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Thread: Clash of the Scions (SIGN UPS)

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  1. #29
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: Clash of the Scions (SIGN UPS)

    Human Name: Karis Simmons
    True Name: Eirwyn
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Element: Ice
    Light or Darkness: Darkness

    Appearance (Human): Karis really lives up to her Scion’s name. Her hair is white blonde, side parted but otherwise doesn’t really have much of a style to it. There are no dark shades to her hair, if anything it only gets whiter. Her skin is pale, she has no freckles , moles or blemishes, so when she blushes, or if she bruises it’s very noticeable. Her eyes are a very bright and icey shade of blue, very unusual and stunning. Although some might describe her form as frail, it’s not, she’s just physically fit and naturally skinny. Her clothing never really stands out, just simple jeans and t-shirt combination, although she does have a few dresses and skirts she’ll wear occasionally. Currently it’s a pair of grey skinny jeans, with a pale blue plaid shirt over the top of a black tank top, the shirt left undone.

    Appearance (Scion): Because I’m a bit lazy, and this is fitting, behold Shiva!

    Personality: Karis and Eirwyn certainly share one distinct personality trait: their strive for perfection. Where Karis trains hard every day on the ice rink, Eirwyn would train with her gunblade in order to always be fit for combat. Eirwyn was confident and outgoing, but in this incarnation, she’s a little more reserved and quiet, perhaps more careful in her choice of words. That being said, there is still a confident streak that runs through her that will act on impulses. She doesn’t like large groups of people, and enjoys the company of a few close friends. She doesn’t really enjoy hot, sunny days, and will always seek shade or avoid the midday sun as much as possible. On a similar note, she doesn’t feel the cold. She always thinks of others before herself, trying to please as many as possible, which often leads to her own downfall, and sometimes hurting others unintentionally.

    Weapon(s): Eirwyn forms her weapons from ice so cold that only she is able to hold them without her hands freezing to them. They don’t melt, as she maintains the correct temperature for them at all times. Her favourite and most commonly used weapon is a gunblade. It fires sharp ice bullets (don’t ask how, this is magic!), but she mostly uses its blade in close combat. However, if she is trying to be stealthy, her weapon of choice is an icey crossbow. Although the projectiles eventually melt, it’s the perfect murder weapon as the evidence disappears and only leaves a watery trace.

    Abilities: Her ice magic is very easy to use, since she can just freeze the water in the air around her to make her weapons. She can freeze pretty much anything, so long as it contains water (that’s right, including people). She can also manipulate the weather so that it either hails or snows and drop the temperature at will.

    Signature Magick: An Icebeam of sorts, that varies in shape and size depending on what she is using it for. It is most effective at adding a layer of ice to the ground, or freezing someone into place, but also can be used offensively as I've heard ice hurts quite a bit when it's hurled towards you.

    History: Before the first war, Eirwyn befriended a Scion of Light. Although they were close, she kept all knowledge of the planned rebellion to herself, and early on in the battles that were fought, she injured him to the point of being unable to battle. This was her way of saving him from harm, as she was sure that any of the other dark scions would have just killed him.
    Eirwyn fought hard in the first rebellion, under Nazara’s direction. After the humiliation of their first defeat, Eirwyn took up the reigns for the second rebellion. She sought out her Scion of Light, to explain the actions she felt she needed to take. They kept their secret of a renewed friendship for as long as possible, but some of the others began to notice as they seemed to get closer. Her viewpoint changed; she no longer wanted to destroy her overseers, she wished that she could instead be accepted by them.
    The problem is, she doesn’t remember much from the second rebellion. She doesn’t even know she was involved with a Light Scion, or that she led that rebellion, only that she should find Nazara and that she misses someone, or something, greatly. She can’t remember how she died either, which is the most frustrating part of all.
    Karis works at an ice rink, where she trains to do figure skating, but also gives lessons on how to skate. She lives alone; she used to date her skating partner, but that did not end well.
    Relations: The only person she remembers: Nazara.

    I'll finish this tomorrow, and hopefully post something too if this bit is accepted ^^; (can't believe I forgot the personality box wut) NEED SLEEP.

    EDIT: It's done I hope this fits all the complex plotting going on XD
    Last edited by ChobiChibi; 8th November 2011 at 04:31 PM.

    X-rated since April 2012!

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    Or i will hog tie you
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