Originally posted by Leon-IH
wow, the egotistical bastard finally posts his movesets..

i laugh at your almost identical curseing fearow and pigeot sets.. not that i have a better one for either of those hunks of crap

your sets are pretty sweet man but can you kindly explain the use of ice beam on p2?
yah sure, I will tell you hereand when I edit the post, but one sec

I will just tell that I don't use sets like fishtauros(heh, fish made it ;x) I consider them cheap

Anyway, the reason I use ice beam is:

The only real use for t-bolt is skarmory, now, while it IS a big part, I felt that ice beam offered more advantages, which are the following:

Ground types in general. Porygon2's nice special attack often does more with 1 cursee w/ ice beam than it does with double edge to many of the ground types, or some of them have curse (see donphan). As well, I have noticed that when my milly go against a cursinging p2, if it has ice beam it always seems to freeze. Thus, if I go against another curser, and I freeze, sweep time ahoy!~

~ Chris