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Thread: Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

  1. #121
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Tiana's POV)

    Uncle Nero pulled me close and held me tight. I shook as i cried, and he stayed by my side. Gently he began to rub my back with his paw, while attemtpign to reassure me. “It’ll be okay. Don’t worry, Tiana, if there’s anything bad out there, your Uncle Nero won’t let it hurt you. I’m always here for you. I promise.” Though I'm not sure if it was helping those images were horrible. After a few minutes i was finally where I could talk, I think because I was pretty much cried out form the earlier stuff that happened. When I looked up at Uncle Nero, he was staring at me worriedly. Somehow, I knew he was wondering what i had seen. I wasn't sure if i could without bursting into tears again, but i decided to try. I looked up at Uncle Nero. "I saw Zale and an absol... He... She... They did stuff.." at which point I began crying again. "Was... he..." I had to take a deep breath, and then got out "hurting her?" before shruddering and pressing myself closed to Uncle Nero.

    (Lani's POV)

    I took off running immediately after I had said what i had said. Soon, I was pretty for ahead so I slowed down. I looked behind me, but didn't hear any footsteps so i stopped. Suddenly, I was pounced on from the front. "You're it!" Huan laughed as he took off running in a differnet direction. "I'm gonna get you!" I called after him and took off running. Ahead, I saw Jovi talking with a Girafarig before my eyes drifted back to Huan who was looking at me running after him. "St-Jovi, watch it!" Luckily my half-brother had good reflexes and jumped out of the way as Huan charged through. "Coming through." I added laughing, and then poured on a burst of speed and pounced on Huan. "Gotcha!" I sat down panting. "You wanna play that some more, or find something else?" I asked in between pants.

    (Jovi's POV)

    "It's okay. Stuff like that happens to me all the time. I'm Kawaii." "Nice to meet you Kawaii." I told her, before I heard someone call out "Heads up!" I looked and saw a frisbee coming towards us but Kawaii stopped it. "Nice." i admitted, as a mareep trotted up. She talked with Kawaii a few minutes before walking off. She looked over at me before explaingin that they were her friends. I nodded. Soon I heard Lani's voice ring loud and clear. "St-Jovi, watch it!" I looked up and saw Lani's boyfriend charging towards me. My eyes widened, and I used my extremespeed to get out of the way in the nick of time. "Coming through." Lani added as she rushed by laughing. I tried to look decent when i walked back over to Kawaii. "And that would be my half-sister Lani and her boyfriend who charged through here." I said, chuckling. "They're energetic to say the least."

    (Aiko's POV)

    Once i felt comfortable standing, I looked over at Mom and Dad. They were watching me closely. I saw others moving around and I decided to try it. I moved one paw in front of me and ended up falling down. Mom looked about ready to run towards me but i stood up again. I was gonna do this. Again, I tried and tumbled. Shaking myself, I tried a third time and managed not to fall. I had the biggest grin on my face as i looked over at Mom and Dad.

    (Yana's POV)

    Kiara and I made our way back to the Eevee House, Sinopa trotting beside us. She and I had hit it off from the start, and though she wasn't my biological child I couldn't feel for her even more. "How's she doing?" Kiara asked. "Pretty good. She hasn't panicked anymore. Of course, she hasn't come close to getting trapped again either." Kiara nodded. "They're horrible aren't they?" I nodded, before deciding to try and change the subject, since i really didn't feel like discussing Team Rocket at the moment.

    "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." Kiara replied. "Do you know if," at which point I began to blush though if it was visable or not i couldn't tell. I took a deep breath. "If Blazer has anyone special?" I finally got out. Kiara looked at me a few seconds then grinned. "You have a crush on him don't you?" "Maybe. Could you answer my question." Kiara sighed. "No he doesn't. He did once, a growlithe, but her trainer got rid of her because she wasn't fitting in and basically no one knows what happened to her. Well, that answered why Blazer never let himself get too close to any of us girls. "I see." "If you just be there for him, that might help." Kiara suggested.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    I followed Yana and Kiara into the huge building. They were talkign about something, but I was too busy being amazed by my surroundings. I had never before seen a place so huge. I felt myself relaxing. I doubt that i could end up getting confined here. I stared in wonder as I walked in a straight line, evidently away form Kiara and Yana who had stopped. Soon i heard groans and realized that i was in front of a TV. I quickly got out of the way and stopped as I stared around. I really didn't want anyone getting upset with me on my first visit. I liked this place, because of the fact that it was so huge.
    Silver Wolf
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    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

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  2. #122

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    "Wait just a moment." Most of the team seemed to be grateful that the strange rainbow-haired Vulpix that had just walked past had realised she was standing in front of the televison and moved accordingly. Except for Marius, that is. "Would you mind coming back and blocking the screen again? I'm afraid that my teammates may well end up vegetating on the sofa for eternity if something drastic isn't done soon." The Dratini rolled his eyes, looking back at Pandora, Milliardo, Pearl, Celeste, Soo, Ade and Kirei. "I can't say I'm one for television. It's an easy distraction from more pressing matters. Entire hours of the day are wasted with its easy-on-the-brain, hard-on-the-pocket commercialism..." Marius checked himself quickly. To lanch into a tirade against the entertainment industry wasn't really the best way to start a conversation. "Apologies, they've just been frozen there for the past hour or so and I'm growing increasingly infuriated with them. My name is Marius, by the way. And you are?"

    "I think I'm going for a quick dip." Pearl got up and stretched lazily. "Soo, will you do me a favour and hold Celeste for a while? It's been a long time since I was able to exercise, really."
    "For a Fire-type you sure love to swim, don't you?" Beckham poked his head over the edge of the sofa. "Not that I can blame you, it's so much fun... by the way, anybody fancy a game of ball once Megan's found us a ball? We got Ryo-Ohki playing as well but so far nobody else seems that interested."
    "Probably because you haven't produced a ball yet, Becks," Milliardo commented without looking up from the screen. "Still, no problem, you could always use Megan instead if you can't find one."
    "That does it, I'm off to escape from this bickering." Waiting until Soo had carefully taken her daughter, Pearl trotted over to the pool area and took a step into the cool waters. It was good to be free to do these things again. For all she loved Celeste, carrying her around in her belly for what seemed like an eternity hadn't been the most pleasurable of experiences.

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  3. #123
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Beaky's POV

    "I better go outside before these walls start caving in on me," I told Shonta.

    She looked up from her book and nodded. "Tell Cinder to keep his nose out of others' business," she said.

    I flew out of the house and passed Kawaii, who was talking with a Jolteon. "What do you know? Her advice worked." I decided to not bother them and went straight to the others, who were playing with a Frisbee. "Hey."

    "It's Beaky!" Lily cried happily. "Do you want to play with us?"

    "Let's just take five for now," Beacon panted. "Especially since you hit me with your Razor Leaf twice. I'm sure you're thirsty."

    Lily swayed from side to side then smiled. "I guess you're right! See you later!"

    Everyone but Beacon and Cinder walked off for some shade. Except Jewel, who went straight for the pool. "Did you see Kawaii with that Jolteon?" Cinder asked me. "I knew I was good!"

    "Good at what? Embarrassing others?" I asked him angrily. "You try anything like that with us again and I make sure Kawaii takes you for the ultimate spacewalk." Cinder gulped and rubbed his face.

    Kawaii's POV

    I smiled as Lani and Huan ran past us. Jovi explained who they were. "It must be nice to be with family."

    Jovi blinked. "Do you have any family here?"

    "Not any blood relatives, but my teammates are like family to me." I felt that empty feeling again, but managed to stay cheery. "But I don't let that get to me." I smiled warmly. Oh no! I'm running out of things to say! What now?

    "Play! Play!" my tail shouted.

    Why not? I'll just go and say it. "Sorry, I'm not one for small talk. Would you like to take a walk with me?"
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  4. #124
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    <Aries's POV>

    I looked up at the setting sun from my position and got up. I'd been acting like a fool for so long and I probably hurt Nero's feelings in the process.
    "What's in the past is in the past," I murmured.
    "Ready to go back in?" Nightshade asked as he brushed himself off.
    "Yeah. I have to apologize to Nero for what I did."
    "So do I," Nightshade flushed.
    I gave him a questioning look but didn't want to dwelve into it further. We walked the short distance between the lawn and the door and made our way in before seeing Tiana sobbing into Nero's side.
    "Man, this is too much to handle,'' Nightshade whispered.
    I nodded softly and crept up next to Nero. He looked up at me and for an instant, I saw fear and sadness in his eyes but it soon went away.
    "Tiana saw something kinetically by accident," he said helplessly. "I don't know what she's talking about but she said that it involved Zale and a female Absol and they were doing something that she didn't exactly approve of."
    I blanched and looked over at Nightshade, who looked half-amused and half-frightened.
    <She's a young kid and she saw that?> I thought to him.
    <She still doesn't have control over her psychic awareness,> he replied. <I'll have to work harder with her.>
    I nodded and bent close to Nero.
    "Tell Tiana to go with Nightshade," I whispered to him. "Tell Tiana that Zale wasn't hurting that Absol and that she'll have to get back to her training."
    He hesitated but complied and whispered assurances to Tiana before she uncurled herself and went off with Nightshade, albeit still upset.
    "First of all, I'm sorry for what I did to you before," I said to Nero after both were out of earshot. "I was acting selfishly in that I thought I could handle that memory about that Umbreon you saw but obviously, I couldn't. I promise it won't happen again."
    "Now, this might be hard to swallow but I think I know what Zale was doing. All I can say is that you're going to be a Great Uncle."
    I grimaced as confusion was plastered on Nero's face but minutes later, it was replaced by astonishment and anger.
    "You're telling me..." he began.
    "Yes. Zale is going to have a kid and it's going to be an Absol."
    He began to pace about angrily, rambling on.
    "How could he? He's still a young kid. It's not right for him to have a child at that age!"
    "Nero, be reasonable," I said. "You're young yourself, only a bit older than the twins. Your sister had them when she was young and you supported her in every which way you could. Don't you think Zale would be crushed if you denounced him? We don't know if he regrets what he did or not but we'll have to wait until he comes to us and explains everything."

    <Lyra's POV>

    I left the others to talk with Gaea and went to the other side of the pool where Zale was trying to master his surfing.
    "You don't think I didn't notice?" I smiled. "You're getting better."
    He smiled nervously and swam over.
    "Look, I know you want to look after your sister everytime she's in trouble but as I said before, you're going to have to let her learn how to cope with things on her own. Unless it's a dire emergency, I expect you to be here, training until you can get this down pat. Got it?"
    I could tell he felt guilty and sad at the prospect of letting Tiana venture out on his own but he quietly nodded in resignation.
    "Good," I said. "Now, close your eyes and feel the water beneath you. Be in tune with it and think about making it push you into the sky. Try it."

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  5. #125
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    (Jovi's POV)

    I kinda felt bad when I learned that she didn't have any blood relatives on her team. But Kawaii soon added that she didn't let it get to her, and that sh considered her teammates family. I nodded. "I feel the same about my non-kin team members. I saw Dad nudge Flare out of the corner of my eye, and he was smiling. "Sorry, I'm not one for small talk. Would you like to take a walk with me?" Kawaii asked. "Sure." I answered.

    (Zale's POV)

    I was pleased that I had gotten one to turn out, but a voice jarred me out of my thoughts. It was Lyra. "You don't think I didn't notice?" she said smiling. "You're getting better." I smiled still a bit nervous about what her reaction was going to be, in addition to the fact that i was going to be a dad. I swam over to where she was, and I took a deep breath. I still hadnt' told anyone, though I knew that I would soon. I was too embarrassed. I realized that I did get myself into this and I was going to have to take responsibility at some point. "Look, I know you want to look after your sister everytime she's in trouble but as I said before, you're going to have to let her learn how to cope with things on her own. Unless it's a dire emergency, I expect you to be here, training until you can get this down pat. Got it?" At that, I felt even worse, and almost told Lyra about what i did, but stopped myself. She had said that she expected me to be here till i got it down pat. Maybe if i worked hard enough, I could get the hang of surfing before my kid arrived. Tiana was getting better at her lessons and I knew that she could and would be okay, though i still wanted to be there for her when she needed me. I looked up at Lyra, and nodded.

    "Good." she said. Then she began to give me tips on surfing. I listened to her every word. "Now, close your eyes and feel the water beneath you. Be in tune with it and think about making it push you into the sky. Try it." "Okay," I said taking a deep breath. I slowly let it out, and closed my eyes. I felt the water all around me, and I put my heart into what i was doing. As I felt myself connecting with the water, I thought about it pushing me up into the air. As I thought about it, I could feel it lifting me up. I didn't break my thoughts and soon i was back in the water. I opened my eyes to find that i had made it halfway across the pool. I looked over at Lyra and gave her a huge smile. I then turned around, and tried it again. Once more, I made it halfway across, which meant that i was at the other end of the pool. I looked up to see Amy. I gulped.
    "Its time." she said, and i could feel myself start to panic. I took a few deep breaths and managed to remain calm. "I'm on my way, to go and pick up the baby. It'll take me an hour, two at most. By the way, its a girl." I nodded, and became more determined than ever to master this surf attack in the time that i had left. Maybe if i accomplished that, Lyra might not be as mad at me when she finds out. I already felt bad that i had disappointed Amy. I saw Uncle Nero and he looked upset. I also knew that i had to tell him soon. Maybe after i got this move mastered. I told myself.

    I turned around, facing the other side of the pool. I put all my fears and thoughts on hold. The only thing i had on my mind was accomplishing my goal. My goal was to make it all the way across to where Lyra was this time. "Ok, Zale," I whispered to myself. "You're name means sea strength. You had to have been named that for a reason." I closed my eyes and began to concentrate. As I did so, I began whispering, "The sea is my strength. The sea is my strength. The sea is my strength." I whispered that the whole time and when i felt the wave subsiding and I was back in the water, I opened my eyes and i was right beside Lyra. "I did it!" I said happily. She nodded, before speaking. "Can you do that again?" "I think so." "Then do it." I nodded, and paddled around getting myself lined up again. I was determined to prove that this wans't a fluke. Once more i began whispering, "The sea is my strength." I repeated that over and over, and once more when i had stopped I was at the other side of the pool. "YES!" I shouted happily. I was getting tired, but i wanted to be sure i could do it anytime. I don't know why, but i felt like whispering "The sea is my strength," helped me somehow. I wasn't gonna go against what seemed to be working now. I took a deep breath, and once more surfed across the pool.

    I was so happy that I hugged Lyra. Then I remembered what i had to tell my teammates, and my happiness vanished in an instant, replaced my a mix of fear and dread. Lyra noticed the change, and asked me what was wrong. I sighed, my ears drooping. "I did somthing stupid. I... well... you see..." I couldn't say it out loud, so i ended up whispering to her that i was a dad." I waited for her reaction. I hoped she wouldn't hate me. I was scared to death that everyone would turn their backs on me when they found out. I hadn't noticed it, but I was shaking by now. "I know I disappointed Amy. I'm sorry." I whispered, my voice finally cracking. The ones i dreaded telling the most was her, Tiana, and Uncle Nero. It was even more real now that i was admitting it, and it scared me. If she wasn't too mad at me i'd ask her to come with me when i went to tell Uncle Nero. If she was, I'd have to cross that bridge. Either way, the meowth was out of the bag.

    (Tiana's POV)

    Not long after i had attempted to tell Uncle Nero what i had seen, Nightshade and Aeries came back. Uncle Nero tried to tell them what all had happened but he didn't seem to understand either. I just kept my head buried into my uncle and sobbing. I tried to stop crying but those images kept filling my head and i wanted them to stop. Uncle Nero bent his head down and whispered to me. "Tiana, go with Nightshade." I didn't budge, but Uncle Nero continued. "Zale wasn't hurting that absol. You need to get back to training." he said. At that point, I realized that he was right. It only made me feel slightly better that Zale wasn't hurting that absol, but i was still confused, and upset. Slowly i stood up, and followed Nightshade. I didn't feel good at all. Today had to be one of the worst days i'd ever had. My ears still drooped down.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    I had just gotten out of the way of the TV when I heard a voice say, "Wait just a moment." My heart sank, I hoped that I wasn't in trouble. I turned to look to see who had spoken and saw that it was a dratini. He rolled his eyes before launching into a speech about the TV and from what i gathered wanted me to stand in front of the TV again. I was confused. "Apologies, they've just been frozen there for the past hour or so and I'm growing increasingly infuriated with them. My name is Marius, by the way. And you are?" I pushed the confusion out of my mind, and walked over to where he was. "My names Sinopa." I still wasn't used to meeting others, but it seemed to be going ok. I glanced around nervously, trying to see if there was any possible ways that I would end up confined. Luckily i didn't see any, so i could relax somewhat.
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

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    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

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  6. #126

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Marius smiled slightly. One of the advantages of growing older was that it was a lot easier to realise when to tone down the intellectual slant of the conversation. And although Sinopa seemed rather confused by his earlier rant, it was hard to shake the notion that there were more to her problems than that. "It's nice to meet you. Umm... are you alright? Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to be a little tense." The Dratini thought for a second. "I know what should help. Come with me, we can go and see if my friend Sindel has finished with her baking yet. There's truly nothing like a nice slice of cake for putting a smile on someone's face."

    Kasumi made her way over to the sofa, a strange smile upon her face. For some strange reason she felt rather lightheaded all of a sudden. It wasn't just the fact that she had been imndulging in one of her favourite activities - although that in itself was usually enough to shut her up for ten seconds - it was the fact that she had found herself genuinely enjoying Thunderblast's company. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that she had felt rather guilty for just abandoning her teammates she probably would have still been with the Raichu.
    "Hey!" Kasumi spotted Pearl doing lazy lengths of the pool before anyone else. Well, this was as good a time to say her hellos and then get back to what she had been doing. "How is everyone doing?"
    "Bemused." Pearl swam over to the side of the pool to converse with her friend. "Your exit was hardly inconspicuous, you know. I'm not sure what's stunned us the most though, the fact that you seem to be getting into the world's first lesbian pokémon relationship or the fact that you didn't scare Thunderblast off."
    "Ehehehe..." Kasumi laughed nervously. "Oh boy. I guess subtlty was never a strong point with me. Fortunately for me she doesn't seem to freak out easily."
    "Well, as long as you're both happy, that's the main thing. I do hope this will put an end to you trying to chat everybody else up, though."
    "Well, you can but hope, can't you?" Kasumi grinned broadly. "Anyway, I'll see you later. I've got... uhh... stuff to do, you know how it is." Without so much as pausing to hear her friend's goodbye the Growlithe raced off eagerly, her conscience cleared now that she had said hello to one of her teammates. This was, it had to be said, a novel feeling for Kasumi. But ultimately a good one.

    "Hello, my friends." Up until this point Bolovayr had been being rather quiet. It was usually a bad sign. It usually signified that he was thinking. And for a creature who did nothing other than dream of ghosts and zombies this was usually a bad thing. "It wouldn't matter, would it, if I put a video on? You aren't watching anything important?"
    "Well whatever it is it's gotta be more important than 'Revenge of the Son of the Return of the Flesh Eating Zombies from Jupiter part 38' or whatever random piece of B-movie crap you've got prepared, you giant freak of a Gastly." Milliardo rolled his eyes. "I'm out of here. Marius was right. Television is rubbish, I've just decided." With this, the Umbreon left his place by the sofa to go explore the Eevee house more thoroughly. Anything other than have to sit through any more random programmes!

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  7. #127
    The real Shonta Moderator
    classy_cat18's Avatar
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    Birmingham, Alabama

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Beacon's POV

    I relaxed with Trinity under the shade of a tree. "This day is so nice and peaceful. A nice rest from our training," I said softly.

    "At least you battled. I'm still at level 6!" Trinity seethed, scratching the ground.

    I shook my head and watched Kawaii walk with a Jolteon. It looks like Beaky's threat worked. Cinder's nowhere nearby. By the way, where is he?

    "Now, how did Kawaii get such a nice catch?" Trinity asked out loud. "She's so lucky!"

    I blinked in confusion. "What do you mean 'catch'?"

    "Follow me." She casually walked up to Kawaii and the Jolteon with a slightly wicked smile on her face. "Look at Kawaii's nice looking new friend! Have a nice walk, you two!" She chuckled and pushed me on.

    "What was that for?" I asked her, slightly irritated by her little "experiment".

    She looked back and giggled. "Look! She's stopped in her tracks and blushing so hard! I knew it!"

    I started to spark. "Aren't you happy for her?"

    "Of course I am! She just needs to admit that she has the hots for him. Acting so friendly."

    I opened my mouth to say something but shut it. I felt something powerful, something that started in my hooves and went straight up to my brain. Before I knew it, Trinity was lifted in the air and dropped on her back. Well, Kawaii took her for a little spacewalk. "Something tells me that you really embarrassed her."

    She listened to Kawaii giggle while she stayed on her back. "Yes, but she's admitted it."

    Shonta walked over with Lily at her side. "Come on. The Unicorn Games are starting."

    "I know Solarbeam now!" Lily squeaked happily.

    <I will stay here. No doubt the little blue thing will be back in no time,> Jewel sent.

    Shonta crossed her arms. "And to think I thought you deserved that Rain Dance TM."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  8. #128
    Master Trainer
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Nero, the male Umbreon’s POV:

    I really couldn’t believe it. My head was spinning, and I couldn’t think. How could he have been so…? Was it me? Maybe it was my fault. Maybe he didn’t know that it was irresponsible and it was all my fault because I didn’t teach him.

    “Nero, be reasonable,” Aries said. “You’re young yourself, only a bit older than the twins. Your sister had them when she was young and you supported her in every which way you could. Don't you think Zale would be crushed if you denounced him? We don't know if he regrets what he did or not but we'll have to wait until he comes to us and explains everything.”

    Aries’s words only confirmed my own suspicions. I should’ve done better. I had messed up again. But whatever… If I said that Nightshade might throw me up in the air again, and I didn’t want that. I just kept quiet.

    “I guess you’re right, Aries,” I said. “If I did that I would be afraid, more than anything. Afraid of the ones I loved most of all. Right now he needs all the support he can get… Sorry for overreacting.”

    I looked towards the pool and noticed Zale walking towards us. Taking a deep breath, I tried to keep a calm face, hiding the fact that I already knew what he was going to tell me. In the distance I could hear Tiana training with Nightshade.

    Ai, the female Skitty’s POV:

    Smiling, with tears in my eyes, I watched as my darling little Aiko took her first step. I was so proud! She had a determined look on her face, and she refused to give up trying. I nuzzled Dakota before walking over to Aiko.

    Huan, the male Houndour’s POV:

    We crashed through the Eevee House, racing at top speed. I rushed by a pair that was talking, breaking the two up. It was Lani’s half brother, Jovi, and a new Girafarig that I had never seen before. The two looked a little shocked, but they were fine. Unfortunately for me, I had been distracted by watching them, and Lani caught up soon after.

    “Gotcha!” she said happily. She sat down, panting from the exertion. “You wanna play that some more, or find something else?”

    “Actually,” I said, also kind of tired, “I think I’ll sit a bit.” I walked over to Lani and planted myself beside her. “I’m a little out of breath myself.”

    My POV:

    I sighed. Mandragora had shown so much improvement… At least the Lileep came out of his pokéball more willingly now, but at the mention of meeting his teammates, he had at once become afraid and withdrawn again.

    Walking to the only corner where he would emerge now, I tapped the ball on my belt and waited for him to come out. There was a slight bit of hesitation, and for a moment I was afraid that it had degenerated to the first day we had met again, but he came out eventually, to my relief.


    “Y… Yes?”

    I blinked in surprise. That was the first word he had said to me. Ever. He interpreted my shock as distaste, and began to shrink back. Before he could escape into his pokéball, though, I stopped him.

    “Did I do… bad?”

    “No, no, Mandragora, that was good. You talked. That’s good.” I attempted to smile at him sweetly, making every effort not to show any sign that might scare him off.

    “Oh… really?”

    I nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with talking. I just wanted you to come out because…”

    Mandragora shuddered, shrinking back a little. “Are you going to… hurt me?”

    I was shocked? “No,” I said immediately. “Never. I wanted to give you something that’ll help you protect yourself. In case anything ever happens again. Not that anything will, of course,” I added quickly, noticing the change in his face, the fear returning. I tried to talk as softly as I could. I made no sudden movements, keeping my eye on the Lileep as I reached into my pocket slowly and pulled out a TM. “It’s Hidden Power,” I said. “This TM will help you tap your hidden potential…”

    Immediately I knew that I’d struck a sore spot. Something about that phrase made the poor Lileep wince, and I could feel him stare back at me through fearful eyes, wherever they were. I could feel myself losing him again. I couldn’t… I simply couldn’t. Not after all the progress he had made. “Mandragora…” I started. “Look at me.” My tone was urgent.

    The Lileep looked me in the eyes, frozen with fear.

    “I have one question for you. Just one question,” I said. I paused before going on, searching for his reaction. His silence and slight loosening of his tense body signaled his approval. “Do you trust me?”

    He looked at me for a while, searching, piercing, then turned away and nodded his head slowly. “Yes.” I saw his shivering stop. “You’re not like… Like them.”

    I decided not to ask who “them” was. At least, not yet. “Are you ready… Do you mind if I give you the Hidden Power TM I bought for you now?” I asked.

    Mandragora appeared hesitant. Finally, however, he nodded firmly, resolute. “Yes.”

    “All right. We won’t be sure what type of Hidden Power you’ve got until you find it for yourself. So be prepared, Mandragora.” I placed the box in front of him. As it opened, a white light surrounded the Lileep, and when it subsided, he was not the same. He seemed more confident, somehow. I wondered if the momentary rush of power he had felt rushing through his body had given him some kind of hope, some reassurance that he really was going to be all right after all.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  9. #129
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    (Zale's POV)

    I guess I had taken Lyra off guard, becuase she didn't say anything. It was an awkward few minutes. I glanced over towards Uncle Nero and saw that he didn't look that upset anymore. "I guess I better go tell Uncle Nero." With that, I heaved myself out of the pool, and shook myself dry. I took a deep breath, and began to walk over to him. The whole way, I was trying to figure out what i was going to say to him.

    All to soon I reached him, though the walk itself seemed to take hours. "Uncle Nero?" "Yes." I sighed and sat down in front of him. "Please don't be mad at me or blame yourself, but," I started out, relieved that my voice hadn't cracked like it did earlier. "Go on." Why did i feel like somethinig was off here? "Well, I'm going to be a dad." I quickly looked down at my feet. "It's no one's fault but my own. I didn't think, i just acted upon some feelings i had. It's a girl, and Amy's gone to pick her up." at which point my voice cracked. I quickly stopped talking, and waited. I can't tell you how scared i was of what Uncle Nero's reaction was going to be. I was still feeling bad about disappointing Amy. She hadn't screamed or gotten upset with me. She basically told me how disappointed she was. Finally, i was able to look up at Uncle Nero.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    "It's nice to meet you. Umm... are you alright? Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to be a little tense." I could have kicked myself, I was probably stupid about my fear. "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just... Never mind." I told him. Marius looked at me not for a few minutes, before speaking. Much to my relief it wasn't asking anythign about why i had been acting the way i had earlier. "I know what should help. Come with me, we can go and see if my friend Sindel has finished with her baking yet. There's truly nothing like a nice slice of cake for putting a smile on someone's face." "That sounds good." I said, smiling.

    (Aiko's POV)

    I watched as Momma nuzzed Dad after i had taken my first step. Daddy returned the gesture, before Momma made her way over to me. I squeaked happily, and tried to go forward to meet her, but i ended up tumbling. I shook myself off and stood up again.

    (Yana's POV)

    I had left Kiara and was looking around for Evenstar or someone when I almost ran into Blazer who was coming in. "Afternoon." he said. "Same to you." I said with a goofy smile on my face. Luckily Blazer hadn't noticed, and he settled down in his usual spot inside the Eevee House, and I walked off blushing. I must seem like a complet idiot to him. I shook my head.

    (Lani's POV)

    “Actually, I think I’ll sit a bit.” Huan said as he walked over to me. He sat down beside me. “I’m a little out of breath myself.” I smiled, giving him a gentle nuzzle. I panted a few more minutes till I caught my breath. "I wonder who that was that Jovi was talking to." I said as I watched them go outside.

    (Kaida's POV)

    I took a deep breath and approached the bagon from earlier. "Sorry I lost my temper earlier." I said, then i looked down a bit unsure of what was about to happen.
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  10. #130
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    <Phil's POV>
    It was my first time to the Eevee House. Reluctantly I walked in, carrying the egg I had just. I released my 5 pokemon, Mudguard the Wooper (F), Coral the Mareep (M), Mars the Houndour (M) and ShadowWind the Sneasel (M).

    ShadowWind just sat down on his own, tired from his recent battle with Andy's Wartortle. Mars went and sat down beside him.
    Mudguard and Coral were fascinated by the egg. I hadn't told any of my pokemon what would hatch from the egg.

    "Why won't you tell me what's gonna hatch?", asked Mudguard.
    "Because I want it to be a surprise to all of you", I replied.

    "No Fair!", Coral yelled.

    <Mudguard's POV>
    This was the first time to the Eevee House, the place seems friendly enough, but I didn't want to go introduce myself yet, I wanted to know what was in the egg Phil was carrying.
    "Why won't you tell me what's gonna hatch?", I asked.

    "Because I want it to be a surprise to all of you", he answered.
    "No Fair!", Coral yelled.

    I rubbed the egg a little, hoping it would hatch faster, but nothing happened. I tried looking for signs in the shell that might suggest what kind of pokemon it would be, but I just couldn't work it out.
    "I bet it will be a girl!" I said to Coral.

    "No way, It's gonna be a boy!", he replied.
    I continued rubbing the egg to see if I could get it to hatch.

    <ShadowWind's POV>
    I talked to Mars for a while.
    "Why are they so interested in an egg?"

    "Yeah, they never seen one before?"
    They're Adoptees, they don't live the kinda life we did. They wouldn't last five minutes in North Caverns
    Yeah, but they're only kids.
    I looked away. I didn't feel like arguing. Adopted Pokemon are so spoiled, they'll never know the excitement and danger of living in the wild.

    <Phil's POV>
    The egg began to hatch, pieces of shell were breaking off. Out of it emerged an Eevee, it's Rainbow Coloured Mane glistening in the light.
    "Hi, I'm Phil."
    The Eevee looked puzzled.

    What just happened? Why's it so bright?
    "You just hatched from an egg. Your name is Prism, and you are a very special Eevee. You see that rainbow colored mane? You got that from your mother. Usually Eevees have a white mane."

    "It's a girl, I knew it! Hi, I'm Mudguard"
    "Hi, I am Prism, and I'm a special Eevee!"
    Awww, how cute.
    Prism curled up and fell asleep.

  11. #131
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    Elwing has grown to LV18, so her Speed is now 34. I hope someone else enters someone in her race category... :/

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  12. #132
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    Well, I forgot that my Staryu grew to level 11. I don't think it's enough to put her in the next category, though. The computer did something freaky with the Stats Calculator.
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    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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  13. #133
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    Just posting to say that since Jas has grown a level (16) and now fits in the next speed category (speed of 31), I'll ref the first one. I'll see if i have anyoen else that might fit the other ones. If i have any, I'll edit their info into this post.
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    "Sindel?" Marius and Sinopa made their way over to the kitchen area, where my Alakazam was hard at work. Watching Sindel cook was always a most impressive sight, cooking utensils flying around the room as she used her psychic powers to help her work on about four dishes at once. Right now she was just about to put a batch of cookines in the oven. "How goes the progress here?"
    "Not so bad, but if you're looking for handouts you can think again, nothing's ready yet." The Alakazam signed, wiping the sweat from her brow with a damp cloth. Suddenly she noticed Sinopa properly for the first time. "Oh, hello, I don't think we've met, have we? My name's Sindel." She grinned suddenly. "Sorry if you were hoping for a bite to eat, just give me a little longer. In the meantime, how does a nice piece of chocolate sound, guys? I've a little left over from the cookies, and I don't know about you but I could certainly use a bit!"

    "Ha! Ya have a long way ta go before yer gonna be anything like as good as me, dude!" Outside in the garden Katnip and Milliardo were doing their very best to mess things up with a sparring session, the Onix, Brandy, watching with interest. Right now Katnip seemed to have the upper hand, having pinned my Umbreon to the floor. Not that it mattered much. Milliardo was quite capable of reveting to a shadowed form and escaping the pin that way.
    "Well excuse me for daring to have existed for a shorter time than you, rat boy!" Milliardo retorted. "I dread to think how many years head start you have on me."
    "Hey, yer makin' me sound like some old geezer. I ain't that ancient yet!"
    "Yes you are. Isn't that right, Brandy?"
    "Well... uhhh..."
    "See? She knows." Milliardo winked at the Onix. "By the way, he's been in the team for about three years. Old geezer or what?"
    "Yer not exactly a pup yerself," Katnip complained.
    "True, but I, at least, have my best years ahead of me, whilst you... wait, can you hear something?" The pokémon all listened carefully, but save for the chirping of Pidgeys there was nothing. "Oh, sorry, it was just Katnip's bones creaking, my mistake."
    "Sticks an' stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."
    "Not true. Many a person has been injured by falling dictionaries." Milliardo blinked several times. "Oh my God, I'm turning into Becks. Quick, let's get on with it, I have a tournament to train for and you... well, you just do this all day anyway." The Umbreon struck a fighting pose. "Prepare to die!"

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  15. #135
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    Nero, the male Umbreon’s POV:

    Well, Zale was in a state. His entire body shook, and he looked down at my feet the whole time. When he finally looked up at me, the fear and guilt that burned in his eyes softened my heart. He suffered enough already.

    “Come here,” I said sternly, without changing my serious expression. He walked reluctantly towards my outstretched paw, and when he got closer he blinked as if expecting a blow. But I just pulled him in and hugged him hard. I don’t think he expected that. “You made a mistake, but it’s not my place to judge you. Gloria, your mother, also was young when she had you two. The key difference was that she was ready and you are not. You’ll have to take responsibility for your actions, but I want you to know that if you need help I’ll be here for you. I won’t be here to raise your child for you, but if you’re in trouble I will always be open. I trust that you’ll have enough judgment not to repeat this mistake again until you are ready to face it.” With that, I let him out of my embrace and looked directly in his eyes, expecting a response.

    Ai, the female Skitty’s POV:

    Little Aiko looked about as happy as I was. She hopped joyfully, but this made her fall. I cringed a little, picking up the pace in case she was hurt, but she quickly stood up again. Finally reaching her, I nuzzled her tenderly. “I’m so proud of you,” I whispered.

    Huan, the male Houndour’s POV:

    “I wonder who that was that Jovi was talking to,” thought Lani aloud.

    “No clue,” I answered. “I’d like to find out too, but I don’t think it’s best to disturb them right now. Maybe we can ask Jovi after he’s done.”

    Ancalagon the Black, the male Bagon’s POV:

    That was it. I had finished apologizing to the Horsea and Dratini, and by the looks on their faces I could tell that they hated me. Oh, well… I had to be prepared for more reactions like that. I had gotten it all my life. First impressions really did matter.

    “Sorry I lost my temper earlier.”

    My thoughts came back to reality. I saw the Bagon that I had battled standing before me. “Oh… it’s you.” I was surprised that she was the one apologizing. I should have done so first. “I’m sorry too,” I said. “I was under some pressure that I really don’t want to talk about right now. I shouldn’t have acted that way, and I regret the fact that you had to feel something that I shouldn’t have taken out on anyone but myself.”

    Nodding, I turned to go. My apology was done and I wanted some time alone. Hopefully this time Alqualin would take a hint and leave me be. Otherwise, I might just go completely insane… again.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  16. #136
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    <Lyra's POV>

    A kid?! He was a kid himself. I was mulling over my response to his statement but he left before I could say anything.
    I'm twice as old as he is and he's going to have a baby before me, albeit a mistake though, I thought.
    I climbed out of the pool and walked over to where Aries was, looking at Zale and Nero from a comfortable distance.
    "Heard the news?" he asked, his eyes quickly glancing over at me before snapping back to the other two.
    "Yeah. He did something stupid but after he gets to know his kid, I don't think he'll regret it any longer. What species is it anyway?"
    "An Absol. Yeah, I know, you don't see it too often with the amount of Eeveelutions in the house.
    I silently nodded and looked at the uncle and nephew, embracing each other in understanding and then releasing.
    Now I know I want a kid, I thought.

    <Nightshade's POV>

    "Come now," I looked down at the still depressed Tiana. "Your brother and that Absol are really ok and nothing bad is going to happen."
    She lifted her head slightly to look at me but dropped it back down again.
    "You know what? We're going to do something I haven't done in a long time that I shouldn't have quit doing."
    I lifted my hand with the spoon and levitated Tiana in the air. Dragging her behind me, we strode over towards the kitchen. My mouth just watered thinking about the whole thing.
    "What are we doing?" she asked in a quivering voice.
    "You'll see," I simply replied and entered the large room.
    "This," I said as I put her down on the ground, "is a fridge."
    "So? I've seen one before."
    "Yes, but have you ever raided it?"
    I went over to the cabinet and took out a bag with kernels inside. Placing it in the microwave, I set it to the usual time and pressed the button. As it was going, I opened and fridge and took out grapes.
    "Here," I threw it to her. "Eat and you'll feel better."
    I took out cheese and started to nibble on it as she ripped one off from the stem.
    "You know, comfort food isn't really good for you but it's around dinnertime anyway so why not start?"
    The microwave went off soon after and I took the now-bloated bag and dumped the contents in the bowl. I placed the bowl between us as I sat down and leaned against a cabinet.
    "It might be hard to believe but when I was an Abra and then a young Kadabra, instead of sleeping, I ate. And I don't mean three square meals but whenever I could, I would sneak into the kitchen, hide in the fridge and eat cheese, drink milk and later, have popcorn. I was a pure glutton but thank god I'm on a team with a tough regime or else I wouldn't even be battling. Ever since I've watched my team grow older and some even having kids, I sort of hardened up with them and stopped my old ways, especially after taking you on as a pupil. I don't want it that way but it's probably for the best."
    I sighed and popped in the rest of the cheese wedge.
    "Still, it's nice once in a while to go back to your old ways."

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  17. #137
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    (Amy's POV)

    For most of the journey, the little baby absol slept soundly. However, as we neared the Eevee House she began squirming. After a while, I figured out that she was hungry. So I sat down, and pulled out one of the bottles, that I was given when i picked her up, and began to feed her. Once she was full, I gently burped her, wrapped her up once more in the pink blanket and made my way to the Eevee House again. She was a tiny little thing, and cute too. Though she didn't have a scythe yet on her head, that would develop as she got older from the tiny bump on the side of her head. I was going to let Zale name her. Speaking of which, I had finally reached the Eevee House and made it inside. Not all of the team was here, but Zale could introduce her to the others lately as I knew that she couldn't take much excitement at once. I looked around and saw Zale talking with Nero. I waited, and it wasn't long before he noticed us.

    (Zale's POV)

    "Come here," was all that Uncle Nero said after I had finished telling him. His face and his serious attitude had me a little worried. I slowly walked closer, and blinked when I saw his paw was outstretched. I gulped as I neared. However to my surprise, and relief, he simply pulled me close and gave me a big hug. He couldn't have known how much better that made me feel, though i was still scared. I didn't even try and pull away. I was glad to be in that embrace because it meant that he still cared about me. As he held me close, Uncle Nero spoke. "You made a mistake, but it's not my place to judge you. Gloria, your mother, also was young when she had you two. The key difference was that she was ready and you are not. You'll have to take responsibility for your actions, but I want you to know that if you need help I'll be here for you. I won't be here to raise your child for you, but if you're in trouble I will always be open. I trust that you'll have enough judgment not to repeat this mistake again until you are ready to face it." Once he said that, he released me. Then he looked me directly in the eyes. By now, I had calmed down quite a lot. I was still scared, but at least Uncle Nero didn't hate me. I returned his look, before speaking. "I understand you, Uncle Nero. Thanks, and I appreciate it. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson." This time, I gave him a hug. Soon after, I looked up and saw that Amy was standing in the doorway of the Eevee House, holding a tiny bundle wrapped up in a pink blanket. I took a deep breath as she walked over. When she had reached us, she introduced me to my daughter. I stared in amazement, at her. I looked up at Uncle Nero, and he nudged me forward. She opened her eyes, and smiled when she saw me. She was beautiful. I just stared at her, until Amy broke the silence by asking me a question. "What are you going to name her?" I didn't even hesitate. As soon as I had seen her, a name had popped into my head. "Angel." It was after I had answered her that I saw Lyra and Aries a little ways off. I waved a little nervously, unsure of what to do next.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    "That would be nice, thank you. My name's Sinopa." I said smiling. I felt an odd sensation in my tail, and I looked at it. It seemed that it had split into two now. I grinned. I knew that it would be a while before I'd get the rest of my tails. I quickly turned my attention back to my new friends.

    (Lani's POV)

    "Yeah, maybe that would be a good idea. I just hope no one else bothers them." I said, yawning, as I scooted closer to Huan. He murmured in agreement. I laid my head against his side, and soon I soon fell fast asleep.

    (Aiko's POV)

    Mom gave me a nuzzle and told me that she was proud of me. I smiled, squeaking happily. I knew that I needed to learn how to talk, but I wanted to master walking first. I saw Dad stand up. I tried to go forward again, but started to fall. However, I didn't hit the ground this time. I felt myself being lifted up into the air and set down next to Mom. I smiled at him, the determined look returning to my eyes. That was fun though! I looked at Mom, and she stepped forward a couple of steps. I took a deep breath and tried again. I didn't fall! I grinned at both of them.

    (Jovi's POV)

    It wasn't long after we had started our walk, a ninetales and the mareep from earlier walked over to us. The ninetales smiled, "Look at Kawaii's nice looking new friend! Have a nice walk, you two!" I immediately began blushing, partly because I knew she was talking about me and partly because I really wasn't that great looking. At least I didn't think that I was. I frantically tried to get the blush under control and after a while, finally succeeded. It was then that I remembered where Dad had taken me shortly after my first loss at the battle tower. "Have you ever seen the Eevee House from above?" Kawaii shook her head no. "I'm not sure if you want to see it, but if you do, I could take you there. I don't think that Dad would mind me showing you. Of course, I don't know the shorter way. I only know the long way that he showed me, when he wanted to make sure that we weren't being followed." I was rambling. She probably thought that I was an idiot. Oh well, I'll ask her I thought. The worst that can happen is that she'll say no. "Would you like me to take you there? If you don't, I understand. It's an amazing view though. At least, it is to me." I stood there nervously waiting for her answer.

    (Tiana's POV)

    Normally, I would have enjoyed being lifted up into the air, but I was still upset over what I had seen. Pretty soon, we were in the kitchen and Nightshade was telling me to eat. I shrugged, because I really wasn't that hungry. However, he tossed me some grapes, so I ate a couple, and listened to him tell me about what he used to do when he was younger. I was half listening, until he mentioned battling. That got my interest. "Could you tell be about some of your battles?" I asked curiously. I scooted closer. "I just recently got my first TM, which is what I wanted to tell you about before the day turned awful. It was calm mind. But anyway, if you don't want to tell me I understand, but if you do thanks." I said before looking down at my paws again.
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    <Aries's POV>

    Zale waved to both of us, either out of nervousness or just a usual waveover. Either way, we walked over and peered into the blanket that held his kid. She was a beautiful Absol, without her horn but looking just as elegant. It remained to be seen whether he would want her to be a battler or not.
    "What's her name?" Lyra asked.
    "Angel," he replied with a nervous smile.
    I sighed and turned around. I didn't know how much I would miss Eclipse but after looking at Angel, I missed him more than I could imagine.
    "It's ok," Lyra whispered and led me away while I silently wept. "He may not be here but I'm sure he's fine where he is."
    I silently nodded, unable to do anything more. Rebecca came over and picking me up, went to the couches. As she stroked my ears, my cries became more audible and the tears flowing faster.

    <Lyra's POV>

    "Is Aries ok? Did I do anything wrong?" Zale asked, surprised at Aries's sudden outburst.
    "No," I said quietly. "Looking at Angel reminded him of his own son, who he hasn't seen in almost a year. He knows he will never see him again and that is what kills him the most. Having kids is what most of the team wants, except Drake and Orion. Our fighting ways and the innability to find mates has kept most of us back."
    I sighed.
    "I shouldn't have even told you guys this but that's the way life works."
    I looked at Zale seriously.
    "What I just told you doesn't have to ruin this celebration though. Take good care of her and when you have time, stop by the pool for a bit. Maybe when Angel becomes a bit bigger, swimming lessons wouldn't hurt."
    I waved to all of them before slipping into the pool and going under for a good cry. I guess Aries's behavior was infectious.

    <Nightshade's POV>
    "My battle days? I honestly can't remember back to the early days except that my first moves were Shadowball, Teleport and Thunderwave. Of course, Teleport was, and still is, useless in the Battle Tower but the other attacks got me to my Kadabra stage. Mind you, I'm barely strong enough to teach you. If you were a fire or water type, Lyra and Drake would be stronger teachers. Then again, brute strength doesn't teach a student - knowledge and practice does."
    I popped a few pieces of popcorn into my mouth before continuing.
    "Now, almost all of my battles came out of the Battle Tower except one. The team traveled all the way to the East to an island of pure darkness. It was separated into four quadrants but our attention was focused on one: the forest. We ran into a friend of our trainer's who was knocked unconscious by a Team Rocket member. She chose Aries and I to go up against two Nuzleafs."
    I sighed and spoke more quietly.
    "I had a horrible time against one of them. He used Torment and it made me sink into this hallucination that everyone I cared for was being ripped apart to shreds, limb my limb, muscle by muscle. I was paralyzed with fear and couldn't do anything to save them. Only Aries's voice could bring me out of that nightmare and after that, it drove me into a blind rage. I pummeled that Nuzleaf with every Fire Punch I could muster and if I hadn't calmed down by then, I would've killed him."
    I looked up at the ceiling and broke the popcorn into smaller pieces and letting it fall back into the bowl.
    "No one, not even Aries, knew what happened to me and I didn't want to tell them either. That's part of the reason why I'm so serious now, instead of the happy-go-lucky Pokemon I used to be."
    I looked at Tiana and mustered a fake smile before picking up the bowl and placing it on the counter.
    "Still, all that's in the past and we know it's better to forget, isn't it?"
    No matter how I said it, it sounded more like a question than a factual statement.

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  19. #139
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Beaky's POV

    I stood under a bush as I listened to the Jolteon talk to Kawaii. I didn't want this guy to get any ideas. I was calm until he asked her if she wanted to go with him to some place...alone.

    Cinder sat next to me and started to rub his face. "Dude! He's asking her out on a date!?!" he squeaked a little too loudly.

    Kawaii's ears twitched, a sign that she heard. I dove back into the bush and dragged Cinder in with me. "You're going to blow my cover!" I hissed at him. I looked through the bush and saw Kawaii's tail blush. A few seconds later she nodded.

    "Sounds interesting. I would like to see it," I heard Kawaii say.

    Cinder and I gasped. "She said yes!" we whispered together.

    "Where's he taking her?" Cinder demanded.

    "I don't really know, but it sounds kinda...secluded." I gulped. "Why should we care?"

    "Shonta probably doesn't know about all this! You know how parents are about their children going out!" He furiously rubbed his face. "We gotta follow them!"

    "Oh, no you won't!" a small voice said from behind. We turned around and saw Swoop glaring at us. "There was a bit of a delay at the Unicorn Games. It will be a while before Lily will get to battle."

    I sweatdropped. "Oh, that's such a shame. Now would you leave us alone!?!"

    "Oh, you better start worrying about other things, like practicing for the Solar Games!" She stuck a wing in Cinder's face.

    "She's got me competing!?!" Cinder squeaked.

    Swoop nodded. "You and Kawaii, but I'll tell the girl that myself. Now get out of here before I rat on you!"

    I ran out and found that Kawaii and her new friend were gone. Oh great. She's out of sight...and I'm out of fuel. I wonder what's in the kitchen.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  20. #140
    Master Trainer
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    Ancalagon the Black, the male Bagons POV:

    Not cool. I had just stepped outside to enjoy the serenity of the starry night sky, happily breathing in the crisp air, when Alqualin somehow found me and decided to join me. I had no idea how she knew where I was, but she did. Did she watch me? Whatever. My night was officially ruined.

    Sighing loudly, I turned to the eager Swablu. What is it now? I asked.

    She looked offended. Arent you happy to see me? You dont seem very friendly. Cheer up!

    Something boiled up inside me and I felt like screaming, but the violent temper passed, and I only groaned very loudly. Could I be any more obvious that I did not want her around? However I conveyed my message, Alqualin did not get it. She still followed me as I headed to the trees.

    What will it take for me to get rid of you? I muttered under my breath. She did not hear. Eventually I couldnt stand it and just turned around. Look.

    At what?

    I wanted to tell her to bug off so I could spend some time by myself to think but somehow I felt I would be wrong in doing so. I remembered Blades advice to be nice to others and it seemed to me that it might be rude to send away an overfriendly teammate for some alone time. I wanted to ask his advice, but I didnt see him around. Eventually I just sat myself on a rock looking miserable. Alqualin, of course, came over and was all honey and concern. She kept asking what was the matter. If you will just leave me alone, I wanted to say to her, I will be quite fine and even happy, thank you. But I just kept my mouth shut and continued to stay silent.

    Naurmir, the male Charmanders POV:

    I felt tired of playing with Aglrien so I went to rest. She had so much energy and always wanted to play so many games. She was much better and won most of the time, but sometimes I got lucky and managed to get the upper hand. Usually the games we played were things she made up. They were fun, but really tiring. The latest thing we were doing was what we both called Ember tag. It was like regular tag, except instead of just having to tag someone by touching we could also hit them with Ember. I had a hard time dodging those because Aglrien kept using Ember on me all the time and she did it so fast. But she kept making me play the game and slowly I got better at dodging. It wasnt perfect, and I had a hard time learning to do it, but with her help and support I could do it better after a while. After that she stopped using Ember so much and found other ways to tag me, and I had to keep learning new methods to avoid her tags.

    Walking with no real place in mind, I looked around for somewhere to sit and relax for a while. Over at the punching bags I saw that nice Scizor that used to play with us earlier. I shrugged and went over to him because there was no place else to go, and I liked him a lot. I wasnt sure why I was so attached to him but every time I saw him I felt good. I remembered something way back awhile about him and an egg and Aglrien and a screaming Trapinch but not much else. I know I was scared then. I was still a little scared now but Aglrien made me feel better.

    Not sure how he would react, I pulled on his leg. He looked down and was surprised to see me there but began to smile.

    Rthruin, the female Scythers POV:

    What is it now, Gwaihir? I asked, laughing. I had been chasing him around in hopes of catching him but without much success. He had grown much since he first hatched, and now I had trouble just keeping up with him. Although I was by no means a poor flier, Gwaihir had been a natural ever since his birth, and his powerful Aerodactyl wings made it just that much harder to equal his pace. He really deserved his title the Windlord.

    When I saw his eyes directed at Blade I stopped laughing. No, he couldnt be serious But he was. He maintained a steadfast gaze, staring across the pool to the Scizor at the punching bags. I could see a little orange spot, either Aglrien or Naurmir, sitting at his feet. Gwaihir cleared his throat. Im going over there.

    I felt concerned. And what do you hope to accomplish? It had been some time since I had been acquainted with Blades sorry past, and it pained me to see him suffer so much after so long. I myself had avoided talking to him so that my presence would not force him to remember things that were best forgotten, although he might have been nice to converse with from time to time. Gwaihirs appearance could only make things worse for him, and I had bad feelings about the whole business.

    Gwaihir the Windlord, the male Aerodactyls POV:

    It had been many months since I had learned from Rthruin the truth about Blade and his history with my father. Since then I had felt torn in half. On the one hand, my father was my father, he was a good one, and he had really done nothing wrong that he had intended to. On the other, his actions had caused Blade so much pain that I felt responsible somehow for his hearts torture. For a while I had debated with myself whether or not to approach the Scizor, and if I did, what it was exactly that I would say to him. Today I could stand it no longer. The guilt weighed too heavily upon my chest.

    Looking at Rthruin, I could tell that she thought this a bad idea. Whatever bad feelings I had about the situation I held back, simply because they would only get in the way if I was going to do this thing regardless. I decided that before I approached Blade, however, I would take off the scarf and sunglasses (they actually fit perfectly now) that my father had given me, for a little while. Although I loved wearing them, and cherished both as my dearest gifts from my father, I did not want Blade to mistake me for him. Some fight might ensue, and I was neither ready nor willing to take on a frustrated and fully-grown Scizor.

    I spread my wings and hovered over the pool, dragging my feet in the water slightly to make little waves go outward. I loved doing that. It was fun, and now, before the moment came, it relieved stress. I suddenly realized how little I had prepared for this occasion, and a weight in my belly indicated just how nervous I really felt about this encounter. As I drew closer to the edge of the pool, however, Blade saw me, and the meeting was inevitable. There could be no turning back now.

    H-hello. Blade? You may not know me, but Im Gwaihir.

    I know.

    Without my scarf and sunglasses I felt naked under the Scizors penetrating gaze. I shuddered a bit, but then reminded myself that I had nothing to be afraid of, that I was here for a good purpose, and that I had better make that clear before Blade thought otherwise. Ive got something to say to you. I tried to think carefully before I spoke, but as it turned out I stammered the first words that came to mind. I looked down at my feet to avoid Blades gaze for a reason I did not know. I just felt as if he was somewhat surprised at my approach and now studying me to find the meaning of it all. I cleared my throat before I spoke again.

    By this time I had begun to fight my fidgeting, and managed to stop so that my full attention was directed at Blade. I forced myself to catch his eyes again and keep my gaze locked there. Looking away would not do. I know some things that have happened before have not been so easy for you I trailed off, because his expression changed, but then he reverted to his serious face, waiting for me to say the rest. My father At this point I choked. I could not bring myself to say bad things about my father, and yet I felt if I apologized it would imply that he had done something wrong. I changed my approach.

    From the day I heard what happened Ive been feeling really guilty about it, although I dont know why. I wasnt sure whether or not I should approach you but I felt as if I owed you something, somehow. What I wanted to say was Im very sorry for everything thats happened. Im not expecting your forgiveness or anything Experiences like that are hard to forgive. But I had to get this off my chest. I feel at fault and I wish for your sake especially that none of this had ever happened.

    I was confusing myself. From the look on Rthruins face I could tell that this could have gone better. She still thought that I shouldnt have tried to confront Blade at all. Now that I thought about it, she was right. What was I trying to accomplish? How could an apology on my part change anything for the Scizor except for the worse?

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  21. #141
    Veteran Trainer
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    The 1-30 Race will be held Tuesday June 8 at 2 pm CST. It is currnetly 7:20 PM my time atm.

    I will also be entering Ayla in the 61-90 category. She's my L.40 vaporeon with a speed of (82).

    I will also enter Kovu my L.58 Umbreon in the 91-120 catefory. He has a speed of (116).

    (Amy's POV)

    I slowly made my way to the eevee house. I had a small brown egg wrapped up in a blue blanket. Every now it then, it shook, before it was still again. I knew that it was only a matter of time untill the egg hatched. Finally, the House came into view. I paused to sit down, as the egg began shaking faster and harder now. It soon settled down again, and I made my way into the eevee house and sat down on one of the many couches.

    (Tiana's POV)

    I wouldn't have liked to have a battle like that, I thought to myself as Nightshade explained to me why he wasn't so happy go lucky any more. "Still, all that's in the past and we know it's better to forget, isn't it?" he finally said. "I guess." I answered. "except for the fact that you can't forget some of them." There was a long pause. "Sometimes its better to talk as well. Is it okay if i go and talk to Zale? I need to find out if he is okay like everyone keeps telling me he is." I looked up at Nightshade, and waited for his answer.

    (Zale's POV)

    It wasnt long before Angel fell asleep again. "Is it normal for her to sleep so much?" I asked Uncle Nero. He nodded his head yes. "Babies need a lot of rest." I nodded, as I just stared in amazement at Angel. She was so pretty, and as scared as i had been, it was all gone. I was still nervouse about telling the rest of my team especially Tiana. However, after seeing her i made a promise to myself that nothing was going to happen to Angel if i could help it. I began trying to figure out what i was going to say to Tiana and how i was going to explain that i now had a daughter.

    (Jovi's POV)

    I led Kawaii around the side of the Eevee House where the woods were closest. I led her along zig zagging in some places, going the long way around in others. At the halfway poing, i led her to a little stream that ran though. I took a drink, before she did. Then we made out way the rest of the way. I perodically looked back so as to confirm that we weren't being followed. "So far the only ones that know about this place or me and my Dad. Now you do." I said as we finally emerged fromt he underbrush to a hill. When she looked down at the view i watched her reaction. "Its even prettier when the sun sets, but i didn't think it would be appropriate to take you here at that time. I often come here when i need time to think and all. " I explained. Then i turned and looked in Kawaii's eyes. "Will you please not tell anyone else about this place?" I asked before my gaze turned back to the view.
    Silver Wolf
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    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  22. #142

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    [center]Current Entrants for the Water Race

    Squirtle - Lv.11 Male (21) - andyizcool
    Just wanted to say something before the Water Race starts. My Squirtle is now Level 13 with a Speed of 24 for the Water Race.

  23. #143
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    I'll enter two of my pokemon in the race, lol. I don't have time to make a post so I'll just say what they are now ;x

    Ark lv 10
    Umbreon (M)
    Category: 1-30
    Speed: 24

    Diablos lv 13
    Sneasel (M)
    Category: 31-60
    Speed: 43

  24. #144

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    "Alright! Food's up!" Finally Sindel had managed to coordinate all of her cooking to perfection, despite having to shove certain Kadabras out of the way of the fridge when necessary. All in all it had been a triumph, plateloads of cookies and cakes and pasties all lined up and just waiting to be eaten. "Now I'll forgive you all for not helping out, but if there's any of this left after I've worked so hard on it there'll be trouble!" The Alakazam glanced over at Sinopa and Marius. "Oh, and since you've been so patient in keeping me company, you get first choice. What will it be?"
    "I think I may take a meat pie, Sindel, I would say sausage roll but I'm highly suspicious as to what parts of the animal go into sausage and at least I've seen what meat went into your pies." Marius replied.
    "Suspicious little bugger, aren't you?" Sindel chuckled. "At least this solves the nurture vs nature debate quite nicely."
    "Not necessarily, allow a little more time for mother to relax and I would ask for a beer with that." Marius chuckled, before turning to Sinopa. "What would you like? We have practically everything here. She always did have this problem with producing too much..."

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  25. #145
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Kawaii's POV

    This is...amazing! My mouth hung open as I looked over the Eevee House. Such a view!

    "It's even prettier when the sun sets, but I didn't think it would be appropriate to take you here at that time. I often come here when I need time to think and all," Jovi said to me. He looked into my eyes. "Will you please not tell anyone else about this place?"

    I was speechless for a few seconds. To trust me with such a secret...

    "Yes. I'll keep this a secret," I said quietly.

    Beaky's POV

    The kitchen was crowded, so I wasn't able to sneak out anything. I was stuck with an empty stomach and no one to gripe about it with. "Cinder? Where are you?" I quietly hissed as I looked down from the rafters. I groaned.

    Swoop landed beside me and put on a small grin. "Looks like you're the only captee who's dateless," she mused.

    "Do you like making fun of me?" I growled. "And what do you mean by that? Do you know where Cinder is?"

    "He's Shonta. Sorry, Charlie."

    My blood started to boil. "Damn!"

    "No need for cursing, birdy. Just because you're jealous of that Jolteon gives you no reason to take it out on me." She flew off.

    Why should I be jealous? I don't care about what Kawaii does. In fact, I could care less! It's just that the other Pokemon here just put me on their Most Wanted list. I closed my eyes and hoped that sleep could stave my hunger.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  26. #146
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Sorry for the delay in the schedule x.x

    The Races will begin in 10 minutes. Sorry, connection troubles in addition to chores that had to be done while Mom is away. *Opents the retractibly roof of the Eevee House.*

    The contestants are:

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) - Charizard04621
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike

    The track is 900 units long.

    The race beginis:

    Jewel begins by going forward. The staryu manages to advance 150 Units.
    Ark, also starts by going forward. He gets a break as a wave pushes him forward 96 units.
    Squirtle also chooses to go forward. Squirtle also rides along the same wave that pushed Ark, advancing 144 units.
    Kalazeth uses rain dance. It begins raining, doubles the horsea's speed to 46 O.o. He zooms ahead an amazing 230 units.
    Aurora also chooses to go straight ahead. She advances 84 Units.
    Rays also goes straight ahead. She encounters obstacles, advancing only 36

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18 - 150 units
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10 - 96 units
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool - 144 units
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) with rain Dance (4 rounds left) Swift swim activated new speed (46) - Charizard04621 - 230 Units
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom - 84 units
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike - 36 Units

    The next Round Begins:

    Jewel once more charges forward. The staryu manages to advance another 150 Units.
    Ark, also continues plowing straight ahead. He manages to advance 72 units.
    Squirtle also chooses to go forward again. Squirtle continues to cruise ahead, advancing 120 units.
    Kalazeth chooses to just go forward this time. He encounters obsticles advancing only 92 units this time.
    Aurora also chooses to go straight ahead this time. She gets a nice break and advances 105 Units.
    Rays also goes straight ahead. She gets a break, catching a wave this time and advances 108 units.

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18 - 300 units
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10 - 168 units
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool - 264 units
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) with rain Dance (3 rounds left) Swift swim activated new speed (46) - Charizard04621 - 322 Units
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom - 189 units
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike - 144 Units

    The next Round Begins:

    Jewel once more charges forward. This time the staryu manages to advance 120 Units.
    Ark, also continues plowing straight ahead. He enouncters a few obstacles but manages to advance 48 units.
    Squirtle also chooses to go forward again. Squirtle also encounters obstacles only advancing 72 units.
    Kalazeth chooses to just go forward this time. He catches a wave advancing an amazing 230 units.
    Aurora also chooses to go straight ahead this time. She once more encounters obstacles advancing only 21 Units.
    Rays also goes straight ahead. She gets another break, as another wave comes her way and advances 108 units.

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18 - 420 units
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10 - 216 units
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool - 336 units
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) with rain Dance (2 rounds left) Swift swim activated new speed (46) - Charizard04621 - 552 Units
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom - 210 units
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike - 252 Units

    The next Round Begins:

    Jewel once more charges forward. This time the staryu encounters obstacles but manages to advance 30 Units.
    Ark, also continues plowing straight ahead. This time he catches a wave and manages to advance 96 units.
    Squirtle also chooses to go forward again. Squirtle cruises along advancing 96 units.
    Kalazeth chooses to just go forward this time. He too cruises along advancing 184 units.
    Aurora also chooses to go straight ahead this time. She catches a wave and manages to advance 126 Units.
    Rays also goes straight ahead. She encounters obstacles this time and only advances 18 units.

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18 - 450 units
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10 - 312 units
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool - 432 units
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) with rain Dance (1 round left) Swift swim activated new speed (46) - Charizard04621 - 736 Units
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom - 336 units
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike - 270 Units

    The next Round Begins:

    Jewel once more charges forward. This time the staryu cruises along advancing 150 Units.
    Ark, also continues plowing straight ahead. This time he manages to advance 48 units.
    Squirtle also chooses to go forward again. Squirtle cruises along advancing 96 units.
    Kalazeth chooses to just go forward this time. He gets yet another break O.o by catching a way and advancing a whopping 276 units and crossing the finish line before keeping on going. It stops raining, and his speed returns to 23.
    Aurora also chooses to go straight ahead this time. She catches a wave and manages to advance 105 Units.
    Rays also goes straight ahead. She cruises along advancing 72 units.

    Jewel - Lv.11 Staryu (30) - classy_cat18 - 600 units
    Ark - Lv.10 Male Umbreon (24) - Link 10 - 360 units
    Squirtle - Lv.13 Male (24) - andyizcool - 528 units
    Kalazeth - Lv.10 Male Horsea (23) - rain dance has ended - Charizard04621 - 1012 Units Winner
    Aurora - Lv.9 Female Lapras (21) - Angel Blossom - 441 units
    Rays - Lv.7 Female Chinchou (18 ) - Crystalmaster Mike - 342 Units

    Congrats to Karin and Kalazeth! Everyone did great ^^
    Silver Wolf
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    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

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  27. #147
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Aargh! I missed it!

    Shonta's POV


    I looked up at the sky as I lay on the grass. "I'm sorry, Jewel. I didn't mean to miss the race, but I have a life outside of here, you know. I've been feeling down lately."

    <No excuse. You're pathetic as a trainer and you should just start over with a clean slate.>

    I sighed. She was right; my captee team was a mess except for Kawaii. Cinder didn't even have any offensive Fire-type attacks and Beaky was just...

    "Jewel, you got in second place," Swoop groaned.

    <Second place got me nothing.>

    "Shonta, what now? I haven't even battled for the Unicorn Games yet," Lily said.

    "Just let me think, okay? I'm sure I will find some way out of this. By the way, where's Kawaii?" No response. "Girls, are you hiding something from me?"

    "She's out with some Jolteon!" Trinity blurted out.

    I shot up. Some wake up call. "Whoa! Define 'out'."

    "Already said too much! Let's go, Beacon!" She started to walk off, pushing Beacon along with her.

    "Wait, you two! Take the new teammate along with you." I nudged Athena forward, but she wouldn't go any further. "Then again, maybe she can just stay with me for a while."
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  28. #148
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    <Jay's POV>

    I bolted into the Eevee House, and made for the first open table I saw. I was carrying a very warm, damp, Pokemon egg that was bright red in color. It was throbbing very violently, and I felt that it would hatch at any moment. I sat down and kept my eye on the egg while I released Matthias and Brandi. Their attention was immediatly fixed upon the egg.

    I didn't know what to do other than to just stare at it. The egg kept bouncing around, and a few times I was afraid it would fall off my lap and onto the floor. I kept hold of it very gingerly, eying Matthias and Brandi to see their reactions.

    <Matthias's POV>

    "What is that?" I asked.
    "That would be a Pokemon egg, Matthias." He was certaintly living up to the old saying all brawn no brain... "Those things are cool. I want one! I gave Matthias and odd look. First he gives me a little kiss on the cheek for saving him, and now he wants Pokemon eggs? He's really starting to creep me out....I got closer to the egg, looking at the gleaming exterior, wondering what would come into the new world. Suddenly, I heard a loud crack. The egg was hatching.

    <Brandi's POV>

    I darted over to J's side as soon as I heard the sound. I could see a split right down the middle of the egg that kept increasing in size. The crack formed into many different cracks, and the eggshells began to move.

    <J's POV>

    The eggshell tore off, and emerging from the egg came a baby Charmander, covered in goo, with bright amorous blue eyes. I took the remains of the egg and set them onto the table. I grabbed the towel and began drying the baby off. He wasn't really paying much attention to me. He kept his eyes fixed on Brandi, and then shifted his gaze to Matthias, then back to me again.

    He kept looking Brandi over mysteriously. "Hello, little guy," I said. His attention was directed toward me. He gave a soft growl, and walked closer. I gave him a hug, and looked over to my other to Pokemon to see what they thought. I guess they approved of him. When I looked back over, I realized that my shirt was on fire! It must of caught on his tail... "Yipes!" I squealed. I quickly set down Charmander, ran over to the pool, and shoved my hand into the water.

    I came back, Brandi was giving me a skeptical look that read as "Nice one..." and Matthias was laughing. The baby was sitting down under the table, busying itself with its tail. I was just thankful my hand wasn't burned off.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  29. #149
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Here I am, writing my first EH post in who knows how long, thanks to my mom who gave me a day off from work because I have to give a class today. Being an assistant teacher has its benefits. ^_^

    Note: this takes place after some BT battles I haven't posted yet, but it was the only way I could get here at all.

    <Gabi's POV>

    I entered the Eevee House for the first time in months. I really missed this place. Having been so busy with university stuff and with the Training Grounds and the Unicorn Games, and knowing there was more of that to come, I really needed a break. And so did my pokemon (except for those who had been having fun at Glacier Peak). So this was the first place I thought of.

    The house was as welcoming as ever. As usual, I wasn't sure about who I would find - I just hoped I wouldn't find it empty. To my surprise, I arrived right in time to see the newborn Charmander playing with his tail and looking around with curiosity.

    Lagi hugged Amber, and Sylvan directed a sweet smile at both her and the baby. Amber then moved closer to her newborn child, and kneeled down to look into his eyes. Who knows what thoughts were racing through her mind as she gazed at her son. Finally, a loving smile formed in her face and she softly caressed the baby's back.

    I walked over to J and congratulated him, asking him to take good care of his Charmander. I used that phrase every day, but this time it had more meaning, since his mother was very special to me. Then I ask him if he'd thought of a name for him yet.

    <Lagi's POV>

    It was such a sweet encounter! I was happy for Amber. A part of her seemed to have found peace at last. Still, I sensed some worries in her and I couldn't figure out what they were about. I decided to ask later; I didn't want to ruin this mother and son moment. I wished I could see one of my own children; I missed them a lot.

    Hero, on the other side, was not so enthusiastic. As ever when he came across Brandi, he didn't know what to do. He didn't try to get close to her, he just watched her and smiled. I tried not to stare at him, I knew he hated when I did that and I didn't want him to think I was invading his privacy.

    I tried to direct my attention elsewhere, and soon my eyes caught the large swimming pool. It was empty at that moment, but the large puddles of water around its borders revealed it had seen a lot of action recently. I flew over to the pool, and Gabi saw that as her cue to release Water Angel into the water. The Kingdra noticed the gathering around the baby Charmander immediately.

    "Wow, I can't believe I almost missed this!," she exclaimed. "Amber must be really happy. Right?"
    "Yes, she is," I told her.
    "Oh, look at that sign!," she said pointing with her nose to the sign where the race results were normally announced. "A Horsea won the last race! I'm proud!"
    I laughed.
    "Hey, don't laugh at me! Dratinis and Dragonites win races all the time. It's rare to see a Horsea win, or even race. This should be an example for other Horseas. Maybe they can try too. You know, I wanted to do something like that at the 2nd Eagle Games."
    "Yes, I understand," I told her. "And you did. Even if the games never came to an end, everybody saw what you were capable of. And I'm sure Kalazeth will mark a path for others to follow. He's the kind of being that never gives up on their goals."
    "You seem to know him better than I thought."
    "Well, I've picked up a few of his emotions while hanging out with his team. They were the kind of emotions that make you feel motivated."
    "Sometimes that empathy of yours is a gift," Water Angel smiles.
    "Yes, it makes up for most of the bad times it's put me through," I admitted. "And I've learnt a lot thanks to it."
    "Aha. So, when do you think the next race will take place?"
    "I don't know. When the trainers are all ready, I guess. I heard Gabi say Karin had left Elwing with instructions, so I believe it's up to the other two competitors. Erm... I hope you don't mind the fact that 2/3 of the racers will be Dratinis."
    Now it was her turn to laugh.
    "Of course not. They're natural aquatic racers and they have the right to do what they like. And the same goes for us."
    "Oh, do I sense a challenge here?"
    "Oh... Well, you've always been faster than me, but I guess we can have some fun before the racers come."
    "Ok, I'm ready when you are."
    "That's what you think," she said, swiftly getting underwater and dashing forward.
    "That's what I know," I answered, following her. Even if she turned the water around her black, as was her habit, I knew I'd have no trouble catching up.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  30. #150
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Sorry for the double post, but it's time for the race!

    The race track is 850 units long, and the contestants are Elwing Starspray, Jasmine and Diablos, with speeds of 34, 31 and 43 respectively.

    Diablos started off with a Quick Attack, advancing a whole 258 units!
    Elwing summoned a wave with Surf, and rode on it for 204 units.
    Jasmine used her Extemespeed, getting ahead of the others and making it to 279 units.

    Positions on the 1st update:
    Jasmine: 279
    Diablos: 258
    Elwing Starspray: 204

    Now Elwing, finding himself at the back of the group, aimed a Thunder Wave at the only pokemon who was in range. Diablos was paralyzed!
    After the commotion, Jasmine used Extremespeed again, this time advancing only 186 units.
    Diablos did his best to overcome the paralysis and used Quick Attack again, only managing to advance 33 units.
    After attacking, Elwing swam forward another 204 units, getting closer to Jasmine.

    Positions on the 2nd update:
    Jasmine: 465
    Elwing Starspray: 408
    Diablos: 291

    Jasmine ensured her position at the top with another Extremespeed. The currents helped her and allowed her to advance 341 units!
    Elwing surfed forward, but wasn't lucky this time. The currents around her pushed the water in different directions, making it hard for her to put her wave back together. With this, she only managed to advance 34 units.
    But the one who had the worst luck was Diablos, his paralysis preventing him from moving at all.

    Positions on the 3rd update:
    Jasmine: 806
    Elwing Starspray: 442
    Diablos: 291

    Jasmine pushed forward with one final effort. She didn't use Extremespeed this time, but the currents led her swiftly past the finish line, for 186 units.
    Elwing managed to keep her wave up this time, and advanced 136 units before the race was over.
    Diablos made a last effort to Quick-Attack, and advanced another 44 units.

    Final positions:
    Jasmine: 942 - WINNER
    Elwing Starspray: 578
    Diablos: 335

    Congratulations to Jasmine! As a reward, Amy can pick an item of her choice.
    Elwing and Diablos made a good effort, so cheers to them too. Elwing did her best with the moves she knew, and Diablos's will to keep going even after he became paralyzed was admirable.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  31. #151
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Matts POV

    I went through the entrance doors to the Eevee House knowing that I hadnt been there for a long time. I hadnt told my pokemon where I was going so they still didnt know that we were here. There were a lot of people and pokemon hovered over the area near the couch. I slowly walked by and saw that there was a new baby Charmander that had just been born sitting there while everyone watched.

    That had reminded me of the egg I had just gotten that was in my pack. I pulled the warm ball of life out and sat down on the ground. I released all of my pokemon and put the egg between my legs to stay warm. Ark turned around and noticed it, of course.
    Whoa, what is that between your legs, Matt?! He said in astonishment. Itsan egg, Ark, I said looking at him. All my other pokemon came over and stared at it with Ark. Whats in it, then? Tabitha said. A pokemon is inside of the egg; it will come out when it is ready, though, I said. Wow, that pokemon is so lucky! I wish I was an egg, Tabitha said giggling. You were an egg, Tabitha; a lot of you were eggs, I said, sighing. They all looked confused at what I had just said. Ya know, nevermind; you all go play around the house now, and dont get into trouble, I said shooing them off.

    They all ran off on their merry ways except Eiko and Atomos. They seemed concerned about something. What is it, you two? I asked smiling.
    Im still thinking about what you said before, Mattabout how most of us came from eggs, Atomos said. Well, its a fact of life, Atomos, I said. But I never see my parents at all, She said with her head down. Maybe you will see them sooner or later, I said reassuring her. I never see my parents either, Atomos, so dont feel bad, Eiko said sadly. Youll see your parents sometime, too, Eiko; I promise, I said.

    They both looked like they had a load lifted off their backs and Atomos left, running off for Ark. Eiko stayed and slithered up against me.
    What exactly is in that egg, Matt? She said. Its a Nincada, Eiko; its what everyone calls a captured pokemon, I said. A what? Eiko said. Its different from Adopted Pokemon like you and everyone elseits hard to explain, really, I said a little perplexed on what to say. Do you have anymore of these captured pokemon, Matt? She asked. Yes, I do, and I have one that you might like to talk to, I said pulling out a pokeball. I threw it to the ground and my captured Dratini came out from inside. When Eiko saw another of her kind, she was very surprised. My captured Dratini wasnt impressed with Eiko. Why do you have wings? Come to think of it, who are you anyway? Matt? She asked. Sorry, Dratini, but this is my, how should I say this, other Dratini named Eiko, I said scratching my head. Ok, then why does she have wings and I dont?! She demanded. She was born with them you werent, I answered.

    Eiko was still in shock that there was another Dratini for her to talk to. She shly started talking.
    Hellomy name isEiko, She said to my captured Dratini. Now, you two play nicely and dont start any fights or anything, I said to them, as I got up. I had decided to sit on the couch instead of the hard ground. I carried my egg in my arms and plopped down near the gawking was taking place. I still wondered why my pokemon were so confused about this egg even Ark and Atomos had produced many sons and daughterswhy wonder now?

    Nightmare the Meowths POV

    Tabitha? Whered you go, sis? I asked, looking around. This place was new to me I had never been in here before, and now I had lost my sister somewhere in this place. I was so scared that I just sat down and crawled up into a ball and started to cry a little. I hope someone helps me find my sister I thought crying some more.

    Ark the Umbreons POV

    Wow, I suck, I said looking at the wall.
    What? Why do you suck? I dont think you suck Atomos said. Its just that I lost that race the other day, and Matt was really hoping that I would win, I said with my head down. Dont get so down on this race, Ark; theyll be other races, and this one wasnt one you shouldve been in in the first place, Atomos said. YeahI guess youre right, but I wish there was something I could do to make it up to Matt for losing so easy, I said. Dont worry about it; Diablos lost his race too, Atomos said. Yeah, but I feel like I should do something, but I dont know what right now, I said.

  32. #152

    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    "Oh, well that's just great, isn't it?" Sindel stropped. "Why do the races have to start the instant my food's ready?"
    "Sheer poor timing, Sindel, what can I say?" Marius offered. "If it's any consolation I'd be willing to bet that you would have a lot more success in getting people's attention if you simply took the goods out of the kitchen. You'd be surprised as to how effective scent is as an attention grabber."
    "It's you, you twit, you scare everyone off with your big words, you have to just accept everyone here is dense!" Milliardo cackled, suddenly materialising from behind his foster son. "As for you, Thingy, quit with the constant attempts to grab people's attention with your cakes. You're really desperate for attention off somebody other than your existing team members, so just come out and admit it."
    "That was scarily perceptive, Milliardo!" Sindel blinked several times. "Are you feeling alright?"
    "Never better," the Umbreon smirked. "I've just kicked some daft Ninetales' butt, I've found the long lost sister that I spent most of my life worrying about... let's just conveniently ignore the fact that she seems to have divided in the meantime... what's not to feel good about?"

    "What???" Beckham suddenly realised that Gabi's team had entered the Eevee House. It had only taken several hours for this to sink in, but this was a record by the Wartortle's usual easily distracted standards. "Oi! Caledor! We need more players for a game of ball here, so far it's just me, Megan and Ryo-Ohki and that's no fun. You interested?"

    "Interesting..." Almost instantaneously a small Eevee blinked into existance in the far corner of the room. "A convenient place of rest." All of a sudden she began to twitch violently, before calming back down again, her spasm disappearing as quickly as it had arrived. "Hey! Guys! Need any more players for your game of ball?" A new life within her eyed that had previously been lacking, the Eevee ran over to where Beckham and his friends were playing ball.

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  33. #153
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    i'll post more later when i have more time or get the chance.

    (Sinopa's POV)

    Marius had turned to me. "What would you like? We have practically everything here. She always did have this problem with producing too much..." I looked at all the food. "I... I don't know. It all looks good. Why don't you pick and surprise me?" I finally said. "Besides, the current race doesn't really interest me. Water and me don't mix." As well, as confining spaces," I added silently to myself.

    (Jovi's POV)

    It was getting rather late. "I guess we need to head back." I said. Kawaii just nodded her head. I had a feeling that neither of us wanted to go back just yet, but felt that we needed to. I took a deep breath and one last look, before standing up and leading her back to the Eevee House. On the way back through the inside, I noticed Zale had something wrapped in a tiny pink blanket in front of him. I shrugged, deciding to ask later. We made our way to the backyard of the Eevee House. "I hope you liked it." I said, smiling nervously.

    (Jasmine's POV)

    I slowly fluttered out of the pool, and over to where Amy was. I saw that she had a interesting looking, brown egg with her. Every once in a while, it rocked back and forth vigorously, before stopping.
    "I guess its still not ready to hatch just yet." was all that she said. I just nodded and curled up beside her and watched the egg.

    (Flame's POV)

    I watched from the distance as my son hatched. I wanted to go over there, but felt like i didn't belong. I stifled back a laugh as his new trainer's shirt caught on fire. I sat there watching from the distance.
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  34. #154
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    <Tsunami's POV>

    Lagi and Water Angel hadn't been able to finish their little race, since all the official racers gathered together right away and my teammates had to move away to leave room for them. After the race was over, I reckoned my own race couldn't be far ahead, so I decided to get in and train. I would let no cramps stop me this time.

    I dived into the water and pushed forward as fast as possible. Surf had always been my best move, but as I'd just been able to witness, in a race it could hinder as much as it could help. There was no way to predict the currents, as they changed whenever somebody moved. When Elwing had stopped surfing to attack Diablos and then tried to Surf again, the pool had turned into a chaos. So, what did I really have to rely on? Only my own actions. As I thought of this, I took an impulse and jump forwards. I felt the contact with the air for an instant before touching the water again, and used the chance to breathe. I could do that in the race, no problem. And I had ways to defend myself as well. Now it was just a matter of keeping my muscles flexible and I'd be ready.

    I returned to the surface and looked around. The place had become a lot more crowded since I'd started excercising. I noticed Ade's crowd and I was about to greet them, when my little friend beat me to it. He wouldn't have, if the group had been close to the water, but the way things were... Well, it didn't take more than a second... two at most. Beckam saw my team and called for Caledor, who vanished into the shadows immediately, only to reappear on the Wartortle's side and shout his name. I was already tired of watching him do that trick; he'd been playing it on me ever since his arrival to Glacier Peak. Of course I couldn't really blame him; I'd done the same when I had learnt Acid Armor, and now he'd just given me an excuse to startle him whenever I got the chance. We'd just found a new game to play. I could predict what was going to happen next: Caledor would use his Faint Attack to sneak into Gabi's backpack and steal her Beach Ball, and then offer it to the group, jumping at the chance to play with them. I knew him well.

    I was thinking of joining them myself, when I noticed the Eevee appear out of nowhere. I'd seen her before, but that didn't make it any less shocking. I decided to wait and see what happened. I could always join the fun later. And if everything was flowing smoothly, and if they came closer to the water, I'd get the chance to take revenge on my ever so playful friend.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  35. #155
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Naurmir, the male Charmanders POV:

    Almost right after that Aerodactyl flew over I knew there was something wrong. I stopped clutching Blades leg so tightly and wandered off towards his Charizard friend, who used to play with me. Something felt not right and I was scared. I wondered where my dad was.

    Kalazeth, the male Horseas POV:

    But why did I lose? she asked me, indignant. Elwing shook her head in irritation. I could understand her frustration; we had trained together so many hours, each hoping to win. Personally, I had never expected victory, but no matter what happened in that race (my first) I was determined to enjoy myself and come out of that wonderful experience the richer. Elwing, used to success in almost everything she did, had been disappointed by her first taste of failure.

    Having won my own race, I did not want to give any advice or words that might provoke her wrath. There could be no such words more ill timed. Still, I could not help myself. I wanted to assure her that she need not dwell on a single failure, for she succeeded in so many more things. Youre always a winner to me.

    Not this time, she said bitterly, without turning around.

    Lune, the male Eevees POV:

    I watched secretly over the pools calm surface as she stood next to Gwaihir before that Scizor. Her reflection in the liquid mirror had to it a surreal quality, the kind that you could find in dreams. That was how I felt after what had happened so many years ago, that I lived in a dream. A nightmare.

    Rthruin, I called out to her softly not wanting to interrupt the interaction with Blade but at the same time loud enough for only her to hear. She looked behind her and caught me watching, and, as I nodded, flew over the pool to me, leaving Gwaihir to face Blade on his own. The tips of her toes grazed the water slightly as she passed, sending little waves outward that she fanned with her lightly flitting wings.

    Seeing the expression on my face, she could not help but question. After all, she had not seen me look this way before. She smiled hesitantly.

    Have I told you, Ruth, I said softly, staring into her infinitely deep, captivating eyes, that when you smile, I think of rainbows and the first rays of sunlight as their little beams of gold just begin to shine through the morning wisps of clouds?

    She looked at me strangely, unsure of what I was saying. Lune?

    Teach me how to smile, Ruth. Teach me how to smile like that.

    Lune, are you all right? she asked, now beginning to worry.

    Come for a walk with me. By exiting the door outside into the moonlit night, I gave her no other choice. She dutifully followed.

    I heard her gasp in wonder as she took in the beautiful scene. Trillions and trillions of stars, some seeming close enough to touch and others infinitely far away, blanketed the night sky. They twinkled softly, delicately, as if afraid to shatter the perfect peace that was this cool darkness. Silver moonlight bathed us as we moved forward, slowly, towards the deep woods, with our heads upturned to admire the sky.

    Ruth, I ventured softly, hating to break the crystalline silence but knowing that I had to, Have you ever felt lonely before? Not just when youre alone, but when there is plenty of life flourishing around you and yet you feel isolated? Like theres no one, despite the abundance of souls, that you can confide in.

    She though for a while in silence, then gave me the answer I knew she would give and yet dreaded to hear anyway. I cant say I have, Lune, she told me honestly. There was a time when I felt only anger. But then Ive never lost as much as you.

    Ah, yes, loss. I had dwelt on my loss for many years, mourning not only her death but the death of my happiness. I had spent many a time pining away, watching as the life in my heart slowly ebbed out onto the dirt, or got sucked into cement floors colder than ice. Feeling sorry that she died. Feeling sorry for me. But all this did not bring her back to life neither did it resurrect from his grave her killer and my friend though I wanted so badly for both of them to be with me all over again, as if murder had never sullied our souls. Shes gone and she wont come back, I said without regret. No amount of tears or pain can change the past I paused a while. It was a strained silence. But the future The future is mine to grasp. Now. This very moment.

    Rthruin stopped walking, unsure of how to respond. We had reached a grove of trees, and now stood there concealed under their merciful shade. She knelt down to look into my face. Gaze with those beautiful, penetrating eyes into mine, as if to search my soul for an answer. They held me spellbound; I was in another world. Then, softly, timidly, when I dared, I spoke, saying to the Scyther the words that had been in my heart all these months screaming for me to let them free. Ruth I whispered, terrified, I am desperately in love with you. As my lips pressed hotly against hers, we clutched each other under the trees whose leaves captured stray moonlight like wells, neither daring to say a word or even breathe. The only sound in the darkness was the frantic pounding of her heart with mine.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  36. #156
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    <Nightshade's POV>

    "Sure, go ahead. I'm sure he wants to talk to you also," I waved her off with a hand. "Tell him congratulations for me."
    She looked at me weird but nodded and trotted off to her brother.
    "So naive," I sighed. "Then again, she's still a young kid."
    I looked around the room, which had a sudden influx of trainers and Pokemon. I spotted Aries by the couches, pacing back and forth frantically. I teleported over and came up on him quietly. With a light stroke of his back, he literally jumped two feet before turning around angrily on me.
    "Why did you do that?" he snapped.
    "Because you're acting like a mess," I grinned but it faded. "Anything wrong?"
    He hesitated before coming close and whispering loud enough for me to hear.
    "I'm going to have another kid."
    "WHAT?!?" I yelled, which turned a few heads. I looked around and quieted a bit. "I thought you were too depressed after Eclipse left."

    <Aries's POV>

    "I was, but then I promised I wouldn't have anymore kids until I knew the trainer was dependable and would visit the house often. Sure enough, Amy had an opening on her team and wanted another Eevee. Why, I don't know but I knew it was my chance to try once more."
    I looked at the door expectantly and was surprised to find Amy coming in with the egg bundled up.
    "I want you to get everyone over here as fast as you can."
    "Right away, Mon Capitan," Nightshade saluted and teleported off.
    Whatever gender they might be, they're going to have one nutty uncle.
    As soon as Amy sat on one of the couches, I jumped up and looked at the egg. It had begun to shake a while ago but now it was almost constant. I looked around and found Nightshade and the others coming towards out, Lee not surprisingly way out front. A minute after he arrived, the others lumbered up into view, Nigthshade clearly out of breath.
    " except...Blade and Drake...they were busy...and I didn't want to interfer," he gulped before continuing on. "I'm sure they' by later."
    "When did you go have a kid?" Lee asked.
    "Nightshade will tell you later," I said hurriedly and looked back at the egg.
    Already, cracks were beginning to form all along the shell, faint at first but soon becoming more defined. My offspring was fighting to make it out of there and few seconds later, pieces of shell were flying about everywhere. As soon as more came off, Amy began to pry the rest of the egg off before revealing a baby Eevee (as if it wasn't obvious to begin with). After rubbing it down, we found out it was a boy. As the others cheered, I wiped a lone tear rolling down my face and beamed at my son.
    "What's his name?" I asked her.
    "I thought about naming him Darin. Is that ok with you?"
    I nodded and continued to look down at my son, who noticed me and looked up with sparkling brown eyes. I could tell he would be just like Nightshade, rambunctious and sometimes a handful but a fighter at heart.
    "My own family," I whispered and brought Darin close to me.

    <Drake's POV>

    The twins had gone off somewhere and so had Blade. Left all alone, I went in search of Elwing. For a young Dratini, she was rather independent and I wasn't ready for her to be that just yet. Just as I got up however, Naurmir came sauntering over, apprently looking for someone to be with. I sighed and stooped down to his level.
    "You know Naurmir, maybe you should spend time with your father instead of me and Blade. We both like your company but you should be with your family more sometimes."
    I pointed him out in the distance, which was easy enough since there weren't a lot of male Charizards in the house.
    "See? He's over there. I have to go to the pool now but if you want to come along, you can."
    I got up and started to walk over to the pool. I didn't want to turn around to see if he would follow. I didn't want to influence his choice.

    As soon as I got over, I saw Elwing's clearly upset face, her Horsea friend next to her and Ryu nowhere in sight.
    Odd, I thought.
    "Elwing, what's wrong?"
    The Horsea looked up in surprise but Elwing ignored him and sniffed.
    "I lost the water race."
    I braced myself for my reply but did it.
    She looked up at me, upset and angry, mostly angry though.
    "I've worked so hard for this and I lost it badly. I'm a failure!"
    "No you're not," I chided. "You know how long I've worked at becoming the best I could be? I've lost so many battles I can't even remember them all. When I was a Charmeleon, I battled Naurmir and his sister's father, Flame. He was also a Charmeleon and both of us were on the brink of evolving. Our battle decided who was to evolve first. And do you know who won? He did. I was so pissed off that I dwelled on it for days but then realized it meant nothing as my goal was to just evolve and keep on growing. And after the next battle or so, I evolved and continued to battle. So really, one battle or race shouldn't stop you from who or what you're trying to be."
    I reached my claw out and grabbed her by the waist. Gently pulling her out, I brought her in for a hug. I grinned inside as I knew I was embarrassing her. That's what a father did to their children.

    <Blade's POV>

    I smiled as I saw Naurmir cling to my leg as I was at the punching bags. I don't know why he was interested in me but as long as it made him feel happy, I was fine with it also. As I bent down to greet him, he apparently saw a big shadow and looked towards the pool. I followed suit and saw a semi-grown Aerodactyl coming in our direction. I narrowed my eyes and I could see nervousness in his eyes. When I looked down again, I saw Naurmir gone, probably because of a potential confrontation. I didn't blame him either. I looked up as the Aerodactyl landed and looked extremely uncomfortable.
    "H-hello. Blade? You may not know me, but Im Gwaihir."
    "I know."
    Of course I knew. He was the son of Dodger, the one who stole her away. He wasn't the offspring of the two of them but nevertheless, his presence was unnerving.
    "Ive got something to say to you." He carefully chose his words and slowly continued on. "I know some things that have happened before have not been so easy for you"
    I flinched and he must have noticed because he quickly stopped what he was saying. I hastily reverted back to my former expression before he spoke again. "My father" he choked but somehow found the words after a minute or two. "From the day I heard what happened Ive been feeling really guilty about it, although I dont know why. I wasnt sure whether or not I should approach you but I felt as if I owed you something, somehow. What I wanted to say was Im very sorry for everything thats happened. Im not expecting your forgiveness or anything Experiences like that are hard to forgive. But I had to get this off my chest. I feel at fault and I wish for your sake especially that none of this had ever happened."
    I looked behind him and found Ruthruin staring at the both of us, clearly looking displeased. It was obvious she tried to sway Gwaihir from speaking to me but he ignored her and did what was needed.
    "You've should've listened to Ruthruin," I said flatly. He grimaced but I knew he expected it. "I have nothing against you and I never will. After what happened between you're father and I, I swore I would never forgive him and I still feel the same way. I no longer loathe him like I once did but I prefer not to be around him in any case. So I suppose an apology was not needed in the first place since you realized too late I would never forgive. Certainly not you since you didn't do anything but to your father, no."
    I punched the bag hard and swift, trying to release my sudden anger on it.
    "Just remember that although I'm not fond of Aerodactyl's at all, you're alright with me."

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  37. #157
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Naurmir, the male Charmanders POV:

    As soon as he pointed me in the right direction and I saw my dad, I knew that I was going to go over there. I hadnt seen him in a while, I think, and I hadnt really gotten to spend much time with him. I ran over to him as fast as my little legs could take me. I wasnt nearly as fast as Aglrien. She used to tell me that it was because she was bigger than normal Charmander. In time I learned the truth, that it was not she who was bigger but I who was smaller. I saw it in the bodies of the other Charmander who ran around in the Eevee House. Aglrien lied to me. Maybe she was trying to protect me but it couldnt happen all the time. I was smaller and weaker and I knew it.

    Dad looked kind of preoccupied. I looked at where he was staring and saw an eggshell cracking. After a while a tiny Charmander popped out and I stumbled. It looked as small as I was now, but the difference was, it had just hatched. Id already had months to grow.

    Growling playfully, I grabbed my dads tail and kept dodging from side to side as he turned his head to see who it was. I wondered how long it would take for him to recognize me.

    Elwing Starspray, the female Dratinis POV:

    I listened in disbelief to Daddys story about how he had lost a battle to Naurmir and Aglriens father, thus being the second to evolve in their race. I found it hard to grasp. My Daddy, whom I worshipped as invincible, able to do anything, had lost a battle that counted for a lot? Losing more battles than he could count?

    Still, something he said made sense, when he said that one failure shouldnt become a barrier to even greater success. It gave me comfort to think that even if I messed up once, I would have the time to try again until I made it right. But I worked so hard!

    In front of Kalazeth, Daddy picked me up and held me in a tight embrace that I couldnt escape. I squirmed to show that I really didnt want the hug, when in my heart I actually did. It felt good just to have him hold me up and it helped to stop me from crying. It was a miracle how one simple action could do so much and provide so much comfort. Eventually I stopped squirming and just let him hug me. I didnt care anymore. I just wanted him to make me feel better.

    Gwaihir the Windlord, the male Aerodactyls POV:

    I nodded, bowing my head. After I had thought it out and realized that Rthruin was right, Blade had given me exactly what I had expected, no more, and no less. Even though I had gained no pardon for my father, the guilt had been lifted off my chest, and I knew that Blade did not resent me for the horrible things that had happened to him in his past. Im sorry for bringing this up, I said quietly, and flew noiselessly away over the water. It was then that I noticed that Rthruin had left me with Blade alone.

    Rthruin, the female Scythers POV:

    Lune, I dont know what to say, I told the Eevee, after our initial wildness had worn off and we managed to hold back. In his eyes was a distant longing, a wish begging me to wash his pain away, and a promise to send away mine.

    I Sorry I thought I could control myself.

    Dont apologize. I smiled. Even though his eyes had been riddled by weariness, they shone somewhat with the help of the moonlight and the stars. That was what I had wanted, for a long time since I had known him, for him to stop ailing so much for light to return to his face. Because he didnt deserve to live a waking nightmare.

    He looked at me shyly, then, looking away, cleared his throat. Well, I enjoyed our little walk, he said, knowing perfectly well that it had been a lot more than just a little walk. Shall we head back to the house now?

    I couldnt help but laugh softly at his demure demeanor. Only if you smile for me.

    How do I do that?

    Lune was like a little child again, starting over, eager to learn everything from the very beginning. In my heart I smiled for him until I could smile no more. You start by thinking about something that makes you happy. You make your spirit dance, and your face will follow all by itself.

    Nero, the male Umbreons POV:

    I had stood off to the distance when Aries started bursting into tears. I saw him try to stop them but they just kept flowing, and I found myself thinking, Let them flow. Although I was ashamed to cry in public, to show such weakness of feelings and heart, I knew that ultimately letting go was what made me feel better in the end.

    Nightshade crept up on him and gave him such a surprise that when he was done leaping two feet into the air Aries looked as if he would bite the Kadabras head off. But that was only for a little while. They talked for a while, and I longed to know what it was about, because the expression on Ariess face softened a bit. I knew better than to intrude, however, and in time my questions at least were answered.

    I saw Ariess attention turned towards a group who huddled around a little brown egg. When the Eevee hatched and Aries wiped a tear out of his eye, I knew that he had found what he had longed for at last: someone he could love as his own.

    Feeling touched and about to cry from happiness for Aries myself, I quickly left the building for a walk outside under the stars.

    As I approached the trees, I spotted Lune and Rthruin together, probably admiring the scenery that took my breath away. There werent always nights as clear as this. Strangely enough, as I neared, I felt no negative energy and saw no images that would make my blood curl. Either they were gone or they were somehow well suppressed. In spite of all that I had ever known, I thought that as Lune sat there under the moonlight next to Rthruin I could detect a faint smile sneaking onto his face.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  38. #158
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    Kawaii's POV

    We reluctantly returned to the Eevee House. After all, we both had things to do. "I hoped you liked it," Jovi said.

    I smiled. "I did. I hope we can do this again." We went our separate ways. I felt light and carefree. I soon found myself prancing around the backyard and humming to myself.

    There was a rustling of feathers as Swoop landed on my head. "Looks like someone had a good day," she said brightly.

    "Oh, it was wonderful!" I exclaimed.

    "I wish the other captees were feeling the same way," she said in a grim voice.

    My spirits dropped. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

    "Well, Cinder's having one heck of a headache from battling some Skarmory for training. Beaky's somewhere sleeping with an empty stomach and wondering why he's not as lucky with the Pokemon here as you are. Shonta, well...she's just awful."


    "She keeps muttering about school even though she's out for the summer. And Jewel's just mad at her for not making it to the race, even though she finished in second place."

    I sighed. "So the other adoptees are doing alright?"

    "Just fine! But the new girl's having a hard time opening up." She lifted a wing and pointed it to a Mankey that was standing in front of us and slightly shaking. "Athena's a little shy. Shonta wants to give her a Cross Chop TM and start her training, but she's just not into it."

    I walked over and lowered my head to Athena's eye level. "My name's Kawaii. How about we look around for my friend and then something to eat?"

    Athena looked shocked for a while, but she gave a small smile. "Sure!"
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    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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  39. #159
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    (Tiana's POV)

    "Sure, go ahead. I'm sure he wants to talk to you also," I grinned as he waved me off. "Tell him congratulations for me." I looked at him puzzled, for a minute, before i trotted off to find Zale. It wasn't hard to find him, he was sitting in the middle of the house staring into a pink blanket. Odd, I thought. I saw Uncle Nero get up and walk off. Zale looked around puzzled, then turned his attention back to the blanket. As I neared, i heard a small cry. I hurried up to where he was, and saw that there was a tiny baby absol in the blanket. "Hi Zale. Are you okay? Everyone keeps telling me that you are, but i saw this strange vision while you were surfing..." I stopped talking as a look of terror, followed by relief, followed by nervousness washed over his face.

    (Zale's POV)

    Not long after Uncle Nero, had answered my question, he silently disappeared as i was watching Angel sleep. I didn't notice it until, she had woken up and began to cry softly. I looked around and saw that Uncle Nero had gone. Of course I couldn't expect him to stick around forever. I turned my attention back to Angel, and gave her a gentle nuzzle. She soon settled down, and I heard the one that I wanted to talk to most, but also was scared to talk with behind me. It was Tiana's voice.
    Hi Zale. Are you okay? Everyone keeps telling me that you are, but i saw this strange vision while you were surfing..." she stopped talking as a look of terror, followed by relief, followed by nervousness washed over my face. "Hi Tiana..." I said taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm no sure what you're talking about when you say visions, but i've got someone I want you to meet." At this point I took a deep breath, and motioned her to take a look inside the blanket. "She's adorable." I head Tiana whisper. "This is my..." I took another deep breath, "daughter, Angel." Tiana looked a bit puzzled. At least she wasn't backing away from me. "She's also your neice, kind of like you are to Uncle Nero." Tiana just blinked, and then she smiled. "Well, I'm sure that you'll be a great dad, you're the best brother anyone could ask for. Oh, and now i understand what Nightshade mean. He told me to tell you congratulations." I looked into Tiana's eyes, and there was no doubt that she meant every word that she just said. I pulled her close and gave her a tight hug. For a few minutes, she enjoyed it, but then she began squirming, "Uh, Zale, I can't breathe." I released my sis, from the embrace, and we both started laughing.

    (Jovi's POV)

    I was smiling, things were looking up. I had even won a bt battle on top of it all. I saw Zale hugging Tiana and felt that it was as good a time see what was in the blanket. I walked over and saw a little baby absol in it. I quickly looked from her to Zale, and I noticed that her eyes looked the same as Zale's. I looked back and forth, and found traces of resemelance here and there. At that point, I realized that Zale must have become a dad. I was surprised, because he was still a teenager himself, but happy for him. "Congrats," I said walking over to him after he had finished hugging his sister. Zale smiled up at me.
    [/color=royalblue] "Thanks. I... uh... have a question?"[/color] "What is it? "How do i pick her up?" "I see," I said smiling. Tiana, can I use you to demonstrate?" "Sure!" she chirped. I walked over, as Zale watched my every move. "See, this spot," I said pointing to the scruff or Tiana's neck. Zale nodded. "What you do is you gently pick them up in your mouth there, and tote them to where ever you what to go." I showed him. "You can either pick them up where their head is facing in hte direction that you're walking, or two the side. Its the same, just one way their looking forward, and the other they're looking to the side." I set Tiana back down. "I remember Mom carrying me that way." "Thanks." he told me before picking up his daughter, and trotting off with Tiana at his heels, towards a gathering group around Amy. I myself decided to just walk around. I saw Lani and Huan in the distance.

    (Flame's POV)

    I sat there watching on, when i felt someone grab the end of my tail. I turned my head to look, but whoever it was, was on the other side. I turned my head again and saw no one again. I grinned, lifting my tail, and saw that it was Naurmir. A smile spread across my face as i lifted him from my tail. "Hey there, Naurmir. I havent' seen you in a while." I said grinning.

    (Amy's POV)

    It wasn't long after I had sat down with the egg that Aries had shown up. Jasmine hovered up to my shoulder and draped herself across my neck, letting Aries have her spot next to the egg. The egg had begun shaking again, and this time it didnt' stop. My the time the rest of his teammates arrived, there were cracks appearing in the shell. It wasn't long after he had hatched that Aries asked me what his name was. "I thought about naming him Darin. Is that ok with you?" Aries nodded, staring at his son. I smiled, and whispered to Darin, "This is your Dad." Darin looked up at his dad with his big brown eyes, and i couldn't help but smile. "My own family," he whispered, pulling Darin close to me. Darin grinned, squeaked, and tried to touch his dad, but ended up accidentally bopping him on the nose with his paw. I couldn't help but giggle at that.
    Silver Wolf
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    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  40. #160
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    Default Club: Eevee House (MA) Vs. 26

    The speed category:


    The track length:

    2000 units.

    The racers:

    Tsunami - Lv.60 Male Vaporeon (120) - Lady Vulpix
    Kovu - Lv.58 Male Umbreon (116) - Wolfsong

    There will be a 20 minute time limit between sending in attacks. If no attacks are received during that time, the pokmon will just move straight. Good luck, and have fun.


    Tsunami propelled himself forward with Quick Attack, advancing a good 960 units.
    Kovu, not as adept at swimming as his opponent, only went forward 580 units.

    Round 1 end results:

    Tsunami(120) - 960 units
    Kovu(116) - 580 units

    Feeling like relaxing a bit, Tsunami rewarded his good start by riding a tall Surf wave. His joyful exclamations made the move seem worth it, and he managed to proceed another 600 units.
    Kovu, still not doing well in the water, could only make 464 units.

    Round 2 end results:

    Tsunami(120) - 1560 units
    Kovu(116) - 1044 units

    Unaware of anything else other than his delightful pleasure, Tsunami continued to sail on his wave, carrying himself over the finish line with a 720 unit advance!
    With the mounting pressure, Kovu did his best to catch up, but he couldn't make it past another 464 units.

    Round 3 end results:

    Tsunami(120) - 2280 units [WINNER!]
    Kovu(116) - 1508 units

    Tsunami wins and gains the right to have a free item from the Rewards Center. Congratulations to all. Kovu did his best, but water isn't his element.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

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