Best memories:

Ah, how could I forget. The Pokémon Championship 2000 in Vienna. It was part of the annual summer events held for children. I wasn't quite a child anymore but I was a huge Pokémon fan for over a year so of course I joined this eight-round-elimination tournament. There were three in fact (for Pokémon up to level 5, level 50 and level 100). I signed up for the level 100 tournament, picked starting no. 222 (out of 256 participents) and made it all the way to the finals. I think the event took 5 or 6 hours. I remember me and my friend actually went for dinner between rounds 1 and 2 cause the break was so long. My friend participated as well and when we met in round 5 we squared off with our worst Pokémon resulting in an epic duel between Nidoking and Nidoqueen. The final was held on a huge stage in front of hundreds of Pokémon fans (and their annoyed parents). I got my ass handed to me by some 12 year old ... but it was still great fun and something I'll always remember.

Worst memories:

Late 2001 when the fad had faded for me. I thought I'd never pick up a Pokémon game again and train some Pokémon properly. I still got each Pokémon game after that but rushed through them and never touched them again. That is, until 2007 when for some reason I got a bit obsessed with the game again. Now me and above friend duel on Pokémon Battle Revolution again once every blue moon. But things were never as exciting again as eight years ago.