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Thread: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

  1. #1
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    Default What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Alright well I didn't want to clutter up the Announcement topic, since that will probably be filled with pictures come Sunday. Along with the following weeks, but to bring some energy to this forum I thought I would post some ideas for the upcoming G/S games. If the mods want to merge it fine.

    A: Downloadable Events through DSi. While not everyone has a DSi, having downloadable missions and areas would be fun, even if it is very Fallout 3ish.

    B: Expanded Johto and Kanto: Everything felt so compact, in Gold/Silver. While it may have the biggest map they sure did try to squeeze everything down. So why not a full sized Safari Zone, full sized Veridian Forest, etc etc.

    C: Return of the Cell Phone: The VS Seeker is great and all, but nothing beats the old Cell Phone and how you could call up any number of trainers as well as your mom.

    D: Return of the Radio: C'mon we loved some of those tunes, and they could be creative like have a station that just plays the old school G/S music.

    So what are your ideas of what they could put in the new games. What locations would you like to see expanded, what ideas could they put in to make it better? Should they stick with the Poketch or go back to the old Poke Gear?

  2. #2

    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Totally agree on the Phone and the Radio. They were two of my favourite features of GSC and I was so disappointed when they were dumped in RSE (along with night and day, although DP brought those back).

    One thing I'd like... it's a little odd, but I'd like the "New Pokédex" back. In GSC they didn't talk about regional pokédexes, just the "old" and the "new", the new having all 252 in a more sensible order that put like with like. Then obviously in the Advanced Generation they decided to dump this model because it'd need constant updating, and went with the National Dex (which then gets especially confusing when IVth gen dumps a boatload of extra prevos and evos on old pokémon).

    But I liked the idea if the New Pokédex. I liked Pichu being next to Pikachu and Raichu. I'd like to see them put together a revamped IVth generation "New Pokédex" with Gallade next to Gardevoir. Just my little dream...

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Nothing saying you couldn't have both. I wouldn't mind having both the Gear (since it had Map, Radio, Phone) and the Pokétch (with all its very useful abilities).

    Personally, I want them to not hold back. I want Nintendo to push what the DS can do on this remake. G/S/C's soundtrack was so awesome way back when, I don't want to get a very lackluster rendition thereof (like in FireRed/LeafGreen with R/B's soundtrack). I want those battle themes to rock like they did before! The re-addition of areas that were absent in the original Gen 2 would be neat too, like Safari Zone, Viridian Forest, maybe Seafoam Islands (make you have to work to get to Blaine or something). On that note, maybe put some sort of Cinnabar Island ruins in, like the remains of some of those labs where things might still lurk even after the eruption. If they can squeeze the Sevii Islands in too, that'd be pretty neat.

    And I don't mind the New Pokédex just so long as it doesn't become the Johto Dex. I mean, Johto didn't have Dex limitations like Hoenn and Sinnoh did. Let's be able to catch anything and everything from the get-go! (...just, please, no more PokéRadar. I can't stand that thing...)

    After that, my requests are pretty minor. Vs. Seeker, Gym Leader upgrades/rematches (wouldn't you like to see Falkner and Bugsy with good teams for once, or maybe Sabrina with a Gardevoir & Gallade or something?), the Apricorn Balls, no more damn event items.

    ...I should probably go to sleep now before I go into total rant mode.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemaster Ash View Post
    (...just, please, no more PokéRadar. I can't stand that thing...)
    What's not to like about the PokéRadar? It's a shiny making machine!

    Oh, I just remembered, something that would be interesting would be the addition of the Skateboard. I remember hearing about the skateboard and seeing it in Pokémon Special, but apparently it was canned some time in development. I think the idea was recycled into the Acro Bike, but I think a skateboard would be more interesting.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Darien Shields I for one Hate the "New Pokédex" and I rather they make it a Proper Johto Dex!

    Also this bugged me in Cherrygrove there are trees that are blocking the pond next to the Pokemon Center they better remove the trees this time around...

    Also I don't see why Natu and Xatu Should be rare in Jotho make them the comon Day birds on all the Routes and not just in the Ruins of Alph.

    ~Charles Legend
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    I've never been able to get a good chain on the Radar, and the encounter rates on the stuff you want to get with that thing suck...

    As for Natu and Xatu, remember that they aren't your common bird variety like Pidgey, Spearow, Taillow, and Starly. They probably shouldn't be as common as them, but yeah, a lot of stuff in G/S/C originally was restricted to some odd or hard to reach areas. Heck, if I remember right, Houndour and a couple of other things weren't even available until you got to Kanto...

    And I'd rather not see a Johto Dex, unless perhaps they made it the New Pokédex from G/S/C (with all of the first 251, just in that weird order). Otherwise I think we're gonna get a repeat of the D/P version Sinnoh Dex - barely anything available so even the Gym Leaders are struggling.

    As much as I'd like to see Defog and Rock Climb thrown out as HMs in these games (did we really need those two moves?), being a part of 4th gen would probably make that impossible. While Flash is now the pretty easy-to-get TM70, I guess Whirlpool becomes a new problem. Maybe Headbutt too, if they decide to put that odd but fun thing back in instead of using the honey trees. I guess that's what Move Tutors are for.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    What do I want...?

    New Apricorn Pokeballs. New Lugia/Ho-Oh missions (I wanna see them fight!). Something unexpected happening with Clair and the Elite Four. Kanto fleshed out a bit more. And a Johto equivalent of the Sevii Islands. Maybe a Whirl Islands tournament like in the anime.

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    *cracks knuckles*

    OK, here's my HG/SS prediction/wish list

    -Sprite differences for bred pokemon possibly depending on the father's species (that would be how we'll get pokemon like notched-ear Pichu)
    -Notched-ear Pichu available in a free egg like Togepi, because if NEP has anything to do with the rumored improved breeding system, it's pretty much a given that they'll do that
    -GTS in Goldenrod
    -No Pal Park. They'll probably be using these games to pimp the DSi so it would be weird to include a feature that requires the old systems
    -DSi-specific features. The originals had a place where you could print out pictures of your pokemon with the GB printer, these might have the same thing, but instead of printing them, you send the pics to an SD card.
    -Features added in Crystal to stay in. Battle Tower, free egg from the day-care couple, etc.
    -Kurt makes Gen3/4 pokeballs from Apricorns (apricorns will go in a separate case and won't be holdable)
    -Celebi and Shaymin events, likely others
    -Ability to catch more legendaries. Since Gold and Silver have a very small set of legendaries compared to DPP, they might beef up the legendary offering in HG/SS. Most likely the Latis, possibly Mewtwo as well.

    -Expand Kanto. Areas that were simply shrunk down instead of written out of the story need to be brought back (like Viridian Forest)
    -Safari Zone!
    -Kanto Starters. I remember going into Pallet back in Silver and all I got was a stinking back rub for my pokemon. It would be great if professor Oak gave you your very own Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squritle, just like Birch does with the Johto starters in Emerald.
    -Let us evolve any pokemon. One annoying thing about FR/LG was that Eevee couldn't evolve into Espeon or Umbreon and Feebas Couldn't evolve at all. The location evolvers would be the biggest obstacle. I say add a Moss Rock to Ilex Forest and an Ice rock to Ice Path. As for Magenzone and Probopass, maybe use the magnet train track.
    -Rechallenge Gym leaders
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    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Oh, god, the phone was just annoying. I didn't like it in any of the games it was in. It limited the number of trainers you could rematch regularly to those you could store in your phone (okay, RSE didn't do that, but still), and they wouldn't effing stop calling you about inane crap. No, Anthony, I seriously do not care that "your Machop is on a roll today" and do not need to hear about every single time you got your ass lost in a cave. Hang up and don't call unless you want me to beat the snot out of you again, thank you, goodbye. :/ (Rrr and now that they have abilities they'll probably bring back Lightningrod's extra Emerald effect that increases the frequency of your phonecalls D: D: D: ) It was sort of cool how some of your contacts would give you elemental stones and stuff in Crystal, so it might be nice to bring that back, but I prefer the expanded rematch options the VS Seeker gives you and the fact that they don't bloody call me at all hours of the day.

    HOLY CRAP that's something no one seems to have thought of. Elemental stones were quite difficult to come by in GSC, if I remember correctly. So they should fix that. The hell weren't they in the Goldenrod department store like in Celadon? Is having them readily available really that gamebreaking?

    I also wonder if they'll be adding things like contests and the underground. I just hope that, if there is an underground or similar, its touch radar is more like DP's and less like Platinums. Why they made it less responsive in Platinum... D:

    Hm, what else... New/expanded Alph puzzles would be cool (touch screen puzzles! :O ), and they might be able to do something with the Unown Dex if they bring that back... like, if it is DSi only (or has special features in the DSi only--hey, they've made games do different things depending on the system you have before, it's a possibility), you can do something cheesy like spell words or make designs with the Unown and then save them to SD card.

    And an actual storyline purpose for the Unown would be cool, too, but that strikes me as something that belongs more in its own thing than in a remake.

    Those quests where people gave you their Pokémon (like Shuckle and Spearow) were kind of neat, so maybe they could do more with that.

    And my guess is that they'll have reusable tutors for Whirlpool and Headbutt (oh god please ditch the honey trees in favor of Headbutt... so much easier, so much more convenient and it was awesome knocking sleeping Spearow/Fearow/Hoothoot/Noctowl out of the trees). Hm, maybe they could even bring Dive back and try something with that.
    Last edited by Phoenixsong; 8th May 2009 at 12:52 PM.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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  10. #10
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde View Post
    Alright well I didn't want to clutter up the Announcement topic, since that will probably be filled with pictures come Sunday. Along with the following weeks, but to bring some energy to this forum I thought I would post some ideas for the upcoming G/S games. If the mods want to merge it fine.

    A: Downloadable Events through DSi. While not everyone has a DSi, having downloadable missions and areas would be fun, even if it is very Fallout 3ish.

    B: Expanded Johto and Kanto: Everything felt so compact, in Gold/Silver. While it may have the biggest map they sure did try to squeeze everything down. So why not a full sized Safari Zone, full sized Veridian Forest, etc etc.

    C: Return of the Cell Phone: The VS Seeker is great and all, but nothing beats the old Cell Phone and how you could call up any number of trainers as well as your mom.

    D: Return of the Radio: C'mon we loved some of those tunes, and they could be creative like have a station that just plays the old school G/S music.

    So what are your ideas of what they could put in the new games. What locations would you like to see expanded, what ideas could they put in to make it better? Should they stick with the Poketch or go back to the old Poke Gear?

    I'm going to counter the Viridian Forest bit, the reason they MIGHT not do a full-sized Viridian Forest is because if YOU REMEMBER from the original games they offered an explanation for that, which was, that they cut it all down to make it easier for trainers to travel. As for the Safari Zone, they might make that unlockable once you beat the Elite Four, who knows. Like trigger some event that makes the Warden return or something.

    As for me, I'm kind of hoping that they go all out with the soundtrack on the remakes, the D/P/Pt soundtrack was terrible, they could've done MUCH MUCH better than they did. It felt kind of rushed.

    Also, I hope the trainer house in Viridian kinda turns into something like what they do in Mario Kart DS, that you could search for opponents? You know, like a Global Battle Station or something.

    Also, is anyone scared of what they can do to Morty's team? Morty was a bitch in the first version of Gold and Silver, can you imagine how much of a pain he'll become in the remakes? You can't hit the Gastly line with Ground-type moves because of levitate now.
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    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Eh, I don't think I ever even bothered trying Ground moves on Morty; a Meowth or Eevee of a decent level equipped with Bite works most of the time iirc; heck, it'll work better now that Bite runs off of their better stat, especially if you can get a Technician Meowth. Really, the Gastly line has such horrific defensive ability that anything that can stay awake/is fast enough can just pummel them outright. That won't change too much, I'll wager. Or hey, you could catch Miltank around Ecruteak/Olivine before... if that's still the case, Scrappy Miltank!

    ...they need to give the man a Misdreavus, though. Really. >>;

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  12. #12
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Well one thing they could do about phones is have it where they contact you only about events, such as weekly events, special Pokemon in the area, swarms, etc etc. Kind of like "Hey! I just wanted to tell you that I just saw a swarm of XXX over here on Route XXX" or "Oh XXX I just wanted to call because I heard a rumor that Lapras is supposed to appear today".

    Then again that may take one of my favorite things out of G/S in that it had so many hidden areas you could spend hours upon hours discovering all the cool things.

    Or of course if they really wanted to do something cool, use the Phone as a Internet Mail option to send messages to other trainers that you have exchanged friend codes with!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemaster Ash View Post
    As for Natu and Xatu, remember that they aren't your common bird variety like Pidgey, Spearow, Taillow, and Starly. They probably shouldn't be as common as them, but yeah, a lot of stuff in G/S/C originally was restricted to some odd or hard to reach areas. Heck, if I remember right, Houndour and a couple of other things weren't even available until you got to Kanto...

    And I'd rather not see a Johto Dex, unless perhaps they made it the New Pokédex from G/S/C (with all of the first 251, just in that weird order). Otherwise I think we're gonna get a repeat of the D/P version Sinnoh Dex - barely anything available so even the Gym Leaders are struggling.
    Ash when I fist saw Natu I thooght cool so Natu and Xato during the Day and Hoothoot/Noctowl at night, you see the only reason Natu was so rare was that besise Uberon there was no dark types in Jotho at the time.

    However it would be stupid if Game freak did that again, I see no reasion why they won't have Houndour, Slugma, Murkrow, Misdreavus And Sneasel be in Jotho this time around.

    Also my Point is the new Pokedex was too crowded with First Gen Pokemon which over Shadowed the Second gen Pokemon Pokemon...

    Atctaly I would not mind Having the Jotho dex like Platinum's Pokedex what I mean is Like have Chikorita threw Celebi be like the First 151 Pokemon then add 59 more or so Pokemon and end it with Heatran to explaine why Cinnabar's Volcano Erupted.

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 9th May 2009 at 06:25 PM.
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    It would be cool if the radio was brought back, but I don't know about the phone, I found the random calls kinda annoying. I would be ok with the swarms being broadcast on TVs or the radio instead... however, the elemental stones need to be a little easier to obtain than they were in the original Gold/Silver. I would really like to see the storyline in Kanto expanded a little bit, as opposed to just running a marathon through the gyms, and a couple of new areas like the Sevii Islands in FR/LG would be nice too. While we are on FR/LG, it would be great if after originally beating the Elite 4, their Pokemon level up like they did in FR/LG, makes for a good challenge. I also think that especially the Kanto gyms should be a little tougher, and I wouldn't even mind if they brought back the ability to rebattle gym leaders with stronger Pokemon in 2 vs 2 battles like we had in Emerald. Of course, day/night features need to stay, and I wouldn't even mind the daily events returning, like finding Lapras in that cave on Fridays. Pokemon contests would be nice too. Of course, they have to bring back the Red Gyarados, its cool to have a chance to get a shiny, even if everybody will have the same one!!

    Oh, and the Safari Zone just needs to stay closed... really!!
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    While I agree on the Gym Leader rematches/E4 upgrades, the ONLY Gym where there should be 2 on 2 battles is Mossdeep with Liza & Tate. The rest should be battled the regular way, just with the tougher teams.

    And the potential advantage to having the phone is that sometimes the other trainers did come up with something useful. You could manipulate the swarms to an extent, or get rare items depending on who you register. While you may have to deal with some of the inane crap in the process, at the very least you would have the Vs. Seeker to punish them for making you listen to it.

    Oh, and I did figure that the location-based evolvers had viable locations in Johto and maybe Kanto. Leafeon in Ilex Forest, Glaceon in Ice Cave, Magnezone and Probobass in either Mt. Mortar or maybe Mt. Moon (speaking of places that got cut down originally). I very much doubt we're gonna lose day and night, especially since some new 4th gen things have that as an evolution trigger as well as just Espeon and Umbreon. Feebas...ugh. PLEASE let them NOT do the stupid tile thing for that thing again. Same for anything that at any point had a 1% encounter rate. Give us a break from the impossible, please...

    And what's wrong with the Safari Zone? Frustrating as it is to catch things sometimes, it was always fun.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Yeah, the Safari Zone and Pokeradar are challenges. But I want two things:

    - Cell phone, so my mama can give me money
    - Apricorns. Love to Love Balls!
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    Trainer class/jobs. I want to be a bug catcher dammit!
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    Two seperate E4's. One for Johto and one for Kanto. You could probably have them in the same building, except you obviously wouldn't be able to get to the Kanto one until after you've got those badges. Yeah...

    I kinda wish they'd remake Crystal instead, though... I liked the storyline more than the G/S one. Or just a slightly different storyline in general would be nice.

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    I wanna thrash Bruno and Agatha again. Will and Karen sucked!
    Koga was just an excuse cos tey ran out of ideas!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemaster Ash View Post
    And what's wrong with the Safari Zone? Frustrating as it is to catch things sometimes, it was always fun.
    Eh, its the frustrating part that is the reason that I want it to stay closed lol. But seriously, I guess they could reopen it... but really the R/S/E and D/P/P Safari Zone didn't seem to be as annoying as the R/B/Y one... and besides, unless they do something really strange to these games, I really wouldn't need to mess with the Safari Zone anyways, as I could always import Pokemon from my other games, as long as these Safari Zone Pokemon aren't unique in anyway... I have always been afraid of finding a shiny in the Safari Zone and losing it lol.

    Actually, I thought of another cool addition too... bring back the old Mystery Gift feature... you know, the one where you could use the wireless thing on the old GBC to do Mystery Gift with a friend, where you could get some items and decorations for your room, I mean, we have wireless communication on the DS, so... why not?
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  21. #21
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    I don't really like the Safari Zone.

    The only thing that I really want is Gymleader rematches. Yeah.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Just some Ideas...

    New Bark Town

    Stater Pokemon
    (Confirmed Duh!)

    Surffing: Tentacool Tentacruel
    Old Rod: Magikarp, Tentacool
    Good Rod: Tentacool, Magikarp, Chinchou, Shellder
    Super Rod: Chinchou, Shellder, Tentacruel, Lanturn

    Route 29
    Grass: Day: Natu, Sentret, Hoppip Night: Hoothoot, Sentret
    Headbutt/Honey Trees: Pidgey, Spearow, Aipom

    Route 46

    Cleffa, Igglybuff, Rattata, Spearow, Geodude, Phanpy

    Cherrygrove City

    Surfing: Tentacool, Tentacruel

    Old Rod: Krabby, Magikarp
    Good Rod: Krabby, Magikarp
    Super Rod: Krabby, Kingler

    Good Rod: Corsola
    Super Rod: Corsola

    Good Rod: Staryu
    Super Rod: Staryu

    Route 30

    Grass: Day: Natu, Sentret, Hoppip, HG:Ledyba Night: Hoothoot, Sentret. SS: Spinarak
    Headbutt/Honey Trees: Pidgey, Spearow, Aipom, HG:Caterpie, Metapod, SS: Weedle, Kakuna

    Surffing: Poliwag, Poliwhirl

    Old Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Good Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Super Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp


    Joey Lv.4 Rattata♂

    Youngster Mikey
    Lv.2 Pidgey♂ Lv.4 Rattata♂

    Bug Catcher ♂: Don
    Lv.3 Caterpie♂ Lv.3 Caterpie♂

    Route 31

    Grass: Day: Natu, Sentret, Hoppip, Bellsprout, Pichu HG:Ledyba
    Night: Hoothoot, Sentret, Bellsprout SS: Spinarak
    Headbutt/Honey Trees: Pidgey, Spearow, Aipom, HG:Caterpie, Metapod, SS: Weedle, Kakuna

    Surffing: Poliwag, Poliwhirl

    Old Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Good Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Super Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp


    Bug Catcher♂ Wade

    Lv.2 ♂ Caterpie, Lv.3 ♂ Weedle, Lv.2 ♂ Caterpie

    Dark Cave: Violet side
    Zubat, Geodude, Dunsparce , Wynaut , Teddiursa

    Dark Cave: Blackthorn side
    Zubat, Golbat, Geodude, Graveler. Wobbuffet, Teddiursa, Ursaring

    Dark Cave: Surfing and fishing

    Dark Cave: Violet side
    Surfing: Magikarp, Goldeen, Zubat

    Dark Cave: Blackthorn side
    Surfing: Magikarp, Goldeen, Zubat, Golbat, Seaking, Gyarados

    Dark Cave: Fishing
    Old Rod: Magikarp, Goldeen
    Good: Magikarp, Goldeen
    Super Rod: Seaking, Gyarados

    Rock Smash: Shuckle, Krabby, Kingler

    Route 36 Pthe patch of grass above the north entrance of the Ruins of Alph

    Grass: Bellsprout, Pidgey, Natu , Houndour, Gastly
    HG: Day Growlithe, Ledyba
    SS: Day Vulpix Night Hoothoot, Spinarak

    Violet City

    Surffing: Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Gyarados

    Old Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Good Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Super Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp

    Sprout Tower

    Wild Pokemon:
    Day: Rattata
    Night: Rattata, Gastly


    Sage Nico

    Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout

    Sage Chow

    Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout

    Sage Edmond

    Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 6 ♂ Bellsprout

    Sage Jin

    Level 9 ♂ Bellsprout

    Sage Neal

    Level 9 ♂ Bellsprout

    Sage Troy

    Level 7 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 7 ♂ Hoothoot

    Sage Li

    Level 7 ♂ Bellsprout, Level 10 ♂ Weepinbell Level 12 ♂ Togetic

    After defeating Sage Li, players receive HM05 (Defog)

    Violet Gym Must defeat Sage Li to enter, Like say two bird keepers are talking in frunt of the gym and blocking the door and both seem to have a crush on Falkner...

    Bird Keeper ♀: Abey
    Lv.9 ♀ Natu

    Bird Keeper♂: Rod

    Lv.9 ♂ Spearow, Lv.9 ♂ Pidgey

    Leader Falkner

    Lv. 10 ♂ Pidgey Lv. 12 ♂ Pidgeotto (the same Levels as Brock in FR/LG.)

    Violet City: Events

    Mystery Egg given back by Elm's Aid

    Onix trade a Bellsprout to some kid for it.

    Ruins of Alph

    Inside: Unown

    Grass:Natu, Xatu, Smeargle Night: Wooper

    Surffing: Wooper, Quagsire

    Old Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Good Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp
    Super Rod: Poliwag, Magikarp


    So yeah while the Fist gen Pokemon are still around I adjusted there placement a bit, that way they can still be found in Jotho while not over crowding the Second Jen Pokemon.

    And yes I know what Ash said but if you look at it's placement in the National Pokédex order then you will notice Natu/Xatu come between Togetic and Mareep, and there for should be near the beginning of the Jotho Poédex.

    And yes Wild Baby Pokemon, Sure they are weak but it makes more Sence to have them be wild, since you find them wild in Sinnoh, well yess Wynaut was only wild in Hoenn but still it fits

    Besides as much as the hype up of Notched Pichu they would be stupid not to let you catch a Pichu early in the game rather then make you wait to catch a Piachu in Kanto when the Pichu Line comes early in the dex same reason why I have both Cleffa and Igglybuff on Route 46...

    And yes I Switched Ledyba and Spinarak, because Ledyba is found in the day anfd fits better with HG and Spinarak would fit better with SS...

    Yes I added Some Pokemon to there Crystal Locations since there will not be a remake of Crystal, so it would make some scene to use some stuff from Crystal.

    Also I would like it to be explained that the Unown basically Protected Pokémon of Jotho by trapping Team Rocket's Radio Signals that would force Pokémon to evolve, it could be as simple as a reacher saying s/he saw three Pokemon that move like the wind inside the ruins and the Blue one seemed to be talking to the Unown, and after the three Pokemon Left we started to pick up a strange radio signals.

    the three Speedy Pokemon are of course the Legendary beasts, and like after you wake them up in the burt tower they could be seen running around but like Suicune at frist wont let you catch it until you find the Clear Bell in the ruins of Alph behind one of the hidden rooms.

    of course these are just Ideas, I bet what Game Freak will do is not chance that much story wise but it would be stupid not for them to give some more back story on the Unown....

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 11th May 2009 at 06:11 AM.
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  23. #23

    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Number1ChanseyFan View Post
    Eh, its the frustrating part that is the reason that I want it to stay closed lol. But seriously, I guess they could reopen it... but really the R/S/E and D/P/P Safari Zone didn't seem to be as annoying as the R/B/Y one... and besides, unless they do something really strange to these games, I really wouldn't need to mess with the Safari Zone anyways, as I could always import Pokemon from my other games, as long as these Safari Zone Pokemon aren't unique in anyway... I have always been afraid of finding a shiny in the Safari Zone and losing it lol.

    Actually, I thought of another cool addition too... bring back the old Mystery Gift feature... you know, the one where you could use the wireless thing on the old GBC to do Mystery Gift with a friend, where you could get some items and decorations for your room, I mean, we have wireless communication on the DS, so... why not?
    They might reopen the Safari Zone and announce that it's imported lots of pokémon from far off lands, i.e. Hoenn and Sinnoh, so the player can get more pokémon from those regions without having to trade. Then you'd still be able to avoid the Safari Zone if you liked, but trading, etc. but it'd be there and have a purpose otherwise.

    I would love the additional feature Mystery Gift had in those days- I can't remember quite where, but somewhere in Kanto (Viridian City?) there's a Trainer House where you could battle daily with a copy of the team of the last person you Mystery Gifted with. I loved this feature, although was always peeved after my own got stuck to some guy's single Primeape and I couldn't find anyone else to gift with.

    On a related topic, what legends do people think will be available in these games? Considering that FR/LG included a wide stable of legends...

    Ho-Oh/Lugia: Obviously, these will feature as they did originally. Do you think you'll be able to get both in the same game (IIRC this was eventually possible in GSC?), or have to trade?

    Legendary Dogs: I figure Entei and Raikou are definitely going to be runners again, but I'm not sure about Suicune. They might keep the plot in Crystal (English releases at any rate) and have it as a more standard legendary encounter.

    Celebi: I think the GS Ball will be given away over a wifi event like Oak's Letter and suchlike.

    Now, getting into more murky waters...

    Legendary Birds: I don't think they'll be in the game, considering they're already in Plat and FR/LG

    Mewtwo: I doubt it, but I'm not entirely sure. He's obviously available in FR/LG, but not directly available in Gen IV. Possibly an Eventmon?

    Mew: Moderately sure Mew would be available as some manner of Eventmon.

    As for Hoenn...

    Regis: No, available (via bizarre mechanism) in Platinum, so I doubt they'd return.

    Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza: I'm really not sure. On the one hand, these are the big plotmons of RSE. They were much more important to the story than Lugia or Ho-Oh, which makes me think they wouldn't turn up as something you can just find and catch without plot. But then again, Lugia and Ho-Oh were unlockable in FR/LG, and I *think* Nintendo would like to make more pokémon available in Gen IV without transferring from Gen III. Overall I'd say there's maybe a 50/50 chance of these guys showing up.

    Lati@s: Chances seem high to me of these turning up- possibly 1 per game. I don't think they'd be eventmon. Possibly runners- Platinum has 5 runners, so if you had the 2/3 dogs and either Lati you'd still have less than 5.

    Jirachi & Deoxys: I thiiiink these will be eventmon. Prettymuch like Mew, I think. They could chalk up two of Deoxys' forms between the games to bring back the Gen III split (since in DPP you can just use the meteorites instead)

    Last but not least...

    Arceus's event has, to my knowledge, not yet happened for DPP. It seems to me that for the super climactic big last pokémon they might make it available in both the games. Perhaps at the peak of Mount Silver you could access the Hall of Origin? Keeping in mind that Mt Silver is pretty much Mt Fuji, which is a huge part of Japanese culture and myth. So if climactic awesome stuff were going to happen, it'd be the place!

    Few! Sorry for my long boring theories, but there you go. What does everyone else think?

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  24. #24
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Ho-Oh, Lugia, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Celebi, Latias, Latios

    Legendary Birds: while not catchable I could see a sub plot taking place in Kanto in which TR catches them which angers Lugia in HG and Ho_oh in SS and you need to free them and they fly off to Sinnoh.

    Mewtwo: I could see the Berserk Gene becoming a key Item for it, and like Mewtwo only opens the cave up for you when you beat Red.

    Mew: can be gotten from My Pokemon Ranch

    Jirachi: Perhapses the event takes place in Mount Moon Square and you need a like say a wishing star and say like on Moonday night the
    Clefairy are dancing and you have the wishing star you can use Rock smash to awaken Jirachi and then it fights you.

    Deoxys: Birth Island

    now here one why not thow in a Hetaran and have the story be that Blane was remolding his Gym when he found a Magma Rock, and awoke Heataran and Cinnabar's Volcano stated to erupt.

    And also I would like to see contest added to HG and SS, and I would not mind if they charged it a bit to being two rounds of Appeals then a battle...

    Also did any one like my Ideas on wild pokemon and trainer roosters, also the reason I gave Sage Li a Togetic is because we get a egg that hatches into a Togepi after we defeat Falkner

    ~Charles Legend
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  25. #25
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Okay, let's see...

    Expanded Kanto: While I'm sure they would have no problem recreating and even expanding the original Mt. Moon, Seafoam Islands, Viridian Forest, Safari Zone, etc. on a DS cart, I'd be a bit surprised if they did so. Doing so would be less than faithful to the original, and Fire/Leaf was very faithful to the original. They added new areas, but didn't much mess with existing areas beyond pokémon placement. That said, though, graphical enhancements certainly will happen and might lead to neat scenery on, for example, Cinnabar.

    Pokégear: The fact that we didn't get a Pokénav in Fire/Leaf suggests that we probably will get the Pokégear in Heart/Soul (that's gonna be weird to type...) They might decide, though, to upgrade the Cell Phone function so that it more closely resembles the Pokénav's Match Call...hrm...then again, if they keep the special swarm notification and item granting functions of the Pokégear, it might be better for them to stick with limited entries to reward people for choosing the right trainers to have listed...tough call. The idea of a classic theme station on the Pokégear Radio is clever, but is Nintendo really likely to do it with a Pokémon remake...? I guess we'll find out. As for the Pokétch, we'll almost certainly have that or something like it as well...otherwise the touch screen is dead weight in the overworld.

    New Pokédex: It's certainly going to be the way it is in RSE and DPPl, with a "Johto Dex" and then the "National Dex". The Johto Dex will have evos and pre-evos together, so that Magnezone will come right after Magneton and Pichu right before Pikachu, but the National Dex won't. There is no practical reason for it to be any different. The Unown Dex will probably be subsumed into the feature from DPPl where you can view different forms for every pokémon.

    Soundtrack: I will be very surprised if the soundtrack for Heart/Soul is not handled the same way as the one for Fire/Leaf. All fans' dreams aside, this is a remake, not a new entry in the series. The music for Sevii Islands 4-7 was probably not far from what we'll hear in this.

    Sevii Islands: Honestly, I doubt it. For one thing, someone on Island...7, was it? comments that the Sevii Islands are so named because they are said to have been made in seven days, and looking at them I can totally believe that this was true in real life at Nintendo's offices. There are several things about them that seem rushed (seriously. Seriously. ... Seeerioooouuuuslyyyy. "Lostelle"!?), and Nintendo might not want to revisit that.

    Apricorns: Apricorns, in my mind, are just one part of a bigger picture that I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet: the function of Berries. GS introduced Berries, but they worked differently than they have ever since. In GSC, you didn't have to worry about planting and watering the Berries. There were Berry Trees that were permanent fixtures, and reliably and autonomously produced one Berry each per day. Apricorns are part of that system. Will Nintendo bring that back, or are we stuck with the modern-day requirement that you be a gardener in order to get Berries? And if so, will Apricorns be the exception that sticks with the old method or will we be planting and watering Apricorn trees in order to get Kurt's special Pokéballs? Honestly, I have some reservations about every side of this debate; I'm not sure what to hope for.

    HMs: The situation in Fire/Leaf was very convenient. Dive, the HM absent from Fire/Leaf, and Rock Smash and Waterfall, the moves that hearkened back to GSC instead of RBY and thus were post-game material, were the last three numbered HMs and thus weren't really missed. Defog, however, is HM05, and HM06 at least will very definitely be in Heart/Soul. To prevent a conspicuous hole in your Bag's TM pocket if nothing else, Nintendo will probably find places (like Whirl Islands or Mt. Silver) to put lots of fog so that you'll have need of the Defog HM. ...Jasmine might give you the HM at the Lighthouse when she sends you off to Cianwood. Rock Climb, as HM08, is more easily ditched, though its inclusion certainly might make Mt. Silver a lot more interesting. As for Whirlpool, if that's included as a travel move it would have to be either TM 101 or HM09, and both of those are very ugly prospects...perhaps they'll just replace the whirlpools in GSC with heavy fog in Heart/Soul. Dragon's Den does sound like another place where fog would be thematically appropriate.

    DSi-Specific Features: I hope they're not there because I don't want to want a DSi...but they'll probably be there. /sigh/ I'll most likely just ignore them.

    Area Evolutions: Moss Rock in Ilex and Ice Rock in Ice Path sound about right. Magnezone and Probopass will probably happen in Mt. Mortar.

    Element Stones: No way is Nintendo going to be stupid enough to repeat how rare these were in GS. If they're not available via Pokégear like in Crystal, they'll be available some other way...such as scattered around in item balls like they were in Fire/Leaf. They probably won't be available in a Department Store simply because they haven't been in any other games than RBY and Fire/Leaf...if you recall, their availability in those games was because your training journey happened to coincide with a limited-time special sale of them in Wiseman Gifts.

    Headbutting Trees: I would like to see this back, but I have a terrible feeling they'll be introducing Honey to Johto instead. Bleah.

    Natu and Xatu: Charles, I know you're not doing this on purpose, but you are definitely insulting Natu and Xatu by suggesting they become Pidgey-common. They are far more special than Pidgey and thus deserve to be hard to find. Honestly, why would an entire race of precognitives NOT choose to live in a place that's seldom disturbed by the outside world?

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    That's...pretty concise to what everyone is talking about as far as HeartGold/SoulSilver go. Restoring some of the old areas, at least the Safari Zone, makes sense from a National Dex standpoint, though. Like "Hey, the Warden came back with a lot of Pokémon from other regions!", and then you can see Hoenn and Sinnoh stuff in there (kinda like all the Johto Pokémon invading the Safari Zone in Emerald after the E4, or all the National Dex add-ons to the Great Marsh). As for Viridian Forest, Seafoam, and Mt. Moon, it did seem rather disappointing that the grand mazes that once were had been reduced to so little. There was nothing really there anymore.

    I personally think doubling up on the technology would make for a fun game, not only having the PokéGear for its map, phone, and radio but also the Pokétch for all its fun features (I'm sure we've all come to rely on the darn thing for one thing or another in D/P/Plat). And as I said, if the trainers are calling you about inane crap instead of swarms or something else of use, punish 'em with the Vs. Seeker!

    As for the evolution stones, remember that we no longer are in need of only Fire, Water, Thunder, Grass, Moon, and Sun anymore. There's also Dawn, Light, and Dusk, and it would be nice to have at least semi-reliable access to them all. I guess the Fossils might be a similar issue, but with Cinnabar gone, where would you take them to be revived?

    The HMs I figure we're stuck with, since this is still Gen 4. Much as I want to see Defog and Rock Climb erased from existence, we're just gonna have to deal with it. I figure Rock Climb might have a little bit of use, and fog probably would become the replacement hazard to Whirlpool if not combined with it (hard to get past whirlpools if you can't see them).

    And Apricorns I wouldn't really be too bothered either way, if they made special trees that produced one every day or if they handled them like berries now. And actually, I'd say modify some of the Apricorn Balls to actually make them worth using over some of the mass-produced copycats. For example, Level Ball working better if you have a really high-levelled Pokémon out against a relatively quite weak one (as the name might suggest), Fast Ball working on not just runaways but also those that might kamikaze you (SelfDestruct, Explosion, Perish Song, Memento), or maybe the more annoying (Roar and Whirlwind). Basically any wild that might get away from you in one turn one way or another. Friend Ball's effect being better than Luxury Ball would help that. Heavy, Love, and Lure Ball are pretty much okay as they were. Moon Ball....probably could be replaced. Only useable on 5 out of 493 Pokémon? Might need something a little better here.

    I hope they don't do any DSi-specific things either. That would blow. Enough said. And I'd like Headbutt over honey for the trees, but either way we're in for something tedious. Oh yeah, can we not have anything with a 1% encounter rate anymore? I've cursed something out each gen for having to endure that...

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Seeing as the Sweet Honey was actually originally intended to be in Johto (although whether it would've worked the same way as DPPt's or not I'm not sure), I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it. I don't want them to, but they probably will. :/

    Losing Whirlpool for the Whirl Islands is just silly, really. That's part of what made them, you know, the Whirl Islands, and I can't imagine that Game Freak would just drop the whirlpool obstacles in favor of some stupid new fog mechanic. Just... no. The TMs/HMs are awkward, yes, but couldn't they just introduce a special kind of move tutor, probably a little cheaper than the usual move tutors, that allows you to get overworld moves like Whirlpool? (And Headbutt, if they're feeling benevolent and bring that back?) Or really, the Whirl Islands were technically an optional area, weren't they? They could just be lazy and leave Whirlpool only on the movesets of those Pokémon that learn it naturally and force you to bring a Shellder slave if you want to go in. Maybe edit the movepools slightly so a few more things learn it, too. Other than the Dragon's Den, which I guess could use some of the Frigging Obnoxious Graystuff for atmosphere as Poryhedron said, I don't remember any other areas where Whirlpool was actually required. Of course, that's probably just the fact that I haven't gotten to that point in a GSC game in years talking, so I don't know.

    ...That, or they can just handle the whirlpool mechanic in a different way entirely, maybe requiring you to have a special item to counteract them instead.

    You can talk about "punishing them with the Vs Seeker", but it still doesn't get me that five seconds of my life back. :/ In all seriousness, though, having both seems redundant. Why on earth do you need people to call you about rematches if you can just go challenge them whenever you want anyway? I'm sure it'll either be one or the other, or else a modified combination of sorts, but I highly doubt they'll just hand you both as separate items and still keep the phone's rematch functionality.
    Last edited by Phoenixsong; 11th May 2009 at 03:13 PM.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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  28. #28
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Well I'm working under the possibility that the phone is not used at all for rematches, just for items, swarms, random crap. This leaves the way better method of rematching, the Vs. Seeker, free to be abused on those poor vict---er, trainers that we want to beat up again.

    Would be nice if we could actually use the Vs. Seeker in caves and forests, but since it seems to have a solar battery, I guess it's not likely that'll change.

    And it's more than likely Whirlpool becomes a tutor thing (maybe free, considering it's an ex-HM), possibly Headbutt as well if necessary. I don't see the order of Gyms unlocking the HM use changing much. Just Falkner allowing Defog instead of Flash, maybe Whitney unlocking Rock Smash and Jasmine unlocking Strength, Pryce unlocking Rock Climb (he had Whirlpool before if I remember right...). Cut, Fly, Surf, and Waterfall would remain the same.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    on second thought I would like to see the habitat Dex return as well as first person views in Heart Gold and Soul Silver...

    ~Charles Legend
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemaster Ash View Post
    I guess the Fossils might be a similar issue, but with Cinnabar gone, where would you take them to be revived?
    If I remember correctly, the only Fossil that was obtainable in the original G/S was Aerodactyl, and you got it as an in-game trade. It might be different here.

    I remember the old game, and the only Apricorn Balls I bothered with were Heavy Balls (the best things for going after Legendary Pokemon) and Lure Balls. I never needed the others, but man, what I wouldn't have given to have Heavy Balls in the games that came afterwards...

  31. #31
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    According to CoroCoro, trainers will, as usual, have the choice of choosing to play as a male or female trainer, but this female trainer is not going to be the same one that was in Crystal. Similar to Diamond/Pearl, the trainer that you don't pick will serve a supporting role. Also, apparently the cutscenes, similar to those in FireRed/LeafGreen will appear when you enter a new area.
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Well I wouldn't exactly say that it's a different trainer. While the design does look different, it still looks like Crystal, just recolored with a new hat and a slightly different hair style.

    Of course, that might be part of why she looks different. A little hard to be Crystal when it's only gonna be Gold & Silver being remade.
    Last edited by Pokemaster Ash; 12th May 2009 at 11:34 AM.

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    It's-a me, Mario Crystal!

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    LOL XD well there is a very good chance that the New Girl is just Kris redesign, I mean if you think about it that what happened to Leaf, remember Leaf's Original design was in the instruction booklet remember all Leaf wore in her Original design was a black dress, and then in FR/LG She got new cloths. Also the change from blue to brown could be explained that the Goldenrod Department store just ran out of blue hair dye.

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  35. #35
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Crys has brown hair in the manga, so if they incorporate these games into the manga she can easily just get a new outfit.

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  36. #36
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Here is what I want

    -Bigger Kanto and bigger Johto regions.
    -Better Viridian Forest and possibly bigger Ilex Forest.
    -Safari zone opened.
    -Sevii Islands I loved those.
    -Bigger Laboratory on Cinnabar Island like in Red and Blue.
    -Day Specific events like the Bug Catching contest and the family which gave you the type boost items.
    -Flash and Headbutt back as out of field moves.
    -More Shuckles.
    -Better storyline with Ho-oh, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, Raikou.
    -More Team Rocket.
    -Mew and Celebi as in game catchables and not as stupid events so us normal people can have them as well.
    -Time Travel.
    -Cut scenes with links to past events as part of the story line.
    -Being able to verse any trainer more then once.

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  37. #37
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    The translation of the latest interview with the director of HG/SS.

    Only a couple interesting tidbits were dropped, namely that the games were in development since the release of DP, and that they are not "simple remakes". Of course the latter comment could be referring to them being enhanced remakes like FR/LG, but being in development for 3 years sounds promising.
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    Yeah. It's rather surprising they were able to keep the project under wraps this long, but at least we know they've put a lot of time into HeartGold/SoulSilver.

    Of course, the big question now: How much effort have they put into it? Hopefully the quality of the game matches the amount of time put into the details.

  39. #39
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    >> Shuckle can die kthx >>

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    Default Re: What do YOU want in the G/S Remake

    You never know DL, they could have thought up an evolved or prevolved form of Shuckle


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