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Thread: 2003 Summer Awards - Input Please!

  1. #41
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Self Nomintionals = NO, it is not fair for other people, ya know, its just like saying, come to this site on a pop up menu and if you click it it gets spam. I also think that forcing readers to read a fic is also wrong, by sending Pm's to tell them to read it, wehn a good fic would eventually attract readers, Yeah it may have a bumpy start but it may get to be favored or not. I know that almost half of my fic is not up to standards, since half of all things are below average, but it pushes me to improve a upon a fic, or create another fic with writing.

    Another nomination, most improved from the begining.

    Oh and when will the nominations be announced?
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  2. #42
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Okay, here's the best reason I came up with after three seconds of considering self-nominations (yeah, I didn't put that much thought into it XD):

    Self-nominations are acutally no biggie, but I have to agree with Captain Pringle on the "people have to think your fic is good". Your fic may be excellent to you but it may not be for anyone else on the board (if it were, they'd nominate it). If the case is that you only have a few readers and they don't think your fic is the new Bible or something (lol), then what's the point in nominating it?

    I mean, if noone nominated your fic, the noone is gonna vote for it if you nominate it yourself, see my point? If you nominate your own fic and 2 more people nominate your fic, there is a hard chance you'll get 3 votes on your fic (unless your fic *is* like, the new Bible or something XD), so you're just getting your hopes up for nothing.

    Is it clear what I'm trying to say? (I'm pretty sleepy right now). Anyway, it's like this: remember that the same people who nominate fics are the people who're going to be voting for the same awards (unless there's a new rule I'm missing).

    Anyway, on the "How Many Nominations Can You Come Up With?" thread that will never die, I think categories should be decided by mods or... repsentatives of the Fanfic board. Oh wait, that's what mods are . That way we won't have stupid categories such as "Best Dream Sequence" with only 2 nominations or "Most Wittiest Character" (sorry, I just had to point this out), when we know "Most" is for long adjectives and the termination "est" is for short adjectives. So Most Wittiest would be VERY WRONG.

    Heh, I just thought that was pretty funny.

    Anyway, see my point? Even though some categories might be funny, they wwon't be taken seriously by the nominations, I mean, there's a good chance that "Worse Typo" will get about 3 nominations MAX (I must be feeling funny right now or something XD).

    Anyway, that's it.

    - Troy

  3. #43
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Right - this whole "Self Nomination" deal. It is not going to happen. No way. It never has been allowed for a few reasons and everybody has pretty much summed them up. I just want to make it clear that the whole no self nomination rule stands because:

    - A lot of Joe Newbies (the annoying type) will use it for cheap advertising and that makes it unfair to everybody else, especially if the joe newbie decides to nominate his own fic in every single category.
    - If your fic is nominated by yourself and it wins then where's the fun in that? I mean, its got no value if you cheated to win.
    - Other people will vote for your fic if they think its worth being nominated for. If it doenst' get nominated for then don't worry, its no big deal really. This contest is just for fun anyway.

    So can we please drop the argument? There will not be any self nomination rule changes - its not allowed and therefore no doing it. Oz and DH - you better agree with me.

    And this whole New Fic old Fic if its been running for a year its old fic - lemme clarify something:

    I'm not sure all the rules will be changing but as far as I know If a fic is a year old then its old but if its not finished then its not old Right i hope you understood that. I have to clarify that with Oz and DH thought, but thats what I'm pretty sure it is. So if say, Average Joe is working on a fic for over a year now, then it wont be old until its finished and a year has passed or something. I'm goign to check with DH and Oz on this though. But also please remember:

    There is a Most Promising Fic category for those unfinished fics, there is (or should be) an Old Time Fic and there are a few other categories which I cant remember right now which involve new and old fics.

    And these are all the categories which have been suggested so far (we havent chosen yet):

    General Fiction:
    Best Fiction Overall
    Best Non-Pokémon
    Best Dark
    Best Non-trainer fic
    Best trainer fic
    Best Comedy
    Best Romance
    Best new fic
    Best Sci-fi
    Best Action
    Best poem
    Most Promising Fic (Best Uncompleted)
    Fic of the Year (Best Completed)
    Best fic in the Northern Hemisphere
    Best fic in the Southern Hemisphere
    Best fic in the USA
    Best fic in Europe
    Best fic in Asia
    Best fic in South America
    Best fic in Africa
    Best fic in Australia

    Writing style:
    Most Cliches
    Best cliffhanger
    Best described fic
    Best Plot Twist
    Best Plot and Storyline
    Best Stupid Plot Twist
    Best Stupid Incident
    Most Original Fanfic
    Most Humoristic Fiction
    Most Realistic Fiction
    Best Pokémon Battle Scene
    - Best Chapter

    Most Wittiest character
    Best Female Character
    Best Non-Human Character
    Best Male Character
    Best Villian
    Best Trainer
    Best male character in a leading role
    best female character in a leading role
    best rival
    Best Male Villian
    Best Female Villian
    Best Non-Human Villian
    Best Comedic Villain
    Best Serious Villain
    Funniest Gym Leader in a trainer fic
    Best Supporting Pokemon
    Most original character
    Most Humoristic Character
    Best Idiot Character
    Best Stuff-up by a character
    Best Character Over-All
    Best Pokémon Character Over-All
    - Best Relationship
    Best Gym Leader

    Member Awards:
    Oddest Writer
    Most sadistic writer
    Most dedicated writer
    Best Newcomer to the boards
    Best writer
    Best new writer

    Best Evil Motto
    Best Evil Organization
    Best New Pokemon
    Best character based on a board member
    Funniest twist on a pokemon stereotype
    Most unique city in a fanfic
    Best quote
    Best Tool (as in for those who intentionally write toolish stuff!) XD
    Best no-we-didn't-wan't-that-to-happen! incident in a fic
    Best Job At Fooling The Readers
    The Awards Award

    And please PLEASE check the list before posting another suggestion. Also DONT START VOTING - Theyr'e not the official finalized categories

    Well that took ages. Any questions/suggestions then shout okiez?



    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  4. #44
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Okay, more thoughts on the "How Many Nominations Can You Come Up With?" thread that won't die.

    Heh, I like calling it that way XD.
    I changed the order of the nominations for... relevance I believe

    General Fiction:
    Fic of the Year (Best Completed)
    Most Promising Fic (Best Uncompleted)
    Best New Fic
    Best Trainer Fic
    Best Non-Pokémon
    Best Dark
    Best Action
    Best Sci-fi
    Best Comedy
    Best Romance
    Best Poem

    So far, so good, I like these categories pretty much, I do think we should re-think Sci-Fi since it's not really that popular, but if there are enough fics to nominate and I'm just blind (I'm not that active, heh) then go ahead! I want to add a comment too, all categories except Most Promising Fic should include Short Stories (one-shots) aswell, right? I mean, they're still fics, and they don't lack quality because they're shorter. Another thing on shortfics, I think best New Fic should include only completed multi-parts and one-shots (uncompleted multi parts that are new apply for the same reason at Most Promising Fic) get it? Heh. Well, on with the categories I didn't aprove (like you *need* my aproval or something XD):

    Best Non-Trainer fic
    Best Fiction Overall
    Best fic in the Northern Hemisphere
    Best fic in the Southern Hemisphere
    Best fic in the USA
    Best fic in Europe
    Best fic in Asia
    Best fic in South America
    Best fic in Africa
    Best fic in Australia

    Best Non-Trainer Fic: Unnecessary. It's like saying "best Non-Romance Fic" if it's not a trainer fit it into any of the other genders, the only reason Trainer became a gender is because it's a huge part of the pokemon Universe.

    Best Fiction Overall: Uh, there is no need to have "TEH 8357 FR3AKING FIC EVARR!!! WTF LOL", Best Uncompleted and Best Completed is enough, you can't compare a completed fic with an incomplete one, it's not fair for either of them.

    The Rest: What a waste of time, Northern Hemisphere and Usa and South America and whatever. This is just pointless, categorizing fics because of the nationality of the writer is plain boring. Besides, how many people from Africa or South America will be there? Like 5? I'm from South America, and I can tell you most of the Fic going on in SA is in Spanish, and Pokemsters is in English, so I just think it's inappropiate. I was pretty pissed with the fact Canadians and Mexicans were just included in the USA group instead of in the North America, is USA the belly-bottom of the world, despite what Bush says?

    Writing style:
    Most Original Fanfic
    Best Plot and Storyline
    Most Realistic Fiction
    Best Described Fic
    Best Pokémon Battle Scene
    Best Plot Twist
    Most Stupid Plot Twist
    Best Cliffhanger
    Most Cliches

    Those are good, I found the Most Cliches one pretty funny XD. And I changed "Best Stupid Plot Twist" to "Most Stupid Plot Twist" I think both are okay, but whatever.

    Best Stupid Incident
    Most Humoristic Fiction
    Best Chapter

    Best Stupid Incident: This category should be included in Best Stupid Plot Twist, even if the incident *wasn't* a plot twist, both categories are too similar, it's just to avoid redundant nominations.

    Most Humoristic Fiction: Already got Best Comedy up there, this is redundant.

    Best Chapter: Really pushing the limits here, let's just stick to fics, completed or uncompleted. Nest thing you know there'll be "Best Paragraph" and "Best Line" and "Most Original Adjective". Really.

    Best Character
    *Best Male Character
    *Best Female Character
    Best Secondary Character
    Best Pokémon Character
    Most Original Character
    Most Humoristic Character
    Most Wittiest character
    What the hell? Do people NOT read what they post? (don't even justify this, it'd be pointless, I'm just kidding)
    Best Idiot Character
    Best Relationship
    Best Trainer
    Best Villian
    Best Rival
    Best Gym Leader

    As you can see, I added Best Character (there was a Best Character Overall category, I just deleted the Overall, same with Pokémon Character), and put some stars before Best Male and Best Female. You see, I was hoping I could get opinions on this: Characters are good not because they're male or they're female, so best character should be enough, BUT if you're feeling like awarding the Oscars or something, and think a Male Character can't be compared to a Female Character, then Best Character should be avoided. See? It's either one or the other, it's pointless to have the three of them, it'd be redundant (it's like the Uncompleted, Completed AND Overall fic issue, unnecessary). I also added the secondary character thing, you know "Supporting actor/actress" thing.

    Funniest Gym Leader in a Trainer Fic
    Best Stuff-up by a Character
    Best Non-Human Character
    Best male character in a leading role
    best female character in a leading role
    Best Male Villian
    Best Female Villian
    Best Non-Human Villian
    Best Comedic Villain
    Best Serious Villain

    Funniest Gym Leader: Put it in funniest character.

    Stuff-Up by a Character: I have no clue what Stuff-up means, so it went to the unwanted list, if you can explain what this is for, I'll see (like it depended on me XD)

    Best Non-Human Character: Same deal with Male and Female, if there is a Best Character then this is pointless, if there isn't, then this should be there. Forgot to leave it there with a star though ^^;;;

    Best male/female in leading role:Put them in Best Male or Best Female, or in Best Character if that doesn't work out.

    All those Villians: What the hell? Scratch all the subcategories for villians, villians are villians, funny, human or not. So just stick 'em in best Villian.

    Member Awards:
    Best Writer
    Best New Writer
    Most Dedicated Writer
    Most Dedicated Reader
    Most Sadistic Writer
    Oddest Writer

    Added the Most Dedicated Reader category, I remember it being used a while ago. It's like a friend award but whatever. Unless there's a rule against it, I think it'd be okay.

    Best Newcomer to the boards Repetitive, put it in Best New Writer.

    Best Quote
    Best Evil Motto
    Best New Pokemon
    Funniest Twist on a Pokemon Stereotype
    Best Evil Organization
    Most Unique City in a Fic
    Best Tool (as in for those who intentionally write toolish stuff!) XD
    Best No-We-Didn't-Wan't-That-To-Happen! Incident in a Fic
    Best Job At Fooling The Readers

    Any category here should be okay, so I didn't nitpick much, I just picked one that is plain stupid and one that is uhm, a mystery to me o_o

    Best Character Based on a Board Member
    The Awards Award

    Best Character Based on a Board Member: Do we really wanna give prizes to Mary Sues or SI's? I mean, Self Inserts are like, a big no-no. Unless it's a fic about TPM or something, and even like that, it's still Mary Sue. Bash the Mary Sues!! Bash Them!!!

    The Awards Award: No idea what this means. Explain please.

    Well, that was long. Say what you think.

    - Troy

  5. #45
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Those aren't the final thingies yet. We will be taking member's views and opinions as well as our own into account for the final list but right now I haven't talked to oz or dh for AGES so when they'd like to contact me we can start to eliminate others. Some of your opinoins i agree with, some of those topics i just went "wth omgosh they are so unnesecary" so i can see where your'e coming from. Other peoplz, your opinions are needed too!!!!


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  6. #46
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Lol, we'd better get the awards done before winter

    Could you please clarify "If a fic is a year old then its old but if its not finished then its not old "? What if a fic's more than a year old but not finished? Does "a year old" mean a year since the first chapter or a year since the last chapter?
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  7. #47
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    If a fic is not finished, it is not old. Even if it's been running for more than a year. And a year since the last chapter. We were so close to having all three mods in one chat, but before mist got there oz had to go, then I had to go. so close! we'll get the list nice and whittled down to the necessary before long.

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  8. #48
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    Troy, what "The Awards Award" is (I think) will be explained in just a sec. First, it is an automatic award. That means it is not voted upon, it is predetermined by something else. And what is that something else? Well, the person who got the most awards from the other categories gets the Awards Award. Automatically. And please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm only speaking from what I gathered from people talking about last Winter's award ceremony. Please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #49
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    Default Whee reply!

    Whee! Thanks Mr Pikachu! I think I got it though, even if that information is wrong, that sounds like a fun award ^__^. Thanks a lot for clarifying for me, sometimes I get stupid.

    BTW: I think your nick rocks XD

    - Troy

  10. #50
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Okay we're finalizing the list, we have a basic list but we're just waiting for Oz's opinion. So if you have any more new and origional suggestions that arent on the list on page 3 then hurry up and say so because you wont have much longer.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  11. #51
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    My question is the following: will the Summer Awards take place during our summer, the North Hemisphere's summer, or neither of the two?

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  12. #52
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    The summer awards have always taken place in the u.s.a's summer, and now that summer is almost over here in the states we really want to get the awards started asap. so expect the ceremonies to begin soon ^_^;

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  13. #53
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Summer Awards - Input please!

    Summer Fanfic Awards - Nominations have started:

    Any more discussion can go there. No more suggestions will be taken, just try remember them to suggest for the Winter Awards.

    This topic is CLOSED.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
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    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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