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Thread: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

  1. #481
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Actually, Radek is the one who pulled the jokes, the one without wings.)

    “Oh,” I sighed. “He’s getting better, trust me. The best you can do is leave him alone, he’s figuring it out on his own. If it will ever get better, it’s because he learns on his own. He hates being corrected. I know it can get near dangerous, but Radek wouldn’t ever do anything that he couldn’t fix if it went wrong.”

    I paused, knowing the woman wouldn’t like this. “More than likely he only went after Cooler, who knows Radek’s quirky sense of humor. That is the Squirtle he froze earlier, but now they see eye to eye and Cooler understands Radek’s thinking better.”

    Then, to my surprise, my backpack began to shiver. I opened it up and set down the Egg I had received only a while before coming into the house. Within a few minutes, a newly hatched Houndour puppy came out. She looked around, eyes curious, and began to try to walk.

    “My life has an odd sense of timing,” I remarked.

    Menos the winged Dratini-
    “My name is Menos,” I replied, my voice still soft. I used my wings in a steady rhythm to keep myself afloat. “A pleasure to meet you. There are quite a few more Dratinis here than I thought there would be. Even if people do seek us out,” I noted, glancing around the room.

    Radek the Dratini-
    “Seriously,” I agreed, joining him in a chuckle. “I hate people who can’t take a joke. And tomorrow is the best day of all! April Fool’s Day. O have plaaaans,” I closed my eyes for a moment, just enjoying the places I was going to freeze over. Or cook. Cooking sounded fun.

    “So, how is training going? You look stronger.”

    Luca the Vulpix-
    I grinned as she came at me. I bounced away at a run, starting a game of tag. For a bit, I weaved in and around things, people, and other Pokémon, until I stopped to see if the older Vulpix was still following me.

    Aslan the Eevee-
    I squirmed a bit as she gave me a lick, remembering my baths. Then, I saw Luca and another Vulpix playing a chasing game around the house. It looked like fun, but for now, I was actually just happy to be with my mom. It had been too long since I had last seen her. Then, I saw a spotted Houndoom walking around. I glanced at Darkfire, who was sitting by a puppy trying to get on its feet.

    “Yana,” I called, remembering the name of the puppy’s mother. She stopped and looked at me before coming closer. “Yana!” I encouraged, then looked at Mom when Yana was close enough to hear me. “Mom, Yana’s puppy is here! Can we go see?”
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  2. #482
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Lily's POV

    "Don't worry. A little fresh air is all you need! That and a little sun!" I said cheerfully. I started to walk to the back door and beckoned him to follow. On the way I passed by a Bagon. The Bagon stopped and looked at the Grimer and his Charmander friend. "Hi there. Are you on the same team as these two?" I asked the Bagon.

    Bo's POV

    I turned around and saw the white Pokemon looking at me in a weird way. It wasn't what I thought she was. She was an Espeon. I remembered to use my manners like the others told me to. "Hello. I'm Bo. It's nice to meet you."

    Auntie Katana chuckled as she sat on the edge of the pool. "Bo, you splashed your mother."

    "Mother? You're" My eyes grew wide with amazement. Then my ears drooped. "Am I in trouble for splashing you?"
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    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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  3. #483
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    Cooler's POV

    I swelled with pride at Radek's remark. "That's right," I affirmed," I have gotten stronger."

    But was it strong enough? Was it ever? I sighed, and sense of pride within seemed to deflate.

    "Well, I suppose I still have a long way to go. But I do seem to have an easier time battling. I think Trey's trying to bring everyone on the team up to speed. What's been going on with you? You seem to have a few more team members than I remember seeing before."

    Prophecy's POV

    I gave the Bellossom a searching look, before determining that she was alright. In any case, Troit was behind her, along with Charmene.

    "Yes, we're all together here," I answered. "I'm Prophecy, the Grimer is Troit, and the Charmander behind him is Charmene. Where are you all going?"

    Troit took an almighty sniff before saying, "Outside, all the fur in here is making me sneeze. I think I have allergies."

    "Ah, I see."I looked at the Bellossom and smiled. "It was nice to meet you. I'd join you, but I should try to find the last of the team...besides, I'd rather not head out again, right now."

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  4. #484
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Radek the Dratini-
    “I see you’ve gotten humbler,” I commented, seeing Cooler’s expression go from proud to something akin to sorrow. “Why the long face? And please don’t try to talk philosophy of weak and strong at me, I hate debates,” as I said, this, I started heading inside.

    When they got inside, Radek headed over to the pool, deciding it would be a good place for a stretch and a swim. Suddenly, he turned around to say something to Cooler, when his tail smacked into something furry. He looked around, a bit startled, and saw a Delcatty splashing in the pool, coughing.

    My battle finished, I went to Darkfire. She was talking to another trainer, but it wasn’t of my concern. I dipped into her bag and found my reward: A Water Stone. I touched it and felt increased power within me, my form changing. Limbs extending. It stopped, and I now had a purple coloring. Annoying. But it could change.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  5. #485
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Aiko's POV)

    I was soaked to the bone, and dripping water with every step I took as i headed back to the Eevee House. My last battle did not go very well as was evident by my current condition. I started to head towards the backyard, but when i was just passing the pool something knocked me over, and I was sent tumbling head over paws. I landed with a huge splash in the pool. I let out a loud yowl of surprise. I splashed about awkwardly a few minutes before making my way over to the edge of the pool When I arrived at the pool’s edge I did my best to get out of the pool. I hadn’t minded water before but now I didn’t like it at all. As soon as i emerged, from the pool, I shook myself dry while hissing my displeasure. Aware that I was getting looks, I took off at an embarrassed run outside..

    (Darin's POV)

    "So, it looked like you were practicing your psychic attacks, I can say to assume that your father taught you?" Aunt Tarin replied casually. I blushed, but nodded my head. "Yes Ma'am, he did. I'm trying to get better at using the attack. Just curious, but what's it like being a jolteon?" I asked her. "I'm happy I evolved into an espeon but i still find the fact that we have so many possible forms interesting.

    (Sunita's POV)

    "It's nice to meet you too."I nodded. "You must be an adoptee. I couldn't help noticing your wings. They look nice. I'm captured myself. I guess i just happened to be in the right place at the right time i guess. The main thing that I want is to get stronger." I said with a sad smile. Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted by a splash followed by familiar yowl. I spun around to look.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    Still wagging my tails, I chased after the younger vulpix. He had a bit of a head start, bue i finally started gaining on him when he stopped.

    (Tiana's POV)

    I chuckled a little when Aslan squrmed when i licked him. Suddenly he spoke up. Yana,“Yana! Mom, Yana’s puppy is here! Can we go see?” I smiled, knowing that Aslan was a caring pokemon. I nodded my head. "Lead the way, my son."

    (Yana's POV)

    I had just come back to the Eevee House after a couple days resting at home when i heard someone call my name. I stopped and saw that it was Tiana's son that was calling my name. I started to head towards them when what I heard next caused me to stop. "Mom, Yana’s puppy is here! Can we go see?” I began to look around and sure enough, I saw Darkfire sitting beside my daughter. I quickly ran over, my tail wagging as fast as it could go. When I arrived, I sniffed her gently before giving her a motherly lick.

    (Sweetie's POV)

    Mother? You're" Bo asked before his ears drooped. "Am I in trouble for splashing you?" I chuckled, smiling. "Not this time." I said, with a knowing smile. I swam the remaining distance between the two of us. "So, how have you been and what have you been up to?" I asked him.

    (Jovi’s POV)

    I looked around but I didn’t see Kawaii anywhere, so I just decided to wander around. As I looked about, I noticed a newborn houndour getting a lot of attention. I decided to take say hello. I stayed for a few minutes before politely excusing myself and heading off for my secret spot. Maybe I would find her there..

    (Laila’s POV)

    I looked around awkwardly. I hadn’t really gotten to know very many outside of my team. Mainly because I was shy. Sighing again, I looked around for Angel and found her with Amy playing with a baby pidgey. I hurried over as fast as I could go.

    (Jasmine’s POV)

    I was having fun playing with Sunita when we got separated during our game. When I had surfaced, I noticed that my dad was back! I began swimming over to the edge of the pool. “Dad!” I shouted happily.
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  6. #486
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Menos the winged Dratini-
    I looked at Radek, who was staring after the Delcatty he had knocked into the water. “Radek!” I called, raising me voice so he could hear me. “You could be more considerate.”

    Huh? Yeah, whatever. She walked into me as I was turning around, it’s not my fault, ” he replied, a bit snappy. I sighed, knowing why. He had been blamed so much before.

    “You could apologize to her and be polite,” I said, merely suggesting. Radek’s body relaxed and he shrugged again. I turned to the Dratini next to me, Sunita. “That is my twin brother, Radek. A bit of a devil.”

    Luca the Vulpix-
    The other Vulpix caught up to me and tackled me. I yipped in surpise and rolled over so she rolled off of me. I panted and sat up, my tails wagging excitedly. “I... I’m Luca.” I introduced myself, “Who’re you?”

    Anubis (formerly Aslan) the Eevee-
    Excited, I took off at a run, heading back to Darkfire. But somehow my legs tangled in my eagerness and I fell forward into a roll, tumbling into Darkfire’s backpack. Stuff broke under my back as an odd feeling came over my body. I sneezed loudly, powder in the air making it hard to breathe. I struggled in her bag until it rolled over and I stumbled back out, walking into mom.

    I looked up at her, and found she was smaller than before. Smaller than I was! I blinked rapidly before looking at my large, black paws. I had evolved!

    **Anubis has evolved into an Umbreon and learned Hidden Power as well as Luster Purge**

    Darker the Houndour-
    Bright. It was very bright. I squinted my eyes and looked around. A big thing was rubbing me, making me warm and dry. Then, another big thing came to me, followed by more big things! I yipped softly, and the biggest thing of all came up to me. A smaller pink thing came out of her and rubbed me. It was warm.

    I found another pink think, like the big one’s pink thing in my own mouth. Mimicking her, I let my pink thing rub her. Then I began to see things a bit better. The big thing’s colors were dark, like mine. And big lumps covered her like mine. I yipped again, not yet noticing her white spots. The big thing was what I was.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  7. #487
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Kawaii's POV

    I looked out over the Eevee House, hidden at the secret spot. We've been inactive for so long that it was unbearable. I've gotten bored by all of the things we weren't doing. I turned around and was about to head back home when I saw him. "Hey Jovi. It's been a while since I last saw you."

    Bo's POV

    "It's been so cool!" I said happily. "Miss Lily's nice, Miss Trinity's a little bossy but she can be nice too, and Uncle Bandit's the best! Last week he showed me how to make farting noises!"

    "That's the last time I let that Kecleon babysit him," Auntie Katana groaned.

    "I started training a few days ago. Miss Shonta told me that I'm almost ready for my first battle. Isn't that great?"

    Lily's POV

    We walked outside into the bright sunshine and fresh air. "Now a few minutes out here should do you a lot of good, Troit," I told him. "Unless you're allergic to pollen."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  8. #488
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    <Lee's POV>

    "No, that's fine," I said wryly. "I think they have a better move pool than any other Hitmon evolution. However, I heard that they tire quickly from punching so much. Sort of the same thing with my feet but I don't do it as often. In any case, a Hitmonchan is a fine Pokemon to evolve into. It's been so long since I evolved that I can't remember much about my pre-evolution days but I must've had a good reason to evolve into what I am."

    <Tarin's POV>

    "Actually" I sniffed, "I just evolved about an hour ago. It's kind of weird getting used to a new body but the power is definitely there. I can't wait to use an electric attack and see what I can really do."

    <Drake's POV>

    As always, Blade and I were outside, but this time we were talking. I was disappointed in not being able to see Elwing so I instead concentrated on listening to Blade and his numerous problems. What I would give for him to find happiness for the first time in his life but it looked like he would have to wait a while longer.

    He continued to talk for a while but eventually stopped and left to work at the bags. I sighed and shuffled away, wondering what I would do today. I then heard the sliding door open and watched a dripping Delcatty walk outside, obviously looking disgruntled.
    "Need help drying off?" I called out. "I can generate heat, sort of like a silent heater."

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  9. #489

    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Mercury's POV
    I ran over to my daughter, giving her a huge hug, and asking her how she's been. "I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I think that's going to change now, you'll see a lot more of me, and I'll get to watch you grow up." I smiled, knowing this was how it should be.

    DD's POV
    I had sat down on a very comfortable chair, with my brand new pokemon egg in my lap, about to doze off when I felt it rumble a little. I shot up awake, seeing a crack in the egg. "Already?" I thought, but then it stopped. I reclined back, clutching the egg, telling it to come out when it was ready.
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  10. #490
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Tiana the shiny espeon's POV)

    I winced as Anubis took a tumble and crashed into Darkfire’s backpack. Suddenly a blinding white glow forced me to shut my eyes. I opened my eyes when I felt something bump into me. It was Anubis, only he wasn’t an Eevee anymore. He had evolved into an umbreon and was blinking in confusion as he looked at me then down at his paws. I walked up beside him and gave him a reassuring nuzzle.

    (Aiko's POV)

    I was still muttering my displeasure at getting soaked under my breath as I reached the door to the back yard. I tried to open it but slipped in a puddle that I had made. Lashing my tail about, I tried again and this time I managed to open the sliding door.

    "Need help drying off?" I heard someone ask. "I can generate heat, sort of like a silent heater." I looked around and saw that the voice belonged to a strong looking Charizard. “Yes, Please.” I replied. “I’ve been soaked for long enough today.”

    (Darin's POV)

    I listened to Aunt Tarin as she answered my question. I nodded my head in agreement as I somewhat understood where she was coming from. I made a mental note to get Amy to help me find a battle as I just realized that I hadn’t had any since I had evolved.

    (Sunita's POV)

    “That is my twin brother, Radek. A bit of a devil.” Menos explained. I nodded my head to see that I understood what he was saying. For some reason, I was distracted today but I didn’t understand why. Something was bugging me, but I couldn’t place my tail on it. “Sunita?” I snapped back to the present. “Sorry Menos, I don’t know what’s got into me today. My mind feels like its miles away. My apologies.” I said, blushing.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    It wasn’t long before I caught up with the young vulpix. By now, we were both panting hard. “I... I’m Luca.” He said, introducing himself, “Who’re you?” “M… My name is… Sinopa.” I answered him..

    (Yana's POV)

    I slowly wagged my tail as my daughter opened her eyes. I gently licked her again after she licked me. When she yipped, I smiled. “My daughter.” I murmured.

    (Sweetie's POV)

    I smiled. “That’s great news. I’m sure that you will do great.” I nuzzled him.

    (Jovi’s POV)

    "Hey Jovi. It's been a while since I last saw you." Kawaii said with a smile. “I know,” I agreed. I hurried over and gave her a nuzzle. “Between Amy being busy with her classwork, and her other jobs around here I’m surprised that the team managed to pry her away.” I saw down beside her as we enjoyed the view. “So what have you all been up to?

    (Jasmine’s POV)

    Dad ran over to me and scooped me up out of the water with his strong arms. I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I think that's going to change now, you'll see a lot more of me, and I'll get to watch you grow up." He promised. I stretched my wings out in an attempt to hug him back, but they weren’t large enough but I knew he could tell what I was tring. “It’s okay, I’m just glad to see you again.” I said with a smile..

    (Zale’s POV)

    I slowly limped over to the pool. The burn on my shoulder still throbbing. Nurse Joy had explained to Amy that it was going to take some time to heal, which roughly translated into no battling for a while. Once I reached the pool, I jumped in, the cool water soothing the burn somewhat. I just floated there, and closed my eyes.
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  11. #491
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Bo's POV

    I nuzzled Mom back and looked into her eyes. "Mom, can I go see Dad? Auntie Katana says he's a black Arcanine but I haven't seen him."

    Moriko's POV

    "Come on, Moriko!" Ali shouted as she dragged me into the Eevee House. "You move like an old woman!"

    "What's the rush? This place is interesting but it can't be that interesting," I told her.

    "Are you kidding?" She looked around the place. "This place is full of Pokemon for me to spar with! Now you told me that there was a practice room. Where is it?"

    I led her down the hall and into a room full of practicing equipment. There was a familiar Pokemon punching the bags. I turned around and started to leave the room but Ali grabbed my arm. "What's the problem, Moriko? Not feeling well?"

    "'s just..." I glanced at the Scizor again and took a couple more steps, knowing I was stronger than Ali. "I don't want to disturb the guy."

    Ali looked at Blade and back to me. "Ah, I see. This guy's a bully, huh? Well, I think he's a pushover!" She let go of my arm and marched up to Blade. "Listen up here, pal! My friend and I are going to be practicing here and we won't take any bull from you! Got that?" I took this as an opportunity to slip out of there and get some fresh air.

    Kawaii's POV

    "Nothing. And I mean nothing. But Shonta's been freed from a few duties so I guess she'll be training us soon."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  12. #492

    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    DD's POV
    I was relaxing when it happened...The new Black juice I had in my pack wasn't zippered, and the top wasn't on well due to my curiosity to it's smell...My new egg jiggled around, as if it knew it was getting into Black Juice spilled into the crack in my egg's shell. Instantly, I panicked, would the unborn pokemon be ok, would this affect her in any way? I would soon find out as I saw a beak emerge form the egg, but it wasn't a steel colored beak, it was black, then came the head, body, feet, and lastly, the tail feathers. Her blackened color made her red wings stand out more than usual.
    I was relieved she was ok.
    "Alright then, I believe you earned your new name, Dark Princess!"
    I noticed Princess, my Nidoqueen stared at this new teamate, but she smiled.
    I decided that a little thing like her should know how to get around without just hopping around, so I taught her Fly.

    Dark Princess's story Begins!!
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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  13. #493
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    <Drake's POV>

    I moved closer to the Delcatty and concentrated on emitting more heat than usual from my body. In doing so, it also increased the size of my tail flame. I moved the tail around to the front so I wouldn't have to turn my head to talk to her and she nodded gratefully in return.
    "So, how did you get wet?" I asked curiously.
    She blushed furiously but didn't refuse my question. "Someone or something knocked me into the pool. It wasn't a graceful fall either; more like an awkward dive."
    I nodded as she silently shook from the cold. The heat was helping but the wetness still made her shiver.
    "You belong to Amy's team, don't you?" I asked, which received a short nod. "Your trainer and my trainer have known each other for years. It's interesting how our teams have never really interacted with each other."

    <Lyra's POV>

    I noticed Zale was slightly limping from what appeared to be a burn on his shoulder. He silently slipped into the pool and closed his eyes to relax.
    "So, my young charge, I suppose that mark was from a battle?" I asked while getting into the pool.
    "Yeah, it wasn't an easy one," he replied with his eyes still closed.
    "Battles were never meant to be easy. So anyway, how is your daughter doing?"

    <Blade's POV>

    I sighed happily as I fell into the rhythm of punching the bag methodically, always teetering on the edge of destroying the bag but never following through with it. My relaxing experience soon came to a close however as a Meditite brazenly walked up and gave me the best hardass look she could give.
    "Listen up here, pal! My friend and I are going to be practicing here and we won't take any bull from you! Got that?"
    I looked behind her but only saw empty space.
    "What friend?"
    She looked at me quizzically but turned her head to find her friend gone.
    "I don't know who you are and I don't know who your friend is but this place is meant to be open to anyone who wants to practice. Far be it from me to act the bully and prevent anyone from doing what they want."


    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  14. #494
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Ali's POV

    Moriko and I each took a punching bag and started to practice. I would practice my Dizzy Punch and she would practice her Focus Punch. Every once and a while Moriko would punch a little harder than was necessary. There was something on her mind. "Is there something wrong?" I asked her as I took a break.

    "I'm just feeling a little frustrated. I can't get my strength under control. Sometimes I feel weak. Other times it feels like I'm using too much strength. Maybe it's because I'm nervous," she said quietly.

    "Nervous? About what, the whole cultist threat?"

    "Yeah, and more. That Sableye that tried to take Ken could be just the beginning. I'm just nervous that I'm not strong enough. No, that's not the word. That I'm not skilled enough."

    "You really should stop thinking about that and go back to that punching bag. You're good, Moriko. You're really good and should stop doubting yourself." I narrowed my eyes. "You're not thinking about the stronger Pokemon, are you?"

    "It's just that they're more experienced and..."

    I held up my hand to stop her. "Don't even finish that sentence. You've gotten so good at your battling that one day you'll be able to beat those other Pokemon. Now let's go get something to eat."

    Katana's POV

    Ken clinged tightly to Shonta's shirt as she tried to put him down. "This is a fun place, Ken. You'll make lots of friends here," Shonta tried to assure him.

    "No!" Ken shouted.

    Shonta managed to pry him off of her and set him in front of me. At first Ken was peaceful about it. As soon as she left, however, all hell broke loose. Ken started to cry and scream at the top of his lungs. Every time I tried to get near him, he squirted water in my face. This kid really hates me.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  15. #495
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    [Tara's POV]

    For the umpteenth time, I once again made my way to the good 'ol Eevee House. It had been a very long time since my last visit. Probably close to a year! Tons of stuff has happened to me since then. Good stuff and bad stuff.

    I looked to my left side. Striding proudly at my hip was my beloved and devoted Umbreon with blue eyes. Christian. The sun beat down on his black fur, casting a blinding glisten. His muscles rippled beneath his skin as he walked. Though he was my own, he was an impressive looking creature.

    The rest of my team were awaiting the arrival inside their Pokeballs. Each one wanted to walk outside, but I didn't want to catch attention if we arrived in such a huge number. Christian and I would make our way in an invite the rest out when it was time.

    Finally, the Eevee House was in sight. My Umbreon began to purr loudly and invited me to run with him. So I did. And together we went inside to the familiar sights and sounds. Memories suddenly began flowing through our minds. I sure hoped I would see some of my old friends.
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  16. #496
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    Sorry that i havent' posted in a while. I was busy. Then when things slowed down i got hit with a case of insominia and didn't feel like posting. Still can't sleep, but I got enough rest that I finally feel up to posting and all. It's after 3 am where i am and still can't sleep but at least i got enough yesterday to actually feel like doing some things i needed to do.

    (Amy's POV)

    I kinda stayed out of the way. I hadn't been sleeping too well lately and this was the first time in a while I felt like venturing out. Even a mild case of Insominia can be a major pain sometimes. I sighed, and lowered myself to the floor.

    (Sweetie's POV)

    When Bo asked if he could see his dad, I nodded my head yes. "Sure." I told him as I looked around the interior of the Eevee House. I didn't see Blazer anywhere inside, so I figured that he was probably outside in the backyard practicing on the targets. I stood up, took a couple steps, then stopped and waited for Bo to catch up.

    (Jovi's POV)

    I chuckled. "I kind of know what you mean." I pawed nervously at the ground. "If i can talk Amy into it, I would like to challenge one of the gyms," I kinda whispered. "Although it would probably be a good idea to do a little more training before I tried something like that. I'm not anywhere near as strong as Dad is.

    (Aiko's POV)

    "Thanks." I whispered. "My name's Aiko." I said still a little unsure of how to proceed. Then, my curiosity got the best of me. "Cool. Do you have any stories you could tell me?" I asked, my tail flicking from side to side as i sat down in front of me.

    (Zale's POV)

    I hadn't been in the pool for very long when i heard a familiar voice. I quickly answered Lyra's question without even opening my eyes. The battle with the houndor had been tough and I wasn't afraid to admit it. The burn was slowly but surely healing. However, when Lyra mentioned Angel, I couldn't help but smile as i opened my eyes. Smiling, I looked over at Lyra. "She's doing great." I chuckled to myself. "I'm not sure who has more energy Angel or Aiko. Those two are always playing together and they've even taking a liking to Phoenix." I sighed. "Of course, Angel still wants to battle outside the battle tower. I understand that she needs to in order to become an even better battler, I jsut don't want to see her get hurt. If something happened to her, I don't know what i would do." I admitted. Speaking of Angel, she had spotted us and had come running over to the pool.
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    <Drake's POV>

    As I looked at Aiko, I didn't realize until now that she wasn't much older than Elwing - perhaps even younger. It also didn't even seem like she was paying attention as she asked me if I had any stories to tell.
    "I'm sorry, nothing is coming to mind," I said and shook my head.
    The only interesting story I could tell was about Blade's past but I don't think it was the time or place to talk about his past. Besides, he probably wouldn't appreciate it much anyway.

    We sat there awkwardly in silence for a few more minutes before I could tell that she was mostly dry.
    "Well, I think that about does it," I remarked and stood up. "It was nice meeting you."

    <Lyra's POV>
    "Zale, we've talked about this before," I quietly whispered as Angel came over. "Trained Pokemon need to learn how to battle in the wild eventually and it's best to do it when they're young. Besides, you were around her age when you first started training in the wild."
    I turned away to greet Angel as she came to the edge of the pool.
    "Angel, join us for a swim," I offered. "As usual, the water is the perfect temperature for swimming."

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  18. #498
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    I walked into the Eevee House prepared for the worst... Yet again, I had been away for a very long time. But this time, I really screwed up. I walked over to a couch and sat down. I looked to my Taillow and Jigglypuff and started to cry.

    I had barely ever seen Patrick cry before... I claimed onto the couch and started to comfort him, motioning for Swoop to do the same.
    "You're all that's left... Everyone else is gone..." he cried. I hugged him and said, "It's okay. At least you aren't alone... Me and Swoop are here."

    (Sorry about the short post. I just needed to post here very badly )

    I'm back.

  19. #499
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    [Tara's POV]

    I had been sitting on one of the sofas for quite sometime and played a little game with myself. I wondered if Amy would recognize me. She had come into the House and was going about normally, but didn't seem to see me. I waited a few more minutes and couldn't stand it any longer. I had to go and say hello to her.

    I signaled to Christian to follow me. We walked together over to where Amy was. I tapped her on her shoulder. When she turned around, I smiled, waved, and said, "Surprise. We're visiting for a few days. How are ya?"

    [Christian's POV]

    Amy had grown up. We hadn't seen her in what seemed like a year at least. Close to it in any case. I sat between the two chatting girls, just sitting and listening. It was fun to hear what they had to say to each other. They often revisited memories of past battles and important happenings. It was really good to be back home.
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  20. #500
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    I finally decided it was okay for my to adopt another Pokemon. I went to the PokeZoo Adoption Center and adopted a young Miltank. I named her Latte. But she still didn't fill the hole in my heart. Twelve lonely Pokemon alone out there, with no trainer to help them. Well, I wasn't sure which would be worse to me, them having a new trainer that wasn't me, or them having no trainer at all... No. That was wrong of me to think that having a different trainer would be worse for them. As it was, having fourteen adopted Pokemon relying on me was a bit overwhelming. I clung to Swoop, one of the two Pokemon I had found... Well, that Shonta had found. When I came back to the Adoption Center in tears, she found them and gave them back to me. I guess it was Swoop first instinct to, once I was gone, find her.

    <Female Miltank>
    I hadn't been with Patrick for long, but I could tell he had a lot of emotional baggage to deal with. I knew it would be hard for him to deal with for now. Broadway turned to me and said,
    "Let's give him some space. This is a hard time for him." I listened to her since she knew Patrick a lot better than I did. Just as we started to walk away, the door opened, and Broadway's eyes flashed with recognition...

    (OOC: Could the next person to post perhps bring some of my missing pokemon with them? They're listed here. Any or all except for Swoop and Broadway, obviously.)

    I'm back.

  21. #501
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    Lily's POV

    "It's a good thing I found you three. This trainer came to the Eevee House looking pretty sad. I recognized him, so I went looking for you," I said to the Mareep, Seel, and Houndour.

    The Mareep stopped in her tracks. "You found Patrick?" she asked me breathlessly.

    I nodded. "He should still be there."

    The three Pokemon took off and burst through the door of the Eevee House. I ran after them and peeked in there to find them gathered around Patrick. I noticed that Swoop was already there and waved to her. "It's nice to see you again!" I told her.

    It took her a while for her to recognize me. "Lily? You evolved! Congrats!"

    Bo's POV

    I returned after a few days of adventure and training. Mom would freak out when she saw what I looked like. I saw Ken crying while Auntie Katana trying to calm him down. "Ken! Over here!" I yelled.

    Ken glanced at me and immediately stopped crying. "BO!" he yelled as he ran and hugged me. He grabbed hold of my tail and followed me outside to find my mom.
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  22. #502
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    (Thank you )

    <Female Houndour>

    A Bellossom named Lily led me in to the Eevee House with Mittens to my left and Sapphire to my right.
    "You found Patrick?" Mittens asked, the happiest I had seen her in a very long time... I was ecstatic, too. Sapphire had the same lifeless look in her eyes that she had been wearing for a while, but she was almost smiling... Almost. "He should still be here." We walked in. I saw Patrick immediately, clinging to Swoop. Swoop saw us and wiggled herself away from him. I ran over and jumped in his lap, and started licking his face. Mittens climbed onto the couch next to us with Sapphire's help and Sapphire jumped up onto the arm of the plush blue seating receptacle. "How did you find me?" Patrick choked through his tears. "We didn't find you, Lily did." Sapphire said. Patrick closed his eyes smiling. "Shonta's Bellossom. It seems like I owe Shonta a lot right now." I smiled. I wasn't much for speaking.

    <Female Seel>

    "So, do you know where the others are?" Patrick asked. "Not specifically. After you left, we broke into groups to look for you. Swoop and Broadway were one, but it looks like you've found them. Obviously, Mittens, Dobie, and myself went together... Typar, Campbelle, Jessie, and Remy went in one direction, Zen and Sphear went somewhere... Birostrisia decided to go off on her own, but I doubt she could have gotten far in that little glorified fishbowl..." Patrick laughed. He liked to invent things to make our lives easier now and then, but the only thing that ended up really working was a clear rolling bowl filled with water. It had three wheels, in a triangular formation, on a flattened bottom, and the wheels basically sensed which way she was trying to swim and rolled in that direction. "...and that just leaves Adamantia and Archae." Patrick struck a weird face. "That's an interesting pairing..." He laughed. "Well, we figured they were the best for eachother since Archae is to sane for his own good and Adamantia is far too paranoid. You should have heard her ranting... 'I knew he would leave us! Trainers always leave! It's a fact of life! It just... happens!' Well, anyway..." I then jumped practically three feet. "Nobody went that far, only us, Swoop, Broadway, and Remy's group left the Eevee House, and even then they didn't go that far!" That got Patrick's attention. He ran over to Swoop, who was catching up with her friend Lily, and frantically asked her to find Remy's group. Then I realized something and ran over to him. "Uh, there's one problem. Remy has something with him... The Eevee egg you asked him to take care of." Patrick's face dropped. A trainer could only take care of 15 pokemon registered with Dragon Tamers, and his recent adoption of Latte, a Miltank was 16. He forgot about the egg. "I'm sure we could do something" I said. "No... This is horrible. I can't abandon someone... But I can't leave the Eevee egg..." Mittens over heard us and walked over. "Well, here's an idea... Is there a trainer who needs a pokemon?" Mittens asked Patrick. "Probably... But why?" He reponded. "I think you should let me be adopted by another trainer. Sometimes I just don't feel like I get enough attention... I know, I like attention. But I should be handled by a trainer who can focus more on me..." Patrick looked shocked for a second and the sighed. "You're right. I haven't been the best trainer for you... I'd give you to Shonta, but she has 15... I know who. I've only met her a few times, but she'll love you. I can see if she's interested. Meanwhile, try and find everyone here. And, Swoop, please try and find Remy and the egg." Patrick walked out the door, very sullen, but I could tell he knew it was for the best.

    (OOC: I'm planning on giving Mittens to Bison Woes if she'll accept. I can't believe I'm this stupid o.o; I only figured this out while reading Remy's and Adamantia's POV's in the Eevee house from a while ago.)

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  23. #503
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    I had never stepped foot into this place and didn't think I would for a long while. Looking around, I was surprised at the cleaniness of the place, given that dozens of Pokemon had to run around here. I hadn't come here for the mere fact that Zuko and Toph were incredibly anti-social. Momo was the one who would dash around with people while Hei-Bai sometimes liked to be alone.
    However, the note I had received couldn't be just thrown away.
    Momo's nose twitched furiously before he dashed off to some unknown corner. I stood awkwardly in the middle with Zuko and Toph, wondering where Kevvaelli was. Toph crossed her arms across her chest, leaning on my leg. She gave me a look that was unreadable but I seemed to understand anyways. Zuko looked around, hackles raised slightly at the amount of Pokemon running around. He wasn't a very big Pokemon-guy.
    I saw Hei-Bai out of the corner of my eye, wondering around outside and grazing. That was all he ever did but iI didn't mind as much. I absentmindedly scratched Zuko behind his ears, listening to him grunt in appreciation.
    Momo finally reappeared, eyes wide in excitement. His tail twitched as he bounded around a Mareep, making me roll my eyes. No more sugar for him.

  24. #504
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    (OOC: You can refer to me as Patrick. What should I refer to you as?)

    The trainer I invited to adopt Mittens showed up. "You know this is for the best..." Mittens said to me as an extremely hyper Raichu bounced around. I walked over to the trainer. "Hi. I'm Patrick. Since you're here, I guess you accepted my invitation to adopt my Mareep..." I started to tear up. Dobie walked over a rubbed up against my leg. She was shy most of the time, but she stared it this trainer with a smile. Dobie looked sad that Mittens would be adopted, but I knew she could get through it. Dobie seemed weak and sensitive, but would I be a good trainer if I didn't know my Houndour's true strength? Well, I was planning a surprise for her that would cheer her right up... Back to Mittens.

    <Female Mareep>
    "Dobie, I'm sorry." I sniffed. She nodded like she understood, so I decided she did. "You know we'll stay friends, we don't have to have the same trainer. Look at Swoop and Lily... Their friendship lasted through the adoption." We hugged as best as two four-legged beings can, by resting our heads on eachother's body. I then nuzzled Patrick and walked over to my new trainer. "My name is Mittens. I am a level five female Mareep with Static. I know Tackle, Growl, and Charge. There are a few papers you need to sign, so bring me to Gabi at the Dragon Tamers Adoption Center and sign the papers so that she can verify the adoption and keep her mental record up to date. Patrick already signed his share." My new trainer seemed a bit surprised that I took charge so quickly, but I knew we would get along just fine...
    "Goodbye." Dobie whispered, the first words I ever heard her say since I met her.

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  25. #505
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    (I'm just called Bison XD)

    "Momo, calm down, please," I said, trying to set him still for a moment. He twitched as he sat still, tail quivering like a cat's. "Sorry about him. He had sugar."
    Toph rolled her eyes, leaning against my leg even harder.
    "Yeah, I got your note," I said, trying to not sound awkward. "So, you're Mittens?" I asked, kneeling down more to get Toph off of my leg. It surprised me on how fast she took charge, even with Patrick still besides us. I just nodded at her request, knowing there were other things that needed to be done. Nothing was ever really easy anymore. I stood back as Mittens and the Houndour said goodbye, trying to not intrude. Zuko was watching the Houndour with a wary look, almost judging to see if she was an opponent. I shook my head at him, earning a smart look. We walked out, Hei-Bai joining us outside, when she said 'goodbye' and I mentally made myself promise to come back here more often. I gave her a rub behind the ears to help cheer her up a bit as we went to the Adoption Center to sign forms.
    Until I realized that Momo was still sitting on the floor in the Eevee House, quivering.
    Toph went back in and grabbed him, rolling her eyes again while I shook my head and continued.

  26. #506
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    <Male Squirtle>

    Water. Water is the most peaceful thing I know. Molecules of hydrogen and oxygen bonding to create a beautiful blue liquid. The top struggles to stay together when a heavier object treads upon it, but with peace comes easy destruction. But soon the peace is reforged. As I hope my team will be soon. While I sat upon the bottom of the pool at the Eevee House meditating, I felt a trail of tiny bubbles on my face. I opened my eyes to see Sphear swimming around me frantically. Or was it exuberantly? I get those two emotions mixed up sometimes in my timid friend. I followed him to the top of the pool, swimming swiftly. When I wasn't in meditation, my breath didn't last as long. Another case of peace being disturbed. As soon as we got to the top, I saw her. The Jigglypuff whom I had known for a very long time now... Broadway. She said something, but her words confused me in a way so outlandish that I asked her to repeat herself.
    "Patrick's back!" She shouted. I cringed at the pitch of her voice. It took me a second to remember who she was talking about. Patrick, the trainer who adopted me so many years ago. Patrick, the friend who was always with me when I needed someone. Patrick... He who left me. I didn't understand why; I'm not sure he understood himself why. Either way, I followed her to the couch colored the same as water. Dobie rested on his lap. They moth looked very sullen... So Dobie, Sapphire, and Mittens returned, too. I saw Sapphire, across the room talking to Lily, a Bellossom. Swoop, who was with Broadway, wasn't near, but Broadway told my she was finding Campbelle, Remy, Jessie, Typar, and the egg. I sighed at the mention of Typar, he who destroys the peace I strive to create... But where was Mittens? I asked Broadway and she looked down. "She has a new trainer." My mouth dropped in disbelief. Sphear asked what I was thinking. "Patrick abandoned Mittens?" "No, she asked to be given to another trainer. Her new trainer's name is Bison. She's new." Broadway answered. I looked to Patrick and Dobie again. So that's why they were sullen. Dobie and Mittens were very close. I walked over to them and climbed onto the couch, my favorite in the house. "It's okay. I'm sure giving Mittens to a new trainer was for the best. Life goes on, and anything you can do to make ife more comfortable for someone who needs it is something worth doing." I could tell that was something I needed to say. Patrick reached his nearest arm around me and hugged me. I saw a Miltank walk over and stand in front of us. "I'm sorry." She said, genuinely upset. Patrick looked up and wiped his eyes. He called over Sphear and Sapphire. "Guys, this is Latte. I adopted her." Patrick introduced. I shook her hand. "I'm Zen." I looked at Dobie. She was furious...

    I <3 hexadecimals. I found the perfect color for Zen This is definitely my favorite PoV I've ever done. I was almost squealing when I was writing the beginning XD

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  27. #507
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    Sorry i haven't been here in a while but rl has been keeping me busy.n Sorry if it is short

    (Amy's POV)

    I walked into the house after a long abscence. It wasn't as busy as it had been in the past. I walked over to one of the sofas and released my team.

    (Angel's POV)

    I didn't see anyone I knew so I made my way over to the pool and looked for Aunt Lyra. "Aunt Lyra are you here?" I called out. When i didn't see her I jumped in. I had gotten better at swimming and i wanted to show her. "Looking good Angel." I heard dad call out before he was pushed into the pool by Aunt Tiana. He gave her a fake glare before bursting out laughing.

    (Tiana's POV)

    I couldn't resist pushing Zale into the pool and the look on his face had me chuckling. I was still wary from about it since i had almsot drowned when i was younger. I thought i saw Cloud and I blushed before I realized it. I made my way outside over to a spot away from everyone. I was more tired than usual lately.

    (Hinto's Pov)

    I was outside in the form of a houndoom watching Phoenix as she tried to fly. she was basically hopping around flapping her wings. She was still so young that it was amusing to watch. I was a new member to the team but i had quickly grown attached to the young pidgey.

    (Sugar's POV)

    I couldn't believe that I was in this bad of a predicament. I had missed Jesse so much that i had gone out to try and find him. Instead i never saw him and then came across a handsome Umbreon and he must have used attract becuase the next thing i knew i had woken up next to him the very next morning. Placing a paw protectively on her belly. "It's not your fault." she wispered. Jesse is going to hate me if i ever see him again.

    Looking aorund to make sure no one was following her before she slowly made her way over to a mirror. "Girl, enjoy you're figure while you can. It'll be a while before you get it back." I whispered to myself before i took off in an attempt to dash outside. however, I crashed into someone.

    (Darin's POV)

    I was puzzled. I could sense something was different about Sugar but i didn't know what it was. It was bugging me that i couldn't figure it out. Maybe Dad could help. I took off looking for him
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 20th January 2007 at 03:47 PM.
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  28. #508
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    With the recent catastrophic events happening around the region, we hadn't found much time to kick back and relax. However, with most of the problems quelled for the moment, we had decided to take a trip to the Eevee House in hopes of catching up with friends. Most of the team filed into the building, with the exception of me and Mercandos, who stayed outside to enjoy the fresh air, Groviglio, who didn't want to go inside because of his new form, and Jeff and Maza, who were still at the Guild. As I watched the rest of the team go inside, I noticed that 99 was still adjusting to being a PorygonZ. Additionally, Kiva was walking kinda funny, but she also looked like she was trying to hide it. I made a mental note to ask her if she hurt her leg later.

    "The weather girl lied!"

    "What?" I asked, turning to Mercandos.

    "She lied! She said, with a smile, that it would rain today!" Mercandos scowled, flexing his hand seemingly unconsciously. "Look at it! It's as dry as a bone! I want my rain!"

    "Deal with it, spaz," Groviglio called from his position (barely) under a tree. "Most people would like a day of sun now and then."

    Mercandos frowned. "Hmph," he snorted. "Still."

    "Man, what's wrong today?" I asked him quietly, pointedly ignoring Groviglio. "You're never this... eh... bizarre."

    "I suppose I'm just really out of it," Mercandos sighed. "So much has happened. I just wanted a nice, quiet day of introspection. But no. We're here. If the weather girl hadn't LIED, we might - "

    "Never mind," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I'll see you two later." With that, I floated away from the pair and around to the back of the building.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  29. #509
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    [Meowth_Kitten's POV]

    Having settled nicely in my new home with my new husband, I decided to pay the Eevee House another visit. My last one had gone all wrong. I had showed up at the wrong time, no one was there! So I could only hope that this time might pay off by seeing a familiar face or two. I gathered my team in a group and shared the news with them. They were extatic. I offered for my love, Nick, to come along and meet my old friends, but he had politely refused; he had alot of work to do. I smiled and laughed to myself, gathering my pack together.

    I recalled each of my friends except for BlueShadow, Christian, and Jesse. The blue-eyed Umbreon and fuzzy Flareon excitedly jumped on my naturally sky blue colored Dragonite's back and waited for me to join them. As soon as we were all situated, BlueShadow wasted no time in throwing us into the waiting sky. His wings were ever so powerful, ripping with muscle. Within what felt like several minutes, we had arrived at our destination.

    Without even being called out, everyone one of my team who were in their pokeballs ran towards the beloved Eevee House. I followed them with as much excitement. I hoped I wouldn't miss everyone this time.

    [Jesse's POV]

    I was excited to see my dearest Jolteon love, Sugar. But there was something in the air that seemed different. I could smell a special scent in the air that was linked to my Sugar. I didn't know if Sugar was here or not, but I knew she had been recently. I could smell excitement in that scent as well as nervousness. My heart skipped a beat when I realized what that particular scent was. At first I felt anger. But then I told myself that something must have come up and that I had been gone for a long time. It certainly would not have been fair for me to expect Sugar to go without any love. She had every right in the would to move on from our relationship and I promised myself that I would not stand in her way if that was the path she chose. I just hoped that she would never forget Torrey and the fact that he is a Mommy's Boy. I sighed and waited patiently for the moment when I would see Sugar for the first time in what felt like ages.
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  30. #510
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    Sorry its short but i have to leave for work soon.

    (Sugar's POV)

    Quickly mumbling an apology to whoever i ran into without bothering to look off i quickly headed outside. However, I hadn't gotten far when a familiar scent caught my nose. My heart went from excited to sad within a few seconds. I just knew that he wasn't gonna be happy with me. My ears went down as i debatied to go over or head outside. My worries won out and I slowly headed outside. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Jesse saw me as I headed outside. I kinda hoped that he would follow me out but i wasn't sure.

    (My POV)

    I waved over at M_K. It had been forever since i had last seen her. I couldn't wait to hear what all she had to say. Sinopa jumped on my lap and nervously watched from her spot on my lap.
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  31. #511
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    [Jesse's POV]

    I was sitting patiently, waiting for a special moment to arrive. I began to hear the soft pad of paws over the rumble of various voices throughout the Eevee House. My eyes followed my ears just in time to catch the beautiful Jolteon I was looking for slip through the door to the outside world. She was looking in my direction as she left, but lowered her eyes as soon as she saw my own looking at her.

    My heart began to pound once more. I tried to calm it by taking deep breaths. I tossed around the idea of asking my dad about it, but decided that this situation was best left between myself, Sugar, and the mysterious Pokemon father involved.

    I once more took in a deep, calming breath and stood up. I walked to the edge of the pool and looked into the reflection staring back at me. I attempted to smooth down my fuzzy tuft of fur on my head, my mane, and my tail. I wanted to look somewhat presentable. But most of all, I straightened the leather collar wrapped around my neck, a loving gift from Sugar herself. After a few minutes, I decided I was ready.

    I made my way outside and spotted Sugar sitting by herself under a shade tree. Once I reached her side, I sat down and liked her cheek. She didn't react, just blinked back what looked like tears.

    I smiled. "Hello Beautiful. It's been awhile." I didn't know what her reaction would be, but I hoped for the outcome that would be best for us both. I continued to smile at her, just looking into her eyes.

    [My POV]

    I spotted Amy and returned her wave. I made my way towards her and greeted her with a hug.

    "Hi!! Wow, how long has it been this time? How's school been going? How have your teams been doing?"

    Just then, a beautiful Vulpix with rainbow colored fur and gorgeous eyes jumped up into Amy's lap. She looked nervous, so I spoke with a soft voice.

    "Oh my, who is this pretty little girl? Hello there, little Vulpix." I smiled at the Vulpix staring up at me with curious, nervous eye.

    After several minutes of chat, my blue-eyed Umbreon, Christian, pushed his way into the middle of our little group. He purred loudly, sniffing noses with Sinopa. He wiggled happily before pushing his soft and fuzzy face into Amy's hand, his way of greeting her and asking for cuddles. To Amy's Vulpix, he gently and calmly said, "Hi. I'm Christian."
    Last edited by Meowth_Kitten; 31st January 2007 at 04:14 PM.
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  32. #512
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Sugar's POV)

    I was relieved when Jesse came out a few minutes later. I couldn't help but blink back tears when he licked my cheek. "Hello Beautiful. It's been awhile." I buried my head deep into his mane before taking a deep breath. Then, without removing my head from his mane i blurted out the entire story about how i had gone out in search of him. I couldn't help but stiffening when i told him about running into the umby and trying to get away before i didn't remember anything until the next morning when i woke up alone. I stiffened up and couldn't help but dread what his reaction would be. I could feel the tears falling down my face again

    (My POV)

    M_K, this is Sinopa. We rescued her from Team Rocket a while back. I quickly related her story, comforting the vulpix when the talk about the too small cage came up. She's working on getting over her fears but it is going to take a long time.

    After a few minutes, Sinopa finally gathered her courage up and jumped into M_K's lap. She gave a small smile at Christian. When he pushed his head into my hand, i qucikly pulled him closer too me and began scratching him between his ears.
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  33. #513
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    <Pidgeot's POV>

    It had been a while since we'd last been here. I headed straight to the pool as I used to, carrying Water Angel's pokeball in my claw, and released her into the water. She dived in and emerged with a smile.

    <Water Angel's POV>

    "Thanks, I needed that," I said. "Come in, the water's nice."

    Pidgeot looked around, but then shrugged and walked into the swimming pool. His feathers fluffed up upon contact with the water, before going back to normal.

    <Pidgeot's POV>

    Water Angel kept smiling as she looked at me. I knew I'd look even funnier once I came out, but luckily Tsunami wasn't around to mock me. "Who cares anyway?," I thought. I sank my head into the water for a moment. It felt warm now. As I came out, I felt a tickle in my belly. I looked down to encounter Water Angel's tail.

    "Alright, two can play the same game!," I announced, fluttering my wings against her.

    She laughed. It was a sweet and crystalline laughter, and I felt relieved somehow. I didn't know what had led me to make the decision today, but I could now see it was a good one. It was high time I stopped caring about what others said. I hugged her and rested my head against her, and she leaned on me in turn.

    "I can't remember ever feeling better," I told her.

    "I'm glad to hear that," she said. And, to my surprise, added: "It was high time."

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  34. #514
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    [Jesse's POV]

    I listened in silence as Sugar explained to me her story of horror. I felt boiling anger at first, but then I felt emense sadness when she was finished. I took in a deep breath in an attempt at calming my pounding heart. I didn't want Sugar to hear it. I pulled away from her to look into her red, watery eyes. I wiped her tears and face dry. Then, in the most soothing voice I could muster:

    "It's okay."

    Sugar looked at me with a puzzled look.

    "You're not... mad at me?"

    "No. Not at all. If anything, I could not be more pleased with you. After that kind of trauma and being willing to give birth and raise this pup, how could I possibly be angry with you? It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you or anyone could have done. You're my girl, Sugar, and if you wish, I will happily father this pup, as I am sure the rest of your teammates will, too. This pup will have the biggest family a Pokemon has ever had."

    I smiled at Sugar. She seemed too shocked to speak, so I let it at that. Then I decided to ask her:

    "So... When is it due, Love?"

    My heart soared when Sugar's shocked face turned into happiness full of motherly love.

    [My POV]

    "Wow, what a story. She's one of a kind!"

    I was pleased to then see Sinopa jump into my lap. I moved slowly, so not to startle her, and rubbed all around her ears, neck, and shoulders.

    "There, that should help any tention you have built up, Sinopa, a mini massage."

    I laughed as Christian got a jealous looked on his face and playfully wined at Amy to continue rubbing him.

    "Hah, Christian is an attention seeker, isn't he?"

    [BlueShadow's POV]

    Where was my dad? I had looked everywhere for him. Maybe he was outside or something. Oh well, I thought. I'd catch up with him sooner or later.

    I grinned happily when I spotted MK and Amy chatting together. Christian and a little Vulpix were with them. I decided to bring back the old days and sneek up on Amy.

    Once I was behind her, I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up into the air and spun her around in circles! When I was satisfied with her startled yelps, I sat her back down.

    "Hello, Amy!!!" I greeted her happily.
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  35. #515
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    <Water Angel's POV>

    "I think we've arrived at a bad time," I said, turning to look at Jesse and Sugar. I felt like I was interrupting something VERY private.

    "Don't look," Pidgeot told me. "She'll be fine, he's taking care of her. We should leave them alone."

    I swam in silence for a while. I needed to stretch my muscles. BlueShadow's cheerful greeting made me turn to look. It was a nice surprise to see him. And even if it was Amy he was greeting, I had to say hello to him.

    "BlueShadow?," I said. "Wow, look at you! You're huge! Of course, it's been such a long time... Lagi was here a few days ago, she would have loved to see you. I'm sure she'd love to see you now."

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
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  36. #516
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    Cool Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Charles Legends' Pov
    I let out my Nessie my female Lapras and Amy my Minun...
    "Girls I have a Present for each of you....

    I feed Nessie a small Azure colored Candy that read "TM Sheer Cold" the size of a berry which I acquired from Darkfire, after she Chewed and Swallowed it she Glowed with an aura of ice Energy around her body then shoot out a narrow blast of cold air that hit a random Magikarp in the pool and not only froze it but also Technicality Knocked it out as well.

    I then feed Amy a yellow candy that read Tm Thunderbolt on it, after Amy Chewed and Swallowed it, she Glowed with an Aura of electric energy around her, Amy then turned to me and gave an evil grin before zapping with a Powerful thunderbolt…..

    Cell’s Pov
    “Ouch that hurts!” ‘Man now I se why Charles asked me to do this I guess this is his way of Punishing me for trying to run away from him…’ the Ditto named cell thought as he was getting fried by his master’s Minun named Amy as she fired her new Thunderbolt at him thing, that cell was the real Charles Legend….

    Charles Legend' Pov

    I watched from my hiding place as Amy zapped Cell with a thunderbolt, "I guess she still mad at the fact that I traded the frist one to Darkfire for sheer cold TM." I wispered as I packed up my Invention that tranforms the Tms I get in to candy...


    Small note a year ago yesterday I received a Tm thunderbolt as my 23rd Birthday, I had planed on teaching it to my Minun but Darkfire noticed I had a Lapras and so offered to trade me her Sheer cold Tm for my Thunderbolt Tm which I agreed to so we traded.

    Anyways I noticed that I forgot to post that I was teaching her it despite the fact I had written it down sadly the Original had got deleted a few days ago along with the rest of my hardrive, but anyways this year I got another TM thunderbolt to teach Amy thunderbolt…

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  37. #517
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    OOC: Sorry that it's been a while since I posted here, but I got something important (and quick) I have to do right now.

    Kyle's POV

    A few days ago, I had picked up an Electroboost from the Crystal Caves Kiosk. This evolution item, which could only be used on an Electabuzz, was just what the doctor ordered for my captured Electabuzz, Dynamo, so as I went inside, I sat down on a nearby sofa, and put the Electroboost beside me. I then reached into my backpack, and took out Dynamo's Pokeball, enlarging it and opening it up to reveal the feisty Electabuzz.

    "What's this strange thing on the couch, Kyle?" Dynamo asked me.

    "That thing is called an Electroboost. It's an evolution item, and it's actually unique in a way, as only an Electabuzz can use it. There is a similar item called a Magmaboost that only a Magmar can use, but that's best left for another day, since I couldn't afford both at the moment. Anyway, this item will allow you to evolve, if you want, that is, Dynamo." I said.

    "I thought I couldn't evolve, previously." Dynamo said, rubbing his head.

    "Yes, when I first met you, you weren't able to evolve, but an evolved form was recently discovered, so this may come as a surprise, at first." I said to Dynamo.

    "I understand. Now that you mention it, I do feel that maybe this item is worth taking a look at. If it can help me, I'm game." Dynamo said.

    "You got it." I replied.

    Handing the Electroboost to Dynamo, I watched in great awe as he grasped the evolution item. Within a couple of seconds later, the Electrobooster began to glow white, followed by Dynamo, who began to grow taller, thick, red tipped wires appearing out of his back, indicating they would be dangerous to touch at those ends. Nonetheless, the Electrobooster soon faded away, and Dynamo stopped glowing, he had evolved.

    "You're now an Electivire, how does it feel?" I asked Dynamo.

    "I feel really good, thanks, though you might want to be careful around the wires on my back, they could give you or any of your friends a real shock here if they are touched." Dynamo warned.

    "Don't worry Dynamo, I'll never touch your wires, besides the possibility of being shocked, they could also be broken by accident, and I promise that won't happen either." I said.

    Deciding to relax for a few minutes, I smiled, proud of my new Electivire.
    Last edited by Knight of Time; 5th April 2007 at 02:20 PM.
    Knight of Time

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  38. #518
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Phil's POV)
    It had been many months since I had set out on my journey. Now that I was back I blew the dust off of my old items, recently removed from storage and collected the Pokéballs from an old friend who'd looked after his Pokémon in his absence. I took my first steps in a long time into the. Eevee House.
    "Did this place get redecorated? Maybe it's just that I've been away for so long."
    I sat down in an empty chair and produced the Pokéballs from my bag. I took each one and polished it to a mirror sheen. Each ball was clearly labelled; A01 to A04 and C01 to C03 for my Adopted and Captured Pokémon respectively. After becoming content with the shininess of each ball I opened them one by one to greet my Pokémon, anxious to what each one's response would be to see my return.

    =Mudguard the female Wooper's POV=
    This was a sight and smell I hadn't experienced in a while but it was instantly familiar; The Eevee House. This could mean only one thing. Phil was back. I turned around with a huge grin on my face and was surprised at how much he'd changed in these few months.
    "Wow" I said. "You look so different. But definitely in a good way."
    "And you look.... pretty much the same...." he replied, with an embarrassed look on his face.

    =Coral the male Mareep's POV=
    After Phil had begun telling us of his adventures and travels I was surprised that he had grown a beard, which he had kept until recently. Sure enough in the photos, there it was
    "Looks like a carefree Mareep's fleece to me, all staticified" I joked. "Not like mine, I've kept mine in prime condition."
    I was glad to see Phil again and his stories were very entertaining. Although what was really looking forward to is the future.

    [BlueMoon the female Lapras' POV]
    I held back and sort of hid behind the others. I had always been shy but there was a real sense of happiness when I was adopted by Phil. For him to leave was very tough for me. Now he's back and I don't know what to think. I just listened in at the stories from the back.

    [Prism the rainbow-maned, female Flareon's POV]
    The heat was rising. These stories were getting me all fired up, and the photos were awesome. To travel to such distant and wondrous places must be amazing.
    "Ooh, I wanna go on adventures" I shouted in the excitement. "But I wanna battle too"
    Hyperactivity is my middle name. Well it would be if I had a second name.

    {Mars the male Houndour's POV}
    I'd heard more interesting tales from the old pack. As much as I respect Phil and am glad he's back, his stories just weren't that interesting to me. These months had been pretty easygoing for me and I'd gotten pretty lazy. I don't know whether it was the call of the wilds or reuniting with Phil, maybe a little of both, but something had rekindled my fires.

    {ShadowWind the male Sneasel's POV}
    A tale of many directions, huge distances and much effort. An admirable journey but one that I glad is finished. The many months had not led me away from my goals. Keeping my claws sharp, feathers aligned and eyes keen I had waited for this moment.
    "Glad you're back" I proclaimed with a smile. "I look forward to training under you again"

    {Blinky the male Trapinch's POV}
    "What? You were gone?"
    Phil stared at me blankly with a confused look on his face.
    "Erm...I mean welcome back!"
    "Good save there" I thought to myself.

  39. #519
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    [Joe's POV]

    I opened the doors of the Eevee House, entering a building I had not seen in nearly two years. The place looked abandoned. The lights were out, and what was left of the setting sun's rays cast an eerie light through the windows. A soft film of dust lingered over the furniture, plants, floors, and lights. The pool was covered by tarp that was torn in some places. The air conditioning and heat were turned off, so the air within the building was slightly chilly.

    Using the light that was left from the ending day, I searched around for some light switches. Upon finding one, the lights would not turn on, to my dismay. Not quite certain where to go from here, I released the team for their Pokeballs.

    [Auric's POV]

    Seeing the Eevee House in such condition was a saddening sight to behold. I could see that Joe was looking for a means to turn on the lights. I decided to start searching on my own. The lights didn't work, from what I had gathered, which meant that we were looking for a breaker. Joe was holding Bo, who seemed somewhat frightened in a place like this. He's got some growing up to do, yet I guess you can't blame him.

    [Anna's POV]

    "Indeed you can't, Auric," I replied to his thought. "He is small, inexperienced, and easily intimidated. He's lived a fairly sheltered life."

    "Anna... I know," was his reply. With that, he turned away to and stumbled into the darkness. I searched around to see the others. What exactly was everybody looking for?

    We're looking for a breaker, in order to get the light switches to work, Anna. I turned around to see Sabrina approaching. Sabrina... you know I don't like it when my thoughts are invaded. They are my own, after all. And Auric's thoughts are his. I guess now you know how he feels. Please... help us find the breaker. It must be here somewhere.

    "You know, you don't have to be so stern with me," I called to her. No reply. Hmph. As she turned to go toward Joe, I caught up with her.

    [Aries' POV]

    Let's see what I can do here. The others are looking for the breaker. Hmm. Bo needs a pool to be in. With that, I focused my attention toward the pool and the tarp covering it. Using my Psychic abilities, I unfastened the tarp.

    After a few cords were unfastened, the entire thing ripped back and slammed against the wall where the tarp at come from, sending a shattering clack throughout the building. Everybody jumped in surprise. Joe looked at me, slightly taken aback. Oops.

    Looking back toward the pool, leaves were floating along the surface, along with other debris. Again focusing my Psychic powers, I sifted the debris away from the pool, leaving clear, fresh water. Unfortunately, the pool was nearly empty. I decided to fill it back up, so I began spraying water into the pool.
    "Here... I will help you." Aurora had made her way over to me, and began helping me fill up the pool.

    [Brandi's POV]

    Biscuit and Matthias were with me. A dark corridor was ahead through an archway. "Biscuit, will you walk ahead of us to give us some light? That would make it easier for us to spot a breaker." He turned to me, a look of apprehension on his face. "Don't worry. You won't be too far ahead of us." Nodding, he turned and led the way.

    "I wonder where the breaker is at," Matthias spoke.

    "I'm not entirely certain myself," I replied, "but we have to keep looking. It's bound to be here somewhere. Trudging through the corridor, I noticed something silver hanging on the back wall. To the left and right were restrooms, one for men and another for women. Once we got close enough, there could be no mistaking it. This was the breaker. "Matthias... run and get Joe."

    [Joe's POV]

    Looking over in various corners, behind plants and near other switches, I could not find a breaker anywhere. Suddenly, Matthias came running up to me, barking. "Did you guys find the breaker?" Nodding, he motioned for me to follow. Holding Bo, I hurried down the dark corridor, Matthias leading the way.

    Further down I could make out the small fire given off by Biscuit's tail. Brandi was sitting next to him. She pointed with her nose to a silver box on the wall. Opening the door, I could see numerous buttons and switches. I decided to try the top one. Flipping the switch, I was almost immediately bathed in light. Biscuit let out a yip of delight. Accompanying them all back, we headed to the main room.

    Aries and Aurora were still making an attempt to fill up the pool with fresh water, and were nearly finished doing so. I approached them, setting Bo into the water, to which he looked pleased. Auric came from a separate corridor, as did Sabrina and Anna. Amy and Aiden were sitting by a garden the entire time, the latter most likely thinking about something, the former deciding most likely to keep him company.

    "This is so much better," I said, taking a seat on one of the large couches nearby. "We have got a lot of cleaning to do..."
    Last edited by Sheik; 28th February 2008 at 07:12 PM.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  40. #520
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Kyle's POV

    As usual, it had been a while since I last stepped inside the Eevee House. As I walked in, I held in my hand, a magnificent Fire Stone. Since I had only one Pokemon left who could make use of it, I quickly got to work as I sat down in one of my usual spots. Grabbing a Pokeball from the adopted Pokemon pocket, I enlarged it and opened it up to reveal my adopted Vulpix, Fiona.

    "Okay Fiona, I've been contemplating this decision for a while, but I'm proud to announce that I'm finally ready to help you evolve. I'm sorry I took so long to get you the item you need, but I do have it here." I said as I held the orange stone in front of Fiona's eyes.

    "That's easy to understand, Kyle. It doesn't bother me very much at all if you're too busy for me, but I'm thankful you have this for me, what is it anyway?" Fiona asked.

    "This here is a Fire Stone. With it, you'll be able to evolve into a Ninetales at last, but I'm thinking I might give you a better name after you evolve." I replied.

    "A better name? What would that be?" Fiona asked curiously.

    "I'm going to rename you Goldwyne the moment you evolve, Fiona." I replied, as I gently lowered the Fire Stone to the floor in front of Fiona.

    A few moments later, I watched as Fiona reached for the object with one of her forepaws, and within a second or two later, she and the stone began to glow a brilliant white. As the stone vanished from doing its work, I soon watched as Fiona's six tails became nine, and her fur soon became a beautiful shade of gold. No longer a Vulpix, Fiona...or should I say Goldwyne, was a Ninetales at last!

    Goldwyne learned Nasty Plot!

    "Well, Fiona...I mean Goldwyne, this is definitely going to be a new beginning for you, if things liven up here, you're going to be a wonderful team member for everyone else on my adoptees team." I said.

    Deciding to relax for a while, I pondered if anyone else might come back to the Eevee House someday...
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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