Bloody hell MLG, completed the main game already? :O

Name: Lizz
Type Steel
Badges 2

Beat all of the rockets with ease; then headed into Ilex forest to catch mahself a Pineco. Took a while because of gaddamn Selfdestruct, but ended up catching one at level 7. Levelled it for a while until Togepi hatched, showed him to Elm, headed back, yadda yadda yadda... Bugsy was almost too easy to beat; but Silver proved a real problem. Croconaw was literally EATING my team with Water Gun, since all of them but Pineco (who is CRAP at the moment, I'm contemplating getting rid of it) are weak to it ATM. Killed it in the end just about by taking the majority of it's health with Selfdestruct, and sending in Rocky to finish it with a Rock Tomb. Gastly and Zubat gave me no trouble whatsoever, Zubat was a little annoying with Supersonic though.

Helped the Farfetch'd guy out, got through Ilex forest and trained Pineco some more. He's not quite as bad now he has Take Down, but I'm still gonna get rid of him most likely. Changed the date on my DS to catch a Scyther, and I actually love the thing. It literally trained itself Technician FTW.

Now I'm just training a bit until I'm ready to beat Whitney, that Miltank always seems to give me trouble on every other playthrough I've done. Shouldn't be too bad with Rocky though, he's a beast! (On a side note, I just boxed Pineco. Meh, he just wasn't working out.)


Level 20


Level 23


Level 20