Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
To Blademaster: Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII as a Pokemon trainer. It might even be a one-page comic or something.
Don't get ahead of yourself, Mika. I'll gladly make a single picture, but no comic. And the picture will be made at my convenience. It shouldn't take too long, but I rushed too many requests in the past - that mistake won't be made again.

Anyway, why I'm here... Oh, yeah.

DARKLY! Listen up!

My laptop needed a total reboot, and that means everything on it that I didn't back-up was lost. Your pic and many of my other works were on that list. So, you're gonna have to give me some more time. Sorry, but don't worry - it shouldn't take much time to get it back on e-paper. It's pretty simple compared to a lot of my other stuff, actually...

Anyway, I'm out. I'll update when I have something to show.
