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Thread: I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    Um... are you still taking requests? If not, it's all right, but.... yeah.

    A tiger. He has large leathery wings resting under his shoulder blades. They are grey, but sparkle like silver and have black and white flecks all over them. His paws are a dark crimson and his ears are tipped with dark blue, almost black in colour. His tail is a dark grey, almost black again and the rest of his fur is black while his stripes are white. He has a crescent moon shaped diamond on his forehead and another, larger crescent moon shaped diamond on his right foreleg.

    Hope that's not too hard... Thanks in advance if you do decide to do it!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    Oh boy...

    Kari & Mewtwo: Okay. I understand. ^_^ I'll do your's too then...

    Pokemaster Ash: Um, okay. I'll try. Don't say I didn't warn you though, if it turns out bad. ^^; And also that it'll take many, many years. ~.~; Well, at the rate I'm going now, anyway.. xx;

    AshsbabyLapras: Done! ^_^ It's a miracle! A kinda bad one, though... hey, I did offer to make you another one, so if you still want me to, please say so. ^^; I think I got his clothing and colours and stuff wrong though, because I looked all over and couldn't find a decent pic of him to look off of, so I kinda had to go from memory.. ><; Sorry if it is wrong.

    Gligar_Man: Um, okay, I'll try. I will warn you though, I'm defenitly no good at armor... um, if I can't do it, can I just do a regular Gligar instead? In whatever pose you want.

    God of Fire: Sure. ^^ Hopefully I should be able to do that, lol.

    Reptilius Pyrus: Okay, that sounds fine. I'm just a bit confused about the wings, though... I don't understand what you mean by the colouring and texture, completely... is there any kind of example you can give me? ^^; or something else that'll help me understand? If not, I'll have to guess, but then it'll probobly not turn out right...

    Okay. I'm going to get to work with the rest of the requests now. I'm going to try and do them in the order they were requested. ^^;

    Oh, and please, No More Requests. Sorry, but if you want a request from me and havn't requested yet you'll have to wait, I have too many as it is, it's gonna be weeks before I get them all done... and any more will make me really lose track of them. Once I get a few more completed, then you can request again... I'll say when that is. Thanks.

    And thanks everyone, for your patience. ^^;

  3. #43

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    I hate to be a bother but... y'ar' still doing mine, right? You didn't mention it and... if not I'm sure you have your reasons and all...

    Possibly temporarily back. Again.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    Yeah, I'm still doing yours. ^_^ I just didn't mention it because there was nothing else i had to ask or say about it, that's all.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    Well, actually I didn't make up that description. It's in an RPG, and that's the exact words they gave me, so I can't really help there. Sorry ^_^'

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Default I'm alive! (Sorta) And taking requests.

    Eeeee!! *glomp* I WUV YOU, CHIKA! ^__^

    This is sooo cute! Eee, he makes me wanna glomp him to bits! I adore his big gorgeous puppy eyes!! ^-^ Actually, I don't think it's boring at all - with the background you did, it makes it look like someone whipped out a camera and took him by surprise. *giggle* He's such a cutie pie, thank you so much, Chika-chan! You're the best! *big hugs* ^__^

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