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Thread: Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

  1. #41
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    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    Oh, c'mon, now Oz! We all know there's no such thing as getting too into a competition! Especially when it's for modship! Go MR Tribe! *waves around sparklers to spell "Go MR Tribe"* Whee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  2. #42
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    FireGuardian, I'm sorry if you don't know how to access the old EzBoard, perhaps using the EzBoard's main page you can search for it.

    Lugia, you're fine to help out behind the scenes, we can't stop you, but you cannnot submit an answer.

    Mr_Pika, it seems you always get the last say on here lol. Or rather the latest post.

  3. #43

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    Fireguardian, a PM has been sent to you for assistance.

    Anyone else need help?

  4. #44
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Oooh! ^_^ I've submitted, and am waiting for the others...=) Go M_r Tribe!!!

    -_- I spent quite some time..*sighs* I hope no one else took that fic ...

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  5. #45

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    MR will win for sure, we wont lose again! :O *taunt*

    Yea, thats right, were gonna win!

    *Does a little dance like th eguys in his signature*

    We had some big organisation, but still a few people submitted the same ones ( I believe there was 2?) I wonder if M_R has this entire..idea..thing

  6. #46
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    If I'm not mistaken, this contest should have been over yesterday. I guess you guys are currently going over the results, right? Good luck to both teams, and may the best tribe win!

    *plays tiny MR Tribe drum* Whee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #47
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    I have a question, I remember before the results of this first challenge were revealed, Oz said,

    And a new little ditty, if you fail to compete in an elimination challenge, its an Auto KO for you.
    That did not happen but I am thinking it was because of it being said after the contest was done. Now the second one is over will that be the rulefrom now on with the 2nd challange?

  8. #48
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    I think it means from that point on, but I also don't think immunity challenges apply. Only elimination challenges. At least, if I'm correct in my assumption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #49
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    MR Wins Immunity.


    M_r you're up for elimination. Expect the next challenge soon.

    And if you fail to respond to an elimination. You are DQed.

  10. #50

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    Hah! I knew we'd win!


  11. #51
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    *cries* awwwwww......We lost.....

    ;_; When will the elimination contest thing be held?

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  12. #52
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Elimination Challenge

    Unfortunately Mew_ryuu, welcome to your first Elimination Challenge. Today in this challenge, you have to respond to a set of Hypotheticals. And answer on what would you do, you can choose to close a thread, move a thread, warn someone, ect ect ect, put your "Mod Powers" to use. There is no absoulte right or wrong, we'll be judging on your actual judgement.

    1) Main Forum - HI!! I IS NEW!

    Real One Bjarni - Hi! I is new to TOPM! :) I write my fanfci! I have fun fun fun! Mai Malktank will roll outver MOOOOO you. So, zi I'need persmistsion to write fic? MOXERATOR HELP ME! MOOOOO! MILKATN! I is 45 Where I write my stories of malktanks and cp!


    IttyBittyPichu - Hi! Welcome to fanfic :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) I like smiley faces!!!!


    2) Main Forum - High And Dry.

    Ho-Oh's Ho - The sun was hot, the sky was clear and the waves were pounding against the shore with a thunderous crash. It would've been a lovely day at the beach if you were planning on swimming. But alas, a Tentacool and a Tentacruel had been cruelly thrown onto the sand where they would eventually die.

    The Tentacool looked over to his evolved form and with a weak chuckle said, “Nice day isn't it?”

    The Tentacruel simply gave a bitter laugh, “Yeah I come here all the time, why'd you come?”

    Both of these Pokemon had their Ruby of the Ocean shining brightly in the midday heat. There were some Pidgey and Spearow around, feasting on the fish and chips scraps tourists had left on the beach, littering it. The water was getting ever further away as the tide that had dragged them in was now brutally leaving them with an immanent death.

    “Ah well you wouldn't believe it but I was looking for a school of Remoraid or Goldeen that I had heard were nearby. I was looking for my swarm's benefit so we could have a feast” said the elder

    “Ah I'm more of a freelance Pokemon, almost as long as I could remember I was alone, but that was until I made friends with a Shellder,” replied the Tentacool, recalling his life.

    “I never really knew any Pokemon as friends except for the Tentacool in my swarm. My partner used to be a Trained Pokemon but one say she ran away because she wanted to live her own life. She liked travelling for quite a few years, but one day she just got out and left, and she was never happier,” replied the Tentacruel

    “Anyway, we used to be best friends, and we used to do everything together Crusty and I, until one say when we were in the shallows, some kids caught her in a bucket saying something about Show and Tell, and I never saw him again, I heard his screams to be put back, but the children simply thought he was laughing. It was tragic” The Tentacool would have shed a tear for his lost friend, but he needed to conserve all the moisture he could if he wanted to survive.

    The ever-absent surf was just out of the Pokemon's reach, taunting them with its white froth and endless blue ripples. Both the Pokemon looked out sadly, this may be their last time to see it.

    “Yeah my wife, she loved the ocean, my swarm is probably worrying about me right now. I hope they don't worry, I won't survive this, but mate, if you ever make it back tell my swarm I died happy and I love them,” whispered the Tentacruel weakly

    “Come on man you can hold on, tell me about your kids, you'll see them again” responded the Tentacruel, full of life, but in a life-threatening situation.

    “Ah I've had so many, most were eaten when they were young by Mantine and Octillery, but I had this one son who was so full of life” said the Tentacruel weakly, his brilliant blue fading, the tips of his tentacles withering away.

    “Go on”, urged the young one.

    “Well he always said he wanted to go out and explore the world, saying how he'd be the best Tentacruel ever. But one day he simply disappeared while we were on the surface during a storm, watching the lightning in the sky. I thought he had just gone under because it scared him, but when I realised he wasn't there I began to panic” The Tentacruel continued, his huge body straining to stay alive.

    “What was his name?” asked Tentacool

    “It was a long time ago…. What was it?… Jem, because his jewel was so red and pure. That's right, Jem.” coughed the old one.

    The second the Tentacool heard the word Jem uttered, his subconscious mind, full of long gone memories came flooding back to him, faster than any Staryu or Starmie. The Tentacool now realised who he was. Jem.

    “Dad?” asked the Tentacool

    “What? Jem, is that you?” the Tentacruel's eyes filled with shock.

    “Is that really you?! I've missed you for so long” the Tentacruel reached out with his withered tentacle and wrapped it around Jem's, squeezing it tightly.

    The Tentacool wrapped his tentacle around his long lost father, “I've been lost for so long, but now I've found you Dad. We're going to get through this!” said the ever-weakening Tentacool. He now had a reason to live, the Tentacool had been washed up on the shore after trying to take on a Kingler, and the Kingler had simply flung him onto shore to die.

    The Tentacruel saw his time was drawing short. “Jem I want you to live, take my last fluids. Maybe someone will walk past and put you back. Anyway you're young, I want you to live. Don't argue,” said the Tentacruel sternly, his time had come, he'd lived a long and happy life. Now he was dying in the sand, in which he was born.

    The Tentacool simply nodded, and struggled to hold back tears as his father began to deflate and groan. The Tentacruel groaned out, “I love you son, and I'll always be with you” before his dried husk, slumped onto the ground.
    The Tentacool was filled with joy, amazed to have found his father, only to lose him moments after. Jem was lost in his grief. After what seemed like hours the tide began to come back, but it would not reach him fast enough, Jem would perish before he would be able to get back into the water.

    Unexpectedly a girl with Red hair and blue eyes came over to Jem, her face was kind, and she spoke softly to Jem. “You poor thing you must be really tired, let me look after you?” and as she said that she held out a ball. Jem had seen one of them before somewhere but in his weakened state he couldn't remember what.

    Behind her there was a boy with a yellow thing, that was building a sandcastle, he rudely said, “Come on Misty, you don't need to catch that ugly blue Jelly! I've got my next badge to get!”

    The girl moved away from Jem for a minute, “Ash Ketchum, you pig. All you care about is you, you, YOU! For god's sake, look at this poor Pokemon, its about to die and all you can care about is a stupid piece of plastic! Maybe you should prioritise and stay away from me” she said full of rage, pointing at him and giving him a look of disgust.

    An older boy stepped in, he had a tanned complexion and he also turned to the boy who had just been yelled at, “That's right Ash, you have been a jerk lately ever since you lost to Ritchie again. Maybe you should just cool down for a while”

    The girl turned back to Tentacool, and a small Pokemon in a shell waddled in the sand, and petted the Tentacool with concern. Jem gave a slow “Tentacool” with the last of his energy, and the girl touched the red ball on Tentacool's jewel and said, “What a beautiful Jem you have Tentacool, I can't wait to get to know you better”. With that Tentacool was sucked inside the ball where it was cool and safe.

    Tentacool shed a tear for his father and slipped into unconcinousness.

    NewbieFlamer101 - You suck.

    Small reply Sunkern. - (y) Good.

    3) Archive - Lapras Valley High

    Mist's Stalker2 - OMFG! I LOVE THIS FIC! WRITE MORE OF LVH! I saw this unlocked and HAD To reply! YOU ROOL! I WANT TO SEE YOU SOON!

    4) Main Forum - ****ING RIGGED!
    Mewfour's Long Lost Cousin - Can I tell you how stupid your awards are. They're so bloody rigged, its a joke. ****! ****! I like my swear words! HOW CAN I NOT WIN! MY FIC IS BETTER THAN THE LOAD OF **** YOU OTHER PEOPLE COME UP WITH! I'm going to spam your forum to death now! DIE YOU STUPID MODS DIE!

    5) Lounge - Hi...
    Tiny Torchic - Hi... I'm new

    6) Main Forum - 6 Topics - I HATE YOU ALL!

    7) Main Forum - When Destinies Collide
    Random++ - Post more. Now.

    8) Writers Lounge - How Do I become Mod
    Razzamatazz - HI! I mod at other fanfic boards and I want to mod here. Please mod me now. See I mod there. Mod me now. I deserve it.

    9) Vault - New Gamecube Game
    Tron's Bro - Hey dudes, the new Mario game looks 1337. My 1337 speak r0x0rs y0 s0x0rs. Mario can now jump! AND he can swear!

    10) Main forum - Newbie's Fic! BEWARE!

    Togepi's Mom - I'll write fic later, I'm tired. But like, any suggestions? And I'm starting off with a Pikachu. :) And I'm travelling with Ash! I"m so good!

    M_r you must have your submissions in by:

    10th August 6pm for Aussies
    9th August 11:59 for Yanks.

    Any Q's post them. If you fail to respond, you are eliminated.
    Remember. These are hypotheticals, respond as you would to a person. And if you would use any mod powers, if any.

    Good Luck.

  13. #53
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    I've sent ya a PM Andy.

    Good luck to eveyrone else. Stay strong, M_r!

  14. #54
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Thank you CCC.

    Here is a list of the M_r Tribe and who hasn't yet submitted their form.

    Citrus Crush Chikorita. (Submitted)
    Gavin Luper (Submitted)
    DragoKnight (Submitted)
    Hyperness is a Good Thing (Submitted)
    The Decapitated Mole (Submitted)
    Team Rocket's Lugia (Submitted)
    mistysakura (Submitted)

    Any Questions, ask.

  15. #55

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    GO m_r tribe! we can make it!

    I have sent my message!

    *waves a M_r banner!*

  16. #56

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    We can do it!

    I've submitted mine. Go M_r! *has M_r shaved in his hair* *drinks M_r brand soda* *wallpapers his room with M_r banners and posters*

    Quote Originally Posted by PancaKe
    The decapitated mole is a fruit loop.

    You heard it here first, folks!

    3-time winner of Fanfic's "Oddest Writer" award!

    Knight of I.N.D.E.E.D.

  17. #57
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    Well, good luck to the M_r tribe! Hopefully you won't lose 5 members this round! ... Then again...

    Well, anyway, too bad about the elimination, but someone had to face the music, I guess. May the... uh... worst man lose! ... Yeah... Anyway, Bjarni jokes... so cruel... and yet so true...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #58

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    Isn't this suppossed to be over 9 hours and 12 minutes ago?
    Anyways, I want to see the results!

    GO M_r! *Blows a whistle to summon a whole parade with everything!*

  19. #59
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    So, did Fire, Gavin, and Drago ever submit their answers, or are they Auto KOed? I'm anxious with anticipation here!

    Go MR Tribe! *clangs trash can lids with "MR" painted on them together* Whee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  20. #60
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    If you two impatient kiddies can wait, the results will be up ASAP Ok. DH and I need to confer and we're on opposite sides of the world ok. K Then.

  21. #61
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    Okeydokey, it was tough but Oz and I agreed on who to cut. This contest really helped us a lot in evaluating the contestants. Now we know your opinions on some things and have seen your approach to modding (which is varied, we like ). Thanks to everyone put some time and thought into that elimination challenge. Unfortunately, one had to go, and that contestant was Team Rocket's Lugia. Sorry dude, please don't think we hate you, it's just part of the contest. Any thoughts can go in Mist's Elimination Station at the Lounge.

    On a side note, Fireguardian has failed to send in his pm before the deadline, so he is DQ'ed. Thanks for signing up Fireguardian.

    The field is thinning and Oz and I won't be able to talk today, so expect the next immunity challenge to be presented within the next couple days. Please no prodding for us to hurry up this time. It... really doesn't help .

    *gets an amazon native band to play some theme music for everybody*

    dratini by day

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  22. #62
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    Tough break, TR's Lugia, and you too, FireGuardian. But hey, hope you two had fun with it! Anyways, congrats to the rest of the contestants for moving on to the next round! May the best candidate win! And don't worry, we'll be patient! Really! Yeah!

    *blows whistle of MR Tribe train* Whee.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  23. #63
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    Oh well... too bad TR's Lugia and FireGuardian... what can I say? Hope you had fun anyway! I guess the two tribes are even now. Go M_r!
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  24. #64
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    Immunity Challenge #3!

    I think it's #3.

    Anyway! This time we have Fanfic Trivia!

    Each tribe gets these ten questions to answer.

    1. Name all three members of the “Fantasy Trio”
    2. Which pokemon was on Fanfic’s first custom banner?
    3. Which of the four seasonal Awards Ceremonies were run by the Moderators, and which by the members?
    4. During the April Fools’ joke where the mods switched forums, where did the Fanfic mods go?
    5. Name one pokemon on the rejected, second custom banner idea (illustrated by Mew_Ryuu)
    6. Which member was a Fanfic mod for four days?
    7. Which member wrote “Mark’s Journey”, a trainer fic?
    8. Who came up with the Fanfic Soundtracks idea?
    9. What was Mist’s original TPM name?
    10. Name 5 past mods of Fanfic (name more than 5 for extra credit)
    Note: In the case of a tie of questions answered correctly, the tiebreaker will be however many more than 5 past mods a tribe is able to name.

    The team captains are I Love X-Tina and Hyperness is a Good Things (randomly selected). Oz and I will only grade X-Tina's and Hyper's answer sheets, and they can receive help from the rest of their tribe through Private Messages, AIM, whatever.

    So X-Tina and Hyperness, PM your completed answer sheets to yours truly, dratinihaunter13 before the end of August 16th. That's EST, New York time. Good luck tribes. BWAHAHAHHA

    dratini by day

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  25. #65
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    Ok everyone on my team im me on Dannifrmdablock so we can figure this out. If you dont have aim pm me so we can get this right. We can do this!

  26. #66
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    @_@ I was wondering why did I suddenly get so many private messages... *laughs*

    Anyways... Team M_R...please please PM me immediately... as soon as you can, I need to compile the answers...

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  27. #67
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    Default The Return of the Lost Mod!

    Uh... guys? I'm not sure if you noticed, but Psi Yamaneko's back. In case anyone forgot, he's the mod who's spot is being filled.

    So... what happens now? Are we going ahead with the competition, or are we giving him his modship back?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  28. #68
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    Mr Pikachu. How. Many. Times. Have. You Posted IN THIS TOPIC!? Its insane! ARGH!

    And Psi will not be remodded even though she is back. And for the record - Psi Yam is a girl. So you can continue on k.

  29. #69
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    Hyperness has submitted her tribe's, still waiting on X-tina's tribe answers. it's not a race though, submitting later could be an advantage, more time to find out the answers. =)

    dratini by day

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  30. #70
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    I thought you said there was a the end of 16th August?

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  31. #71

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    Yeah, me too, and from where I am now it is Sunday, August 17 9:16 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by PancaKe
    The decapitated mole is a fruit loop.

    You heard it here first, folks!

    3-time winner of Fanfic's "Oddest Writer" award!

    Knight of I.N.D.E.E.D.

  32. #72
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    The deadline is at the end of august 16th and I sent it before the 16th was over. Now we just wait.

  33. #73
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    Both tribes got their answers in before the deadline, we're reviewing the answers right now. don't worry we didn't forget or anything

    dratini by day

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  34. #74
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    class! gather round the answer key!

    1. Name all three members of the “Fantasy Trio”
    BBP (Damian Silverblade), Timarelay, Rapidash Rider

    2. Which pokemon was on Fanfic’s first custom banner?

    3. Which of the four seasonal Awards Ceremonies were run by the Moderators, and which by the members?
    summer/winter - mods , spring/fall - members

    4. During the April Fools’ joke where the mods switched forums, where did the Fanfic mods go?

    5. Name one pokemon on the rejected, second custom banner idea (illustrated by Mew_Ryuu)
    Rattata or Sentret

    6. Which member was a Fanfic mod for four days?

    7. Which member wrote “Mark’s Journey”, a trainer fic?
    Andy Newer

    8. Who came up with the Fanfic Soundtracks idea?

    9. What was Mist’s original TPM name?

    10. Name 5 past mods of Fanfic (name more than 5 for extra credit)
    BBP, Timarelay, Mew_Ryuu, Misty Rocks, Togechukku, Psi Yamaneko, Growlithe_Trainer, Tygerofdanyte, Blitzzzzzzz, Ginger Cat, Starfire, Chicken Winger Mew to name a few (we didn't count more than one alias per actual person)

    After some good gradin', the gold star goes to the MR tribe for their smarts. They also get immunity! M_r, you all are game for the next Elimination challenge. One of you will be out of the competition after this challenge, and here it is.

    Elimination Challenge # 3

    M_r Tribe - Write a short story using these three things some way, somehow. 1. A lightbulb 2. A key 3. A knife.

    Your story must be 1500 words or less. Nope, not a lot of breathing room, but a Fanfic mod has to be able to write well. It's tough to write out a plot in 1500 words, so don't think it has to be one big start to end story. It can also be a description of a scene, part of a larger story, as long as it uses a lightbulb, key, and knife. We'll be looking at how much you can do with 1500 words and how creative or crafty you can get incorporating these three things. Any genre, any rating, any length under or at 1500 words. It doesn't have to be right up to 1500 if ya don't need it.

    M_r tribe, PM OzAndrew your short stories by the end of August 21st.

    Thanks for the great participation people =).

    dratini by day

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  35. #75
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    Congrats MR Tribe! It looks like M_r is gonna have to face elimination for the second round in a row... bummer. But, I guess it had to happen to somebody. Anyway, good luck to you guys in the elimination round! May the worst member lose! :/ That doesn't sound very kind, but hey, at least it makes sense...

    Oh, and OzAndrew, think of it this way: At least I'm dedicated. Sure, I may be dedicated to a fault, but better that than the other way around, right? Anyway, I can understand your concerns, and I'll try to post a little less in this topic. It's just that I've had nothing to do this summer other than hang around TPM, and I enjoy this forum (and the contest) so much that I spend most of my time around here. I've also spent quite a bit of time in the PCG forum, so I'm not just picking on you all or anything. Well, as I said, I'll try to post here a bit less. In closing, good luck, M_r Tribe! We'll see how this turns out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  36. #76
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Mr Pikachu. I understand you were bored, and I have no problems with how many posts someone makes in any topic, as long as they're relevant and not spammy. I guess I got fed up with the amount of spammy posts... 16 or 17... *Shrugs*

    Don't do it again.

  37. #77
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
    Super Moderator

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Mod Contest CHALLENGES!

    Unfortunately we let CCC, Gavin and The Decapitated Mole go.

    CCC and Gavin for no submission and TDM for his simply very very very odd piece of writing. Which was a Microstory.

    Congratulations to those who passed. Please proceed to Stage 2.

    All those removed, please make your way to Mist's Elimination Station.

    Good Evening. *Closes*

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