure on what members these days are watching. With video- streaming now becoming a reality, there should be more members here that are watching more updated animes. But the problem would be would they be able to post anything in the forum?

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Dark San - Where is he? Four months or so ago I would have said to mod him in more places with a possible future as SuperMod.
    Glad to know that I am valued here. But I have a life. I have been thrusted into a period of uncertainty when I have to juggle four group assignments in one go with no signs of them slowing down. I have a part time job that have me working from day to night. It is lately that when the examinations are about to begin that these work starts to slow down. Hence allowing me some breather to get online again.

    Okay here are my five cents inputs. Now for my rant in order not to deviate from the main purpose here. The first thing that I would propose strongly would be to demote all those inactive mods. Hence if that is true, we will need some serious mod replacement here especially in the forums indicated below.

    1) MISC - Two more replacements here needed. I know that it is not in my position to say this but I would one of the spot to Roy. Yes, his stand in certain debates though might be questionable but he does promote some activity there. Mikachu would not be good. But being friendly to new members doesn't equate you to being a mod. You must have speciality in an area and being able to commit your time and your knowledge to that forum. Heald is a largely favourite choice but from the way I looked at it, he only deserves his place in RPG and nothing else. Blademaster well, his ethnics are questionable and I do not think he will make good mod material. Many people might promote Mr Pikachu but remember he is already a mod for two forums. So no, he does not get my vote here! We do not need a dictator, right Brian? ^.^ Anyone who is relatively active there, contributes to MISC and I failed to notice you. If so, you might want to make your stance here and perhaps get mod?

    2) TCG - Roar finally gets his full time job and stop becoming an otaku? I had no contacts with him recently since he is busy with his work. Perhaps after my holiday this December and when I had the time, I would contact him. But from the way I looked at it, TCG might need one more person to manage and hang it for Roar here. Elias only have experiences in Pokemon TCG, so perhaps a mod with Duel Monsters knowledge is needed here?

    3) OA - I have enough for trying to organize activities and the responses I get has so far been disappointing. Get another one more person or two if you will and help me out. Damn, I had been soloing there for a long time now.

    4) RPG - Heald is one choice to consider. Dru well? I don't know her much but four moderators are enough. Kirst deserves her place there for sure. Kalah is an oldie. Roy, well we need an interesting character and mascot in RPG there too. Heald will perhaps include in and become part of RPG's fantastic four.

    5) PCG - Not so sure if Rebecca needs another helping hand but one more staff here might be helpful.

    This is only my rant. Promotion and demoderation of members' decision does not lie with me but with the admins. So yeah, my last paragraph is just a disclaimer.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-San View Post
    Mikachu would not be good. But being friendly to new members doesn't equate you to being a mod. You must have speciality in an area and being able to commit your time and your knowledge to that forum.
    I agree. When I go to misc, I see so many topics where I just don't find anything to say. I'm trying to comment more and more, however. Austrian ViceMaster Alex earlier said he nominates me whereever but the truth is I rarely even look at the Pokemon games sections and such. Of course he was saying that where there is a mod spot open, I think. He mentioned General Discussion, and I have nothing against that one. I have dreamt of moderating there.

    Then there are Pokemon Anime and PCG. Pokemon Anime has no mods but does it need a mod? I could go Hanada Tattsu in Pokemon Anime and post every other reply, and perhaps I could begin translating TVTOKYO Yokokus again, but that doesn't seem...let's say...reasonable. Polls, Clubs, Games is where I have increased my activity during the last few years, I don't want to rant, but I put some serious effort in the whacking games. However, there are some games I haven't took part in, and it's not my choice to mod myself. What do you others think?
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 28th September 2008 at 02:17 AM. Reason: added a sentence, typo

  25. #65
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    LOL Dark-San misread me. I didn't mean the anime forum. LOL I use ANN or something else for that. That was pertaining to the site when I had a day of no sleep. Best forgotten lol.
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    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

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  26. #66
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    Even though I have read every single post in this thread, I haven’t posted any comments because I rarely visit the other forums and it’s even rarer for me to post in them. As such I’m in no position to make a suggestion for any of the forums, except for PCG, which is the only forum I post in regularly.

    I’m finally posting here because I agree with Dark-San that the inactive mods should be demoded. Wolfsong is still listed as a PCG mod despite the fact that he hasn’t posted in PCG since March 2007 and hasn’t posted anywhere on TPM since January 2008.

    As far as PCG is concerned, I think The_Missing_Link is doing a fine job. Considering the amount of activity that goes on here, one mod is really all we need. However, I think we should have a second mod just to be on the safe side because if anything should happen to the The_Missing_Link in her personal life (example: job taking up too much of her time) we could be without a mod for awhile.

    The four most active members of PCG seem to be myself, mr_pikachu, Mikachu Yukitatsu, and firepokemon. Since mr_pikachu is already a mod in 2 other forums it might be best to not include him as a candidate. This way he won’t become over extended. This narrows it down to 3 of us. I think any one of us would do a good job, so I’ll just leave it up to The_Missing_Link and the admins to decide what to do.

    And that’s my 2 cents.
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  27. #67
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    heh, I don't have a job. If anything, it would be college but PCG is in the state where you just check in on it and it's usually fine

    Besides, it's me and LV that are modding the forum. She's just not listed

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