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Thread: ASB News [December 2016]

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  1. #1
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 3/13/09

    State of the ASB Address

    It's Newsletter day. Actually been kinda anxious to get this started! There's a fair bit to cover, so let's get into it.


    Mock Reffing will be up later today. Aside from that, there have been very few issues with Ref's lately, as everyone is giving our new Ref's enough time to adjust to our ASB. I understand the necessity for the new Move Lists to come out so we can have a solidified base to work from, but please bear with me on that. I'll be done soon.

    As always, talk to yoru ref's if there's a problem, and you'll be able to come to a solution that benefits all parties involved.


    You guys are dong swell in Contests, and in turn, yer helping me judge better. I kinda actually like them now, so I applaud you for making them as fun for me as they are for you.

    Don't be scared to sign up to start one now, May's almost here!


    Our Legendary Tournament is still going-albiet slowly. But there are only two matches left in the first round-meaning the Second tier is only days from being released. You all should get ready to rumble-cause the next match is going to be intense.

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    So, I've been thinking long and hard on how to select our new Gym Leaders, as well as to see how many we are going to have. I decided that we will return to the full 8 Gym Leaders. Once the Tournament reaches Round 2, we'll begin the selection process.

    However. I will tell you there are 4 Gym Slots open.


    I'm ok . Sorry if I seem a little rushed these past few weeks, real life trying to steal me away and all.


    Uhh...Safari Zone OH!

    For the time being Saf Refs, do not have eggs in the Safari Zone. I know it seems logical-but please give me some time. I'm working on something for the zone-and eggs are a part of it.

    Besides, stealing an egg is just underhanded. If a parent gives you an egg, they're unfit parents and that' s unacepptable in Pokemon XD. You never see a Pokemon give up an egg. LOL

    alright. That's about it. I'lll see ya on the battle field!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  2. #2
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 4/12/09

    State of the ASB Address

    A bit early, but hell, I got News to tell


    It's about damn time huh! Well you all can now see the new Improved ASB Movelist over in the TOwers. Take some time, familiarize yourself with it. Look over the moves-ask questions. Post questions, help me make it better than the best :O. I'll appreciate all comments. Much thanks to Elf for helping me compile this sucker.

    One Rule: Once we all get this Movelist straightened out-All Refs need to know the effects of these moves in all matches onward. K great n_n


    The May Contest is active for sign-ups. Alot fo ya have dove in already, and that's great I'm sure I can think of some simple yet fun things to do for this one. Remember, Reservations are until May 7th! The rules and parameters for the whole contest will be up by then..


    Tournament is in Round Two, and 2 of our three Matches are blasting forth. Phoenixsong and Andrew is delayed for extenuating circumstances and I will decide what to do there shortly. But with the way this one is going, who's up for another one?!?!?

    We'll see what's in the works for July.

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    An interesteing question was brought up to me by Knight of Time. Specifically, what happens if after this test run through is complete, we don't have any Gym Leaders-or if we have a lesser number than 8.

    Well, when that time comes, we may either decide to pick the person with the best overall Match against a Gym Leader, or we may keep it at whatever number we have (depending on activity levels and what not.) Let's just focus on where we are with matches now.

    Again, those of you that wanted to battle Andrew -please be paitent. I will have a solution soon.


    Hey, remember a long time ago when we had those Moderator applications and you all filled them out and then Hyp and I reviewed them all to see who'd we pick as the next ASB Mod.? turns out I'm an idiot, and Hyp told me to tell you all whom we picked months ago. I kinda forgot about that. Good thing I use my PM box huh. So, without further ado, we chose---

    Wtf? I didn't pick him?!?1 O god, now he's gonna bother me all day ;_;!

    Welcome to the great world of modding MeLoVeGhOsTs!


    Hrm. Other than that...there is no real big news. Oh well maybe the fact that there's a Hyp look alike popping in every now and then. Gotta wonder if he's gonna make a return anytime soon. Might even be his offspring Isoceles... >>

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  3. #3
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 5/5/09

    State of the ASB Address

    Alright. It's June. Guess I should unleash the beast once more.


    I noticed a severe lack of reffing from May to June. I'm not saddened by it. It's natural-we've hit that crucial final's job time where everyone has to deal with RL in order to somehow continue their existence on TPM to some degree.

    I just urge that if you take a leave, and it becomes extended for whatever reason, please just let us know. Or allow the use of Sub refs. It is not fair to have many people wait for the outcome of battles over a period of months. It'll benefit the battlers, the sub-ref (as practice and they may get pints too) and you (you get a break)


    June Contest has slowed quite a bit. It isn't a large contest to begin with, but I really don't think it should have slowed this much. It will finish by July, I'd just like everyone to post in it.

    But on the brighter side-we've had 4 Contests in a row! That's really great-means that we have a bunch of Contest loving battlers. Next month is the Grand Festival....and although I'm pretty sure I din;t have an inkling how it works, I will by the end of the month. So get your Contest ideas ready, cause July and August are gonna be filled with all sorts of weird and wacky changes.


    This Tournament is almost over. We're in the Final battle and well, we're just waiting for people to post. That's all. So no big whoop there. But any ideas about a new Tournament? Please, let them be known. The only restriction I am going to impose on any more tournaments is the use of the correct numbering system for it. (Doing anything other than 8 or 16 is bad.)

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    We need one more. That's all. However, we have 5? matches going on right now to see who has enough mettle to be the last Gym Leader. Thanks to both Weasie and MLG, who have been working really hard to help weed out the prospects and find our new Gym Leaders.

    By the way-ya'll can challenge the new Gym Leaders now. If you don't now who they are-they're Blademaster, Crazy Elf Boy and Greyfox.

    (Psst. Also means I need you guys to post your Gym's in the Gym Leader Topic.)


    Well MLG's a pompous ass, and I'm ok with that. We haven't had any sign of Hyp, but I know he's around. I can smell him. >> << >> <<


    Hrm...anything else.

    Oh. New Ref battle is up Yay for that.

    Oh look at that! TREE'S HERE!!! Yes, it's 7 days early but It's been really gloomy over the US and well... I hear England is always rainy, and I'm sick of it. So let's start the sunshine here and maybe it'll spread throughout the world and the Sun will come and warm our spirits and our battered pasty bodies. (Well ya'll have pasty bodies. I'm good to go :p)

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 15th June 2009 at 01:23 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

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