
The cathedral was empty, even the priest had gone out to witness the comet. Claire had stayed inside; original she had been out in the night, watching the sky with the rest. But as her eyes stared at the tail of the comet, she had felt strange. Her attention had drifted to this holy place. She had hurried inside, paying no mind to the collared man stepping outside to view the phenomena.

Her head didn’t hurt per say nor did her body, something deeper did. It twisted in her, forcing her to drop to a knee before the mighty cross on the wall. Trying to fight whatever had come over her, she heard her neck crack as her head was raised to stare at the golden cross. Candles were lit all around it, with the figure of Jesus carved beautifully. Her eyes watered, unable to blink, unable to do anything but feel an essence crawl slowly up her spine and into her mind.

“Me phobeou eme, Claire, se ger kai ego esmen he aute."

The voice was hers but it was different. Like she had been alive for ages past, and was far more experienced then the young woman could ever be.

Claire’s world faded to darkness and Nazara’s world erupted into light. She blinked slowly; the girl’s pained expression turning that to of cold-neutrality. It took a moment for the scion to realize she was staring at the cross. She hadn’t expected the transition to be so easy.

She shrugged off the residual pain and bowed her head to the figure.

“Deus meus, ex toto corde paenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum,
eaque detestor, quia peccando,
non solum poenas a te iuste statutas promeritus sum,
sed praesertim quia offendi te,
summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris.
Ideo firmiter propono,
adiuvante gratia tua,
de cetero me non peccatorum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum.

Standing, she heard someone enter and turned. The priest was looking at her, a smie on his face, he nodded to her. Nazara nodded back, going back to the massive cross.

“Do you need something child?” His voice was shaky from his age. “The cathedral is closed due to renovations, I’m afraid.”

“You…” Nazara trailed off, letting her voice go shaky. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare room? M-my family and I… we had a falling out and…” She hung her head, frowning at the floor. “This was the first place in my mind to go too.”

“There’s a women’s shelter just down the-“

“No, they’ll look there…” Nazara smiled weakly. “I really, just want to stay here…”

He was quiet for a moment, his smile fading as he thought. The man turned from her, heading to the podium to think. Glancing at her warily, he nodded. “There is a room, it’s a bit dusty from neglect, but it has a bed.”

The scion smiled. “Thank you Father, you’re very kind.” She moved for the door. “I’ll be back, I just need to grab a few things.”

“Of course.”

Slipping outside the cathedral, Nazara looked back up at the darkening sky, a small smirk playing on her lips.