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Thread: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA] - HELP WANTED!

  1. #41

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: TheBlueAvenger on Today at 01:56:45 PM

    Inferno Dragon
    Your Pokemon leap out of the way, leaving the Solarbeam to sail by harmlessly. As they jump in for a Tackle, the Seedot gleams silver: harden. Your Pokemon hit with a sickening thud, but the Seedot doesn't look too damaged. It smirks, then takes a blank expression on its face... the Razor Leaf and the Thundershock hit but barely faze it. You have a sinking suspicion that it had used Amnesia. Once more, your Pokemon Tackle it, but it Hardens again, leaving the Seedot relatively unharmed. What do you do?

    Realizing this is a tough battle, you won't give up that easily. You have both Que' and Gilford growl at the Seedot. Then you have Gilford try to get its attention by tackling it. If it is distracted, you have Que' tackle it from behind. Then you tell Que to use another Ancient Power and Gilford to use another Iron Tail. Then have both pokemon tackle the Seedot. Then have Que' use Razor Leaf and Gilford use Thundershock. Finally, have both pokemon use growl and tackle the Seedot again. Hopefully, the Seedot will be worn out. If it is, I will throw a Great Ball at it.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  2. #42
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    Dark DragoniteKyle
    You move on... but suddenly, you find yourself being propelled rapidly upwards towards the limb of a tree. As you grab on to it, you see that your method of transportation was a Tangela, who motions for you to be quiet. Shrugging, you sit next to it and a Surskit. After a few moments, you hear a loud ripping and gnashing noise. Craning your neck, you can make out the shape of a Pinsir ripping chunks out of trees rather viciously. What do you do?

    Well, I don't want to interrupt or be noticed by the Pinsir, so I'll thank the Tangela for its help, and move on. But if the Pinsir sees me, I'll send out Hydronix my male Blastoise, having him use Icy Wind on the Pinsir incase it decides to attack me.

    Edit: Just so I don't forget, happy birthday Hannah! Hope your day's a great one!
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  3. #43
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow

    Charles Legend~
    Sending out your new team-mate, you ask what he thinks of the name Leeks; he gives you the evil eye and gives you a poke with his leek. The watching Furret giggles at this, but soon regrets it as his head shoots round and he goes for her. Wailing, she covers her head and darts further up the tree, but he flies past her, knocks her feet from under her, thus sending her tumbling backwards out of the tree. You fling a Great Ball and catch her mid fall.
    Congratulations! Furret L15 F
    Pocketing the ball, you pack up your tent, then wander off in the direction Ditto-you went. You soon spot a Meowth and Bulbasar, but no Paras or Ditto.
    What are you going to do?

    I well talk to them for a bit... then if they have not spoted ether my paras or ditto, I well ask them if they would like a fiendly match...

    ~Charles Legend
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    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

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  4. #44
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    I would pull the 'I'm sorry, been busy' excuse, but I've been saying that a lot when it comes to ac/cc recently, so you figure out the rest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite

    Flying on once more, you spot a wise looking Murkrow, diligently watching all that goes on down below, which currently happens to be a Noctowl hunting for food, a Gligar gliding by, and a Wingull practicing it's water gun attack. Watching the Murkrow, you could swear something is different with this one...
    What will you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    ................. I'll have a closer look at the Murkrow, see what's different about it.

    Patrick~ Alright if I call you this? It's easier to remember.
    Deciding to try your luck with a Poké Ball, you fling it at in the Squirtle's direction. He's still far to busy ignoring you to notice, until he becomes aware of a rushing noise heading towards him. He turns and for a split second stares in horror at the approaching ball before it hits and he's sucked inside. You watch anxiously as the ball begins to shake frantically, but within a couple of seconds, it explodes and he re-emerges, glaring at you, now.
    What are you going to do?

    Bison Woes~
    Launching into a tirade that would fill this post with ***'s if I wrote them, you finally snappily ask why they did that. The Chansey rolls her eyes, then grins evily. 'We like to have a bit of fun with trainers who look, shall we say....weak?' The three of them burst out laughing at that, ignoring the snarls that erupt from your side. Both of your Pokémon are indeed awake, and looking pretty pissed off at being insulted. None of the wild Pokémon pay any attention to them and just continue laughing.
    What are you going to do?

    Both of your Pokémon bare their teeth and Growl at the Seedot, who winces and backs up slighty. Taking this opportunity, Gilford charges forward and slams into the seeds small body. He resists, but a surprise hit from behind sends him sprawling forward. Gilford dodges out of the way, then slams his tail into his back while Que' once again raises an Ancient Power from the ground. The Seedot frantically howls at the sun and begins to glow green as he absorbs its healing energies, but both your Pokémon tackle him, breaking his line of concentration. Pulling a Great Ball out, you watch as another two attacks collide with the Seedot, who you decide looks as stunned as he'll ever be. You fling the Great Ball and cross your fingers. It rattles for a bit, then settles down with a ping.
    Congratulations! Seedot L9 M
    What are you going to do now?

    Kyle~ Thank you.
    Not wanting to be caught by a vicious looking Pinsir, you thank the Tangela and sneak off in the opposite direction, poised to call out Hydronix if need be. Nothing seems to happen, when suddenly a voise shrieks from behind you. 'OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!'
    You glance behind you, but can't see anything so you run off quickly. A Gastly floats past and gives you an eerie grin, which causes a Gligar to take flight nervously. You stare back at her, when a crash comes from behind you and an irritated looking Bulbasaur appears, clutching something in his vine. 'Why'd you run off like that?' he snaps, waving his vine at you. 'I was trying to help.'
    What are you going to do?

    Charles Legend~
    Approaching the Pokémon for a friendly chat, you inquire if they have seen a Paras or a human looking like you anytime recently.
    'I did see what I thought was a trainer about 15 minutes ago,' the Meowth answers immediately. 'I was going to go over and say hello, but he just turned into a Pidgeot for no reason and flew off. I thought he'd be miles off by now, but if he was really your Ditto then I guess he should still be in the area.' She finishes and smiles at you while the Bulbasaur watches in silence.
    What are you going to do?

  5. #45
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ Thank you.
    Not wanting to be caught by a vicious looking Pinsir, you thank the Tangela and sneak off in the opposite direction, poised to call out Hydronix if need be. Nothing seems to happen, when suddenly a voise shrieks from behind you. 'OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!'
    You glance behind you, but can't see anything so you run off quickly. A Gastly floats past and gives you an eerie grin, which causes a Gligar to take flight nervously. You stare back at her, when a crash comes from behind you and an irritated looking Bulbasaur appears, clutching something in his vine. 'Why'd you run off like that?' he snaps, waving his vine at you. 'I was trying to help.'
    What are you going to do?

    Uh oh, looks like I got myself into a little bit of trouble.

    I'm going to calmly explain to the Bulbasaur that I didn't want to be noticed by the Pinsir I saw earlier (basically, their spiked horns would make me feel a little intimidated even though they don't have the Intimidate trait), and that I had to be prepared to battle it if it was going to turn on me (after all, some Pokemon doing something I'd have tried to ignore have eventually tried to attack at times). From there I'm going to curiously ask the Bulbasaur what he's carrying in his vine.

    As for the Gastly, she's tempting, but I'm not going to catch her.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  6. #46
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Patrick~ Alright if I call you this? It's easier to remember.
    Deciding to try your luck with a Poké Ball, you fling it at in the Squirtle's direction. He's still far to busy ignoring you to notice, until he becomes aware of a rushing noise heading towards him. He turns and for a split second stares in horror at the approaching ball before it hits and he's sucked inside. You watch anxiously as the ball begins to shake frantically, but within a couple of seconds, it explodes and he re-emerges, glaring at you, now.
    What are you going to do?

    2 Pokeballs
    1 Great Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball


    (Yeah, I'd actually prefer it )
    I'll say "Hey, you shouldn't've ignored me. Some trainers are just the type that will take you away from your home without a second thought." And then I'll take my spiffy shades out of my pocket and put them on, then walk away all cool-like and such.

    I'm back.

  7. #47
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Bison Woes~
    Launching into a tirade that would fill this post with ***'s if I wrote them, you finally snappily ask why they did that. The Chansey rolls her eyes, then grins evily. 'We like to have a bit of fun with trainers who look, shall we say....weak?' The three of them burst out laughing at that, ignoring the snarls that erupt from your side. Both of your Pokémon are indeed awake, and looking pretty pissed off at being insulted. None of the wild Pokémon pay any attention to them and just continue laughing.
    What are you going to do?

    Well, I save us some time by holding back more swearing and stand up, if I can. If needed, I'll help Momo and Hei-Bai up and see if we can't just walk away as causing unnecessary violence isn't my style. Although it might seem to be. If the bison-nappers insist on trying to start a fight, I'll have Momo use a Thunderbolt and Hei-Bai use an Astonish to help our needed escape.

  8. #48

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 04:04:34 AM

    Both of your Pokémon bare their teeth and Growl at the Seedot, who winces and backs up slighty. Taking this opportunity, Gilford charges forward and slams into the seeds small body. He resists, but a surprise hit from behind sends him sprawling forward. Gilford dodges out of the way, then slams his tail into his back while Que' once again raises an Ancient Power from the ground. The Seedot frantically howls at the sun and begins to glow green as he absorbs its healing energies, but both your Pokémon tackle him, breaking his line of concentration. Pulling a Great Ball out, you watch as another two attacks collide with the Seedot, who you decide looks as stunned as he'll ever be. You fling the Great Ball and cross your fingers. It rattles for a bit, then settles down with a ping.
    Congratulations! Seedot L9 M
    What are you going to do now?

    Obviously this Seedot knows Solarbeam somehow and that's a good sign. I will call my Seedot Lucky, because hopefully this Seedot will bring me a lot of luck. His Bred On Move will be False Swipe.

    I will continue on further in the meadow.

    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  9. #49
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Inferno_Dragon
    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 04:04:34 AM


    Obviously this Seedot knows Solarbeam somehow and that's a good sign. I will call my Seedot Lucky, because hopefully this Seedot will bring me a lot of luck. His Bred On Move will be False Swipe.

    I will continue on further in the meadow

    Actually, Inferno_Dragon, when you catch a Pokemon here, it doesn't know any moves it would normally (and natually) know at a higher level, or any it would get via a TM/HM or egg move. If you really want your new Seedot to learn Solarbeam, you'll have to raise him to L10 (so that he can get it as his free TM), buy it at the Crystal Cave Kiosk, be lucky enough to receive a Solarbeam TM through a sale/trade with someone else or through the EMT or EMT game at Goldenrod Tower.

    I used to have a Solarbeam TM, but unfortunately, I needed it (and I had to use it up, sorry).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #50
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Hastily apologising to the Bulbasaur, you explain about how you thought that he was the Pinsir and how you realy didn't want to hang around if he was chasing you. The Bulbasaur laughs at that and shrugs, before lifting his vine and dropping a green crystal at your feet. You kneel down and realise that it's half a Leaf Stone; the Bulbasaur pokes it and comments. 'I noticed it lying on the ground as you ran away, and thought it might be yours.'
    What are you going to do?

    The Squirtle continues to glare at you as you talk to him, and is still doing so as you walk away, trying to look cool. It seems to have worked as well, as a Poliwag comes paddling over to you, smiling and eyeing you up. Behind her, a Lapras is dozing in the water, while a Corpish crawls all over her back.
    What are you going to do?

    Bison Woes~
    Getting up, you cautiously back away, checking if the wild Pokémon do anything to stop you. They just continue laughing, before the Chansey catches your eye and gives you a 'shoo' motion. You get the hint and hurry off with your Pokémon behind you. Their laughter continues to follow you as you walk, but you ignore it and focus on a Tropius who is coming in to land. A couple of Hoppip are hastily getting out of his way, while a Miltank is showing him where to go.
    What are you going to do?

    Inferno_Dragon~ What Kyle said. It just makes it more interesting if Pokémon aren't restricted to their level up moves.
    Moving onwards into the meadow, you come across a sleeping Whismur being watched over by a Hoothoot. The owl notices you and motions for you to be quiet as you walk by. A Treecko and Oddish are also passing by, walking in an exaggeratedly slow fashion, which earns them a glare from the Hoothoot, although his attention is soon caught by a Breloom who doesn't show any intention of slowing down and being quiet.
    What are you going to do?

  11. #51
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Hastily apologising to the Bulbasaur, you explain about how you thought that he was the Pinsir and how you realy didn't want to hang around if he was chasing you. The Bulbasaur laughs at that and shrugs, before lifting his vine and dropping a green crystal at your feet. You kneel down and realise that it's half a Leaf Stone; the Bulbasaur pokes it and comments. 'I noticed it lying on the ground as you ran away, and thought it might be yours.'
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to shake my head, telling the Bulbasaur that the Leaf Stone isn't mine. Even if it was, I can't make use of it because my only Grass type is fully evolved, namely Swiftblade my male Sceptile. From there I'm going to suggest to the Bulbasaur that he can take the Leaf Stone to a Pokemon that wants to evolve with it, if he wants to that is.

    From there I'll move on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  12. #52

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 04:24:22 AM

    Inferno_Dragon~ What Kyle said. It just makes it more interesting if Pokémon aren't restricted to their level up moves.
    Moving onwards into the meadow, you come across a sleeping Whismur being watched over by a Hoothoot. The owl notices you and motions for you to be quiet as you walk by. A Treecko and Oddish are also passing by, walking in an exaggeratedly slow fashion, which earns them a glare from the Hoothoot, although his attention is soon caught by a Breloom who doesn't show any intention of slowing down and being quiet.
    What are you going to do?
    I am sorry. I am still too new at this but I will catch on quickly soon.

    Feeling that I have seen nothing interesting in the Meadow, I decided that I want further my adventures in the Forest.

    And since today is monday, can I have my pokeballs?
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  13. #53
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Bison Woes~
    Getting up, you cautiously back away, checking if the wild Pokémon do anything to stop you. They just continue laughing, before the Chansey catches your eye and gives you a 'shoo' motion. You get the hint and hurry off with your Pokémon behind you. Their laughter continues to follow you as you walk, but you ignore it and focus on a Tropius who is coming in to land. A couple of Hoppip are hastily getting out of his way, while a Miltank is showing him where to go.
    What are you going to do?

    After that particular event, I'll stay away from the landing Tropius (no sense in getting squished) and continue along my merry way across the beautiful meadow.

  14. #54
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Squirtle continues to glare at you as you talk to him, and is still doing so as you walk away, trying to look cool. It seems to have worked as well, as a Poliwag comes paddling over to you, smiling and eyeing you up. Behind her, a Lapras is dozing in the water, while a Corpish crawls all over her back.
    What are you going to do?

    2 Pokeballs
    1 Great Ball
    1 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball


    I'll walk over and say hi.

    I'd like my pokeballs, please

    I'm back.

  15. #55
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    The Bulbasaur looks puzzled as you explain the Leaf Stone isn't yours. 'Odd, I swear I saw you drop it...but if you insist...' He picks it up again and gives you a cheery wave before trotting off to find a Pokémon who wishes to evolve.
    You wave goodbye as well, before walking on. A Hoppip squeaks at you as you walk past where she is sunbathing in a beam of light filtering down through the canopy. A Bellsprout is also swaying in the sunlight, enjoying the warmth, although the Yanma behind him looks like she wants nothing more than to get away.
    What are you going to do?

    Inferno_Dragon~ It's alright, I can remember thinking the same thing. I might edit something into the rules about it. *Gives balls*
    Deciding to swap locations, you walk away from the Meadow, soon entering the darkness of the Forest. A flock of Murkrow has seen you enter and snicker to themselves as you glance up at them. An Anorith scuttles towards you, waving his claws and emitting what to him must sound like a fierce battle cry. You side-step and notice a Pinsir giving the bug a strange look.
    What are you going to do?

    Bison Woes~
    Unwilling to get squashed by the Tropius, you wait until he is safely back on the ground and talking to the Miltank before you move onwards. Soon you hear giggling and a baby Kangaskhan comes skipping into view, chasing after a Skitty kitten and enthusiastically trying to catch her tail. You glance around quickly in-case their parents are nearby, but you can't see them. You're not sure if that's good or bad, when you notice something on the horizon. It's a large dust cloud, and it's heading your way, fast.
    What are you going to do?

    Patrick~ *Gives balls*
    Walking over, you cheerfully greet the Poliwag who squeals in delight and hops ashore. She leans back to admire your glasses and laughs as she sees her reflection in them, oblivious to the sudden wail. You look over and see the Corphish floundering in the water, the Lapras having evidentally just slipped under. Luckily, a Horsea emerges to help keep him above water. Watching them, you hear the Poliwag giggle again, before she suddenly tackles you, snatches your glasses and tries to put them on. Unfortunately for her, they just keep on sliding off.
    What are you going to do?

  16. #56
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    The Bulbasaur looks puzzled as you explain the Leaf Stone isn't yours. 'Odd, I swear I saw you drop it...but if you insist...' He picks it up again and gives you a cheery wave before trotting off to find a Pokémon who wishes to evolve.
    You wave goodbye as well, before walking on. A Hoppip squeaks at you as you walk past where she is sunbathing in a beam of light filtering down through the canopy. A Bellsprout is also swaying in the sunlight, enjoying the warmth, although the Yanma behind him looks like she wants nothing more than to get away.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm going to move on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  17. #57
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Patrick~ *Gives balls*
    Walking over, you cheerfully greet the Poliwag who squeals in delight and hops ashore. She leans back to admire your glasses and laughs as she sees her reflection in them, oblivious to the sudden wail. You look over and see the Corphish floundering in the water, the Lapras having evidentally just slipped under. Luckily, a Horsea emerges to help keep him above water. Watching them, you hear the Poliwag giggle again, before she suddenly tackles you, snatches your glasses and tries to put them on. Unfortunately for her, they just keep on sliding off.
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    2 Great Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball


    I'll tell the Poliwag to hold on, then jump into the lake and help keep the Lapras up. Once the Lapras is stable, I'll swim nearby and motion for the Poliwag to jump in.

    I'm back.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Bison Woes~
    Unwilling to get squashed by the Tropius, you wait until he is safely back on the ground and talking to the Miltank before you move onwards. Soon you hear giggling and a baby Kangaskhan comes skipping into view, chasing after a Skitty kitten and enthusiastically trying to catch her tail. You glance around quickly in-case their parents are nearby, but you can't see them. You're not sure if that's good or bad, when you notice something on the horizon. It's a large dust cloud, and it's heading your way, fast.
    What are you going to do?

    If it's possible, I'll ask Hei-Bai and Momo to help me herd them to a safe area and keep them there until the dust storm passes. If I have to, I'll try and pick either of them up to get them away. If the parents come by, I'll run away with my two guys and find shelter away from the parents.

  19. #59

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 03:38:13 PM

    Inferno_Dragon~ It's alright, I can remember thinking the same thing. I might edit something into the rules about it. *Gives balls*
    Deciding to swap locations, you walk away from the Meadow, soon entering the darkness of the Forest. A flock of Murkrow has seen you enter and snicker to themselves as you glance up at them. An Anorith scuttles towards you, waving his claws and emitting what to him must sound like a fierce battle cry. You side-step and notice a Pinsir giving the bug a strange look.
    What are you going to do?

    Seeing nothing that interests me, I will continue on further in the forest.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  20. #60
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Moving on, you soon chance upon a Zubat attempting (that being the key word) to battle a Lileep who has responded by withdrawing her tentacles and just sitting there as the little bat flutters around and tries to bite her. An Ariados is dangling from a branch and watching the spectacle, his eyes never leaving the Zubat, while a Wingull is pointing and laughing at the pair.
    What are you going to do?

    Diving into the lake after hastily telling the Poliwag to wait there, you swim out to where the Horsea and Corphish are and try to help the Lapras. Which would have been very helpful, however, when you dive down, you see, well, nothing. Squinting around, you manage to see a dark shadow gliding away into the gloom before you have to resurface. The Corphish is clinging onto the Horsea and muttering curse words, as you turn and motion for the Poliwag to join you. She does and starts to swim expertly out.
    What are you going to do?

    Bison Woes~
    The two babies are completely out of it, and it doesn't take much effort on your part to gently herd them away, as you gradually begin to notice the drumming of hooves rapidly approaching. A Snubbull and Eevee shoot past, doing what you're doing, and getting out of the way as what you realise now is a stampede. Looking back, you can now clearly see the shapes of the leading Pokémon - Tauros- through the dust that they're kicking up before you glance back and focus on moving the babies out of the way.
    What are you going to do?

    Not interested in anything you see there, you press on. A Misdreavus floats past and gives you an appraising glance before floating on again and staring at a Wurmple who responds by hissing and flexing the spikes on her tail. Meanwhile, a buzzing behind you signals the arrival of a Volbeat who seems to be being escorted by a group of Hoppip for some reasong or another.
    What are you going to do?

  21. #61
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moving on, you soon chance upon a Zubat attempting (that being the key word) to battle a Lileep who has responded by withdrawing her tentacles and just sitting there as the little bat flutters around and tries to bite her. An Ariados is dangling from a branch and watching the spectacle, his eyes never leaving the Zubat, while a Wingull is pointing and laughing at the pair.
    What are you going to do?

    The Zubat is tempting (especially since I used to have an adopted Crobat), but I'm going to move on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  22. #62

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on Today at 06:59:20 AM

    Not interested in anything you see there, you press on. A Misdreavus floats past and gives you an appraising glance before floating on again and staring at a Wurmple who responds by hissing and flexing the spikes on her tail. Meanwhile, a buzzing behind you signals the arrival of a Volbeat who seems to be being escorted by a group of Hoppip for some reasong or another.
    What are you going to do?

    Glancing at the Misdreavus, I turn to the Wurmple which seems like an good capture. I approach the Wurmple and ask if it would like to join my team of pokemon.
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  23. #63
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Diving into the lake after hastily telling the Poliwag to wait there, you swim out to where the Horsea and Corphish are and try to help the Lapras. Which would have been very helpful, however, when you dive down, you see, well, nothing. Squinting around, you manage to see a dark shadow gliding away into the gloom before you have to resurface. The Corphish is clinging onto the Horsea and muttering curse words, as you turn and motion for the Poliwag to join you. She does and starts to swim expertly out.
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    2 Great Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball


    Aw, darnit...

    I'l swim over to the Horsea and Corphish and try to calm the Corphish down, and once the Poliwag comes over, I'll ask if I can catch it. Once the Corphish is calm, I'll see if the Horsea would like to come with, as well. In both cases, I'll offer regular Pokeballs.

    I'm back.

  24. #64
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Bison Woes~
    The two babies are completely out of it, and it doesn't take much effort on your part to gently herd them away, as you gradually begin to notice the drumming of hooves rapidly approaching. A Snubbull and Eevee shoot past, doing what you're doing, and getting out of the way as what you realise now is a stampede. Looking back, you can now clearly see the shapes of the leading Pokémon - Tauros- through the dust that they're kicking up before you glance back and focus on moving the babies out of the way.
    What are you going to do?

    As soon as the babies are safely out of the way, I'll have Momo guard them while Hei-Bai and I will chase after the Tauros and try to separate one from the herd.

  25. #65
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Erk, sorry sorry sorry...

    You take a careful look at the Murkrow without trying to attract its attention for now. The odd thing about it... it seems to have a purplish tint, which would imply that it is in fact a shiny Pokemon. Incidentally, it still doesn't notice you. What do you do?

    You continue through the forest, when a loud screeching caw causes you to duck for cover. Just in time, too, as a Skarmory swoops down and directly over your head. However, it wasn't going for you; rather, it's chasing a Venonat, a Caterpie, and a Paras who are running as fast as they can. What do you do?

    You approach the Wurmple, but before you can ask it anything, it screeches and rears up, its tail spikes fully extended. It would seem that it's still a little on edge. The Wurmple then hisses once more and scuttles under a nearby bush. What do you do?

    You swim over to the pair of water types and start trying to calm the Corphish down. Before you can make any serious headway, though, the Corphish accidently clunks you over the head with a Crabhammer in its panic. The Poliwag then swims up next to you. You ask if you can catch it, and she replies "Let's get this sorted out first," rather tersely. She manages to calm the Corphish down, and the group swims back to shore, with you following. You offer your Pokeballs then, but the Poliwag doesn't seem interested. The Horsea, on the other hand, sems more receptive. What do you do?

    Bison Woes
    Please identify the species of the Pokemon you're using in the future.
    You leave one of your companions patiently overseeing the group of baby Pokemon as you and your other partner give chase to the bulls. The Tauros (Tauri?) don't seem to care about you... until you start yelling at them, insults, that sort of thing. Soon enough, one of them peels away from the herd and stands in front of you, angrily pawing the ground. What do you do?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  26. #66
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You continue through the forest, when a loud screeching caw causes you to duck for cover. Just in time, too, as a Skarmory swoops down and directly over your head. However, it wasn't going for you; rather, it's chasing a Venonat, a Caterpie, and a Paras who are running as fast as they can. What do you do?

    Hmm, another Skarmory. I remember seeing one when I first entered the forest, but this couldn't be that same Skarmory...

    Nonetheless, I'll move on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

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  27. #67

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: TheBlueAvenger on Today at 02:21:27 PM

    You approach the Wurmple, but before you can ask it anything, it screeches and rears up, its tail spikes fully extended. It would seem that it's still a little on edge. The Wurmple then hisses once more and scuttles under a nearby bush. What do you do?

    Quietly apologizing to the Wurmple for disturbing it, I continue on through the Forest
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  28. #68
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You swim over to the pair of water types and start trying to calm the Corphish down. Before you can make any serious headway, though, the Corphish accidently clunks you over the head with a Crabhammer in its panic. The Poliwag then swims up next to you. You ask if you can catch it, and she replies "Let's get this sorted out first," rather tersely. She manages to calm the Corphish down, and the group swims back to shore, with you following. You offer your Pokeballs then, but the Poliwag doesn't seem interested. The Horsea, on the other hand, sems more receptive. What do you do?

    3 Pokeballs
    2 Great Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball



    I'll bump one of the Pokeballs on Horsea, and I'll ask Poliwag why it isn't interested.

    Pokeballs, please!

    I'm back.

  29. #69
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Thanks, Jeff. As I said last night, I really appreciate it. *Is in a better mood now*

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlueAvenger
    You take a careful look at the Murkrow without trying to attract its attention for now. The odd thing about it... it seems to have a purplish tint, which would imply that it is in fact a shiny Pokemon. Incidentally, it still doesn't notice you. What do you do?
    Shrine of the Sun

    Damnit x_x *Stares for a bit* Oh screw it. I'll have Ryau my Pidgeotto fly down and say hello and get into a conversation with her/him, gradually bringing the topic round to joining the team of somebody who loves Murkrow's. If at any time, she/he attacks, go on the offensive and just grab her/him and hold her/him still.

    Leaving the bugs to their fate, you press on. As you walk, you notice a stillness descending, and hesitate, trying to figure out what's going on. A Shuppet floats past and gives you a smirk, which you don't like the look of, while a Sableye sniggers someway to your left. As you stare at them, you hear the beating of wings and glance up to see an Aerodactly swooping overhead.
    What are you going to do?

    Apologising to the bush, you move away. Soon you chance upon a Swablu choir chattering eagerly to each other as a flustered looking Cacnea stumbles around in front of them. He shouts at a Pineco and Seedot who are watching the scene with some amusement, but they both just laugh and tell him that he's doing a good job.
    What are you going to do?

    You gently the the Horsea with a Poké Ball and she vanishes quite happily inside. Once that's done, you ask the Poliwag why she doesn't want to come along. She shrugs and begins to play with your shades again. When she realise that you're still waiting for an answer, she huffs and gives you a smack with her tail. 'You seem like a nice guy, but I prefer people who pay attention to the matter at hand as opposed to, you know, randomly asking to capture you.'
    What are you going to do?

  30. #70
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    You gently the the Horsea with a Poké Ball and she vanishes quite happily inside. Once that's done, you ask the Poliwag why she doesn't want to come along. She shrugs and begins to play with your shades again. When she realise that you're still waiting for an answer, she huffs and gives you a smack with her tail. 'You seem like a nice guy, but I prefer people who pay attention to the matter at hand as opposed to, you know, randomly asking to capture you.'
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    3 Great Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball


    (Can I have Horsea's stats, please? )

    I'll sigh audibly and say, "What do you expect? I'm young, and I'm kinda new at this.I haven't really been in a stiuation like that before..."

    I'm back.

  31. #71
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow

    Leaving the bugs to their fate, you press on. As you walk, you notice a stillness descending, and hesitate, trying to figure out what's going on. A Shuppet floats past and gives you a smirk, which you don't like the look of, while a Sableye sniggers someway to your left. As you stare at them, you hear the beating of wings and glance up to see an Aerodactly swooping overhead.
    What are you going to do?

    Ooh, an Aerodactyl!

    That's one of the flying types I came here to look for.

    I'm going to call for it to come down for a battle first. From there, I'll send out Hydronix my male Blastoise, and Xeno my male Alakazam, and have Xeno hold the Aerodactyl in place with a strong Psychic, while Hydronix blast the rocky dragon with a bone chilling Ice Beam in hopes it will greatly weaken the Aerodactyl. If I find it's weak enough, I'll have Xeno paralyze it with a Thunder Wave.

    Also, if my Pokemon in a battle use a combined three actions on a Pokemon, do I have to wait until my next update comes, before I can throw any kind of ball at a Pokemon I'd want to catch? If not, I'll throw an Ultra Ball at the Aerodactyl incase it is paralyzed and weakened.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  32. #72
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Patrick~ Sorry. Horsea L11 F
    Trying to defend yourself only gets you an annoyed look from the Poliwag. 'Just because you're young isn't a very good excuse, you know,' she mutters, before paddling a little way away and turning her back on you. The Corphish has been watching this exchange with a rather confused expression on his face.
    What are you going to do?

    Kyle~ Yes, you can throw the ball.
    Deciding that the best way to capture this Aerodactly is by ganging up on him, you send out your Blastoise and Alakazam, who promptly proceed to clamp the Aerodactly in place, before blasting him with a beam of ice. He shrieks and shoots a flamethrower in your direction, which you dodge nimbly. However, this of course means that the undergrowth behind you instantly goes up in flames. Hydronix turns to put it out, but as he does so, the Aerodactly hits another tree and it immediately erupts.
    What are you going to do?

  33. #73
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Kyle~ Yes, you can throw the ball.
    Deciding that the best way to capture this Aerodactly is by ganging up on him, you send out your Blastoise and Alakazam, who promptly proceed to clamp the Aerodactly in place, before blasting him with a beam of ice. He shrieks and shoots a flamethrower in your direction, which you dodge nimbly. However, this of course means that the undergrowth behind you instantly goes up in flames. Hydronix turns to put it out, but as he does so, the Aerodactly hits another tree and it immediately erupts.
    What are you going to do?

    Ohhh, this was unexpected. I think I recall an Aerodactyl can use fire attacks, but to create what could be the beginning of a forest this is not good at all (especially with the fact Hydronix doesn't know Rain Dance).

    One question though, can a Fire type with the Flash Fire trait absorb a fire to get rid of it? If so, I'm going to send out Ebony my female Rapidash (possibly for the final time before I decide that I wish for someone to take her into their team so I can make room for the other two Pokemon I want here; I would have saved Aerodactyl for last otherwise) and have her try and absorb all the flames with her body.

    As for my other Pokemon, I'll have Xeno this time around use a Thunder Wave on the Aerodactyl to try and paralyze him, followed by another Ice Beam from Hydronix. If I find the Aerodactyl is weak enough from a second Ice Beam, and is hopefully paralyzed too, I'll throw an Ultra Ball at him.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  34. #74
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    A curious question in your mind, you send out Ebony and cross your fingers as she prances towards one of the fires. Unfortunately, although she doesn't seem to be taking any actual damage from the flames, she isn't able to absorb the flames as you'd hoped. She seems to realise what you wanted her to do and begins to jump up and down, attempting to stamp the fire out that way.
    Xeno meanwhile, is having trouble as the Aerodactly struggles free from his psychic hold and lunges forward, sinking his teeth into Xeno's arm. Xeno hisses in pain, before lifting the spoon in his other hand, which sparks and sends a blue electric bolt which whips around the Aerodactly's body. Hydronix attacks right after, scoring a direct hit and knocking the Pokémon out of the sky. Unfortunately, the paraylsis has locked the Aerodactly's jaw shut so Xeno goes smashing into the ground with him, shaking as the electricity travels along his arm and into his body.
    You toy with the Ultra Ball, but the Aerodactly still seems too strong for capture.
    What are you going to do?

  35. #75
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    A curious question in your mind, you send out Ebony and cross your fingers as she prances towards one of the fires. Unfortunately, although she doesn't seem to be taking any actual damage from the flames, she isn't able to absorb the flames as you'd hoped. She seems to realise what you wanted her to do and begins to jump up and down, attempting to stamp the fire out that way.
    Xeno meanwhile, is having trouble as the Aerodactly struggles free from his psychic hold and lunges forward, sinking his teeth into Xeno's arm. Xeno hisses in pain, before lifting the spoon in his other hand, which sparks and sends a blue electric bolt which whips around the Aerodactly's body. Hydronix attacks right after, scoring a direct hit and knocking the Pokémon out of the sky. Unfortunately, the paraylsis has locked the Aerodactly's jaw shut so Xeno goes smashing into the ground with him, shaking as the electricity travels along his arm and into his body.
    You toy with the Ultra Ball, but the Aerodactly still seems too strong for capture.
    What are you going to do?

    Man, the Aerodactyl is a toughie.

    I'm going to recall Xeno quickly, then I'm going to have Hydronix keep up with the Ice Beams, now that the Aerodactyl is paralyzed. If I find the Aerodactyl's close to fainting no matter how many Ice Beams hit him, I'll throw another Ultra Ball.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

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  36. #76
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Patrick~ Sorry. Horsea L11 F
    Trying to defend yourself only gets you an annoyed look from the Poliwag. 'Just because you're young isn't a very good excuse, you know,' she mutters, before paddling a little way away and turning her back on you. The Corphish has been watching this exchange with a rather confused expression on his face.
    What are you going to do?

    3 Pokeballs
    3 Great Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Fast Ball
    1 Heavy Ball
    1 Lure Ball
    1 Stun Ball
    1 Crystal Ball

    Tethys (Horsea F, L11)

    Horsea's name will be Tethys; her bred-on move is Dragon Rage; her free L10 TM is Toxic.

    I'll run after the Poliwag and ask what I can do to convince her I can be a good trainer.

    I'm back.

  37. #77

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote from: *Murkrow on August 13, 2006, 04:48:46 AM

    Apologising to the bush, you move away. Soon you chance upon a Swablu choir chattering eagerly to each other as a flustered looking Cacnea stumbles around in front of them. He shouts at a Pineco and Seedot who are watching the scene with some amusement, but they both just laugh and tell him that he's doing a good job.
    What are you going to do?

    Feeling sorry for the Cacnea, I give him a round of applause but then I walk further into the forest
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

    - Charmed Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

  38. #78

    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    ok, basically, life has taken a great uncle has passed...and now my family(my dad) has to pay for the funeral, which helps put my college in question, so I need some time away...I am sorry...
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
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    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  39. #79
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragonite
    ok, basically, life has taken a great uncle has passed...and now my family(my dad) has to pay for the funeral, which helps put my college in question, so I need some time away...I am sorry...
    Thanks for letting me know, Steve. Hope things turn out alright for you.

    Grabbing Xeno's ball, you get him out of the difficult situation he's in now by recalling him. The Aerodactyl looks surprised at the sudden loss of his prey but soon finds his attention drawn elsewhere as Hydronix aims another Ice Beam at him. He writhes in agony for a second, before wailing and slamming his claws into the ground. An tremor sends you sprawling to the ground and the Aerodactyl takes the chance to charge a Hyper action that backfires as the paralysis kicks in again. The energy ball is still charging, however, he can do nothing to control it and it keeps on growing...and growing.
    What are you going to do?

    Splashing after the Poliwag, you hastily ask what would it take to prove yourself to her. She glances over her shoulder at you as though to check that you're being serious. When she see's that you really are, some of the hostility leaves her expression and she smiles slightly. 'If I'm going to go with a trainer, I'd want to be reassured that if something happens to me or another, then we'll be in competant hands. Show me that that is you and I'll reconsider.'
    What are you going to do?

    Although feeling sorry for the Cacnea, you decide to move onwards, but not before you give a brief round of applause to help lift his spirits. As you walk away, a Doduo comes trotting through the bushes, in the middle of an argument between her two heads. Quite what they're arguing about, you can't tell, as a Natu has just caught your attention. She is sitting with her eyes closed, solemnly preaching to a Weede about events that will happen in the future.
    What are you going to do?

  40. #80
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: [Game] The Crystal Caves Capture Centre V14 [MA]

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Thanks for letting me know, Steve. Hope things turn out alright for you.

    Grabbing Xeno's ball, you get him out of the difficult situation he's in now by recalling him. The Aerodactyl looks surprised at the sudden loss of his prey but soon finds his attention drawn elsewhere as Hydronix aims another Ice Beam at him. He writhes in agony for a second, before wailing and slamming his claws into the ground. An tremor sends you sprawling to the ground and the Aerodactyl takes the chance to charge a Hyper action that backfires as the paralysis kicks in again. The energy ball is still charging, however, he can do nothing to control it and it keeps on growing...and growing.
    What are you going to do?

    Another Hyper Beam, that's just great.

    'remembers a time in the South Caverns when a Tyranitar tried to attack me with a Hyper Beam'

    No matter who or what it's aimed for, I'm going to have Hydronix get in the way of the beam, Withdrawing into his shell to try and block it.

    If he is successful in blocking the Hyper Beam, I'll have him use another Ice Beam on the Aerodactyl, aiming for either wing if possible, then I'll attempt to throw an Ultra Ball.

    Say, that reminds me, did my first one fail for sure?
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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