Still on my first run (I can't see why you guys would spend the time to do all this and then just restart like *finger snap* that). Beat Misty, got the machine part, captured the Snorlax, then went after Suicune last night.

Okay, it was night so I was using Dusk Balls and had about 33, I had 12 Ultra Balls too. I managed to get Suicune down to that little sliver of health with my 46 Jolteon Thundershocking and Quick Attacking. THen I sent in my Venusaur to put him to Sleep.

On the LAST set of Sleep Powders (PP 0) and after going through 20-some Dusk Balls and about 7 Ultra Balls, I managed to catch the damn thing... In a LEVEL BALL while my Venusaur was only 4 LEVELS HIGHER!

DAMN YOU SUICUNE! Damn you to the 8th level of hell!