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Thread: Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

  1. #41
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    "Sunset? I've gotta get my sketch pad! Right now. And paint. Yeah... I'll be back soon..." I said before running back inside.
    I returned with an A3 pad and a set of paints.
    "Like painting?" Xan asked.
    "You could say that..." I replied.

    "Can i see what you've done?" Asked Stormy.
    "Sure." I said, handing her my sketch pad while i set up my paints.
    Xan peered over her sholder. A random A4 sketch fell out. Xan went to pick it up but i got there quicker and snatched it before either of them could see.
    "Sorry... It's just... A little private... I didn't think it was in there..." I said to Xan.
    "Can i have a piece of paper from there? I wanna start now before the sun goes down." I asked Stormy.
    She tore out a piece, handed it to me and continued flicking through.
    I sketched, re-sketched and painted. I painted the dolphins, the sea and the deep reds of the sky. I painted everything i saw.
    "Woah... How'd you learn to paint like that?" Asked Xan.
    "While others were out shopping, fussing over there appearance and gossiping i was drawing. It's all i ever did."
    I picked up the picture that i had before. I stared at it. Me and him. I sighed.
    Stormy took it from me. "Who is this? You and... who else in this picture, it's good."
    "It's no one..."
    I ignored them and got back to painting.
    "He's more than that."
    "Maybe he is..." I looked up at him.
    "What happened?"
    "I just finished drawing my half of the picture and there was this fight and he went to sort it out and... he was like us... But he could move stuff with his mind. Some specail police people found him and took him away... I've never seen him since."

    Xan's next thoughts were drowned out by all the other peoples' on the deck.
    Stormy gave us a weird look. It must of looked like we were actually talking out loud. Heh.
    "What?" Xan and i said together.

    X-rated since April 2012!

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  2. #42
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    I was in the cabin that I shared with nobody. This didn't bother me at all; I'd likely be stuck with some obnoxious prep as a roommate, knowing my luck.

    After awhile, I got to a point in my book where I could stop. I figured I may as well go and take a look at the people whom I would be forced to be in contact with, so I left my cabin and went to the deck of the ship. I simply leaned against the rail, looking out to hte ocean. Kind of boring, but it gave me time to think.
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  3. #43
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    I returned to my room for the deck of the boat, not bothering to use the door i juss teleported my way back. I was kinda bumed, all the other people seemed to be making friends and i was just another kid on the boat. I tried not to let it get to me so i laid down on my bed and put on my cd player. I slightly dozed off befor i woke up again and decided to go exploring. I went through the door, down the hall way and outside to the deck of the boat where i saw xan and two other people with him. I started walking towards the rear of the boat to see what kinda of things where back there. I turned the corner and was disappointed at the lack of explorablity of this massive ship, theres not one interesting thing around here. I teleported my self back to the canteen with a few of the other kids. I ordered a coke and just sat there, hoping this school we were going to was more exciting and interesting than this dumb old boat.

  4. #44

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    It was night by the time willow had finished her drawing. Xan was staring at the remains of the sun transfixed, chaneling all of those people's thoughts.
    "I was wondering" He said to the Willow and Stormy.
    "Do you guys think theres like anything fun to do here? Pool? Arcades? Anything?"
    "Dunno" said Stromy, while Willow merley shrugged. Xan turned changed his gaze, from staring at the sky, to watching the deck.
    "There are some decks below, lets check 'em out" he said.
    "mmhmm" they both nodded and got up.
    They made their way to the stairs and down they went. They stopped at the bottom floor. Infront of them stood a large door with the words "Recreation Room" printed on it. All three of them smiled widley and pushed open the door.
    He stood there with his mouth open, almost drooling, the others where almost in the same shock. There stood before them about 12 arcade machines, a pool table, a jacuzzi and an entertainment system complete with a large collection of DVD's. Getting over his shock, Xan made his way to the stereo and popped in a "K's Choice" CD. He didnt bother to ask, Willow had already read his thoughts.
    "I Want to play pool" she said smiling. Stormy looked slightly confused, but agreed to play a game with them. Xan set up the table, and the began to play.
    "So you think anyone else knows about this room? and if they dont, do you think we should tell them...?" said Xan smirking slightly.

  5. #45
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    "No one must know! Unless they are about to die of boredem. Which i can understand... 2 more days on a boat can't be good..." I said.
    "Seems fair..." Said Stormy.
    We continued playing until we got bored of pool. I scanned the room for an arcade game to play. Time Crisis 3, racing, Tekken Tag and... Hold on... Tekken Tag!
    I ran over to the machine, pulled out a quater from my pocket and shoved it in the machine. I pressed the start button. Nothing happened. I pressed it again. Still nothing.
    "It stole my quater!" I said, putting my hand into it to push it down. Still nothing. I kicked it. My quater fell out and the machine gave me a free go.
    I laughed at all the peoples' thoughts of how bored they were and decided to make sure they knew how much fun i was having.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  6. #46
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    I was really upset I had lost half my clothes and I missed most chances of getting pictures of dolphins so I decided to go get a drink.I walked up to the counter and ordered a diet coke,the woman gave me a bottle and I walked off,I saw marcus sitting alone so I decided to go talk to him,"Hey how are you"I asked,He looked up and said "fine"I sat down on the chair and asked him "what are your hobbies?"

  7. #47
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    I was sitting at the bar when i saw Elizabeth come in still looking quite angry she lost her wardrobe over the edge of the boat. She ordered her a drink and then turned and faced me. Uh oh i thought to my self, i hope i dont make my self look like a fool. Hey she said how are you? I told her i was fine and then the awkward silence kicked in. "What are your hobbies?" she asked. "A little bit of everything, sports, reading, listening to music the usual you know." "How about you?" Before i let her answer i asked her if she was ok about the whole clothes over board insident. "Not really, im very mad at Xan." I kinda smiled a little bit but quick quit after she stared me down. "Sorry", i said "you need any clothes to get you through the next few days before you can clean some of you clothes?" "Uh i dont care," she blandly replied. I told her it was the least i could do for her helping me out on the dock earlier. I waited for her answer as we sat there drinking our drinks.

  8. #48
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    "That would be nice"I replied he sorta smiled and I finished my coke
    "do you wanna get out of here and explore?"I asked
    "sounds cool"he replied,we got up and walked onto the dock and sat on the bench
    "so what are your hobbies"Marcus asked
    "Photography,reding,listening to music,guitar and yoga"I replied,All of a sudden Mimi started barking "oh yeah and I love beagles"i continued,
    "have you got any pets?"

  9. #49
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    She took my offer on me lending her some clothes. "You want to go explore?" Sure i said as i grabbed my drink and we headed out the door. "Do you have any pets?'' I did i said but i left her back with my bestfriend, i figured she didnt need to go through all the torment of this stupid boat ride. She looked at me funny and we just kept walking. Her dog was still barking as we wandered around the boat. "Thats a cute dog", i said. Even though its little yaps where starting to get on my nerves. So do you know if there is any thing to do on this boat? i asked. "I have no idea thats why we are exploring." Oh ya duh, i felt kinda dumb but oh well she didnt seem to mind the stupid question. I let her lead our expadition as i followed along. We walked and talked for hours visiting the many unknown regions of the boat. I think i finaly made a friend. Once again this year looked promising.
    Sorry for the lack of length im kinda short on time ill post a longer one later.
    OOC- i think marcus has a thing for elizabeth

  10. #50

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I finally walk outside and sit on the railing for a minute... when suddenly the boat rocks and I ... Being the clutz that i am... I fall off the side of the rail. About 1sec. berfore i hit the water... Poof there i go concentrating on the boat i end up next to a girl leaning on the rail looking at the Ocean. While I'm breathing really heavily, I look over at her and say " Hi."

    " You're breathing really heavily are you O.K.?"

    " Oh yeah I'm fine... I almost fell off the boat but yeah I'm fine. Oh I'm Moonbeam."

    " OMG, Are you serious?" Says the girl." OH I'm sorry i haven't introduced myself I'm Erin."

    " Hi Erin. I was just in the Cantine and i bought an extra soda do you want it?"

    P.S. Hey people check out my new RPG called Generation V: Mutant Havoc.

  11. #51
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    "It's getting let I'm gonna go to bed"I said to marcus,He nodded "I'm in room 5,meet me in the morning if i'm not there I'll be on the dock somewhere" I said "ok"he replied I walked off to my room leaving Marcus behind.When I arrived at my room I had completely forgotten about my wet clothes so I went straight to bed.

  12. #52
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    After what must of been two hours of playing DDR with Stormy and Xan some weird guy came in.
    "Come on, out." he yelled as we finished the last combo.
    "Aww... Don't you want us to spend all our hard earned quaters on your arcade for the rest of the night?" I asked, jumping off the DDR machine.
    "No, now get the hell out of here!"
    "Fine then..." I said, walking through him.
    "I'll see you guys tomorrow, right?" Asked Stormy as we went up the stairs.
    "Sure. See ya." Xan and I said together.
    She looked at us weirdly again, took no notice and went off to her room.
    "Wonder what the school's gonna be like..." I thought.
    "Dunno... Better be better than what everyone on this boat is thinking..."

    Weird silence. I hate those. There were no random thoughts at all. Other than my own, that is...

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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  13. #53

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    Xan waved good night to stormy and he and Willow made there way to their quarters. They were at her door, another akward silence.
    "Um...night then" Said xan unsure of what else to say.
    "Do you wanna come in? im not sleepy at all" She replied.
    Xan was suprised by her suggestion but he went inside her room and took a seat on the bed.
    They talked on and on untill the sun had risen. By the time they had gotten up to go for breakfast, they both knew more about each other than anyone on this ship knew about them.
    Xan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and made his way to a table in the canteen, Willow following behind him lazily. They both sat down and started laughing. The dreams some of the people had on this boat were extremley funny.
    He got up and got a sandwhich for himself and unsure of what Willow liked he beckoned her over to the buffet.
    "Food looks good."

  14. #54
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    "Yeah, the food looks great. But the thing i need right now is coffee..." I said sleepily, walking over to the coffee machine. "Cafine is good..."
    "You want anything?" Asked Xan.
    I went over with a nice full mug of coffee, "Maybe..." I replied, picking up a random sandwhich.
    "Cheese and pickle?" He asked, laughing.
    I remembered a random dream we saw last night with some poor bloke being forced to eat cheese and pickle sandwhiches.
    "Okay... Maybe not..." I said, putting it back while laughing. I took some toast instead and we went and sat back down.
    "So... What are we gonna do today? Except listening to other people's thoughts, that is." He asked.
    "We could go down to that arcade again... Although... I think i spent all the quaters i had in there yesterday... And by the sounds of things, people have found it..."
    "What shall we do?"
    "We could wait for Stormy..."

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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  15. #55
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Between tomorrow and yesterday

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    EEK! Eh, damn, gomen,....Ill make a post tomorrow since its almost 4AM now ^-^() sorry to keep everyone waiting ^-^()

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  16. #56
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    Having dreams as sweet as seawater...

    My dreams were fragmented this night....
    The waves tossed outside the walls of my room, and the rise and fall of the ship gave me a sense of security as it lulled me to sleep.
    A false sense...
    The dream, the vision, it still came to haunt me, even on this night. Why was I cursed to keep seeing this one occurance? Wasnt it bad enough that I saw the future without having to keep seeing the past every time I closed my eyes?
    So waking up the next morning I was not in the best of moods. The day before had been fun, I actually made some friends and we played in the game room until they kicked us out, but today I was wary of social contact. I was not in the mood to fake cheerfulness, and I knew no amount of explaining would make them understand why I was upset. No one ever understood....
    "Hey Stormy!" Glancing behind me at one of the breakfast tables I saw Willow and Xan, both looking like they hadnt slept yet. Nodding politely at them I grabbed a bagel, some cream cheese, and a bottle of apple juice and went to sit at a table by myself to brood. Within a few minutes they came over and sat with me. "Dont say a word," Xan said, and looking up I saw a look of understanding in his eyes. Looking over at Willow I saw the same thing, no pity, just quiet understanding. It must be their powers, they know and they understand completely. I smiled softly at my new friends.
    "Are are you two today?"

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  17. #57
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    i'd just like to tell all those that don't know that my arm is in plaster and i'm using 1 hand badly... lol...
    Poor Stormy... there was no use in me pittying her... she didn't want that. i could understand that... nobody here wanted to be pittied, they were mostly just happy to be around people who understand what they're going through... Some more than others...
    "How are you two today?" asked Stormy as she smiled at us.
    "I got no sleep last night..." said Xan.
    "Why's that? were you sea sick?" she asked.
    "no... it's because he was in my room talking to me all night" i said, laughing slightly.
    "I-" began Xan.
    "We're not going to have a conversation in our heads. It's rude." i thought simply.

    "So what are we going to do today?" asked Stormy before taking a bite out of her bagel.
    "that's what we've been trying to decide..." i said.
    "couldn't think of anything." Xan finished.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  18. #58
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    I woke up and put this on then I picked up Mimi and my bag and I went to the cafeteria.When I arrived I saw stormy,willow and Xan talking but I ignored them and got a muffin and a latte.I sat down at a table and started researching (I can't wait to get there,when we arrive it'll be the 23rd of december and I love christmas)I loaded up google and searched for 'communicating with the dead'

  19. #59

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome


    "How about we go swimming?"
    They both nodded and we made our way to the swimming pool on deck. They went to the girls changing room and i went to the boys. I had been waiting outside the girls changing room for about an hours by the time they came out.
    "Ready?" i said
    "Yeah lets go" replied Willow.
    We found some chairs around the pool and sat down.
    "Ok whos first in?" i asked eyeing them slyly.
    "Not me" they said simoultanously.
    "I DONT CARE" i shouted. but willow knew that i was going to grab one of them and jump in. So she jumped back. Instead i grabed stormy and jumped into the pool with a big splash.
    "Come on" i shouted back at willow..

  20. #60
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    I couldn't fing anything on the internet and marcus hadn't come so I decided to go swimming I went back to my room and put down my bag and mimi then I left with my costume and towle.
    When i got there I heard laughing coming from the pool so I got changed into this and went to the pool.I saw stormy,xan and willow swimming around (not them again) I waited un til they wern't looking and ran round to the jacuzzi.

  21. #61
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    I laughed as Xan pulled Stormy into the pool with him.
    "Come on!" Shouted Xan when he surfaced.
    I jumped in quickly, making sure i splashed both of them.
    We swam around for a while. It was nice and cold in the pool and warm out of it. Perfect. One thing ruined it. People were thinking constantly about idiotic stuff.
    I went underwater for a while and realised that that wasn't gonna stop them thinking.
    "Wonder if he wants some soda..."
    "What's the time?"
    "She's stupid..."
    "Not them again..."

    The last person had been thinking about us. I surfaced again, looking around for the person who had thought it.
    "What's wrong?" asked Xan, swimming over.
    "Someone is fed up with us already... We've done nothing..." I said, slightly dazed.
    Xan shugged and swam away. I just floated there, on my back, trying to find her.
    "Gotta get there so they don't see..."
    I quickly got out of the pool and sat on the edge, kicking the water. The great thing about my power is being able to see through the person's eyes as well as seeing their dreams and hearing their thoughts. I closed my eyes and got inside her head and was careful not to think anything that could cause her to do something that i wanted her to.
    She checked the coast was clear and ran to the jacuzzi. I got out her mind and got back in the pool. I walked straight toward the other wall.
    "Willow, where are you going?" Asked Stormy.
    "To settle something..." I said, walking through the swimming pool wall toward the jacuzzi.
    "What's wrong with you?" I asked when i got there.
    "What?" I knew her. She was that Elizabeth person.
    "You haven't given me or Xan or Stormy a chance and you judge us! You didn't even get to know us and you avoid us! Stupid judgemental people..." I said before heading back to the pool.

    X-rated since April 2012!

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  22. #62
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    Willow walked away and I realised she was telepathic.(Listen willow I'm sorry It's just that xan has nearly ruined my life and I've only just arrived,I know you won't bewlieve me but its true he judged me straight away when I was being friendly and he chucked all my clothes in the sea not to mention my family portrait which is ruined) I stopped thinking got out and took a shower singing 'The worlds greatest' by R.kelly.

  23. #63

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    Gabriel Morgan
    I sighed and stretched. All had done since I got on this boat was sleep. I decided to go to the hot tub and changed into my swim trunks, grabbed a towel, and went to the jacuzzi. When I got there, I saw Elizabeth already lounging in the warm waters. "Mind if I join you?"
    __________________________________________________ __
    __________________________________________________ __

    I know, really short and stupid, but I think it can get me back in here a bit.

  24. #64
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    Gabrielle came and joined me after I had sent my brainwaves to willow,we talked a while and made jokes "I'm gonna change see you in the cafe in 10",I walked off and took a shower singing 'The worlds greatest' by R.kelly.

  25. #65

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I get off the railing and head to my room to go to sleep, I walk down the hall and fall onto my bed basically already asleep. I wake the next morning at around six o'clock and get up and hop in the shower. I hop out of the shower and go to the cafeteria. I grab a coffee and head to watch the sunrise. I slowly sip my coffee and walk to the Cafeteria again. I throw my cup away. I walk back to my room to get into my swim trunks. After I changed I head to the pool to go for a brief swim. As I head down there I notice Elle in the pool. " Mind if I join you?"

  26. #66
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    She doesn't know the meaning of ruining lives... Only those who have ruined someone's life truely knows... I thought to myself, blocking my thoughts from other telepaths.
    "That's what you think?" I heard Xan's voice say. How could he hear that? No one was ment to... Unless... Unless... I...
    "You what?" He asked.
    "Nothing..." I replied.

    "What? Come on. Tell me!" He said, he was stood there infront of me.
    "Maybe later..." I mumbled and ran off. I went through the walls and back to my room.
    I grabbed the drawn picture of me and... I couldn't even remember his name anymore. A silent tear slid down my face. He meant everything to me once...
    "Why does Xan remind me of you? You have nothing in common... You don't look like eachother... Your personallities are completely different... What could make you two so a like?" I said to no one at all. I only said it aloud so my thoughts couldn't be heard by telepaths...
    I sighed and made my way to the deck. I stood alone and watched the water with the picture still in my hand.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  27. #67
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    I'm a little confused!

    I got out after talking to gabriel and moonbeam "I'm going meet you in the cafe in 10,kay?"I walked of and had a shower,got out and got changed.I headed to the cafe and got a double scoop mint chac chip ice cream and sat down,5 minutes late gabriel and moonbeam came down talking about something "hi"I said quietly

  28. #68

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    Why do i always have that effect on people? I thought to myself as Willow ran through the wall.
    I wanted to think, i hadnt done that in a while. But i couldnt here too many people could hear me. I quickly started thinking about music while in my deeper mind i thought of Willow.
    I think i really like her...But why did she run away..what did i do wrong?
    My thoughts were disrupted by the amount of noise coming from the cafetria, so i thought i would go there for a scoop of ice-cream.
    I paid my money for my Cookie dough ice-cream and as i pulled away from the counter i bumped into the scary man that handed out the keys. He made me drop my ice-cream
    "You lousy son of a ..." i said in anger
    "No need to get nasty. Cant really say im sorry about that, Ice-cream is fattening" he said haughtingly.
    "You know i dont know who you are, but im hating you more by the moment"
    Right then i tried to focus on his thoughts to dig up something embarissing about him and make him leave me alone. Instead i heard:
    Dont try it, i know your a telepath, so am i...I can also block my mind from invasions, so just dont run along we should be arriving soon in about 3 hours time...
    I knew it looked strange, him and i staring each other in the eye without mumbling a single word. I knew it was because some kids and that annoying girl were staring at me.
    I just looked at the man again and he knew what i was about to say or rather think
    Brandon, Kevin Brandon. Your telepath professor
    I eyed him strongly and made my way to table to sit alone. Those people wouldnt stop staring at me..

  29. #69
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    "I shouldn't have ran off... He'll never know unless i tell him... But where would he have gone?"
    I sighed, it wasn't his falt. My stupid memories got in the way of everything. I took one last look at the picture and let go of it. I watched it fly off into the wind and down into the sea. It's time i stopped dwelling on the past...
    I went down to the canteen, figuring that he had to get hungry... I stood in the door way. Xan was in the middle of the room, icecream down his shirt talking telepathicly to the ticket guy. I listened in, finding out that he would be our telepath teacher when we got to school.
    Xan glared at him and sat alone at a table. Everyone just stared. I tried my hardest not to.
    Everyone averted their stares and got back to what they were doing. I laughed quietly to myself, remembering one of the dreams from last night.
    I got myself a double chocolate chip icecream and a cookie dough one and went over to Xan's table.
    "Icecream?" I asked simply, holding out the cookie dough one.
    He looked up and smiled. I knew that if i wasn't extremely hungry that i would of been blushing. He took it from me. "Thanks..."
    I took a chair that someone was about to sit on and sat down at the table. I laughed at the poor girl that had fallen because of it.
    "I'm sorry... Some memory caught up with me and i was just-"
    "Don't worry about it. You could of told me though. I still don't know."
    "I know you don't know... It's just-"
    I like you... I thought to myself. Atleast, i hoped i thought it to myself...
    "You like me?" He asked, slightly shocked. Just a little shocked. Not as shocked as i was.
    "Um... Yes..." I said taking a bite out of my icecream to cool me down.

    I'll leave you to the rest

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
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  30. #70
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    Xan was shouting about and loads of people were staring at him but I couldn't be bothered,moonbeam and gabriel were in the toilet and I was researching house fires.Xan had cooled down and he was talking to willow [I like you] I realised willow had said it so I looked over and I saw them both looking shocked,I turned off my lap top and started eating my mint choc chip ice cream (There's no suprise there It was obvious,the'll get together soon Xan likes willow and willow likes xan,Obvious!)I walked off onto the pier and sat on the rail staring at the sea (I really miss them)
    A small tear ran down my face.

  31. #71

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I moved my hand over onto hers and i channeled my thoughts towards her.
    I like you too i thought smiling. She smiled back. It was weird i never really liked someone before like in that way.
    I smiled she knew exactly what i was thinking. At a sudden moment we both fell through the cafeteria floor and into the game room.
    "Well since you like me so much, maybe this time youll let me win at that confounded dance machine thing"
    She just smiled and jumped onto the arcade.
    "We'll see" she said winking.
    And then we started to dance....

  32. #72
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    I wiped my face and headed down to the games room,I saw Xan and willow dancing and I felt really Happy (I knew it)I thought to myself I sat on the bench in the corrider then I felt really sad I was alone and I still felt bad about being mean to Xan I was just tired when I insulted him.

  33. #73
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I never knew how much fun the dance machine could be. Dispite the fact that i said i might let Xan win, i actually was letting him win by pure accident.
    We finished the last combo. I couldn't stop laughing and i sat on the step, realizing that if i danced anymore then that icecream may just come back up...
    Xan sat down next to me. I leaned against him.
    "You know... The really annoying thing about staying up all night talking is the next day when you have no energy at all..." I said.
    Xan just laughed and we just sat there.
    "Bliss..." I thought.
    "What's bliss?"
    "Sitting here, doing nothing with you..."
    "Easily pleased today, aren't you?"
    "Could say that..."

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  34. #74

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    As I head back from the Toilet I notice that Elle isn't at the table and find a note that says " hey guys in the Games Room see in a little bit." I head down to the game room and find Elle sitting on a bench acroos from Xan and Willow. I walk up to her and ... " Hey whats up?"

  35. #75
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    I looked up and replied "nothing" (I think<wheres marcus?) I got up and started walking around the pier all of a sudden we walked into willow and xan (oww~sorry)

  36. #76
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    *biiiing boooong* "The ship will be arriving at school in ten minutes. Please gather your belongings and make you way towards the exits. Thankyou."
    I sighed, school already? I mean, the boat trip was okay cos there were things to do... But school? Bleh.
    "Why don't we both go get our stuff and meet on the peir?" I suggested.
    "Okay... I guess... You won't just suddenly run away, right?"
    "No..." I laughed.
    We walked through the walls to get to my room and he carried on to his. I packed up all my stuff that was out- just my sketch book and paints- and headed toward the exit.
    There was a big crowd of people waiting by the doors. I see this is going to be a bit of a pushing match... Why play fair when i can cheat?
    Everybody stumbled as the ship bumped the peir. Prof Branden, the telepath teacher, opened the door and the students began cramming toward the door. I sighed and walked through. As i reached the door someone grabbed my arm. How did he-
    "It's easy enough to grab someone when they're walking through people, Willow Sanders. You just have to consentrate." Replied Prof Branden.
    "How do you know my name?" I asked.
    He pulled out a photo from his pocket. "I knew your mom."
    I stared at it. That was my mom alright. She looked about my age, her hair in two bunches and freckles all over her nose. Her eyes were exactly the same as mine. The rest of my appearance i got from my dad. I couldn't quite understand that, after all, my mom is japanese. Surely i should of got more that just her dark blue eyes...
    I stuck my tongue out at him and carried on along down to the peir. He didn't seem to notice that i had stolen the photo.
    I soon found Xan. "What's that photo?"
    "It's of my mom when she was my age." I said, showing it to him.
    "You look nothing like her... Apart from-"
    "My eyes. I know."
    "Who's that?"
    "Prof Branden..."
    "You're mom knew him?" He said, surprized.
    Elle walked into us. "Ow... Sorry..." She thought.
    "No problem..." I said, sighing.

    There's a reason why Prof Branden knows her mom. You'll just have to wait to find out why

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
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  37. #77
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    "See you around"I said as she walked off,.I walked down a little bit further and bimped into professer Branden "oh sorry mr branton"I said in shock
    "no problem Elizabeth"he replied
    "What are you doing here"I asked
    "I'm a teacher"
    "Robert wants to know how you are"
    "Tell him i'm fine"(I don't really need him)
    "okay i will"
    "Thanks,gotta go!" I saidwalking off.
    As I was walking I saw xan and willow (that's kinda sweet I guess xan is sensetive,Maybe I was wrong about him!)

  38. #78

    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    As we Willow and i walked on the school came into focus and what a magnificent sight it was. It was gigantic with grounds for all kinds of sport and behind the school there was a forest.
    "Aww no beach?!" Said willow in dissapointment
    I chuckeled and turned her around and then pointed next to the pier.
    "There silly"
    We laughed and headed on towards the entrance of the school.
    As we walked in the cold air from the central conditioning ran over me it was like taking a cold shower.
    Along the hall there was a counter, we walked towards it and from there appeared one of the hotest women i have ever seen. She was asian, her hair was long and silky, she smiled at us and began to talk.
    "Damn shes hot" I thought
    "Xan!" bellowed Willow smacking me on my sholder.
    "Whoops sorry" I said blushing.
    The women just looked mystified and continued talking.
    "Welcome to super minds high. The girls dormitories are to the left and up the stair and the same for the boys on the right. Here are your room keys"
    She handed us both keys
    I laughed, the number on mine was 69
    Willow started laughing too as she already knew what i though.
    "Anyways" said the person loudly clearing up our laughter.
    "My name is Mimiru and i will be teaching you how to make your self etheral."
    We both looked confused
    "Walk through walls, it means ill be teaching you to walk through stuff..." She said dully.
    "Oh we can do that" we said in unison.
    "Then ill teach you how to do it better. Now go to your rooms and unpack, orientation will be tommorow morning at 7 am. Feel free to go around the school grounds, in your rooms you will find that everyone has been delgated a PC and on that PC you will find maps of the school"
    We smiled and walked away.
    I walked Willow to her room.
    "Well i guess i'll see you in a few" i said
    "Yeah as soon as im done i'll meet you in the lobby, kay?"
    "I wonder if i should...." i though, but willow was one step ahead of me.
    "I think you should" she said.
    And i leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the cheeck.
    "Later then" I said running through some walls and heading to my own room.

  39. #79
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I felt my self blushing as Xan walked off to his room. Did that mean that it was official? Xan and Willow? I guess it must.
    I could of exploded with happiness. I decided to try out my key in the door, just in case i ever felt to tired to walk through it. And i didn't want to go walking into someone elses room, did i?
    The door clicked open and i dragged my stuff in. I collapsed on the bed, just needing to sit down for a bit. But no, i was too excited to sit down.
    I got up quickly and ran over to the double doors. I peeked through the imaculate white drapes and squeeled with delite. A balcony! Yay! I shoved my key in the lock, turned it and went outside.
    I smelt the salty air. I couldn't believe the view i had! Someone knows i'm an artist... I thought to myself. Nope, everyone would of heard that. Well, telepaths anyway...
    Thinking of telepaths... There was a knock at my door. I ran over, wondering if Xan had been too impatient and had came up. I opened the door.
    "Hello, Willow. My photo, please."
    It was Prof Branden. I was starting to hate him already. Why would my mom make friends with him?
    "Mieko helped me on my first day at school in Japan. I knew no Japanese and she knew english. I still don't know any Japanese, no matter how much she tried to teach me." He laughed.
    I glared at him. He wasn't funny. "So... You wouldn't know what i was saying if i said "baka"?" I asked.
    "Nope." His expression looked like the ^^ smilie. I could have punched him right then if people weren't walking by. I gave him a sarcastic smile and he walked off.
    "I guess you don't want the photo then..." I said as quietly as i could. "Baka..."
    I closed the balcony doors, shoved my bags under my bed and headed for the lobby.
    There were still people getting their keys. I sat on a bench and waited for Xan, hoping he would see me.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  40. #80
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    Default Super minds high school ~ starts ~ Welcome

    I walked off the boat carrying my bags (why does he want to know how I am,He hates me and I hate him) I rached the woman handing out the keys and held my hand out she gave me a key to room 83 I walked up the stairs went into my room and started to unpack.When I was done I left my room carrying my laptop,as I walked out I met willow "Hey willow how are you ?"I asked kind of curious.

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