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Thread: `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

  1. #121

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    sry its too late for Sign Ups...and you have a link for that card or is it one of those new ones coming out? if so please dont use it unless you are CERTAIN ( I mean post it) of what it does okay? thank you...ill post tomorrow..bed time...zzzzz

  2. #122
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    the number is 305-038

    Edo's translation is 'Final Countdown to the End' but whatever, Final Countdown sounds cooler.

  3. #123
    Cool Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Is the next Tournment in Cario?And is that the next stop?

    I woke up and perpared for my duel with the card shark.

    I walked up the block and entered the duelist arena.Someone else was dueling a card Shark also."There must be alot of them lurking around here"I whispered to myself.

    I sat down and met my oppenent.

    "Ready to lose"he asked"Cut the talk and duel"I said, his attidue getting to me.

    He went first and played..

    Ill continue later
    Favorite Anime:
    Rurouni Kenshin
    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Current ASB ref

    ASB pokemon

    Flame, male Magby

    Draco, male Bagon

    Metal Bird, male Skarmory

    Kangaskhan, female

    Eevee, male

    Ali male Totadile Psy, male Eevee

  4. #124

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    okay its accepted...


    I stepped up to the platform to the Card Shark named Hunter and drew my Battle Disc.

    "Finally..after hours and hours...THE TOURNAMENT BEGINS!!!"

    The Hunter seemed strong, but his face hid under a mask and hood like most of the Card Sharks...

    "Ill go first.." I said drawing my cards...I had a decent hand...but he started to laugh..."hmm..whats so funny?" I asked him..."You fool!!! I am unbeatable!!!".."hmph..Ill shut you up!!.." I said drawing a card, "Now I summon Toon World!! and play Toon Gemini Elf, then set 2 traps, your turn"

    The oversized duelist quickly drew a card, then summoned a card i hadnt expected, "Like a true Shark..." he said w/ a certain snicker, "Blood is always thiker...IN THE WATER!!!..I play Atlantis, The Lost City!!!" I gasped because I knew of Atlantis' power, the ability to lower AQUA type monsters' levels by 1...and its combo playability. "Next...hehe...I summon The Legendary Fisherman, being it that he doesnt need a Summon and it gains (DTZ tell me if im rite) a 300ATK boost!!"...I knew he was planning something...but i didnt know what...


    I walked up to the platform, kinda woozy...I hadnt remembered anything from last night except...except...screaming..horrible screaming...AS I walked up to the stage..there was no opponent...The Announcer said that the Duelist had suffered injury...and couldnt duel...As I walked away...I felt like..felt like..I had do with it..

    Yam| kA|

    DeAr SwEeT Ka|..Y0u d0Nt Kn0w H0w R|ghT Y0u ArE.....HehEhheEhehEhe....

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Atlantis works just like the regular Umi, so it's only 200. And BTW, playing the Fisherman w/ Umi is nearly suicidal with that new ruling, where, since the fisherman can't be targeted by an attack, your opponent can attack directly if the fisherman is the only card you have on the field.

    This has to be the most annoying duel I've ever been in! Every time I attack he blocks it! Seth thought angrily, gritting his teeth in frustration.
    "Tick, tock, tick, tock. Time is running out, Mr. Ishtahl," Syzuka said, smirking insanely.
    "Shut up. I'm going to wipe that smirk off of your face!" Seth lashed out.
    "Good. You're feeling frustrated. You're feeling the edges of desperation, that's even better. Now, I'll get back to stalling you to death. I'll play Darkness Approaches to flip my Retrained Guardian face down again, and then set one trap card." Syzuka said, hardly able to contain his glee.
    "Try this! Dunamis Valkyra will destroy your guardian!" Seth said, practically slapping Dunamis onto the field.
    "Not so fast. Forgot about my trap, Assault Preparations? It prevents face down monsters from being attacked." Syzuka laughed mockingly. Seth hit the duel arena table in frustration.
    "Now, my turn, another little trap card face down." Syzuka said, and the counter dropped to 18.
    "Annoying slime!!!! I'm going to beat you! Beautiful Slayer! Chop the Retrained Guardian to bits!" Seth yelled.
    "Another nice little trap, Freezing of the Soul. Causes you to skip your battle phase. Now, my turn, I'll play a monster face down." Syzuka s******ed, the counter dropping to 17.
    "Dark Magician Girl! Destroy his other face down monster!" Seth said.
    "Fell right for it. The Unhappy Maiden ends your battle phase when she has been destroyed by battle. Now, I'll set a magic or trap face down and sacrifice the retrained Celtic Guardian for my Labyrinth Wall, and I'll equip the Labyrinth Wall with Absolute Invulnerability(OOC: Edo's translation is 'A mind that reflects as water' but I like AI better), and I'll set a trap card face down."
    "I'll tribute Dark Magician Girl and Slayer for Cosmo Queen, and attack the Labyrinth Wall!" Seth said.
    "Well, Absolute Invulnerability makes my wall indestructable, but I'll activate a trap card you have in your deck as well, Fairy Box. A little flip of a coin... oo, it landed my way. Cosmo Queen's attack strength goes to 0, and you get 3000 damage." Syzuka laughed.
    For my turn, just for the fun of it, I'll play Exchange. Let's see what we have here..." Syzuka said, taking Seth's Magician of Faith. Seth looked at Syzuka's hand... and found just the card he needed.
    A Last Battle? This might be the only way I can win!
    "I'll set one magic or trap card face down and end my turn," Seth said.
    "Now, I'll draw, I'll destroy the Fairy Box, and..." Syzuka started.
    "Wait a second, I'll activate my trap card, Last Battle!" Seth said.
    "Oh no!!! That's the card you took from my hand!" Syzuka said.
    "That's right, thanks for using the box, that allowed my life points to be low enough to activate Last Battle. Now, my card to finish you off will be Dunamis Valkyra, as your strongest card is most likely the retrained Celtic Guardian," Seth laughed, the frustration lifting. Syzuka grabbed his hand in his head, groaning, putting his hand over his deck.
    "How could I be so arrogant?! I surrender. You've won," Syzuka said angrily, tossing his deck off into the crowd. Some lucky person got a well-built stall deck. Seth sighed. He had won. For the first time since he saw his opponent, he felt calm. It was finally over...

  6. #126
    Cool Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    to the duel.. But first another change to my deck,I put in Fairys Meter Crush for Malnovent Nuzzler.Now I have 1 Malnovent Nuzzler


    "Ill lay one monster in defense mode" the Card shark said,"and ill set this card face down, go"

    I drew "I'll play Maha Valio and equip a Malnovent Nzzler,making it 2750 attack,now attack his defense monster"It was a Mystic Tomatoe."I pick a Sangan"he said."Now its my turn"Ill set this monster face down"It was my turn,I'll play Raigkei and attack with Maha Vailo"His lifepoints droped to 1250.He snickered"My face down card was Witch of the Black Forest"And with Sangan and Witch I will search for 2 pieces of Exodia"I gasped"that explained why he hadn't been attacking me."Its my turn now said the shark and ill play Monster Reborn on my Witch so I can search for another Exodia piece".Something told me he would get the last Exodia piece if I destroyed his Witch.I hoped for the best and drew....Change of Heart,but he might counter it with that face down card.I than had a plan,"First I will tribute my Maha Vailo, for my Jinzo".Then I will use Change of Heart on your Witch of the Black Forest"."Not so fast" he exclaimed I'll activate a Counter trap,"Nope" I smiled.Jinzo negates all traps on the field"NO" he yelled."Now Jinzo attack his lifepoints" "I can't believe I lost"he was about to cry."Well you haven't seen the last of the Card Sharks"he said and ran away.

    I left the dueling area.I had came in early,and there was duelists who hadn't even arrived yet.I would have to wait umtil all of the first round duels were finshed to see who I would duel in the second round.I hoped I could finally duel someone from the boat.I sat down and waited..
    Favorite Anime:
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    Flame, male Magby

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    Kangaskhan, female

    Eevee, male

    Ali male Totadile Psy, male Eevee

  7. #127
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    AIE! Why haven't I posted?

    I cursed myself silently. How the heck could I get lost going here? Or maybe it was that (non-RPGer) person's mind I explored. Crud, why'd I have to go and do that?
    I walked up to the counter and registered. "Oh, we were wondering if you were going to show up at all, um... Kayla." the woman told me. "That man almost won by default."
    She indicated a person stading over in the shadows. "He says his name is Card Shark Fighter. Personally, I've never seen so many people in this tornament named Card Shark. It's like a club or something."
    Or something... I thought. There is an evil presence surrounding him. Something is not right.
    "Anyway, you duel should begin in a few hours, you're lucky you know. You got here just... in..." she trailed off, realizing I wasn't listening. I was still staring at this... this Card Shark. I wished to explore this one's mind. But there were too many people around, and I couldn't risk exposing my Item to others. I would have to wait.

    I'm so sorry for not posting! *bows*
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

    Joined 10/18/00
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    Modded into OA 1/12/04
    Elite Trainer (#185) 11/14/05

  8. #128

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)


    My opponent quickly continued his turn. "I also play 2 M/Ts Face-Down..go". Before drawing a card i lost 500LP from Toon World the card I drew was...LoD!!! "I summon Lord of D. in ATK mode!" "Which activates my Trap Hole!" "Damm..." I said as LoD fell into the realistic 3-D image of Trap Hole. I Looked in my hand, I had Premature Burial and played it. By playing Premature Burial i could activate one of my Traps, DNA Surgery! "I use DNA Surgery to change all my monsters to Dragon so that they can be protected from Magic!" the Card Shark chuckled and one of my veins pulsed from the anger...I need to get in control...I said to myself..."And I will attack you directly w/ Toon Gemini Elf!!" "Not so fast...Magic Cylinders!! Your attack is reflected back to your LP!!"

    Ra|n0 1100 C.S. Hunter 4000

    "My Turn.." said Hunter, he played 7 Colored Fish in ATK mode and ended his turn. I drew my card and had a plan. *Looses 500 more LP* "I use Giant Trunade!" "Thats stupid!" sai Hunter, "It destroyes ur Gemini Elf!" "Yeah but it also removes Atlantis' effects!, I play another Toon World and Tribute LoD for Toon Summoned Skull!" C.S. Hunter flinched, "ill also play 1 M/T face down and use AoD on TSS, then...Ill use...Premature Burial on Lord. of D. and as the coup de grace...Ill use Tribute to the Doomed on TLF!!" "NO!" said Hunter, "Ill use Solemn Judgment to counter that!", "And ill do the same! Solemn Judgment cancel out the other one!" "NOOOOOO!!!!" he said, "and now TSS attack his Life Points Directly!!!"

    Ra|n0 50 Hunter 0

    .......As I was walking to my hotelroom...Most of the matches seemed that already 2/3rds of the playing field had been eliminated...and soon thered only be 1 left....hehe

  9. #129
    Join Date
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Umm...Toons can't attack the same turn they are summoned...

  10. #130

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Deck: Mixed Invicability


    2x Gemini Elf
    1x Morphing jar
    1x Cyber Jar
    1x Red Eyes
    1x Jinzo
    2x Buster Blader
    2x Dark Magican
    2x Dark Elf
    2x Dark magican girl
    2x Axe Raider
    2x Dark Paladin
    2x Fire Champion
    1x Wicked Worm Beast
    1x Ryu Ran
    1x UFO Turtle
    1x Relinqushed
    1x Thousand Eyes Idol
    1x Judge Man
    2x Neo
    1x LOD
    1x Basic Insect
    1x Komuri Dragon
    2x Harpie's Brother
    1x Right Arm of the Forbidden one
    1x Left Arm of the Forbiden one
    1x Right Leg of the Forbidden one
    1x Left leg of the Forbidden one
    1x Exodia the Forbidden One
    1x Summoned Skull
    1x Millenum Shield
    1x Mystical Elf
    3x Beast King of the Swamps


    1x Raigeki
    3x Trap Hole
    3x Black Pendant
    3x Horn of Unicorn
    2x Reinforcments
    2x DNA Surgery
    2x Mystical Space Typhoon
    1x Premature Burial
    1x Call of the Haunted
    1x Monster Reborn
    1x Gravedigger Ghoul
    1x Dark Magic Ritual
    1x Polymerization


    Fusion Deck

    1x Meteor Black Dragon
    1x Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

    Total: 61

    Just Posting Deck again so i remeber it....And I added a Fusion Deck...

    Takuya Ishtar

    I walked up to the dueling center. I was ready to duel Hytoushi, and defeat him at whatever costs.
    The annoucer blurted out of the loud speaker."Our duelers today are Hytoushi Jaknasi and Takuya Ishtar!"
    I stepped up to the stadium and smirked at him.
    Hytoushi had a small grin on his face, but I could see he was ready for defeat."It's time to duel," We both said and drew five cards from our decks.

    Hytoushi=8000 Takuya=8000

    I looked at my hand. "Red Eyes, DNA Surgery,Mystical Elf, Harpies Brother,Trap hole" I thought. I drew another. It was a Cyber Jar. "I might as well go on the Defensive, because I go first," I said as I set the Mystical Elf.
    "My Turn!"Hytoushi smirked as he drew a card."I use Card Destruction, sending both our hands to the graveyard!" He screeched as i set my hand in the graveyard and drew 5 more cards. "Gemini Elf, Trap Hole, Lord of The D, Raigeki,Call of the Haunted,Polymerization and Beast King of the Swamps.
    "But my turn isn't over! I summon the Vorse Raider in attack mode!Attack his face down card!" He cackled, but his cackling soon stopped as the Mystical elf appered and blocked the Vorse Raider's attack.
    "Urgh...I end my turn," He grunted.
    "Your in for a Big Surpise..." I said as I drew a Card. The Jinzo card. " I use Call of the Haunted, and Reborn my Red Eyes! Then, I use Polymerization, and Fuse My Red eyes with my Beast King of the Swamps, to make the Meteor Black Dragon!"
    "NO!" Hytoushi Screamed in Disbelief.
    "Then, I use Raigeki! to destroy your monsters and make your life even worse!"
    "NO!Please sir Takuya, Spare me!" He screamed.
    "Not Today! Meteor Black Dragon,attack!" I said,as the blast hit him, blasting him back a good 15 feet, into a moat that surroned the stadium.

    Takuya=8000 Hytoushi=5500

    "Get up you fool!" I yelled as Hytoushi, bloody as could be,got back up and walked over. He drew a card, and by his face, I could see it was the perfect card. "I use Snatch Steal, and Take your Meteor Black Dragon at the Cost of 1000 life points a turn!, " Oh no...My monster was stolen and I was open for immediate attack.I looked at my two face down cards I had setted at the beginning. He attacked with MBD. "I use Mirror Force!" I yelled as the Blast reflected off of the 3-D wall and hit my own Meteor Black Dragon.
    "I excepted you to do that!" Hytoushi screamed like a Mad man. It was his plan. but it had backfired."I summon Gemini Elf, in Attack mode!Then use Monster Reborn, and get back my MBD!"
    "Attack his Lifepoints and win me the game!" I yelled, and Hytoushi had lost his game.
    "I'll see you later." I said as I got my deck, walked up to Hytoushi and stole his BEWD

  11. #131
    Cool Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Im sorry if this annoys you Raven,but you couldn't activate Call of the Haunted or Mirror Force if Jinzo was face up,and there are still alot of people who haven't started their duel.
    Favorite Anime:
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    ASB pokemon

    Flame, male Magby

    Draco, male Bagon

    Metal Bird, male Skarmory

    Kangaskhan, female

    Eevee, male

    Ali male Totadile Psy, male Eevee

  12. #132

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    uh..ill just be more careful next time hehe...^^;;;....nyways..ur rite...WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYONE!?...


    As the tournament progressed on..(everyone still can post their duels but after that just skip till now) more and more duelists fell and were eliminated from the tournament...some still had enough Points left to stay in the whole Tournament..others were sent packing...Then As I was listening to my fave Disturbed CD there was an announcement over the Loudspeakers...

    All duelists..the next round will be the Quarter Finals!!! It will not proceed normally instead it will be a Tag Team round!!! And the winners of the match will face each other in the Semi Finals!!

    I was suprised by this since i didnt normally compete in Tag action...

    I flipped up my laptop to see the proceedings...

    "Hmmm..lets see"...the computer said this:

    Raino Kaiba/Seth Istahl v.s. Rishid Brothers

    I knew id have to get to know this Seth fast and quick because the next round was only tomorrow!!! Then id have to beat him...

  13. #133
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Yoshi Mutou
    With a quick peck on the cheek from Vixen, I took my spot across from the Card Shark leader...
    "Yugi. Get over here..."He said. I blinked.
    "You there. Wait...Oh, HAHA! You're his SON!! My mistake kid...what an honor..."
    He shook my hand and smirked.
    "I'm the leader of the Card Sharks...we're gruff, not impolite...I wish you luck in our battle, kid..."
    I nodded and smiled.
    "You too!"
    I stood onto the pedestal as my Puzzle began to glow, and the power of the Millenium Spirit flowed into my body...
    |Yami Yoshi |
    I stood tall and placed my deck into the designated area.
    "You can go first, kid..."
    I nodded, and drew my card. I took a card from my hand and played it down...Destiny Board...
    "I'll play...This card, in Defense mode..."
    It was a handy little card, the Man-Eater bug..."And you can go..."
    He nodded and played a La Jinn out, as I linked the summon to Destiny Board, calling up the I piece. He quickly retaliated by attacking with La Jin, and lost it to Man-Eater bug. I smirked and placed Gemini Elf onto the field in attack mode...

    To Be Continued o_O;;

  14. #134

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    oh god.....-_-;;;....MM dont call it by its [edited for content] American Name...D-E-A-T-H- is fine in this RPG so is *-*-*-*-* lol....nywayz heres so far wahos in the Quarter Final 1s:

    -Takuya (when he edits his post)
    -Winner of C.S. Leader v.s. Yoshi
    -Kayla(if she wins)
    -Vixen(if she posts by Friday)
    -*Any other RPGer if they post*/Card Shark Rex (who is the true leader of the Card Sharks)
    -Card Shark 1
    -Card Shark 2
    -Kuzika Matoyashi
    -Hayato Kienkuri (sry if i suck at ***. Names lol)
    -Kaze Otogi (guess whos son?)
    -Ioh Rishid
    -Mohammed Rishid

    Homophobic comments are NOT acceptable AT ALL)

  15. #135
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    I don't know how to bloody duel, damnit!
    Argh! Alright, since I apparently can't rest in peace, I'll post during lunch.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    Steam: Jessyrah

  16. #136
    Cool Trainer
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    I posted by duel also
    Favorite Anime:
    Rurouni Kenshin
    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Current ASB ref

    ASB pokemon

    Flame, male Magby

    Draco, male Bagon

    Metal Bird, male Skarmory

    Kangaskhan, female

    Eevee, male

    Ali male Totadile Psy, male Eevee

  17. #137

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Hey DB, Is it Ok if Takuya is teamed up with Kai?If not, Notify me

  18. #138

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    well actually i was gunna have Kai (Yami hehe) kill his teammate but actually thats a better plot hole..heres what it looks like for now:

    Raino/Seth v.s. Rishid Bros





    -Takuya/Kai v.s. "Silencer/Constricter"



    so cmon ppl..this aint da main tourney lol

  19. #139

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Yeah...The Two Evil Millenum Items (Unless the Eye is counted) Vs two dumb

  20. #140

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)


    I stared at my new Blue Eyes White Dragon. This card would be very rare. and with this, I would only need Two BKOTS's to summon the BEUD. I heard the Annoucment on the loud speaker, and I looked for somebody with the knowledge of who i was going to duel.Suddenly, i saw the man at the counter. I went up to him and said " Who will Takuya Ishtar be dueling?"
    "Sorry, Sir, i cannot tell you that, I am not-Gah!" He said I invaded his mind. I searched. "T...T...T..." Finally, I found it. "Takuya Ishtar and Kai vs Constrictor and Silencer"
    "Kai?I must find this mortal human and make sure to be friendly with him, atleast for now" I thougt as I walked by everyone, silenty reading there mind. Kai was the Son of Ryou Bakura, a great duelist. But Bakura's greedy thoughts probally kept the Ring for himself.
    Finally, I saw Kai, walked down a corridor. I held out my rod,and blocked him from walking farther.
    "Excuse me Sir, what do you think your doing?" Kai spoke to me.
    "I am Takuya Ishtar, Owner of the Millenum Rod, and I will be your dueling partner" I said. I felt a strange presence inside him then he spoke in a different voice.
    "Well, well. The prize of them all," He muttered.
    "I heard that," I said."Your not a Normal person. Your the owner of the Millenum Ring!"
    "Took you a while to figure it out. Why don't we exchange decks and see what cards we have?" Yami Kai suggested.
    "Fine. As long as I don't see you slip any cards into my deck or take any... I can read your mind. I'll see if you steal or put any in..." I trailed off. We shut up and saw our decks, then handed them back. I read his mind. He didn't.
    "Good job parasite. Should we pratice duel?Or save that for the true arena?"

  21. #141

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    YaM| Ka| (have any of u tried to type like this? its kinda hard lol)

    | StArEd |nt0 ThE eyEs 0F mY PaRTneR...He sEEmeD w0RtHY 0f A r|VaL...HE askED t0 PRaCT|cE DuEL bUT |dECl|nED..."Hmm..but i thought u were the son of Ryou Bakura..he never backed down from any challenge.." N0W I WaS SuRE 0f |t...Th|s WaS MAl|k's s0N...."Well..I think we should save it for..THOSE FOOLS!!" | p0|nTeD Beh|nD H|m t0 Tw0 MaSKeD MeN s|tt|ng AcR0sS ThE ArENa...ThEY WeRE 0Bv|0UsLy BrAGg|nG 0N h0w ThEY'd BeAt Us...TaKuYA WanTeD t0 g0 0vEr TheRE AnD THrAsh ThEM...AnD | AGrEEd..."Lets not kill them...yet..." I sA|d...

  22. #142
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    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    DB - If it's so hard typing like that, then stop...

    and for the record, you have no choice but to stop typing like that. I am hereby warning you to type in a READABLE fashion, and Do not replace you with U, and are with R, etc...

    Every post following this posted in that manor WILL be deleted...

  23. #143

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    oh my god...-_-;;; sick of it!! all u ever do is try to take my Constitutional right of free speech!!! do u have nothing better to do than annoy people? ppl arent stupid they know that r means are and u means you theres nothing on this board that says i cannot write that way (but if there is show it to me) sure ur going to delete this sure youre going to keep opressing me but still i wont back down from you

    I know y dont u stop annoying ppl w/ ur frivilous posts and finish ur duel?


    I walked outside of the Bagdad Convention Center...As i walked down it started to rain..."Rain.." I though.." brings me such pain..." i thought about had died...I cluched a necklace under my trench coat.."How many years has it been..since Ive seen you?..." I opened the locket to see..the only one who ever meant anything to me...Then all of a sudden a dark presence appeared behind me...I turned to see a man i recognized as Seth Istahl..."I know of whom you speak..I can see the past.." Seth's odd necklace glowed..."and the future..." It was the Millenium Necklace...A smile went across my face as I knew THIS wouldnt be an easy battle...

  24. #144
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Sep 2002

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    I walked around, looking for me opponent. The only thing I knew about him was that he was a card shark hunter.
    “Are you Pinstripe Pegasus?” came a voice. I spun around to see a beautiful woman in black.
    “Yeah,” I replied, “Why?”
    “Because, I’m your opponent! I’m Yuki Mariku!” I grinned.
    “So you’re my next victim?” I joked. Yuki then got really mad.
    “What do you mean victim? You’re the one whose going to loose!! I bet I can destroy any monster you put out!!! And as for the rare card, I’ll put my Gate Guardian and three star chips on the line!!” She then pulled out a Gate Guardian card.
    “Fine,” I said, smugly, “I’ll bet my Magician of Black Chaos and three star chips!” We then prepared our duel disks.
    “TIME TO DUEL!!!!!”
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  25. #145

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)


    "When this duels over I'm going to stab them threw the throat with this rod," I muttered to myself. "We should stay together,and stay awake. From my Rod, it says that these two are former assassins and have could five people...we could be 2 more..." I commented. "We should go outside. I doubt they'd wanna get paint off of their masks, Yami" Yami's mouth gaped, but didn't say anything.We walked outside and looked outside for something to take cover under. There was a abandoned cave to the left of us, and to avoid getting wet, we ran to a cave.
    "Why don't you let your host take a rest?" Yami declined, but soon he fell asleep too. I kept watch.

  26. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Originally posted by DarkBlastoise
    oh my god...-_-;;; sick of it!! all u ever do is try to take my Constitutional right of free speech!!! do u have nothing better to do than annoy people? ppl arent stupid they know that r means are and u means you theres nothing on this board that says i cannot write that way (but if there is show it to me) sure ur going to delete this sure youre going to keep opressing me but still i wont back down from you

    I know y dont u stop annoying ppl w/ ur frivilous posts and finish ur duel?


    I walked outside of the Bagdad Convention Center...As i walked down it started to rain..."Rain.." I though.." brings me such pain..." i thought about had died...I cluched a necklace under my trench coat.."How many years has it been..since Ive seen you?..." I opened the locket to see..the only one who ever meant anything to me...Then all of a sudden a dark presence appeared behind me...I turned to see a man i recognized as Seth Istahl..."I know of whom you speak..I can see the past.." Seth's odd necklace glowed..."and the future..." It was the Millenium Necklace...A smile went across my face as I knew THIS wouldnt be an easy battle...
    *agrees w/ DB*

    OOC: You got it all screwed up. First of all, Seth's only 15, so he's just a kid, second, he's not a 'dark presence', he's just an average, kinda intraverted kid.

    "You miss her a lot, don't you?" Seth said sadly, feeling kind of rude, breaking into Raino's past, but he couldn't help it. Sometimes it felt like the tauk was in control of what he said and did. Maybe someday he'd be able to control it, although that didn't seem like it would happen any time soon.
    "Yes... but... don't tell anybody..." Raino said, his voice starting to break a bit.
    "Calm down, the tauk tells me that you will have a good future," Seth said, careful not to tell too much. Raino looked up.
    "Really? Will you tell me what? Stupid question. Of course you won't. So why did you come here? I'd bet it wasn't to have a nice chat about my past," Raino said, his semi-soft look turning into what appeared to be his usual hardened look.
    "I just wanted to say that we've got a tag-team duel tomorrow against the Rishid brothers," Seth said.
    Raino nodded.
    "I know, I reviewed the schedule a few times. Now, if you excuse me, I have work to do," Raino said, spinning on his heel abruptly and walking away. Seth shrugged and walked back to the hotel.
    When he got there, he sat down on a chair. He thought about the days events, about his duel with Syzuka and the short and abrupt meeting with Raino Kaiba. He knew he shouldn'tve pried into Raino's past like that, but Raino's cold manner suprised him. He didn't know what to expect, but he certainly didn't expect him to be so cold. Seth shook his head. Whatever Raino had in his past didn't pertain to him. He grabbed a book and started to read...

  27. #147
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    DB - Ummm, you don't have the same rights on this board, actually. It's NOT a democracy. Kevin has stated certain rights can be taken away if appropriate. Now ask yourself, do you say "You" when talking to people? Or U? Of course, it's the former, You. Now, why waste EVERYONES time typing U, R, ppl, etc...It's not cool, just annoying.

  28. #148
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Originally posted by The Muffin Man
    DB - Ummm, you don't have the same rights on this board, actually. It's NOT a democracy. Kevin has stated certain rights can be taken away if appropriate. Now ask yourself, do you say "You" when talking to people? Or U? Of course, it's the former, You. Now, why waste EVERYONES time typing U, R, ppl, etc...It's not cool, just annoying.
    honesty TMM, don't you have something better to do than to constantly get into fights over somebody's spelling? lol.

  29. #149

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    HEY EVERYONE!!! were on a Communist board!!! yay!!! I ALWAYS wanted to be ruled by Marxism!!! *end sarcasim* God u really do hhave too much free time dont you?... oh DTZ sry for messing w/ yur char hehe


    I walked away from Seth...I needed some time alone w/ Rekh to understand what he planned to do next as the Tournament Comissioner....Then i saw a strange sight...two people in cloaks standing near a water soon as i blinked they were gone....I thought nothing of it but as i passed a corner i felt a hard fist smack my face...

    "AGH!!" I said as i eyes were dazed but i could tell these guys meant buisness...I kicked one guy in his chin and the other i kik-swiped...he amazingly doged...I was awe struck..then got struck by something else..a hard jump kick to the back...As I fell i couldnt see much from the first punch..but i saw someone else jump across me and land a kcik on one of the hooded was Seth!!

  30. #150
    Cool Trainer
    Cool Trainer

    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    I need a partner for the next round someone finsh please?
    Favorite Anime:
    Rurouni Kenshin
    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Current ASB ref

    ASB pokemon

    Flame, male Magby

    Draco, male Bagon

    Metal Bird, male Skarmory

    Kangaskhan, female

    Eevee, male

    Ali male Totadile Psy, male Eevee

  31. #151

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    I was watching YugiOh Today...About Kaiba and Marik with their god cards. And I have a Interesting Question.What about the Egyptian God Cards?Raino should have Obelisk the Tormenter,Takuya should have Winged Dragon of Ra, and Yoshi should Have Silencer dragon (If I'm correct, Yugi Defeats Strings (Who has the Silencer Dragon) and gets him) So,Do those three have them?

  32. #152
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Originally posted by Raven The Jedi Bounty Hunter
    I was watching YugiOh Today...About Kaiba and Marik with their god cards. And I have a Interesting Question.What about the Egyptian God Cards?Raino should have Obelisk the Tormenter,Takuya should have Winged Dragon of Ra, and Yoshi should Have Silencer dragon (If I'm correct, Yugi Defeats Strings (Who has the Silencer Dragon) and gets him) So,Do those three have them?
    I asked DB about this a while ago, no God cards in this RPG.

    Silencer dragon? WTF? Osiris(his english name is Slyffer, but screw that, it sounds like crap, 'Saint Dragon- God of Osiris' is cool) is anything but silent.

    And technically, if you go by that, Yoshi should have all 3 God cards, because Yugi gets them all(beats Kaiba in semi-finals w/ Black Paladin, Fusion Cancel to change the BEUD to 3 BEWDs, and Diffusion Wave to attack all 3 BEWDs, Malik gives up when Yugi's 'Dimensional Magic' card and 2 Dark Magicians destroy Ra and reduce his LP to 1)

  33. #153

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    no God Cards sry Raven...

  34. #154

    Default `*~Yugioh: The Future`*~ (Starts! LSU-May be Accepted...)

    Meh, I knew you would say that. And DB, make Kai post,cause I have nothing else to do but stand here and wait for you to post.

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