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Thread: Translation Help Thread

  1. #1
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Translation Help Thread

    I got another of my eccentric ideas while watching today's match between Austria and France. I decided to dig up from my memories a poem I wrote when I was 18 years old. I remember having that on paper, but I also remember throwing that paper away when I changed apartment. So I had some hard time, I don't remember everything from French grammar and vocabulary, furthermore, I should be able to sing the poem as a part of my alternate lyrics for Sailor Moon's Moonilight Densetsu.

    Here's just one version of the theme in question:

    Almost everything I (have to) remember is here, and I want you, my friends, help me to see if it's grammatically correct and what kind of mistakes are there. The most difficult parts in yellow.

    MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIT me donne la force et l'amour
    MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIT gives me power and love
    Si je vante les cheveux, elle me remercit
    If I praise the hair, she thanks me

    La beauté aux cheveux rouges Maarit
    The beauty with her red hair Maarit
    Au milieu du rêve elle est ma Maarit
    In the middle of dream she is my Maarit
    Aussi bien gentille que jolie Maarit
    As well nice as pretty Maarit
    Ce nomme je chuchote au vent
    That name I whisper to wind

    Thanks in advance. Later, we might want to change this into a general translation help topic.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 1st June 2013 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: (French) Translation Help Thread

    I initially went ahead and interpreted this as requesting a translation from French to English, so I have posted the below to suggest how I would translate your French lines into English:

    La beauté aux cheveux rouges Maarit
    The red haired beauty, Maarit
    Au milieu du rêve elle est ma Maarit
    In the middle of the dream, she is my Maarit
    Aussi bien gentille que jolie Maarit
    As kind as she is pretty, Maarit
    Ce nomme je chuchote au vent
    This name I whisper to the wind

    However, I just reread your post and it seems clearer that you were looking for help with rewriting the French lines to match the English ones ... is that right?

    If so, it mostly looks fine to me, except for the "si je vante" line. It should be "ses cheveux", not "les cheveux". But the "me" you highlighted in yellow is correct.

    Hope this helps in some way.
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 5th May 2013 at 10:29 AM.
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  3. #3
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: (French) Translation Help Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    However, I just reread your post and it seems clearer that you were looking for help with rewriting the French lines to match the English ones ... is that right?
    Yes I was, thanks for the help! For some odd reason, I have constantly had dreams about my French teacher's daughter (FYI, not my red-haired crush, my life's only date with her was almost exactly 10 years ago) recently.

    I'll leave word 'French' there for some time, still, so I might get more opinions.

    La beauté aux cheveux rouges Maarit
    I also thought avec would fit here but thought it would sound stupid.

    Au milieu du rêve elle est ma Maarit
    I think it's just an indefinite dream, not THE dream. But I think you can't say it in French in any other way than du rêve because there's a genitive expression involved.

    Ce nomme je chuchote au vent
    A preposition issue again. There are much less of those little things in Finnish, only like in

    ennen sotaa
    before war

    not in

    to the wind

    where it's shown by using a case called the illative.

    Also, you must have noticed from my way to post that Finnish usually makes absolutely no difference between the English articles a, an and the.

  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: (French) Translation Help Thread

    I know this sounds horrible, but my German is so rusty. Here's a quick translation I made from a German Sailor Moon song. I used Google Translate, too.

    Wie ein Feuer,
    Like a fire,
    lodert ihr Haar bis zum Himmel auf.
    her hair blazes up to the sky
    Wie eine Flamme,
    Like a flame,
    biegt sich ihr Körper entfacht im Sturm.
    her body bends itself in storm.

    Wie verhext und kaum zu glauben ist ihre Kraft.
    Like jinxes and barely to believe is her power.
    Sie warf die Liebe weg
    She threw the love away
    um sich ab jetzt nur dem Bösen zu stellen.
    form herself and now to provide only evil.

    Ich versteh nicht was du aus der Liebe machst
    I don't understand what you do from love
    was machst du nur,
    what you do only do
    wenn du aus diesem Traum erwachst
    when you wake up from this dream
    doch nur du allein, wirst im Kampf bestehn,
    but only you alone, will stand in the fight,
    egal wie hart er auch ist
    now matter how hard he is

    Du hast die Kraft und glaub daran,
    You have the power and believe that
    dass nur die Liebe siegen kann.
    only love can win
    Gegen das Böse mit all seiner Kraft,
    Against evil with all her power,
    gegen das Dunkel der Welt.
    against the dark in the world.

    Du hast die Kraft bei jedem Stoß,
    You have the power with each shock,
    wirst du Kämpfen erbarmungslos.
    will you inexorably fight
    Gegen die Mächte
    Against the might
    und gegen das schlechte in uns.
    and against the bad in us

    Wie ein Fels,
    Like a rock,
    steht Vertrauen, gegen Macht
    is the trust, on the might
    und wie vom Sturnt
    and like it storms
    wird jede Lüge weggefegt.
    will sweep away every lie.

    Sogar das Eis
    Even the ice
    schmilzt durch die Klarheit dieser Macht.
    melts through the clarity of this power.
    Züngelnde Flammen
    Lambent Flames
    sind durch die Wahrheit bald im Keim erstickt
    are nipped in the bud by the truth soon

    Du hast die Kraft der Ewigkeit
    You have the power of eternity
    hast keine Angst vor der Dunkelheit.
    you have no fear for darkness
    Gegen die Mächte im Dunkel der Welt,
    Against the might in the dark of the world,
    ewiger Wächter im Licht.
    eternal watchman in light.

    Du hast die Kraft und glaub daran,
    You have the power and believe
    dass nur die Liebe siegen kann.
    that only love can win.
    Gegen das Böse mit all seiner Kraft,
    Against evil with all her power,
    gegen das Dunkel der Welt.
    against the dark in the world.

    Du hast die Kraft bei jedem Stoß,
    You have the power with each shock,
    wirst du Kämpfen erbarmungslos.
    will you inexorably fight
    Gegen die Mächte
    Against the might
    und gegen das schlechte der Welt.
    and against the bad in in the world.

  5. #5
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Re: (German) Translation Help Thread

    Sorry for not replying earlier, only saw your message now.

    Attached find the parts I would change ....

    Wie verhext und kaum zu glauben ist ihre Kraft.
    Like bewitched and hardly to believe is her power

    um sich ab jetzt nur dem Bösen zu stellen.
    to only face evil starting from now

    Ich versteh nicht was du aus der Liebe machst
    I don't understand what you make from love

    was machst du nur,
    What are you doing?

    wenn du aus diesem Traum erwachst
    when you awake from this dream

    doch nur du allein, wirst im Kampf bestehn,
    but only you alone will make it through the fight,

    egal wie hart er auch ist
    now matter how hard it is

    Gegen das Böse mit all seiner Kraft,
    Against evil with all its power,

    Du hast die Kraft bei jedem Stoß,
    You have the power with each strike

    wirst du Kämpfen erbarmungslos.
    will you fight without mercy

    Gegen die Mächte
    Against the powers/forces

    und gegen das schlechte in uns.
    and against the evil inside us

    Wie ein Fels,
    Like a rock,

    steht Vertrauen, gegen Macht
    is the trust, against the might

    und wie vom Sturm
    and like from a storm

    wird jede Lüge weggefegt.
    every lie will be swept away

    sind durch die Wahrheit bald im Keim erstickt
    are soon nipped in the bud by the truth

    hast keine Angst vor der Dunkelheit.
    you have no fear from the darkness

    Gegen die Mächte im Dunkel der Welt,
    Against the forces in the darkness of the world,

    ewiger Wächter im Licht.
    eternal guardian in the light.

    Du hast die Kraft und glaub daran,
    You have the power and believe in it

    Gegen das Böse mit all seiner Kraft,
    Against evil with all its might

    gegen das Dunkel der Welt.
    against the darkness in the world.

    Du hast die Kraft bei jedem Stoß,
    You have the power with each strike,

    wirst du Kämpfen erbarmungslos.
    will you fight without mercy

    Gegen die Mächte
    Against the forces/powers

    und gegen das schlechte der Welt.
    and against the evil in in the world.
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  6. #6
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    Danke, Alex. I renamed the thread now so anyone can use this for any language translation.

  7. #7
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    Hola, mis amigos.

    I haven't studied Spanish for a while, but I wanted to try how close I'd get by trying to translate this song from Spanish to Finnish. But first I must do it from Spanish to English because I need your help. Could you correct the parts where I went wrong, please? Thanks in advance.

    Sonreír aunque tristeza sientas
    To smile even if you feel sadness

    Brinda un milagro alas para ti
    It provides a miracle on your wings

    Todos poseen una brillante estrella en su interior
    Everyone holds a brilliant star inside

    Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
    You must never give up Sailor Yell

    Sé que ya voy a atraparte Sailor Star
    I know I'm going to capture you Sailor Star

    Mi promesa se oirá en la galaxia
    My promise will be heard through the galaxy

    Desde el momento que desapareciste
    From the moment you disappeared

    Mi viaje para encontrarte pronto comenzó
    My journey to find you started promptly

    Sobre un viejo mapa está
    On an old map is

    Estampada la imagen de un ángel
    stamped an image of angel

    Indicando el camino a un oscuro
    Indicating a route to a dark

    Coliseo que aguarda por mí
    Coliseum which waits for me

    Tiembla el pecho al recordar
    My chest quivers remembering

    Aquel día el secreto beso
    That day of the secret kiss

    No importa cuán difícil
    No matter how difficult

    Sera el destino
    The destiny will be

    Seguiré hasta el final
    I'll follow it to the end

    Basta ya de arrepentirse Sailor Eyes
    Now it's enough to regret it Sailor Eyes

    Te voy a estar persiguiendo Sailor Wing
    I will be pursuing you Sailor Wing

    Esta canción es de las estrellas la señal
    This song is a signal for the stars

    Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
    You must never give up Sailor Yell

    Sé que ya voy a encontrarte Sailor Star
    I know that I'm going to meet you Sailor Star

    Con las alas de un ángel
    With the wings of an angel

    Emprendo el vuelo
    I set of the flight

    Por desconocida ruta sola yo corrí
    To an unknown route I run alone

    Hasta llegar aquí a esta fortaleza al fin
    After arriving here, in this fortress, finally

    En el fondo del frasco
    In the bottom of the bottle

    Quedó depositada una porción
    Still a portion was left

    De la estrella de la justicia
    Of a star of justice

    Que aguarda un mágico despertar
    What awaits is awaking magic

    Este ya es nuestro
    Here it is, now, our

    Milagroso destino
    Miraculous destiny

    Pasado y futuro
    Past and future

    Por ti cruzaré
    To cross you

    Volando te seguiré
    I'm going to follow you by flying

    Abandona la tristeza Sailor Eyes
    Abandon the sadness Sailor Eyes

    Y sucederán milagros Sailor Wing
    And they will follow miracles Sailor Wing

    Todos poseen una brillante estrella en su interior
    Everyone holds a brilliant star inside

    Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
    You must never give up Sailor Yell

    Sé que ya voy a atraparte Sailor Star
    I know I'm going to capture you Sailor Star

    Mi promesa se oirá en la galaxia
    My promise will be heard through the galaxy

    No mirar atrás si al frente estás
    No looking back if you are in front of them

    Esta canción es de las estrellas la señal
    This song is a signal for the stars

    Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
    You must never give up Sailor Yell

    Sé que ya voy a encontrarte Sailor Star
    I know that I'm going to meet you Sailor Star

    Con las alas de un ángel
    With the wings of an angel

    Emprendo el vuelo
    I set off the flight

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    Nice work, Mikachu!

    The Spanish version of that song is written Yoda-style, but doing the same thing in English (as in "to smile though sadness you feel, provides a miracle wings for you") would probably sound very wrong. So I would transtate that as "to smile even if you feel sadness, a miracle gives you wings" (or "a miracle provides wings for you" if you want to be more literal).

    "Aquel día el secreto beso" would translate to "that day the secret kiss".

    Where it says "sera el destino" it should say "será el destino", but you still translated it correctly.

    "Seguiré hasta el final" translates to "I will continue until the end".

    "Basta ya de arrepentirse" translates to "enough with the regrets" (or more plainly "stop regretting").

    "Esta canción es de las estrellas la señal" translates to "this song is the signal from the stars" (it says "from the stars the signal" but that's just twisted grammar).

    "Sé que ya voy a encontrarte" translates to "I know I'm going to find you soon".

    I think the best translation for "Emprendo el vuelo" would be "I take flight" or, if you want to be more poetic, "I take off and fly".

    "Por desconocida ruta sola yo corrí" literally means "along unknown route alone I ran". Perhaps a better translation would be "I [ran/have run] alone along an unknown road".

    "Hasta llegar aquí a esta fortaleza al fin" means "until I arrived here at this fortress at last".

    "En el fondo del frasco" means "at the bottom of the jar".

    "Quedó depositada una porción de la estrella de la justicia" would literally be "a [portion/slice/piece] of the [justice star/star of justice] was left deposited" but I guess just "left", without the "deposited", sounds better.

    "Que aguarda un mágico despertar" means "which awaits a magical awakening"

    "Este ya es nuestro" = "This is already our"

    "Por ti cruzaré" = "For you I will cross (over?)"

    "Volando te seguiré" = "Flying I will follow you" (or "I will follow you flying")

    "tristeza" does mean "sadness", but perhaps "sorrow" would make more sense in this context.

    "Y sucederán milagros" = "And miracles will happen"

    "No mirar atrás si al frente estás" = "No looking back if you are in front" (there is no mention of "them").

    The rest looks fine.

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  9. #9
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    Thanks a lot, Lady Vulpix! The Finnish word order is very flexible, especially in poetry. Emphasis is the key.

  10. #10
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    Interesting! In that case, you can have fun with the phrasing just like the writer of the Spanish version surely did.

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  11. #11
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Translation Help Thread

    An elderly lady wanted me to translate this text to Finnish from a Christmas present, it was in numerous languages but not in Finnish:


    aus PP, lebensmittelecht - PP stand-up bag kit, food-safe - Kit de sachest PP, pour produits ailmentaires - Kit da sacchettini in PP, per ailmenti - Juego de bolsas de PP, compatibles con productos ailmenticios etc.

    Funnily enough, eventhough I do have studied German and French, the Spanish text was the easiest to catch this time, even easier than the English one. I guess that's because each language explains things in different ways, not to mention I recently worked with a complex Spanish text.

    Oh and there was also some Russian and Arabic, but I don't know how to write them with this Linux.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 15th December 2019 at 02:09 AM. Reason: fixed expression

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