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Thread: Final Fantasy [Begins]

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    Default Re: Final Fantasy [Begins]

    Nova Myst

    He knew she was lying, but he didn’t want to call her out on it. Eden was well practiced in telling little white lies to make him feel better, and as he got older, and situations like this arose, it was strange how he appreciated the sentiment more now than he did when he was younger.

    To be honest, he wasn’t really sure who he was angry at. It was against his nature to be aggressive like he had been earlier, so he knew he would have to apologise. And he did like Markus, so he really wasn’t sure why he told Eden she could do better.

    That would be Kara’s opinion, not his. But you don’t argue with Kara.

    He sat with Eden for a while, taking comfort in the fact that he knew she was just as torn inside as he was.

    “I promise I’m going to be less of a dick from now on.” Nova finally said, rubbing his knuckles gingerly from where he’d hit Markus. It had felt so good at the time, now it felt so bitter. “I’ll find Markus and apologise, then round the others up.”

    “You’re excited to see Kara?”

    “Only because I know she’ll figure out what we should do.” He lied. Partially. He also felt that he could really do with a hug from her, if he was honest.

    Nova got up and stretched, taking Eden’s empty coffee mug from her to take back inside. “Please don’t keep secrets from me. I know you only do it to protect me, but I’m 19 now. I know sometimes you think I can’t handle the truth, but surely you won’t know that until you let me try?” He shrugged. “I’m not as stupid as you think I am.”

    He began to walk back towards the house, but paused briefly when Eden called to him. “I promised our parents I’d take care of you. I’m not breaking that promise.”

    “I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want you to stop me living my life though.” He said quietly as he walked away, unsure if Eden heard him or not.

    The house was fairly empty, so he assumed they were all hiding from the Myst family rage. He could hear Babs chirping away, and someone was hitting random keys on the piano. Wouldn’t be Alex, he thought. She’d be more tuneful than that.

    He briefly wondered if she was scared of him now, since he’d hit Markus and got unreasonably angry. Hopefully not. He’d talk to her later. It was shower time, and that was far more important.

    He’d picked up his clothes as he went by them in the living room, so there was no chance he’d have to go in his room and disturb Alex. He didn’t waste time in the shower, although he really didn’t want to get out, because he knew if they’d miss the chance to see Kara today if they didn’t hurry up.

    Fully clothed and with his hair still soggy, he knocked on Markus’ door with a little hesitation.

    Markus opened the door also fully clothed, but looking a little more presentable than usual. He obviously knew where they were going.

    Nova held out his hand in preparation for the handshake he wanted to offer. “Markus, I’m sorry for being a prick. You know it’s not like me to attack people like that and... Well... I should really be congratulating you on the fact you finally managed to crack that shell that my sister so expertly puts up. So, before I did myself a hole, I’m sorry.”

    Nova shouldn’t have been surprised that Markus shook his hand, but he was. “It’s alright; everyone has been on edge lately. And I’m sorry you found out the way you did. The night wasn’t exactly planned...”

    “I could guess that.” Nova chuckled. He glanced down the corridor to make sure no one was listening. “And I really didn’t make any moves on Alex. As much as I want to, right now it doesn’t feel like I should...”

    “Who are you and what have you done with the Nova I knew at the Academy, who would take his chances with anything that moved?”

    “He grew up.” Nova smirked. “But only a little bit.” He yawned and stretched. “Anyway, will you help me round up the others? We need to leave soon.”
    Markus nodded, looking noticeably worried. “This is gonna be interesting...”

    Nova shrugged as he walked towards the stairs. “It’s only Kara. What’s the worst that could happen?”

    She could kill them all for being l’cie, of course. If it was anyone else, she probably wouldn’t hesitate to. Sometimes being related to Ultima’s Representative had its upsides.

    Nova wandered towards the study. He decided to let Markus deal with whoever was upstairs. After he opened the door, he wished he’d picked upstairs instead.

    Kite looked up momentarily from the book he was reading and glared.
    Not wanting his bollocks crushed by Smashy, he just about managed to stop himself saying anything. Instead, he picked up a pen and piece of paper from the desk. He scribbled a note, hiding it from Kite’s view until he gave it to him.

    “’Dear Kite,” He read aloud. “’We have to leave soon, so please get your things together. And I know what you’re thinking, I won’t let anyone throw you out. If they did, they’d have to chuck me out too.’ With a smiley face? Really?”

    He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.

    Kite frowned. “I’ll get ready.” As Nova gave him a thumbs up, Kite’s expression lightened. “You really are terrified that I’m gonna use Smashy on ya, aren’t you?”

    Nova shrugged again, but then nodded. Feeling that it might be safe to speak again, he did. “I’m afraid I’ll say something stupid.”

    “You always do.”

    “Thanks, Kite. Thanks a lot.”

    Yuki Kurosawa

    Today was supposed to be one of those normal days on the job. She was in all day with Kara, and it was these days she enjoyed the most. They would talk when she wasn’t busy, and it made Kara seem like a normal person, just like everyone else.

    She was a little distant today though, but Yuki knew why. She hadn’t heard from her brother or sister since the disaster at the Parade of Lights. She’d sent Yuki down to Ramblum, as she was the one guard that really knew the city, to find them. She was unsuccessful.

    She’d visited Cid briefly while she was in the area. He was rushed off his feet since Kite and Nova had disappeared.

    It didn’t take her long to realise that they were essentially looking for the same person.

    From that moment on, she looked for leads on Kite too, hoping it would take her to the missing Myst boy and his big sister.

    She returned late last night with only the knowledge that they had been there, and that they weren’t amongst the dead. Luckily, Kara didn’t seem to hold this against her.

    So when Eden arrived late in the morning, it took them both by surprise. But she was alone. Fearing the worst, Yuki remained still and silent.

    “I need to talk to you.” Eden stated.

    If this were Nova, he would have greeted Kara with a hug, and had a general catch up before imparting any bad news on his sister, but that wasn’t Eden’s style.

    Yuki looked at Kara, who said nothing, but looked concerned. “Would you like me to wait outside?” She broke her silence, possibly alerting the two to the fact she was still there.

    Eden’s glare was enough for her to know she wasn’t welcome. “Yes please, Yuki. I’ll call for you if I need you.” Kara smiled gently at her; Yuki bowed her head in respect, and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her.

    Now she would spend time with the Crystal Statues of the l’cie Knights, like she always did when she was send out like this. One of her own ancestors was in there, and she would often kneel at his feet and pray for guidance. Today, though, she addressed them all, praying for Nova’s safety and Kara’s continued wisdom.

    They were taking a while, whatever it was must have been serious. If Nova was dead, they would have told her by now so that she could inform the relevant people. What had happened at the Parade? Something more than just a Behemoth attack, it would seem.

    The door opened, but at the other end of the corridor, and shut quickly. Only those with the correct level of security clearance could get through those doors without supervision. She readied herself, in case it was an intruder.

    “Hey Yuki!”

    It was Nova! She felt relieved, but also slightly more concerned. If Nova was alive, something else must be seriously wrong for her not to be allowed in the room and for them to be talking this long. Was it Nova’s fault? No, Eden would have arrested him by now.

    “You’re alive! I’ve been looking for you. Kara was worried. Where have you been?”

    Nova looked past her at the doors behind her. “If they asked you to leave, I probably shouldn’t say.” Yuki nodded, knowing not to pry, but her curiosity was bubbling inside her. “I’m not alone though. There are others waiting in the room I just came from. They’re terrified of Kara, it’s quite funny.”

    “You should probably wait with them.” Yuki smiled. “You’d calm their nerves.”
    She noticed that he wasn’t really paying much attention to her, but was glancing between all the statues in corridor. “I’m not so sure about that...”

    “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Off you go, I’ll come find you when they’re ready for you.”


    “Well, that’s your cue.” Nova smirked. “I’ll make sure they’re ready.”

    “Quickly, how many of you are there?”

    “Including me? Five. Markus is one of them.”

    Yuki nodded and stepped back into the room, bowing again out of habit. She couldn’t read either of them; Eden was always difficult to judge, but Kara had this way of shielding her emotions too when she had to. The normally kind and gentle soul became tough and guarded. She didn’t like it; in a weird way, Yuki saw Kara as a friend, even if the feeling wasn’t mutual, so she became uneasy when Kara wasn’t able to share things with her.

    “Please go and fetch the group waiting at the other end of the hallway.” Kara was commanding now, professional as always.

    “Would you like me to leave once they are here, Miss?”

    “No, you may stay.” Yuki grew nervous as Eden shot her sister a very wary look. Kara turned to Eden. “I trust her.”

    It was clear that Eden didn’t, since she rolled her eyes and folded her arms. Yuki left quickly, hurrying to find the people she would have to escort.

    It was an odd group, she had to admit. Nova hadn’t lied, Markus was with them. He actually looked as scared as the rest of them did. There was a young man in an Academy uniform, a girl who looked absolutely terrified standing next to Nova, and another man who looked completely out of place.

    Oh God, it’s Kite! She quickly got out of his direct eye line, as he didn’t seem to clock her. He would certainly have said something if he’d noticed her there. Well, at least I can tell Cid he’s alive, I suppose...

    She let them go first, making sure the door was secure before following close behind. It took a while for Kara to spot her brother; he’d carefully positioned himself behind Markus and Kite, like he wanted it to be a surprise all along. He didn’t visit often, not in comparison to Eden.

    “Oh Nova...” Kara’s guard instantly disappeared. This was the most relaxed these people would probably ever see her. “Not you too?”

    He shrugged, as if whatever was going on wasn’t such a big deal. He stepped forward and hugged his eldest sister. Yuki coulda sworn he heard him whisper “sorry”...

    But then she snapped her mind back into focus when she caught the group’s reaction to this. The girl and the Academy guy seemed shocked, but Kite was fuming. His fists were clenched into tight little balls, like he’d lash out at them at any moment.

    She couldn’t let that happen. Not only for Kara’s safety, but for the safety of the guy she used to call her best friend.

    She was fast and quiet, so he had no time to react to her actions at all. With a few swift movements, Yuki was holding both of Kite’s hands behind his back with one of hers, and her other hand was clamped over his mouth.

    “You need to calm the fuck down, Kite Rowe, or she’ll make me kill you where you stand.” She whispered harshly in his ear. “And you’ll never see Ramblum again. Do you understand?”


    I purposely left some gaps in time, to give people the chance to fill things in. I was already at 1000 words when I decided I'd finished Nova's section, I didn't think you'd want to read anymore XD

    I don't think my brain can explain any more, so please IM/PM me if I've made anything unclear... I'll pass you over to the hostess with the mostess
    Last edited by ChobiChibi; 18th February 2013 at 06:52 PM.

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