So, I came up with an idea today that I thought might be a really good one...


How it works:

A new player joins the forums. Lets call the Oslo. Oslo picks his team of 4 in the tower, but because he is new, he doesn't know how the rest of the forum works. Along comes a veteran. Lets call them Ayeun. Ayeun has been here for a while, and has a decent team of say 10 or so. Ayeun challenges Oslo to a match, nothing fancy, and in the title of the match, sets it up so that it says [Mentoring] in the title.

A ref comes along, and when Ayeun sends out her first pokemon, she explains in the post how we do things, with things like Banned moves, or good combos, ect. Ayeun also explains to Oslo that he can attack 3 times per round, and that Combos take one attack turn, but then leave him open to attack.

The battle proceeds and as Oslo starts to get the hang of things, Ayeun can start to use some more advanced moves (combos, substitutions, ect), again, explaining to Oslo how a Sub works (in the post that it is done), so that in future, Oslo knows that he can sub in moves.

When the battle is done, the ref and the 'Mentor' offer feedback, explain things, like why they lost, if applicable, or congratulate them on their win, and explain different things, like how to claim the points (with correct HTML coding to link to the fight for the bank), and how to spend the points.

The Mentor, for their services, is then offered a Free catch or a Free evolution for helping develop a new player in our forums.

Further more, if the idea is sucessful, the Mentor and the new player can, after the first battle, enter in to a Tag match up with another Mentor/New player team, teaching both the new players how we work double battles, ect.
