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Thread: W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

  1. #521
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    I rolled over in my bed, pulling the covers up over my head. "Shoosh, phone. Rox is trying to sleep."
    It didn't stop ringing. I tried to block out the noise. Alex was muttering something about picking it up. I yawned, rolled over and grabbed my phone and checked the caller ID.
    "Jerry? What does he want?" I flipped it open, "Jer? This had better be important. I'm trying to catch up on... You what now? No, hold on, say that again."
    By this time, Alex had come over and sat on my bed. I sat up and listened to what Jerry had to say. I tilted the phone so Alex could listen too.
    "He's going to kill his father." He said after a while of explaining.
    "He'd go down for murder..." Alex said quietly.
    "Treason..." I said.
    "He's sure to get the death penalty." Finished Jerry. "Look, i need you to stop him. I've tried and he won't listen to me. I haven't told him where his dad is hiding so if he asks..."
    "It's okay, i won't tell him." I said.
    "Okay, thanks girls. Good luck today."
    He hung up. Alex tilted her head as though she was confused. "What do you mean, you won't tell him? You know where his father is?"
    I flipped my phone closed. "Yeah... I do. Jerry asked me to find him through my normal method," I patted my laptop which was on the bedside table, "he also asked me never to look at it again incase i decided to inform Sam on something major happening. I've kept my word, you know."
    "For how long?"
    "Since Sam came last escaped. About the time you came back."
    There was silence between us. Maybe i shouldn't have said anything. Hey, i didn't tell her where he was, so i guess that's okay. I'd talk to Sam about what he was gonna do as soon as his flight touched down here.
    "Warning! Warning!"
    I opened up my laptop. "I should really stop my gadgets and stuff making noises... They get so annoying after a while."
    I clicked the warning button that was flashing up on the screen. I read through the message, the chibi i'd programmed sat on top of the window and watched, a warning light flashing on it's head.
    "Sh... sugar"
    "What?" Asked Alex.
    "The phone line was tapped. Someone just heard all of that conversation." I looked back at the screen. "And now i'm being hacked. Great, just great. No no no! Don't download that! The ADO? What do they want with that?"
    "Stop talking to yourself."
    I hit my phone against the table causing the cover to fall off. I took a small microchip out of it and threw it out the window. "I hope it gets squished into millions of peices." The hacker was instantly stopped. They got to my laptop through my phone? How? They're two seperate things... Ah, so confusing.
    I sent Jerry a quick email about what had just happened, including the IP address of the ADO people. Sam and Eevee were due back soon...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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  2. #522
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    Drama, drama, drama...

    IC: bad. this was very bad. sam had that determind look in his face. i would have more chance changing the wind then to change sam. what could i do? anything i would say wouldn't matter.

    "sam," i said, searching my mind for something, ANYTHING to say.

    "Sam, you can't go into a seperate mission without completing the first. we're spies, our mission comes first, and our feelings come second. please think about what you are doing. besides, it looks like our current mission is leading into the direction of Him. so, untill we have the proof through our spy work, don't do anything rashional. please."

    it was all i could say to him. he was only a foot in front of me, but he looked so distant.

    i felt tears swell in my eyes as i waited for him to respond.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  3. #523
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    I sighed deeply, "Eevee, this has been my mission since...since I can remember. He had my mother raped and murdered, he experimented on my sister and left her unable to walk, he just had her beaten up so he could kidnap you for the third time! He's kidnapped Rox, had me cloned, put some brainwashing chip in my head...because of him I haven't had a place to call home in over ten years. He took my childhood away...took away the people I loved...he deserves to be taught a lesson!"

    Eevee took my hand in her own and squeezed it slightly. "There are other ways..."

    "He doesn't deserve to live," I replied coldly.

    "No, but if you kill him then it won't be a punishment at all. If you helped catch him then he'd have to live with everything he's done, just like you have..."

    "He'll just escape again..."

    "Not if you help. If you help we can put him away for good, put him somewhere where he'll never come back to hurt us. Please..." she looked at me wide-eyed, begging me.

    I sighed again, not the puppy dog eyes, anything but the puppy dog eyes...I begged silently. "...I'll...think about it."

    She hugged me tightly, squeezing me as if she was never going to let go. Being a boyfriend was way harder than being a mercenary ever was...At least she made it pretty obvious what I had to do to keep her happy. I just wish she wasn't asking so much from me, she was asking me to give up what I had spent my entire life planning - just as I was finally getting close! I was...confused.

    The jet started to land. The morning was breaking and the town was begnning to come alive. Both of us had a competition to go to later and I was already feeling sorry for whoever my opponent was. I turned to Eevee, "don't breathe a word of this to any of the others okay? I need to be able to think about this..."

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  4. #524
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    i made a motion of zippering my mouth shut.

    when the message got across, i said to sam "take all the time you need, just don't do anything rash."

    i held his hand.

    "Come on, we should be getting back to the games. it's a long airplane ride, so we better et going." sam nodded.

    like a responcible adult, i led him to our helicopter. soon we were airborn.

    i tried to struck conversation with sam, but he was too distant. i was filled with fear, for i did not know what his next actions would be, and what he was thinking.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  5. #525
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    I sat thinking deeply. Eevee tried to talk to a me a few times but I just couldn't find enough free space in my head to fit a conversation. Everything was so messed up. I had this plan, for years it was the only thing that had kept me going - despite the pains - but I had another reason to carry on. I had friends - good friends - and on top of that I had done the one thing I had sworn I'd never do - fallen in love. My past was having a serious rumble with my present and I couldn't even begin to guess how screwed up it was leaving the future. I just didn't know what to do...

    I looked at Eevee. She seemed so far away right now and all because of me, because of how I was acting. Look at what I'm doing. She's supposed to be happy and cheery and hyper on a sugar rush but now look at her - look at what I'm doing to her...Why do I always hurt the people I love? Why can't I just do something right for once?

    "Eevee...I'm sorry I've got you involved in all of this, really, I'm just not sure what's best. I promise I'll figure it out but please don't worry about me in the meantime."

    "I can't help it. You distant. I feel like I'm losing you..."

    I held her tight. "You will never lose me, do you hear? After everything we've been through together, all the attempts on my life and yours I am still here and I'm not going to die Eevee. Whether I kill my father or not is my choice but if I do, then I swear to you I have no intentions of going down for it. I'll kill that son-of-a-***** legally or I'll do the one thing I'm good at, I'll run. But I will always, ALWAYS, come back to you, do you hear me? I swear to you Eevee, right now, in this plane I swear that I will never leave you alone in this world."

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  6. #526
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    I set my laptop to do some information checking before my event this morning. Mostly cross referencing the ADO and Sam's father's information that i had collected. Maybe there was some link between them? Only the computer would tell me.
    I got ready and Alex came with me to the stadium. I warmed up. Something told me i wasn't going to do as well today.
    The race began. I swam my best but that wasn't good enough. I came third. So, there was a chance i'd be in the running for the next round. But only a small one. That was okay, though. I wasn't really an olympic standart athlete. I was a stand in. I was doing my job too.
    "You'll find out later on today if you got through. We'll call your hotel room."
    I smiled and nodded at the organiser. I showered, got changed and met up with Alex afterwards.
    "You didn't do too badly. I mean, there's a chance you'll get through." She said, trying to cheer me up even though i was quite happy anyway.
    "Scan complete!"
    I glared at my laptop through my bag. "Now i'm really gonna turn off those sounds..."
    I got weird looks from a few people around us.
    "Come on, check what it says!" said Alex, dragging me over to a table outside a random café.
    I read it through. I read it again. Was it really saying what i thought it was? If it was... Then the whole situation would have changed completely. This was actually great! Finally, we knew who we were dealing with!
    "Alex! This is great! According to my scan, Sam's dad hasn't been actively planning anything since we last encountered him. He didn't order an attack on Serena, he didn't order the kidnap of Eevee and he's not resposible for the missing athletes. The ADO are." I said, my face lit up with glee.
    "But is he involved with the ADO at all in any way?" She asked me.
    "No! Not at all! The ADO are trying to get Sam to think that it actually was his father who did these things. He's actually critically ill in hospital. The ADO put him there. Mystery solved, Scooby gang, we can all go home."
    "You're really rather good with this puzzel solving, aren't you?" said a deeper voice.
    "Who's he?"
    A little embarrassed grin appeared on my face. "Alex, this is Kostos. He's from the European version of Whoop. They're here too. Turns out that annoying french swimmer was from there." I explained. I was so excited. I sent my new findings to Jerry quickly. "Just wait until Sam and Eevee get back. Finally, something i've done right for once."
    "Sorry to be a party pooper, but i had better inform the boss about this. See you later, Rox." He gave me a little kiss and walked off.
    Alex gave me strange looks. "A lot of stuff happened last night, didn't it?"
    I was all flushed again. I giggled. "Yeah, you could say that."
    Kostos isn't really from Euro Whoop either. You'll see ^^;

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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    with my train

  7. #527
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    btw, we can later decide what ADO stands for. on a whim, i thought os "athlete distruction organization" , but you guys can make it stand for something else.

    IC: we had arived back in athens, and were making our way back to our hotel.

    "we should call the girls." i said.

    "mm.." agreed sam. he was still thinking.

    i held on to his hand tightly, not want to let him go. he looked at me and tried to smile. he was about to say something, but thought against it.

    a thought came to me.

    "rox's match just ended, didn't it? i wonder how well she did." i said.

    I would do anything for a bit of good news at this point.

    we walked to the hotel, where we dropped off our bags.

    as we left our room, we bumped into rox and alex.

    "i was hoping to find you guys here!" Rox said.

    "how did your match go?" i asked her kindly.

    "I got third place." she said.

    "thats still pretty good. there is a chance you'll make it through." i said concerned.

    "True but- thats not the point. listen," she said excitedly, "i found out some information."

    she told us of what she had found out. i began to getted excited to.

    but then asked, "so what does this all mean, then?"

    TAG whoever!!
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  8. #528
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    "It means that we've got someone else pulling my brother's strings and I don't like that one bit," I mused frowning.

    "How come?" asked Alex.

    "My brother is designed to only work for my father and he's not at this minute and you tell me my father is critically ill in hospital. That means my brother's involved with this ADO and I don't know how. He can't be acting on his own..."

    All this confusion was starting to mess with my head. All these that were supposed to be a certain way weren't anymore. I was so messed up and confused...

    "I need to think..." I mumbled, heading to my room.

    It was still a mess from the break-in, Rox and Alex had clearly tried to clean things up a bit for us but it still showed. I fell on the bed and sighed deeply. No what? I had my plan and now it's been completely torn to shreds, I don't know what to do. I laid back, inhlaing deeply. "At least things can't get any worse..." I mumbled.

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  9. #529
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    "And where do you think you're going, missy?" Asked Alex, a scowl on her face and a motherly look about her. She always made me laugh when she did that.
    "Well, i'm off to the café to meet a certain someone." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Hey! I'm gonna be working on stuff, okay? Like finding out what Sam's brother has to do with this."
    "You're not gonna be back till late, are ya?"
    "I will be! I want to see Sam and Eevee's matches today. I'll have my phone, so call me if you need me." She looked sad. I gave her a hug. "Look, you're my best friend. Nothing's ever going to change that."
    I left for the café and waited for Kostos to arrive. Half an hour passed and he still wasn't there. I thought about calling him, but before i did the phone rang.
    "Kostos? I've been-"
    "I'm sorry. Rox, i didn't want this to happen." He sounded upset. "I... I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. I do care about you. This is all my fault. I'm sorry."
    It disconnected. What was he talking about? I didn't get it. I looked at my laptop, just thinking. Was it growing dark, or was that just me?
    I turned around. Two rather tall guys in black with masks covering their faces except their eyes looked back at me. My first instinct was to run, but as i started to get up one of them grabbed me while the other gagged and blindfolded me.
    "Take the laptop." One muttered to the other. I struggled, trying to get free. No luck there.
    The guy holding me got a little annoyed with my movement and grabbed my hair, pulling my ear close to his face. "Don't move. It'll be less painful for you."
    I was thrown into what must have been a van because i heard the doors slam after me.
    We went round too many corners to count, each time i slammed against one of the walls. It wasn't fun, that was for sure.
    Alex, call my phone. Realise something is wrong... I thought to myself, hoping she would get a message that was sure not to be sent.
    The next thing i actually saw was the inside of a white room. My eyes adjusted to the light just in time to see someone close the door behind them. Dé javu hit me. Chlostrophobia soon dawned upon me again. This was definatly the ADO. The camera on the wall said so. I hated it when they watched you.
    It finally hit me what Kostos was talking about. He was from the ADO. He was spying on a spy. But he genuinly sounded sorry. Maybe he really didn't want this to happen. Maybe he thought they wouldn't do this. Maybe he'd come to help me?
    I closed my eyes to ignore the walls that seemed to grow ever so closer together. I'd be okay, right?

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  10. #530
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    I sat on my bed after Rox had left and fed Major, (that's my dog, I keep forgetting her name so that's it from now on. :p) I kept getting that suspicious feeling.
    I patted Major's head as she ran off and grabbed a book off of the table, I didn't even bother to look at the title as I opened it to the first page and began to read.
    I ended up reading the same line ten times before I threw the book down and picked up my phone. I knew it was wrong to be nosy like this, but I had to do it. I was very suspicious and I didn't want Rox getting into any trouble.
    As I dialed the number I tried to think of any thime when I'd heard the European version of W.O.O.H.P mentioned, but I couldn't think of any. It seemed odd, if there was a Euro W.O.O.H.P then I would have been sent the E-mail to go there, since I was still living in England at the time.
    "Hello?" I jumped at the sound of the other person's voice.
    "Hey, Jerry, It's Alex. I'm being a very bad friend at the moment and need to check something." I replied, wasting no time with chit-chat.
    "Sure, what's wrong?" 'What's wrong?' How long did he want me to talk for.
    "I was wondering if you could tell if there's a European version of W.O.O.H.P or not." I asked.
    Jerry was silent for a moment and I could tell he was trying to remember, he was losing bits of memory in his old age. I bit on my nail and tapped my fingers against the phone as I waited, the suspension was kliling me, I had to know.
    "I've never heard of a Euro W.O.O.H.P Alex," Jerry answered.
    "Are you sure?" I asked.
    "Yes certain,"
    "Ok, thanks Jerry,"
    "No problem. Bye."
    "Bye," I muttered and hung up the phone. My suspicous feeling was replaced by one of dread. If there was no Euro W.O.O.H.P then Kostos was lieing, which is definately a bad thing.
    I shoved my phone and keys into my jacket and threw my jacket on.
    "Wait here girl," I told Major as she tried to follow me out the door.
    She obeyed me and I locked the door behind me, I walked out of the hotel and ran full speed as soon as I was walked out of the front door.
    I ran to the cafe that me and Rox had been before, I had a feeling that that was the place had gone to.
    When I reached it the place was pratically empty, there were a few people spread around drinming and chatting, but no Rox.
    I swear under my breath hit my foot against the ground.
    I suddenly remember something from earlier.
    I had better inform the boss about this.
    Kostos had said after he heard Rox talk about what she had found out. But, who was his boss?
    I began to get worried, what the hell were they going to do to Rox?
    My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I realised how stupid I was. I had ran out here so fast that I hadn't even bothered to call her.
    I pulled my phone out of my pocket and cancelled the incoming call.
    "Sorry dad," I whispered with a smile as I typed in Rox's phone number and pressed the call button.

  11. #531
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default W.O.O.H.P. Spy training school~Starts~no lsu's

    I felt a vibration in my pocket. My eyes shot open. I still had my phone? I took it out slowly and leaned my head on my knees, covering my phone and hand with my hair.
    "Alex?" I whispered.
    "Rox! Oh thank god! I-"
    "No time! I'm at the ADO. Kostos is some big lair and get me out of here... Oh... Help."
    I looked up. Some man stood above me.
    "The phone." He held out his hand. "Now!"
    I handed it to him without hesitation. Alex heard that. She knew where i was. That's all that mattered. What happened to me now would be fine as long as i got out of here in the end...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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    and ram you
    with my train

  12. #532
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    sam sat silent on the bed, so i took a walk outside. i came to a café, where i found alex on the phone looking frantic.

    "rox? rox, answer me!" she was yelling into the phone.

    "Alex? what's wrong?" i said, rushing over to her.

    "they've got her. ADO has rox. she just called me, but they must have taken her cell away." alex said with a paniced look.

    i let the idea sink into my head. my eyes widened. this was bad.

    "Okay, maybe we can trace where her phone call came from." i said, becoming very worried.

    "Rox is the one who does that stuff, i don't know how to trace calls. why did i let her go out, i knew something was wrong." she said.

    i though a moment.

    "we don't know how to trace calls, but our spy compacts do." i said.

    i amediatly pulled out my compact and opened it up. i pressed a few buttons, then pulled out a tiny cord. i brought the cord to alex's phone, then plugged it in. withen seconds, the compact had located the call's location. i unplugged the cord and let it pull back into the compact.

    "now we're in buisness. call jer to tell him what we're up to. i'll get sam, we need all the back-up we can get. and then we'll follow where the signal came from. okay, break." i said.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  13. #533
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    Things had been going round and round in my head, I'd lost all track of time. Part of me felt like I'd left reality behind completely until Eevee burst through the door in front of me.

    "The ADO have got Rox!" she said quickly.

    At first I was concerned, but I soon realised that this was my chance to find out what was what. To finally get some answers for the questions whizzing around in my head. I nodded to Eevee, "hotwire the car outside and I'll catch you up."

    I dug out my sword and equipped it. I had missed the pure feel of its strong blade pressed against my back, it was empowering somehow. I jumped into the car and Eevee drove us to the cafe to pick up Alex. We followed the co-ordinates to a run-down building, supposedly we were supposed to think it was abandoned but we weren't stupid.

    Travelling deeper inside we found the ADO's secret headquarters, the one not available to the public. Naturally we were met by resistance but they were quickly dealt with, we had no time to mess with these guys. We had to find Rox.

    We left a lone guard alive and I pointed my blade at him, tip pressing against his neck. "Now I believe you have a friend of mine. Care to tell me where she is?"

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  14. #534
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    I heard movement from outside. Something was happening. This guard guy stood there.
    "Care to tell me where she is?" I heard Sam's voice from outside. My heart skipped a beat. They were here? I was gonna be saved?
    "Sam! Eevee! Alex!" I yelled, hoping they'd hear me.
    "The room is sound proof, little girl. No one can hear your screams." the guy smirked.
    I went to trip him with my foot but wasn't fast enough. Instead i got his big boot to my ribs. Snap. I winced. That didn't sound too good. I glared. "Aren't you supposed to ask me questions i don't answer before you do damage?"
    Another kick. "I guess not..."

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  15. #535
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    the man was begining to panic. he realized that he was out numbered, and that it could only go bad for him.

    "just don't hurt me!" he said.

    "just tell us where she is." sam said, holding out his sword.

    the man tryed to bolt for it, but sam caught him and slamed the guard against the wall.

    "i'll say it one more time. wher is she?" sam said, with force.

    the man pointed to a bare wall.

    "It must be a trapdoor," alex said, "the compact says the signal came from behind the wall."

    "how do we get in there?" sam said, jerking the guard.

    "no need, i'll just use one of our gadgets." i said. i pulled out the nail file. with ease, i sawed a hole in the wall. on the other side, we amediatly found rox in a corner, with a man standing next to her.

    OOC: recap of gadgets:
    1) "Next gadget is the nail saw. It is disguised as a nail file but has the strength of a saw."
    2) "This wrist sweat band is a mini recording device which you can use to gather evidence from other Athletes."
    3) "this spray can will temporarily make you invisable when sprayed on you."
    4) Compact. wrist band for sam.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  16. #536
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    I waited impatiently as Eevee sawed a hole in the wall. The section feel down with a loud bang and we found Rox on the side, getting the crap kicked out of her...literally.
    I got angry as I saw the man's foot keep moving back and forth and kicking Rox.
    "You git!" I shouted as I grabbed the man by the head and slammed him against the wall. I was really strong when I was angry, and at that moment, I was very angry.
    I brought my fist backed and puched the b*****d in the face. Again and again until Sam pulled me off.
    "Jesus woman, you sure can punch," He muttered as I stood catching my breath.
    I saw Eevee knelt down beside Rox and went and sat beside her as Sam took care of the guard.
    " How is she?" I asked, looking down at Rox, who was laying unconscious.

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    "not to good. i think she may have a few broken bones. call jer to send back-up. we need to get her to a hospital immediately. and someone hold onto both those gaurds. we don't want them getting away, and we might be able to find something out trhough them." i said, taking charge. everyone acted quickly. sam grabbed both guards and tied them up. alex called the head-quarters with a frantic message. and i did all i could for rox, which wasn't much. i applyed some bandages onto her wounds. hopefully, woohp would show up soon.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  18. #538
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    The Woohp agents arrived in great time. They took Rox to an infirmary and the guards that were still alive to jail. Heck, I coulda done that on my own! I walked up to the leader in charge of the operation. I wanted to know where the mainframe was but they told me all the info had been wiped moments after we had arrived, so we accompanied Rox to the hospital.

    Under the watch of trained professionals it seemed Rox was gonna make it. She wouldn't be able to compete and she'd have to stay in the hospital a while but she would heal. I was thankful she'd make it but I felt kinda bad I wasn't able tobe there faster.

    I looked at the clock. "I've got to get to my match. Alex stay here with Rox, you coming Eevee?"

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    I heard everything everybody said, i just couldn't bring myself to open my eyes and talk back. I wanted them to know i was okay, but this huge drowsiness from what must have been pain killers had kicked in a while ago.
    Sam and Eevee left for their matches. Alex was holding my hand. I would have to thank her for that later because i felt less alone.
    I heard sniffling. Alex? She was sniffling over me? That's it. She needs to know i'm fine. I need to wake up. Now would be good. Any second now... This was getting pathetic.
    I squeezed her hand gently instead.
    "That's my name." I said quietly, waking up. "Don't you dare forget it."
    She leaned over and hugged me. "Don't you scare me like that again."
    I hugged her back. "I will never do that again..."
    There was a little silence between us. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep again but i was affraid i wouldn't wake for a while if i did and i wanted to know what happened.
    "So what happened after?"
    "We came... Eevee broke down the door. That guy was beating the crap out of you... So I..."
    "You did the same to him?"
    I laughed. "You go girl!"
    "Go steady. You don't wanna cause anymore damage to yourself."
    "I bet i could get up right now." I tried to sit myself up. I gave up after that first attempt. "I guess not."

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    I laughed and ran my hand through my messy hair.
    "You're so useless," I muttered,
    "Don't insult the wounded," Rox said in mock anger as she hit my arm softly.
    I smiled cheekily and leant back in my chair.
    "You're tired," I said as Rox yawned.
    "And you were sniffling," Rox replied,
    I crossed my arms over my chest and lifted my chin in the air,
    "I don't sniffle, I cry," I said snottily.
    Rox laughed and shook her head,
    "I'll never understand you," She muttered through another yawn,
    "Don't yawn," I told her, "It makes me yawn."
    Rox smiled mischervouly and yawned again, causing me to yawn.
    I hit her arm lightly,
    "You should get some sleep," I said as In leant further back in my chair and felt my own eyes droop.
    "I'll sleep if you sleep,"

    OOC: In one of my posts when I was still in my Lulu account I posted my Alex's history, I don't like so I want to change it and I can't so I'm telling you what is now:
    Lived in England all her life until she koved to W.O.O.H.P
    Her parents divroced when she was five when her father found out her mum was an abuser.
    She's lived with her dad ever since.

    There, nice and easy. :p

  21. #541
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    I was in the changing room, getting ready for my next match. Eevee was next to the ring with my hired coach. I couldn't believe this was only my second match, so much had happened that I just didn't know what to do anymore. Everything such a mess, everything falling apart. It seemed like things couldn't get any worse. Well, not straight away.

    The door slammed open and brought me face to face with my stuck up brother. He sneered and walked over.
    "What are you doing here?" I growled, narrowing my eyebrows. "Dad's not involved so what business have you got with the ADO?"
    "It's true, dad's not behind all this. I'm not sure who is but dad asked me to get in on the action, you know, check out the competition."
    "What's that got to do with meHe?"
    "You're doing well. You succeeding in this competition might be hazardous to the plan. It has to be rectified."
    "I thought Eevee was your main concern."
    "The girl? She is of little consequence. I've beaten her in battle before, unlike me she can be weakened over time. Who knows, if she makes it to the final I might actually be able to mess with her a bit. I'll enjoy that."

    I glared at him. I should kill him right here but I don't have the autority. This is undercover work, if I'm caught, I'm on my own.
    "So what you gonna do? Make me late for my match? Threaten me? Kill me?"
    He laughed, "of course not." He pulled a pistol from his pocket. "I'd rather see you fail." He fired three rounds in my side. I keeled over, grasping at it and wincing in pain. It was almost unbearable.
    "I'll be watching you in the ring," he said, returnign the gun to his pocket. "That is, if you make it that far..."
    He left then. Leaving me alone with my pain. But I was so stubborn, I wouldn't bow down to him, no way! I was going to fight.

    I patched myself up and limped outside. Eevee knew soemthing was wrong immediately and begged me to tell her what happened. I explained everything and she urged me not to go out and fight. I told her this was something that I had to do, I couldn't give in. I couldn't let my brother or the ADO win. Despite my injury I stepped into the ring and 15 rounds later I managed to emerge victorious. Somehow...

    As the ref announced me the win, I gave my brother one quick glance to let him know that I wasn't going down that easily. Then, suddenly, from loss of blood and peraps some exhuastion, I hit the floor unconscious.

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    I awoke suddenly and sat up. I couldn't stop shivering and i had this horrid feeling that something was wrong. But what was good was that i felt a lot more energetic. I swung my legs over the side of the bed with a puzzeled look on my face. I looked down. My right leg was bandaged up.
    "Damn that idiot... If i ever see him again i'll break his leg..." i muttered, trying not to wake up Alex in the process.
    I remembered what happened. I had my foot at a funny angle and he stood on it, putting more and more pressure on it. So it was my ankle then. Great. I searched the room for crutches. Maybe there was a good reason there wasn't any in the room... Maybe i wasn't meant to walk? Maybe if was because of my ribs or something... Man they hurt.
    I heard the sound of doors crash open. Fuck not walking. I put my other foot down and winced as the floor was very cold on bare feet. I hopped over to the little window thing looking out onto the hallway and peeked through the blinds. I watched Sam get wheeled by on a crash trolly.
    What? Sam got wheeled by on a crash trolly? Was i seeing things? No, i wasn't. Eevee ran past a few seconds later. I hopped over to the door and pushed it open.
    "Eevee!" I called.
    "Rox?" She turned around. "You're awake!"
    "What happened?" I put my other foot down and winced. I ignored it.
    "He was shot by his brother!" I saw she was close to tears. "He went on to do his event... He passed out due to blood loss..."
    I grabbed the door frame. This was not good. "... He won't know what's coming to him... No one. No one does anything to hurt my best friends and gets away with it."
    "Rox... Don't get worked up." It was Alex. She grabbed my arm to help support me. "We'll get him back when both of you are well again."
    "No! We have to do something very soon!" I thought for a couple of seconds. "Damn... I have no laptop. Good thing i ordered a new one before i came..."
    "What? What was wrong with yours?" Asked Alex, a little stunned.
    "Too slow. Plus the new one is smaller."
    "One tracked mind..."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Always after new technology."
    "... Yeah, i know..."

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    After alex had forced Rox back to bed, i followed sam to his room. we were in the emergency wing and sam was due for surgery. as they lefted him onto the surgery table, the doctor turned to me.

    "i'm sorry miss, you can't be in here during the operation. you'll have to wait in the waiting room. but first, you'll need to sign some papers." the doctor said.

    "What needs to be done?" i asked, almost hystarical. tears were streaming down my face.

    "He has 3 bullets that need to be removed from his body, and he requires stiches. now please, we need to work on him amidaitly." he said. i was pushed out of the room, and left crying on the other side of the door. first serena, then rox, and now sam. why were we hated so much? the only comfort i could think of was that if sam's brother wanted him dead, he would have killed him. this wasn't ment to kill sam. still, if the doctors weren't able to remove the bullets, then sam might have to carry them for the rest of his life and slowly die of lead poisoning.

    slowly i stumbled to the waiting room. i calapsed in a chair next to a table of year old magazines. a nurse handed me a clipboard with a stack of papers and a pen. when my eyes were dry enough to see, i began filling out the papers.

    it's kind of ironic how they make you sit in a waiting room filling out stacks of papers that ask for the same information over and over, while your loved one is in another room dying. welcome to the 21st century.

    jerry eventually showed up and used a whoop credit card for sam's bills. the time crawled by slower then school, and all we could do was wait and pray.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  24. #544
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    Beep...Beep...Beep... the continous noise was disturbing my sleep and I awoke to the sight of yet another life support machine. This had been the second one I'd needed this year...I guessed lady luck wasn't with me. I let my senses come back to my slowly, letting my body take in everything. Sight, sound, touch, every sense in my body felt like it had been lay sleeping for so long. The sudden awakening was proving to be overwhelming to them.

    I quickly closed my eyes when the door opened. I didn't want nurses hassling me about my stupid choice. They didn't know me, they didn't understand why I'd done what I had. Part of me didn't understand it either.
    I heard the cross the room and...sit down? It wasn't one of the nurses. I felt someone's had in my own. Eevee. I felt terrible, I'd hurt her again. Why did I keep doing such stupid things? I was a horrid boyfriend.

    "You're gonna be okay," she said. At first I thought she'd seen me awake but I quickly realised she didn't know. "The doctors say they got all the bullets in time so you should pull through just fine." I felt her place her head against my chest. "I'm just glad you're alive."

    I felt even worse. I had really upset her, my stupid stubborness had done this. I should have forfeigted, things will only get worse now. God I'm such an idiot! "...Eevee..."
    "Sam?" I smiled at her. "You're okay! Oh thank God I was so worried."
    "Eevee I'm sorry, I never should have gone to that fight. I should have listened to you. Eevee you've gotta be careful, he'll come for you next, I know. He's scared off you, he knows if he faces you in the final he'll lose and it'll blow everything. Please, be careful."

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    I lay in the hospital bed, refusing to go back to sleep. Instead i sat there with a pencil and paper, scribbling things. That lead to that, that to that, so if i did that then... what would happen? I threw the pencil to the other end of the bed and put my head in my hands.
    "Hey... If you can't figure out stuff then it doesn't matter." Said Alex, trying to comfort and calm me. "Just wait until your well again and-"
    "But how long is that gonna take? Takes 6 weeks to mend broken bones. I need to think of something now." I protested through my hands.
    "You're right." Came Jerry's voice. I looked up, it was him. "And i know of someone who can help."
    "He'll be here very soon. But first, Rox, I have the laptop you ordered. Everything's set up."
    I smirked. "Not everything." I took it from him. "There are things on there you could never replace. Luckily for me i back up everything once a day."
    I booted up and got to work. Jerry picked up the notes i had been working on earlier and read them through. I got the blue prints up of Sam's clone brother. I snatched the notes back from Jerry and compaired what i had said to the diagram.
    "They seemed right to me." Commented Jerry. "But you're more likely to know than i am."
    I took the pencil, scrubbed something out and scribbled something else. "That's it! Jerry, you have to get me out of here. I've got a plan." I said, full of excitement. No other job would get me this worked up.
    "Ah. He's here."
    "Your help."
    I smiled. We'd need all the help we could get. My smile soon faded when i saw who it was.
    I stared down at the other end of the bed, eyes full of tears that i didn't want to show. "Kostos..."
    "Roxanne. Are you okay? I'm so sorry." He took my hand. I snatched it away, turning my face from him, closing my eyes and letting one small tear flow down my face.
    I turned to Alex. She read my expression like a book. "Um, they've got some sorting out to do. Lets go." She said, grabbing Jerry and leading him out the room. "Lets go check on Sam and Eevee."
    "You're hurt. I tried to get to you... When they found out i'd contacted you they put me in one of those rooms. I bet i would have been next on the list." He was trying to sweet talk me. I knew his game. But i was falling for it.
    "I should hate you right now. But i can't. I... missed you."
    He held me close to him and i cried into his shirt. The first proper cry in quite a long time. This was it. My plan would work. First to get the athletes back and then Sam's brother would be gone for good...

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    Me and Jerry left the room and headed to the cafeteria. We could visit Sam and Eevee later, Food was needed now.
    "It's a shame your father's still in England," Jerry said to me as we walked into the large white and pale blue room, "I'm sure he'd love this much adventure."
    I picked up a random piece of fruit and nodded, "I suppose, but my father's a buisnssman now."
    Jerry just nodded slightly and grabbed a coffe as I paid for my apple.
    "We could use his skills," Jerry told me as we sat down at a table, ignoring my previous comment.
    "I'm sure he could use his skills," I replied, taking a bite out of my apple.
    "You're very touchy about this topic aren't you?" Jerry asked me, a smile on his old face.
    "'course not," I lied. I wasn't very touchy about the subject, I was just raised to react to the topic that way. I acted the same way my father acted, the past was the past, and W.O.O.H.P was in his past.
    "I don't supposed your father does anything to do with spy work anymore," Jerry continued to say. Jesus, he just wouldn't give up would he?
    "Listen, Jerry," I said, stopping him from saying what he had opened his mouth to say and putting my half-eaten apple on the table, "My father quit spywork over 19 years ago. It's his past and whatever you're trying to say you might as well come out and say it, because I'm getting really bored."
    "I want your father's help," Jerry said. He just came out and say. No hesitation. No stuttering. Just said it.
    I didn't expect that.
    "No," I told him, "My father'd never help. He has his businesses to run and he hates spywork, he gave up on it."
    "He helped train you before you came here," Jerry stated.
    "And that was the last time," I replied, standing from my chair and grabbing an apple and a bottle of water from Rox, "I'm not going to waste my breath telling him that you need help, he'll say no. His past is his past and it's going to stay that way."
    I walked out of the Cafeteria and back to Rox's room.
    I knocked twice before opening the door and walking in. Kostos was stood beside the bed and Rox was laying back down. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy, had she been crying?
    "I brought some food," I told her as I passed her the water and apple.
    She smiled at me and started eating the apple.
    "I think Jerry's trying to get some spy back-up, some of the older spies, but I don't know why," I told her, "Are you alright."
    "Yeah. How do you know Jerry's trying to get more spies?" She asked, pausing from her eating of the apple.
    "I'll tell you later," I told her and went to leave the room, but turned around and faced Kostos before I reached the door, "Oh, and before I forget."
    I raise my fist and punch Kostos hard. Then another time just for good measure.
    "You hurt her again and I won't waste anytime in castrating you," I hissed violently as I raised my knee and hit him, well, there.
    "I'll see you later Rox," I called over my shoulder as I left the room and went to see Sam and Eevee.

  27. #547
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    "Alex!" I called after her. She ignored me. Sure, i can understand why she was angry. Yes, i would have punched him if we had switched places. But kneeing him there? That was kinda uncalled for. If i didn't really know him then i'd be laughing.
    I didn't really know him though, did i?
    "So why did Jerry call you back here?" I asked him.
    He went over to the window and stared out at the sky. "I was in whoop when i was your age... 2 years ago. I got hired by the ADO. I thought that was a good thing, but obviously not. I don't know why i joined really... I'd originally planned to come back to Greece and work for the government." He answered. I'd have to ask Jerry about that.
    Before i could ask anything else, a doctor came in. He looked at the notes and then back at me. "How feel you?"
    Obviously his english was bad. "You can speak Greek if you want. I'm nearly fluent."
    Soon the worried look was gone from his face and was replaced with a smile. 'How do you feel?'
    'Much better now, thankyou. Kinda tired and my ankle hurts like hell, but other than that i'm fine.'
    He looked impressed with my language skills. 'Your ankle would hurt. It's very badly sprained. There's a chance that if you put too much pressure on it that it will fracture.'
    'Fracture? Really? So that's why the bandages are so tight... Why is it not in plaster then?'
    'Your bone will repare itself enough in the next few days as long as you take it easy. You're recovering quite quickly. There may be a chance you'll be out of here the day after tomorrow.' He looked at his watch. 'I have to go. I'll be back to check on you later.'
    That cheered me up a little. I turned back to where Kostos was standing but he had gone. Probably with the doctor. So i was alone then. I sighed.
    "Don't be sad." Said a nurse who entered soon after. "I've been told you can go round on crutches." She put them leaning against the bed.
    "Yes! Thank you so much!"
    She left the room. So did i a few minutes later. I hopped down the corridor with the aid of the crutches until i finally came to Sam's room. I attempted to push the door open with no luck.
    "Damn doors... Not sick people friendly. Someone help me!" I called through the very slightly opened door.
    "Yes! Quick! Before the door swings back on me and i trip over!"

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    I had held Eevee in peace for a while before an angry Alex had stormed in. She explained that Jerry had hired some help, who turned out to be the guy that had been the start of Rox getting into such a bad state. He'd beenthoroughly punished by Alex though and she seemed quite content with the punishment she had given him. He wouldn't be switching sides again if he knew what was good for him.

    A bit later, one of the nurses came in and told me to rest so I closed my eyes and pretended to get some sleep. I'd been shot before and this was less than what I was used to, just had to learn to stop leaving that side exposed. It was quite peaceful actually, just Eevee and Alex talking quietly. Rox came in a bit later, having escaped from her room down the hall and seemed to have some important information for us all.

    I sighed, "can't the injured rest in peace? I'm trying to recover from surgery."

    Rox just grinned at me. "This is very important and the doctors already told me that you'll be just fine."

    I rolled my eyes and Eevee squeezed my hand, I squeezed hers back and she put her head on the bed beside me. I felt really bad that I'd made her worry so many times, I wish this was all over and I could just start having a normal life. Well, a normal-er life than the one I had.

    "So what do you have to say Rox?" asked Eevee.

    Rox sat down on a chair and grinned. "Well I've got this plan you see and once we put it into action not only will we get those athletes back but Sam, it'll take your brother out of the picture for good."

    I frowned slightly, finding myself intruiged. "Explain."

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    Default *has been poked with a stick* Yeah, okay ><

    "Well... It's really quite simple, see." I began. I thought about that statement for a second. "Actually, it's really simple from my point of view... Maybe not for you... But i understand."
    "Stop muttering random things and explain, will you?"
    "... Yes Sam..."
    "You remember the blue prints i found? Well, they tell me that all of your brother's strength is from robotics found around his muscles. Now if i can shut that down then his strength will be gone. His muscles haven't been used on their own before which means when the robotics is shut down, he won't even be able to stand." I explained, a smirk on my face.
    "And how do you plan to do that?" Asked Alex.
    "Well, first i need to get to his access point which is on his back. It's covered by skin but if you press it in the right place it opens. Kinda like that guy from 'I, Robot'. Once it's open, i simply have to connect him to my laptop through USB and simply shut it down from there. It should be simple."
    "Why do i feel as though there should be a 'but' at the end of that sentance?" Asked Sam.
    "Because wouldn't you find it hard to keep someone like that still? That's the only catch i've thought of so far... Now all we need is a plan to keep him still and then the master plan is complete!" I said.
    The others didn't seem to enthusiastic. I can't say i didn't blame them. They were probably all completely exhausted. I knew i was. We'd have to do it soon though if we wanted him out of the way. We needed to rest first. That, i told myself, was a very good idea.

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    "I have a plan" I said. I had been standing in the doorway listening intently, and I was now entering the room. With slow, unteady steps, I reached Sam's bed.

    I breathed in, composing myself. It wasn't the safest idea, but it would have to do.

    "Alright, it'll go like this. First thing tommorow is the last day of my tournement. And I just checked the scheduel, and fensing is down to the final four. I'll be fencing some girl, he'll be fencing some guy, and most likely then not, I'll be fighting him in the final compotition. If we are competing against one another, then we will have a fair chance of being in the same building as him."

    The other three were listening to my every word. My three best friends in the world. I almost smiled looking at us broken team of spies, trying to save the world like some superheros.

    "It's true that we will know where he is, but how will we get him exactly? I mean, we'll have to be pretty close to get him plugged into my computer." said Rox.

    I sighed, not wanting to to expose the rest of the plan, because I knew that Sam would not like the rest of the plan. Not at all.

    "That's the dangerous part of the plan," I said, avoiding eye contact with Sam, "After the match, who ever wins, it'll be easy to slip away with him. and, you know how Sam and his brother look almost identical, well I'll pretend to think that he is Sam and I'll-"

    Sam immediatly interupted me.

    "And what? Soduce him? Eevee, you can't do this!" he said.

    "Be alone with him." I finished.

    Sam was not pleased with the plan. His eyes were fiery, with hate for his evil brother who had threatened our relationship so many times before.

    "It's too dangerous. You can't be alone with him." Sam argued.

    "What else can we do? If anyone can think of another plan, feel free to speak up." I said.

    For a long pause, the room was silent, except for the sound of sam's pulse rising on the moniter, and an icy chill in the room.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  31. #551
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    "I'm wish Eevee on this one," said Alex. "Hell of course I think that she's bloody insane but what chance do we have? There's no other way."

    I couldn't believe I was hearing this, it just had to be some messed up dream, it had to be. They would never agree to this. After everything he's done and tried to do how can they just agree to let her go off with him? "You want another way? I'll bloody give ya one, I'll kill that damn b****** first!"

    "And go to prison? You're seriously saying that you'd rather go to prison than let Eevee do this?"

    "Well if that's the only other way then yeah. You think I'm gonna let that sick scumbag stay in the same room as her? You must be kidding! I wouldn't trust him with my shoes let alone my girlfriend."

    Alex sighed and turned to Rox, "let's go, they need to talk this through themselves. We'll be in Rox's room, let us know when you reach an agreement." And they just left us there.

    "Why are you so determined to go to prison?"

    "I'm not. But you know what he's like. It might only take a few moments before he tries something on with you and you can't try and tell me that you'll have some plan because you know as well as I do that he'll get around it. I'm the only one of us with the strength to hold him off - you know that and there's no way I'll be at that sort of level of recovery to be of any use. You have to understand Eevee, I'm just scared that something will go wrong. How could I ever live with myself if he..."

    She hugged me tightly, bringing my head against her, snuggled between her stomach and her chest. "It'll be okay. I promise, I won't let him hurt me. Everything will be ok. Trust me on it."

    "Okay...I trust you Eevee, I do." I squeezed her tightly. "I trust you to do what you have to do but please...don't kiss him. The thought is just...I don't know how I could bare it if you did."

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  32. #552
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    I thought about what Sam had said. I understood his concerns, but I was surprised that he had aproved my plan.

    "Sam, don't worry about me. Really, I'll be okay. I'm a spy, I can take care of myself." I told Sam.

    I heard myself reasuring Sam, but it felt like I was trying to soothe myself. The idea of being alone with Sam's brother frightened me- No, terrified me. I could still remember the horrible encounter I had first had with him. In the lab where i had been imprisoned by Sam's mad father. But what else could I do? I would do anything to keep Sam safe and out of jail, and I had a mission to complete. So what if I haden't graduated WHOOP Spy Training Academy yet? I was still a spy, and spies had to be prepared to do anything for a mission.

    "I'm really proud of you, Sam." I cooed in his ear.

    "What for?" he asked me, stroking my head with his good hand.

    "For wrestling after being shot. You didn't cry or anything. I don't know how you did that. I wouldn't be able to." I said, then kissed him gently on the lips.

    Sam smiled back at me.

    "Oh Eevee, what would I do without you? Just don't get hurt. Don't get hurt."

    He kissed me back.

    We exchanged sweet nothings for a long time before Alex and Rox returned. Rox pulled out her laptop out after sitting in the chair beside Sam's bed.

    "While I was waiting, I set up the program. It's simple, If you can get close enough. Here, hand me your compact, Eevee."

    I reached into my pocket and pulled out the WHOOP compact, then handed it to Rox. She opened it and pulled out the little cord. she plugged the cord into her laptop.

    "I'm going to download the program into your compact," she said, pressing away at buttons, "Once you get to him, you'll have to press between his shoulder blades. A compartment will will pop open and you will be able to plug the compact's cord into a socket. Then press the 'enter' button on the compact, and he'll be limp withen seconds. Okay, the programs now in. You got all that, Eevee?"

    I nodded. she unplugged the cord, which pulled back into the compact like a tape measurer, then handed it back to me. I placed it in my pocket.

    I turned to Sam.

    "I have to be getting back to the arena soon." I said.

    I stood up and began to head to the door.

    "Wait." said Sam, causing me to stop. I spun toward him again.

    "Yes?" I asked, using any excuse to delay my departure.

    OOC: TAG!!
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  33. #553
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  34. #554
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    OOC: Time 2 mess things up...


    "Just take it easy okay? You´ve got a busy day ahead of you."

    "Okay. I promise."

    Eevee left for some late night practise and I chatted with Alex and Rox. It was several hours before Eevee came back but she looked like she´d enjoyed a good workout so I wasn´t particularly worried.

    A nurse came and ushered Rox back to her room and Alex followed. She was very insistant on me resting as well and I eventually cuddled up to Eevee and settled down for the night.

    Some hours later I woke up feeling uncomfortable. I needed to get out of the room, even if it was only for a few minutes, I couldn´t stay in there any longer. I left Eevee as quietly as I could and crept outside for some fresh air. I took a few steps and then everything went black...

    I awoke then next morning in bed with Eevee, I couldn´t remember anything from last night and couldn´t even be sure I had actually left the room. She wasstill sleeping so I got up and switched on the tv. There wasa news bulletin, a murder last night. Someone had broken into the house, slit the guy´s throat. He brother.

    "Eevee! Eevee look! Someone´s murdered my brother!"


    Just then there wasa knock at the door. I got up to answer it and before I kenew what was happening, cops had stormed into the room and were handcuffing me! There was loads of shouting, most of it in Greek and I didn´t have a clue what was going on. So I just kept quiet and let them escort me out. The mess would get sorted out somehow.


    Stuck in prisonwith no idea why. It had been a couple of hours since my 'arrest' and I still had no idea why. A guard came in, said something about a visitor and led me off to this huge room full of tables. I satdownand shortly after Eevee entered.

    "Thank God you're here. What the hell's going on?No on´'s telling me anything." Then I realised she wasn't looking me in the eye. "Eevee?"

    "The´'re saying you murdered your brother Sam. The Greeks want you in court for murder and Jerry's organising getting you deported to be tried for treason." She sounded like she was about to cry. "Did you do it?"

    "No, of course not."

    "Can you say that, honestly?"

    I sighed. "No. I can´t remember last night."

    She was silent. "My parents called. They´re taking the first flight over to make sure´I'm alright. They do´'t think it's a good idea for us to be..."

    "What? For us to be what?"


    I was stunned. "You don´t agree with them, do you?"

    She fiddled nervously with her piercings. "I..."


    "We're finished..." And she ran from the room, with just a few tears remaining on the table. I put my head down and smacked the table with my fist. "I've ruined everything..."

    OOC: That's right everybody Sam and Eeveehave officially broken up

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  35. #555
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    I had been sitting in the fetal position in my hotel room bathroom's tub for 3 hours straight crying. I was a complete reck, but I didn't have the strength to hold my head up high and pretend everything was okay anymore, i just couldn't deal with it. How dare he brahe his promise with me! He knew, he knew that he was not supposed to murder anyone. We had a plan figured out, and murdering someone would just end him up in jail. What was he thinking!

    I leaned against the bathroom wall helplessly and bawled like a baby. Hot tears mixed with black eye makeup streamed down my red face. My cheeks were raw from all the tears continously flowing over them. My body trembed with each sob and my limbs shoke uncontrolably. I couldn't move from that spot. All I could was cry my heart out. My Rock had left me, and now I was falling fast into a pit of dispare.

    Several ours later I awoke in the cold, dank, and dark tub. It was sometime in the middle of the night. I must have cried myself to sleep. Slowly, I rose myself out of the tub. My limbs were stiff and my body was soar all over. My bare feet touched the cold, tiled floor. I atempted to stand up. Although my legs were wobbaly, I was still able to stand.

    I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. One look at the bed and familure tears found their way down a well traveled path down my cheeks. Everything reminded me of him. Everything.

    Glancing up at a clock, I noticed through blurred eyes that my second to last compotition would take place in 6 hours. Every nerve in my body wanted to forget about fencing, but a small part of my brain told me that I was a spy and I needed to complete the mission.

    I grabbed my sports clothes and returned to the bathroom to clean myself up. An hour later I emmerged from the small room all cleaned up and in uniform. I had five hours to kill, so I left the hotel and went to the Arena. I was the first one there. In fact, the event before mine was just starting. But the gaurd allowed me to use the practice room. For 5 hours straight I did nothing but training. anything to get my mind off of Him. All of my emotions, anger, saddness, frustration, drained out of each jab I took with the sword. By the time the event was about to begin, I had pulled myself together and was ready to compete.

    I ignored the fact that my coach wasn't there and looked at the scheduel. Me and an Italian girl were up first. Good, I wouldn't have time to sit around a think.

    I was immediatly called into the arena, and my match began. It went by so fast that I hardly knew what was happening. I had been training so much that instinct took over and in record time they were announcing my name as the vitor. But I was not happy. I felt like all emotions had spilled out of my eyes and had left my body. I walked off the mat and sat down in the practice room to watch the next match on the tv. The next match was supposed to be Sam's brother and a Chineese boy. what would happen? Sam's brother was dead.

    But misteriously, two figures hopped onto the arena mat. One with a Chineese flag on his mask, and one with nothing on their mask. I watched stunned as the two fenced, both masters at the sport. However, the blank masked one triumphed, and it was announced that they would challenge me in 5 hour's time. I was stunned. who could this person be? they entered the training room, where I sat, then removed their mask in front of me.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  36. #556
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    OOC: Nice post


    I didn't sleep a wink all night - how could I? She'd left me...I'd lost the best thing to ever happen to me and it was all my fault. I'd messed up big time and nothing was going to fix. Maybe I was innocent but in the end it would make no difference, Eevee would never trust me again. Her words were much truer than perhaps she had intended them to was completely over...I was sure my heart was too broken to ever mend itself...I just wanted it all to end...

    The next day they let us all out to watch coverage of the olympics. I watched Eevee's event in pain but admiration. I'd taught her so well...I hated it, I should be there with her! I should be there!
    No...I shouldn't...I keep forgetting...she's not my girlfriend anymore...
    I slunk back to my cell immediately after her match to wallow in yet more self pity...

    Sarena flew out to see me later the day. I didn't have the strength to meet her in the main hall, so they brought her to my cell instead. She hugged me tightly but it didn't help like I thought it would...
    "I've done this terrible thing..."
    "Calm down. Tell me what happened."
    "...Eevee broke up with me..."
    "I promised her I wouldn't kill my brother, I swore I wouldn't jeapordise our relationship by going to jail but...I couldn't honestly tell her I didn't do it..."
    "Because...I think I did."

    We were silent for a while before Sarena pushed me to tell her what I knew. She was trying so hard to help me.
    "I didn't sleep well that night, Eevee was in bed with me but I felt so restless so I got up and went for a walk outside. I needed air. just all went black. I remember nothing after it. I woke up in bed next to eevee and then the cops showed up. They haven't even asked me for my side of it."
    Sarena hugged me. "I'll see what I can do. I'm gonna talk to Eevee."
    "Don't bother."
    Sarena looked at me pityingly. "I know it hurts, but I'll do what I can to help you."
    I nodded slightly and pulled something out my pocket. "Can you give her this then? It's a necklace I bought her before...I don't know what else to do with it."
    She took it and nodded. "Take care okay? We'll fix this."

    Sarena left and I laid back on my shabby excuse for a bed. "I've never know such pain as this..."

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    Imooto-deshi says:

  37. #557
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    OOC: *evil smile*

    The mysterious fencer removed his mask. I sat aghast, for the face that stared back at me was Sam's!

    "Hey Eevee! I suprised you, huh? Well, We'll be competing against one another." Sam said, sounding just like himself.

    I finally found my voice and said "But-but you're in jail!"

    He put his helmet down and and neeled next to my chair.

    "Oh that, it was all a misunderstanding, really." He said, half chuckling as if it were all a big joke.

    "Why don't we go back to our hotel room, you can change, and i'll explain the whole thing." he said so soothingly that all the will in my body just left and I fallowed him. He led me all the way to the hotel room and opened our door with his key. I held my breath as i waited for his explanation. What could i have possibly missed?

    I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom. I traded my fencing outfit of a more comfortabe wordrobe. I had navy blue jeans with various pockets and straps, a white men's undershirt with a green plad thin button up shirt half buttoned, an eybrow ring, a one gagged earing for each ear, and black makeup. When i exited the bathroom, Sam was sitting on the bed, in a change of clothes.

    "You and you're unique style, that's why I love you." He said lovingly to me.

    I walked over to the bed and sat a foot away from him.

    "say that again." I said, testing him.

    he smiled, then looked squarly into my eyes and said, "I said I love you." his voice was so soothing, and his eyes bared deep into me with an unmistakeable gaze of love. He had completely convinced me, and yet something seemed...not right.

    However, I smiled back at him and said, "tell me your story."

    "Alright," He began, "when the police came and arested me, i didn't know what was happening. i had been with you the entire night, and had not even gone outside. Still, they arrested me for the murder of my brother. The police looked further into the case and did some work. Anyway, their end result was that my father had killed him and then framed me for it, so that i would get lifetime in prison and live the rest of my life completely misrible. the cops found this true story out and released me. i just got back in time for my brother next match. I didn't want any of the ADO people to think that soething was going wrong with their plan, so i pretended to be my brother so they wouldn't get suspicious. and on a side note of that, i'll have to pretend that I am dead and not compete in wreseling so ADO thinks that i'm the one who is dead. It's a bit complicated, but once we crack this case it'll all go back to normal. everything allright now, Eevee?"

    I had listened to Sam's story with all my attention, and it did seem to make sence. I nodded to him.

    Sam leaned real close to me and asked, "So you want to be my girlfriend again?"

    The question buzzed in my head. I had been so upset with him because he had betrayed our promise, put himself in danger, and killed his brother. But if he had in fact not done any of these things, then it was just all a misunderstanding and i had no reason to be upset with him. And i missed him so much. life was not worth living without sam. Still, i had any uneasy feeling about it. Sam seemed different now. i couldn't explain how, but a had a feeling about him. But i dismissed the feeling as from the past events and followed my heart.

    "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend again." i said.

    Sam's face lit up and a gleam sparkled in his eye. he folded his arms around me and held me tight. He was truelly happy and glad to have me back. I hesitated, then wrapped my arms around him. all my feeling returned to me. it felt so good to have my boyfried back. things had been looking glim lately, but suddenly there was a light at the end of the tunnel. And i embraced that light with all my heart.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  38. #558
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    It took hours to get to the hotel after seeing Sam in jail, we had to make stops for fuel and food and...urgh, nightmare! We finally got to the hotel, fortunately she still had a couple of hours left before her final so we could talk. i asked the receptionist where her room was and headed up there.

    I knocked on the door and Eevee opened it with a surprising smile upon her face.
    "Hey Sarena."
    "Err...hey. How you doing?"
    "I'm great."
    "Who's at the door!?" a familar voice reached my ears.
    "Is that Sam?"
    Eevee smiled and nodded. "He came after the match. We've fixed everything up."

    She invited me inside and I saw Sam sat on the bed grinning. When we came in he got up and came over to Eevee. He hugged her and started kissing her neck, it was strange...
    "Well...I just wanted to see how you were..." I looked at my brother, "I guess you want this back then?" i asked, handing him the box with the necklace in it. He took a quick glance and nodded before tucking it away. He'd probably give it to Eevee later when they had some privacy.

    I stayed for almost an hour, things already seemed to be back to normal, I couldn't believe they'd let him out so far. Ah well...who was I to judge the way they felt about each other.
    "Well," I said with a sigh. "I best get going, I've got a seat for your match Eevee so I'll be watching." I hugged her and Sam, "good luck you two."
    And I left them together. I just wish I could shake this awkward feeling I kept getting...

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  39. #559
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    I lay next to Kostos on my bed back in the hotel room. I had been let out a couple of days ago and he had come over every day before i woke up and wouldn't leave until i was fast asleep. It was kinda creepy, but it was very sweet of him.
    My laptop beeped at me. I shot up, grabbed it and checked what it was saying.
    "Rox... You're meant to be resting..." said Kostos, patting the bed where i had been laying.
    "Using my laptop isn't exactly going to put strain on my ankle, is it?" I gave him a little smirk. "Oooh! I got mail!"
    "You always get mail!"
    "... Yeah... Kostos, is my brain just acting up or does that say that Sam has been freed?"
    He sat up and peered over my sholder. "You're the one with English as their first language..." I gave him a glare. "Okay okay... Yes, that's what it says. You're not daydreaming."
    "Lets go see him!" I closed my laptop and put it in my bag. I found my crutches and we departed for Sam and Eevee's room.
    I knocked on their door and it was soon answered. I grinned as Sam came into veiw. "Congratulations on freedom!"
    He smiled. "Thanks Rox!"
    "I knew you were innocent! There was no way you would have gone against the plan."
    "I see you've been spending a lot of time with your boyfriend." He notioned at Kostos. He seemed quite happy, actually.
    "Yes, she has." He said, putting his arm around my sholder.
    Sam had never been happy with Kostos since i was hospitalised... This was strange...
    "I'll leave you to 'catch up' with Eevee. I'm sure she missed you! See you later."
    Sam nodded and said his goodbyes. I hurried off down the corridor. Well as fast as i could on crutches.
    "Hey, what's the matter?" Asked Kostos as he walked fast to keep up with me.
    His smile disappeared as he saw the serious look on my face. I stopped and looked him in the eye. "I haven't seen Sam since the night before he was arrested. I wasn't allowed to visit him. He didn't know we were dating..."

    X-rated since April 2012!

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    Or i will hog tie you
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  40. #560
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    I scribbled furiously on the paper in front of me. I was working on some extra work for Jerry - decoding. I had taken to helping the old man out over the last few days, having not much else to do. I was sat in Shuriken and Almond's room, they had disappeared to god knows where and I liked my privacy while working. There was a large stack of papers in front of me, all of it work, and I was only halfway. But I was in no rush, my first event was until a week later, I was going with Rox and Kostos to search the houses of the kidnapped competitors to look for any help, but, other than that, I didn't have anything to do.

    I finished the fifth code and moved onto the sixth, from what I could tell, they were having me decode e-mail messages, what about, I don't know, but, I guessed, it was something important.

    A knock sounded at the door and I jumped in my seat at the desk. It was odd for anyone to visit me lately and I had gotten used to being alone and undisturbed.

    I stood from my seat, rubbing my sore eyes, and opened the door. I had expected to see Jerry or one of the 'bosses' of W.O.O.H.P, but, ibstead, I was met with Rox and Kostos.

    I hadn't had a proper talk with Rox in a while, we'd both been a little preoccupied. As for Kostos, well, I didn't know him, but I'm not think and I could see that Rox was happy with him and trusted him. I'm no fool and I knew that everyone made mistakes, so, when I heasrd of their not so suprising relationship, I told them I was happy for them, and I meant it.

    "What's up?" I asked through a yawn, - god, it was too early to be tired, - and let the two of them into the room.

    "Did you nkow that Sam was let out?" Rox asked me as she and Kostos walked into the room and made themselves comfy on my (well, sort of mine) bed.

    My ears perked up and I was suddenly awake.

    "That can't be right," I said, sitting back down in my chair.

    Why hadn't I heard of it? Jerry had been round here talking to me about new recruits and work, surely he would have told me.

    "Well it is," Rox said. "He's at his room right now."

    I raised my eyebrows, it was odd for hinm to be out.

    "Well, that's good," I stated, picking up the piece of paper with my decifered codes on it and checking them half-heartedly. "I'm sure Eevee's happy."

    "I think there's something wrong," Rox said and I finally noticed the worry in her voice. "When me and Kostos went to see Sma, he knew that the two of us were dating. I never had a chance to tell him before he was arrested, there was no way for him to know."

    "Are you sure Eevee hadn't told him?" I asked her, leaning forward in my seat.

    "Her boyfriend just got back from being locked away for murder, I think she was too busy getting their relationship back to care about anyone else's," Rox told me, looking, once again, deadly serious.

    I nodded in agreement and chewed my lip - a habit.

    "Right," I told her. "I'm seeing Jerry tonight before the three of us go searching the houses of the kidnapped conmpetitors. I'll talk to him then and see what he says."

    Rox nodded and she and Kostos stood from the bed.

    "I'll see you tommorrow," She said, heading obver to the door.

    I nodded and swivelled by chair back to do my work.

    "Bye," I said, already picking up my pen and beginng to work.

    I heard the door shut and footsteps leave, then silence outside.

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