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Thread: Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

  1. #81
    Donator Advanced Trainer
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)


    I sighed as I leaned against a wall after we finished searching in vain for an exit. It might be the hawk part of me, but i was really missing fresh air. I started thinking about how a cool breeze would be welcome after the stuffy, unwelcoming air of this lab. I took another breath to prove to myself how bland the air was...and noticed a slight, but distinct breeze. I quickly followed it down a hall and around the corner. By then the breeze had stopped, but I was certain I had heard a slight sound coming from somewhere nearby, something like the quiet click of a door closing. But all i saw on the hall ahead of me was smooth walls for a couple yards. And it had sounded closer than that.

    So I started closely searching the walls, looking for cracks, even the slightest ones, and tapping the walls now and then like I'd seen in movies when peopel look for hidden doors. Sure enough, I found one spot where the tapping produced a more hollow sound, hinting at a thinner wall then the surrounding area. I found the crack of what could be a door soon enough, and spent several minutes trying in vain to get a fingernail or talon under the crack to try to pry the door open. Then in frustration I tried just pushing the panel as hard as I could. To my surprise, I felt it shift slightly, and found that one end had sunk in while the opposite side had risen. I pushed harder, and saw the door revolve. I was about to go tell the others, but the strong breeze that flowed into the hall banished the though from my mind. I gladly stepped outside into the cool morning air.

    I spent my first few moments in the doorway, taking several deep breaths of fresh air. It seemed an eternity since I'd last done so. Then I looked around, and noticed the outer wall of the laboratory was rock. It didn't look like stone bricks, either, but solid rock. Tho I knew perfectly well it was far from solid. A small sound drew my eyes downward, and I was quite surprised to find that one of the other transformed humans, whose name I think was Velox, was asleep against the wall. Not that I could blame him, seeing him asleep there was starting to make me tired, too. I surpressed a yawn, then glanced back inside, knowing that I sould really tell the others of the door I found. But the sweet morning birdsong and cool breezes made me stare outside again. Just a moment longer, I thought as I lingered in the doorway. I'll tell them in a moment...
    Mew Master's Officially Approved #1 Fan

    Read his fics, or I'll bash you with the Mallet of Ficcy Goodness.

    Follower of ~DR the Art God, possessor of The Mechanical Pencil of Reality and The Book of Recorded Reality.

  2. #82
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    Default Father and son.


    I dash around the machine while the cyber-tah was on my tail. I just said “Oh Man! Oh Man! Oh Man!” over and over again.

    The cheetah grab my long tail, which I think isn’t good, and tossed me to a higher level platform.

    Strange enough, that cheetah smelled a lot like me, maybe my cheetah-mutation genes were from him or something.

    I then notice that the guy didn’t spot me, but I also spotted a box of heavy rusty gears, I put the two together and an idea pop in.

    I push the crate off the rundown platform, which had no guardrail, and on to the clueless cyborg cheetah, which was a shame. Because he could have been my cheetah father or something.

    I walk down the steps and walk up to the metal pile; I could still see the cheetah, no moving.

    I began to be polite, “Wish you were a good guy so you can follow and protect me around in this whack out place Dad, that what you would do.”

    I began to walk back where the others were, then I heard the gears being moved around off of the pile and I turn to see the cheetah, sloshing and staring blankly at me, and slowly walk towards me.

    I just chuckle, “Well, I guess I knock out your evil chip, huh, Dad,”

    I began to walk again, with my father following close by. I was going to introduce him to the others as Matt. Matt was my birth dad
    By the keyboard of Beach Boy.

    My Quote of the Month: "At last the sunshine dispelled the horror of that dark night. It was as if it was all just a dream. But evidense remained of a shattered life and a broken man. fodr whom the nightmare was just beginning... The tragedy is over but the real culprit is still on the loose. Poisonong the hearts of certain men so they can only seek darkness. This murderer is called Revenge... Case closed." Conan Edogawa (aka: Jimmy Kudo) from Case Close

  3. #83
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    No one seemed to be making any progress in finding an exit, which was disappointing. however, i must never give up!

    suddenly i noticed that the hawk girl was missing from our party. where could she be? i began to sniff the air around me for the sent of bird. no luck. i began to walk down a hall a thought she had disapeared down.
    while sniffing the air for a scent, i felt a breeze, like the kind a door makes when you close it. looking around for a door, all i found was the same solid hallway walls i'd been staring at for the past while.
    not so easliy discouraged, i inspected the area closer.
    i found a series of gashes in the wall. now that i thought about it, they could be tallon scratches from the hawk girl. then this must be a secret door.

    "hey guys, i think i found something!" i yelled down the hall, before throwing all my weight into a panel in the wall. before i could react, the wall open up and sent me spinning on a revolving panel into another room. the wall closed behind and i found myself outside, and free.

    i happily began to frolik in the warm sun and cool breeze. i spun around happily untill i got dizzy and fell back first into a cushony clover patch.

    it was then, as i turned my head, that i realized i was not alone in this paradise. sound asleep in the soft grass lay the hawk girl, and a boy lay sleeping a few yards away.

    i quickly stood up. what was this? knowing the rest of this building, this couldn't be good.

    i fought to stay awake, even though the birds were chirping a lullaby tune, and the warmth of the outdoors seemed to make my eyes

    "NO" i yelled, making my head buzz. "i must stay awake."

    i shook my head and patted my face with my hands. must stay awake!
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  4. #84

    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    I'm Back! Yay!

    ~Prof. Neco~

    Sending the Cheetah morph was good fun. It seemed kind of sadistic to watch the monitors, and all the anihumans struggling for freedom just for my own pleasure. I reminded myself, there was a reason behind it. They would see in time. In my brooding, I noticed that the cheetah I had been controlling, without my interference, had fallen. It was following the cheetah anihuman? Where was the sense in that? I realized that the chips must have been knocked out, and quite crudely at that. Good thing I implemented a self-destruct mechanism. BOOM! The cyborg fell to the ground lifeless, I had short-circuited its brain. It wouldn't get up again.

    Looking at the monitors I realized that they all had found the secret entrance, the revolving door, that I had meant them to find. They had gained their freedom, I would hinder them no longer. The tracking chips, and cameras that I had placed upon them would do their job. At that I almost laughed the way most villians do. Almost.

    For future reference, the closest city within reach of lab is several days trek away on foot. The lab is deep in the desert near Phoenix, Arizona. The only reason it is colder right now is because it is barely sun up. The blistering heat could cause a problem. Being in the desert, their is no option but to walk. Fun desert sun here we come!

    EDIT: Eevee could you please capitalize your I's, it makes your post harder to read and oh-so informal! Please! I'm sorry to nag but I just have to. It just makes it look bad, as in first-person you use I's so many times (besides it makes you look lazy!).

  5. #85
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    I signed up for this, but I've been gone for so long I never had a chance to post... Uh, I will once I can read up to the present, ok?

    ~Name: Erin Anderson
    ~Gender: Female
    ~Age: 14
    ~Animals: Fox and Jaguar
    ~Before Looks: She's naturally semi-tanned, though her face is a bit pale. Her light-brown hair is cut short and her grey eyes are sort of slanted (she's part Asian). She prefers to wear plain old jeans and black T-shirts, and her favorite shoes are faux-fur-lined black boots. She often wears black lipstick, a stark contrast to her white skin.
    ~After Looks: Her skin has a thin layer of black fur over it. She has a red fox tail and ears poking up from her hair at the top of her head, retractable claws, and fangs. Her eyes are like a cat's -- amber-yellow with vertical pupils.
    ~Personality: She's quiet and shy around people she doesn't know. She holds strong to her opinions, and rarely gives in to what others say, and then only if they present evidence. She's not one to be pushed around either. When she's with her friends, she's likely to be quite hyper and finds it hard to stop laughing once she starts. She's very cynical and sarcastic at times as well, but not very often.
    ~Personality After Mutation: She becomes even more withdrawn, but doesn't change much.
    ~Abilities: Very fast, heightened senses, and can see in almost complete darkness.
    ~History: Nothing really extraordinary. She lives in a small almost run-down town in northern Illinois, where the schools switch between the town she lives in and one right next to it. Her grades have been pretty low this past year, though they'v been improving. She has only three good friends, but she'd trust any of them with her life. She lives with mer mom, who works at a place that rents out apartments, her dad, who is an industrial engineer at a major pakaging plant in the next county, and her younger sister, who has even fewer friends than Erin does, and is in her opinion a brat. She also has a dog and six guinea pigs (two parents, four babies, more on the way).
    ~Relationships: None.
    ~Other: :gun:Other
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  6. #86

    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    Welcome back Nab. Catch up as soon as you can! ^^

  7. #87
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    yep, welcome back.

    Rose and i are having our charactors wait for the rest of the gang to amerge, otherwise i would have posted.
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
    ~ John Tobias

  8. #88
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    ARGH!! The evil computer just ate my post! I thought getting a new computer meant that my internet problems would be solved. At least it wasn't that long. I really should upgrade from my dial-up connection.
    Oh, and welcome Nabooru23, I hope you can increase the pace in this RPG a little.

    Rosalynd (Bat/Mouse):

    I heard a loud explosion in another room. Man, that hurt my ears. Investigating the source of the sound, it appeared that whatever made it was now a crimson splotch on the floor. Joe said that it had been a hybrid like us that had been fitted with mechanical parts. At least it seemed to have malfunctioned and self-destructed.

    After much searching, the exit was finally found. It was a revolving door in the wall. Kruz had to be dragged out because he was still in slumber land. It seemed that others had found the exit before us, but they had fallen asleep. Might as weel join them, I'm feeling pretty sleepy myself.

  9. #89
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    Default finally...


    ~*{ I got up from my sleep. Apparently, I had hit my head too hard when I'd cracked the wall. I walked into the hallway where everyone else was. I walked up to Yashanecco and asked what was going on. She looked at me. I watched at foam began to run out of her mouth as well as everyone else's. I looked more closely in horror and saw needles sticking out of their heads. Two men almost immediately came and grabbed me. An older, balding man, whom I assumed was the Infamous Doctor appeared near the table I was strapped to. He pulled out handfuls of syringes and began to stick me. His head then began to morph into that of many animals. They then swallowed me whole...}*~

    I suddenly awoke, cold sweat dripping from my chin. I wiped of my face on my Tank-Top and got up. I was now outside and everyone was asleep. This was wierd. I'm outside, everyone is asleep, I had a feeling I was being watched, and my gut was saying to stay on your toes. I figured I would look around this place and see if there was anything we needed to look out for. There was a loud BOOM sound. I stopped walking.

    It hit again and again until a large figure rolled into view. This guy was huge. He had to atleast be 7'10". He had scaly feet, with claws on his toes. His arms were extremely short, and his head looked long. He pretty much looked like a T-Rex Hybrid. He began to sprint at me. I quickly jumped out of the way onto a concrete sidewalk. The T-Rex hybrid slowed and turned around, snapping his mouth. I charged ahead too and planted the dino on it's back.

    "I always was a better charger."

    I jumped up onto it and dropped an elbow on it's stomach and picked it up and with much difficulty, dropped it on it's head. There was a loud crack and a while after, an explosion. After a while, I had ventured back to the others. They were beginning to wake up. After everyone had awoken, I pointed at the scorched mass that used to be another dino-hybrid. Of course, this sparked suspicion in others. It had also sparked suspicion in me.

    "Hey, guys," I said as persuasively as possible, "this isn't right. This apple's too ripe. Haven't you noticed each time one of us has been attacked, we were alone and attacked by a hybrid much like ourselves? And does anyone feel as if they are being watched? It's like we're being tested for something and it just doesn't add up."

    Almost everyone began to feel this way, so I figured we'd have to do something soon. Then someone spoke...

    sorry it's been so long... N E Wayz, I can't think of anything really creative right now. Maybe I'll edit it later. And welcome Nab! ^_^ Hope you have fun on this RPG!

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Default Finally...


    ~*{ I got up from my sleep. Apparently, I had hit my head too hard when I'd cracked the wall. I walked into the hallway where everyone else was. I walked up to Yashanecco and asked what was going on. She looked at me. I watched at foam began to run out of her mouth as well as everyone else's. I looked more closely in horror and saw needles sticking out of their heads. Two men almost immediately came and grabbed me. An older, balding man, whom I assumed was the Infamous Doctor appeared near the table I was strapped to. He pulled out handfuls of syringes and began to stick me. His head then began to morph into that of many animals. They then swallowed me whole...}*~

    I suddenly awoke, cold sweat dripping from my chin. I wiped of my face on my Tank-Top and got up. I was now outside and everyone was asleep. This was wierd. I'm outside, everyone is asleep, I had a feeling I was being watched, and my gut was saying to stay on your toes. I figured I would look around this place and see if there was anything we needed to look out for. There was a loud BOOM sound. I stopped walking.

    It hit again and again until a large figure rolled into view. This guy was huge. He had to atleast be 7'10". He had scaly feet, with claws on his toes. His arms were extremely short, and his head looked long. He pretty much looked like a T-Rex Hybrid. He began to sprint at me. I quickly jumped out of the way onto a concrete sidewalk. The T-Rex hybrid slowed and turned around, snapping his mouth. I charged ahead too and planted the dino on it's back.

    "I always was a better charger."

    I jumped up onto it and dropped an elbow on it's stomach and picked it up and with much difficulty, dropped it on it's head. There was a loud crack and a while after, an explosion. After a while, I had ventured back to the others. They were beginning to wake up. After everyone had awoken, I pointed at the scorched mass that used to be another dino-hybrid. Of course, this sparked suspicion in others. It had also sparked suspicion in me.

    "Hey, guys," I said as persuasively as possible, "this isn't right. This apple's too ripe. Haven't you noticed each time one of us has been attacked, we were alone and attacked by a hybrid much like ourselves? And does anyone feel as if they are being watched? It's like we're being tested for something and it just doesn't add up."

    Almost everyone began to feel this way, so I figured we'd have to do something soon. Then someone spoke...

    sorry it's been so long... N E Wayz, I can't think of anything really creative right now. Maybe I'll edit it later. And welcome Nab! ^_^ Hope you have fun on this RPG!

  11. #91
    Cool Trainer
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)


    I began to wake up. Man, I'm getting allot of sleep lately. I stretch my arms, to find it has a cheetah legs! I began to look over my body only to find it fully cheetahized! I am now official a cheetah, my long transformation was half way done.

    I look around, I was in a prison cell, and it smells like the walls are the restrooms. I just sighed and hope that the others, and my Mom, were okay.
    By the keyboard of Beach Boy.

    My Quote of the Month: "At last the sunshine dispelled the horror of that dark night. It was as if it was all just a dream. But evidense remained of a shattered life and a broken man. fodr whom the nightmare was just beginning... The tragedy is over but the real culprit is still on the loose. Poisonong the hearts of certain men so they can only seek darkness. This murderer is called Revenge... Case closed." Conan Edogawa (aka: Jimmy Kudo) from Case Close

  12. #92
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    Default Animalia: The Mutation (Starts - Limited LSU's)

    Elain (falcon)

    As I regained conciousness, I tried to grab hold onto the tail-end of the dream I had just had. It was nice, I think. Tho, like most dreams, I could barely remember a few fleeting images of it as I woke.

    A breeze brushed my face, a hot one. I must have left the window open. Felt like a hot day. No wait, I thought to myself, as I squeezed my eyes farther shut as I tried to remember. I wasn't home, I was in...

    My eyes shot open as I remembered what had happened, then looked around. I was still just outside, and it seemed most everyone had found the hidden door, though all but Kruz and I were still asleep. I stood up and stretched my limbs and wings as I looked at the secnery around us.

    We appeared to be next to a large rock formation in the middle of a desert. Not much but sand and more rocks as fars as the eye could see, dotted with a few small desert plants. I sighed. Lovely, we were doubtless far from any sort of civilization, and travel through the desert would not be easy. On the chance that there would be something to give an idea of where to head to find civilization, I started climbing the side of the giant rock behind me, spreading my wings for balance and using my taloned feet to grasp onto the rock. After a considerable struggle, during with I used my wings to help me jump over some particularly difficult parts of the terrain, I managed to get a good distance up the side of the rock. I stopped when I could see no way of going higher, at least by climbing. Unless I could figure out how to fly right away, this was the best vantage point I could find. I resumed my inspection of the area, glad that i had something similar to a falcon's vision.

    It seemed to be not far after early morning, since the sun was still fairly low in the sky. Already the sand was beginning to absorb the sun's heat, which formed shimmering waves above the ground that distorted vision. Still, I thought i could see somthing that looked like a path or a road off into the distance. But there was nothing else resembling civilization for as far as i coul see. I protrusion of the rock kept the rest of the crew in shadow, but soon the rising sun would banish that shadow, and sleeping in the sun would not be smart. Neither would traveling in it, though. I started climbing down to wake them, finding the trip down more difficult than the one up.

    The smart thing to do would be to wait untill nightfall, when it would be much cooler, and travel then. In the meantime, we could scavenge for supplies inside the lab. Seeing as I had no idea how far we were from any place we could get food or water, we would have to bring some with us, and as much as we could carry, so we wouldn't die of starvation and dehydration during the trip. I shook my head to clear out the unpleasnat thought. Especially since I didn't relish the thought of going back in the lab. Who knew what, or who, would await us if we went back in.

    As my foot slipped yet again from the shallow foothold I had found on the rock, I flapped my wings to keep from falling, and renewed my grip on the rock. As I felt for the next hadhold, I stopped. Wait a minute...I ceartainly couldn't fly up, but I was fairly certain I could glide down. All I had to do was feep from a freefall and let gravity bring me down. then i wouldn't have to worry about loosing my grip on teh rock and smashing to the ground below. Of course I'd have to turn around first; I had no idea how I'd glide while facing the rock wall. Spying a small ledge off to one side, I inshed onto it until I felt secure enough to turn around. I had actually gotten a fair distance down. If I was on the outside of a building, I'd probably just be a few stories up. Then again, I was outside a building; the lab. Before I could convince myself that this was a bad idea, I spread my wings and jumped forward, off the ledge.

    The first second was terrifying, when I was just falling, the air doing little more than riffle my feathers. Then the wind cought my wings and I has gliding gently forward, out into the open air. After the brief surge of fear passed, I began to enjoy the feeling. I leaned slightly to one side, puling myself into a gentle turn that soon brought me in view of the others, still asleep. I grinned, suddenly finding that the feeling of floating through the air with nothing but the wind in my wings to suport me was exhilarating. I let out a loud falcon screech of pure joy, which echoed off the rock and jolted away a few of my sleeping companions. I screeched again to wake up more, then turned myself away from them and enjoyed the rest of the trip down. My landing was far from the best, but at least I didn't crash on my face. As I walked back to the group, I stared up the rock, wanting to climb back up so I could glide again.
    Mew Master's Officially Approved #1 Fan

    Read his fics, or I'll bash you with the Mallet of Ficcy Goodness.

    Follower of ~DR the Art God, possessor of The Mechanical Pencil of Reality and The Book of Recorded Reality.

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