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Thread: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

  1. #1
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    Default Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    if I recall correctly its part of the original series and the group comes to a glorious shiny looking city with helpfull little cleaning robots and vending robots roaming around and they were given keycards or something when they first entered so they could use the roving vending machines. And at some point team rocket snuck in climbing over a cliff or something and tried to use the machines too but without the cards they couldnt and I guess they freaked out or something and got in trouble. any one reconize this episode and can tell me the name of it?


  2. #2
    The Jigglypuff Master! Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    You're thinking of the movie Destiny Deoxys. I do not remember the name of the city but that is the place with the robots. I think the main control robot sensed danger and was telling Deoxys and Rayquaza to leave and it somehow got hit but electricity and it overloaded and became uncontrollable. A wild Munchlax was also found in the city. Does this sound right to you?
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    I think the city's name was Larrousse or Larousse City. I recall the name cause it reminded me so much of the old Formula One racing team with a similar name.

    That was the last Pokémon movie I've seen by the way. Never bothered to get the others on DVD. Maybe I should.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    it's LaRousse City which happened to be Drew's hometown, but leave it to a newbie to not know this quwestion should have been posted in the Animé section...

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  5. #5
    The Jigglypuff Master! Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    All I remember the boy Ash meets is terrified of all Pokemon after nearly getting hurt during the chaos from the meteorite that carried the two Deoxys and scared the Pokemon. I also remember either Plusle or Minun getting stuck in a trash can. It's been years since I saw the movie but I do recall the main robot merging with the robotic cubes and forming one giant robot and Ash somehow had to swipe one of the cards to deactivate the machines. Also remember that Munchlax evolved into Snorlax while being carried away which always confused me. It had no reason to evolve at that moment as it was just being moved and not being attacked. I think it was just to show Munchlax evolves into Snorlax.
    "Hey! Don't pawn your garbage on me!"
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    Helga: So I'm NOT Kate Moss.
    Milo: Kate Moss isn't stuck in a sewer.
    Helga: Gee. I don't know. When you really think about it, is there any sewer bigger than the world of professional modelling?
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  6. #6
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Name of pokemon episode of city full of robots?

    I think that's still the same destiny deoxys movie.

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