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Thread: Syberia! I want a rematch!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Syberia! I want a rematch!

    a 2 vs. 2 again!
    DQ: about a week
    Arena: You choose
    I choose first, you attack first.

    I choose Sharise the female stantler and Rylonin the male Kabutops! I think your chansey didnt like him too much...

  2. #2
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    You fine with me reffing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    well. Are u sure your up for a 2 vs 2 battle? if syb can battle, it can be his choice.

  4. #4
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    I have a very good imagination and know all the moves, I think I can do just fine..

    ~ Chris

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    If syberia doesnt think that Sir Chris should ref, for some reason, I would gladly ref this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Unless SirChris decides to invoke DQ on me (which is perfectly fine for both of us, as I get to start a new battle and he gets a win out of it), then all my slots are full. Oh, and I have nothing at all against him reffing this battle, if it does indeed get started.

  7. #7
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    I invoked DQ you on, since you were late, so you may battle here, oh and that reminds me, need to post in the approval tower for my new donphan...err..anyway, lets get it on [/mills]

    ~ Chris

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Well, now that I can battle you, I think I'll take up this offer. *glares at Rylonin* Who said anything about me using a certain Chansey again? No, this time, I'll try something different. Orcrist, Zephyr, come forth! To battle!

    Orcrist (Male Tauros): ROAR!

    Zephyr (Female Misdreavus): *just floats there*

    Here goes. Orcrist, while your partner is getting to safety, tear that Stantler apart with shards of ice. Zephyr, while he does this, I simply want you to float up to a safe height; being a Ghost, you shouldn't have much trouble.

    Once that is done, Orcrist, unleash your full seismic fury upon the two. Earthquake, and don't let up. Zephyr, bring down the rain to aid you as you strike Rylonin with Thunder. If it's not raining, try a Thunderbolt instead.

    Orcrist: Blizzard (Sharise)~Earthquake x2
    Zephyr: Float up~Rain Dance~Thunder/Thunderbolt (Rylonin)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Rylonin! remember our last battle with him. We were doing great!

    Now, start with harden, while that ghosty is floating up. then hurry amd create a small sub, about 5% or so, just for a tiny bit of protection. Finally use seismic toss to throw that Tauros!

    Shrarise, tis is your first battle as my pokemon. Be on alert. first, attract that tauros! then use psychic on his esophogos (SP) or the throat and squeeze it nice and tight! Finally, use mud slap toward the ghosty

    Ryonin: Harden~Substitute~seismic toss (Tauros)

    Sharise: attract (Tauros)~Psychic (Tauros)~ Mud slap (misdreavus)

  10. #10
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    WELL...;/, before I get to reffing, i think I am going to have to choose an arena, unless I missed the one you guys posted, sooo...huge plain grassy field it is :X

    Syberia Vs Teddiursa89

    Arena: a tranquil grassy plain, where nothing lives except fresh air..or something


    Stantler(F) Sharise~100% Kabutops(M) Rylonin~100%

    Tauros(M) Orcrist ~100% Misdreavus(F) Zephyr~100%


    Rylonin:Harden~Substitute~Seismic Toss(Orcist)

    Sharise:Attract(Orcist)~Psychic(Orcist)~Mud slap(Zephyr)


    Zephyr:Float up~Rain Dance~Thunder/Thunderbolt (Rylonin)

    ROUND 1

    Hello folks, this is your ref, I want a clean fight, no low blows, no mom jokes, and I wish to see no tongues sticking out!

    *all four pokemon are releashed and given their commands as the battle begins to stir*

    Zephyr seems to have forgotten something at home, because she is floating high into the air, far away from her partner. Speaking of her partner, Orcist seems to be focusing on something very deeply at the moment. Is it just me, or is it getting cold? Well, The other team isn't just sitting around doing nothing! Rlonin' sshell is glowing bright white, looks like someone is preparing their shell for battle!

    Sharise is now looking at Orcist, like she wants soem of him! She is strunting around, showing off her best stuff. Orcist beings to pant now, he seems smitten..Then he shakes his head and he loses his attraction for a moment, long enough to release a powerful set of icy shards that hit Sharise nearly dead on, the stantler is almost blown back by the furious, she looks very Perturbed!

    Zephyr looks to the sky...She seems off in her own little world. suddenly she begins to move back and forth slowly, as the clouds cover the sky and it beings to drizzle slightly, then it steadies off at a steady drizzle.

    Sharise steadies herself, look like any woman scorned(very evil) she looks directly at Orcist, she focued her mind right on tauros' neck, suddenly Orcist stumbled, he couldn't breathe! In other news, while no one was looking at him, Rylonin quietly madea weak copy of himself, trying to hide from all the loud action taking place.

    Orcist was losing oxygen fast, he had to think and he had to do it quickly! He started to stomp his feet on the ground, very rapidly and forcefully. Suddenly, tremors spread out from Orcist and go all over the arena. Sharise was his dead on with a tremor that made her fall down. She seemed to have trouble getting back up as the tremors kept coming, but finally she made her way back up and steadies herself. The trmors seem to have also reached Rylonin and his copy, doing minimal damage to both of them, seeing as they were on the outskirts of the tremors.

    Zephyr seems to have been preparing soemthing special for Rylonin! Sparks of Electricity fly from Zephyr's body directed straight at Rylonin! Its hits with a huge impact! Well, atleast Zephyr got rid of the substitute!

    With Rylonin nowhere to be found, Sharise, now seeing that they have left Zephyr unattended for too long, she gets some mud near her leg and slings it towards Zephyr. However, the rain dissolved before it even came close to the happy ghost pokemon. Orcist, busy watching Sharise sling mud at his partner, was preparing another tremor, when suddenly Two scythes grab his left back leg and picks him up! Exerting a lot of energy, Rylonin slings Orcist a good twenty feet away! However, Orcist was lucky enough that the field was now muddy and gave just a little more than usual.

    Orcist, ashamed that he was caught by surprise, quickly manages to get to its feet and he is pounding the ground hard, attempting to cause tremors to wreak havoc. However, the mud caused the tremors to weaken a lot, causing minimal damage to both Rylonin and Sharise. Although both fell down from it, each quickly got up.

    End of Round 1

    Rylonin: 89% Health ~ 80% Energy(Wish he had his substitute, is still amazed he threwOrcist THAT far)

    Sharise~80% Health 93% Energy(A bit shaken still from the first earthquake, and the lasts of the cold from blizzard still linger.)

    Orcist~ 91% Health ~ 84% Energy(His pride is hurt that he was thrown 20 feet, throat a little sore)

    Zephyr~ 100% Health 95% Energy( Off in her own world, laughing and having fun, enjoying the rain,this is her own little party.)

    Arena: Muddy, it gets muddier by the instant. Rain for 4 more rounds.

    ~ Chris

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    hmm a lot harder wuthout a metronomed aeroblast huh?

    Rylonin! start with a long range blizzard all over the grassy plain. i don care if u hit anyone or not, although it would be nice. then use ice beam on ghosty and finally use mega drain on the ghost.

    Sharise my dear, use psychic on one of tauros's legs a twist the crap out of it. then use double team and end with confuse ray.

    Sharise- Psychic~double team~confuse ray (all to tauros)

    Rylonin- Ice powar(read above)~mega drain (to ghost)

    im sorry i cant remember your pokes nicknames!

  12. #12
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    no comaplaints about my reffing? :O. thank god ~_~

    ~ Chris

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Nope, Chris. No complaints, and that was really quite fast, too. I'm not about to let that Stantler of yours hurt my Tauros any more than it already has, though... Zephyr, keep your distance up in the air and Swagger it senseless. Once that's done, knock Rylonin senseless as well with a Confuse Ray, and hit him with another Thunder! No Substitute to keep him safe this time, either.

    Orcrist, add to Rylonin's misery with another Thunder, then focus on Sharise. An Ice Beam followed up by a Skull Bash would appear to be in order here. The rain should take care of any clones he tries to create, but if he regains his composure before you're through with him, stare him down with a Scary Face! I heard somewhere that a Tauros breathing down your back can be quite intimidating.

    Zephyr: Swagger (Sharise)~Confuse Ray (Rylonin)~Thunder (Rylonin)
    Orcrist: Thunder (Rylonin)~Ice Beam/Scary Face (Sharise)~Skull Bash/Scary Face (Sharise)

  14. #14
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Well Syb, I try to be fast, although, I deleted it once, which is why it didnt get done sooner, ~_~;, I was mad, :<

    I just woke up,so the ref will be done by noon, it is a holiday for me after I will edit this later =o

    ~ Chris

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    umm, reffy?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    erm Chris? u is needing to ref.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    bump for chris

  18. #18
    Master Trainer
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Um, I was summoned to be your sub referee. =P

    Rylonin: 89%, energy(80%)
    Sharise: 80%, chilled, energy(93%)

    Orcrist: 91%, has a slightly sore throat, energy(84%)
    Zephyr: 100%, enjoying herself, energy(95%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (11 actions) ~

    Round 2

    Just when Sharise finally thinks of trying to get over her rejection by Orcrist, that blasted Misdreavus hovering above her has the nerve to remind her about it! And the remarks she's throwing out are rather ugly, too. It would be best not to repeat them. Needless to say, the Stantler transforms into an... enraged... monster. The look in her eyes is frighteningly dangerous; even her partner can't help but shudder. He avoids a widespread ice assault that might hit her, and instead blows hard, sharp snow crystals at Orcrist in a more concentrated blast. The Tauros grits his teeth, shivering, but retaliates with a more punishing blow, blasting the heck out of the poor Kabutops with a devastating electrical surge. Meanwhile, Sharise's face, already red with anger, darkens further when she tries to grasp the ghost brutally with her mind and fails miserably. Zephyr cackles and unphases just as quickly as she avoided her aggressor's grip, taunting the already furious Stantler further.

    As Zephyr fires off a red beam of light, striking the rampaging Stantler directly, she gets caught unaware by crackling frost from her other opponent. She shakes the lingering ice off, shivering a bit when the rain makes her feel colder, but she's otherwise satisfied. Below, Sharise has begun feel the effects of Zephyr's ray. Screaming with fury, the reindeer stomps viciously on a particularly large... (flower?) until it is shredded to bits, and she still continues to kick it. Orcrist, pretty unnoticed due to Sharise's antics, takes the time to concentrate frost on her soaked midsection, which promptly freezes over. the Stantler squeals, turns sharply around, and vows to pay back whoever did it to her.

    Fortunately for Orcrist, Sharise's proper vision has far from returned... She proceeds to attack a patch of tall grass, while Rylonin is just glad that she's not attacking him. With her hallucinating so terribly, he'd better watch out for himself. Zephyr, still hovering above, waves mischievously at Rylonin, who can't reach her, and promptly treats him to more electrical punishment. He growls, but there's nothing he can do to draw energy from her if she's out of his immediate reach. Orcrist lowers his head as he charges, goring the Stantler's soft underbelly with his sharp horns... The ice in contact shatters, leaving only a very dazed (and very angry) Sharise lying on the ground, winded for the moment.

    Rylonin: 51%, energy(67%)
    Sharise: 57%, hallucinating, berserked, injured in the belly, energy(80%)

    Orcrist: 76%, energy(68%)
    Zephyr: 91%, energy(81%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (8 actions) ~

    Meh, Sharise got unlucky number rolls. Not the worst, though, since she didn't actually turn on her own teammate.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    a...ref...? *crawls forward from his hiding place* I could kiss you! that is...if u werent in my opponents sig


    thanks for reffing *pulls out .45 and loads it, in search of SirChris*

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Thanks, Karin ^_^. I love you, and I owe you one.

    Excellent job out there, you two. But this battle, like all, is far from over. You can't rest just yet; there's still a job to do. First of all, I want you both to make things as miserable as you can for Sharise... Orcrist, paralyze her in fear from your Scary Face as Zephyr saps her energy with Spite.

    Now, Zephyr, continue with more of the same. Rain down Thunder upon your watery foe. Orcrist, you may add to Rylonin's misery with a couple of Iron Tails if you wish, or else put Sharise back in her place with a few more Ice Beams if she starts to act up again.

    Zephyr: Spite (Sharise)~Thunder (Rylonin) x2
    Orcrist: Scary Face (Sharise)~Iron Tail (Rylonin)/Ice Beam (Sharise) x2

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Sharise, this isnt good. MEAN YOU ARE SYB!!!

    Close your eyes first, then use [b]double team[b], and after the bully bull choses what he's doing, rest up!

    Rylonin! At attention! Use giga drain to take down the ickle ghosty, then Protect from the thunders only if u think u have time. Finally use a giganticisised HEIPER BEAM!11!!1one!!

    Rylonin (all to ghosty)- Gigia Drain~protect/giga Drain~Hyper beam

    Sharise- Close eyes~double team~rest

  22. #22
    Sir Chris

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Originally posted by Teddiursa89
    a...ref...? *crawls forward from his hiding place* I could kiss you! that is...if u werent in my opponents sig


    thanks for reffing *pulls out .45 and loads it, in search of SirChris*

    sorry dude, the flat truth is I have been having horrid writer's block lately, for my book and for reffing, I am just all out of creativity, sorry ;.;....

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    dont wry, i understand what u are going through

    *pretends to put gun away until Chris turns away*

  24. #24
    Master Trainer
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Er, I guess I'll be subbing again, then...

    Um, T89, mirror images tend to get destroyed in the rain. ^_^; Not like it matters this time, though.

    Rylonin: 51%, energy(67%)
    Sharise: 57%, hallucinating, berserked, injured in the belly, energy(80%)

    Orcrist: 76%, energy(68%)
    Zephyr: 91%, energy(81%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (8 actions) ~

    Round 3

    Rain continues to drench the four combatants; only Rylonin and Zephyr don't seem to mind. The other two shiver uncontrollably in the cold, frowning. Miraculously, the raging Stantler manages to calm down... Responding to her trainer's desperate command, she shuts her eyes before Orcrist glares at her directly with a look frightening enough to give her nightmares. The Tauros huffs, but he shakes his head, reminding himself that he will have a chance for revenge later. Zephyr comes down to drain the unsuspecting reindeer of energy, and Sharise whimpers softly, shrinking back. Behind the Misdreavus, Rylonin attempts to draw life from his opponent quietly before she notices, but as soon as she feels his claw on her back, she shifts out of solid form, leaving him emptyhanded. Or emptyclawed, whichever way you want to look at it.

    When the Kabutops sees his opponent turn around, he quickly raises a nearly impenetrable barrier that absorbs her electrical surge... Rylonin allows it to fall, relieved that his reflexes were quick enough. He didn't get out of it without paying the price, though... He sags, exhausted. Just in time to spring up again and jump away as Sharise charges at him and tries to tear him apart. Orcrist chuckles, and, instead of going after the hallucinating Stantler, he brings his three hardened tails down upon Rylonin's head. The Kabutops lets out a soft cry as he falls to his knees under the glint of silver.

    No rest for the weary... While Sharise calms down and falls into a deep sleep, Rylonin gets blasted by Zephyr's vicious electrical bolts. Such fairness... The Kabutops shakes off bitter feelings about his partner and focuses his attention on Orcrist, who fires a beam of frost at the sleeping Stantler. Rylonin sighs as he draws out as much strength as he can manage, putting it into a sizzling ball that promptly turns into a beam of crackling energy. The Tauros shrieks as it hits his side, looking first woefully at the sore spot and then angrily at the Kabutops who created it. There will be no mercy for the exhausted Kabutops and his vulnerable partner...

    Rylonin: 20%, energy(44%)
    Sharise: 100%, Resting(8 actions), energy(68%)

    Orcrist: 62%, energy(56%)
    Zephyr: 91%, energy(64%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (5 actions) ~

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    DAMN YOU GHOSTS! DAMN U RAIN! i forgot it was raining, but i did know they were destroyed.

    Erm. Sharise-Sleep talkx3

    Rylonin this looks like the end. Im sorry but i couldnt fit sleeping in to the agenda LORD STRIKE ME DEAD NOWA! (Yes i meant the A) So give it everything u have left. If it looks like u cant get to sleep, give the bull ice beams, but really try hard.

    Rylonin-Rest/icebeam~rest/ice beam~rest/ice beam

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Oh, no you don't. No way are you going to Rest your way out of this one. Orcrist, Swagger Rylonin into a rage; make him able to think of nothing else but killing you. Zephyr, let him know that if he sleeps, he's dead... Mean Look that thought directly into his brain.

    Now we must be fast; finish him off before he can regain his wits. Blast Rylonin with both a Thunderbolt and a Shadow Ball respectively, put him out of his misery as quickly as possible.

    Now, Zephyr, phase out as you approach Sharise to drain her as she sleeps; we don't want you to be anywhere near solid form as Orcrist blasts her with Hyper Beam!

    Zephyr: Mean Look (Rylonin)~Shadow Ball (Rylonin)~Dream Eater (Sharise)
    Orcrist: Swagger (Rylonin)~Thunderbolt (Rylonin)~Hyper Beam (Sharise)

  27. #27
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Uh... Energy hurts more when ghosts are in phased form.

    Rylonin rolled a 100? Wow. Sharise, on the other hand, rolled Frustration, Dream Eater, and Nightmare. And her targets... Uh oh.

    Rylonin: 20%, energy(44%)
    Sharise: 100%, Resting(8 actions), energy(68%)

    Orcrist: 62%, energy(56%)
    Zephyr: 91%, energy(64%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (5 actions) ~

    Round 4

    When Rylonin even thinks of joining his partner, chaos erupts. Zephyr locks gazes with him, and he stares, horrified, into her cold, cruel eyes... He feels, barely, a slight constricting force about him, but he doesn't much notice it. Orcrist taunts him from afar, calling him a coward who's running away from his problems (and much worse). The Tauros's distracting actions and the Misdreavus's attempt to instill fear in Rylonin's heart form a curious mixture that doesn't quite make sense. All he gets is that they're trying to stop him from doing something, and his trainer is yelling to him to do it. As if in a dream, his body acts of its own accord, and he closes his eyes, falling pleasantly into a cool darkness... Sharise, meanwhile, randomly charges at a large grump of weeds and rips them apart in two seconds flat with her eyes closed.

    Shrieking, Zephyr gathers as much negative energy as she can, channeling it all into a throbbing ethereal ball... Orcrist, meanwhile, blasts the living daylights out of Rylonin with the most powerful electrical jolt he can muster, frustrated that, against all odds, the stupid Kabutops decided to go to sleep, anyway. Zephyr feels slightly puzzled; something probes her mind lightly, but it seems lost, and can't find what it's searching for... The minor presence leaves, defeated. Zephyr blinks. That was certainly a strange experience.

    As Zephyr settles down to draw from the sleeping Stantler's dreams, she finally understands what went on earlier. It was Sharise who entered her mind, and she was probing for dreams... The Misdreavus shifts out of solid form and remains that way as she drains Sharise; at least, until Orcrist's humongous beam of crackling energy explodes upon them both. Then Zephyr just tries to forget how painful it was. Meanwhile, Rylonin shifts uncomfortably in his sleep... He begins to moan softly, and a shiver runs down his spine.

    Rylonin: 64%, having Nightmares, locked into the physical realm, Resting(6 actions), energy(40%)
    Sharise: 75%, Resting(5 actions), energy(59%)

    Orcrist: 62%, energy(37%)
    Zephyr: 70%, energy(51%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (2 actions) ~

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  28. #28
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    That didn't turn out quite as I had planned... no matter, they say sleeping foes are easy to finish off. Zephyr, blast Rylonin with as many Thunderbolts as you can. Orcrist, unleash a Deathblow upon the sleeping Sharise - that is, a combination of Skull Bash and Horn Drill, smacking her as hard as you can with your spinning horns.

    Zephyr: Thunderbolt (Rylonin) x3
    Orcrist: Deathblow (Sharise)~Take a break

  29. #29
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    both sleep talk x3

  30. #30
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    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Rylonin: 64%, having Nightmares, locked into the physical realm, Resting(6 actions), energy(40%)
    Sharise: 75%, Resting(5 actions), energy(59%)

    Orcrist: 62%, energy(37%)
    Zephyr: 70%, energy(51%)

    ~ Rain Dance active (2 actions) ~

    Round 5

    The rain, which earlier fell down in torrents, has now been reduced to a light drizzle... Sharise rams into Orcrist, while the soggy dirt on the ground swirls upwards in a strange manner and begins to pelt everyone in the way. It doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. Orcrist's eyes blaze with determination... He's going to get rid of this pest once and for all. His horns spin dangerously, and the sound of the grinding is enough to make any potential victim cringe... Unfortunately, this potential victim just happens to be sleeping while standing up. Orcrist thrusts his spinning horns into Sharise with incredible force, shoving the Stantler off her feet... The shock of the attack freezes her body for a bit, during which time seems to stop, but when the Tauros pulls his horns out of her side, blood begins to trickle out, slowly and surely at first, then very rapidly. It does not help that wet, flying dirt gets into the wounds, either... But at least it helps the blood to clot. Zephyr, confident with her partner's success, proceeds to blast her own sleeping target with electricity... His body jolts violently as the surge enters, and then he slumps back down.

    Shifting slightly in his sleep, Rylonin spurts a jet of water at some grass in front of him... He helps clean it a little, but then the dirt comes pouring down onto it again, rendering his action useless. He gets greeted by another bitter jolt of electricity from Zephyr. Meanwhile, Sharise erects a shining barrier before her... But it soon falls, as it serves no apparent purpose. No sense in wasting energy over something like that.

    Then the Kabutops gets up, springs into his nearby partner, and rams her with his hard forehead! So far Sharise and Rylonin have proved that sleep trances are a deadly business... And Zephyr zaps her target with another vicious surge of electricity, further proving this point. Most potent of all, of course, is Orcrist's deadly reminder... Blood still oozes out of Sharise's gored wounds, crimson blood that flashes even in the dirt storm... Time for Sharise is running out. And, for that matter, time for Rylonin, too... The Kabutops shifts uneasily in his sleep, screaming in terror. Something is awfully wrong.

    Rylonin: 24%(Damage Caps), having Nightmares, locked into the physical realm, Resting(3 actions), energy(30%)
    Sharise: 30%, bleeding profusely, Resting(2 actions), energy(51%)

    Orcrist: 55%, energy(20%)
    Zephyr: 70%, energy(38%)

    ~ Sandstorm active (6 actions) ~

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  31. #31
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    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    rylonin-sleep talkx3

    Sharise use sleep talk and then psychic tauros and send him crashing headfirst into the ground.

    Sharise-Sleep talkx2~Psychic

    *wishes for a quick end so he can get his starmie* Never before have i been beaten worse. LOL. if only metronome...AEROBLAST!

    *Watches Styx jump*

  32. #32
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    Jan 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Here goes... let's make this quick, you two. Zephyr, unleash all your fury upon Rylonin's sleeping form; Thunderbolt until he falls. Orcrist, rest up a bit and finish Sharise off with another Deathblow, using the same two moves as before. If you don't feel up to that, just use a couple of Blizzards instead.

    Zephyr, if Sharise survives your partner's assault and you still have an action left, finish him off with your Psychic.

    Zephyr: Thunderbolt (Rylonin) until he dies~Psychic (Sharise)
    Orcrist: Take a break~Deathblow (Sharise)/Blizzard (Sharise) x2

  33. #33
    Master Trainer
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    Feb 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Advice to T89: In my experience, Rest always hurts more than it helps against people who will take advantage of it. Luck on Sleep Talk's not much to rely on when you're left open to blatant abuse...

    Rylonin: 24%(Damage Caps), having Nightmares, locked into the physical realm, Resting(3 actions), energy(30%)
    Sharise: 30%, bleeding profusely, Resting(2 actions), energy(51%)

    Orcrist: 55%, energy(20%)
    Zephyr: 70%, energy(38%)

    ~ Sandstorm active (6 actions) ~

    Round 6

    Three shimmering images draw out of Sharise, only to be reduced to one again as soon as the false ones are pelted by the mud. While Orcrist rests, Rylonin surprises him by jumping on him and beating on him hard, then rolling over and tossing him into the air! The surprised Tauros lands with a thump on the soft grass, blinking. His partner punishes his aggressor soon enough with jolts of lightning...

    Eventually Rylonin just can't take the electrical abuse and slumps to the ground for good. Orcrist eyes Sharise warily... Whatever happens, this battle must end now, before it's too late. Little does he know that in her sleep, Sharise's body braces itself as a last defense against the unknown... The Tauros puts all of his remaining energy into his final thrust, and two more holes erupt on the Stantler's skin, sending blood gushing out in fountains. Orcrist reels with a sigh and allows himself to fall, thoroughly spent. He does not see his injured opponent awaken, having miraculously survived...

    But Zephyr provides a swift remedy to all the problems, sending the Stantler falling into an abyss of blackness with her crushing mental force...

    Rylonin: KOed
    Sharise: KOed

    Orcrist: KOed, victorious
    Zephyr: victorious

    Rylonin and Sharise have fallen! Syberia and his pokémon win the match! Congratulations to everyone.

    [COLOR=silver][B]Guardian Lune

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    lol great match syb. someday, maybe in a fe years, i might be able to best a ghost. lol.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Default Teddiursa89 vs. Syberia, Ref: Sir Chris

    Just hit them with energy instead of attacks that require physical contact ^_^

    As for this match, I think I'll evolve Elendil into an Umbreon.

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