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    :3 Master Trainer
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    Haven Shores

    There is a legend… about a land, far out where no alien or creature has ever found. It is said that upon the land, are the desires and wishes of whoever finds it- and that whatever they desire will be found there. Many have tried to find this place, but always have turned up unsuccesful. Many who go insearch of it go bankrupt for loss of funds, and others end up meeting enemy creatures who enslave the adventurers or kill them. The world is a hostile place in this day and age. But now the legend seems dim, the world has been discovered- there is nothing more to be found. Now all creatures in the universe do not care about what is on the planet called, “Nefix”, where it is said the desired land can be found. The planet Nefix is now only used for trade, commerce and a resting spot for weary travelers. Nefix is the capital of the universe for trading and shipping, and few even live there. There is good reason as well- Nefix is a barren planet. Miles and miles of Nefix is nothing but desert wasteland with large boulders, rocks and canyons. The water which surrounds the lands on Nefix is getting crude and dirty… loosing it’s glimmering touch. The only places on Nefix which are kept clean, are guarded heavily by a native, humaniod-race called the Feris, which are humans with animal distinctions. They have magic, and bind their lands with a shield which keeps all the polution of Nefix out of their lush-green grass. The shield does not keep travelers out, but the Feris are keen in senses and are quick to kill whoever enters.

    The legend seems dim… all seem to have forgotten it. In the legend, it states that there is a land where wishes can come true and whatever you desire can be found. It states that it is found on Nefix, but cannot be seen from space nor found on any map. If you search for the land, and if your heart is true and you are the one meant to find it- you will. If not… you won’t. They call the land which you could find, “Haven Shores”, for all who sought to find the land of legend tried to find the Shores of Haven. But none have found it… and few even believe anymore.

    However… there is a captain who came across a good deal of money. Bored with life, and bored with himself he decided to go in search of this legend. So, he harnessed a great ship which looked much like the olden, wooden ships which used to be used back in the old days of Earth. These ships however, can fly- they do not sail in the sea although they can if desired. He has assembled the ship and has a good amount of food for the voyage along with supplies- all he now needs are hands. He has a few workers already to come with, but he needs a few more. So he sent out information about his voyage. Most scoff at his idea… but there may be a few who wish to come- for their own inner reasons. For all have a different idea of paradise… and therefore, all have a different idea of what their Haven Shores will look like.

    Okay! Here is the deal: You can be one of the Captain’s already hired hands, or one who find out about this voyage and wants to come along. Everyone has their own reason for coming: whether it is to find themselves, find their loved ones, simply for adventure, money or whatever reason. Some may even come along even if they do not know of the legend: which MOST do NOT know about.

    Planet Nefix is described above, but let me tell you a bit more. It his a huge planet… therefore it is nearly impossible to explore it all or to see it all by eye in the atmosphere. There is magic… and there is a ton of mysterious stuff which occurs on Nefix as well, which is unexplained. (Think of a land like Breath of Fire II if you’ve played it, or ChronoTrigger.) There are many different races which stop by Nefix- because few live on that planet since it is so barren and controversial. Those who work or live on Nefix are usually always poor-unless you own some major company. There are many other planets in the universe where people/beings come from, so they do have technology which allows them to travel in the stars though in this RPG we won’t be going there.

    So lets get started!! Oh, and no one can be the Captain since I have that spot reserved for some one I have in mind to play it. Oh ,and please for now- only one char per person. Thanks- if you have some thing in mind, PM me and I will see if I will allow more. PM me though- no posts asking for more then one in this topic! One more thing- my character will be ‘rumored’ to be a Feris Clans member- no one else can be one for plot purposes. ^^; Thanks.

    Species: (Made up species are allowed… nothing too drastic. We aren’t going for Black-mage type thing-a-ma-bobs, because remember technology is great and magic is forgotten for the most part. Think more of the lines of the characters from Treasure Planet or Anthros.)
    Age: (No number is needed, just a general category like child or adult.)
    Appearance: (Of course… details are wanted, I might draw characters for this RPG and make a website. ^^)
    What?: (What are you in this story? Are you a hand the captain already picked? A wander who decides to come along? An anti-ship-who-goes-exploring person? Be creative!)
    History: (If you wish)
    Relations: (Family, love, friends…etc..)
    Abilities: (This is more on the lines of your expertiece- what sets you apart? Is it your knowledge of the land? Weapons? Be creative. Nothing too drastic.)
    Reasons: (Why do you want to find Haven Shores?)
    Other: *kills*

    Now for my form….

    Name: Zei (Z-ee) Yawian
    Gender: Female
    Species: Unknown, but there are rumors she may be a Feris Clansmember.
    Age: Young Adult
    Appearance: Just like that! Her hair is a deep, magenta-violet color which is strangely off-handly beautiful. Her eyes match her hair in color, except are a more glistening and lighter shade. Her wings are black, along with her skirt and top and boots which match. Her ears have light gray markings over a soft gray color. The jewelery she wears is completely silver, except for the band on her upper left shoulder which appears to be gold. The necklace she wears around her neck is silver as well, but the jewel inside is a deep, blood-red crimson color.
    Personality: She’s very soft spoken and rather quiet, but she smiles a lot and is extremely kind to those she speaks too. She isn’t afraid to give her opinion when asked, and she can startle people when she does indeed speak her mind. Very little is known about her persona… it will be reveal more later.
    What: Currently she’s just seen as a wanderer… and she finds out about the ship, so she decides to come along for mysterious reasons.
    History: Nothing is known as far as her history goes. She has just recently come to Melah City- which is the captial city of Nefix, and the largest ship port in Nefix. She’s a wanderer… and currently is known to have no home but she sticks out like a sore thumb in the city since she is the only one who has Dragon wings and traits. She’s an odd ball even in this world.
    Relations: Currently Unknown. (Plus no one has signed up… I’ll edit it later.)
    Abilities: Well, her apperance sure sets her apart. Her abilities are currently unknown.
    Reasons: For a deep inner meaning about herself… and for another secret reason.
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  2. #2

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    kinda like grandia II right

  3. #3
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Name: Sephiroth
    Gender: Male
    Race: Unkown (he's never said what he is)
    Age: ?????
    Appearance: Looks like Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts (wings included)
    Personality: Not very social, the only person he really talks to is Zei. He's really brave and is a man of responsiblity. He's really intelligent
    What?: He's a stowaway.
    History: A legendary worrier, he has been known to be merciful to his opponents and believes in chivlary. He was said to have died many years ago when trying to protect Zie.
    Relations: Zie Yawian (ward)
    Abilities: legends say that he can control the elements, others say that his skills with his sword are unmatched but noone really knows what his abilities are.
    Reason: He only came along to protect Zie
    Other: He's Zie's gaurdian

    Note: nobody really knows that Sephiroth is still alive. So noone knows that he' on the ship at the beginning.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    NIIIIIIIIIICE! Mesa likes 'Mysterious stuff'!... Mesa signs up...

    Name: Avril Oak-Shield
    Gender: Male
    Species: Kendar--- Whoever read Dragon Lance knows what it is.
    Age: Young adult, but like all Kendars has the soul of a little kid.
    Appearance: Small body like all Kendars, hair is blue(!) and skin is blue-green ish, and tanned.
    Personality: Like Gdil in Dragon Lance. Very outgoing, spoken out. Is a true pal when trouble shows up. Like all Kendars he fears from nothing, and taking life very lightly, not aware to the bad things.
    What?: Heard couple of guys talking at the bar about an adventure, and jumped on the opportunity.
    History: Not much known... And he probably forgot everything any way.
    Relations: Not quite yet, he left Kendarland long time ago to seek adventures.
    Friends: see above.
    Abilities: The regular ability of all Kendars that is not-knowing-fear can be very helpful at times, like going on spying missions.
    Reasons: No specific reason, just likes adventures.
    Other: Huh? Bah? Meh.

  5. #5
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Name: Heloise Marenma
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human, or as close to normal human as this world can get.
    Age: In her late teens
    Appearance: ENISHI! *glomp* Uhhh, the female at the lower right. Not by any freak chance the silver-haired male, ok? Ok. ^^;;; Details- Her hair is black and put up in a high ponytail, her eyes are blue, she is quite fair, she has a pert elfin face; she would probably be wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, with a dark blue tunic-like garment pulled over it, two belts crossed over each other, arm guards, battle boots, grey-blue leggings, the usual female-fantasy-character-type thing, only not so revealing. About 5'3". *g*
    Personality: Is a big softy and generally happy and caring. She's really sweet, especially if she takes a shine to you. On the other hand, there's the violent (and extremely quick) temper tantrums and her ability to dredge up insults/unpleasant nicknames from the unknown pits of her imagination. She can be read strrrrrraight through her facial expressions.
    What?: A hand the cap'n picked... Ahhh, what exactly are the credentials? ^^; *needs to watch Treasure Planet*
    History: Mom died of some plague. Father pined away after mom died. She's been pretty much alone in her life. She likes to 'adopt' stray waifs like herself, as friends, or whatever ^^;;;
    Relations: Debatable at the moment.
    Abilities: She has a 'passing interest' for self-defence. Good at karate-chopping or bopping someone over the head with a handy object when she's pissed off *sweatdrop* but she can fight when she has to... um... good at comforting people?
    Reasons: She wants to find her dream man. *dodges karate chop from furious Heloise* What, don't you believe me?! *bambi eyes* Errr, actually she wants to look for a childhood acquaintance.... some kid she played together with ten years ago. *Really! She's looking for a boyfr- [WHAP]*
    Other: Do not kill Other... cherish it... nurture it... write your obsessions into it... E+K FOREVER!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!

    fangirling is my real day job

  6. #6
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    Species: Is a Robot made to be as human as possible
    Age: adult minded
    Appearance:This is what he looks like#2
    Personality: Gets a great thrill out of combat, but is actually nice and open to others.
    What: He joined on as a protector of the ship.
    History: several years ago, a "meteorite" struck the planet. It however, wasn't a meteorite, but a capsule containing Zero, It opened. That was the first thing he remembers. He was made as a combat android by a corporation and went berzerk in their labs, they thought the impact would destroy both him and the capsule, it didn't though.
    Weapons: two, one, His Z-saber and two, his buster arm.
    Reasons:he wishes to know why he was made.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  7. #7
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Return of HPK! Booya! B4! Sorry I've been gone for a bit unorthodoxly long, you see, my ISP decided to have its annual eff-up I am!

    Name: Siron Salax
    Gender: Male
    Species: A Genetically Modified Zasechklyxon, or Wraith (the former being his scientific name). Wraiths are a deadly species that are adapted to living in space as they do not feel hot nor cold. They look like big bugs, standing on 4 legs with two forward pointing talon and one backward pointing talon on each foot with 2 arms out front with three talons pointing forward and are 5 foot long and 3 foot high. They have a wing-span of 6 feet. His wings are concealed in his exoskeleton which is a shiny black. His eyes burn red but has black transparent eyelids to keep out space dust. They get their nutrition by burrowing into ships that are slowing down to enter a planet and eating the crew and supplies. They are very silent and very hard to kill as it is very agile and anyone who sees one usually doesn't live very long as they attack from behind.
    Age: 17
    Appearance: A usual Wraith but he usually stands on two legs rather than 4. His wings are also slightly smaller as he isn't fully developed. His face has also been humanised slightly. His back legs are normal, but his front two have opposable talons.
    Personality: Scornful and burning with hatred, he is an untrustworthy character. However, since he is a scitzo, his good side can sometimes show, especially now when he doesn't want to kill the crew that will lead him to his dreams. He also hates himself.
    What?: A Stowaway with many goals.
    History: Siron was created in a lab by a group of outlaw biologists. After discovering a nest of Wraith eggs, they took them back to their space lab and began modifying them so they are herbivores. However, they subjects barely managed to lay any eggs before they died. Realising this error, they took cells from the eggs and inserted them into a human embryo and a human carrier gave birth to a human child with increased abilities and instincts. However, when he hit puberty, it all went wrong. The child, Siron, woke up in the middle of the night in incredible pain and began screaming. His mother woke up and ran through, but it was too late. He had transformed and wanted blood. His mother was lying on the floor in pile of her own blood and organs seconds later, and then she was nothing. He then tracked down the biologists and killed them and destroyed the lab. He wandered through space for many years, killing many crews until he found out about a place called Haven Shores. A part of him wanted to be human, and to have his moter back. The other part wanted the galaxy. Thus Siron searched for this land and is now currently a stowaway on this ship.
    Relations: One biological mother who he killed.
    Abilities: He can hover, since his wings aren't fully developed. He is very agile, he doesn't need air, has heightened senses which allow him to sense a lifeform before he can see them. His exoskeleton can reflect radar as well, like all Wraiths. However, because he is still going through puberty, he can sometimes go through periods of pain and when he is virtually immobile. He can also speak the Universal Language.
    Reasons: To either be human and have his mother back or to control the galaxy.
    Other: RAAAAAARGH! Not the 'Other'!

    BTW I know it doesn't seem I can go anywhere with this character but as the RPG develops, so will he!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Name: Irai Skyflight
    Gender: Female
    Species: Hirandeshui
    Age: latish teens
    Appearance: A bit on the short side, and slightly elfish, with waist length white hair streaked with electric blue and purple. Her bangs are long, and curve around her face, and her soft violet eyes. Her skin is golden hued. Her tail is a soft marbledd grey, with a tuft of black fur on the end, and the fur is soft and silky. Her skin is very soft, but very strong. Largish fangs protude from the corners of her mouth. Her hands are slightly pawish, and she has retractable claws. She wears mottled grey clothing, that somehow change color a lot. Underneath this is a second layer of clothing that is very light weight, and fits her like a second skin. The clothing is a lot like fur, and is long and silky. It is twice as hard and strong as steel though. She wears soft boots, and keeps some daggers around her person. She wears her hair up in a deep green bow. Her ears are soft large cats ears, and poke out from her hair. She's very muscular, but she doesn't look it. She's very strong, and can hold her own in many different sitautions.
    Personality: She has a softish innocent air about her that makes you want to trust her. Until she talks. She makes up for her small stature with a razor sharp tongue, and sarcastic, cuastic sense of humour. Her moods change lightnening fast to deal with each situation. Her life on the streets has given her an extensive vocabulary, which she makes good use of, and expands a lot. She has a softish spot for little kids, though she would never admit it. Has a definite dislike against authority. Her motto is, "rules are made to be broken." She can put on the haughty royalty air very well. Shes very picky, but practical. If you've annoyed her, she'll make sure that half the galaxy knows, and has a very sharp tongue. *gets whopped by Irai* oooww.....;o Despite all of this though...Shes an incurable romantic...*everyone falls over anime style*
    What?: Decided to amble on board....might be something intersesting to do... one of those look out ppls ^^'
    History: The only thing she can remember is a beautiful wood, and soft green grass, and green eyes...Her parents were killedd when she was little. She was taken by pirates, and she gradually learned from them. When they docked she escaped, to live as a street rat.
    Relations: No one, but she has a few street 'aquanticais' *sweatdrops* i can't spell.....
    Abilities: A little bit faster and agile than average, and specialises in stealth stuff....As well as if you happen need something stolen....She's pretty okay at the martial arts, and gymnastics. Likes to play with fire... And has the whole cat blance thing going....And has very good eyesight and nigth sight.
    Reasons: Curious about the whole thing. Also, wants to meet another member of her own race.
    Other: *backs away slowly......starts to scream*

  9. #9
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    Yaaays!! Otay, everyone is excepted except for Mystic Clown!
    Sorry, but you can't be Zei's sister. You'd have to be the same species of her, and I'm not allowing that. ^^;;; reeeeaaally sorry. You can know her though... or have seen her before er sum thing. Thankies.

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    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    When is this RPG starting anyway?
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  11. #11
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    Default I'll join

    Thiis sounds fun I'll join:
    Name: Lion (He has not released his real name)
    Gender: Male
    Species: As close to Human as he can possibly be
    Age:??? but he is an adult.
    Appearance: Long silvery hair and emerald green eyes (Everything else is hidden behind a black cloak and a mask covering the bottom half of his face (If anyone knows of a picture that looks like this please by all means edit it into my post because I CAN'T POST IMAGES.)
    Personality: Doesn't like to stand out much.
    What?: He heard about the voyage and joined in.
    History: Nothing is known about him (More will be explained in the story!)
    Relations: None that anyone know's of.
    Abilities: Is excellent with a sword and has much experience and has many stories to tell.
    Reasons: When asked he just replied "To find myself."

  12. #12
    :3 Master Trainer
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    we'll start soon... but I'd like to wait for OutlawJT to sign up first. He'll be playing the Captain.
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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  13. #13
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    Default I'll give this a try...

    Name: Serpentia Reptilius
    Gender: Female
    Species: Snake/human hybrid
    Age: Child
    Appearance: Basically a small girl, buildwise. She has long black hair and yellow eyes. Her face curves out slightly, like the head of a snake. Dark purple, almost black, scales cover her from head to toe. She brandishes venomous fangs and a forked tongue. She wears a long robe-like garment that at first glance looks like woven vines, but is really a dark green material that is nearly indestructible. She carries a dagger with her at all times, that is envenomed.
    Personality: Cold and hard. She may be young, but she's as smart as any adult. She may feign childish innocence, if it is to her advantage. Her thirst for power may drive her to do many, sometimes evil or dangerous, things.
    What?: She has no idea where she's going in life or what her purpose is.... so she came. You get the idea.
    Historyhe was created in a lab by two scientists who wanted to make a hybrid of man and reptile. After being raised by them for a time, she realized what they had done and murdered them both. She then gave herself the name of Serpentia Reptilius and set out to wander around planets.
    Relations: Er...none.
    Abilities: Her fangs, of course. Also, she can make almost any weapon poisoned. She can manipulate people sometimes with her childishness...
    Reasons: Er...none, I guess.
    Other: *Sinks fangs in and injects*

  14. #14
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Name: Maiku Konnetsu
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human (or the closest thing)
    Age: Late Teens
    Appearance: Pretty tall, about 6 feet, deep green eyes and short dark-brown hair (like Tenchi, but w/o the ponytail); despite his monetary problem (see History), dresses in neat black pants and deep purple shirt, with a black cloak (think Dark Templar minus the cape)
    Personality: Because he's not sure if anyone's after him, isn't very social anymore with people he hasn't met (pretty much everyone); used to be great at making friends, and hopefully he will be again
    What: Wanderer looking for a free place to go
    History: Lived peacefully until he was about ten, then one night while his parents were out, they were killed by space pirates, forcing him to sell almost everything and live off that money for the following years
    Relations: Currently, only his computer…he moves around a LOT and doesn't make many friends anymore *he dazes back to the good old days of playing without worries* -_-' *smacks him back to reality*
    Abilities: Computers/electronics…almost anything along those lines.
    Reasons: To find a place to live without having to pay for housing and food.

    eeps, need editing, I did
    EDIT2: changed the clothes
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

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    Originally posted by Bulbasaur4

    we'll start soon... but I'd like to wait for OutlawJT to sign up first. He'll be playing the Captain.
    yay, it's revealed!

    Did you contact him/her in any method?

  16. #16
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Every logical part of my brain is telling me not to join this RPG.
    "Stop Bear! You have finals coming soon and you have to study!"

    Of course, the illogical part is saying "Stfu, logic r 4 pansy"

    Sometimes you just gotta do what you know you shouldn't! n Besides, I really like the idea. I think the RPG will be tons of fun!

    Let's see what sort of concoction I can.........uh.........concoct.

    Name: Fong
    Gender: Male
    Species: For all intents and purposes, he is human, but he possesses some powers not common for humans.
    Age: 22 Yuri (Adult)
    Appearance: He's of average size, somewhere in the vicinity of 5'10"-6' tall, Maybe 180 lbs or so. He has a lean build, somewhat muscular. Here is a picture of him, and some other useless information about him. The fan is just for show, it's not his usual weapon ^_^.
    Personality: Not real involved with anyone, keeps to himself alot. He's not cold and distant though. He is very keen and aware of his surroundings and everything that's going on. He's not anti-social either, and isn't hostile to people who talk to him. Just enjoys peace and quiet.
    What?: Wanderer, Rogue. He joins the Captain's expedition simply for the thrill of new adventures and places.
    History: See link above to look at his Legend (History)
    Relations: Though his wife was killed in the Great Buyan War, he still considers himself married, and prays every day to her soul. Has no siblings or parents.
    Abilities: Has a few abilities genuine to him and a select few other humans. First, he has the ability to become invisible at any time. This heightens his attack power, but as soon as he strikes he becomes visible again. He can also execute a colorful special attack known as "Beastly Frenzy," doing significant damage to his enemy (although he must wait a certain amount of time between uses). One other unique ability he has is that he can jump behind enemies suddenly, or "Ambush" them. This works well in conjunction with his invisible capabilities. Aside from those, he posesses basic magic powers, which he uses primarily for boosting his own power rather than attack. His weapon of choice is the Steelthorn, a strong, glowing blue blade that allows for very fast attacking by the user. It is bonded to him, so nobody else can use it.
    Reasons: See above. New adventures.
    Other: Well, on the subject of killing... *Nukes Erols*
    Stupid laggy ISP...
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  17. #17
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    If outlaw JT would post we could join, so will you please post?
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

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    Name: X
    Gender: male
    Species: Reploid
    Age: Literally abour 4, but in looks and such, he is 19
    Appearance: He stands about 5'11, brown hair under the dark blue helmet, with light blue connections.
    Personality: Usually pretty calm and caring. A good guy, and always ready to fight for what's right. He is as human as anyone, and might be the "perfect guy" if he were human.
    What?: He was originally intended to do the dirty work humans would not, or in some cases, COULD NOT do. He is also a powerful fighter, but his ability to last nearly forever in space, only lack of fuel his downfall, and his reploid strength/agility/defense has made him a valuable worker.
    History: Not much o.o
    Relations: He has something for Zei, and wishes only to protect her.
    Abilities: X-Buster on his left arm, and the ability to assimilate any reploid or androids ability.
    Reasons: To be a real boy...XD Actually, he's been fighting all his life and wants piece.
    Other: EEEHH! X_x

    Name: Mike
    Gender: male
    Species: An Anthro-raptor, and a hirandeshui branch-off, part of the more reptilian species, although not nearly as strong.
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Tall and lanky, with brown scaly skin and long sharp claws. His tail is mostly prehensile, and long teeth line his snouted nose.
    Personality: He is carefree and happy-go-lucky half the time, depressing and nearly suicidal the rest.
    What?: He just wandered on board
    History: no o.o
    Relations: He likes to think of Irai as a bit more than a friend
    Abilities: some magic, although weak, and he is skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
    Reasons: No reason in particular o.o;;

  19. #19
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Hey B4! Since it doesn't look like that Outlaw J will be joining, cna't someone else be the captain? I want this RPG to start!
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  20. #20

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    Name: Orbal Juchakiophis
    Gender: male
    Species: Vegan(mammals from the primary planet in the Vega system. They average 1.2 meters in height and are extremely flexible. they have large prominent eyes with a nicitating membrane used similarly to an eyelid. their bodies are covered in short cream colored fur. their hands and feet both have six mutually opposing fingers/toes. they are highly quick and agile and although they are not physically strong their bodies are capable of sustaining massive damage without dying. they are gifted with very strong empathy that boreders on telepathy and usually communicate through emotion rather than language since few people can learn their high pitched musical language.)
    Age: The vegan equivalent of 27(about 40 human years)
    Appearance: I will include a jpg below. add a black vest to that and change his eye coloring to silver and violet and his fur coloring to light grey and you have Orbal.
    Personality: greedy, inquisitive, sharp, has his own sense of justice which differs only slightly from most people
    What?: He is the captain of the Starpride(the ship everyone is on)
    History: He is a merchant. He grew up in one of the richest merchant families in all of Vega. When he was 14(22 in human years) he was sent to run his families offices on Nefix. When his father died a few years later he inherited the whole company and went home to Vega to run it. Something about Nefix always fascinated him though. He never could get those old tales and stories out of his head. As soon as he had trained up enough of his nephews and cousins to run the company he took off in his favorite ship in their fleet of merchant vessels to settle that nagging curiosity about Nefix.
    Relations: He has a cousin(named Seffurg) whom is his best friend that runs his companies office on Nefix. The rest of his family is back in Vega and spread out over a hundred different worlds where they do business.
    Abilities: He's extremely thrifty and can read peoples emotions like an open book. He's also very good at understanding(though terrible at trying to speak) most languages. He was a working knowledge of the local lore on Nefix and is possibly the only merchant who has had some minor dealings trading with the Feris.
    Reasons: Ever since he worked on Nefix as a young adult he became fascinated with all the stories and legends of the planet. Since he is finally in a position where he can spend his wealth freely and take time off he decided to put his curiosity to rest and find out what is really out there on that strange world.
    Other: His companies name loosely translated into english is 'Vegan Traders Guild, Exports, Imports and Worldly Goods for the Common Lifeform, Compliments of the Juchakiophis Family'. most speices just abbreviate it as VTG(Vegan Traders Guild)

  21. #21
    WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Hope it's not too late ta try and join

    Name: Phenn Inutilrou
    Gender: Male
    Species: Lycanthrope
    Age: 170 but looks 25
    Appearance: Taller then most, about 6'1" with a slender yet still muscular build. Long, gray-white hair reaches down to mid-back and is tied into a ponytail. His eyes are a bright emerald green that hide his emotions well. Furry white ears pop up at the top of his head and are very sensitive, a well as the fuzzy tail hanging over his coat. He usually keep his face hidden behind a long grey/white scarf and a specially made wide-brim hat. An immaculate black coat covers him all the way to his ankles, hiding all sorts of weapons and equipment. If he's not wearing his coat (Which isn't usual) is a long-sleeved crimson red shirt and long dark gray pants. Over all this is a silver belt that holds his two blasters. Boots and black/red fingerless gloves complete the ensemble.
    Personality: Very quiet, Phenn rarely speaks for the sake of small talk. He keeps to himself and tends to brush people off with unnerving silence or a simple 'feh'. Deep inside he is a kind person, unfortunately, a deep pain has forced him to keep up his shield towards people. He is also loyal and pays his debts towards those he owes one.
    What?: A hired hand who protects those on the Starpride.
    History: An unknown enigma of a fighter, Phenn arrived on Nefix to try and find work sixty years ago. He usually works as a bodyguard for merchants, tycoons, and entrepeuners. Those few who Phenn counts as friends know that a great tradgedy befall him when he was younger but hides it under his stoic exterior.
    Relations: A sister, but she rarely visits Phenn on Nefix as it's so out of the way. He also has a brother, but he does not even acknowledge he exists. He lives on Nefix as well and both don't even see each other.
    Abilities: A master marksman and good with a blade, Phenn has enhanced strength, speed and agility due to his 'curse' as he calls it. Every new moon, Phenn becomes a giant werewolf of great ferocity and instinct.
    Reasons: Phenn openly gives his reasons to go to Haven Shores to get rid of his curse, though he hods to himself a hidden reason.







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    Name: Celia

    Gender: Female

    Species: Human

    Age: Late Teens

    Appearance: Her eyes are the most startling thing when you meet her; they're a deep shade of purple, always bright despite her moods. She has blond shoulder-length hair that shines in mixes of orange and gold in the light. Her skin is creamy and pearl colored. For clothing she wears a copious amounts of bracelets on her wrists and ankles: some are dull-spiked, others chains, a few small orbs of silver tied together. Her pants are like modern day capris, except tattered and dirty, as well as black. For a top she wears a long-sleeved shirt, often rolling the sleeves up whenever it's hot.

    Personality: Celia's personality depends on how she's feeling. She can be the happiest person at one time, but then the most depressed in another second. She thinks a lot, usually considering the consequences of her words and of her actions (but all that goes down the toilet when she's angry). There are often times when a long period of awkward silence passes before she replies.

    What?: She was hired as one of the captain's hands after emulating the styles of several mechanics (explained below).

    History: An orphan. She once visited her father, who left her to pursue his own dreams; he lives as a successful actor now, and thought it would be best if the two of them stay out of each others' lives (even though it was nice seeing each other after so long). Her mother drunk herself to death, drowned in bitter sorrow and loneliness.

    Relations: Nope. Doesn't know anybody on the ship.

    Abilities: Celia has a photographic memory of all the places she's been, able to recall everything that has touched her senses. Beyond that, she can 'steal' other people's skills by watching what they do, and flawlessly reanact their movements. Seeing a mechanic repair say, a car, gives her the ability to repair that type of car with that type of problem; it doesn't allow her to suddenly begin to fix everything. Likewise, she can see an author writing a novel and emulate their style of writing or handwriting, but she won't be able to write a book herself.

    Reasons: To experience, basically.

    Other: Sleeps nude. *shrug*

  23. #23
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    Hey Bulba, remember me? I'll join. And be active.

    Name: Zurpsky (Zurhp-Schkee)
    Gender: Male
    Species: Jagith
    Age: Teenage-like, although older than the human teens.
    Appearance: I am a perfect sphere, hovering in midair. I have random rainbow colored lights flitting about inside me, that have many purposes. I don't have any facial features, although the surface of my 'body' is rough, hard and spiky.
    Personality: I am normally a shy creature, but if you get to know me, I'll open up(not literally). I am usually very polite to those who don't know the ways of the Jagith, but I am perfectly okay with it. However, I have a nasty temper, and when you tease me one to many times, I'll start holding a grudge.
    What?: A friend asked me to take a ship. I got on the wrong one.
    History: Not too much different from a normal human upbringing.
    Relations: The parents of a Jagith leave when the Jagith is 20 human years old. Since I am 30 human years old, my parents have left. I don't have many friends, but my best friend, a Jagith as well, told me to meet him on a ship. He didn't tell me the name, so I got on this one. My friend's name is Direntoth.
    Abilities: I can use the rainbow lights to do several things. For one, I can change them and camouflage myself. For another, I can blind people by changing the colors to pure light. I can see through the two largest spikes, although my eyes are too small to be seen.
    Reasons: Haven shores? Whazzat? Where's Direntoth? Hellllllooooo...?
    Other: I basically look like a Core X from Metroid Fusion, with out the X's.

  24. #24
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    Since Outlaw JT have posted, can't we get this going?

    Running with scizzors.

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