I got SS 3 days ago, just got to Goldenrod after being pummeled by Bugsy, then showing that Scyther who's boss :3

I chose Chikorita, but had no problem with Falkner since I got a Pikachu from the Yellow Forest on the Pokewalker. I also used Pikachu as bait for Bugsy's Scyther. I let him U-turn me, and static paralyzed it in the death process :3 It therefore became slower and didn't U-turn as much. Silly Bugsy...

I currently have Bayleef, Poliwag (I fished through hundreds of Magikarps to find it, damnit!), Pikachu, Pidgeotto and Ratatta. My 6th member changes, but is currently Sentret, just for HM uses, but was Slowpoke for a bit. Just caught a Drowzee, so might start using that...

I don't plan to keep Ratatta. It can sit in my box for eternity once I find a replacement. And probably not Pidgeotto, since I don't tend to use flying types.

I can't wait til I can fetch me a Sneasel. And omg, Goldenrod City is HUGE D:

I caught all the Unowns in Crystal, I dunno whether I can be bothered to do it again... It is weirdly tempting... ><