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Thread: Open challenge (2 on 2)

  1. #41

    Default taps back into old powers of ss55

    Our goals for this round, Miss Drake, are to put up a protection, unfreeze you, and finish dismantleing that Sub... ☼☼

    Let's start the round by creating a substitue for yourself, then use your frozen tail to your advantage and use your own version of Iron Tail on the sub to destroy it and shatter the ice on your tail. Give Psycho no mercy with an all out Ice Beam!!

    ~use Kill Psycho attack if you feel like it... just kidding

    Substitute 25% ~ Iron Tail ~ Ice Beam

    EDIT: took out the Thunder thing

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    Actually had the thunder not been released early then it would have destroyed the sub. So they only did the same amount of damage due to and early attack and weakness (early thunder, Miss Drake's weakness to ice).

  3. #43

    Default Re: taps back into old powers of ss55

    Originally posted by *g_rock*
    I guess it's possible though
    I figured it out after I took another look at the reffing but I was too lazy to edit the post...

    *slaps himself* !!smack!!

    Binky: *pops out of pokeball*
    g_rock: how did you get....
    Binky: *uses Hypnosis ~ makes g_rock forget what he said*
    g_rock: *wakes up* Our goals for this round.............. *drones it all over again*

    BTW Binky is my Gastly

  4. #44
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    We had some really bad luck Psycho.

    Psycho “what do you mean…..?”

    tzzzzzz Zapppp Tzzzzzz

    Psycho “oooh, you mean that”

    yes we got paralyzed. And now we have a 50% chance of failing whatever we do.

    Psycho “I know things look bad, but I will do my best and you will see that things will work out.”

    lets hope so Psycho, it makes me very happy that you are giving it al that you have. You are a great pokemon.

    Psycho “thanks VC, you are a great friend yourself and a great trainer.”

    thanks Psycho, you know what. If you win this battle I’m going to get you evolved oké.


    now before I give you the move set I want you to too listen to your body with every move you do. If you sense that your body can’t pull of a move, don’t force it. Just chill a little and let those muscles relax for a turn. This is much better then being stiff and not capable of doing anything and it spares energy.

    Now the move set.
    When the dragon uses his substitute attack, lets use encore on that. This is a crucial attack because we need a safety zone for the entire round.
    For your second move, chill and give your muscles the time to recover from that vicious thunder-paralyzing attack. If your first move failed, wait till the dragon destroys our substitute and make a new one around 25%.
    For our last move use mimic to copy that ice beam and send it right back at him. This will do some great damage because of the weakness.

    Encore ~ chill down / substitute 25% ~ mimic (ice beam)

    Psycho “I will give everything VC, and lets hope I have some good luck”

  5. #45
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    That's ok *g_rock* little details like that are often missed. I will be editing this post shortly (at least I hope) to include a reffing. Pardon me if I don't get one up soon but, do expect one up by the end of the day .

  6. #46
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    Ok I guess I lied I'm sorry I didn't get this reffing up last night like I said I would but here it is now.


    Miss Drake: 80%(HP) 68%(Energy) Slightly Fatigued/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 63%(HP) 86%(Energy) Slightly Fatigued/ 5% Sub/ Paralyzed

    Both trainers look outside. VC gloating over the fact that if he can freeze the rest of Miss Drake then the match is over. I on the other hand am still watching the Nurse Joy's and her crew Blisey's (no Chansey's with Joy) work on my poor Cyndaquil who has been stuck with needles and burnt to a crisp by thunder. Ughhhh whichever one of you did that is my next opponent. *g_rock* takes the Megaphone and leans out the window to tell Miss Drake what to do next.

    *g_rock*: Let's start the round by creating a substitute for yourself, then use your frozen tail to your advantage and use your own version of Iron Tail on the sub to destroy it and shatter the ice on your tail. give Psycho ne mercy with an all out Ice Beam!!

    VC: When the dragon use his substitute attack, let's Encore on that. This is a crucial attack because we need a safety zone for the entire round. For your second move, chill and give your muscles the time to recover from that vicious thunder-paralyzing attack. If your first move failed wait till the dragon destroys our substitute and make a new one around 25%.
    For our last move use mimic to copy that Ice Beam and send it right back at him. This will do some great damage because of weakness.

    The trainers quickly close the window and look out of it to watch the battle since a current rule is in place that if one of them goes out again before the rain stops the will be DQ'd. Not wanting that they decide to wait inside untill they are given the ok to go back outside again. They turn to me to get me to go outside and ref the match and notice Nurse Joy giving me her phone number and stating for me to call her anytime. I quickly shove it in my pocket and put on a snow suit and a heavy jacket and go outside to ref the match.


    Miss Drake not wanting to get auto KO decides to make a Substitute. She pulls draconic energy out of nowhere and forms a replecant of itself out of the matter. After putting the finishing touches on the doll he performs an enrgy transferal pulling one fourth of it's own life force out of it's body and putting into a doll. Psycho was watching carefully and really rather enjoyed the show and he went to clap and whistle to make Miss Drake do it again. The Miss Drake that Psycho can see is not visiably affected by this attack but the real Miss Drake is.

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 63%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ 25% Sub/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 63%(HP) 83%(Energy) Slightly fatigued/ 5% Sub/ Paralyzed

    Miss Drake is pleased that her foe enjoys her show and begins to form another Sub, but as she put's it together it will not hold. The form that she gives it continues to break and eventually all of the enrgy is gone and Miss Drake's attempt fails. Psycho is pleased to still see his Sub standing and knows his attack worked. As his trainer ordered he sits down to rest and the electrical surges in his body begin to calm.

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 60%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ 25% Sub/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 63%(HP) 86%(Energy) Slightly Fatigued/ 5% Sub/ Paralyzed (40%)

    Miss Drake is angry at her failed attack and that because of it her tail is still encased in ice. She thinks about using Iron Tail anyway but that would be going against her trainers orders so she quickly discards the idea and begins to form a large blue orb of arctic blue energy in front of her. Abra watches closely and, after feeling sure that he knows what to do begins to charge his own arctic beam. Since Miss Drake started charging first she also released her attack first. The frigid blast soars through the air and strikes Abra. Suddenly Psycho brekas into a billion pieces and Miss Drake turns around to see the real Psycho behind her. Although she knows that he can't see her she is still worried for the sake of her half frozen Sub. Psycho releases his Ice Beam which ends as quickly as it comes. After the light fades we see a Dratini shaped Ice Sculpture in the middle of the field and another Miss Drake appears right beside Psycho they both eye eachother knowing that they had both just left the effects of the same almighty attack known as substitue.


    End of Round Stats
    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 55%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ No Sub/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 63%(HP) 74%(Energy) Slightly Fatigued/ No Sub/ Paralyzed (40% chance of not attacking)

    Arena: Rain Dance for 3 more Rounds, still frozen over and effecting weather paaterns around the rest of the world. There is now a full scale Ice Sculpture of Miss Drake in the middle of the arena.

    Other: Trainers go back to the window while I go back and continue to flirt with Nurssse Joy.

  7. #47
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    You did great Psycho. But i'm still worried about that paralyzation. we need to survive at least 2 more turns to get rid of it. now we need a plan to survive the next round.........

    Psycho "how about i start this round by using a substitute, this will put up a safe zone for atleast one or 2 turns. i will make the substitute around 15% of my health. then for my second turn i will return that dragon the favor by using my one thunderwave to paralyze him. i guess the dragon wants to protect himself from getting paralyzed, so if he used his substitute or a safeguard on his first turn (not on his second turn because i'm much faster then him) use your ice punch instead then. for my last move (when i'm paralyzed no more) i will use my psychic to slam that dragon against his own ice sculpture. if the dragon trys a thunder on me for my last attack, i will use my protect to protect myself of course. when i get paralyzed for the first turn, substitute and thunderwave shove up.

    substitute 15% ~ thunderwave / ice punch / substitute 15% ~ psychic / protect / thunderwave

    looks like a great plan to me Psycho. but don't forget that if you feel like youre going to be paralyzed, don't force yourself to get the move up. just chill and give yourself a bit rest.
    and don't make the same mistake twice with that thunder and ice punch

    good luck Psycho, and do your best!!!

  8. #48

    Default oooooo...

    might as well to tell the ref to counter every move I try... Thunder to destroy his sub and/or deal some damage, then use protect to block the Thunder Wave, and end with Extremespeed do some damage and dodge/free yourself from Psychic. Psycho won't be able to concentrate on you if you are moving faster than he can see...

  9. #49

    Default sorry...

    sorry to double post, but I forgot something...

    *is not sure whether you are able to edit attack posts*

    Thunder ~ Protect ~ Extremespeed

  10. #50

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    umm.... Mudkip...

  11. #51
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    I know I'm going to sound like a hypocrit but patience is a virtue *g_rock*. Wow, now I know how Cyrus feels when I keep pestering him to ref one of my matches. I guess now I know the value of patience. Anyway, expect a reffing tomorrow.

  12. #52

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    Just to make sure you haven't lost this cuz I've seen you browsing the forums .....

  13. #53
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    g*rock, this is his first reffing.
    so give him a break........

    i'm sure he will put up his reffing soon

    b.t.w: i have just PMed him.

  14. #54
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    I must apologize for not reffing this sooner I had a surprsingly busy weekend and didn't have the time for a reffing. None the less, here is another one of my excellent reffings


    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 55%(Energy) Gretly Fatigued/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 63%(HP) 74%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(40%)

    This match goes into it's ninth round and I begin to get tired but am awakened by my beautiful Nurse Joy and ask for the trainers attacks. Again they lean out the window and VC orders first this time.

    VC: substitute~ thunderwave/ice punch/ substitute~ psychic/ protect/ thunderwave

    *g_rock*: Thunder to destroy his sub and/or deal some damage, then use protect to block thunder wave, and end with an extreme speed do some damage and dodge/free yourself from Psychic.

    The trainers close the window as the downpour worsens as I again dawn my outdoor clothes and prepare to ref Round 9.


    This match seems much like the last as again Miss Drake perpares the first strike. Psycho is trying to move slowly to try and prevent the paralysis that his trainer seems confident will be gone by the end of the round but Psycho's body says other wise as he prepares to make a substitue when the paralysis takes over and he begins to flail up and down on his side almost as is having a cesar (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Miss Drake , not phased by this strange behavior since she has let anger get the best of her before and knows it's not good, coninues with her electrical charge. Psycho looks on helplessly as the charge reahes it's full strength and renews to inability to comtrol his muscles. The electrical energy teems throughout his body and he feels as if he may not be able to attack at all this round.

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 50%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 53%(HP) 74%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed (75%)

    Psycho returns to his feet content with trying again to form his body double the his own body would not let him create before. But, his body again disagrees with him and he flops around like a beached Magikarp while Miss Drake follows orders and put's up a protective barrier. From what she doesn't know but she knows that her trainer would not steer her wrong.

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 43%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Half Frozen
    Psycho: 53%(HP) 74%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(75%)

    Psycho gets up and makes his own electrical charge. He is content with making his opponent feel the exact same way he does. He fights for control of his body and wins as the charge grows greater. Miss Drake immediatly releases her attack not waiting to see what her opponent was doing and ended up making the same fatal mistake as Psycho. She smahes her long body into Psycho's small frame but suffers a zap from the built up electricity. Although it's presence is barely noticable it will still prove to be a hinderance. But, Psycho was not done yet. Even though he was sent flying back a few feet through the air his determenation to destroy his opponent helped him keep the built up electrical charge and shot it right out at Miss Drake. She wailed in pain as all the electricity in her body mixed and she fell to the ground in pain, slowly losing control of her sleek and beautiful form. I wave my flags to end the round and rush pack inside because the rain has worsened and seems to now be fueled by both pokemon's urge to win this battle and I wonder if it will let up before a winner is decided.

    [B] END ROUND 9/B]

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 39%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Half Frozen/ Paralyzed(50%)
    Psycho: 45%(HP) 69%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)

    Arena: The downpour had worsened and the time when the rain will stop is unknown. Still covered in ice and the battle has caused the ice to crack in some areas.

    Edit: Psycho's chance of paralysis has dropped back down to 50%. I agree I might have made a little mistake but it would be possible to be paralyzed and have more than a 50% chance of effecting you.

  15. #55

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    I'll make this short and sweet...

    Use Safeguard to protect you from your status effects for a while, then use Thunder x2...

    If he tries to attack you directly in any way, use Extremespeed to dodge the attack and deal some damage...

    If he uses Substitute, then Thunder it away...

    Safeguard/Extremespeed/Thunder ~ Thunder/Extremespeed ~ Thunder/Extremespeed

  16. #56
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    i'm not really pleased about how you use paralyzation.

    my chance of attacking the opponent at the moment is 1 of the 4 turns. that's to high. if your paralyzed there is a 50% chance of attacking the opponent. thats why you never see people use thunderwave like 2 times it just wouldn't increase the chance.

    i hope i could help you
    (and that you repost the paralyzation)

    i'm sick of this rain Psycho. lets put up a sunny day and let the sunshine in. after this, those thunders are just strong moves with really bad accuracy. perfect for us to avoid of course. double team to make some clones and avoid that thunder. for your last move i want you to use a recover. we have stored a lot of energie and know is the time to use it.

    in case you would be paralyzed for the first turn, don't use doubleteam on your second. but instead use protect

    sunny day ~ double team / protect ~ recover

    Psycho "lets do this VC"

  17. #57
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    I hope you guys haven't minded the fact that I've been using different colors every round. Well here's the reffing and I changed the stats on the last round.

    [COLOR=royal blue] PRE-BATTLE[/COLOR]

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 39%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Half Frozen/ Paralyzed(50%)
    Psycho: 45%(HP) 69%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)

    Uhhhhhhhhhh...............The fire in the cabin begins to put me to sleep but then the trainers loud voices booming through the frigid rain to their pokemon wakes me up. I grumble a little under my breath and gather the attacks.

    *g_rock*: Use Safeguard to protect you from your status effects for awhile, then use Thunderx2.

    VC: let's put up a sunny day and let the sunshine in. after this, those thunders are just strong moves with really bad accuracy. perfect for us to avoid of course. double team to make some clones and avoid that thunder. for your last move i want you to use a recover.

    I again put on my winter clothes and prepare to be ready to strip them off soon, hopefully for good. I get near the battle arena and wave my flags sugnaling the begining of Round 10

    [COLOR=royal blue] BEGIN ROUND 10[/COLOR]

    Miss Drake acts slightly baffled. This isn't the first time her trainer has ordered Safeguard to try and ease status effects. When will he learn that that's not what it does. She begins to question her trainers abilities and slowly chants something that causes a halo of stars to hover above her head. Psycho feels the same way as his trainer. This rain is begining to make him angry but, he as well questions his trainers thoughts. The sever sunlight will cause the ice below to melt and both he and Miss Drake will be plunged into deep water, well atleast for short old Psycho. He shakes these thoughts from his head knowing his trainer would never fail him and he calls upon the suns rays. As suspected the ice begins to crack under the pressure.

    Miss Drake: 55%(HP) 34%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)/ Safeguard(15 Actions)
    Psycho: 45%(HP) 65%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)

    Psycho suddenly realizes that he has actually helped Miss Drake as the ice that was once weighing her down then melts. She stares haughtily at Psycho and then at his trainer as they both come rushing outside since they have received the ok. Miss Drake then begins to charge an electrical energy around her body. The bright flashes and the suns glare make it impossible for her to see her opponent though and the electrical energy is not sitting well with her body. Meanwhile Psycho was begining to regain control over his muscles so he begins to concentrate on himself, then on himselves as he splits into 4. Miss Drake can barely see the four Abras before her and the electricity is jarred from her as the ice finally melts and both the pokemon and the trainers (plus the ref begin to et carried way by it's currnent. Psycho was prepared for this though and quickly begins to use his Psychic powers to levitate, sacraficing only 1 of his clones, as the water flees the arena. Miss Drake on the other hand was not so lucky the current pounds the tall pokemon and carries her straight through the desert and into a cactus. She squeels in pain the thorns puncturing her body and making her bleed. She finally use her height to her advantage and finds a way to stand against the tide. I send out my Dragonair and ask him to pick us all up and get us to safety. Dragonair gets all of the trainers and myself and glides through the air untill allt eh water is gone and it is safe for him to drop us. I recall him and hand my Cyndaquil back to Nurse Joy to let her mend his wounds while I ref the match.

    Miss Drake: 51%(HP) 29%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)/ Bleeding(0-2% HP loss per attack)/ Safeguard(14 Actions)
    Psycho: 45%(HP) 58%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)/ Floating/ 2 clones

    Miss Drake tries again to use her electrical attack but she can't see and the blast hit nothing but dirt. Psycho choses to use his stored energy to try and heal his wounds. A red aura surrounds him as the healing energy surrounds him and his sacres begin to dissappear.

    [COLOR=royal blue] END ROUND 10[/COLOR]

    End of Round Stats
    Miss Drake: 49%(HP) 22%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%)/ Bleeding/ Safeguard(13 Actions)
    Psycho: 90%(HP) 20%(Energy) Greatly Fatigued/ Paralyzed(50%0/ 2 Clones

    Arena: SUnny Day is permanently active since it's the dessert but the hills still exist.

  18. #58
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    great Psycho, you did great!!!

    lets try and end this battle. doing some evilllllll damageeeee!!!

    use your psychic to levitate and toss the opponent in to the cactus. lets hope he gets some nice wounds or that the first wound would ripp more open. then use 2 ice punches.
    psychi ~ Ice Punch 2x ~

    if he try's to attack you with physicall atacks, counter. i
    f he usses double team, encore it so he will spill its precios energie. when he usses his second double team after we encored it, just chill and recover some energie.

    Psycho "i will do my best VC, as always"

  19. #59

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    I'm sorta in a rush, so Miss Drake knows what to do......................................... ?????

    OK, OK ~ Mirror Coat x3

  20. #60

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    just thought about it, I don't think Dratini can learn Mirror Coat

    If Miss Drake cannot use Mirror Coat, am I allowed to change my attacks??

  21. #61
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    Actually *g_rock* you are not allowed to change attacks. The only time when attacks are allowed to be changed is if the pokedex you were using gave faulty information and thnen your opponent must also agree. SO unless you were using a lying pokedex then your attacks stay the same. Sorry.

  22. #62

    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    We're gonna need a sub-ref here cuz Mudkip's having connections problems... anyone is welcome to ref, and hopefully Mudkip will be back soon.

  23. #63
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    Default Open challenge (2 on 2)

    we both agreed that this battle will be a tie.......

    i hope we will finish this battle later g*rock then i will sweep ya...!!!!

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