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Thread: <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

  1. #41
    Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Default Split Update Again ^^;

    Yay, I think I'll try my old format again for fun ^_^. If you’ve been at Expedia for a long time, you’ll see what I mean. If you’re confused, just catch yourself by seeing the order of the posts or the color .

    My post: Innocence Island/Castle/45 CCPs/78 Stamps/3-5/Aquaphaze my Vaporeon (F, Level 14), Wolfwood my Houndour (M, Level 22), Spirit my Ninetales (F)

    Posted by Gabi
    Avian Freeze- "Erm...I’m still working on it," you tell the knight with a false grin, feeling sweat run down the sides of your face.
    "I am sure you won't disappoint us," he tells you. "After all, someone who can win a Rapidash race, a 2-on-6 pokemon battle and All the King's Horses, simply must have what it takes to rule a kingdom and keep its people safe and happy."
    With this, he turns away and leaves you alone. You're safe! Or are you?
    You suddenly hear steps behind you. You turn around and notice it's Byron, the contestand who came out second in the tournament.
    "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to bother you, your majesty" he tells you. "I really didn't know that was the prize, but you did very well, so I must congratulate you. I hope you're ready for the hard tasks that lie ahead of you. I haven't told you this before but my uncle is the king of Avendor. His job isn't easy at all. I've been trained for it all my life in case I ever became king myself, but I know that won't happen, as my uncle has 3 sons. Well, I don't even know why I'm saying all this. I guess I just wanted to tell you good luck."

    -How will you respond?
    Aha! I’ll tell Byron I really can’t rule over this kingdom, I’m a horrible leader ^^;. And I’ll ask him if he would like to take my position as king (hope this works o.o).

    Miss Ninetales - Sorry for skipping you before x_x.

    You continue forward, hoping the Exploud is okay. You notice that the big creature has a more peaceful look as you walk across the rickety bridge which sways in the icy winds. You remember all the Dragonite and know you must hurry to save them. As you cross the treacherous bridge, your heart beats rapidly as you look below, noticing that you are several thousand feet above the ground. The rough blizzards begin to calm, and you pursue, gripping the bridge to stay secure. Eventually, you make it across, relieved the bridge didn’t give away despite its fragile look. You realize the winds have died down and the island you stand on is beautiful. Flourishing trees populate the large land mass and the sun shines beautifully overhead, oddly o_O. An overflowed lake lies in the middle of the island and water runs off the edges, pouring to the land below as faux rain. However, soon a shadow appears over the island and you look up to see lightning strike from above, hitting the earth below. A slinky figure glides through the sky and hovers in front of you. You behold the menacing grimace of the mighty Rayquaza. “Hmph, I assume you have come to rescue the Dragonite below. And oh!” he glowers at Lagi, who steps back, startled at the malevolent glare. “You must be the chosen Dragonite. I admire your bravery, but it shall be costly. I shall spare you if you leave and never come back to this island.” The Rayquaza’s yellow eyes shine with pride, confident of himself.

    What will you say/do to the Rayquaza?

    HyliandudeTen – You ask Umbreon (is this Ark?) to help you look for the light switch, and he backs away slowly, heading towards the light switch but staring at you still with a petrified look. However, he guides you towards the switch. You attempt to push some boxes to the spot with your arms, but you can’t move! However, you push the boxes and throw them as best you can to make a somewhat awkward stack of boxes. Umbreon’s ears perk up and he hops on the boxes, getting to the top of the stacks. He jumps at the light and pulls it with his teeth, and all the crates come crashing down! Ark is left hanging by the switch and you realize the place illuminate with light. Ark lets go and softly lands on the debris, coming back to you. You try calling around for Dratini but you’re not exactly sure where she is. You don’t get an answer and you begin to kick your legs furiously. You hear crashes and some shouts as well as stuff falls all over. Marshtomp and Dratini crawl back to you, holding your dangling legs and staring at you oddly. Your legs suddenly become attached to you again and you feel a rush through your body. You then begin to look for your torso, feeling kind of weird missing it o_O.

    And how will you go about finding that? :x

    FireLizardZeroFourSixTwoOne – You apologize to the woman and show her poor Evenstar, who limps miserably, her muscles paralyzed. “I was going to ask for help but I didn’t want to interrupt you.” you say meekly.
    Upon seeing Evenstar, the woman’s face immediately softens, almost into an elated expression! “Oooohh, poor Sneasel! Come in, come in. I absolutely adore Sneasel and I’m so sorry for being mad at you. My son had been insolent yet again.” she sighs. “He just never learns how to behave, how will he ever live on his own? And he already is twelve, yet he’s still a spoiled brat!” Within this whole conversation, the woman continues to ground a fine powder with some herbs. “I just wish he could be disciplined. I had always wanted to take him to Icuno Peak, where he would learn the hardships of not having luxuries in a household. I’ve grown old and weary though, and I just don’t have the energy for it anymore.” She finishes grinding the powder and sprinkles it on to Evenstar. Switching the topic, she says, “Your Sneasel is just SOOOO CUTE!” she squeals like a schoolgirl o.o. “You must be very lucky to have one ^.^. When I was younger, I had several Sneasel, but unfortunately, they went to my siblings. I was only left with one, who I have given to my son now, but his Sneasel is just as lazy as he is .” Evenstar begins to relax as her muscles recover from the Stun Spore.

    What will you do now?

    Specter of Purity-BeeEf – You ask Squirtle to try to take out the flames with a Water Gun. She nods and begins shooting streams of water at the flames of the village. You ask Kadabra to try to cover the flames on the ground with rocks and he nods as well, using his psychic powers to smother the flames. Meanwhile, you send Pikachu on Gligar after the Yamikairyu. She jumps off her scorpion buddy and on to the back of the dark dragon. Attempting to tickle the Yamikairyu with a Tail Whip, he only becomes irritated by the minor impudence on his back. Tossing her off, Darren shouts at an attempt to escape, but to no avail. The Yamikairyu shouts out, “Three more to go!” gleefully as he swoops into the sky, disappearing into a swirly warp. The villagers all watch in awe and then go into a long drawl of conversation.

    What will you do now?

    LionQueenNinetyEight – You shoot the next target but it is another miss, causing a fourth bling! Alexa begins to have an unsure look, but she hopes that you can get the final target.

    - o - x –
    x - o - -
    - x - x –

    Targets Left: 1
    Arrows Left: 4

    Which target will you shoot next?[/center

    ElectricRodentOneZeroOne – You ask Coral if there is a strange Pok&eacute;mon in the river that needs help, but she shakes her head, repeating, “Carr-sory! Carr-sory!” attempting to bend the stalks on her body in an up and down fashion and beckoning towards the east.

    What could she mean? Or do you just want to continue on or what?

    ShadowyNoblewoman – You walk over and examine the funky box in the corner that Riona was observing. You move it over and see a hole behind it! It seems like it’s just big enough to fit Riona and you though, the others are too big to fit in the small gap.
    “You go ahead Rachel.” Spike says confidently.
    “Yeah, you can find a key or something to get us out.” Cacturne says calmly.
    “BUT WHAT IF TEH FLYING MONKEYS GET US?!?!?!??!” Xander shouts, barking and running around frantically.
    “Snap out of it!” Spike says, slapping the Arcanine with a wing softly.
    “Ow, you hurt me ;_______;.” Xander says.
    You crawl through the opening, Riona following in close pursuit. Soon you reach the other end, and you see some lights flickering around the corner.

    What will you do now?

    Bird – With Prisma now by your side with a suit on, you hop on her to stay afloat o_O. You convince the Gengar you aren’t here to hurt him but he looks unsure for a second. However, he removes the Shadow Ball and says in a fearsome voice, “What are you doing here? If you are searching for the elusive Milotic, you have little hope. However, there is a sign. If you see one of her scales, you know are on the right track. There will surely be several delusions but you will know the correct one by the glitter of her snaky body. However, plenty of poisonous Pok&eacute;mon scour the seas and you must be wary of them.” With a closing note, the Gengar fades away into the darkness of the sea. You and Prisma continue swimming around, searching for the Milotic. You search around for any scales or glints or signs of the Milotic. However, you notice several green blobby shapes gathered on the ground of the murky water. You don’t quite recognize what they are yet, but a fish-shaped creature behind you distracts you as well.

    What will you do now?

    Thanks to Yukitsukai for this banner!

    Ace trophy, given to me by pimuni because I'm good at stuff ^_^

    My Adopted Pok&eacute;mon | My Captured Pok&eacute;mon | My Pack
    My ASB Team

  2. #42
    Master Trainer
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    Apr 2001

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze

    Bird - With Prisma now by your side with a suit on, you hop on her to stay afloat o_O. You convince the Gengar you aren't here to hurt him but he looks unsure for a second. However, he removes the Shadow Ball and says in a fearsome voice, "What are you doing here? If you are searching for the elusive Milotic, you have little hope. However, there is a sign. If you see one of her scales, you know are on the right track. There will surely be several delusions but you will know the correct one by the glitter of her snaky body. However, plenty of poisonous Pokémon scour the seas and you must be wary of them." With a closing note, the Gengar fades away into the darkness of the sea. You and Prisma continue swimming around, searching for the Milotic. You search around for any scales or glints or signs of the Milotic. However, you notice several green blobby shapes gathered on the ground of the murky water. You don't quite recognize what they are yet, but a fish-shaped creature behind you distracts you as well.
    Location: Poison Door, Mistonnence Dragart
    CCP's: 23
    Stamps: 0
    Food Units / Poké Dolls: 5/5
    Companions: Akaiou (Golem L28, Male), Prisma (Blissey L13, Female), Umbreon, Espeon, Swinub.

    I'm a bird, yay. Good one.

    I'm curious as to what that fish-shaped creature is, so I'll check that out more closely before I do anything else. I'll ask Prisma to be prepared if we're up for battle, just in case.


    Now, my half of the splat update =X - I bet you can't guess what format I'm doing the names. =/

    Knight of all Darkness

    Cybertron strikes first by ascending towards the Murkrow, who initiates by taking flight to avoid your fundamental mechanistic companion. With enough concentration, Cybertron is able to fight back by blasting a mass amount of electrical spasms which engulf not only the Murkrow, but the surrounding murmuring miniature creatures. They all feel the shock, but surprisingly, the Murkrow hardly feels what you had done. Instantly, he disappears in to the void. Cybertron can sense only slightly where the dark fiend is, but its senses aren't enough to intuit idiosyncratically. Where Cybertron least expects, Murkrow strikes and deals an incredible amount of pain and suffer to your virtual companion.

    Not wasting any time, you send out Qwilfish to try his luck. An icy explosion more powerful than a normal Ice Beam could do was discharged moments after the Murkrow had concluded with Cybertron. Amazingly, the Murkrow was fast enough to avoid your Qwilfish' attempt. Murkrow disappears into oblivion once again, and Qwilfish just looks around nervously trying to pick out where he is, but he doesn't seem to be as lucky as Cybertron with picking up the correct senses of the dark type, which is quite difficult on its own. Murkrow has still disappeared into the darkness, but you can bet anything he's still keeping a close eye on you.

    What are you going to do?

    Carnivorous Conifer

    Route 43 interests you, so you decide to head of in that direction in search for the Mystic Pearl. You walk past a tranquil and serene channel of water, but when you continue to walk further ahead, you notice many holes in the road. This is uncanny! The holes appear to be approximately 15 meters deep, so it's pretty profound after all. They are all over the place though. You try to avoid them by walking around them cautiously, and you make it to the end… but all of a sudden you accidentally step onto a dirty blanket that swindled you into believing it was flat road! You fall down pretty far, knocking your base continuously by falling down the very steep hole, until you finally hit rock bottom on a punch of lather! O_o you look up to try and differentiate your location, and instantly you notice two Exploud looking down. They screech chaotically down into the pit when you least expect it, and they deafen you! Uh oh. You pick your ears to see if this is really happening, and they indeed seem to have disabled your hearing! The lather pops along with the ricochet of their scream.

    What are you going to do?

    Evil Kitten of Doom

    The whirlwind's velocity is too strong and quick for you to escape and try and escape into the shrubbery unfortunately, as the wind becomes so close you are forced back and you twist and twirl in the twister that the fighting fiend created by dancing. Amazingly, the twister dies down, but you hear prompt shuffling coming from the ground. Figuring it could be him again, you hide in some of the shrubbery. He walks past trying to find you, and he fails. Looks like you've lost him! You have no idea where you are now though, after all that running you've misplaced your location on the map.

    What are you going to do?


    Happy birthday =D

    Heading to the nearby shop, the shopkeeper greets you upon your arrival. He asks for what you wish to purchase, and you point to the Waterfall HM. He happily gives the everlasting TM to you to teach to everyone of your pokémon. He takes your Stamps and you leave, revisiting the superficial world. Muk scares you, but he doesn't appear to be anywhere in sight, thankfully. You continue onwards on a path, but you discover many traces of sludge. Surely the Muk couldn't be that far ahead of you… what could this mean? You eventually reach a fork of sludge directing you into a section of the forestry, and one that leads more up onto the path you're present on now.

    Would you like to follow the morass or do something else?

    I'm a bird…it's true!

    The pellet bag seems to be running empty, but you manage to toss three of your four last pellets onto them, leaving you with one. They take a while for those mushrooms to dissolve into nothing due to their size, but nevertheless, and after a bit of time, they disintegrate and their remains are left on the ground, opening up a new division of the cave. This pathway appears to be really long, and you get exhausted by walking so much. The place appears to be reeked with some sort of aroma that isn't pleasant. Covering your nose at the same time, you eventually reach at the back of the cave with a dirty and very hollow wall. Punching a few holes through, heaps of ants come out, and I mean heaps! There appears to be something in there that the ants have been dying to elude, and this is their chance to escape.

    What are you going to do now?

    Dragon and Dark Master

    There is no shopkeeper to serve you, but you do hear constant banging coming from the back of the room. Maybe that could be where he is? Curious anyway, you decide to look in the back deceitfully and you notice the shopkeeper tied up in the back! You remove the rigging around his wrists and his neck, and he breathes in a sign of relief, and he doesn't know how the thank you.

    What would you like to ask him, or would you like to purchase anything now?


    Picha thinks that you should dig lower below the surface in case there's anything else under there, so you do. Shuffling your feet more around on the ground, it appears to be getting much easier to make your way through the fluffy hoarfrost. In fact, it becomes too easy that you just fall through again with your companion! X_x This time, however, you do eventually stop on hard surface, hurting your base in the process. You have no idea where you are though, but you appear to be in some kind of village. It's quite dark, so you look up at the sky and you notice the whole sky is covered in snow! This must have been where you fell from. Observing a pair of villagers doing their daily errands, you think for a moment, deciding on what to do.

    What would you like to do?

    Stop, Chocobo, Stop ;-;

    You tell him that you are not willing to accept the position to be king. "Ahh, but I insist that you be king! Don't be silly, you must give it a try. Will you?" He tries everything to convince you, even 10 CCPs if you're willing to accept his offer.

    What would you like to do now?

  3. #43
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Split Update Again ^^;

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    LionQueenNinetyEight – You shoot the next target but it is another miss, causing a fourth bling! Alexa begins to have an unsure look, but she hopes that you can get the final target.

    - o - x –
    x - o - -
    - x - x –

    Targets Left: 1
    Arrows Left: 4

    Which target will you shoot next?[/center
    Rainbow Mountains/Island of Dreams/4 CCPS/3 food/5 pokédolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M)Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    4 CCPs
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    Mystic Pearl
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Sparkling Dew
    Bow and 4 arrows

    I'll try the following one next:

    - o - x –
    x X o - -
    - x - x –
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  4. #44
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay
    Knight of all Darkness

    Cybertron strikes first by ascending towards the Murkrow, who initiates by taking flight to avoid your fundamental mechanistic companion. With enough concentration, Cybertron is able to fight back by blasting a mass amount of electrical spasms which engulf not only the Murkrow, but the surrounding murmuring miniature creatures. They all feel the shock, but surprisingly, the Murkrow hardly feels what you had done. Instantly, he disappears in to the void. Cybertron can sense only slightly where the dark fiend is, but its senses aren't enough to intuit idiosyncratically. Where Cybertron least expects, Murkrow strikes and deals an incredible amount of pain and suffer to your virtual companion.

    Not wasting any time, you send out Qwilfish to try his luck. An icy explosion more powerful than a normal Ice Beam could do was discharged moments after the Murkrow had concluded with Cybertron. Amazingly, the Murkrow was fast enough to avoid your Qwilfish' attempt. Murkrow disappears into oblivion once again, and Qwilfish just looks around nervously trying to pick out where he is, but he doesn't seem to be as lucky as Cybertron with picking up the correct senses of the dark type, which is quite difficult on its own. Murkrow has still disappeared into the darkness, but you can bet anything he's still keeping a close eye on you.

    What are you going to do?
    Location: Pixie Island, Route 3
    CCP: 3
    Stamps: 37
    Items: Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Destiny Jewel, Thunderstone X2, Fire Stone, Moon Stone X2, Day Stone, Water Stone, Tyranitar Plushie, Dragonite Plushie, Bagon Plushie, Absol Plushie, Food X5, Pokedoll X5, Itemfinder, Brochure, Cell Phone, Switching Hook, Transparent Juice

    Okay, I have an idea.

    I'm going to use my Itemfinder to try and locate this Murkrow (there is only one Murkrow to battle here, right Gabi/Jay/Tyler?). If it can find him, then I want to challenge him to a battle using one of my Pokemon (I assume I can do this, right?).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  5. #45
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
    Lady Vulpix's Avatar
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    Default Surprise Update

    Minstonnence Dragart/Door #17: Desert/Completed Doors: #6/Noctowl, Mareep, Lagi (Dragonite), Ventura (Venomoth), Kabuto, Vulpix/96 CCP/3 food supplies/4 pokédolls/Element Emerald, King's Rock, Dragon Scale, Volcano Ruby, Day Stone, Frozen Diamond, Metal Coat, Darkness Gem, Mystic Pearl, Plushies displayed on my items site, Special Blend Tea.

    I'll tell Rayquaza that I'll be leaving as soon as I've done what I've come to do. The Dragonites need our help, and we won't turn our backs on them.
    Then I'll get ready for anything.

    A 98 LAN- When you shoot your next arrow, another 'bling' comes. Alexa begins to worry.
    "The Mawhile said no one would ever make it," she weeps. "Maybe she was right."
    You try to comfort her, assuring that you'll help her no matter how. But now you only have 3 arrows left, and the right switch is still untouched.

    - o - x –
    x x o - -
    - x - x –

    -What will you do now?

    Kindergartner hack kit phd- You use your Itemfinder to search for a Murkrow, tuning it as precisely as you can. It starts beeping loudly. It looks like there's one really close! You search around, searching for a direction that makes it beep faster or louder, but no matter which direction you take, the beeping slows down as soon as you begin to walk away. You return to the point where the beeping was the fastest, and take a look at the Itemfinder. Everything indicates it's working correctly, but it seems to be pointing at something that's right next to you.

    -And now?

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  6. #46
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Surprise Update

    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    A 98 LAN- When you shoot your next arrow, another 'bling' comes. Alexa begins to worry.
    "The Mawhile said no one would ever make it," she weeps. "Maybe she was right."
    You try to comfort her, assuring that you'll help her no matter how. But now you only have 3 arrows left, and the right switch is still untouched.

    - o - x –
    x x o - -
    - x - x –

    -What will you do now?

    Rainbow Mountains/Island of Dreams/4 CCPS/3 food/5 pokédolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M)Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    4 CCPs
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    Mystic Pearl
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Sparkling Dew
    Bow and 4 arrows

    I'll try the following one next:

    - o - x –
    x x o X -
    - x - x –
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  7. #47
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Surprise Update

    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    Kindergartner hack kit phd- You use your Itemfinder to search for a Murkrow, tuning it as precisely as you can. It starts beeping loudly. It looks like there's one really close! You search around, searching for a direction that makes it beep faster or louder, but no matter which direction you take, the beeping slows down as soon as you begin to walk away. You return to the point where the beeping was the fastest, and take a look at the Itemfinder. Everything indicates it's working correctly, but it seems to be pointing at something that's right next to you.

    -And now?
    Location: Pixie Island, Route 3
    CCP: 3
    Stamps: 37
    Items: Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Destiny Jewel, Thunderstone X2, Fire Stone, Moon Stone X2, Day Stone, Water Stone, Tyranitar Plushie, Dragonite Plushie, Bagon Plushie, Absol Plushie, Food X5, Pokedoll X5, Itemfinder, Brochure, Cell Phone, Switching Hook, Transparent Juice

    I'm going to send out my Umbreon next.

    If possible, I want her to use a Pursuit to find the Murkrow. He can hide, but Pursuit might find him. If he is found, I want Cybertron and my Murkrow to use Icy Wind on him, with everyone else (except my Swablu and Qwilfish, as well as Aurora) using their HP: Water to soak the Murkrow good. Incase my Qwilfish's help is needed, I want him to Ice Beam the Murkrow.

    'crosses fingers again'
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  8. #48

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay
    Evil Kitten of Doom
    The whirlwind's velocity is too strong and quick for you to escape and try and escape into the shrubbery unfortunately, as the wind becomes so close you are forced back and you twist and twirl in the twister that the fighting fiend created by dancing. Amazingly, the twister dies down, but you hear prompt shuffling coming from the ground. Figuring it could be him again, you hide in some of the shrubbery. He walks past trying to find you, and he fails. Looks like you've lost him! You have no idea where you are now though, after all that running you've misplaced your location on the map.

    What are you going to do?
    Aah, it's pink. x.x

    Location: I'm lost. ._.
    Pokemon: Flare (Lv. 5 flareonM) and Dewdrop (Lv. 7 vaporeonF)
    Food units: 5.
    Pokedolls: 5.
    Stamps: 45.

    Um.. I guess I'll start walking.. left! And see where I end up. x.o

  9. #49

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    Specter of Purity-BeeEf – You ask Squirtle to try to take out the flames with a Water Gun. She nods and begins shooting streams of water at the flames of the village. You ask Kadabra to try to cover the flames on the ground with rocks and he nods as well, using his psychic powers to smother the flames. Meanwhile, you send Pikachu on Gligar after the Yamikairyu. She jumps off her scorpion buddy and on to the back of the dark dragon. Attempting to tickle the Yamikairyu with a Tail Whip, he only becomes irritated by the minor impudence on his back. Tossing her off, Darren shouts at an attempt to escape, but to no avail. The Yamikairyu shouts out, “Three more to go!” gleefully as he swoops into the sky, disappearing into a swirly warp. The villagers all watch in awe and then go into a long drawl of conversation.

    What will you do now?
    Location= Mistonnence Dragart/Prehistoric World

    Pack= Volcano Ruby, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Mystic Pearl, Accelerator Gene, Blue MGCoin, Fire Stone, Moon Stone, 28 Stamps, 113 CCPs, 2 Food and 3 Pkdolls.

    PKMN Pals = Carbunkl (Sentret F), Kadabra (M), Pikachu (F), Gligar (M), Squirtle (F).

    TMs = Twineedle.

    Oh, *&^*&%(*. =x I'll say good try to Gligar and Pikachu and ask them if they are okay. I'll then say good job to Kadabra and Squirtle for extinguishing all the flames. Finally, I'll turn to the village people in defeat and apologize for my failure to protect Darren. I'll then ask them if they know where the Ramzula is headed for and if they know a way to get there.
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  10. #50
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay

    I'm a bird…it's true!

    The pellet bag seems to be running empty, but you manage to toss three of your four last pellets onto them, leaving you with one. They take a while for those mushrooms to dissolve into nothing due to their size, but nevertheless, and after a bit of time, they disintegrate and their remains are left on the ground, opening up a new division of the cave. This pathway appears to be really long, and you get exhausted by walking so much. The place appears to be reeked with some sort of aroma that isn't pleasant. Covering your nose at the same time, you eventually reach at the back of the cave with a dirty and very hollow wall. Punching a few holes through, heaps of ants come out, and I mean heaps! There appears to be something in there that the ants have been dying to elude, and this is their chance to escape.

    What are you going to do now?
    Location: A cave in a forest, Art Island
    Food: 5
    Pokedolls: 5
    CCPs: 29
    Pokemon: Aeragorn (LV11 Skarmory, M) Dargonis (LV6 Aerodactyl, M)
    Items: 1 Faerie Pellet

    I'll brush off some ants from the wall and peer through the holes I made in the wall and see what was scaring the ants.

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  11. #51
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    Default Re: Split Update Again ^^;

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    ShadowyNoblewoman – You walk over and examine the funky box in the corner that Riona was observing. You move it over and see a hole behind it! It seems like it’s just big enough to fit Riona and you though, the others are too big to fit in the small gap.
    “You go ahead Rachel.” Spike says confidently.
    “Yeah, you can find a key or something to get us out.” Cacturne says calmly.
    “BUT WHAT IF TEH FLYING MONKEYS GET US?!?!?!??!” Xander shouts, barking and running around frantically.
    “Snap out of it!” Spike says, slapping the Arcanine with a wing softly.
    “Ow, you hurt me ;_______;.” Xander says.
    You crawl through the opening, Riona following in close pursuit. Soon you reach the other end, and you see some lights flickering around the corner.

    What will you do now?
    CCPs: 10
    Pokémon: Glory (level 41 female Charizard), Legolas (level 19 male Grovyle), Riona (level 13 female Bagon), Vampyr (level 20 male Aerodactyl), Xander (Arcanine), Spike (Skarmory) and Cacturne
    Food: 4
    Pokedolls: 4
    Items: Houndoom Plushie and Volcano Ruby
    Island: Innocence
    Area: ... somewhere.. o.O

    Hmm.. I think I'll explore around the place.. I'll tell Riona to keep on her guard however

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Split Update Again ^^;

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    ElectricRodentOneZeroOne – You ask Coral if there is a strange Pok&eacute;mon in the river that needs help, but she shakes her head, repeating, “Carr-sory! Carr-sory!” attempting to bend the stalks on her body in an up and down fashion and beckoning towards the east.

    What could she mean? Or do you just want to continue on or what?
    Ha- ha very funny

    Location: Art Island - Route 31
    Pokes: Pyro (Magmar L17), Coral (Corsola L8 )
    Food: 5 Dolls: 5
    Pack: None
    CCP: 1

  13. #53
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay


    Happy birthday =D

    Heading to the nearby shop, the shopkeeper greets you upon your arrival. He asks for what you wish to purchase, and you point to the Waterfall HM. He happily gives the everlasting TM to you to teach to everyone of your pokémon. He takes your Stamps and you leave, revisiting the superficial world. Muk scares you, but he doesn't appear to be anywhere in sight, thankfully. You continue onwards on a path, but you discover many traces of sludge. Surely the Muk couldn't be that far ahead of you… what could this mean? You eventually reach a fork of sludge directing you into a section of the forestry, and one that leads more up onto the path you're present on now.

    Would you like to follow the morass or do something else?

    Location: Art Island Forested Thingy o.O
    CCP: 0
    Stamps: 14
    Items: Darkness Gem, Hollow Stonex2, Ocean Gem, Solar Gem, Lunar Gemx2, 5 Food, 5 Pokedolls, Waterfall HM
    Pokemon: Sisi the Swinub, lvl 11; Blossom the Chickorita lvl 7

    Thanks Haven't had me cake yet though ;-; lol.

    Hmmm....I still think that Muk tis' scary O.o Hmmm. Since I really have no choice, I'll head into the great forest If I find teh Muk somehow, RUUUUUUUUN! RUN LIKE A KAJILLION HOUNDOOMS ARE BEHIND ME o.o

  14. #54
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Excuse me if this update kind of sucks :x. I'm not feeling so well right now .

    Originally posted by Jay
    Stop, Chocobo, Stop ;-;

    You tell him that you are not willing to accept the position to be king. "Ahh, but I insist that you be king! Don't be silly, you must give it a try. Will you?" He tries everything to convince you, even 10 CCPs if you're willing to accept his offer.

    What would you like to do now?
    My post: Innocence Island/Castle/45 CCPs/78 Stamps/3-5/Aquaphaze my Vaporeon (F, Level 14), Wolfwood my Houndour (M, Level 22), Spirit my Ninetales (F)

    I'll tell Byron that it's really all right and I'm not fit to be a king ^^;. I'll decline the 10 CCPs and insist that he be king.

    Finch - And now you're a finch ^___^.

    You decide to examine the fish-like creature and realize a pair of large fangs just in front of your face! An eerie blue fearsome looking creature stares at you and you recognize it to be a Huntail! However, it doesn't have a hostile look. It actually has a very calm face, though kind of ugly o_O. "Hello, who are you?" it asks somewhat dully.

    What will you say now?

    Lioness98 - BTW arrows have been added to the inventories so you can purchase them now when you need ^_^. For this part though, you only have these arrows currently :x.

    You shoot the next target but yet another 'bling' sounds. You begin to get discouraged. Hopefully the next arrow may hit the correct target.

    - o - x -
    x x o x -
    - x - x -

    Targets Left: 1
    Arrows Left: 2

    Which will you hit next?

    DimNobleman the Shady Warrior - You send out your Umbreon and ask her to use a Pursuit on the Murkrow. She nods and attempts to search for the crow. As she rushes through the forest, she catches the marauder in her paws. She struggles to keep the Murkrow still, but it pecks at her, causing her to wince at the pain. Your Pok&eacute;mon use Icy Wind, Ice Beam, and HP ~ Water all at the Murkrow who squawks as he is frozen O_O. The Poochyena yips for joy and thanks you, licking your face. However, Umbreon whimpers as you realize she has cuts all over her body! It must have been from the spiky leaves of all the trees she had to get through to Pursuit. Looks like you'll have to be careful. You also realize it's starting to get dark as dusk falls over Point Forest and the brilliant sun begins to sink into the horizon.

    What will you do now?

    Maiden - Haha .

    You begin to head left to see where you may end up. You have no idea where you are but you make your way through all the foliage, searching for any possible signs of where you may be. You come across to the edge of the island and you see the sea below. You look across and notice another of the islands, but you are too dizzy to recall which island it is. You notice it is enshrouded in haze and dark clouds hover over the island, showering fluffy white snow on to it.

    What will you do now?

    Apparition of Simplicity - You tell all your Pok&eacute;mon good job for trying and ask if they're okay. They all answer affirmatively and you then turn to the villagers, apologizing for not being able to save Darren. "It is all right. The Yamikairyu is a fearsome creature and does not easily allow people to get away. We do not know where the Ramzula may have went but he probably is not of this world anymore." the gypsy you were talking to before says. "I knew you were not of this world. If you would like to return to your world, you must find how you came in. Take this, and throw it at the spot where you came in. Then step in and you will return to your world." She clasps your hand and you feel a marble in it.

    What will you do now?

    HumanWarriorDudeEagle - You brush away the ants and stare through the hollow to see what was scaring the ants. However, you see a strange skinny pink thing sliding in and out of the hollow, attempting to flick the ants. You also hear a faint "Slaaaaa..." coming from the other side. You then feel ticklish all of a sudden and notice the ants starting to crawl all over you!

    What will you do now?

    MysteriousQueen - You explore the area, telling Riona to keep on her guard, being wary of what there might be. You peer around the corner though and notice a winged Primeape there holding a Lanturn, kind of not paying attention though, but you still have to be wary passing him. Behind him is a doorway.

    What will you do now?

    LightningMouse101 - Erm, you didn't say what you were gonna do. o_O.

    SirGrinAKASurskit - Yah happy birthday ^_________^.

    Fearing the Muk, you head into the forest, trying to avoid the sludgy creature. You walk cautiously, being wary of the dark forest. You then hear a soft growl behind you and some squishiness. You then quickly dash through the trees, trying to avoid the Muk! However, the slimy creature is oddly fast and it grabs you, holding you by the foot and demanding, "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" with a roar, as you smell his noxious breath x_x.

    What will you do now?

    Thanks to Yukitsukai for this banner!

    Ace trophy, given to me by pimuni because I'm good at stuff ^_^

    My Adopted Pok&eacute;mon | My Captured Pok&eacute;mon | My Pack
    My ASB Team

  15. #55
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    Default Re: Split Update Again ^^;

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    FireLizardZeroFourSixTwoOne – You apologize to the woman and show her poor Evenstar, who limps miserably, her muscles paralyzed. “I was going to ask for help but I didn’t want to interrupt you.” you say meekly.
    Upon seeing Evenstar, the woman’s face immediately softens, almost into an elated expression! “Oooohh, poor Sneasel! Come in, come in. I absolutely adore Sneasel and I’m so sorry for being mad at you. My son had been insolent yet again.” she sighs. “He just never learns how to behave, how will he ever live on his own? And he already is twelve, yet he’s still a spoiled brat!” Within this whole conversation, the woman continues to ground a fine powder with some herbs. “I just wish he could be disciplined. I had always wanted to take him to Icuno Peak, where he would learn the hardships of not having luxuries in a household. I’ve grown old and weary though, and I just don’t have the energy for it anymore.” She finishes grinding the powder and sprinkles it on to Evenstar. Switching the topic, she says, “Your Sneasel is just SOOOO CUTE!” she squeals like a schoolgirl o.o. “You must be very lucky to have one ^.^. When I was younger, I had several Sneasel, but unfortunately, they went to my siblings. I was only left with one, who I have given to my son now, but his Sneasel is just as lazy as he is .” Evenstar begins to relax as her muscles recover from the Stun Spore.

    What will you do now?

    Island: Art Island
    Location: Bungalow

    Switchblade the *male* Porygon (Adoptee)
    Level: 13
    Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Hidden Power - Fighting, Agility, Psychic, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Psybeam
    Ability: Trace
    Held Items: Electric Shield

    Evenstar the female Sneasel (Adoptee)
    Level: 12
    Moves: Foresight, Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Hidden Power - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Icy Wind, Snatch
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Held Items: Pokémon Earring

    Food: 10
    Pokédolls: 5
    CCPs: 37

    I will smile and thank the woman very much for her help. I will also tell her that I am heading towards Articuno Peak, and I will be willing to travel there with her son if she so wishes.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  16. #56

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze

    Apparition of Simplicity - You tell all your Pok&eacute;mon good job for trying and ask if they're okay. They all answer affirmatively and you then turn to the villagers, apologizing for not being able to save Darren. "It is all right. The Yamikairyu is a fearsome creature and does not easily allow people to get away. We do not know where the Ramzula may have went but he probably is not of this world anymore." the gypsy you were talking to before says. "I knew you were not of this world. If you would like to return to your world, you must find how you came in. Take this, and throw it at the spot where you came in. Then step in and you will return to your world." She clasps your hand and you feel a marble in it.

    What will you do now?

    Location= Mistonnence Dragart/Prehistoric World

    Pack= Volcano Ruby, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Mystic Pearl, Accelerator Gene, Blue MGCoin, Fire Stone, Moon Stone, Lunar Gem, 28 Stamps, 115 CCPs, 2 Food and 3 Pkdolls.

    PKMN Pals = Carbunkl (Sentret F), Kadabra (M), Pikachu (F), Gligar (M), Squirtle (F).

    TMs = Twineedle, Drill Peck.

    Hey, Ty. Are u feeling any better? =/ *hugs*

    I'll thank the gypsy, wave goodbye to the village, and backtrack my steps.
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  17. #57

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    Maiden - Haha :P.

    You begin to head left to see where you may end up. You have no idea where you are but you make your way through all the foliage, searching for any possible signs of where you may be. You come across to the edge of the island and you see the sea below. You look across and notice another of the islands, but you are too dizzy to recall which island it is. You notice it is enshrouded in haze and dark clouds hover over the island, showering fluffy white snow on to it.

    What will you do now?
    Pah. ;x

    Location: I'm lost. ._.
    Pokemon: Flare (Lv. 5 flareonM) and Dewdrop (Lv. 7 vaporeonF)
    Food units: 5.
    Pokedolls: 5.
    Stamps: 45.

    Uh.. whee. @.@ This time I'll go right along the edge of the island until I run into the beach or the store or.. something else.

  18. #58
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    [BLightningMouse101 - Erm, you didn't say what you were gonna do. o_O.[/B]
    Um oops

    Location: Art Isle, R. 31
    Pokes: Pyro (Magmar L17), Coral [Corsola L8]
    CCP: 1
    Items: 5 food, 5 dolls

    I'll ask Coral if we should head east to help/get something.

  19. #59
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    MysteriousQueen - You explore the area, telling Riona to keep on her guard, being wary of what there might be. You peer around the corner though and notice a winged Primeape there holding a Lanturn, kind of not paying attention though, but you still have to be wary passing him. Behind him is a doorway.

    What will you do now?
    CCPs: 10
    Pokémon: Glory (level 41 female Charizard), Legolas (level 19 male Grovyle), Riona (level 13 female Bagon), Vampyr (level 20 male Aerodactyl), Xander (Arcanine), Spike (Skarmory) and Cacturne
    Food: 4
    Pokedolls: 4
    Items: Houndoom Plushie and Volcano Ruby
    Island: Innocence
    Area: ... somewhere.. o.O

    Hmm.. we'll need to distract the guard.. why is it I am reminded of Wind Waker? xDD

    I'll whisper to Riona if she has any ideas.. and look around for any barrels xDD

  20. #60
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze

    SirGrinAKASurskit - Yah happy birthday ^_________^.

    Fearing the Muk, you head into the forest, trying to avoid the sludgy creature. You walk cautiously, being wary of the dark forest. You then hear a soft growl behind you and some squishiness. You then quickly dash through the trees, trying to avoid the Muk! However, the slimy creature is oddly fast and it grabs you, holding you by the foot and demanding, "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" with a roar, as you smell his noxious breath x_x.

    What will you do now?
    Hey you know, they stole the spelling of me name >:/ Ask some of the older peeps here, I've had the name Skrusti for years *ack* They stole the letters! THEY'RE MY PRECIOUS LETTERS! *hisses*

    Location: Art Island Forested Thingy o.O
    CCP: 0
    Stamps: 14
    Items: Darkness Gem, Hollow Stonex2, Ocean Gem, Solar Gem, Lunar Gemx2, 5 Food, 5 Pokedolls, Waterfall HM
    Pokemon: Sisi the Swinub, lvl 11; Blossom the Chickorita lvl 7

    Erm....... I'll tell the Muk that it is scary then scream like a little girl XD If that don't work, I'll ask him to help me, as long as he can control the stench *if he can* If not, oh well, ask the scarwy Mukky thing to help me in me search for the erm..item deilys. If he don't wanna help *In other words, if he's trying to stop me* I'll look for anything to help me, by either yelling as loud as I can for help, or releasing Sisi and Blossom to smack him around XD

  21. #61

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Island: N/A - Specific Location: N/A - 5/5-CCPs: 8 - Stamps:4


    AC: Sky Racer(Growlithe), Male, Lv.7
    CC: Fier(Blaziken), Male, Lv.20
    .................................................. ............

    Fier and Sky awaited in their Pokeballs, ready to be released upon our arrival on the first Island. Welcome Beach streached far to either side of me. Forests surrounded my back and left sides, though a cliff rose out of the small peninsula to my right. Ahead of me, I stared across a vast ocean, shimmering light reflecting over it's mysterious depths.

    I knew my choices, and pondered over my transportation and destination. I then wondered if these forms of transportation are avaliable on the other islands. I took a deep breath before saying aloud, "I wish to travel to Dream Island on the wings of Fire and Ice."

    My words echoed in my ears, and I held my sword and bow close to me...

  22. #62
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    HumanWarriorDudeEagle - You brush away the ants and stare through the hollow to see what was scaring the ants. However, you see a strange skinny pink thing sliding in and out of the hollow, attempting to flick the ants. You also hear a faint "Slaaaaa..." coming from the other side. You then feel ticklish all of a sudden and notice the ants starting to crawl all over you!
    Location: A cave in a forest, Art Island
    Food: 5
    Pokedolls: 5
    CCPs: 29
    Pokemon: Aeragorn (LV11 Skarmory, M) Dargonis (LV6 Aerodactyl, M)
    Items: 1 Faerie Pellet

    EEK! I'll quickly brush off all the ants from me and focus back on the wall. Maybe something is trying to eat the ants? I'll try to make the hole bigger and get Aeragorn to help me by use Drill Peck to see what's on the other side.

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  23. #63

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay
    Carnivorous Conifer

    Route 43 interests you, so you decide to head of in that direction in search for the Mystic Pearl. You walk past a tranquil and serene channel of water, but when you continue to walk further ahead, you notice many holes in the road. This is uncanny! The holes appear to be approximately 15 meters deep, so it's pretty profound after all. They are all over the place though. You try to avoid them by walking around them cautiously, and you make it to the end… but all of a sudden you accidentally step onto a dirty blanket that swindled you into believing it was flat road! You fall down pretty far, knocking your base continuously by falling down the very steep hole, until you finally hit rock bottom on a punch of lather! O_o you look up to try and differentiate your location, and instantly you notice two Exploud looking down. They screech chaotically down into the pit when you least expect it, and they deafen you! Uh oh. You pick your ears to see if this is really happening, and they indeed seem to have disabled your hearing! The lather pops along with the ricochet of their scream.

    What are you going to do?
    Innocence Island | Hole in Route 43 | Food: 5 | Dolls: 5 | 43 CC | 47 Stamps | Cinders the Ninetales (F), Eevee (F), Golduck (M) | Golduck Plushie, Element Emerald

    I'll release Cinders (whom I'm assuming can still hear) and have her try to make peace with the Explouds. You know, try to explain that we don't mean them any harm and ask them to release us. If they don't comply, I believe a couple of Fire Blast are in order.

  24. #64
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    DimNobleman the Shady Warrior - You send out your Umbreon and ask her to use a Pursuit on the Murkrow. She nods and attempts to search for the crow. As she rushes through the forest, she catches the marauder in her paws. She struggles to keep the Murkrow still, but it pecks at her, causing her to wince at the pain. Your Pok&eacute;mon use Icy Wind, Ice Beam, and HP ~ Water all at the Murkrow who squawks as he is frozen O_O. The Poochyena yips for joy and thanks you, licking your face. However, Umbreon whimpers as you realize she has cuts all over her body! It must have been from the spiky leaves of all the trees she had to get through to Pursuit. Looks like you'll have to be careful. You also realize it's starting to get dark as dusk falls over Point Forest and the brilliant sun begins to sink into the horizon.

    What will you do now?
    Location: Pixie Island, Point Forest
    CCP: 4
    Stamps: 40
    Items: Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Destiny Jewel, Thunderstone X2, Fire Stone, Moon Stone X2, Day Stone, Water Stone, Tyranitar Plushie, Dragonite Plushie, Bagon Plushie, Absol Plushie, Food X5, Pokedoll X5, Itemfinder, Brochure, Cell Phone, Switching Hook, Transparent Juice

    Uh oh, this could be bad.

    I am going to hurry as fast as I can to the Crystal Cave.

    I'll also say "you're welcome" to the Poochyena, and if he does want to come with me, I'll let him.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  25. #65
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    Lioness98 - BTW arrows have been added to the inventories so you can purchase them now when you need ^_^. For this part though, you only have these arrows currently :x.

    You shoot the next target but yet another 'bling' sounds. You begin to get discouraged. Hopefully the next arrow may hit the correct target.

    - o - x -
    x x o x -
    - x - x -

    Targets Left: 1
    Arrows Left: 2

    Which will you hit next?
    Rainbow Mountains/Island of Dreams/6 CCPS/3 food/5 pokédolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M)Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    6 CCPs
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    Mystic Pearl
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Sparkling Dew
    Bow and 2 arrows

    I'll try the following one next:

    - o X x –
    x x o x -
    - x - x –

    If that misses, I will give Togetic 5 CCps and ask her to go and me a set of 10 arrows at the store and I'll try this one as well:

    X o X x –
    x x o x -
    - x - x –

    If that first one hit, i will also send Togetic for another set of arrows only i won't try shooting again ^^;;
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  26. #66
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Jay

    Picha thinks that you should dig lower below the surface in case there's anything else under there, so you do. Shuffling your feet more around on the ground, it appears to be getting much easier to make your way through the fluffy hoarfrost. In fact, it becomes too easy that you just fall through again with your companion! X_x This time, however, you do eventually stop on hard surface, hurting your base in the process. You have no idea where you are though, but you appear to be in some kind of village. It's quite dark, so you look up at the sky and you notice the whole sky is covered in snow! This must have been where you fell from. Observing a pair of villagers doing their daily errands, you think for a moment, deciding on what to do.

    What would you like to do?
    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: No where... :O
    Cynda (Cyndaquil M L.13
    >>Trait: Blaze (When HP is less than 33%, Fire attacks deal 50% more damage.)
    >>Moves: Crush Claw, Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen
    >>Nature: Adamant

    Picha (Pikachu F L.12)
    >>Trait: Static (The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYE when using a direct attack against this Pokémon.)
    >>Moves: Surf, Charge, Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Thunderwave
    >>Nature: Modest

    Pack: 5 food units, 5 Pokédolls, Element Emerald
    TMs: Double Edge, Nightmare TM, Toxic TM, Powder Snow TM
    CCP: 133

    The people seems to be chanting in some unknown language. I thought to myself... that these people are actually space aliens from another dimension, since they all have white cloaks with no face. I get up and patted the snow off Picha and my "base" o_o; "Boy, its sure cold in here!" I ask Picha if she's ok... but... "ka...CHOO!"... she seems to have a cold!

    I wander around shouting "HeEeLLpPp!!" and looking for a pokemon center. XD

  27. #67
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Here is my update from the last version, from Jay. X_o Yes. xD



    The Luvdisc continue to march, sing and dance around the position and, for some very weird reason, you want to talk to them. "Hi!" you say. In response, three of them say "^__________^ HAIYA!!!". ‘O_O;' you think to yourself. "Yea xD Hi!" you respond back. The chat idles into a lame stimulation of good wishes to one another. "Erm, like, I suppose you're wondering what we're doing. Well, the queen has ordered a bunch of red roses and stuff. Like, we have to, like, we're too poor to buy them, and so we're changing the white roses to… you know, red roses?" You finally understand the phenomenon and the Luvdisc's plot. "Well, we better get back to work, like, see ya xD;;."

    What are you going to do now?


    Island: Art Island
    Area: ... no clue. At a castle?
    Food Units: 4
    Pokédolls: 5
    Items: Frozen Diamond, Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl
    Stamps: 0
    CCPs: 23

    War [Jolteon, M] [Adopted]
    Level: 22
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kanika [Persian, F] [Adopted]
    Level: 33
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kira [Absol, F]
    Level: 26
    Nature: Lonely

    Zorion [Haunter, M]
    Level: 16
    Nature: Jolly

    Takula [Eevee, M]
    Level: 7
    Nature: Timid


    Hmm... well, I suppose nothing really interesting to do with the Luvdisc (Like~ =3) so I'll continue on elsewhere. ^^; Don't know where I'm going, but, eh. Just somewhere. xD

  28. #68
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Madame Fox - You tell the Rayquaza that you will leave once you have done what you need to do. The fearsome dragon glares at you and says, "Very well. Prepare for the worst..." As the sky darkens and the Rayquaza's eyes pierce your heart with an icy blue color, the serpent roars and immediately blasts a Hyper Beam at you, Lagi, and Ventura! All of you dive out of the way as the golden beam obliterates the land in its way, causing a rift in the island! The lesser part slowly falls to the earth as your heart paces rapidly, nervous of the awesome power of the Rayquaza.

    What will you do now? This is a non-stat battle :x

    ScorchingDragon04621 - You smile and thank the lady for her help with Evenstar and she nods. You then offer to take her son to Icuno Peak if she wishes. "Oh that would be wonderful!" she says with a wide grin. "Ryan! Come here!" the woman barks upstairs. A young boy who indeed looks the age of 12 bounds downstairs and stares at you oddly. "Ryan, this, what's your name, I'm sorry ^^;."
    "Karin." you tell her.
    "Ryan, this is Karin. She will take you to Icuno Peak so you will learn how to be self-sufficient. You have been pampered enough and it's time for you to learn to work for yourself and not depend on everyone." she tells her son sternly. The boy continues to stare at you. "Ryan! Are you listening to me?!"
    "Yes mother." he says grudgingly.
    "Go to Icuno Peak with Karin and don't come back until you have learned to support yourself. Go off now and be careful!"

    What will you do now?

    Ghost of Virtue - You wave goodbye to the gypsy and the village and they wave to you as well, grim, but nonetheless, they wave goodbye. You backtrack your steps, making your way back to the lake you had entered. You make your way through the thick underbrush, but before you emerge from the forest, you see a Nidoran (F) nibbling on some leaves and looking up at a tree earnestly.

    What will you do now?

    Water Cat Thingy - You decide to head right along the island until you reach a store or something of the sort. You trudge through the tall grass, making your way through several habitats of bugs and a few swamps. You then reach a river flowing out to the ocean. You are relieved, stepping in fresh grass sprinkled with the morning dew, despite the fact that you are very muddy and leeches inhabit your pants :O! You brush off a bug from your hair and observe the landscape.

    Where do you think you are and what will you do now?

    GoldenRat101 - You ask Coral if you should head east and she nods, but still repeats "Carr-sory", as you are curious to what that may mean. You head east, walking down the soily path. As you are about to veer left to the other path, you notice the Death Cliffs straight ahead of you, as well as a peculiar cry coming from there.

    What will you do now?

    MurkyRoyalty - How'd you know? . Also, I just realized, I wrote that the Primeape was holding a Lanturn XDD, I meant lantern, he wasn't holding a fishy :x.

    You whisper to Riona if she has any ideas and she nods, willing to head out into the open and have the guard chase her. She then waddles out into the open and the Primeape stares, wide-eyed at the little Bagon. You quickly search for barrels, and luckily you find one, hiding in the container. You peer out the small hole in the barrel and watch the pig monkey scamper away after Riona. You quickly make your way inside the chamber and take off the barrel, looking around the torch-lit room. However, you notice a large pit in front of you o_o. Riona comes scurrying back to you with a wide grin on her face, obviously triumphant from her excursion with the Primeape.

    What will you do now?

    MonsieurBeamAKASkrusti – A little possessive aren’t you?

    You tell the Muk that it looks scary and that its breath stinks. It stares at you for a while, groaning “Muuuukkkk”, the reek of his breath starting to get really unbearable x_X. The large poisonous creature then laughs heartily, as you attempt to keep yourself from retching over the stench. “Hah hah, many people are scared of me, and you are no different.” The poisonous creature puts you down as you stare in fear. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. Come with me, I want to show you something.” The Muk picks up both Sisi and Blossom and starts to trudge through the woods.

    What will you do now? Pursue the Muk, ignore him and move on, try to rescue your Pok&eacute;mon, or something else.

    Enile Zemula – Welcome to Expedia, have fun here ^_^. Your status and everything is good, but you can’t go to the Island of Dreams just yet :x. You must receive the four jewels from Art Island, Innocence Island, Dragonair Island, and the Island of Mist and then enter the heart of Mistonnence Dragart, then you may go to the Island of Dreams ^^;.

    FighterHawk – You quickly brush off the ants as they fall to the ground, scuttling away quickly. You flinch at the feeling of them crawling on you and you ask Aeragorn help you by using a Drill Peck to break away at the wall. The soft wall gives away easily and you see a lazy face staring at you, still flicking its tongue. A Slakoth stares at you casually and repeats the “Slaaaaaaa…”, while still attempting to eat some ants. Suddenly, you hear a buzzing behind you as the ants begin to crawl on top of each other! You gape in horror as they begin to shape form, into a Vibrava! Except this Vibrava is a menacing black color, with piercing red eyes.

    What will you do now?

    PsychicFox12 – I just realized you only have one Adopted/Captured companion ^^;. If you’d like you can always bring another one in :3.

    You release Cinders, but silence still envelops your ears as you strain to get your hearing back. You watch as the graceful Ninetales attempts to reason with the ugly Exploud, who appear to be laughing at Cinders. She closes her eyes, attempting to keep her cool, as she continues to rationalize with them. The Exploud heave their shoulders, and then walk away! You begin to panic but Cinders looks at you with a calm expression. Within a matter of minutes, you see a ladder drop beside you and you scramble up out of the pit as Cinders follows. Still deaf, Cinders tries to lead you around, keeping you out of trouble and talking with the Exploud. You follow along, and eventually reach a place with several stumps, and you see Whismur hopping about as well as some Loudred. Only the two Exploud you are with are nearby though. You see a large tree in front of you, but a few Whismur begin to prance playfully around you as well. The Exploud are waiting by the tree though.

    What will you do now?

    FaintKing the Gloomy Cavalier – You say “You’re welcome” to the Poochyena and prepare to head as fast as you can to the Crystal Cave. You glance at the moon and realize it is still in the waxing phase though and you relieved. Two more nights until the full moon. Two shadows step out subtly, and the only hint of them is the cracking of a branch under one of their feet. You recognize the figures to be two brawny looking Mightyena. “Thank you for protecting our son.” The female Mightyena says with a tranquil voice. “I see you are preparing to leave now, but please, do not be in a hurry. The Point Forest is quite perilous as night, not only the animals which lurk in the darkness, but you can get seriously cut by the razor-sharp growth here. It is best for you to set up camp in an open area for tonight and set off in the morning.”
    “Do not worry. We shall watch over your campsite while you slumber. We are creatures of the night; we don’t mind staying up. Moreover, you had cared for our son, so this is our debt to you.” the burlier male Mightyena says.

    What will you say and do?

    Queen of the Pridelands98 – You shoot another arrow at the designated target, but the repetitious ‘bling’ repeats itself once more. You hand Togetic 5 CCPs to buy a set of 10 arrows and she nods, taking off, but not before the clip-clopping of footsteps arrive. You turn around, your gaze meeting with the familiar shadow of a menacing creature. The false face of innocence is devious, and a cackle flies into the air as the Mawile looks at you with a deceitful wink. “So, you are trying to save this precious girl?” she says, fiddling with Alexa’s soft auburn hair. “Well too bad! She is a trophy for the Yamikairyu!” she tugs at Alexa’s hair, causing a short cry to escape. “Hmph, you stole my win before, and I will not let you get away with that. Come now, you will pay for defeating me back on that route!” the ferocious Mawile sharpens her claws and glowers at you threateningly, her jaw clamping down rapidly.

    Level 38
    HP 109
    Attack 93
    Defense 93
    Speed 66
    Special Attack 70
    Special Defense 70

    Who will you send out and what will you use?

    FireMouse – You wander around, looking for help for Picha, who apparently has caught a cold. No one seems to understand you though, and hear your cries as simple wails. They ignore you and you continue to look for help. There is no Pok&eacute;mon center in sight, and the various people are just having an ordinary day, chatting with friends, shopping, taking a walk. The glistening snow falls softly on to the ground and it seems like a very peaceful village, but you panic for Picha, whose cheeks have turned a dull pink, electricity crackling off every few seconds from her cheeks. She whimpers and sneezes a few times. Someone in a cloak runs up to you though and grabs Picha, running into a household!

    What will you do now?

    Some song – You don’t really have anything to do with the Luvdisc so you continue on, watching them continue to spit at the roses. You walk into a random area, but suddenly, you come to a halt as you hear a loud voice and the White Umbreon dash past you again. He is blowing a horn and screaming, “The Queen is coming! The Queen is coming!” The creature jogs past and all the Luvdisc nervously hop past you, as you see several Seedot gathering across from the hearts. Curious at what to do, you realize something shove you down, forcing your head to the floor and the voice hissing, “Show respect for the Queen! Bend your head over!” The whole palace silences and all you hear are footsteps, most likely the Queen’s. Her creepy voice then echoes throughout the room, “WHO DID THIS?!” she asks with a fearsome tone, and you see red liquid drop in front of you.

    What will you do now?

    Thanks to Yukitsukai for this banner!

    Ace trophy, given to me by pimuni because I'm good at stuff ^_^

    My Adopted Pok&eacute;mon | My Captured Pok&eacute;mon | My Pack
    My ASB Team

  29. #69
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Location: Poison Door, Mistonnence Dragart
    CCP's: 23
    Stamps: 0
    Food Units / Poké Dolls: 5/5
    Companions: Akaiou (Golem L28, Male), Prisma (Blissey L13, Female), Umbreon, Espeon, Swinub.

    I want to be lesbian seagull though

    Yeah... I wouldn't ask about what I just said either >_<;;;

    I'll say that "My name is Bjarni Haraldur Siguffon, and this is my trustably floatable dinghy, Rusian666. Who might you be?"

    Finch - And now you're a finch ^___^.

    You decide to examine the fish-like creature and realize a pair of large fangs just in front of your face! An eerie blue fearsome looking creature stares at you and you recognize it to be a Huntail! However, it doesn't have a hostile look. It actually has a very calm face, though kind of ugly o_O. "Hello, who are you?" it asks somewhat dully.

    What will you say now?

  30. #70
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    FaintKing the Gloomy Cavalier – You say “You’re welcome” to the Poochyena and prepare to head as fast as you can to the Crystal Cave. You glance at the moon and realize it is still in the waxing phase though and you relieved. Two more nights until the full moon. Two shadows step out subtly, and the only hint of them is the cracking of a branch under one of their feet. You recognize the figures to be two brawny looking Mightyena. “Thank you for protecting our son.” The female Mightyena says with a tranquil voice. “I see you are preparing to leave now, but please, do not be in a hurry. The Point Forest is quite perilous as night, not only the animals which lurk in the darkness, but you can get seriously cut by the razor-sharp growth here. It is best for you to set up camp in an open area for tonight and set off in the morning.”
    “Do not worry. We shall watch over your campsite while you slumber. We are creatures of the night; we don’t mind staying up. Moreover, you had cared for our son, so this is our debt to you.” the burlier male Mightyena says.

    What will you say and do?
    Location: Pixie Island, Point Forest
    CCP: 2
    Stamps: 33
    Items: Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Destiny Jewel, Thunderstone X2, Fire Stone, Moon Stone X2, Day Stone, Water Stone, Tyranitar Plushie, Dragonite Plushie, Bagon Plushie, Absol Plushie, Food X5, Pokedoll X5, Itemfinder, Brochure, Cell Phone, Switching Hook, Transparent Juice

    I will say "you're welcome" to the Mightyenas for protecting their son, and also tell them that I am feeling quite tired as I prepare to set up a place to sleep.

    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  31. #71
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    ScorchingDragon04621 - You smile and thank the lady for her help with Evenstar and she nods. You then offer to take her son to Icuno Peak if she wishes. "Oh that would be wonderful!" she says with a wide grin. "Ryan! Come here!" the woman barks upstairs. A young boy who indeed looks the age of 12 bounds downstairs and stares at you oddly. "Ryan, this, what's your name, I'm sorry ^^;."
    "Karin." you tell her.
    "Ryan, this is Karin. She will take you to Icuno Peak so you will learn how to be self-sufficient. You have been pampered enough and it's time for you to learn to work for yourself and not depend on everyone." she tells her son sternly. The boy continues to stare at you. "Ryan! Are you listening to me?!"
    "Yes mother." he says grudgingly.
    "Go to Icuno Peak with Karin and don't come back until you have learned to support yourself. Go off now and be careful!"

    What will you do now?

    Island: Art Island
    Location: Bungalow

    Switchblade the *male* Porygon (Adoptee)
    Level: 13
    Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Hidden Power - Fighting, Agility, Psychic, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Psybeam
    Ability: Trace
    Held Items: Status Die

    Evenstar the female Sneasel (Adoptee)
    Level: 12
    Moves: Foresight, Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Hidden Power - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Icy Wind, Snatch
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Held Items: Pokémon Earring

    Food: 10
    Pokédolls: 5
    CCPs: 37

    I will start heading towards Articuno Peak. ^_^;

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  32. #72

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    Water Cat Thingy - You decide to head right along the island until you reach a store or something of the sort. You trudge through the tall grass, making your way through several habitats of bugs and a few swamps. You then reach a river flowing out to the ocean. You are relieved, stepping in fresh grass sprinkled with the morning dew, despite the fact that you are very muddy and leeches inhabit your pants :O! You brush off a bug from your hair and observe the landscape.

    Where do you think you are and what will you do now?
    Location: I'm lost.. somewhere along Route 43. <<
    Pokemon: Flare (Lv. 5 flareonM) and Dewdrop (Lv. 7 vaporeonF)
    Food units: 5.
    Pokedolls: 5.
    Stamps: 67.

    Eww.. ;_;
    First of all I'm going to throw the leeches into the water and brush any other bug off me. x.x Then er.. I think I'm near Phantom Lake. I'll follow the river back to Route 43 and follow it until I get to the ferry. @.x

  33. #73
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    MurkyRoyalty - How'd you know? . Also, I just realized, I wrote that the Primeape was holding a Lanturn XDD, I meant lantern, he wasn't holding a fishy :x.

    You whisper to Riona if she has any ideas and she nods, willing to head out into the open and have the guard chase her. She then waddles out into the open and the Primeape stares, wide-eyed at the little Bagon. You quickly search for barrels, and luckily you find one, hiding in the container. You peer out the small hole in the barrel and watch the pig monkey scamper away after Riona. You quickly make your way inside the chamber and take off the barrel, looking around the torch-lit room. However, you notice a large pit in front of you o_o. Riona comes scurrying back to you with a wide grin on her face, obviously triumphant from her excursion with the Primeape.

    What will you do now?
    Fishy!! Bwahaha *thwaps Tyler with a fish* They are good weapons *nod* *is thwapped by random people* ;.; *hides*

    CCPs: 0
    Pokémon: Glory (level 41 female Charizard), Legolas (level 19 male Grovyle), Riona (level 13 female Bagon), Vampyr (level 20 male Aerodactyl), Xander (Arcanine), Spike (Skarmory) and Cacturne
    Food: 4
    Pokedolls: 4
    Items: Houndoom Plushie and Volcano Ruby
    Island: Innocence
    Area: ... somewhere.. o.O

    ... since this reminds me of Wind Waker, I'll look around for a string to swing across. If I cannot find one, then I'll ask Riona for ideas xDD

  34. #74
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    [color=hotpink] GoldenRat101 - You ask Coral if you should head east and she nods, but still repeats "Carr-sory", as you are curious to what that may mean. You head east, walking down the soily path. As you are about to veer left to the other path, you notice the Death Cliffs straight ahead of you, as well as a peculiar cry coming from there.

    What will you do now?
    Location: Art Isle, Near Death Cliffs
    Pokes: Coral [Corsola L8], and Pyro (Magmar L17)
    Food: 5 Dolls: 5
    Pack: None
    CCP: 0

    I'll run over and see what's making the cry.

  35. #75
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    Some song – You don’t really have anything to do with the Luvdisc so you continue on, watching them continue to spit at the roses. You walk into a random area, but suddenly, you come to a halt as you hear a loud voice and the White Umbreon dash past you again. He is blowing a horn and screaming, “The Queen is coming! The Queen is coming!” The creature jogs past and all the Luvdisc nervously hop past you, as you see several Seedot gathering across from the hearts. Curious at what to do, you realize something shove you down, forcing your head to the floor and the voice hissing, “Show respect for the Queen! Bend your head over!” The whole palace silences and all you hear are footsteps, most likely the Queen’s. Her creepy voice then echoes throughout the room, “WHO DID THIS?!” she asks with a fearsome tone, and you see red liquid drop in front of you.

    What will you do now?
    What the spam. Burly wood? Some Song? xD *thwaps Tyler* ... *hugs* o_o

    Whoo! Go Jay! You be the lesbian seagull! xD *ahem* O_o
    Island: Art Island
    Area: ... no clue. At a castle?
    Food Units: 4
    Pokédolls: 5
    Items: Frozen Diamond, Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl
    Stamps: 0
    CCPs: 20

    War [Jolteon, M] [Adopted]
    Level: 22
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kanika [Persian, F] [Adopted]
    Level: 33
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kira [Absol, F]
    Level: 26
    Nature: Lonely

    Zorion [Haunter, M]
    Level: 16
    Nature: Jolly

    Takula [Eevee, M]
    Level: 7
    Nature: Timid

    I'll point to the Luvdisc and say that they did it [which they did, of course] and laugh at them whenever they get taken away. However, if the Queen believes I was the one who did it, I'll cry and run away. xD

  36. #76
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Minstonnence Dragart/Door #17: Desert/Completed Doors: #6/Noctowl, Mareep, Lagi (Dragonite), Ventura (Venomoth), Kabuto, Vulpix/91 CCP/3 food supplies/4 pokédolls/Element Emerald, King's Rock, Dragon Scale, Volcano Ruby, Day Stone, Frozen Diamond, Metal Coat, Darkness Gem, Mystic Pearl, Plushies displayed on my items site, Special Blend Tea.

    Lagi can start by paralyzing Rayquaza with a Thunder Wave, and then releasing an Ice Beam on her opponent.

    A faze venire- You insist on Byron becoming the king instead of you. Byron reflects for a while before speaking.
    "Do you really mean it?," he asks you.
    You explain that you don't know how to rule over a kingdom, and that he'd be better at it than you would be.
    Byron kneels down in reverence.
    "You do at least have one of the best attributes a king can have," he tells you. "You care more for your people than your own position and what you could get from it. If that is, indeed, your decision, I will be honored to accept it."

    He then stands up and looks at you, seemingly waiting to see if you're sure about your decision. When he sees that you are, he thanks you and shakes your hand.
    "I will never forget this moment," he says. "If you ever need any help, I'll do everything in my power to assist you. You can make the announcement during the coronation ceremony. People will ask questions, but you shouldn't worry about them. Everything will be all right."

    He then leaves, thanking you again, and gives you some time for yourself. Youuse that time to walk around the castle as you had been intending to since you arrived, and this time you're lucky enbough not to get any interruptions. The place is beautiful. It has countless rooms filled with the finest ornaments and the most perfect paintings, there are beautiful columns and sculptured everywhere, and everything is incredibly clean and ordered. It makes you wonder how they manage to keep it that way. You come across a few servants, who bow to you as you pass, and before you notice, dusk lands upon the kingdom, and a man with an impeccable white uniform finds you and asks you to follow him for the ceremony.

    -What will you do? Will you follow him? Say anything to him? Or do something else?

    Lesbian seagul???- "My name is Bjarni Haraldur Siguffon, and this is my trustably floatable dinghy, Rusian666. Who might you be?," you say to the Huntail.
    "My name is Seyeneekliatgnolhteetprahs, but my friends call me Murray," the Huntail tells you. "So, Siguffon, eh? Are you related to Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon in any way? I've heard some crazy stories about that guy."

    -What will you say now?

    Heartrending kirk tack phd- You say "you're welcome" to the Mightyenas, and look for a place to sleep. It's hard to find anything comfortable because everything around is pointy, but Andrew starts cutting grass leaves and putting them together in a pile, so you try to do the same and after a while, you have enough grass and leaves to rest on.
    The night begins to pass smoothly. Every now and then you hear sounds, but they're just nocturnal pokemon doing their usual things. You eventually manage to fall asleep. You dream about all the brave things you've done so far, and lots of Poochyenas, Mightyenas and Murkrows gather around you in your dreams. When you finally see some light, you open your eyes and notice that the sun has risen and you're still in the forest.
    You slowly shake the sleepiness away and look around. Andrew's already up and playing with your pokemon.
    "You're awake!," he cheers when he sees you. "Now you can help us find breakfast!"

    -What will you do?

    Hard Czar I 01246- You and Ryan start heading towards Icuno Peak. Everything seems to go well, until Ryan tells you that he's getting tired and asks if you can stop for a while. You stop for a few minutes, and finally resume your march, not wanting it to get too late. Ryan follows you, but it you don't get very far before he tells you that he's hungry.

    -What will you do now?

    I'm ok- Disgusted by the bugs and leeches, you shake them off and start walking along the river, doing your best to avoid being attacked by those nasty creatures. It seems that your sense of direction is good, as it doesn't take too long before you notice the road in the distance. Once you can see it, you advance faster and soon you can see the bridge that crosses the river.
    Congratulations! You made it to Route 43!

    -Where will you go next?

    Cinder's spark- You look for a string to swing across, but nothing's hanging from the ceiling. There is, however, a thick rope piled up on the floor. There's no way to know how it got there, but when you examine it, you notice it would be possible to hold on to it... if something could hold the rope in the first place. You also find some firmly locked wooden boxes and a long spade with the image of a fish carved on its handle. And, of course, the barrel you brought with you.

    -What will you do? Will you keep looking around, or do you have a plan?

    Haiku PC 011- You run to see what's making the cry. You begin to move more carefully as you get closer to the cliffs. Once there, the sound become clearer. It's the cry of a Skarmory! You get closer to take a better look, and realize it's an infant Skarmory, sitting on a nest on the cliff. It's crying loudly and doesn't seem to be planning to stop soon.

    -What will you do? Try to help the Skarmory (how)? Get out of there before the parents come? Or do something else?

    Coquet dish- You tell the Jynx Queen that the Luvdisc did it. The Queen stares at the fish, and you begin to laugh loudly. But then she turns towards you, with an angry look on her face.
    "How dare you blame and insult my loyal servants?!," she yells. "You shall pay for this offense!"
    Not wanting to face the Queen's wrath, you resort to plan B: run as fast as you can! Unfortunately, that doesn't work as you planned. The Queen gives you a Mean Look and stops you on your tracks.
    "You'll pay for all your crimes today," she tells you. "But I am a benevolent monarch and, to prove it, I will give you the chance to decide your destiny. You can either defend yourself in a battle against my strongest pokemon, or you can follow my guards and have some weight taken off your shoulders, if you know what I mean."

    -What will you choose?

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    Haiku PC 011- You run to see what's making the cry. You begin to move more carefully as you get closer to the cliffs. Once there, the sound become clearer. It's the cry of a Skarmory! You get closer to take a better look, and realize it's an infant Skarmory, sitting on a nest on the cliff. It's crying loudly and doesn't seem to be planning to stop soon.

    -What will you do? Try to help the Skarmory (how)? Get out of there before the parents come? Or do something else?
    Location: Art Isle, Death Cliffs
    Pokes: Coral [L8 Corsola] and Pyro [L17 Magmar]
    Food: 5 Dolls: 5
    Pack: none

    I'll try to help the Skamory by climbing down to try to grab it and bring it up.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    Coquet dish- You tell the Jynx Queen that the Luvdisc did it. The Queen stares at the fish, and you begin to laugh loudly. But then she turns towards you, with an angry look on her face.
    "How dare you blame and insult my loyal servants?!," she yells. "You shall pay for this offense!"
    Not wanting to face the Queen's wrath, you resort to plan B: run as fast as you can! Unfortunately, that doesn't work as you planned. The Queen gives you a Mean Look and stops you on your tracks.
    "You'll pay for all your crimes today," she tells you. "But I am a benevolent monarch and, to prove it, I will give you the chance to decide your destiny. You can either defend yourself in a battle against my strongest pokemon, or you can follow my guards and have some weight taken off your shoulders, if you know what I mean."

    -What will you choose?
    *sobs* Jynx! *terrified*
    Island: Art Island
    Area: ... no clue. At a castle?
    Food Units: 4
    Pokédolls: 5
    Items: Frozen Diamond, Volcano Ruby, Mystic Pearl
    Stamps: 0
    CCPs: 20

    War [Jolteon, M] [Adopted]
    Level: 22
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kanika [Persian, F] [Adopted]
    Level: 33
    Item: Pokemon Earring

    Kira [Absol, F]
    Level: 26
    Nature: Lonely

    Zorion [Haunter, M]
    Level: 16
    Nature: Jolly

    Takula [Eevee, M]
    Level: 7
    Nature: Timid
    I'll go and have some weight tak-

    [Kira whispers in my ear and makes a chopping motion with the sword like thing on her head]

    - owies. ;_; Umm... I'll go battle her strongest Pokemon, then.

  39. #79
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze

    MonsieurBeamAKASkrusti – A little possessive aren’t you?

    You tell the Muk that it looks scary and that its breath stinks. It stares at you for a while, groaning “Muuuukkkk”, the reek of his breath starting to get really unbearable x_X. The large poisonous creature then laughs heartily, as you attempt to keep yourself from retching over the stench. “Hah hah, many people are scared of me, and you are no different.” The poisonous creature puts you down as you stare in fear. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. Come with me, I want to show you something.” The Muk picks up both Sisi and Blossom and starts to trudge through the woods.

    What will you do now? Pursue the Muk, ignore him and move on, try to rescue your Pok&eacute;mon, or something else.

    Location: Art Island Forested Thingy o.O
    CCP: 0
    Stamps: 14
    Items: Darkness Gem, Hollow Stonex2, Ocean Gem, Solar Gem, Lunar Gemx2, 5 Food, 5 Pokedolls, Waterfall HM
    Pokemon: Sisi the Swinub, lvl 11; Blossom the Chickorita lvl 7

    THEY'RE MY LETTERS! MY PRECIOUS LETTERS! *hisses louder* MINE!!!! MY...PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! REARHEEAKJ [/crazy rant]

    Now, in all seriousness, I guess I'll pursue the Muk, keeping a wary eye out for...erm...traps I guess :/

  40. #80

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands v.9 [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Originally posted by Avian Freeze
    PsychicFox12 – I just realized you only have one Adopted/Captured companion ^^;. If you’d like you can always bring another one in :3.

    You release Cinders, but silence still envelops your ears as you strain to get your hearing back. You watch as the graceful Ninetales attempts to reason with the ugly Exploud, who appear to be laughing at Cinders. She closes her eyes, attempting to keep her cool, as she continues to rationalize with them. The Exploud heave their shoulders, and then walk away! You begin to panic but Cinders looks at you with a calm expression. Within a matter of minutes, you see a ladder drop beside you and you scramble up out of the pit as Cinders follows. Still deaf, Cinders tries to lead you around, keeping you out of trouble and talking with the Exploud. You follow along, and eventually reach a place with several stumps, and you see Whismur hopping about as well as some Loudred. Only the two Exploud you are with are nearby though. You see a large tree in front of you, but a few Whismur begin to prance playfully around you as well. The Exploud are waiting by the tree though.

    What will you do now?
    Innocence Island | Around Route 43 | Food: 5 | Dolls: 5 | 36 CC | 66 Stamps | Cinders the Ninetales (F), Avynne the Espeon (F), Eevee (F), Golduck (M) | Golduck Plushie, Element Emerald

    Uh... Oh, I'll take Avynne, then, too. *Glomps her disgruntled Espeon* I don't know where I'd be without her. Here's her stats:

    Level 44 Female Espeon
    Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Headbutt, Hidden Power: Fire, Shadow Ball, Confusion, Slash, Zap Cannon, Quick Attack, Bite, Focus Energy, Baton Pass, Swift, Iron Tail, Psybeam, Take Down, Morning Sun, Protect, Helping Hand, Psych Up
    Ability: Synchronize
    Attatched: Pokemon Collar

    I'll have Avynne ask the Exploud what's going on, and who those traps before were set for. I mean, she's telepathic, so... I don't need hearing to listen to her, right? ._.;;

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