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Thread: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

  1. #161
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    What happen to my update. I'm so mad. I spent some much time on that. Great now, I have to type over the entire part about Sandshrew evolving, and catching a Dugtrio....I swear somebody is gonna get cut, like the bushes in Red and Blue....j/k, but still....I'm a little pissed.

  2. #162
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    I share your feelings when I had to retype my RS MTC post. All that work.

  3. #163
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Check the topics in this subforum for info on the switchover. Basically, we went back to vBulletin, and the change was done with a week-old backup so lots of posts were lost. We've been promised those posts can be regained, but we haven't heard anything about how that's going.

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
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  4. #164
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Name: Terry
    Type: Ground
    Badges: BoulderBadge, CascadeBadge, Thunderbadge

    Chapter 2: Biggest Boyfriend Battle

    After arriving in Cerlean City, I went to battle Marine. He was no match for the Earth wonder, which is me. Terry Ferma......MWHAHAHA, I went through nugget bridge so fast, my head was spinning, and the trainers after that. Then I arrived at this guys house, named Bill. I entered and yelled,"Is anyone here?". This Pokemon looked at me and said,"I'm here?could you help me out of this?

    Discharge looked at the Pokemon and didn't understand how it could be talking.

    I walked over and poked it, and realized it was a Bill. apparently, he had mixed some dna, so I went over to his computer and cued up the system. I had no idea what was going on. after the huge bright lights and flashes. He came out normal, and after that gave me some ticket to a cruise line. Of course it was probably for Misty and Him...oh well, I left and was on my way to the gym, I beat misty hands down, and Bill called her and asked if he could come down and watch the match, little did he know, the match was over before, her Starmie could Recover. he came down and consoled her on her los.. I on the other hand had other ideas, of becoming the greatest Ground Pokemon Master. Didn't care if Misty picked me, despite one of her friends thinking I was cute.

    From there, I went to the Pokemon center and saved, and then headed towards Vermillion City, where I caught myself an Diglett and battled all the trainers to level him up. after that saving before my big trip.

    Moley Lv. 23
    Scratch, Growl, Sand-Attack, Dig

    Sandy Lv.28
    Slash, Sand-Attack, Scratch, Poison Sting
    (You will the be the answer to life's question, what is the greatest treasure in the world.)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Tail Whip, Thundershock, Double Team, Quick Attack
    (HM slave all the way!, that's all I care about for that Electric rat!)

    Chapter 3: The Lt. Surge's Thunderstorm

    So, Sandy and I went aboard the S.S. Anne. Sandy was kind ascared, because he didn't like Water, I assured him, that he wouldn't be doing and swimming. Discharged just sat back and laughed as Sandy was afraid of water. We both glared at him, and Discharge got the stupid anime look on his, like he was scared (with the droplet) and discided to quickly knock it off. So I battled all the trainers and collected some items, and such....My Dugtrio, named Moley came out a few times finishing them off with Dig. (I love that 100 power, plus avoid one attack.) Anyways, beat marine in 4 hits, literally, he was so weak. Then I got got Cut from the captain, Discharge and Sandy, we not amused, even they were sick and had to get an Antidote, after seeing what the captain left. After grabbing my Charmander and giving him Cut,I battled lueitenant surge and crushed him. Getting very annoyed at this system, locking me out. It was like he didn't want to battle. My Sandy could have crushed his Raichu in one him, but i played with him, with my Sand-Attack and Poison Stings. I then, went to get Flash and give it to Discharge, he loved that move. He loved trying to blind me to death, (atleast trying, to be the star of the show.).

    Then I head back to Cerulean City and cut my way to the Rock Tunnel, I battled all the trainers and never lost, loosing a ton of PP, but finding ethers and shit and right before entering I captured a Machop as another Trophy Pokemon. Also in the cave, I came aross some Onix, I captured one as a Trophy, but it wasn't worth it. Sandy was eager to get another friend. I told him, he may look big a strong and powerful, but he's just a wimp! The mighty Rock Snake, has some issues with being a big baby. I think. Sandy was disappointed, that he was not going to be on our Ground team. I told Sandy, virtual is a wonder, not liking that it scratched me in the face, and told him. "I'll get your Rocky Snake Pokemon, but he's got qualities of a Rock type." Sandy, just gasp...and awed....Discharge knowing first hand Onix was a Rock type, didn't really care, and was just amazed at the stupidity of Sandy. But you can't blame a ground type, for loving it's own kind.

    Discharge looked at me real quick, and I told him to use Flash. Sandy was getting up set, that he didn't have a cool move. I told him, to be patient, you will have some of the best moves ever. After arriving at the ghost town, I headed to Celadon, now before picking up some more trophy Pokemon. I then headed to Celadon and took a rest for a while.

    Moley Lv.33
    Dig, Scratch, Growl, Sand-Attack
    (This three-head troublesome trio will be causing a shake up!)

    Sandy Lv.34
    Slash, Sand-Attack, Scratch, Poison Sting
    (You will the be the answer to life's question, what is the greatest treasure in the world.)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Double Team, Quick Attack
    (HM slave all the way!, that's all I care about for that Electric rat!)

    FlareDrive Lv.10
    Scratch, Growl, Ember, Cut
    (Sorry, buddy you will be replaced with a new Cuter)

  5. #165
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    Chapter 4: I bulldozed the forest while hustling the game

    I battled all the trainers in the Celadon, except for Erika who had trouble. Of course she is the gym leader and I had ground types, normally she would be my rival, atleast one of them. So, I had a little trouble with Tangela, and Gloom. Gloom was using Petal Dance and killing off all my Dugtrio fast and furious. So I had to bring in Sandy and use all my Revives and potions. I finally defeated her

    So, I stumbled into the game corner with Sandy, and Discharge, all the bright lights were bothing Sandy, and I told him if he wants to get into his Pokemon that would be alright. For the first time he actually did want to go in there, and I felt bad that he couldn't experience it, but as a ground type master I can understand. Discharge was extactic at all the lights, being an Electric Pokemon, but he new he couldn't battle since his level was so low, and I told him not too. After walking over to a poster and stumbing into someone, he got up and I said sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, he said,"watch it kid. and scoffed at me." I told him you don't have to be so mean and he turned me me asked me,"What I said?" I said,"nothing." He said no punk kid is going to get away with this, and he throws out a Poke-balls to attack me. Discharge was knocked down and my Pokeball with Sandy was knocked out of my hand, and one of my Poke-balls from my belt fell off, and rolled out. Making my Dugtrio come out and causing an Earthquake, knocking his Pokemon out and breaking machines in the area, all of a sudden people were running around screaming and not knowing what is happening, the Rocket fled and I followed him, and that led me to a maze, which I navigated fairly well, sicne I had my Dugtrio dig a whole through it. It led me to some guy in a suit and that rocket I beat was begging not be punished. I turned to him and said,"Stop, he doesn't deserve it." it's my fault. He turned to me and said,"Stupid Kid, what are you going to do?" I said,"This..."as I through my poke-ball and Sandslash came out and tried to scratch this mans face, his persian slashed backed, just in the nick of time. Knocking them both out. he then through out his Rhyhorn, and I countered with Dugtrio, knocking that one and his Poison Nidorina. It was over before he could even get a word in. Just then there was an explosion and he left in the cloud of smoke. As I stood there with my Moley, Discharge, and Sandy knocked out. I wondered who it was, and I found card by this scope. The note said,"go to Ghost City and see dead people"....I smerked. Hmm...could be interesting, lets go check it out I left the game corner as, I was leaving celadon and getting healed up, this Eevee came running to me. Apparently, it started liking me, and I capture that, as another Trophy Pokemon....

    Moley Lv.35
    Slash, Dig, Growl, Sand-Attack

    Sandslash Lv. 39
    Slash, Sand-Attack, Poison-Sting, Swift

    Discharge Lv. 18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick Attack, Double-Team

    FlareDrive Lv.10
    Cut, Ember, Growl, Scratch

    TrophyPKMN Lv.25 *Eevee*
    Tail Whip, Sand-Attack, Growl, Quick Attack

  6. #166
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Trainer: Terry Ferma
    Type: Ground
    Badges: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge

    Chapter 5: The Ghost With the Most

    After leaving Celeadon, I went to the Ghost town and was told that this Mr.Fuji guy was captured by Team Rocket. Well, I was getting a little annoyed. First, Team Rocket messed with me in Celadon, now this Ghost tower, geeze don't these guys ever give up? I told Discharge to wait, but he protested again saying,"He will never leave my side, even if he is never used." That stubborn electric rat, always trying to get the best of me, with those Puppy dog eyes. Anyways, I entered the towere, and of Marine was there. Not another Annoyance. I was getting so tired of him, he wasn't even a threat.

    I don't even know how he is going to become the greatest Pokemon master, when I keep beating him so easily. So, after that I wondered up this graveyard like tower. and I heard some eary noises. Discharge and Sandy were getting scared and looking around in a panic. More howls and screams came up. I told them to hold tough and get ready for anything. Just then a loud SCREAM came out of the dark, and attacked without warning. I told Sandy to use Sand-Attack, and in the confusion tried to use Slash, Discharge turned around and saw another ghost, and paniced by used ran into me, causing me to trip and drop Dugtrio out.

    It used a Small quake and luckily we were ont he ground floor, so we scared it away. But I turned around just in time for Sandy to get hit, and I saw it was a Gastly through my Silph Scope, that I had obsconded with from Giovanni. I threw my Poke-ball in thinking I was going to kill it, but I realized I had actually cought it. I decided at that moment we were going to run through this maze, as quickly as we could. I recalled Discharge and Sandy, again not listening, and told them to follow my voice. We ran, battling these stupid witches who were chanting nonsense, and trying to avoid every last one. As we were running, the evolved from of Gasty came out, a Haunter, using a scary Night Shade.

    I jumped into the Purification chamber, making him disappear into the light. After battling all the scary witch women, I came upon this cubone who was crying, and I said what's wrong little guy, and he told me some sorted story about his mother. *like I could understand what he was saying* I told him to come with us, and well find your mother. Little, did I know this wasn't what I expected. I came upon the top floor, and this erie cry came out!!!!WAAAAAKKKKK. Cubone looked at me, with Puppy Dog eyes, and I told it, we wouldn't do anything to hurt it. Walking to the final steps. A Giant Bone came and Knocked out my Sandy and Discharge. I was mad, being a ground type master. I wasn't going to let this stupid Marowak beat me. at that moment, Cubone jumped out and tried to reason with her, but she was just to angry. He even started to battle it. I was was pokeballs at it, to see if I could catch her, but she wouldn't have it. She Knocked my Cubone out once, so I healed him and I told him to get back up and fight, don't let your mother control you, you will beat her. Cubone didn't want to fight his mother, but he didn't want her to suffer. With clubs flailing wildly, I knew he didn't stand a chance to beat her. She was just bigger, stronger, and faster....I sent in my Dugtrio to give him a hand. or three heads. ANd with that final blow she laid to rest. I was able to finally rescue Mister Fuji, since the Rockets were no trouble, because of my new Pokemon friend. I left the tower and went to capture the Sleeping Lumix, Snorlax with ease as another Trophy Pokemon. I realized I needed to get some place fast, but I didn't want to leave the ground. So, I grabbed a Doduo, the flightless wonder who could jump very high. And with my new found friends. I was off too the Psychic wonder, I heared she was taking challengers...

    Skully Lv.25
    Bone Club, Growl, Leer, Headbutt
    (You will be my newest creation, and my Dragon fighter)

    Molder Lv.37
    Dig, Sand-Attack, Growl, Slash
    (Speed and attack, say good by Gengar)

    Sandy Lv.39
    Slash, Sand-Attack, Poison-Sting, Swift
    (The star of the show, will be getting what he really needs soon...)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (Watch as Discharge becomes The HM slave everybody loves)

    Run HMC Lv.28
    Peck, Growl, Fly, Fury Attack
    (Sorry, buddy not for long, your just tempory.)
    Chapter 6: The Mind of Matter

  7. #167
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Nice, I always liked Marowak. Ground is a cool type, but you don't have much variety in it eh?

  8. #168
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Trainer: Terry Firma
    Type: Ground
    [B/]Badges:[/B]: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge

    Chapter 6: Mind over Land Matter

    So, I traveled into Saphron City, noticing that the Rockets were slowingly leaving. So I snuck into Silph Co, and battled every trainer and got every Item, Marine was there with his Vaporeon. I was getting worried, he wasn't going to evolve his Eevee, but low in behold he did. I beat his team with ease. No trouble at all. Just a bunch of Slashes from Sandslash, and a few Digs from Molder, but mostly Skully was the Star of this one. She even beat down Giovanni. At first, I was having trouble with her, she's wicked slow and always got a statues effect, but once her level got high enough I was able to do a little sweeping, mostly with Headbutt, since Bone Club missed so many times. She even beat down Giovanni for a while, but ended up dying and I had to finish him off with Dugtrio's Dig. I thought he was my hero, but he's just a ruthless villian who wants to take over the world.....Well, we can't have that. I want be the Pokemon Land Master, and he wants to rule the Pokemon, well we can't have two of us as Masters....

    *wait where was I....I lost my train of thought*

    Anyways....I moved on to the Fighting Dojo, they almost didn't let me in, cuz I had no Fighting Pokemon. But after I showed them I had some Fighting moves they let me. As I swept the trainers, I got to the Dojo Master, and he was no match for me, I gracialy excepted the Kicking Feind, Hitmonlee, and went about my way, healing up. And then going to fighting Sabrina. Battling all the trainers in there wasn't that hard, except the Slowpoke and Bro with Water Gun, I had a little trouble with them. Thank god for Hyper Potions. Then it was on with Sabrina, her Abra was no match for me. Then her Kadabra came in, and Critical Hit with Psychic my Skully. I brought my Sandy, and it used Psychic again, and my Special fell, thank god I had learned Earthquake I finished him off, quickly, then Alakazam came forward and did the same thing, killing my Sandy off. I then brought forward Molder, and with a few Dig's, and Recovers from Alakazam, I was the victor.

    I then left with Gym with thoughts in my head, there only going to get harder, and I might need to trade up some Pokemon. But who would I give up? Who would be raplaced? How could I ever get rid of any of them. I was so confused and tired. I dealt with the Mimicing girl, she annoyed the heck out of me, but atleast I got my TM. Then I got the 3 TMs at the top of the Celadon Store. and went on the Fushia city battling all the bikers. and I took a rest as soon as I got to the Pokemon center.

    Skully Lv.44
    Bone Club, Focus Energy, Seismic Toss, Headbutt
    (You will be my newest creation, and my Dragon fighter)

    Molder Lv.42
    Dig, Sand-Attack, Mimic, Slash
    (Speed and attack, say good by Gengar)

    Sandy Lv.43
    Slash, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake
    (Finally, a ground attack, she's coming along)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (What a waste of a slot, I might drop him in the box?)

    Run HMC Lv.28
    Peck, Growl, Fly, Fury Attack
    (It's too bad you can't CUT, otherwise I'd use it. Looks like Dux will make an appearence again.)

    Chapter 7: Let the Hunt Begin....

  9. #169
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs View Post
    Nice, I always liked Marowak. Ground is a cool type, but you don't have much variety in it eh?
    I will don't worry, I got that planned out. First of all. I was going to get a Geodude, but they are a Rock/Ground type, so their first trait put me off of getting it. Then I could have gotten an Onix, but why would I want a weaker Golem? Then I thought about raising a Nidoran male or female, but I didn't want start like that, I wanted a pure Ground type. So technically the only 3 pure ground types are what I have. But I got something plan don't worry, you'll see a good variety.

  10. #170
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    Can't wait.

  11. #171
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    Trainer: Terry Firma
    Type: Ground
    [B/]Badges:[/B]: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge, Soul Badge

    Chapter 7: Let the Hunt Begin...

    Aftering taking a good rest, I went straight to the Safari Zone, where I heard there was a legendary Rhyhon. Oh, I had dreamed about this, catching and evolving it too the Drill master Rhydon. His attack and defense strength, were no match for anyone. So, I went directly in, and saw a bunch of Nidorino, Nidoran, Exeggcute, and some Kangaskhan...for some reason I even saw the lonely Cubone and Wak, doing out out their tower, I had no idea...So, I wandered a little bit farther and came upon a Rhyhorn drinking some water. I found it funny, a Ground type near water, but I guess every living thing needs it.

    So...while it was a drinking, I threw my pokeball, and hit it, but it didn't like that, and it escaped and turned to me and started charging at me. I ran for the life of me, and didn't know where to go. So I decided to just throw it again and caught it. Now, after that. I was a bit excited and out of breath, but I had to get the prize at the end of Zone, it was TM surf, now I could go to the Seafoam islands, and battle blaine too...

    anyways and decided to go to the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy was watching my other Pokemon, and I told Sandy and Discharge to play nice, while I went to train with Donatello, yes. I knew this would be the one. He would be the greatest Ground type ever....well I left him out of his pokeball and first thing he did was tackle me. I was not impressed, I thought a Pokemon was suppose to listen to master. We went into battle, and all of a sudden, I tried to give Donatello an attack, but he only knew one...Horn after I bearly got away. I decided to get him some help. I gave him Dig and Rock Slide, now I could have some advantage and STABbed attacks...after doing some more training, I wondered into a patch of grass, and found a rare farfetch' I'm a ground master, and I don't even like flying types, but this thing was a rare, so I caught it, and brought back to the Pokemon center...

    I decided to test out Donatello and beat the whole gym with him. The trainers were done, they kept switch Pokemon. It didn't really help, since they were all weak Psychic, well weak to physical attacks, that is. So, that was fairly easy, I had to use a few potions, since Kadabra was fast and could use Psychic, but The only REAL problem I had was this one Venonat that Koga had and it kept doing this

    Sleep Powder hits
    Foe Rhyhorn is now asleep.
    [POKEFLUTE] all sleeping pokemon are now awake
    Sleep Powder hits
    Foe Rhyhorn is now alseep.
    [POKEFLUTE] all sleeping Pokemon are now awake

    That went on and on, until it ran out of sleep powder. like 30 minutes, I was about to shut of the game. And if I swiched, it would just put all my Pokemon to sleep. So, basically, I had to wait till it missed, and it finally did and I was able to put it out of his misery.

    I got out of their and went back to the Pokemon, and rested, I got some more training, then it's off to one of the Islands.

    Donatello Lv.39
    Dig, Rock Slide, Strength, Horn Attack
    (you will be the powerhouse of my squad!)

    Skully Lv.44
    Bone Club, Focus Energy, Seismic Toss, Headbutt
    (You will be my newest creation, and my Dragon fighter)

    Molder Lv.43
    Dig, Sand-Attack, Mimic, Slash
    (Speed and attack, say good by Gengar)

    Sandy Lv.43
    Slash, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake
    (Finally, a ground attack, she's coming along)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (I should have called him Headlights, cuz all he was going to do is Flash everybody, wait, wouldn't that make him a her?)

    PeekingDux Lv.21
    Cut, Fly, Swords Dance, Sand-Attack
    The HMslave returns once again!)

    Chapter 8: The Burning Truth of a Ice Day

  12. #172
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    Trainer: Terry Firma
    Type: Ground
    Badges:: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge, Soul Badge, Volcano Badge

    Chapter 8: The Burning Truth of a Ice Day

    After beating Koga, I decided to drop by Pallet town and see mymother and Professor Oak. Anyways, she wasn't home, so I went to Oak's office and found her helping professor oak out. He said come in her boy, I found some interesting information about Ground types, there are a few who don't mind water. I looked at him like he was a crazy, and Discharge did too. No really. Okay explained I said. Well, so Ground types use special moves anyways, Maybe your Rhyhorn once it evolves can use the technique "SURF". So, I gave him a rare candy and evolved it right away. I told Rhydon to go into the water. It shook it's head and said no...I looked at Oak, and said,"See I don't have that Surfing Rhydon....maybe it just needs a little motivation...and you just can't expect it to jump into the water like that. It's gotta take to liking the water. So.....being a earth master I had no idea what to do. That's when I got the idea to jump in an swim around and maybe Rhydon will do the same. Amazingly, that worked, it was just that easy? I dunno. I think I'm getting lazy at story telling and need to find a new out look, and a that moment, Rhydon started swimming toards Cinnabar Island I jumped on him and went right way.....

    After getting the Secret key in the Burning building, I decided to try out Rhydon's new ability, after getting a ton of revives and super potions. I traveled to Seafoam Island, battling a bunch of Water Pokemon, they only one I had trouble with was Dewgong who has Aurora Beam, at level 30 OHKOing several of my Pokemon. I evenutally, just captured all of them that I saw, and got to Articuno, if I was going to be a Ground master, I gotta take on Ice types...he was harder then I thought and was KOing Pokemon left and right, thank god for Molders Sand-Attack, Donatello's Rock Slide would OHKO it, so I didn't want to end it there. I just used Marowak's Seismic Toss, and ended up using a lot of Poke-balls...

    On Cinnabar, my Pokemon's level was so high nobody could stop. I was just toying with Blaine in the end. My Rhydon used Surf on his Arcanine, for some fun it's on the beat Giovanni for the 3rd and last time....

    Donatello Lv.43
    Dig, Rock Slide, Strength, Surf
    (you will be the powerhouse of my squad!)

    Skully Lv.49
    Bone Club, Blizzard, Seismic Toss, Headbutt
    (I got rid of Focus Energy, cuz it doesn't work on the gameboy, still my Dragon Fighter though )

    Molder Lv.49
    Earthquake, Sand-Attack, Mimic, Slash
    (Finally another complete Pokemon)

    Sandy Lv.46
    Hyper Beam, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake
    (Finally, it's complete, I can beat the Elite 5)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (you were a good electric rat, funny you'll be line up when I win.)

    PeekingDux Lv.21
    Cut, Fly, Swords Dance, Sand-Attack
    for a non-ground type, he's pretty good)

    Chapter 9: The Land Champion VERSUS The Ground Guru
    Last edited by DaBlackBandit; 18th December 2006 at 09:15 AM.

  13. #173
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Trainer: Terry Firma
    Type: Ground
    Badges:: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge, Soul Badge, Volcano Badge, Earthqbadge

    Chapter 9: The Land Champion VERSUS The Ground Guru

    So, I flew up to Pewter City, and got the Amber and exchange into an Aerodactyl. I thought it would have been nice to have a Flying/Ground type, but you can only dream....after that I went to Viridian City Gym, and battle all the trainers and then it was off to the master with the money, the guru of gold, the land luxur. I brought forth his Dugtrio, and I had my Dugtrio out. Who was fast. well apparently, mine was apparently, because I used Earthquake and fainted it right away. Then it brough for Persian. I knew he was fast then me, so I switch to Donatello, and too his Pay day, coins scattered everywhere, and but Rhydon struck back with a Dig...I realiex I woudl just stay with him. Then there was a Nidorino, no challenge there. then NIdoqueen, used Earthquake and almost Killed my Rhydon. but I was fast and got in a win. I used some Super Potions and healed up, he brough for Nidoking and and he doble kicked me, good thing the power was low, I use Dug another hole and beat it. Then he brough forth his Rhydon. and I had mine. His Rhydpn had somm Fissure attack, but it missed thank god...Apparently, Giovanni was going to win no matter what. So I Brogh forth Sandslash, to finish it off, and one with one Earthquake, I had to switch, because I wanted the expereince...

    Moving on after beating that gym, I ran into my rival. I healed up after my battle to get more PP for pokemon. He started with Sandslash and so did I. I used Swords Dance, and it used Slash. then I used Earthquake and killed it. THen he brought for Fearow to try and Mirror Move me, but it didn't do much to me, so I BOdy Slammed it and killed it in 2 hits.. Then he brough for Exeggcute, and I brough forth Dugtrio to start mimicing moves and whoops up on his team...I took Leech Seed for some reason and while he was charging up and did some major damage to Dugtrio. I decied Rhydon was neede for this again. After sevreal digs, I killed his Exeggucute. then he brough forth magneton and Dig just own his ass..then Kadabra came and I switched to Sandslash, in with a Critical Hit, killed him, and then I brought for Marowak to uses Seismic Toss, but he kept recovering. so Dugtrio came out and I used Slash and killed it in one hit. then Vaporeon can forward and used Mist, I switched to Rhydon and kill him in 3 hits with Earthquake...with it's hydro Pumps missing.

    I barrleed through the badge check points. and then into the cave there was no more annoyances then exploding Geodudes and Gravelers and some Karate Chopping machokes...I was about to catch moltres, but I remembered, I had no balls too....

    Now on to the elite 4...I will stomp them good.

    Donatello Lv.46
    Dig, Rock Slide, Strength, Surf
    (you will be the powerhouse of my squad!)

    Skully Lv.50
    Bone Club, Blizzard, Seismic Toss, Headbutt
    (I got rid of Focus Energy, cuz it doesn't work on the gameboy, still my Dragon Fighter though )

    Molder Lv.50
    Earthquake, Sand-Attack, Mimic, Slash
    (Finally another complete Pokemon)

    Sandy Lv.50
    Hyper Beam, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake
    (Finally, it's complete, I can beat the Elite 5)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (you were a good electric rat, funny you'll be line up when I win.)

    PeekingDux Lv.21
    Cut, Fly, Swords Dance, Sand-Attack
    for a non-ground type, he's pretty good)

    Chapter 10: The Land Champion takes the world.

  14. #174
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    Trainer: Terry Firma
    Type: Ground
    Badges:: Boulder Badge, Cascade Badge, Thunder Badge, Rainbow Badge, Marsh Badge, Soul Badge, Volcano Badge, Earthqbadge

    Chapter 10: The Land Champion takes the world

    Loreli: I came in and swept her with my Sandy, one Swords Dance. I OHKO'd everything after that. But, I'll admit I kept loosing because she had Water attacks, and ground attacks were hurting me.

    Bruno: Donatello, crushed every one of his Pokemon. Thank you Dig. Surf saved me against his Onix

    Agatha: Molder, crused everybody with his Earthquake. I actually only had problems with Golbat, because he resisted the Earthquake.

    Lance: I started with Sandslash, and Sword Danced once, then he used Hydro Pump and almost killed me, luckily I was faster and Hyper Beamed him. Then I Healed up. and switched to Marowak. and he killed everyone with his Blizzard attack. eventually I had to switch out, cuz I ran out of PP. and hadn to bring back Sandy.

    Marine: he started with Sandslash, and I swords danced, and almost killed it, but it took 2 hits, cuz of it's defense. Alakazam was no match. then a Magneton, and Ninetales were killed in one hit. I used Digging Rhydon to beat Exeggutor, he had no Grass attacks, and missed it attacks with the going under ground faze. and it's Vaporeon, I just toyed with, but I could have OHKO'd it.

    I am now the ground master. on to Mewtwo.

    Donatello Lv.54
    Dig, Rock Slide, Strength, Surf
    (you will be the powerhouse of my squad!)

    Skully Lv.56
    Bone Club, Blizzard, Seismic Toss, Headbutt
    (I got rid of Focus Energy, cuz it doesn't work on the gameboy, still my Dragon Fighter though )

    Molder Lv.58
    Earthquake, Sand-Attack, Mimic, Slash
    (Finally another complete Pokemon)

    Sandy Lv.61
    Hyper Beam, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Earthquake
    (Finally, it's complete, I can beat the Elite 5)

    Discharge Lv.18
    Flash, Thundershock, Quick-Attack, Double-Team
    (you were a good electric rat, funny you'll be line up when I win.)

    PeekingDux Lv.21
    Cut, Fly, Swords Dance, Sand-Attack
    for a non-ground type, he's pretty good)

    Chapter 11: The Underground

  15. #175
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Yeah you're finished. Mewtwo is nothing. Congrats!

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs View Post
    Yeah you're finished. Mewtwo is nothing. Congrats!
    Chapter 11: The Underground

    There is no Chapter 11, I mean I did capture Mewtwo with a master Ball. But, I'm so pissed because after I caught him and shut off my game, and I turned it back on, the game was corrupted and I lost all my data. Of course, all that work for nothing.

    Oh well, on to the next Challenge

  17. #177
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    That's to bad, but you did finish it. No proof, but we're friendly people ^^

    Congrats! You know receive the utterly useless, but brag-able title of RBY Ground Master!

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs View Post
    That's to bad, but you did finish it. No proof, but we're friendly people ^^

    Congrats! You know receive the utterly useless, but brag-able title of RBY Ground Master!
    Yeah, right I nkow you. You'd make me do it all over again. J/K....

    I what next...anything in R/B/Y that hasn't been completed? maybe a Poison Challenge.

  19. #179
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    Poison has been done numerous times, prehaps rock?

  20. #180
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    Maybe I could do Fighting? I really wanted to do Dragon, but I read on the first page you couldn't do that, because of the choices you have?

    Could you use though, Gyarados, Arcanine, Lapras...Dragonite would come later. Aerodactyl is way to far away in the game, unless I shark it, or trade it from another game. Same with Horsea/Seadra.

    What about an Electric type challenge has that been done?

  21. #181
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    I believe no. I started one once, but never got around playing further after defeating brock. Seems nice.

    Or fighting yes, mankey in the beginning, then waiting for Machop in Rock Tunnel, Hitmonlee/chan, seems interesting aswell.

  22. #182
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    Alright, new MTC. RBY is awesome, although many fail to see it.

    Name: L
    Type: Bird (Yes, not flying.)
    Reason: I just like Bird pokemon.
    Badges: 2

    So, I started out on my Yellow, Pikachu was the unwanted choice. I battled my rival and lost, due a stupid miss. Meh. So I delivered Oak's Parcel and caught a Spearow. Rushed to Viridian Forest, raised my Spearow on bugs. Then returned and crushed my rival.

    After that, I went back into Viridian forest and started battling trainers. I ran into a l.9 Pidgeotto in there and caught it. Then spend most of the time raising Pidgeotto and Spearow, before defeating the Gym trainer.

    Brock: With only normal and flying moves this was a pretty nasty job to do. I started out with Pidgeotto and sand attacked + Quick attack. Then when Onix came out I sand attack'ed to the max, then switched for Spearow, Growled and Leer'ed to the max, before starting the annoying job of waisting all my PP on that bloody rocky snake. After he fell, I claimed the badge and taught Pidgeotto Bide.

    Hurried up to Mt.Moon, defeating all trainers, cleared out Mt.Moon even those annoying Hikers. Defeated Jessie and James and went outside. There I picked up TM45 and entered Cerulean.

    I arrived in Cerulean and made a quick stop at the Pokemoncenter since both my birds were pretty damaged. After that, I went up to Nugget bridge and squashed my rival. The Nugget trainers were easy as was the whole route to Bill, except for the Onix-posessing trainer. Spearow evolved! Freed Bill from his pokemon-self, hurried back down and healed again. Entered Cerulean gym and defeated gym trainers.

    Misty: Started out with Pidgeotto again and used Sand attack twice, then two quick attacks and Staryu was dead. I used sand attack six times on Starmie and started attack with all I could find, Bide didn't work so I skipped that. Pidgeotto fainted and Fearow finished it. GG.

    Saved my progress here.

    Fearow (l.23)
    Peck | Growl | Leer | Fury attack

    Pidgeotto (l.25)
    Gust | Sand attack | Quick attack | Bide

    Next: Electric showdown and more!

  23. #183
    Do I know how to throw a punch Beginning Trainer
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    I'll take rock.

    Name: Brock
    Type: Rock

    Picked Saur, killed Charmander, fought all the way to Pewter, where Saur owned with Vine Whip, went to MT. Moon, caught Geodude, leveled him, beat Mt. Moon, took Helix (Omastar has higher Special) and fought two trainers or so, together with Walter, on the Nugget Bridge. Saved.


    Attacks: Tackle, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Mega Punch

    Attacks: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip
    (Will get Cut)

    Attacks: Sing
    (Will get Flash)
    Last edited by ssj4supernerd; 18th March 2007 at 07:09 AM. Reason: Forgot nicknames
    Cooking is a gift from the gods.
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  24. #184
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    I have a fellow taker. Hurray.

    Ah yes, the sheer excitement of rock pokemon.

  25. #185
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    Rock Pokemon are cool, Geodude took that evil Raticate's Hyper Fang(the one in Mt. Moon) like it was nothing. I will have trouble versus Misty, but meh...I'll beat myself thorugh it.

    And you're completely right, R/B/Y DO own.
    Cooking is a gift from the gods.
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    Looks like it became a little too spicy for you.
    ~Sanji, after beating Jyabura at Enies Lobby(One Piece)

  26. #186
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    Long time no see, here's a pretty big update.

    Name: L
    Type: Bird (Yes, not flying.)
    Reason: I just like Bird pokemon.
    Badges: 7

    After defeating Surge, I got Flash and hurried through Rock Tunnel with some difficulties. Got out and rushed to Celadon, beating the gym trainers.

    Erika: With flying pokemon, I really don't need to make a picture. Wing attack/Drill peck, hey hey. Badge.

    Then, I booted out the Rocket secret base, obtained Sliph Scope and rushed back to Lavender. Defeated mama Marowak and Jessie&James. Picked up Pokeflute and went down the waterbridge, south of Lavender. Woke up Snorlax, while beating all the trainers and arrived in a patch off grass where I caught my last pokemon, Doduo, and my Bird HMer, Farfetch'd. Trained Doduo up all the way to Dodrio, while beating all the trainers until I arrived in Fushia.

    Went to safari zone, just for fun and caught myself a Tauros, Scyther and nearly a Chansey. Went up to Celadon, doing Cycling road backwards, then came down again. I entered the gym and defeated all gymtrainers.

    Koga: 4 Drillpecks. No damage. Badge.

    Flew to Saffron and cleared out Sliph & CO. Defeated Giovanni and obtained Masterball.

    Sabrina: 3 Drillpecks. No damage. Badge.

    Flew back to Fushia and started my oceanic way. Surfed until Seafoam island and then flew to Pallet town, doing the rest of the searoute, until I reached Seafoam again. Cleared out Burned Manor, obtained the Secret Key and defeated the gymtrainers (and the quiz!).

    Blane: Double-edge from Pidgeot all the way, he almost died, but managed to beat Arcanine in the end. Badge.

    Flew back to Viridian and saved, ready for Giovanni, and the league!

    Fearow (l.53)
    Drill Peck | Mirror Move | Swift | Razor Wind
    Hyperbeam's going in.

    Pidgeot (l.53)
    Wing attack | Sand attack | Quick attack | Double-edge
    Mirror move is going in, aswell as Hyperbeam and a filler.

    Dodrio (l.53)
    Drill Peck | Body Slam | Mimic | Tri Attack
    Hyperbeam's going in aswell, over Tri attack.

    Next: Last gymleader and league. Damn.

    Notes so far: My pokemon are all the same, not much move options, so movesets will be almost identical. Hope I can overpower my opponents with sheer all out attack and an optional Mimic/Mirror Move.
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 7th May 2007 at 07:33 AM.

  27. #187
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    So I decide to continue on aswell. Rocker slammed the whole Nugget Bridge to pieces, and continued doing that while crossing Route 25. Halfway the Route, trusty Rocker evolved into the giant Graveler! I was glad to see that it's Special was a bit higher, but I was only planning to battle Misty when I had done everything else, so...I decided to save my progress there.


    Lvl. 25
    Tackle, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Mega Punch
    (My awesome Pokemon, and will be my only battler for a heck of a long time)

    Lvl. 18(little mistake)
    Tackel, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

    Lvl. 3
    (Flasher! If I can even get the badge for it...)
    Cooking is a gift from the gods.
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    Looks like it became a little too spicy for you.
    ~Sanji, after beating Jyabura at Enies Lobby(One Piece)

  28. #188
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    Long time no see, here's a pretty big update.

    Name: L
    Type: Bird (Yes, not flying.)
    Reason: I just like Bird pokemon.
    Badges: 7

    After defeating Surge, I got Flash and hurried through Rock Tunnel with some difficulties. Got out and rushed to Celadon, beating the gym trainers.

    Erika: With flying pokemon, I really don't need to make a picture. Wing attack/Drill peck, hey hey. Badge.

    Then, I booted out the Rocket secret base, obtained Sliph Scope and rushed back to Lavender. Defeated mama Marowak and Jessie&James. Picked up Pokeflute and went down the waterbridge, south of Lavender. Woke up Snorlax, while beating all the trainers and arrived in a patch off grass where I caught my last pokemon, Doduo, and my Bird HMer, Farfetch'd. Trained Doduo up all the way to Dodrio, while beating all the trainers until I arrived in Fushia.

    Went to safari zone, just for fun and caught myself a Tauros, Scyther and nearly a Chansey. Went up to Celadon, doing Cycling road backwards, then came down again. I entered the gym and defeated all gymtrainers.

    Koga: 4 Drillpecks. No damage. Badge.

    Flew to Saffron and cleared out Sliph & CO. Defeated Giovanni and obtained Masterball.

    Sabrina: 3 Drillpecks. No damage. Badge.

    Flew back to Fushia and started my oceanic way. Surfed until Seafoam island and then flew to Pallet town, doing the rest of the searoute, until I reached Seafoam again. Cleared out Burned Manor, obtained the Secret Key and defeated the gymtrainers (and the quiz!).

    Blane: Double-edge from Pidgeot all the way, he almost died, but managed to beat Arcanine in the end. Badge.

    Flew back to Viridian and saved, ready for Giovanni, and the league!

    Fearow (l.53)
    Drill Peck | Mirror Move | Swift | Razor Wind
    Hyperbeam's going in.

    Pidgeot (l.53)
    Wing attack | Sand attack | Quick attack | Double-edge
    Mirror move is going in, aswell as Hyperbeam and a filler.

    Dodrio (l.53)
    Drill Peck | Body Slam | Mimic | Tri Attack
    Hyperbeam's going in aswell, over Tri attack.

    Next: Last gymleader and league. Damn.

    Notes so far: My pokemon are all the same, not much move options, so movesets will be almost identical. Hope I can overpower my opponents with sheer all out attack and an optional Mimic/Mirror Move.

  29. #189
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    Now you can use MissingNO, because it's a bird type right? LOL HAHAHAHAHA

    I guess you should have gotten Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres...even though Moltres is kinda useless against the Elite 4. Zapdos and Articuno would probably only be effective.

    Is there any other Bird in R/B/Y, I'm forgetting?

    You can get the Faulkner award or the Zelfer Badge. LOL!!

    (my first challenge complete)

    TERRY's GROUND CHALLENGE 2006- (Monotype Challenge) TPM RBY
    (my 2nd challenge)

  30. #190
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    Well, Legendary pokemon are not allowed, right? Anyway, I'm not to fond of them anyway, 'cept for Articuno.

    Also, it's Zepher badge Just to nitpick.

  31. #191
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    Actually, it's the Zephyr Badge.

    Just to nitpick. ;P

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  32. #192
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    Lol, ok Zephyr and Falkner, not Faulkner. Just to over-nitpick you.

  33. #193
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    Anyway, updateness.

    Name: L
    Type: Bird (Yes, not flying.)
    Reason: I just like Bird pokemon.
    Badges: 8

    So the last badge was only meters away, so I hurried and cleared out the whole gym, 'cept for Giovanni himself.

    Giovanni: Persian and Dugtrio both fell to one Double-edge, but Nidoqueen/king were a different story. They both had Thunder and thus, harassed me quite a bit. After some combined Drillpecks and Double-edge (from a Revived Pidgeot) I finished them off. Rhyhorn kinda bugged me, but with no real threathening attacks he fell just as good. Now, Rhydon was again, a different story. He Rockslided me to death, so I had to Revive my pokemon a couple off times, but it worked out just well, Body Slam for the win.

    Next, I healed in Viridian and head up for the league, smashing my rivals unevolved pokemon once more. Passed through all 8 guards and into Victory Road where I walked around with some stones, training up my pokemon. I healed one last time and purchased some handy items, including Revive and Maxpotions. I gave my pokemon the 6 Rare Candy's I had saved up through the whole game and PP UP'ed the most crucial attacks with the PP UPs I had saved during the game. Ready for some smashing.

    Strategy thought. Dodrio was my strongest pokemon attackwise, Fearow speedwise and Pidgeot Defensivewise. Dodrio was faster than anyone else in the entire league, 'cept for Aerodactly which has the highest base speed stat together with Jolteon. So there was no stopping Dodrio, not until I reached Lance and Aerodactly. Fearow kinda became useless in my strategy, but still a good pokemon for backups. Pidgeot would take a hit and Mirror Move something great back, or so I hoped. Double edge would prove to be usefull. Strategy: Lead with Dodrio and smash all things aside, Mimic some great moves if it's a rock pokemon. All set, ready.

    Elite 4


    So basicaly, Body Slam until Dodrio fainted, which was at Lapras, Double Edge finished him off. Then Revive and Max Potion. Up to Bruno.


    Mimic'ed Dig from Onix for the two Onix, Drillpeck OHKO's for the rest. Huzzah! Not even a Maxpotion had to be used.


    Drillpeck on the ghosts, Body Slam on Golbat and Arbok, no resistance what so ever. Dodrio really is a beast.


    I Mimic'ed Hyperbeam from Gyarados and finished him off, together with the two Dragonairs. Then Aerodactly came and ruined the party. I finally got rid of him, Max Revived my two other fallen pokemon (Dodrio and Fearow) while sacraficing the pokemon that I had put in my three open slots (being my two HM slaves and a filler). Then I forgot about Blizzard having a good accuracy in RBY so I had some casualties against Dragonite, but again, no match for some Dodrio action in the end.


    Blahblahblah, I sweeped through it reviving and healing when needed. I lost the first battle against Gary back at Prf. Oak, so his Eevee became a Vaporeon, thank god, otherwise Jolteon (with his high speed) would have been a pain in the ass.

    Final pokemon

    Fearow (l.58)
    Drill Peck | Mirror Move | Swift | Razor Wind

    Pidgeot (l.59)
    Wing attack | Mirror Move | Quick attack | Double-edge

    Dodrio (l.61)
    Drill Peck | Body Slam | Mimic | Tri Attack

    Conclusion: 'Bird' pokemon have a very limited movepool in RBY and outside of the three legendary birds, they are all Normal/Flying. It was fun however, although a bit hard at times (Rock Tunnel, etc.), so I hope you guys don't give up on the original flying beasts of your I never got around cashing in all those coins for Hyperbeam, it would take me to much effort to get 5500 coins, doing it per 50, so I never used Hyperbeam, although it was my strategy. Oh well. Another MTC cleared.



  34. #194
    Do I know how to throw a punch Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    THIS is a long time no see! o.o

    So yeah, with boredom kicking in during the vacation, I decided to continue my Rock challenge.

    Reason: Because I'm doing every type with Gym.

    So, I continued beating the a** out of that Route next to Nugget Bridge, and helping Bill while at it. I gladly took the S.S Ticket, and got some more Seen Pokedex Data. I wandered back to Cerulean and healed, pondering if I should take the Gym...I decided not to, and made my way through the bulgarized house, beating up the Rocket in the process and made my way to Vermillion City.Bugs were easily handed with Rock Throw, Flyers idem dito and other Pokemon got Mega Punched. When I arrived into Vermillion City, I realized that I had the whole Route 11, S.S Anne and Vermillion Gym to train against Misty.

    This is gonna be good.

    Lvl. 28
    Tackle, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Mega Punch
    (I love him <3)

    Lvl. 18
    Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

    Lvl. 5

    Still doubting about Aerodactyl...=/
    Cooking is a gift from the gods.
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  35. #195

    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Hey, is this still going on? Because I have this copy of Pokémon Blue where I made my starter Pokémon a Porygon with Monster Brain and haven't touched it since, if I keep it like that could I still eligible for this? I want my team to consist of normal types only.

  36. #196
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokémaniac Scott View Post
    Hey, is this still going on? Because I have this copy of Pokémon Blue where I made my starter Pokémon a Porygon with Monster Brain and haven't touched it since, if I keep it like that could I still eligible for this? I want my team to consist of normal types only.
    I love Porygon as much as anyone else, and have even done a Single-Fighter Challenge with it in multiple generations, but use of cheat codes is illegal for the purposes of this thread. Sorry.

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
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  37. #197
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    If someone else is doing a monotype challenge with one type, does that mean no one else can use that type? Cause i have a mono-rock team all ready and waiting to go.


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    Shark: Mareep

  38. #198
    Ultimate Virtual Pokémon Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Magi of all View Post
    If someone else is doing a monotype challenge with one type, does that mean no one else can use that type? Cause i have a mono-rock team all ready and waiting to go.
    /shrug/ Not really. It's neater if you do a type no one else has done in this thread, but there's no cast-iron rule that you have to. Besides, you might end up handling the Rock MTC in a completely different way.

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
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  39. #199
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    Don't shoot me, I'm also doing rock. It's going very slow, so be patient. I'll type it up someday.

  40. #200
    Do I know how to throw a punch Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: 2006 TPM RBY Monotype Challenge

    But none of you can compete against the perfection known as MY Rock Team...Bwahahahaha!
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    Looks like it became a little too spicy for you.
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