I see a Ground Weakness to exploit, since half of your team is weak to it. You also have alot of attackers..In fact, everyone is an attacker to some degree, with Kiss playing a psuedo annoyer role...which is fine, if you wanna try it that way. My brain is fried, but I did have some thoughts..
Gyara: Waterfall over Ice Fang. Lucario and Ice Punch will do more damage, especially since you have SD on Lucario.
Doom: Spec Sweeper Doom..haven't seen those since GSC honestly. But Nasty Plot may kill you.before you shoot anything off. I see Sub on there, but even still, you might only get one Plot off if they keep breaking your Sub.
Kiss: Give Kiss Nasty Plot . You could pass it to Doom and then start chaos that way. :O
That's all. :O