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Thread: ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

  1. #241
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I decided to add a little quote like Asi does. ^^ For Yuar! ^^

    " I know everything is going to be okay, if you stay gone. "

    What words could I say? There really wasn't much a vampire like me, one for physical actions, could say. I wasn't much of a speaker when it came to matters of the heart... and talking to my sister... well, it was hard. I felt like I was not talking to my sister, but rather a complete stranger. She... I, we never had much time together to understand each other. We were seperated by Lantis... and now I wasn't sure if I was ready to be truely reunited once again. It hurt to think of what she said, even if it was only words of anger... and maybe she didn't realize what she had said earlier, but it still pained at me. I had failed her tonight... and I had failed Gyvien upon this night and she almost had died if it was not for the legend of the Daggers which seemed to come true. Now I held the sword upon my right side, the metal feeling strangely light to move but yet heavy with teh sense of knowing it's potential power. If not for fate stepping in and luck aiding me... I would or could have lost both of them. I had failed... I had been completely useless upon this night.

    "Myra..." I began, as she gazed at me with a gaze full of confusion and a bit of... some other emotion which I did not fully comprehend. What did I say? What was I trying to do... there really wasn't much a brother could say who didn't even really know his sister truely.
    " ... I am not sure what I am going or trying to say. I just want to let you know that ever since you were little, born as a matter of fact, I wanted to protect you. I couldn't intervene... but if your life ever came down to it, I would have stepped in and killed myself for teh sake of your blood to live. Seeing Lantis... well, do what he did to you, killed me... I should have intervened there."
    Myra was about to open her mouth as if to protest, but I shook my head.
    " But that is in the past... but then, we were reunited upon this night much like Rudy and Gyvien. The only problem there is, that it is not alike. Rudy and Gyvien some how have come to an understanding of each other... but you and I, we have not."

    "Yuar... you are my brother I-" Myra began but again I interupted her. I had to get this out now while I still could fathom a faint idea of what I wanted to say.
    " No, we have not. For some strange reason, since I was little I had an instinct... almost a gift for some reason, to want to protect people and in a way it gives me strength and an inner knowlegde of fighting that I did not even know I had. I've always wanted to protect people... and when I met you, it especially came true. Gyvien was the same, for she was like you- the sister I never had. When I failed to protect you from Lantis's sinister tongue... it was like a second chance."
    I felt my face grow hot as i looked away from her.
    " But now it wasn't... it was some strong act of fate that I ever found Gyvien as a child in the street. I was given a second chance to help protect you, and again I failed you. Lantis got a hold of you and you were forced to drink blood! Why? Because I was pathetic and weak and I couldn't even sense Rudy when you needed him the most! It was when you shouted at me... I realized that I was not a big part in this night. I realized that ... well, I cannot protect you. When you ran away, I felt helpless- never have I felt that way before. Now I know... Rudy is your protector... and as much as I want to be yours, I will fail like I have this night."

    I felt the blade in my hand, and I shifted it slightly as I gazed at the night sky. The air was crisp and cool, and the stars were beginning to fade as the smell of morning was beginning to rise...
    " Yuar, that isn't true... I shouldn't have said those-"
    "No, you had every right. You spoke the truth. Although I hurt deep inside right now... I hurt so badly with a pain that I do not understand right now... my instinct to protect and the fact that I don't believe I can anymore contradicts itself. I feel like my purpose upon this planet and in this life of ours is gone... like if I disappeared, it would make no difference. For me, for how I was... how I am, it is worse than death to live with no feeling of purpose. Myra, I want to be your brother... but I don't think I have earned the right to be it."

    Myra was about to say some thing but then suddenly Rudy came forth and spoke. I stood and watched, as soon a display followed of love. Rudy kissed her... taking the human blood from her lips, and making himself a blood drinker. I felt emotion... although I didn't know how to discribe it. I never was good with emotions...

    Soon Rudy had asked Myra to marry him... to spend the rest of their lives together as figures of a promise. A very important promise... as this happened, and nothing of the outside world concerned them anymore but each other, I looked to Gyvien. She watched with a look that seemed approving... but yet, a bit of angst in there as well. She gazed at me... and smirked, making a gagging motion as a joke. I nodded, and I knew that Gyvien would do well to stay with Rudy and Myra. Being with Rudy had opened her up a little bit... and that would suit her.

    Gyvien could not come with me... it wouldn't suit the way I wanted her to become. She had enough pain in her life... perhaps staying near to Rudy and Myra would make her live her life in a happier way. She was the head of the Dampiel underground... she would have Rudy near her to aid her if she needed advice.
    Or maybe she couldn't come with me again because I was too afraid that I would perhaps fail her again... no, I wasn't ready.
    "We need to get somewhere safe, the sun is about ready to rise."
    I spoke, as Myra gazed about and then nodded.
    "Lets get away from this place."
    She spoke, as we all began to drift away to help escape from the sun... at least, they would.

    "I believe this would be farewell then..." I spoke suddenly, my voice soft and gentle yet firm in what I stated. Gyvien's eyes instantly darted at my direction, as Myra and Rudy also looked at me.
    "What do you mean?" Rudy spoke... as Gyvien quickly responded,
    "You don't mean you are..."
    "Yes." I said again, gazing at Myra and nodding to her.

    " I am leaving you three. Just make sure you get away before the sun comes... "
    "You can't leave! The sun will get you... and why? Why would you leave when you just found us?" Myra responded, as if my words earlier had just dawned upon her.
    I sighed...
    " You wouldn't understand, and I couldn't possibly explain it to you any better. Myra, what I said earlier... I would hope that would explain it a little bit. I... I have an obligation to protect and to redeem myself."
    "Yuar, you don't have to redeem yourself for anyone... you've helped a great deal on this night and-"
    Rudy tried to speak, but Iquickly shook my head as I took a step away from them.
    " No... you wouldn't understand, but I must leave you. I must go in search of a meaning about myself which I never truely understood. There are many secrets about there in the Vampiric world, which I myself must find out about. Mostly I must leave you three so I may go in search of myself... I hope you will understand."

    "No! We don't f*cking understand! Why are you leaving me again Yuar?! Don't! At least let me go with you then!"
    Gyvien spoke, stepping forward boldly as she had a look of glazed anger in her face... I kept my composure as I shook my head.
    "No Gyvien, stay with Rudy and Myra. I am leaving... but I promise that we shall meet again."
    "NO!" She said, suddenly coming forth as she suddenly outstretched her arms and grasped them around my waist. I was a bit shocked at this jesture... I don't believe I had ever seen Gyvien hug anyone. She clenched me as she spoke..
    " Why do you have to leave me..."
    I slowly put my own arms around her as I bent my head down and softly spoke, " because it is for the best. I will see you again Gyvien, and when I do... I will never leave you or anyone again."

    Gyvien quickly pulled back, as her liquid, frosty-glazed blue eyes watered slightly... and she looked away as if pained. I then turned my newly-red eyed gaze at Rudy.
    " You... " I smiled softly, " Take care of Myra. I know you will, and I know you will die for her.... but just do me a favor. Keep away from Vylianne or any other who say that have associated with her. Please... I have a feeling that if you or Gyvien associate with her, nothing but trouble will follow. Also, before you decide to die for Myra if another bad situation comes again... remember this: If you die, it's Myra you've left behind. It was nice to ... meet you upon these nights." Rudy nodded, as I then looked at Myra.

    "When? When will we meet again?" Myra spoke softly...

    " We will meet again when I am stronger and full of an understanding. We will meet again when fate decides it..."
    I spoke, and then as if on que, my eyes suddenly stopped glowing red and faded back to their normal, strikingly piercing green-eyed gaze. I felt it... and Myra's eyes widened.

    " We will meet again when I can be your brother."

    I then turned away, and began to walk away from them when suddenly I heard Myra call out...
    "Yuar, for a moment, you were my brother."

    I smiled softly... as I made no movement of farewell and kept walking, until I knew that my figure had faded from their sight into the darkness- away from the side that was rising to the day.

    My heart will always be by your side...


    ^^ Don'tcha like the eye connection to the brother idea? ^^ I do. lol...
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  2. #242
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    ----Father Farwell----
    The road less taken....

    I struggled to breathe as I gazed at the children before me, as each asked me to take their blood and drink. Poor children...they didnt know what they asked, that to live I would have to commit the unforgivable sin of feasting upon my fellow man for eternity. I looked on with sorrow as they bared their wrists and I turned my eyes to each of them in turn.
    Down one road lay eternal life, but every day of such a life would kill a piece of my soul until I no longer had one.
    Down the other road lay certain death, but salvation for my soul, and eternal life at the right hand of God.
    There was only one thing I could do.

    Reaching up a weakened hand I grabbed Livens wrist. She smiled as I bit in and started to drink. “Thank you Father....I..I cant lose you, your the only one who----” Suddenly she stopped, as she noticed what was happening. Slowly my fangs started to disappear, my pale skin regaining its natural color. My hand which was holding my cross tightly stopped smoking and the pain of the burn stopped. All the pain stopped, but it wasnt because I was healed. It was because my now human body was numb from all my injuries.
    Skyler and Liven jumped in shock. “No!! Father! Whats happening to you!!” Skyler cried as he shook my shoulder, my life starting to fade rapidly without the limited healing powers my vampire body still had. I smiled weakly at the boy. His were good intentions, but I couldnt bear to live eternally as a creature that had to kill and feed off Gods children. “Im sorry Skyler, but it has to be this way. I would not be able to live knowing my existance was just to feed. I was prepared for death the first time Roland had attacked me, but God still had had a purpose for me, and so He had guided Liven to Change me. But now that purpose is over, Roland will kill no more, and so its time for me to go Home.” I smiled kindly, my eyes starting to close as the forms of Liven and Skyler blurred and faded. “You two have become strong, you no longer need my guidance...”
    Liven shook her head violently, tears streaming down her face. “Thats not true Farwell!! We need you!! Please, cant...” Skyler put a shaky hand on her shoulder as he wiped away tears of his own. They were so full of sorrow, they would have to learn that even in dark times hope shines bright. “I have fulfilled my purpose, to help you when you needed it the most. Dont think of it as me leaving you, because you are never alone. God is always watching you, ready to guide you on the right path.....all you need is to...listen....”
    By no consious will my eyes closed, and I felt strangely warm, the warmth of human life I had missed for a day. The warmth of life that would soon be gone once again, this time for good. My hand clasped my cross tighter, slick with my own blood, and as my strength left me, I held it out towards them, in a final effort to guide them before.....

    As the world faded around me, I felt as though I were being lifted up away from the rubble of the broken city, away from the two children cradling my bloody body, and soon a different feeling of warmth spread through me. ”You will be alright my children....I will always be watching.” I smiled down at them, as suddenly I realised something. I had thought my purpose was done, but it was just the end of my purpose on Earth. Bowing my head at them I said, “My purpose now is just beginning...”

    *white fade out*


    My poor priest!! ;.; lol But Ill leave you with that little bit of foreshadowing ^-~

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  3. #243

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    “I have fulfilled my purpose, to help you when you needed it the most. Dont think of it as me leaving you, because you are never alone. God is always watching you, ready to guide you on the right path.....all you need is to...listen....”

    Crimson blood pooled on the ground…

    Another life slipping away…

    “No…don’t die…” Skyler sobbed. Farwell only smiled and his eyes closed. He buried his face in Farwell’s now limp body, sobbing. “You didn’t have to die!” Skyler yelled at him, at his dead body. “You didn’t have to fight that monster…you didn’t have to…” Tears flowed down Skyler’s face. “It was my fight…my fight…” Liven placed her hand on my shoulder.

    “It’s ok,” she said, her own tears falling to the ground.

    “It’s not ok! He didn’t have to die. He was the one of the only people that cared for me. He protected me when no one else would…now there’s no one.” Sklyer turned his gaze to the sky and fell to my knees. “Why did you take him?!” he yelled into the sky. “He did everything in your name. He believed in you…why didn’t you save him…”

    Then, something snapped, the last thread in his mind broke. His eyes began to glow a crimson red. Skyler grabbed the cross from Farwell’s limp hand. It fizzled in his, the cross burning at his skin, but he showed no emotion. He picked up Farwell’s sword and stepped over to Roland, and began stabbing him. Then, Skyler began slashing him over and over again, slicing his body into pieces. Roland’s blood oozed out of his carcass, gushing out as Skyler cut him down. Then, he lifted the sword, and broke it through Roland’s skull, liquid erupting out like lava from a volcano. Skyler rammed his hand into Roland’s chest, and ripped out his heart. Tossing it to the ground, he stomped on it.

    “Stop!” cried Liven. “Enough, he’s dead. I can understand…I hate him for killing Farwell too, but we…” Skyler charged towards Liven, lashing out with the sword and cutting her arm. Blood oozed out of the wound, and Skyler licked the blade. “What are you doing?” Skyler didn’t reply, and only charged again, a sinister, crazy look on his face. Liven dodged and picked up another sword. Skyler lashed out and Liven blocked. He pushed her down, but then she flipped him over and Skyler landed on his back. She ran over to Farwell, picked up his body, and ran…
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    The streets were filled with blood. Another scream was heard, and then faded. A young boy ran down the street, cutting down all who he met, destroying anything in his way. Soon, he ended up at near the ocean. A gang made up of dampials and humans followed him…and were there to kill him, surrounding him by a cliff. The boy just laughed insanely as they ran toward him weapons brandished. One by one, they were killed in a bloody massacre. But then, one of the dying dampials lifted his gun…and fired. The boy fell off the cliffed, and plunged into the waters below…

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  4. #244
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    The streets of Wood Water lay awash in blood, as the cold wind cut through the night like the crimson stained weaponry that littered the ground. There was no one around, alive that is, for the bloodied body of Roland and the pool of blood where Farwell once lay were the only signs showing what had happened upon that spot moments before. Suddenly a foot steps into a puddle, sending crimson ripples through the dark liquid. The boots stop beside the carcass of Roland.
    "Roland Roland Roland....." A female voice speaks. "You betrayed me and left me for dead, and after I gave you what you wanted...thats not nice." The figure in the cloak pouts, and leans down toards Rolands bloody face, looking more sane in death than he ever did in life. "We couldve had something Roland, they just saw you as being insane but I knew how special you were.." The voice whispered, as the figure stood up and swished off the hood of her cloak, her long purple hair flowing out behind her as she began to walk away. "That was a nice vacation...."

    Down the street, at the darkened Wood Water Inn, a young couple and a vampire hunter slip through the unlocked door. Had anyone been watching, they would agree that, though these peoples clothes were tattered, and they seemed very tired, there was a sense of peace about them. Despite the events of the night, they were all alive and could finally rest easy, knowing that the main threat to their happiness was gone for good.

    At the end of the main road, the Church of the Guiding Light looms large, its usually bright lights dimmed in mourning for Father Farwell. Not long ago he was buried, his only mourner Liven Dinas. Shes still kneeling by his grave, saddened that her dear friend is gone, not knowing that he is still watching...

    Minutes go by and soon the dawn of another day has begun. Humans and Dampiels walk through the shining streets, wondering at the events of the night before, feeling as though they had awakened from a horrible nightmare. Very few of them would ever know the real story.

    They would never know they had survived a Dawn of the Blood Moon.....

    Ok everyone, its time for everyone to start on their 'epilougue posts' ^v^ Basically what this is is briefly giving a description of what your character did a few days following Lantis's/Rolands demise. This is of course optional, since some of you have characters that would be best to remain mysterious until the sequal, but for everyone that wants to, the deadline for these posts is Aug. 15, after that Ill ask Ginger if she still wants to do the final post ^-^ and then the sequal will.....BEGIN!!!

    So, my lovely cast, to the posts!!!! ^v^ And any questions, just ask ^-~

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  5. #245
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    I've recently had very limited access but now that I'm back I say it's time to get things moving in all of these RPG's again ^_~

    Rudy Summers
    Wood Water City
    Four nights following the battle with Lantis
    11:52 PM
    "I know you can't hear me but I'm sure you'll be safe here" I said to my latest victim as I placed her on the ground in front of one of Wood Water City's churches. As soon as I had knocked on the door I quickly took off to a nearby roof and watched as a priest quickly took the injuried woman inside. After licking the last bit of her blood off of my lips I just waited until the coast was clear before jumping back down to the street below. Lucky for me I quickly got the hang of feeding and once I got an idea of how much blood was too much it just became a simple matter of sneaking up on a person and knocking them out. Despite my choice several nights ago I kinda had mixed feelings on the whole thing. On the one hand I still didn't want to hurt humans but now I had no choice. On the other hand once I had started to feed it didn't seem so bad to me anymore and I learned that I enjoyed the taste of a human's blood.

    As I started to make my way back to where me and Myra were currently hiding I started to think about all the recent events again. I had more trouble figuring out what surprised me more. Was it the fact that my life was actually turning more towards a normal and peaceful one or the fact that I had actually become what I feared? As I thought about it more I quickly came to see that it was the fact that things were finally calm. For so long I had faced pain and loss. Ever since I was young it was that way. First my mother died after I was born. For many years after that I didn't really like humans. The strong desire to drink their blood didn't help either. Next came the point where I believed the vampires hunters had killed my father. Lucky for me I didn't give in to the thoughts of revenge. It was still hard to deal with the fact that some humans had died because of my actions but at least the damage wasn't too bad in the long run. That situation could have quickly led me down another path. Several years later my father was killed by Oyar and then one year after that was when everything finally changed. In only a few nights things started to get better. While nothing could ever bring back my parents or change some of the things I had done I knew that all of these recent events were at least a start towards a better life.

    As far as tasting blood went I always thought it would be my biggest mistake had I actually done it. I always believed that it was the one thing that could quickly turn even a peaceful vampire into a violent demon. In truth it was just a false belief that many humans had. I figured that so many years of being someone who tried to avoid it made me think the same way. The truth was that it didn't change who you were. Me, Myra and Yuar were proof of that. The problem was that many humans would never think of it that way. Even so that didn't bother me. Since I was a vampire humans hated me to begin with. It wasn't like things had changed that much. To them it didn't matter if I drank blood or not. Now that I was like the typical vampire I couldn't really say if it was a bad idea or not. What I did know was that one thing would still be the same. Following my choice one would think I'd give up hunting my own kind. Instead I had kept at it. Now that I had tasted blood I had a much better idea of what the difference was between feeding to stay alive and doing it just for the kill.

    Even with all this on my mind there was one thing that seemed to bug me. Now that the battle with Lantis had ended one would think that things would become simple. I wouldn't deny that every now and then I'd have to deal with hunters and maybe other vampires but surely no one as dangerous as Lantis would come around again would they? As much as I wanted to believe that I knew it was wrong. Vy was still out there somewhere. While she may have helped me in the past I didn't forget Yuar's words before he went on his own. She was more dangerous than Lantis and I still didn't know her intentions. Despite that I had a gut feeling she'd only be a minor problem. Lantis may have been gone but somehow I had a feeling that another fight to protect the Earth from someone like him wouldn't be too far off.

    My only question now was when it would happen......
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    Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.
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  6. #246
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    ?????? - ??????

    So that was it... was it? He was dead...

    I knew it would eventually come. Death always came to those who made too many enemies, too many mistakes. He had always made too many, too many errors... to many repeats.

    It didn't help that he choose to go against me.

    I didn't want to... to be his counter part, to be his oppisite. Ever since he was little and he found out about me, he always tried to get a hold of me. Many times he tried, and many times he failed...
    It was strange, we often talked even if we were enemies and yet... he was gone, and I still couldn't believe it. Of course, he picked the wrong fight to begin with... he had too many enemies and his allies were not the best to count on. I knew that, ever since he started in with the alliance in order to gain right to Royal Blood. It had failed... and I had watched him die.

    Even though he had been corrupted, and he was a sinister soul... it still pained me. I mean, it would pain anyone who could feel some one die. It hurt me... it was agonizing, but now he was gone and I felt a burden releaved from me.

    I had been released.

    It had been agonizing... all my lifeI felt him kill, felt his twisted views... and it made me feel ill. He wasn't always that of course... he used dto be... innocent. But isn't that how it always start? With innocence? And then we are corrupted, and the innocence is lost.
    Everyone loses innocence...

    Now that you are gone, I will take your place and make it right.

    Gyvien Summers - F/Dampiel - Anywhere from a few days to a few weeks later after Lantis's passing.

    Gyvien sat alone on top of the roof top where the cresent moon shown brightly. Gazing at it with a rather strange, unreadable look... she sighed. She had contacted the D.H.A, and told them about ... well, mostly about what had happened. Many hated the idea of the 'change in rules', and many didn't like it... but then after much convincing, they all, or the leaders, decided it was a good idea and decided to spread the word in the underground dampiel hunter community.
    Do not kill Humanity Vampires. Or vampires who drink blood shortly, with out death and with not cruelty, but courtesy. Gyvien made it clear that they should stalk their target to determine it... and it was agreed.

    But Gyvien wasn't happied...
    She had slain a vampire the night after Lantis died. Funny, Rudy and Myra thought she was nuts to go and hunt.
    " You should rest... you went through hell, and your going ot hunt? Don't you need rest? And isn't that a little dangerous after the death of Lantis?" rudy had said, and to this she replied..
    "I'm not hiding from any blood-sucker vampires. I'm going to kill every damn one o fthem."
    Rudy's eyes widened... and Gyvien gazed at him, her expression cold until she sighed and they gave some emotion.
    " You know what I mean- the ... the non-humanit- Oh f*ck it, you know what I mean. I feel fine. I'm going."

    Then she left.

    The vampire she had targetted was not big, but rumors had stated that ths vampire had 'business' with a bigger, higher-upscale ancient. This roused Gyvien enough to decide it wasn't any time to let spawner vampires happen. The kill was rather clean, and near water- sot hat helped some as well.

    I don't... I don't understand.
    Gyvien suddenly though out of the blue- out of her thoughts of trying to think of hunting instead of... of Yuar.
    It was funny... in a weird way. Gyvien didn't love Yuar anymore than a brother... and some how she felt sick. Why did he leave her again? She didn't... she still didn't understand.

    Gyvien was glad everything that happend upon that night was over. Lantis... her nightmare, had died finally. Of course... there always was doubt. Sure there were probably bigger vampires out there... more powerful ones. But Lantis... he had been her monster becuase he had haunted her when she was young and vulnerable. He had crashed.. infected the poor little girl Gyvien once knew, and turned her cold and emotionless. Now Gyvien had emotion about the night and... about how Yuar had left her with Rudy and Myra. She didn't know how to handle emotion.

    Gyvien didn't mind being around Rudy and Myra, although she sorta thought she was invading their space and didn't like it. Who would want her around anyway? Gyvien was still convinced Myra hated her guts, and Gyvien didn't blame her... nor really care that much entirely. Gyvien was ... feeling lost. Feeling...

    she couldn't tell, it was some thing that didn't feel right. That she knew....
    What, where would she go now? What would she do? Gyvien felt all but found... and she wished she knew all the answers to her questions. She was lost...
    Her world had been shattered ever since she first entered that d*mn bar, and she couldn't go back to the way things were. Never...
    And now she felt as though things were not done. Her Dampiel Hunting senses made her uneasy all the time now that they recovered... and not only was she a very shooken up Dampiel, but she was slightly misguided and her heart hurt.

    When all your love is gone
    Who will save me from all I'm up against out in this world
    And maybe, maybe, maybe
    You'll find something that's enough to keep you
    But if the bright lights don't receive you
    You should turn yourself around and come on home

    Gyvien sighed as she grabbed a strange rock which was on the rooftop, and threw it in the air and let it clatter some where into the night. She was alone.

    And nothing hurt more then being alone in the dark...

    (I'll post fer Yuar laterZ)
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  7. #247
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ummm.... ^^; I'll post my last post fer Yuar... umm... can we start DotBM2 yeeeet?! This is so sllllllloooow!


    " Tomorrow is a different day."

    A cry rang out through the night air, a scream of terror about some thing in the night. A almost blackened figure emerged from the shadows, and it seemed to pause... as if trying to figure out the source of the scream.
    He wore a long black jacket, which seemed to flow effortlessly around him as it hung, split slightly, to his calves. Underneath the jacket, as it hung open, were his black pants which seemed slightly ripped at teh bottoms along with a tight black muscle t-shirt, which was cut off at the sleeves and exposed a well defined abdomin. Around his neck, a silver chain with a dragon wrapped around the front with glowing-red jeweled eyes.
    The face of the figure? Hidden... a black mask covers his face, so that only his eerie, emerald-eyes can be seen through. His hands are also gloved, as he dashes suddenly to the right and disappears from sight again.

    The scream cries out once more, and this time the figure finds the source. A woman is cornered in a long, dark alleyway which reeks from a nightly rain as a vampire, with blood-shot eyes, comes charging at her. The figure can smell the stench of blood... and instantly rage fills him. This vampire was a slaughter... a slaughterer who did not take mercy but only blood that he desired and as much as he wanted.
    Jumping from the rooftop with more grace then a cat could muster, he lands in front of the figure, blocking him from the woman.
    "What the f*ck is this?!" The vampire growls... seeing the woman, terrified even more, and this figure which blocks his way.
    " Leave her alone. Drink only as much blood as you need for a night... you do not need anymore."
    The figure calmly states, his voice sounding like a cool river...
    " You b*st*rd! To think you can tell me what to do! Get out of my way! I'm a vampire... a child of the renegade vampire Arestes!"
    The figure did not twitch.
    " I do not care if you were Arestes, who is dead mind you to the Dampiels. I am Draconin, and I am here to kill you if you try to touch this woman."

    At the word 'Draconin", the vampire twitched and the figure saw this. Obviously he had heard of a 'Draconin' before... and slight fear was in his eyes. However, he was too stubborn to back down..
    " Just try scum!"
    With that, the vampire lunged towards the woman but DRaconin was ready. Withdrawing his eleborately-decorated sword with ease, he brought if forth and instantly it entered the Vampire's chest. The vampire was frozen there, as his wild eyes gazed up at Draconin's hidden face...
    "Dra..conin?" HE managed to whisper, as Draconin brought forth his free hand and aimed a punch directly at the vampire's face. Instantly it connected, making the vampire slide off his sword and smashing his nose and jaw. With that, Draconin then brought forth his sword and decapitated teh vampire effortlessly. Finished, he turned to look at the frightened woman... who still shook with terror.

    "Are you alright... miss?" He spoke cooly, putting away his sword and gently gazing at her.
    "W-who are y-you?" She quickly spoke, sharply but still afraid.
    " I am Draconin..."
    "- why did you help me?" She quickly asked..
    " Because I help all who are innocent from persecution and need protecting. It is what I do."
    She stood there, frozen... as if unsure what to do.
    " Go, go home." Draconin said, as he turned away... and quietly walked back into the shadows.

    Draconin had returned for his reign over the city streets...
    .... and Yuar Oro, was no more.

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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  8. #248

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    a month after Lantis' demise

    He watched carefully from the rooftop. His eyes followed his prey carefully as they walked the streets in silence. Not so long ago he had prowled these very same rooftops in search of the very same prey but for a very different reason. Now his motivation was his own.
    He waited patiently till the streets were empty and his prey was alone. Now was the time to play, as he had tried only a month before. With lightning speed and subtle grace he leapt from the rooftop and cartwheeled his prey from behind. As he came to rest both blades were drawn and he was ready.
    "What the......." the prey began. "Koger?!"
    "How very astute of you my young padawan," Koger said with dramatic flare. "You don't call, you don't write. One might think you had forgotten about me."
    "I don't have time for this Koger," Rudy said as he got up.
    Rudy turned to walk away but was met by a blade shooting out in front of him. He turned to walk another way but was met by the same blade. Koger didn't have the physical strength of a vampire but he more than met the speed of one.
    "There's always time!" Koger said slyly.
    He dropped back a few steps and readied has blades as if to defend himself. His weight dropped to his back leg, ready to spring. It was obvious what he had in mind.
    "Is this your idea of a joke Koger?" Rudy said, obviosuly irritated.
    "No joke my fine fanged friend. I do believe I promised you a lesson in manners once upon a time. I think now is as good a time as any to deliver it," a serious tone took over Koger's face.
    No longer did it seem comical or jovial. He did indeed seem to be serious. Rudy took one more step to try and walk away but Koger was too fast for things to be so simpkle. With some reluctance he finally drew his own sword and stood ready for an attack.
    "Glad you understand it is best to do things my way," Koger said hurriedly before slicing diagonally with both his blades.
    Rudy slid quickls underneath and to the side, bringing his own sword up for a lunge. Koger flipped over his sword sideways and came slicing downwards at him. Rudy slid to the side again but with much less room to spare. Koger then swiped horizontally and Rudy had to roll away bringing his blade up to block a swipe from Koger's second blade.
    Using his strength he pushed Koger's blade away and tried kicking the mutant. Koger once again flipped up intot he air over the blow to land behind Rudy. He quickly tapped Rudy on the shoulder with his blade as a reminder then cartwheeled backwards away from Rudy's blade as he spun to meet him. Rudy lunged again but this time Koger brought both his blades to bear to guide the sword down into the ground where he locked all three into place.
    "Never turn your back during civil conversation unless you have said your goodbye's," Koger said with all seriousness. Suddenly his face returned to its normal mysterious and humored self, "Lesson over. I trust you'll remember it in the future!"
    With that Koger pulled back both his blades and miraculously they seemed to disappear behind him. Rudy hesitated for a moment then sheathed his own weapon.
    "What is it you want Koger?" Rudy asked cautiously.
    "There is much to discuss, is there not my little protege'?" Koger said slyly.
    "I am not your protege'. Now what is it you want?" Rudy said somehwat harshly but more calm.
    "Aren't you though?" Koger whispered to Rudy as if he already knew the answer. And it was not the answer Rudy would have given. "Congratulations on your engagement. Such a pity it comes with so many ducious events and decisions. I fear love has cost you a very poor decision indeed. You truly don't know what you are getting yourself into."
    "What decision?" Rudy asked, confused as he normally was in Koger's presence.
    "Your newly acquired addiction of course. There are many things in this world that will react differently to you now and that is most unfortunate. I had hoped you would not become susceptable to such things. Afterall, there are countless things in this world that you are not yet aware of my young padawan," Koger's words were confident and sad.
    "Why do you keep calling me that? I am not your student you maniac," Rudy barked, once again growing slightly irritated. "And what things do you speak of?"
    "In due time my protege', in due time. You may not yet realise it but you have learned much from me already and will learn much from me in the years to come. Deny it if you must but I am indeed your teacher, your instructor, and you my pupil," Koger hesitated on that thought for a moment then suddenly leapt up to a low balcony. "Few things since you've met me have been as they've seemed Rudy. One day you'll come to know of what I speak but until then, know that I will be watching you. We shall have to do this again sometime. You must keep your skills up afterall!"
    With a friendly wave and a flash from Koger's discomforting grin, Koger was gone from sight back to the rooftops, leaving the vampire Rudy to think. It would have been fun to reveal so much more to his young padawan but it would not have suited anyones plans. That small morsel of information would have to suffice.
    Until plans came to fruition, Rudy could know no more. That wouldn't stop him from making the occasional visit though. He would have to pop in every few months to remind the vampire that he was never forgotten. Koger so looked forward to such wonderful encounters in the future. It would be a long but wondrous decade!

    OOC: there. epilogue post. Ginger-sai can make the closing post now.

  9. #249

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Ferino Mejin

    We exist, therefore we continue onward, stuggling for our own survival. Some brings die, some creatures live on for an eternity. We are those that live on, the ones who watch. I say we, but I mean them, truly. Thier business to this point has been none of mine. I have observed, I have seen. Tracking through streets crowded with bumbling mortals, listening to voices played on the air, then returning to my cave or to murder of my own.

    Yes, I'd been busy myself. This was different, though. This was a revolution with no end.

    Who ever said that anything was final? If I ever met the bastard, I'd rip his heart out and let him watch it beat its last before I were to drink his blood. Yes, indeed. Whomever had said it had been a fool.

    This damned life of ours contains the fact that we are forever doomed to run through a cycle. To rise, to fall, to fight for the right to survive, then to rise once more. Others must do the same thing. We, however, have always had time eternal on our side.

    Nothing was certain, of course, but time would eventually bring the rise of a new dominance. Perhaps now that I had seen others, I could join in. Previous to this I had seen nothing, known nothing--save, of course, what I had seen in the dark city. Now I have seen thier actions, heard thier voices.

    Strange to find how these creatures operated. So similar to myself, and yet so very different. Perhaps the differences were what would help us succeed if, indeed, we were to succeed. Or, I should say, are to succeed. Any hope that we have lies in the future, desptie what they may see. Up until this point, there has been precious little worthy of joy. Or whatever may be substitued for joy.

    There shall come a day for us soon, though. A day when all will be night and shadows, when all will again be restored to darkness. Gods, wouldn't that be wonderful?

    For now, we would continue as we were. When the time came, we would rise. Yes, we will rise, and those who could not see what we were, what we would have, will be cut down. All we needed was time, strength, determination, and many a vampire holds those qualities. Hmm, perhaps even those who are not vampires may join in with us. Perhaps this will be something the same and yet new. The humans would die, every one of them, and we would be free to move as we should please.

    The day is coming. It has been coming.

    Yes, they will all see soon enough. Many have already begun to understand. There will be certain difficulties to work out, certain... issues. But see now--they have already been through much. What is there to stop them from taking this further? The trials that they have undergone will bring them to this new realization, if nothing else. And if it hasn't? Then, yes, they shall be a force to contend with...

    But, after all, there always has to be some sort of adversary to throw a cinch in the plans. If there's not a challenge, what fun is it?

    And what have I been saying that the day is coming? My friends, I have been mistaken in saying that, for now I see the truth as surely as I see the trees around me, the sky above me. The day is not coming anymore, no. It is night, not day.

    And the night has already come.


  10. #250
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default To everyone, thank you ^-~

    OOC: 10 months ago, an RPG was born, my first RPG. Now 10 months later, it has finally been completed ^-^ Thank you to everyone who signed up, to those of you who contributed to it in some way, and to the few of you who stayed on til the end. A special thanks to Ginger-sai for that wonderful final post, and for that first post that started it all and set the mood for the whole RPG to come.
    Thank you all for helping this RPG evolve into a manga worthy story, full of action, horror, comedy, drama and romance. I hope to see you all in the cast for the sequal which will be coming soon ^-^ Keep you eye out for it!
    And until then, Over and out!

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  11. #251
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    And with that, now that this RPG is done... I have business to attend to!

    Alright, I am making DotBM Cds for everyone. =^^=
    So, I have the ability to basically get any song you can dream of, and I can put about 18-21 songs on a CD. I also just bought a new sticker-cd cover thingy, which is REALLY cool because I can make individual pictures for each CD.
    (Example: For my CD, I have a picture of Yuar on my computer and I can print that out on a CD sticker and put on on the top of the CD and it will permenatly stay there.)
    I also can make covers for the cases with a list of the songs. ^^ It is really neat and was on sale! T'was so kewel...

    So, I want everyone give me ONE song per character, which you think the song represents your character in some way.

    But that's not all! Then you know how certain scenes in the RPG had their different themes? And you know some songs seems to come to your mind and connect with those scenes?

    Well, if you have ideas for songs to represent certain scenes..
    (Example: The scene of Yuar leaving Gyvien, I think the song, "HEre Without You" would represent that.)

    You can give me as many ideas as you want for scenes, I naturally won't be able to take them all but I'll pick the best ones and put them on the CD. I'll even them out too, so it won't be the same scene between the same two characters (or more) over and over again. ^^

    Once I have all the songs downloaded n'such, and the CDs are ready, then I'll ask for your addresses but not right now. It won't cost you anything, it will just be my little gift to you all. ^^
    So, please get those into me right away! I'm giving you guys about a week... so if you don't have them in by then, then I'm sorry. ^^;;

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  12. #252
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Both me and Asi think it's a great idea Kalah. We've already got a few songs that we thought would fit the overall story, Myra, Farwell, Lantis and Rudy perfectly. Here are the names of them along with links:

    Dawn's Japanese theme:
    Children of Dawn from Dragon Ball Z

    Dawn's English theme:
    Bring Me to Life

    Myra's 1st Japanese theme:
    Blue Velvet from Dragon Ball GT

    Myra's 2nd Japanese theme:
    Midnight Blue from Slayers

    Myra's English theme:
    Going Under

    Farwell's English theme:

    Rudy's Japanese theme
    Hikari no Will Power from Dragon Ball Z (did you honestly expect something else? ^_^;)

    Rudy's English theme
    I Stand Alone

    Lantis' English theme
    Sad But True

    I know it may seem like a bit much but we both believe those songs fit the characters and story perfectly. Hopefully you'll be able to fit it all in Kalah ^_~
    TPM's self proclaimed firearms expert, former RPG mod, occassional smartass and all around enigmatic wonder ^_~
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    Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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  13. #253
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    Well, I probably won't include the Japanese songs since I only want one song per character (in English prefurably.) ^^;
    But, I need song/scene ideas. That would be good. ^^
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    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  14. #254

    Default ~*Dawn of the Blood Moon*~ STARTS!!!!

    If its for Rudy then its gotta be 'Monkey Man' by Reel Big Fish.....although for the charchter i dont think that would work

    For Koger id say Papercut by Linkin Park

    Oh and although he wasnt in this rpg much...Gav should have Somewhere i Belong, also by Linkin Park and so should my char for the sequel

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

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