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Thread: <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! (Awaiting players) [M.A. Quicksilver]

  1. #81
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    aragornbird- Assuming that a big bug pokemon is lying further into the tunnel, you keep crawling in order to take a look at it. Soon, you reach what looks like the end of the tunnel: another cave, only this one is smaller than the previous ones and has no tunnels coming out of it. There, you can finally see the creature who was making the buzzing noise. To your susprise, it's not a bug pokemon, but a Vibrava! The pseudo-bug is flying around tha cave, but soon stops and descends, facing you.

    -What will you do now?
    Location: Ant City, Art Island
    Food: 5
    Pokedolls: 5
    CCPs and Stamps: 298 CCPs/44 Stamps
    Pokemon: Aeragorn (LV14 Skarmory, M) Dargonis (LV10 Aerodactyl, M) Slakoth (LV9, F)
    Items: None

    Cool, a Vibrava. Okay, I'll try to appear friendly and ask if it knows a way out of here (besides the way I came in). But if it's gonna attack, I'll teach it a lesson with my Skarmory's Drill Peck, but I really don't want it to have to come down to this.


    Gabi - With your curiosity kindled by your new surroundings, you decide to explore the place for a bit with your Dragonite. You turn around and find that the land continues for a while before before plunging straight down hundreds of feet into the waves below. You definitely don't want to fall down there! Feeling a bit in secure, you travel farther inland. The grass below you feet is soft like the fur of some animal and you can see tall mountains far in the distance, their peaks shrouded in pink clouds.
    Behind you, you can still see the brightly-colored portal hovering a few inches above the ground.
    It the scenery is all beautiful, but it feels empty. Are there any signs of life around here?
    Well, you certainly don't have to worry about that too much. As quickly as the wind, three dark figures dart in and create a semicircle in front of you, blocking your path. A Kadabra, a Kirlia, and a Medicham stand in front of you. But their skin are dark gray and their eyes are red. Certainly very aggresive looking.
    What will you do next?

    Kyle -
    The Marshtomp makes his move:
    X X O
    O X *
    * * O

    You make your move:
    X X O
    O X *
    * X O

    You won!
    "Aw, I lose" said the Marshtomp. "But hey, thanks for the game and just to show that I'm a good sport, I'll give you this!"
    The Pokemon holds out his hand and gives you a large pearl whose smooth surface twinkled blue like sapphire.
    "It's a Diving Pearl! It'll surround you in an air bubble so you can swim underwater."
    You thank the Marshtomp, who gets up, stretches his arms, and turns to leave.
    "So long and thanks again! Now to catch some waves. Wheehee!"
    What will you do next?

    Pichu -
    This is a Snorunt
    Perplexed by these creatures that you've never seen before, you creep closer to them, hoping to receive the chance to examine them more. But one of the Snorunt shivers in fright, and ducks behind the other one, possibly its big brother or something.
    Quickly, becoming angry, the older Snorunt lets loose a blast of Icy Wind that knocks you backwards. You stumble and fall on your rear and your arm feels numb with cold. In fact, small icicles hang from your arm after that very chilly reception.
    "Careful now," says Mataro as he backs away. "They apparently aren't used to humans."
    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  2. #82
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Shonta » Moriko flies about the Yanma, pondering as to how she can make them move away from the flames. She doesn't really need to do much, though - it appears as though her presence is enough! The screeching Yanma shriek even more, and shoot down the mountain, flying barely an inch past your shoulder. As Moriko looks down, she notices that there are still a few Yanma flying above the lake, who look a bit bewildered or something. But, her job has been done, so she flies back and lands by your side, and joins you in looking at the source of the fire.

    "I feel really rather sorry for him," says the Yanma. "It's not his fault the fire was started, and he can't help the fact that he's scaring other pokemon by it." You can see his expression - The lava on his face which hangs down from his cheeks is swinging wildly as he shudders in panic. He hasn't got a clue what he can do to stop this fire, which is rapidly spreading - the flames have practically enulfed his side of the hot spring, and they're not going to cease any time soon. The thick black smoke continues to rise from the blaze, probably visible from some of the other Maiden Islands and certainly visible from the rest of Dragonair Island.

    "Oh dear, can you do something?" cries the Yanma hastily. "I'll help in any way that I can, but I don't see how. The fire is huge." There is a large hot spring in front of you, so inevitably that could be part of the solution of putting the fire out... but still, a plan must be figured out to put out the furious flames. And quickly - the Yanma who still remain here are getting increasinly panicky, and they were pretty bad in the first place.

    ~ What are you going to do?
    Route 23/Dragonair Island/70 CCPS/27 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Moriko (F Adopted Heracross), Beacon (F Adopted Mareep)

    I might be wrong on this, but I may need Moriko again. She can use Aeroblast on the hot spring. At the right angle, it could generate waves that could wash over the fire. Or at least some of it.
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  3. #83
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Pichu -
    This is a Snorunt
    Perplexed by these creatures that you've never seen before, you creep closer to them, hoping to receive the chance to examine them more. But one of the Snorunt shivers in fright, and ducks behind the other one, possibly its big brother or something.
    Quickly, becoming angry, the older Snorunt lets loose a blast of Icy Wind that knocks you backwards. You stumble and fall on your rear and your arm feels numb with cold. In fact, small icicles hang from your arm after that very chilly reception.
    "Careful now," says Mataro as he backs away. "They apparently aren't used to humans."
    What will you do next?

    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: ....................... dot dot dot dto otd tdotdotodo...
    Cynda (Cyndaquil M L.16)
    >>Trait: Blaze (When HP is less than 33%, Fire attacks deal 50% more damage.)
    >>Moves: Crush Claw, Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen
    >>Nature: Adamant

    Picha (Pikachu F L.15)
    >>Trait: Static (The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYZE when using a direct attack against this Pokémon.)
    >>Moves: Surf, Charge, Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Thunderwave
    >>Nature: Modest

    Icelia (Swinub F L.14)
    >>Trait: Oblivious
    >>Moves: Odor Sleuth, Powder Snow, Ice Beam, Icicle Spear
    >>Nature: ???

    Pack: 4 food units, 5 Pokédolls, Element Emerald
    TM: Double Edge, Nightmare, Toxic, Powder Snow
    CCP: 206

    Eww... they are mean. I'll retrace my steps and look for and follow the big foot prints. ^_^

  4. #84
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Kyle -
    The Marshtomp makes his move:
    X X O
    O X *
    * * O

    You make your move:
    X X O
    O X *
    * X O

    You won!
    "Aw, I lose" said the Marshtomp. "But hey, thanks for the game and just to show that I'm a good sport, I'll give you this!"
    The Pokemon holds out his hand and gives you a large pearl whose smooth surface twinkled blue like sapphire.
    "It's a Diving Pearl! It'll surround you in an air bubble so you can swim underwater."
    You thank the Marshtomp, who gets up, stretches his arms, and turns to leave.
    "So long and thanks again! Now to catch some waves. Wheehee!"
    What will you do next?
    Location: Dragonair Island
    CCPs: 0
    Stamps: 17
    Items: Light Gem x3, Lunar Gem x2, Darkness Gem, Flame Gem x6, Photosynthesis Gem x3, Division Gem, Spark Gem, Ocean Gem, Rainbow Gem
    Expedia-only items: Diving Pearl (allows for unlimited oxygen underwater)
    Pokemon: n/a

    I'm going to say "Hey, wait!" to the Marshtomp, in which I will then ask him if he would like to come with me on my journey as my first companion right now (after all, having one of the starter Pokemon from the games (even one who has already evolved into its second or third form) is very nice).
    Knight of Time

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  5. #85
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    As for Jay, it's sad to see him go again, but it was his decision and I respect him. I think he could have found a better way to say goodbye, but I'm not shocked by his reactions anymore, so may he have a nice life.
    just so you know, i quit because i was NEVER contacted about anything related to expedia on AIM. i was on AIM quite a lot, and so were you, yet you never bothered to contact me after two months of this place being inactive due to lack of fresh updates. i figure that if i'm needed, then maybe you'll ask me for my assistance! i can't help when i don't know the details that you and aragornbird hold (i should mention, he never bothered to contact me either)

    i'm not shocked by your reactions either. i'm done with this pokemon rpg-ish crap, so may you have a nice life.

  6. #86
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Matt- You follow the Golduck past the doors and through a long corridor. It seems like it's never going to end, but then he finally reaches a door and opens it. Then he turns right, and leads you along... yet another extremely long corridor. You're about to ask 'are we there yet?', when a hideous creature comes to your encounter. It looks like a mermaid, but has a black tail and pale, greyish skin. A long strand of black hair covers the right side of her face, but you can see that her left eye is red, and there's a black rectangle on her cheek that looks almost like a patch. While the creature's lips show no expression, her red eye inspects you carefully.

    -What will you do?

    Location: Inside the Palace
    CCPs: 4
    Stamps: 10
    Pokemon: Umbreon M (Lv. 11; wearing a pokemon collar), Dratini F (Lv. 10), Marshtomp M (Lv. 22)
    Items: Food X5, Pokedolls X5

    I'll stand there awe struck by her ugliness, and then when I'm done with that I'll tell her that I was brought here by the Golduck and why I came here in the first place.

  7. #87
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Pichu – Unhappy with the chilly reception you received from these creatures, you rub off the ice attached to your arm before turning around to head back down the slope. After a while, you find the point where you saw the two trails of footprints. It is at that time when Mataro taps you on the shoulder and points to something behind you.
    “Umm…I think we’re being followed…”
    You turned around in alarm and see that the two Snorunt you met have followed you silently. But something is different about them. Their eyes are glowing red, giving them an almost evil look! They continue to approach you slowly.
    What will you do next?

    Kyle –
    You call "Hey, wait!" to the Marshstomp right before he jumps into the water. The Marshstomp turns around in curiosity. You walk towards it and hold out your hand in a friendly gesture, asking him if he would like to join you on your adventure.
    “An adventure? Sounds fun! I’m big on exploring places!”
    The water Pokemon smiles and shakes your hand vigorously.
    “Hey, sorry, for not introducing myself. I’m Mako! So, where are we going first?”

    Congrats, Mako the Lv. 14 Marshstomp has joined you!
    Gender: Male
    Attacks: Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap, Water Gun, Bide, Stomp

    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  8. #88
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Pichu – Unhappy with the chilly reception you received from these creatures, you rub off the ice attached to your arm before turning around to head back down the slope. After a while, you find the point where you saw the two trails of footprints. It is at that time when Mataro taps you on the shoulder and points to something behind you.
    “Umm…I think we’re being followed…”
    You turned around in alarm and see that the two Snorunt you met have followed you silently. But something is different about them. Their eyes are glowing red, giving them an almost evil look! They continue to approach you slowly.
    What will you do next?

    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: ....................... dot dot dot dto otd tdotdotodo...
    Cynda (Cyndaquil M L.16)
    >>Trait: Blaze (When HP is less than 33%, Fire attacks deal 50% more damage.)
    >>Moves: Crush Claw, Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen
    >>Nature: Adamant

    Picha (Pikachu F L.15)
    >>Trait: Static (The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYZE when using a direct attack against this Pokémon.)
    >>Moves: Surf, Charge, Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Thunderwave
    >>Nature: Modest

    Icelia (Swinub F L.14)
    >>Trait: Oblivious
    >>Moves: Odor Sleuth, Powder Snow, Ice Beam, Icicle Spear
    >>Nature: ???

    Pack: 4 food units, 5 Pokédolls, Element Emerald
    TM: Double Edge, Nightmare, Toxic, Powder Snow
    CCP: 206

    I'll run fast and follow the small footprint road ^_^

  9. #89
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey

    Hannah » You ask the mermaid if she knows anything about the puzzle. "Not really, unfortunately. I do know that there are riddles involved, but I couldn't tell you for sure whether they're the main aspect of the whole puzzle. They may just be an additional thing. From what I have heard, however, the riddles aren't too difficult - I couldn't tell you what they were based on or how the difficulty ranges, though. Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you regarding that."

    Nodding in understanding, you then ask her if she knows where the puzzle is. She points further down the route you're on. "If you just continue to travel down Route 27 and take your second left, then you should get there. It's quite a narrow, spiralling path so it may take you a while to get to your destination. You'll know when you get there, though, because there's a Kabutops inscribed above the doorway. Once you solve the puzzle, come back to me."

    She flashes you a toothy smile, before sinking back into the depths of the water, not giving you a chance to respond, so unluckily, you won't be able to ask any more questions. Now it's up to you whether you want to accept this errand, based on the little information that you have.

    ~ What will you do? Accept this "challenge"? Decline it and continue on your way? Or something else?
    Dragonair Island/Route 27/5 Pokédolls-5 Food/41 CCPs/34 Stamps

    Pokémon: Xolotle (adopted, L14 F Sneasel)
    Omega (captured, L32 M Shelgon)

    Sounds interesting; I'll accept the 'challenge' and set off in the direction she pointed out. I'll also send Xol ahead to see if she can find the path to the second left to check how far it is.

  10. #90
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Shonta » Moriko sends out a heavy blast of blistering fast air which crashes into the waters of the hot spring, and also making a huge noise which could probably be heard all around the island. The impact sends the water into the air, and it comes down on most of the fire which the Magcargo started. Unfortunately, it also comes down on the Magcargo. Now he looks like a rather sheepish burnt out Slugma... He looks at you, his eyes giving you the impression that he's thankful, but also rather annoyed at what the consequences were.

    The fire is still burning in thick vegetation which is behind the Magcargo, but not as intensely as it was before; it looks like it may die down soon enough. The Yanma beside you gasps in wonder and shock. "That... was amazing." As it tries to get it's breath back, some of the other Yanma fly back up after darting away from the blaze - They seem not to be so scared now. The Magcargo still just looks at you with his mixed expression. However, you stop looking back once Yanma speaks to you again. "You know, if you can do that... and if you can save us... oh, I dunno..." Then it stops speaking and hovers in silence sheepishly.

    ~ What are you going to do?

    Hannah » You continue walking down Route 27 with Xolotle and Omega, wondering what this challenge will be. Then you send Xolotle down the pathway to find the path on the seoncd left - It doesn't seem to be that far away; only about 100 metres. Once the three of you all get to the entrance of the path together, you step ahead and lead your pokemon up there. However, after about 5 minutes or so of walking, there's a large gap in the pathway (about a yard wide). And it's a long way down. X_x

    ~ What are you going to do?

  11. #91
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Sorry for the late reply, everyone. I'm still busy with my thesis and my project, and they're both driving me crazy, but I'll do my best to keep updating. Thanks to AB and Cheesey for the great job they're doing. I've replied to Jay's post via PM, so there's no need to continue that conversation here.

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Gabi - With your curiosity kindled by your new surroundings, you decide to explore the place for a bit with your Dragonite. You turn around and find that the land continues for a while before before plunging straight down hundreds of feet into the waves below. You definitely don't want to fall down there! Feeling a bit in secure, you travel farther inland. The grass below you feet is soft like the fur of some animal and you can see tall mountains far in the distance, their peaks shrouded in pink clouds.
    Behind you, you can still see the brightly-colored portal hovering a few inches above the ground.
    It the scenery is all beautiful, but it feels empty. Are there any signs of life around here?
    Well, you certainly don't have to worry about that too much. As quickly as the wind, three dark figures dart in and create a semicircle in front of you, blocking your path. A Kadabra, a Kirlia, and a Medicham stand in front of you. But their skin are dark gray and their eyes are red. Certainly very aggresive looking.
    What will you do next?
    Island of Dreams - near the portal on the Craggy Cliffs/Noctowl, Mareep, Lagi (Dragonite), Ventura (Venomoth), Kabuto, Vulpix/Stamps and CCPs on my Items page/3 food supplies/4 pokédolls/Element Emerald, King's Rock, Dragon Scale, Volcano Ruby, Day Stone, Frozen Diamond, Metal Coat, Darkness Gem, Mystic Pearl, Plushies displayed on my Items page, Special Blend Tea.
    Uh-oh. This looks like the YK's doing. I'll ask Lagi to check whether they're really angry or unconscious or what (she can sense the feelings of others). I'll have all my pokemon ready in case they attack while we're trying to figure this out.

    Andy- You try to be more careful while climbing like the man told you to be. After climbing up a bit more, you ask him what happened on that night of 5 years ago.

    "It was a strange night," he tells you. "The longest I've ever seen. It lasted for twice as long as a normal night. I never learnt what the cause was. I heard rumors about someone using a powerful magic on Pixie Island, but I've never been there to confirm it. Now it seems to be happening again. It should be morning by now, but the sky couldn't be darker. I hope nothing bad is going on."

    -What will you do now?

    Karin and Amy- While Amy decides to stock up, having Serenity buy a switching hook for her and giving Omastar a Spike Cannon TM, she asks what happened on that night 5 years ago.
    "That was when Uinya came into the city," the shopkeeper says. "At first we didn't know what was going on... it was dark for much longer than it was supposed to. We were all on the street wondering what was going on, and then she walked to us with a wide smile... Nobody knew where she had come from, but everyone was suddenly looking at her. Of course, who wouldn't?, with her strange hair and her long dress... and if I remember correctly she had purple eyes too. And she was so... I don't know how to describe her, but..."
    "She had a strong presence," Fay clarifies.
    "Yes, that must be it," he nods. "Anyway, she comes and tells us she's here to help us should any problems arise, but from now on she'll only talk to those who can see beyond appearances. I don't know what she meant by that. She soon left for the west... some tried to follow her, but as soon as she left the city she disappeared behind a set of trees. That's when the sun rose, all of a sudden. And those who were there said they couldn't find her anymore. A few have claimed to have seen her again, but no one would go into details. I don't get out of the city much, so I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that her dolls became a hit as soon as I started selling them."
    Fay laughs. "I wonder what Uinya would say if she saw those dolls."
    "Why? Don't you think she'd like them?"
    "Hmm... I don't think she'd talk to someone who has bought one, but I could be wrong."

    Karin decides to get back on topic before more time is wasted, and asks Amy for her brochure on the Crystal Caves. Serenity takes it out and shows it to her. Karin takes a look at it. There's a picture of the entrance: a cave carved on semi-transparent white stone, with some marks on either side.
    On one side, the following symbols can be seen:

    On the other, only the last one is repeated. The text reads:

    "For years, people have visited the Crystal Cave to meditate, or to enjoy the beauty of the crystals. Those who enter agree that the presence of magic can be said inside. It is said that, on certain nights, the Enchantress shows herself to those who visit the cave, but the few who have actually seen her won't reveal the details of their encounter. This adds to the mystery and myths which have enveloped the Crystal Cave for decades."

    "Could we, by any chance, obtain any of these crystals?," Karin asks. "And if they oscillate synchronically... Well, the only synchronic oscillations I remember from pokémon come from Metronome. I don't know if that'll do anything..."
    "Metronome is chaotic in nature," Fay says. "I don't think it'll help us. The crystals won't become active for another month, but Amy already has their magic within her."
    "You speak funny," Andrew comments.
    Fay gives him a puzzled look, and Alexa glares at him angrily.
    "I was just saying," he shrugs.
    "Maybe when this is over, you can teach me to speak less funny," Fay says.
    "I don't think so," Alexa says. "When this is over, he'll go back to his time and we won't see him again... at least not for the next 50 years or so."
    "I've been here all this time... I guess I can stay for another day," Andrew tells her.
    "What?! I thought you hated this time!"
    "I hate being chased by evil monsters, not sleeping or eating well enough and having to use an evil cellphone. When this is all over, being in the past can be fun."
    "Then we'll have to make sure we end this once and for all," Fay affirms. "We're a strong group, we can make it. Amy has the power of the crystals, and the rest of you have the power of time, or the special abilities of a pokemon."
    "And you're the guru," Andrew notes.
    "And I'm the guru," Fay nods with a smile. "And if we get to free the other children of time, they can help us too."
    "I have to keep this store open," the shopkeeper says. "But I'll be rooting for you guys."
    "Does that mean we're going out now?," asks Alexa.
    "I don't know," Fay answers. "Does anyone have any ideas of what to do now? I could tell you what's going on, but not what we should be doing."

    -Does anyone?

    aragornbird- Trying to appear friendly, you ask the Vibrava if it knows a way out of 'here'. He stares at you for a few seconds, during which you find it impossible to tell what he's thinking. Then he speaks to you.
    "If by here you mean the anthole, there's a tunnel that goes up from the main crossroads; it will take you to Looping Forest. There are also some tunnels that take you to the larger caves. You can go there if you don't like the forest, but they're not such a quiet place since the Brelooms have made it their training ground. That's why I came here in the first place; the ants are more friendly. If you go to the caves, most of the path will lead you to the forest, but there is one path which leads to the exit... and somewhere else. The exit is now blocked by the battling Brelooms, however, and their spores are floating all over the place. If you want to get out of both the caves and the forest, I'm afraid you'll have to confront them. Or you can stay here. It's not a bad place once you get used to it. The ants can be quite friendly. They even bring me food here."

    -Does this make things clearer? What will you do now?

    Matt- You stand there awe struck by the creature's ugliness, and then when you're done with that youl tell her that you brought here by the Golduck, and why you came here in the first place. The creature sighs, with a look of frustration in her face.
    "So a stranger tells you to come and stalk me, and you gladly do so; and then when you come face to face with me you can do nothing but stare?! Get out of my palace before I get really mad at you," she yells at you.

    -What will you do now?

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  12. #92
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Shonta » Moriko sends out a heavy blast of blistering fast air which crashes into the waters of the hot spring, and also making a huge noise which could probably be heard all around the island. The impact sends the water into the air, and it comes down on most of the fire which the Magcargo started. Unfortunately, it also comes down on the Magcargo. Now he looks like a rather sheepish burnt out Slugma... He looks at you, his eyes giving you the impression that he's thankful, but also rather annoyed at what the consequences were.

    The fire is still burning in thick vegetation which is behind the Magcargo, but not as intensely as it was before; it looks like it may die down soon enough. The Yanma beside you gasps in wonder and shock. "That... was amazing." As it tries to get it's breath back, some of the other Yanma fly back up after darting away from the blaze - They seem not to be so scared now. The Magcargo still just looks at you with his mixed expression. However, you stop looking back once Yanma speaks to you again. "You know, if you can do that... and if you can save us... oh, I dunno..." Then it stops speaking and hovers in silence sheepishly.

    ~ What are you going to do?
    Route 23/Dragonair Island/72 CCPS/30 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Moriko (F Adopted Heracross), Beacon (F Adopted Mareep)

    I wonder what it wants. I'll urge him to finish what he was going to say.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  13. #93
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkfire
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Thanks, Gabi. To everyone else who may be wondering exactly why I was hired here, it's because I have the time to dedicate to this topic, mainly. I hope that everyone's okay with me being here and that I don't become a victim of the Expedia curse...

    Darkfire » You arrive on Welcome Beach, ready for your Expedia adventure. All you can see is sea and forest. Looking towards the ocean, a sillhouette emerges from the mist. It has a long, slender neck and what looks like a spiky back. As it comes closer you can tell what it is; it's a Lapras! The elegant creature continues to swim towards you. When it reaches the shore it says to you: "Where is it you wish to go?"
    "Dragonair Island, please."
    "Okay. Hold on a moment."

    She smiles at you before opening her mouth and shooting out a thick beam of ice from her mouth. The ice seems to go on for quite a while... But it stops eventually. She's formed a bridge out of ice for you! Knowing what you have to do, you step onto the icy bridge and start making your way across it. You have to grip the sides to stop yourself from falling over, but they're so cold! Once you hit the halfway mark your hands have been completely numbed out, but your used to the slippery base of the bridge. The Lapras is swimming alongside you, making sure you don't fall off or anything.

    Once you reach Dragonair Island, the Lapras speaks again: "I hope you enjoy your time here." She swims off before you can respond. You turn around, ready for your adventure. Just as you're about to set off, a Rapidash appears from the mountains! He's running really fast, and it looks like he's headed straight towards you! Thankfully, he isn't. He's heading towards the bridge. He stops beside it and melts it with a huge blast of fire before shooting off again. Now you can begin your adventure!

    Would you like to head left down Route 23, right down Route 23, through the mountains (via Route 22), go to the store, or something else?
    Dragonair Island / Beach... thing... / 5 Units of Food - 5 Pokedolls / 32 CCPs-34 Stamps / No Items

    CC- Nuka(Purple glowing Houndoom), M, Lv.18, Early Bird
    Attacks: Ember, Leer, Smog, Roar, Howl, Bite, Rest, Snore, Swagger.

    AC- Naois(Charmander), M, Lv.7, Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Dragon Dance, Defense Curl, Sunny Day.

    I'll let Naois and Nuka out to travel with me. We'll go down Route 22.
    Er, I got skipped. ^^U
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  14. #94

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Andy- You try to be more careful while climbing like the man told you to be. After climbing up a bit more, you ask him what happened on that night of 5 years ago.

    "It was a strange night," he tells you. "The longest I've ever seen. It lasted for twice as long as a normal night. I never learnt what the cause was. I heard rumors about someone using a powerful magic on Pixie Island, but I've never been there to confirm it. Now it seems to be happening again. It should be morning by now, but the sky couldn't be darker. I hope nothing bad is going on."

    -What will you do now?
    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: Blizzard Peak

    Adopted Pokemon: Charmander (M)
    Level: 9
    Trait: Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Swords Dance, Ember

    Adopted Pokemon: Beldum
    Level: 12
    Trait: Clear Body
    Attacks: Take Down

    CCPs: 35
    Stamps: 845
    Items: None!

    Maybe I should check out Pixie Island after my trip on this Island so I can check if any of this is to do with powerful magic. I'll just keep climbing Blizzard Peak with the man and see where we can get to hoping nothing bad happens.

  15. #95
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkfire
    Er, I got skipped. ^^U
    You didn't really, it's just that I hadn't discussed your plans with anybody yet so I couldn't update you (since we still needed to decide what was going to happen in your adventure). I'll get you when I can, probably tomorrow.

  16. #96
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Kyle –
    You call "Hey, wait!" to the Marshstomp right before he jumps into the water. The Marshstomp turns around in curiosity. You walk towards it and hold out your hand in a friendly gesture, asking him if he would like to join you on your adventure.
    “An adventure? Sounds fun! I’m big on exploring places!”
    The water Pokemon smiles and shakes your hand vigorously.
    “Hey, sorry, for not introducing myself. I’m Mako! So, where are we going first?”

    Congrats, Mako the Lv. 14 Marshstomp has joined you!
    Gender: Male
    Attacks: Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap, Water Gun, Bide, Stomp

    What will you do next?
    Location: Dragonair Island
    CCPs: 0
    Stamps: 32
    Items: Light Gem, Lunar Gem, Darkness Gem, Flame Gem x2, Division Gem, Spark Gem, Ocean Gem, Rainbow Gem, Solar Gem
    Expedia-only items: Diving Pearl (allows for unlimited oxygen underwater)
    Pokemon: Mako the Marshtomp (male, L14)

    I'm going to tell Mako that I am on a quest to find a very important item on this island. I'd then like to travel towards the mountains please.

    BTW, shouldn't Mako have a free TM move and a nature?
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  17. #97
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Shonta » Urging him to finish what he was going to say, the Yanma blushes (well, it looks like it, but bugs don't blush very easily o_O). "Well, it was just... and you're going to think this is silly, but... um... Can I come along with you on this adventure of yours? I want to see the rest of the Maiden Islands!" It says the last two sentences really rather loudly, and it attracts some other of the Yanma's attention. You can hear whispers amongst them, saying things like "She wants to go along with her" and "I can't believe she'd leave this island". Well, at least you know she's a girl now. She looks at you with her big eyes, pleadingly. "Pleeease?" she asks as sweetly as possible.

    ~ What are you going to do?

    Darkfire » You decide you'd like to go down Route 22, a rocky path through the mountains, so it may well be a bit of a workout. As you reach the mountains, you come across a craggy pathway - It looks a bit awkward, but it's ok to walk across. Once the pathway gets smoother, it also gets steeper, and you find yourself with a stitch in your side from heaving your body about so much - It ends up as being quite a workout indeed.

    Eventually the pathway evens out. It gets flatter and easier to walk across, but it's very gravelly. As you walk along, you find yourself getting a stone in your shoe. x_x Stopping to get the small and annoying stone out, you hear a low rumbling a bit further up on the route. You pause and stop getting the stone out of your shoe and walk up the pathway a bit more to see what's going on - Then you witness a disastrous event. On the steep and rocky side to the route, you see a landslide of rocks and mud. It crashes down close by, and makes one heck of a noise. When it stops, you hear some moans and groans from underneath it all. You think for a moment and then you realise - There are some pokemon under the debris!!

    ~ What are you going to do? Help the pokemon get out? Try to find some help? Ignore the trapped pokemon and continue on? Or something else?

  18. #98
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Shonta » Urging him to finish what he was going to say, the Yanma blushes (well, it looks like it, but bugs don't blush very easily o_O). "Well, it was just... and you're going to think this is silly, but... um... Can I come along with you on this adventure of yours? I want to see the rest of the Maiden Islands!" It says the last two sentences really rather loudly, and it attracts some other of the Yanma's attention. You can hear whispers amongst them, saying things like "She wants to go along with her" and "I can't believe she'd leave this island". Well, at least you know she's a girl now. She looks at you with her big eyes, pleadingly. "Pleeease?" she asks as sweetly as possible.

    ~ What are you going to do?
    Route 23/Dragonair Island/68 CCPS/31 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Moriko (F Adopted Heracross), Beacon (F Adopted Mareep)

    Of course she can join me!
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  19. #99
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Karin and Amy- While Amy decides to stock up, having Serenity buy a switching hook for her and giving Omastar a Spike Cannon TM, she asks what happened on that night 5 years ago.
    "That was when Uinya came into the city," the shopkeeper says. "At first we didn't know what was going on... it was dark for much longer than it was supposed to. We were all on the street wondering what was going on, and then she walked to us with a wide smile... Nobody knew where she had come from, but everyone was suddenly looking at her. Of course, who wouldn't?, with her strange hair and her long dress... and if I remember correctly she had purple eyes too. And she was so... I don't know how to describe her, but..."
    "She had a strong presence," Fay clarifies.
    "Yes, that must be it," he nods. "Anyway, she comes and tells us she's here to help us should any problems arise, but from now on she'll only talk to those who can see beyond appearances. I don't know what she meant by that. She soon left for the west... some tried to follow her, but as soon as she left the city she disappeared behind a set of trees. That's when the sun rose, all of a sudden. And those who were there said they couldn't find her anymore. A few have claimed to have seen her again, but no one would go into details. I don't get out of the city much, so I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that her dolls became a hit as soon as I started selling them."
    Fay laughs. "I wonder what Uinya would say if she saw those dolls."
    "Why? Don't you think she'd like them?"
    "Hmm... I don't think she'd talk to someone who has bought one, but I could be wrong."

    Karin decides to get back on topic before more time is wasted, and asks Amy for her brochure on the Crystal Caves. Serenity takes it out and shows it to her. Karin takes a look at it. There's a picture of the entrance: a cave carved on semi-transparent white stone, with some marks on either side.
    On one side, the following symbols can be seen:

    On the other, only the last one is repeated. The text reads:

    "For years, people have visited the Crystal Cave to meditate, or to enjoy the beauty of the crystals. Those who enter agree that the presence of magic can be said inside. It is said that, on certain nights, the Enchantress shows herself to those who visit the cave, but the few who have actually seen her won't reveal the details of their encounter. This adds to the mystery and myths which have enveloped the Crystal Cave for decades."

    "Could we, by any chance, obtain any of these crystals?," Karin asks. "And if they oscillate synchronically... Well, the only synchronic oscillations I remember from pokémon come from Metronome. I don't know if that'll do anything..."
    "Metronome is chaotic in nature," Fay says. "I don't think it'll help us. The crystals won't become active for another month, but Amy already has their magic within her."
    "You speak funny," Andrew comments.
    Fay gives him a puzzled look, and Alexa glares at him angrily.
    "I was just saying," he shrugs.
    "Maybe when this is over, you can teach me to speak less funny," Fay says.
    "I don't think so," Alexa says. "When this is over, he'll go back to his time and we won't see him again... at least not for the next 50 years or so."
    "I've been here all this time... I guess I can stay for another day," Andrew tells her.
    "What?! I thought you hated this time!"
    "I hate being chased by evil monsters, not sleeping or eating well enough and having to use an evil cellphone. When this is all over, being in the past can be fun."
    "Then we'll have to make sure we end this once and for all," Fay affirms. "We're a strong group, we can make it. Amy has the power of the crystals, and the rest of you have the power of time, or the special abilities of a pokemon."
    "And you're the guru," Andrew notes.
    "And I'm the guru," Fay nods with a smile. "And if we get to free the other children of time, they can help us too."
    "I have to keep this store open," the shopkeeper says. "But I'll be rooting for you guys."
    "Does that mean we're going out now?," asks Alexa.
    "I don't know," Fay answers. "Does anyone have any ideas of what to do now? I could tell you what's going on, but not what we should be doing."

    -Does anyone?
    Island: Pixie Island
    Location: Shop

    Switchblade the *male* Porygon (Adoptee)
    Level: 16
    Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Hidden Power - Fighting, Agility, Psychic, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Psybeam, Recycle, Sharpen
    Ability: Trace
    Held Items: Status Die

    Evenstar the female Sneasel (Adoptee)
    Level: 14
    Moves: Foresight, Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Hidden Power - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Icy Wind, Snatch, Crush Claw
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Held Items: Pokémon Earring

    Male Onix
    Level 21
    Moves: Tackle, Screech, Bind, Rock Throw, Dig, Headbutt, Iron Tail
    Ability: Rock Head
    Nature: Hardy
    Held Items: Hard Stone

    Food: 8
    Pokéballs: 5
    CCPs: 30
    Stamps: 132
    Quest items: Element Emerald
    - 1 Berry
    - 1 Gold Berry
    - 2 Miracleberries
    - 1 Sacred Fire TM
    - 1 Follow Me TM
    - 5 Aeroblast TMs
    - 10 arrows

    Now that we're setting off, I think we should head towards the vortex and see if anything happens.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  20. #100
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Sorry I took so long to update you, Shonta, but I had a question which I kept forgetting to ask Gabi concerning the update. I know my answer now, so I can update.

    Shonta » You tell the Yanma that she can join you and she squeals in happiness - "Oh, thank you so much! I've heard some stuff about the other islands but I've never been to them, so it's really rather exciting for me. Oh, and by the way, my name is Alicia." Congratulations, you've just gotten a new Expedia companion!

    Alicia the female Yanma
    Level: 10
    Item: None
    Trait: Speed Boost (Speed gradually increases each turn.)
    Nature: Gentle
    Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Giga Drain.

    "Well, now you know stuff about me... And I know you're talented, like, I liked the way you treated the flames." Then you realise the Magcargo may well be there, still - You turn to look but you can just see the back of it as it goes back into the cavernous mountains as the last remnants of the blazing fire die down and form ash. The fire's stopped, the Yanma aren't so scared, and you've got a new companion - but the fire's left the other side of the hot spring in quite a state.

    ~ What do you want to do? Find a way to get past the hot spring and onto the other side? Backtrack? Go somewhere else? Or do something different?

  21. #101
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Sorry I took so long to update you, Shonta, but I had a question which I kept forgetting to ask Gabi concerning the update. I know my answer now, so I can update.

    Shonta » You tell the Yanma that she can join you and she squeals in happiness - "Oh, thank you so much! I've heard some stuff about the other islands but I've never been to them, so it's really rather exciting for me. Oh, and by the way, my name is Alicia." Congratulations, you've just gotten a new Expedia companion!

    Alicia the female Yanma
    Level: 10
    Item: None
    Trait: Speed Boost (Speed gradually increases each turn.)
    Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Giga Drain.

    "Well, now you know stuff about me... And I know you're talented, like, I liked the way you treated the flames." Then you realise the Magcargo may well be there, still - You turn to look but you can just see the back of it as it goes back into the cavernous mountains as the last remnants of the blazing fire die down and form ash. The fire's stopped, the Yanma aren't so scared, and you've got a new companion - but the fire's left the other side of the hot spring in quite a state.

    ~ What do you want to do? Find a way to get past the hot spring and onto the other side? Backtrack? Go somewhere else? Or do something different?
    Route 23/Dragonair Island/61 CCPS/38 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Moriko (F Adopted Heracross), Beacon (F Adopted Mareep), Alicia (F Yanma)

    I don't want to backtrack. I'll look for another path.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  22. #102
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Darkfire » You decide you'd like to go down Route 22, a rocky path through the mountains, so it may well be a bit of a workout. As you reach the mountains, you come across a craggy pathway - It looks a bit awkward, but it's ok to walk across. Once the pathway gets smoother, it also gets steeper, and you find yourself with a stitch in your side from heaving your body about so much - It ends up as being quite a workout indeed.

    Eventually the pathway evens out. It gets flatter and easier to walk across, but it's very gravelly. As you walk along, you find yourself getting a stone in your shoe. x_x Stopping to get the small and annoying stone out, you hear a low rumbling a bit further up on the route. You pause and stop getting the stone out of your shoe and walk up the pathway a bit more to see what's going on - Then you witness a disastrous event. On the steep and rocky side to the route, you see a landslide of rocks and mud. It crashes down close by, and makes one heck of a noise. When it stops, you hear some moans and groans from underneath it all. You think for a moment and then you realise - There are some pokemon under the debris!!

    ~ What are you going to do? Help the pokemon get out? Try to find some help? Ignore the trapped pokemon and continue on? Or something else?
    Dragonair Island / Route 22 / 5 Units of Food - 5 Pokedolls / 33 CCPs-82 Stamps / No Items

    CC- Nuka(Purple glowing Houndoom), M, Lv.18, Early Bird
    Attacks: Ember, Leer, Smog, Roar, Howl, Bite, Rest, Snore, Swagger.

    AC- Naois(Charmander), M, Lv.7, Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Dragon Dance, Defense Curl, Sunny Day.

    I'll let my Pokes out and we'll starts digging to get them out. Poor Pokes. ;_;
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  23. #103
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Mistonnence Dragart/Welcome Beach/5 Food Units and 5 Pokédolls / 0 CC Points

    Okay, I'd like to get started here. I'm bringing with me Fiamma (Cyndaquil, female, level 9) and Lento (Slowking, male, level 16). I would like to go to Art Island with the Rollout Azumarill.

    Name: Fiamma
    Species: Cyndaquil
    Gender: Female
    Trait: Blaze
    Level: 9
    Moves: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Flamethrower

    Name: Lento
    Species: Slowking
    Gender: Male
    Trait: Own Tempo
    Level: 16
    Moves: Curse, Tackle, Yawn, Growl, Water Gun, Dive, Psychic

    Both of them are Captured.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  24. #104
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Karin and Amy- While Amy decides to stock up, having Serenity buy a switching hook for her and giving Omastar a Spike Cannon TM, she asks what happened on that night 5 years ago.
    "That was when Uinya came into the city," the shopkeeper says. "At first we didn't know what was going on... it was dark for much longer than it was supposed to. We were all on the street wondering what was going on, and then she walked to us with a wide smile... Nobody knew where she had come from, but everyone was suddenly looking at her. Of course, who wouldn't?, with her strange hair and her long dress... and if I remember correctly she had purple eyes too. And she was so... I don't know how to describe her, but..."
    "She had a strong presence," Fay clarifies.
    "Yes, that must be it," he nods. "Anyway, she comes and tells us she's here to help us should any problems arise, but from now on she'll only talk to those who can see beyond appearances. I don't know what she meant by that. She soon left for the west... some tried to follow her, but as soon as she left the city she disappeared behind a set of trees. That's when the sun rose, all of a sudden. And those who were there said they couldn't find her anymore. A few have claimed to have seen her again, but no one would go into details. I don't get out of the city much, so I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that her dolls became a hit as soon as I started selling them."
    Fay laughs. "I wonder what Uinya would say if she saw those dolls."
    "Why? Don't you think she'd like them?"
    "Hmm... I don't think she'd talk to someone who has bought one, but I could be wrong."

    Karin decides to get back on topic before more time is wasted, and asks Amy for her brochure on the Crystal Caves. Serenity takes it out and shows it to her. Karin takes a look at it. There's a picture of the entrance: a cave carved on semi-transparent white stone, with some marks on either side.
    On one side, the following symbols can be seen:

    On the other, only the last one is repeated. The text reads:

    "For years, people have visited the Crystal Cave to meditate, or to enjoy the beauty of the crystals. Those who enter agree that the presence of magic can be said inside. It is said that, on certain nights, the Enchantress shows herself to those who visit the cave, but the few who have actually seen her won't reveal the details of their encounter. This adds to the mystery and myths which have enveloped the Crystal Cave for decades."

    "Could we, by any chance, obtain any of these crystals?," Karin asks. "And if they oscillate synchronically... Well, the only synchronic oscillations I remember from pokémon come from Metronome. I don't know if that'll do anything..."
    "Metronome is chaotic in nature," Fay says. "I don't think it'll help us. The crystals won't become active for another month, but Amy already has their magic within her."
    "You speak funny," Andrew comments.
    Fay gives him a puzzled look, and Alexa glares at him angrily.
    "I was just saying," he shrugs.
    "Maybe when this is over, you can teach me to speak less funny," Fay says.
    "I don't think so," Alexa says. "When this is over, he'll go back to his time and we won't see him again... at least not for the next 50 years or so."
    "I've been here all this time... I guess I can stay for another day," Andrew tells her.
    "What?! I thought you hated this time!"
    "I hate being chased by evil monsters, not sleeping or eating well enough and having to use an evil cellphone. When this is all over, being in the past can be fun."
    "Then we'll have to make sure we end this once and for all," Fay affirms. "We're a strong group, we can make it. Amy has the power of the crystals, and the rest of you have the power of time, or the special abilities of a pokemon."
    "And you're the guru," Andrew notes.
    "And I'm the guru," Fay nods with a smile. "And if we get to free the other children of time, they can help us too."
    "I have to keep this store open," the shopkeeper says. "But I'll be rooting for you guys."
    "Does that mean we're going out now?," asks Alexa.
    "I don't know," Fay answers. "Does anyone have any ideas of what to do now? I could tell you what's going on, but not what we should be doing."

    -Does anyone?

    Pixie City/Pixie Island/10 CCPS/81 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted black and silver arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Serenity - Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M), Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    10 CCPs
    81 Stamps
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    *Mystic Pearl*
    *Destiny Jewel*
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Bow and 8 arrows
    Brochure on Rainbow Fall, the Crystal Cave and the Circle Lake
    a shard of Nevermelting Ice - held by Serenity
    Switching Hook

    Sorry for the delay in posting was busy with school. ^^; I'll make sure that everyone is okay and ready to go. If so, I guess we will head off to but i'll keep my senses focused jsut in case we run into trouble on the way
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

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  25. #105
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Cheesey's working on an update for Jeff as well as the other people he was updating for. I don't know what aragornbird is up to. I'm currently updating for Andy, Amy and Karin, and copying my most recent post for myself to make it easier for AB when he comes.

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Gabi - With your curiosity kindled by your new surroundings, you decide to explore the place for a bit with your Dragonite. You turn around and find that the land continues for a while before before plunging straight down hundreds of feet into the waves below. You definitely don't want to fall down there! Feeling a bit in secure, you travel farther inland. The grass below you feet is soft like the fur of some animal and you can see tall mountains far in the distance, their peaks shrouded in pink clouds.
    Behind you, you can still see the brightly-colored portal hovering a few inches above the ground.
    It the scenery is all beautiful, but it feels empty. Are there any signs of life around here?
    Well, you certainly don't have to worry about that too much. As quickly as the wind, three dark figures dart in and create a semicircle in front of you, blocking your path. A Kadabra, a Kirlia, and a Medicham stand in front of you. But their skin are dark gray and their eyes are red. Certainly very aggresive looking.
    What will you do next?
    Island of Dreams - near the portal on the Craggy Cliffs/Noctowl, Mareep, Lagi (Dragonite), Ventura (Venomoth), Kabuto, Vulpix/Stamps and CCPs on my Items page/3 food supplies/4 pokédolls/Element Emerald, King's Rock, Dragon Scale, Volcano Ruby, Day Stone, Frozen Diamond, Metal Coat, Darkness Gem, Mystic Pearl, Plushies displayed on my Items page, Special Blend Tea.
    Uh-oh. This looks like the YK's doing. I'll ask Lagi to check whether they're really angry or unconscious or what (she can sense the feelings of others). I'll have all my pokemon ready in case they attack while we're trying to figure this out.

    Andy- As you keep climbing Blizzard Peak with the man, you hear a sound ahead. It sounds like something is shaking. The man tells you to wait while he checks what it is, but as soon as he walks two steps in the direction of the noise, his foot slips. He manages to grasp a rock and get back up, but he looks quite embarassed as he shakes the dirt off his clothes and hands.
    "As I said... we must be careful," he reminds both you and himself.
    He then turns again in order to go and take a look at what's making that sound.

    -What will you do? Will you wait until the man returns? Follow him? Or do something else?

    Karin and Amy- You both make sure everyone is ok and ready to go, and leave the store and start heading towards the east. Nothing seems amiss, aside from the general confusion among the people on the streets.

    You reach the outskirts of the city without problems, and soon you see the road that surrounds Pixie City. You can all see a dim light on the other side of the road, slightly to your left. Amy can also make out the scent of coffee, along with something else she can't clearly identify.

    -What will you do now? Head to the light? Cross the road and keep going straight? Or do something else?

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
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  26. #106
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    [color=hotpink]Karin and Amy- You both make sure everyone is ok and ready to go, and leave the store and start heading towards the east. Nothing seems amiss, aside from the general confusion among the people on the streets.

    You reach the outskirts of the city without problems, and soon you see the road that surrounds Pixie City. You can all see a dim light on the other side of the road, slightly to your left. Amy can also make out the scent of coffee, along with something else she can't clearly identify.

    -What will you do now? Head to the light? Cross the road and keep going straight? Or do something else?
    Island: Pixie Island
    Location: Shop

    Switchblade the *male* Porygon (Adoptee)
    Level: 16
    Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Hidden Power - Fighting, Agility, Psychic, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Psybeam, Recycle, Sharpen
    Ability: Trace
    Held Items: Status Die

    Evenstar the female Sneasel (Adoptee)
    Level: 14
    Moves: Foresight, Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Hidden Power - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Icy Wind, Snatch, Crush Claw
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Held Items: Pokémon Earring

    Male Onix
    Level 21
    Moves: Tackle, Screech, Bind, Rock Throw, Dig, Headbutt, Iron Tail
    Ability: Rock Head
    Nature: Hardy
    Held Items: Hard Stone

    Food: 8
    Pokéballs: 5
    CCPs: 30
    Stamps: 132
    Quest items: Element Emerald
    - 1 Berry
    - 1 Gold Berry
    - 2 Miracleberries
    - 1 Sacred Fire TM
    - 1 Follow Me TM
    - 5 Aeroblast TMs
    - 10 arrows

    I'll let out Evenstar and see if she can figure out what that other scent is. ^_^; As for where we head towards, Amy, that's up to you.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  27. #107

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Julina- Touching the portal to the future with your tail, you call out the second name: "Bryan!" You then turn to the portal in the middle, and pronounce Grace's name while touching it. The three portals begin to vibrate with concentrical waves. Soon, the walls of the dome start spinning and bending themselves in different directions, their colors twisting and mixing into each other like a crazy kaleidoscope.

    "Well done," you hear the Xatu's voice behind you. But when you turn to look, he's gone.

    Moreover, the whole dome has disappeared. All you see behind you is your group of pokemon companions, with puzzled looks on their faces. You then face front, and are greeted by a familiar sight: the seventeen doors, and the inscription that reads:

    Around you are the doors that will lead to victory
    Get through them all and you'll make history
    Door number one is plain and white
    Door number two is out of sight
    Door number three will make you shiver
    Door number four will make you quiver
    Door number five is on the ground
    Door number six weighs less than a pound
    Door number seven is green with vines
    Door number eight is filled with signs
    Door number nine is dark and dim
    Door number ten is filled to the brim
    Door number eleven burns in many shards
    Door number twelve has a fist on a card
    Door number thirteen will give you a shock
    Door number fourteen is hard as a rock
    Door number fifteen is smooth and grey
    Door number sixteen is toxic and gives dismay
    Last but not least is door number seventeen
    Which is Fire, Water, Electric, and every color you've ever seen.

    -Where will you go now?
    Location= Mistonnence Dragart --> Maiden's Peak

    Pack= Volcano Ruby, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Mystic Pearl, Accelerator Gene, 3x Hollow Stone, Flame Gem, Solar Gem, Darkness Gem, 2xBlue MGCoin, 2x Red MGCoin, Fire Stone, Moon Stone, 32 Stamps, 144 CCPs, 2 Food and 3 Pkdolls.

    PKMN Pals = Carbunkl (Sentret F), Kadabra (M), Pikachu (F), Gligar (M), Squirtle (F).

    TMs = Twineedle, Drill Peck

    I will pick Door Numero Uno, please. =]
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  28. #108
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Karin and Amy- You both make sure everyone is ok and ready to go, and leave the store and start heading towards the east. Nothing seems amiss, aside from the general confusion among the people on the streets.

    You reach the outskirts of the city without problems, and soon you see the road that surrounds Pixie City. You can all see a dim light on the other side of the road, slightly to your left. Amy can also make out the scent of coffee, along with something else she can't clearly identify.

    -What will you do now? Head to the light? Cross the road and keep going straight? Or do something else?

    Pixie City/Pixie Island/16 CCPS/78 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted black and silver arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Serenity - Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M), Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    16 CCPs
    78 Stamps
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    *Mystic Pearl*
    *Destiny Jewel*
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Bow and 8 arrows
    Brochure on Rainbow Fall, the Crystal Cave and the Circle Lake
    a shard of Nevermelting Ice - held by Serenity
    Switching Hook

    I'll have Blazer help Evenstar in trying to figure out what that scent is thati can't figure out. I will aslo ask Serenity to carry Ralts with her to go and check out the light and hurry back. If they run into trouble i want ralts to teleport them asap. When they get back then i guess we'll know more about what to do and where to go.
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  29. #109
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Sorry, I haven’t been on top of things lately. Glad I’m on spring break now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    aragornbird- Trying to appear friendly, you ask the Vibrava if it knows a way out of 'here'. He stares at you for a few seconds, during which you find it impossible to tell what he's thinking. Then he speaks to you.
    "If by here you mean the anthole, there's a tunnel that goes up from the main crossroads; it will take you to Looping Forest. There are also some tunnels that take you to the larger caves. You can go there if you don't like the forest, but they're not such a quiet place since the Brelooms have made it their training ground. That's why I came here in the first place; the ants are more friendly. If you go to the caves, most of the path will lead you to the forest, but there is one path which leads to the exit... and somewhere else. The exit is now blocked by the battling Brelooms, however, and their spores are floating all over the place. If you want to get out of both the caves and the forest, I'm afraid you'll have to confront them. Or you can stay here. It's not a bad place once you get used to it. The ants can be quite friendly. They even bring me food here."

    -Does this make things clearer? What will you do now?
    Location: Ant City, Art Island
    Food: 5
    Pokedolls: 5
    CCPs and Stamps: 324 CCPs/44 Stamps
    Pokemon: Aeragorn (LV14 Skarmory, M) Dargonis (LV10 Aerodactyl, M) Slakoth (LV9, F)
    Items: None

    I’ll thank the Vibrava because I’ve been working on a plan. But first, I’ll ask the Vibrava if it would like to join my team and accompany me on my adventure.
    Either way, I’ll head back towards the room with the Brelooms, but stop before the door.


    Quote Originally Posted by Pichu
    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: ....................... dot dot dot dto otd tdotdotodo...
    Cynda (Cyndaquil M L.16)
    >>Trait: Blaze (When HP is less than 33%, Fire attacks deal 50% more damage.)
    >>Moves: Crush Claw, Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen
    >>Nature: Adamant

    Picha (Pikachu F L.15)
    >>Trait: Static (The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYZE when using a direct attack against this Pokémon.)
    >>Moves: Surf, Charge, Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Thunderwave
    >>Nature: Modest

    Icelia (Swinub F L.14)
    >>Trait: Oblivious
    >>Moves: Odor Sleuth, Powder Snow, Ice Beam, Icicle Spear
    >>Nature: ???

    Pack: 4 food units, 5 Pokédolls, Element Emerald
    TM: Double Edge, Nightmare, Toxic, Powder Snow
    CCP: 206

    I'll run fast and follow the small footprint road ^_^
    Pichu – Don’t you mean the big tracks since you were just on the small ones? Oh well…
    Not liking the evil looks on the Snorunts faces one bit, you and Mataro begin to turn around to escape these creatures. But suddenly, the two Snorunts move quickly and dash in front of you to block your way.
    “Oh no, these Pokemon are using their Block techinique to prevent us from escaping!” says Mataro.
    What will you do next?

    Gabi – Lagi’s antennae glow a faint blue as they probe the minds of the three dark colored Pokemon in front of you to indentify their emotions. The three Psychic types are perplexed at first, but suddenly realize what the Dragonite is doing.
    “Hey!” the Kadabra growls as the three use their Psychic abilities to shield themselves from Lagi.
    “Well, I wasn’t finished,” Lagi says as she turns to you, “But I could sense that these three Pokemon are involved with the YK. Probably been that way for a long time too.”
    The three get ready to fight, but just then they are faced with a flash of bright light as you release the rest of your Pokemon in front of you. Outnumbered by your assembly of Pokemon, they back off a little but hold their arms outward as if continuing to block your way.
    What will you do next?

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkPrince the Dark Knight
    Location: Dragonair Island
    CCPs: 0
    Stamps: 32
    Items: Light Gem, Lunar Gem, Darkness Gem, Flame Gem x2, Division Gem, Spark Gem, Ocean Gem, Rainbow Gem, Solar Gem
    Expedia-only items: Diving Pearl (allows for unlimited oxygen underwater)
    Pokemon: Mako the Marshtomp (male, L14)

    I'm going to tell Mako that I am on a quest to find a very important item on this island. I'd then like to travel towards the mountains please.

    BTW, shouldn't Mako have a free TM move and a nature?
    Kyle – Sorry about that! Let’s say his nature is Jolly and his free TM….let’s have you decide since you’ve been waiting so long for an update. ^_^;
    Mako shakes his head enthusiastically as he says “Wow, I wonder what item that could be? Anyways, I’ll help in anyway I can so let’s go!”
    With that, you trudge off in the direction of the tall mountains to your left. The journey there starts off pretty smoothly, with the ground being level and all. Mako bounds happily in front of you, humming a tune that appears a lot like “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”. But despite the long distance you make in a short amount of time, the geography quickly changes as you approach the foot of the mountains. Not only is the ground more rocky, with large boulders protruding everywhere, but the level of the earth is steeper and makes walking more difficult.
    “Boy, am I tired!” pants the Marshtomp as he slows down and stops. “I could certain use a rest.” Mako jumps on a small rock, but the rock suddenly screams! Startled, you both jump back. The rock wasn’t a real rock, it was the head of a young Bagon. The little Pokemon quickly runs behind a boulder and peers at you,
    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  30. #110

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Andy- As you keep climbing Blizzard Peak with the man, you hear a sound ahead. It sounds like something is shaking. The man tells you to wait while he checks what it is, but as soon as he walks two steps in the direction of the noise, his foot slips. He manages to grasp a rock and get back up, but he looks quite embarassed as he shakes the dirt off his clothes and hands.
    "As I said... we must be careful," he reminds both you and himself.
    He then turns again in order to go and take a look at what's making that sound.

    -What will you do? Will you wait until the man returns? Follow him? Or do something else?
    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: Blizzard Peak

    Adopted Pokemon: Charmander (M)
    Level: 9
    Trait: Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Swords Dance, Ember

    Adopted Pokemon: Beldum
    Level: 12
    Trait: Clear Body
    Attacks: Take Down

    CCPs: 35
    Stamps: 846
    Items: None!

    I know the man told me to wait but I want to follow him because it's cold here and I want see what he's checking out. This mountain seems endless as we keep climbing so I might aswell take a look with him to what's making that sound.

  31. #111
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Kyle – Sorry about that! Let’s say his nature is Jolly and his free TM….let’s have you decide since you’ve been waiting so long for an update. ^_^;
    Mako shakes his head enthusiastically as he says “Wow, I wonder what item that could be? Anyways, I’ll help in anyway I can so let’s go!”
    With that, you trudge off in the direction of the tall mountains to your left. The journey there starts off pretty smoothly, with the ground being level and all. Mako bounds happily in front of you, humming a tune that appears a lot like “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”. But despite the long distance you make in a short amount of time, the geography quickly changes as you approach the foot of the mountains. Not only is the ground more rocky, with large boulders protruding everywhere, but the level of the earth is steeper and makes walking more difficult.
    “Boy, am I tired!” pants the Marshtomp as he slows down and stops. “I could certain use a rest.” Mako jumps on a small rock, but the rock suddenly screams! Startled, you both jump back. The rock wasn’t a real rock, it was the head of a young Bagon. The little Pokemon quickly runs behind a boulder and peers at you,
    What will you do next?
    Location: Dragonair Island
    CCPs: 0
    Stamps: 30
    Items: Lunar Gem, Darkness Gem, Flame Gem x2, Division Gem x2, Spark Gem, Ocean Gem, Rainbow Gem, Solar Gem x3
    Expedia-only items: Diving Pearl (allows for unlimited oxygen underwater)
    Pokemon: Mako the Marshtomp (male, L14)

    Oh cool, a Bagon.

    I'm going to tell the Bagon that there's nothing to be afraid of, as neither I or Mako (the Marshtomp) would want to hurt it. I'll then ask the Bagon if it would like to come along with me and Mako.

    As for Mako's nature, I just found out weeks ago on Gabi's site that his nature is Hasty. As for his free TM, I need to ask you something important first aragornbird. Did you tell Gabi about this? No offence, but I think I want to stick to the tradition of having free TMs for the Expedia Pokemon I find and befriend be chosen by a worker, not me.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  32. #112
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Shonta » You look up and down the hot spring in the hopes of seeing another path, but unfortunately, there’s no way that you can see. You turn to Alicia, who will (hopefully) have knowledge about this place. “Oh, I think there’s a path through the middle of it, actually, I was told you could see it by looking down on it.” You nod, and urge her to finish. “Oh! Sorry. Well, if I fly above the hot spring and look down, I should be able to see the path if the sun keeps on shining this way. I don’t know how it got there, though… The path I mean. It’s a track where the water is shallower than in the rest of the spring, and if I direct you, you should be able to get to the other side. You want to?”

    Nodding, you remove your shoes and roll up your trousers as Alicia flies up into the air, prepared to direct you to where you need to go. Nodding to her when you’re ready, she begins to direct you through the spring. You take your time, being sure not to slip and fall into the water. After a while, you realise you’ve gotten to the other side – the pathway worked! You shake your feet and shins dry as Alicia flies down to you. As you put your shoes back on, you thank her for her directions before going towards the entrance of the cave which the Magcargo entered. As you near the entrance, though, you hear voices from inside. Pausing, you listen in to what they’re saying. “What’s she doing here?” says one voice. “I don’t know, but she stopped the fire…” says the other. But after that, you can’t hear their voices clearly enough any more.

    ~ What are you going to do? Go inside the cave? Try to listen to more of the conversation? Or something else?

    Darkfire » You, Nuka and Naois go over to where the landslide covered the unfortunate pokemon. You start to dig with Naois at your side, although Nuka seems to be a lot quicker due to her muscular legs. After about 5 minutes, you hear a muffled bleating sound. Naois jumps, rather surprised, but continues to dig a little more and then finds a couple of blue legs. He pulls with all his might until he unearths a rather dazed Mareep, who is covered in mud. He lets rip a loud baa, which makes Naois jump again. “Sorry,” says the Mareep. “I just needed to exercise my vocal chords again.”

    You continue to dig along with Naois and Nuka as the Mareep dusts himself down. After about half an hour, you stop due to fatigue. You stop and take a breather along with Naois, before Nuka unearths another pokemon from the debris; this time, it’s a Pikachu. By this point, you’ve rescued the Mareep and the Pikachu, along with a Geodude, Magby and a Machop. “Is that all?” asks a tired Naois, and the Mareep nods relatively cheerfully. Unfortunately, the others don’t seem that happy. “What are you doing here?” demands the Magby indignantly. “Was it you who got us trapped under that debris? Why would you do that?” growls the oddly vicious Pikachu.

    ~ What are you going to do? Explain that you don’t know what happened? Try to find the cause? Run away? Or something else?

    Jeff » You walk onto Welcome Beach, stretching and smiling to yourself as you start your new adventure. It’s a nice and clichéd sunny day; the perfect one to start a new quest on, really. Excited, you don’t delay your adventure any longer and head over to the docks of the beach so that you can get to a new island, nice and quickly. As you reach the harbour, you look around yourself; the sea is pretty calm, but there don’t seem to be any boats. Then suddenly, there’s a honking from behind you. You turn round, and there you see an Azumarill sailing towards you in a small but attractive little boat.

    “Well, what are you waiting for?” yells the Azumarill cheerfully. You look at him for a second before saying “Well, I was actually waiting until you reached the harbour itself…” He looks decidedly taken aback before coming to his senses again. “Oh! Right!” You make your way onto the boat as he pulls in and then you sail away for “…where was it again? Art Island! Ok! Let’s go!” The Azumarill seems very cheerful, but you’re a bit curious as to why he isn’t very Rollout-y. You ask him why that is. “Oh, well, I used to do that, but an incredibly high amount of travellers ended up falling in the water when I did that.” Then he stops talking, not elaborating any further – that is, until you ask him again. “Oh, I used to use Rollout through the water and the customer had to run whilst I was rolling – you know, like a treadmill? But it often resulted in catastrophe…” he fades away before pouting.

    After a while, you end up reaching the beach of Art Island. “Come again!” cries the Azumarill as he sails off, leaving you to decided what you’re going to do on your adventure. It’s a lovely day, still, and the island looks beautiful under the glow of the sun.

    ~ What do you want to do? Go to the store? Go up route 31? Go to Aricu River? Or something else?

  33. #113
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Jeff » You walk onto Welcome Beach, stretching and smiling to yourself as you start your new adventure. It’s a nice and clichéd sunny day; the perfect one to start a new quest on, really. Excited, you don’t delay your adventure any longer and head over to the docks of the beach so that you can get to a new island, nice and quickly. As you reach the harbour, you look around yourself; the sea is pretty calm, but there don’t seem to be any boats. Then suddenly, there’s a honking from behind you. You turn round, and there you see an Azumarill sailing towards you in a small but attractive little boat.

    “Well, what are you waiting for?” yells the Azumarill cheerfully. You look at him for a second before saying “Well, I was actually waiting until you reached the harbour itself…” He looks decidedly taken aback before coming to his senses again. “Oh! Right!” You make your way onto the boat as he pulls in and then you sail away for “…where was it again? Art Island! Ok! Let’s go!” The Azumarill seems very cheerful, but you’re a bit curious as to why he isn’t very Rollout-y. You ask him why that is. “Oh, well, I used to do that, but an incredibly high amount of travellers ended up falling in the water when I did that.” Then he stops talking, not elaborating any further – that is, until you ask him again. “Oh, I used to use Rollout through the water and the customer had to run whilst I was rolling – you know, like a treadmill? But it often resulted in catastrophe…” he fades away before pouting.

    After a while, you end up reaching the beach of Art Island. “Come again!” cries the Azumarill as he sails off, leaving you to decided what you’re going to do on your adventure. It’s a lovely day, still, and the island looks beautiful under the glow of the sun.

    ~ What do you want to do? Go to the store? Go up route 31? Go to Aricu River? Or something else?

    Art Island/Beach/5 Food Units and 5 Pokédolls / 0 CC Points

    Name: Fiamma
    Species: Cyndaquil
    Gender: Female
    Trait: Blaze
    Level: 9
    Moves: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Flamethrower

    Name: Lento
    Species: Slowking
    Gender: Male
    Trait: Own Tempo
    Level: 16
    Moves: Curse, Tackle, Yawn, Growl, Water Gun, Dive, Psychic

    I think I'll go up Route 31.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  34. #114
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Shonta » You look up and down the hot spring in the hopes of seeing another path, but unfortunately, there’s no way that you can see. You turn to Alicia, who will (hopefully) have knowledge about this place. “Oh, I think there’s a path through the middle of it, actually, I was told you could see it by looking down on it.” You nod, and urge her to finish. “Oh! Sorry. Well, if I fly above the hot spring and look down, I should be able to see the path if the sun keeps on shining this way. I don’t know how it got there, though… The path I mean. It’s a track where the water is shallower than in the rest of the spring, and if I direct you, you should be able to get to the other side. You want to?”

    Nodding, you remove your shoes and roll up your trousers as Alicia flies up into the air, prepared to direct you to where you need to go. Nodding to her when you’re ready, she begins to direct you through the spring. You take your time, being sure not to slip and fall into the water. After a while, you realise you’ve gotten to the other side – the pathway worked! You shake your feet and shins dry as Alicia flies down to you. As you put your shoes back on, you thank her for her directions before going towards the entrance of the cave which the Magcargo entered. As you near the entrance, though, you hear voices from inside. Pausing, you listen in to what they’re saying. “What’s she doing here?” says one voice. “I don’t know, but she stopped the fire…” says the other. But after that, you can’t hear their voices clearly enough any more.

    ~ What are you going to do? Go inside the cave? Try to listen to more of the conversation? Or something else?
    Route 23/Dragonair Island/42 CCPS/90 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Moriko (F Adopted Heracross), Beacon (F Adopted Mareep)

    I'll go in the cave even though I might regret it.
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  35. #115
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Once more sorry for the long delay. Working 9 hours a day and teaching 2 subjects doesn't leave me with much time left, and it takes time to think of proper updates. Especially if a player is about to begin a new quest. I had to talk to AB to come up with a new plan for the Normal door and it was hard for us to get online at the same time, so once more, sorry about that. AB, I rolled for the Vibrava's TM moves and bred-on move. The dice seem to like you.

    Oh, and I've only just noticed Cheesey's update for Jeff was out of continuity. I guess we can assume it happens at a different time, but Chris, will you please try to be more careful in the future? Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by aragornbird
    Gabi - Lagi’s antennae glow a faint blue as they probe the minds of the three dark colored Pokemon in front of you to indentify their emotions. The three Psychic types are perplexed at first, but suddenly realize what the Dragonite is doing.
    “Hey!” the Kadabra growls as the three use their Psychic abilities to shield themselves from Lagi.
    “Well, I wasn’t finished,” Lagi says as she turns to you, “But I could sense that these three Pokemon are involved with the YK. Probably been that way for a long time too.”
    The three get ready to fight, but just then they are faced with a flash of bright light as you release the rest of your Pokemon in front of you. Outnumbered by your assembly of Pokemon, they back off a little but hold their arms outward as if continuing to block your way.
    What will you do next?
    Island of Dreams - near the portal on the Craggy Cliffs/Noctowl, Mareep, Lagi (Dragonite), Ventura (Venomoth), Kabuto, Vulpix/Stamps and CCPs on my Items page/3 food supplies/4 pokédolls/Element Emerald, King's Rock, Dragon Scale, Volcano Ruby, Day Stone, Frozen Diamond, Metal Coat, Darkness Gem, Mystic Pearl, Plushies displayed on my Items page, Special Blend Tea.
    Since there doesn't seem to be any other choice, I'll tell them to move away or battle us.

    Karin and Amy- Evenstar and Blazer start smelling the air, trying to figure out what the other scent is. Evenstar can only tell it smells like a steel-type pokemon, but Blazer begins to growl as soon as he catches the pokemon's scent. Quilava picks up the scent as well, and his flames perk up. By then, Serenity and Ralts are already gone. Just a few seconds later, Ralts teleports back, bringing Serenity with her.
    "It's the Mawile we've fought before!," she announces. "She saw us!"
    Upon hearing these words, Alexa holds her Quilava tight.

    -What will you do now?

    Julina- You open the door número uno, and see light on the other side. As you and your pokemon walk into it, the door, the room and Maiden's Peak disappear behind you. You now find yourselves in the outskirts of what it looks like a small town. The sun is shining, which also reveals you're not in the Maiden Islands anymore (I was tempted to say Kansas, but that's overdone). You see small houses ahead of you, each with a tree in front of it, lined up at either side of an unpaved street. The place looks normal and calm... so calm that you notice no signs of activity. No people, pokemon or animal life whatsoever are at sight.

    -What will you do? Explore the area? Leave the town? Try to enter one of the houses? Walk along the street? Or do something else?

    AB- After working on a plan, you thank the Vibrava for the information and ask him if he would like to join your team and accompany you in your adventure. The Vibrava thinks for a few moments.
    "Why not?," he says in the end. "An adventure sounds interesting. I haven't been out in the open for a while."

    Congratulations, Vibrava has joined your team!

    Species: Vibrava
    Gender: Male
    Level: 36
    Nature: Calm
    Trait: Levitate
    Moves: Bite, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack, Sand Tomb, Crunch, Dragonbreath, Quick Attack, Hyper Beam, Sandstorm, Strength.

    Now with a powerful companion by your side, you go back to where you initially found the fighting Brelooms, stopping before they could notice you. They seem to have recovered from their encounter with you, and are testing their skills against each other once more.

    -What's your plan?

    Andy- Listening to your curiosity despite the man's instructions, you follow him in order to see what he's checking out. He hears you and looks back at you, but keeps climbing without saying a word. Finally, you reach the source of the sound. Behind a group of rocks, something seems to be trapped in a hole. Two tiny black feet shake the air, trying in vain for their squealing owner to get unstuck.

    -What will you do?

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
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  36. #116
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    It's not your fault, Gabi. ^_^ You don't need to apologize.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Karin and Amy- Evenstar and Blazer start smelling the air, trying to figure out what the other scent is. Evenstar can only tell it smells like a steel-type pokemon, but Blazer begins to growl as soon as he catches the pokemon's scent. Quilava picks up the scent as well, and his flames perk up. By then, Serenity and Ralts are already gone. Just a few seconds later, Ralts teleports back, bringing Serenity with her.
    "It's the Mawile we've fought before!," she announces. "She saw us!"
    Upon hearing these words, Alexa holds her Quilava tight.

    -What will you do now?

    Island: Pixie Island
    Location: Shop

    Switchblade the *male* Porygon (Adoptee)
    Level: 16
    Moves: Conversion, Conversion2, Tackle, Hidden Power - Fighting, Agility, Psychic, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Psybeam, Recycle, Sharpen
    Ability: Trace
    Held Items: Status Die

    Evenstar the female Sneasel (Adoptee)
    Level: 14
    Moves: Foresight, Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Hidden Power - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance, Icy Wind, Snatch, Crush Claw
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Held Items: Pokémon Earring

    Male Onix
    Level 21
    Moves: Tackle, Screech, Bind, Rock Throw, Dig, Headbutt, Iron Tail
    Ability: Rock Head
    Nature: Hardy
    Held Items: Hard Stone

    Food: 8
    Pokéballs: 5
    CCPs: 30
    Stamps: 125
    Quest items: Element Emerald
    - 1 Berry
    - 2 Gold Berries
    - 3 Miracleberries
    - 1 Sacred Fire TM
    - 1 Follow Me TM
    - 5 Aeroblast TMs
    - 1 Sky Uppercut TM
    - 1 Magical Leaf TM
    - 1 Lovely Kiss TM
    - 10 arrows

    I don't think I've met the Mawile before, so I don't know how dangerous she is. My opinion is that we should be able to take her on; unless she has abnormal powers, we shouldn't be running away from her.

    I'll ask Amy about the Mawile, or, if there's no time for that, I'll just ask whether she thinks it would be best to flee or stand our ground.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  37. #117

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Andy- Listening to your curiosity despite the man's instructions, you follow him in order to see what he's checking out. He hears you and looks back at you, but keeps climbing without saying a word. Finally, you reach the source of the sound. Behind a group of rocks, something seems to be trapped in a hole. Two tiny black feet shake the air, trying in vain for their squealing owner to get unstuck.

    -What will you do?
    Island: Island of Mist
    Location: Blizzard Peak

    Adopted Pokemon: Charmander (M)
    Level: 9
    Trait: Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Swords Dance, Ember

    Adopted Pokemon: Beldum
    Level: 15
    Trait: Clear Body
    Attacks: Take Down

    Stamps: 1009
    Items: None!

    I'll see what the man thinks of the situation and if he needs help I'll help him using my Pokemon. I'm sure Beldum's Take Down could smash a rock or two because he has such a hard body.

  38. #118

    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Julina- You open the door número uno, and see light on the other side. As you and your pokemon walk into it, the door, the room and Maiden's Peak disappear behind you. You now find yourselves in the outskirts of what it looks like a small town. The sun is shining, which also reveals you're not in the Maiden Islands anymore (I was tempted to say Kansas, but that's overdone). You see small houses ahead of you, each with a tree in front of it, lined up at either side of an unpaved street. The place looks normal and calm... so calm that you notice no signs of activity. No people, pokemon or animal life whatsoever are at sight.

    -What will you do? Explore the area? Leave the town? Try to enter one of the houses? Walk along the street? Or do something else?
    Location= Mistonnence Dragart --> Maiden's Peak

    Pack= Volcano Ruby, Frozen Diamond, Element Emerald, Mystic Pearl, Accelerator Gene, 3x Hollow Stone, Flame Gem, Solar Gem, Darkness Gem, 2xBlue MGCoin, 2x Red MGCoin, Fire Stone, Moon Stone, 32 Stamps, 144 CCPs, 2 Food and 3 Pkdolls.

    PKMN Pals = Carbunkl (Sentret F), Kadabra (M), Pikachu (F), Gligar (M), Squirtle (F).

    TMs = Twineedle, Drill Peck

    Hehe, Kansas.

    I will break into one of the homes. >: D
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  39. #119
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Karin and Amy- Evenstar and Blazer start smelling the air, trying to figure out what the other scent is. Evenstar can only tell it smells like a steel-type pokemon, but Blazer begins to growl as soon as he catches the pokemon's scent. Quilava picks up the scent as well, and his flames perk up. By then, Serenity and Ralts are already gone. Just a few seconds later, Ralts teleports back, bringing Serenity with her.
    "It's the Mawile we've fought before!," she announces. "She saw us!"
    Upon hearing these words, Alexa holds her Quilava tight.

    -What will you do now?
    Pixie City/Pixie Island/38 CCPS/38 Stamps/3 food/5 pokedolls/Pokemon companions: Blazer my adopted black and silver arcanine (M), Ranec my captured white umbreon with black rings (M), Serenity - Togetic (F), Omastar (M), Metapod (F), Ralts (F), Quilava (M), Starflare - Rapidash (F), and Trapinch (M)

    Pack Check:
    CC Points and items

    38 CCPs
    38 Stamps
    *Volcano Ruby*
    *Element Emerald*
    *Frozen Diamond* It was half melted, but Togetic melded it back together.
    *Mystic Pearl*
    *Destiny Jewel*
    one of a kind vaporeon plushie
    Magic Golden Rope
    Whismur plushie
    Bow and 8 arrows
    Brochure on Rainbow Fall, the Crystal Cave and the Circle Lake
    a shard of Nevermelting Ice - held by Serenity
    1 Herbal Tea
    Switching Hook

    Hmmm I'm going to get Serenity to give Starflare one of my gold berries that i've gotten fromt he gt and ask her if we must battle if she feels up to it if so i'll have her keep an eye out as i tell karin about the last encounter with that mawile was when Alexa was in the cage and anything else that might be important for Karin to know about her. I'll aslo have my group of pokemon surround Alexa, and Andrew and keep them safe.
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  40. #120
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default <Game> Expedia: The Maiden Islands version 10! [M.A. Quicksilver]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Darkfire » You, Nuka and Naois go over to where the landslide covered the unfortunate pokemon. You start to dig with Naois at your side, although Nuka seems to be a lot quicker due to her muscular legs. After about 5 minutes, you hear a muffled bleating sound. Naois jumps, rather surprised, but continues to dig a little more and then finds a couple of blue legs. He pulls with all his might until he unearths a rather dazed Mareep, who is covered in mud. He lets rip a loud baa, which makes Naois jump again. “Sorry,” says the Mareep. “I just needed to exercise my vocal chords again.”

    You continue to dig along with Naois and Nuka as the Mareep dusts himself down. After about half an hour, you stop due to fatigue. You stop and take a breather along with Naois, before Nuka unearths another pokemon from the debris; this time, it’s a Pikachu. By this point, you’ve rescued the Mareep and the Pikachu, along with a Geodude, Magby and a Machop. “Is that all?” asks a tired Naois, and the Mareep nods relatively cheerfully. Unfortunately, the others don’t seem that happy. “What are you doing here?” demands the Magby indignantly. “Was it you who got us trapped under that debris? Why would you do that?” growls the oddly vicious Pikachu.

    ~ What are you going to do? Explain that you don’t know what happened? Try to find the cause? Run away? Or something else?
    Dragonair Island / Route 22 / 5 Units of Food - 5 Pokedolls / 34 CCPs-76 Stamps / No Items

    CC- Nuka(Purple glowing Houndoom), M, Lv.18, Early Bird
    Attacks: Ember, Leer, Smog, Roar, Howl, Bite, Rest, Snore, Swagger.

    AC- Naois(Charmander), M, Lv.7, Blaze
    Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Dragon Dance, Defense Curl, Sunny Day, Slash.

    I'll thank Naois and Nuka for helping, then I'll explain to the other Pokemon that we were just traveling when I heard the avalanche. I'll also offer to help them find the real cause if they don't believe me.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

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