I think Matt did stall me - I thought he was going to stay active after he did about 3 updates at the CCCC, but then he stopped, and I assume he thought he was going to get away with it. Yeah, I felt sorry for him, but that was only because I thought he was being sincere about it =/. I'll give him... 3-5 days or something. I'll talk to him - Last time I gave him 48 hours. This time, if he doesn't update in the 48 hours he's fired, and if he doesn't stay active he'll be fired.

One thing that rather surprised me was a pathetic reason tossed at me last time. I told him that we're all quite busy now and we need all the help we can get. He said 'oh and im not busy >:o'... It's weird that Amy can update even with all her jobs around the boards, and she's in college too. I've asked Frank if he can update more, and he said he would... But he hasn't. x_X Thing is, if Frank does update it'll be great because he's not as stubborn as Matt can be sometimes, and his updates are very good.

About the GT problem - I dunno... I know Mike's busy with school, but I think me, Kyle, Danny and of course Mike will have to takl about it first... I don't think 'Mike you're fired >:o' would be very good >_>;

I'm trying to sort out the difficulties around the CCCC - I mean, 2 active owners who get the job done and about 3 workers would be a dream, but I don't think that'll happen very quickly.