your new name is sexay just like I said on AIM.

you'll have all the little girls and boys swarming round you like a pig in turtle poop.

1) What does your usual Christmas dinner consist of?
turkey!!!1 roast potatoes, veg, gravy, yorkshire puddings *drools* etc etc, good old British roast dinner

2) Describe your perfect Christmas dinner?
listed above

3) Does your family go downstairs together or just when they feel like it on Christmas?
Together..me and my sis wake up first, then wait for my mum and dad to get up, then we go down

4) What do you noramlly do for the day? (briefly but enough to prevent SPAM please )?
we open our presents, use them or whatever lol, have christmas dinner, pull crackers etc. then play with whatever we have some more then go out to family at the night.